HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-20, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 47. Olympia m ESKIMO PIES Once Again At the Olympia 5c. each The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Hutchison's Discount Bonds Save You Money FANCY BISCUIT Special -=worth up to 35 cts., including Honeymoon, Raisin, Coco- anut Finger, Iced Honey Bar, Tart Jam, Jelly Lunch, Assorted Mix, Honey Fruit, and Lemon Biscuits, about 2001bs, 10 varieties, special 23c or 5lbs for $1,00. If 5lbs should prove' too much, clu b with your., neighbor and we will make separate delivery at the 51b price, 1 Set Dinner ware, 97 piece Crown Der- by pattern, regular, $35 special $27.50 I• -lutchis on PHONE 166. New Summer Shoes ,Ladies Pt'd leather with new r Buckle ; agsit .; 0.00 Light Tan with buckle 4.00 A new pt'd Leather with Cuban heel for White kidiGore effect= $5.00 Special bargains. in Lades' Kid 1 strap slippers, reg. $5, 3.44 CHURCH CARD. The North Side Church, -Sabbath services, 11 a.ni. and 7 p.m. Sun- day school 10 .a.m. Pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin. Pastor at both services. In the morning he will preachthe second sermon on the four great, pagan religions. Subject, Confucianism. The Salvaiton Army. -- Holiness meeting, 11 a.m. Salvation meeting 7 p.m. Lt. Tidman will -speak at 'both meetings. MRS: THOMAS QUIGLEY. The funeral took place Monday morning, August 10th, on the arrival of the eleven o'clock train, to St. James' churdh and thence to St. James .cemetery for interment of the remains of the late Mrs. Thos. Quig- ley, who died at Toledo the Friday previous. .She .had 'been'a great suf- ferer during the past two years, but was very patient and bright in spite of her suffering. The late Mrs. Quigley, whose maiden name was Agnes Kehoe, was born in Tucker smith and hived 'iii Seafotth for some years, later going 4o Goderich and $5.001 from 'there to Toledo. There' fifteen years ago she married Mr: Quigley, formerly a shoemaker in 'Seaforth, atfd who predeceased her 'by twelve years, Qne 'son, James, a lad of thirteen, survives. Also •four sisters and three brothers, Mrs, 'McCann, Mrs. McWilliam, Miss 'Margaret Ke - hoe, district nurse, all of Toledo, Miss Kate of Seaforth, who has been at Toledo 'frequently during the .past two years assisting to nurse 'the .de- ceased; •Frank, Toledo' Thomas, ,cus- toms bfficer, of Port Huron; John in the West. The 'pallbearers ,err Geo. A. Sills, Thos. Melady, W. J. Donnan, M. Broderick, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Flannery. Fred:W. Wigg SEPIF®RT11 If ' one be troubled with corns, he. will find in Holloway's Corn Remov- er an appli'ca'tion that will entirely relieve suffering. Seaforth S AFORTI-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925. ISSUE NO. SCHOOLS REOPENING. The ptl'blic and separate schools will open on, September 1st. Owing to the redecorating and cleaning of the interior of 'the Gol legiate,.it is not as yet certain whe- ther the term will commence on Tuesday, Sept. 1st or a week later on the 8th. A 'definite . announcement.. will be made in next Week's paper, EGMONDVILLE. The special services held in Eg modnville church on Sunday and Monday last under the direction o Rev, F. A. 'Robinson,. (Ph.D., and Dr A. C. Hill, were an unqualified success: Dr. ,Robinsonoaitte back_t -Egmondville congregation and con stituency es' an old friend, but.,he came in somewhat of a new•role so; far, at any rate, as this 'community is 'c'oncerned. One of the master passions of 'his life is to bring 'the noted preachers of:the Motherland.to' Canada. with a view not only to the inspiration of'their sermons and lec- tures, but that a . full ''measure of friendship and understanding may ibe. attained. In this the has been wonderfully ,successful. It was under his direc- tion that the great scholar and preacher, Rev. G. Campbell Morgan, first toured Canada. Ot'hers whom he has'been instrumental in bring- ing are the Venerable Dr. F. B. Meyer, Dr. F. W. Norwood, Of the City Temple, London, 'Eng., and Dr. A C Hill, of Elgin Place Congre- gational church, Glasgow, Scotiand. Dr. Hill's sermons were of a very high order, combining deep scholar- ship wih a very pleasing manner of presenting truth. His choice of English was such` as bo'•stamp` him as a man of very wide. reading and keen appreciation. of, the English classics. It was a rare 'opportunity for the people of this ,community to hear at their'own doors one' of .the outstanding British preachers! Such visits ,cannot help but foster the spirit of pa'trio'tism and strengthen the bonds of Empire. Dr, Robin- s' S d f rma• ons se ton 'on un ay. ternoon was a masterly defence against the unweritnted attacks on the church, anal a 'splendid exposition of the part she has to play in any Christ- ian civilization. We will eagerly look forward to another such opportunity in the fu- ture. • 'THOMAS FLANAGAN. A sad death occurred in Seaforth hospital at 3;50 o'clock; Wednesday morning, August 19th, when Thomas Flanagan passed away in the 'prime of life et the age of thirty-nine years. He had been working on his farin as usual until last Friday when he ,was seized with a severe attack of ap- pendicitis and removed to the Sea - forth hospital for an operation and though he seemed to rally for sev- eral days he gradually grew weaker, (Born in -McKillop, a son of the late Thomas Flanagan, he lived in that township until about five years ago when he puicltased the farm on the third concession of Tuckersmith Where he has since lived. Four years ago he was married to Miss Martha Flanagan, daughter of the late An- drew Flanagan, ,,of Wallaceburg, who has the sympathy of everyone in her bereavement together with his aged mother, and three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke, Mrs. Thomas ]Murray, Mrs. Francis O'Reilly, of McKillop; John Flana- gan, Dublin, and Joseph Flanagan, McKillop. Another 'brot'her, James, of'McKill'op, passed away itt Novem- ber lastThe funeral will take glace Friday morning tb St. James' church, Seaforth, and thence to- St. James' cemetery. "ROBERT' RITCHIE. Mr. Robert Ritchie passed away at This home, Huron road East, Tucker- smith, on Wednesday, August 12th, after an' illness of two weeks, at the age of forty-seven years. He was born al Walton and alter his mar- riage to his now bereaved partner, lived at Seaforth. During the war he was employed in the munition plant and since has,' been engaged at farm- ing, Besides his widow, five sons and two daughters are left to mourn the loss of a good husband and fa- ther. The funeral was -held on Fri- day and was 'condu'cted by ,the Sal- vation Army Officers, Capt. Neville and Lieut. Tid'man.The pallbearers were Messrs, J. R.. Archibald, . J. A. Case, John McLennan, Geo, Lowery, John - Pinkney and 'Wm. Adams. Among 'those attending the funeral were Mrs. John Storey and sons; (McKillop; Mrs. M. McLeod, Sea - forth; Mr. M. Thornton- Henfryn; Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Mr. Jahn Bierne and. Mr. Wes. Summers, of Grey; Mr. and Mrs. D. McMartin and ',Mus. 'W. Hoskins, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Tra- queir, Hensel], and .Mr, and. - Mr's. Alex. Russel] of Brussels, YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. - The Young.. People's' League on �i i of evening wascharge Tuesday g Y the 'Citizenship' dept. Miss Annie Hanna read the scripture le'ss'on. A splendid 'topi'c entitled "Being Good Friends wih . One's 'Family," was given by Miss Ruth Thompson, of Tillsonburg. A piano selection by by Miss Dorothy Hutchison,' of ,Burke's Falls, and solo by .Miss Lillian Wan- kel, proved very (pleasing numbers. Tie regular programme was fol- lowed by a contest, and a short_ time very pleasantly spent in community :s'inging. . Zip (6ift'lure Blue Mikado: Genuine Royal Crown Derby. This eitceedingly pretty china 'With decoration in rich Royal' Blue i„ the Genuine Royal Crown Derby made by England's most famed makers of famous English China. It'e real merit has taken the country by storm, and justly so. We are sole distributors for this district Pricesare decidedly reasonable for Crown Derby China, as for instance, Cup and Saucer, $2,25• Fred. S. Savauge Jeweler -& Optometrist'. - Phones 194.; Mics. 10. BROTHER DIES IN WEST. Mr. R. E. Coates, of Seaforth, re- cei ,ed word on Saturday morning of the death of his brother, Mr. George Coates, at Bellevue, Idaho. He was born and raised at Constance, and was fifty-one years of age. Twenty three years ago he left 'here and was married in the West, He is survived by' four sons and oris daughter. He was State representative for a term and also Senator for a term. FIVE TOES. M. John Oldfield- showed The News a novelty in poultry this week. He has a three months' old •barred rock cockerel with five, toes on each foot instead of the usual four. The three toes in front erd. ars ordinar- ily, but there are two fully develop- ed rear toes as well. The _ young bard is quite husky and able to get about without the slightest incon- venience from the extra appendage on each foot, Mr. Oldfield does not recall having seen such a freak :before in the poultry flock in the 74 years of his life on his farm, Lot 5, on the second concession -01 Tiic-ker- sifilth. Four generations. of Old - fields have lived on this farm, as it was the original homestead. - W.O.S.S.A. MEET. "Editor The Seaforth News,—It is the desire of the Ontario Athletic Commission that the W.Q.S.S.A. conduct for them an athletic meet for public school s'tudnets. This re- quest has been granted and on Sep- tember 19th, at the University Oval, London, this meet will be staged,,,and I am asking your co-operation in giving the enclosed all ;the publicity you can. At the present time 'be- cause of the holidays, the students and teaching staff who would nec- essarily co,opeate are _absent and there is no better way of reaching th consituency than by, your news service. The meet is authorized by the Ontario Athletic' Commiss'io•n, and 'the winners of the :first in ,each event will, at the expense of the above Commission, be taken to Tor- onto and will have the opportunity of competing in an Ontario champion- ship which is to be held during the last week of September. All the lat- ter expenses are being borne by the Commission. It is a unique oppor- tunity and it is to be hoped _tha't.front your• district will come a number of boys interested and 'desirous of bringing glory to his school to say nothing. of the 'benefits he - will de- rive ,from the preparation in the out- of-doors, Yours sincerely, George A.' Smith, Secretary of W,O.S.S.A." WINTHROP. Mrs, P Dodds, -of Chicago, is visiting M'r ` Thos. Dodds and other relatives. Misses Noreen -Armstrong, of Blyth, and Emma - Anderson, of Longwood, are visiting Mrs. F. Bul- lard. - Me, and 'Mrs, H. Sm'alldon, of W i friends Walton, spent Sunday with e nds m the villages Quite a •number from here are at- tending the shows given every night Seaforth by the Shamrock Medi- cine company and enjoy them very much. ' With ,mtuch regret we- learned off the death of Mrs. Hester, of Car- gill', mother of 'Mrs. A. G. Calder, :of Hickson, who sesid'ed here a few years ago, and while visiting her daughter here made many' warm friends. Our deepest sympathy goes out to rthose that mourn. A number frdm here are going on the harvesers' excursion to the West on Friday. KIPPEN ROAD. Miss Isabel- Alexander, of Kipper. is visiting a 't the home of her. grandmother, Mrs. John Alexander: Miss • Emily Kennedy left on Thursday last for Detroit to train for a nurse. Her many friends wish 'her,•success. Mr: and 'Mrs. J. H. McLaughlin and daughter Eileen, of Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. George Strong, spent the weekend in 'London and St, T•hdmas as guests of 'Info and Mrs. Eli 'McLaughlin, Mrs. 'Lou Rusk, of Watrous, Sask., who has been visiting her sisters 'the past few weeks, is now visiting in this community, CONSTANCE. tr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley, on Sunday. Mr. Hopper, of Seaforth, is drilling a well for the Kinburn public school. Mr. Jaime Leiper is busy threshing for the farmers around. - Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Grimoldby and Benj. Riley returned from Toronto on Sunday. Each purchased a car while there. - Mr, and 'Mrs. Tom Riley, of Clin- caAxo Band Tattoo FAIRVIEW PARK SEAFORTH Thursday Evening AUGUST 20th - Stratford Canadian Nat. Ry. Band Mitchell Band Clinton' Band. Goderich Band. Zurich Band. Brodhagen Band. Henderson Juvenile - Pipe Band, London, Pipers and Dancers Seaforth Highlanders Band Opposite Poet Office. Th es § ; qn Baal Quality, Wonderful Prices, eonsisteni with quality Ba La BOX Phone 43 ton, visited friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Barnett, of Toronto, spent a week with relatives in Seaforth: Mr. 'Robt. Grimoldby left for Teeswater on Monday where the will spend the fall threshing season with his brother. Mr. 'and Mrs. Roy Barnett, of Toronto, spent a week with her brother, Mr. 'Robt. Grimoldby, and Mrs. Grimoldby. • - Special Attractions Highland Dancing, Community Singing,. n Fireworks, � After the Tattoo, street dancing on,. Main Street. L Program from 7 -p.m. = Admission 50a A Autos 25, Children u T Park open •In case of ' the folio' ED (R/s YSA MM L I E G T H N U F MYXB A L Toronto :Mail. The public in mailing postal mat- ter to Toronto, should - take notice - that the city has been divided into - Districts, and to ensure speedy - delivery, the number of the Dis- trict, (1, 2, 3, -etc.), should heheplaced immediately after ibhe ad- dress, thus:—Toronto, 2, Ont., if far District 2; for District 3, the figure. would be 3, etc. The full street address and num— ber should be given as before. - 5 AH RA O F3 NT A C A N T H U M' E R T Rf li N E U1 S0 u E N H A A r 1 R S C A 0 L R 1 N S E Dress Category All men wear Clothes : By Compulsion Many men wear indifferent Clothes : Thru Carelessness Some men wear freak Clothes : For Conspicuousness Particular men wear BRIGHT'S CLOTHES : That's Gapes itadiiation In which category do you find yourself ? You MUST "Dress Well': to succeed - so make your clothes policy one that will reflect your own prosperity. Practise true economy, invest in goad clothes which are not an expense, but baa sotn` • � Z,�gpething to capitalize on. s g i $36 n any car lots $ >' see Cheese, oasts, 22t¢' incl, 8814 37�a to 87 Eggs, fres 38c.t Calves, good, $13;. to $14; sow In additi.. of Royal ya archs of S Persia. sict. ople, You Carlobcc- in-New �'' don't won- P �C . k at S,oue obj•"•*ran dr�� ttm d . or thin �brder 10 stand tont?„ ask for autos ears , sin ey at B of co, .,vin - s'l t pi11 , you lY' t. `. be t an hes''