HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-13, Page 8HENSALL. Mrs. Malian, who has been vis- iting her niece, Miss Mattie Ellis here for some ,time left for Blyth on Monday evening where she will visit for a few days, Sheintends leaving nest week for the West, where .she will -spend the next three months: Miss Mate Ellis and Miss Emily •Morrisoi left on Tuesday for a mo- tor trip ;to 'Barrie. From there they intend taking a trip up the lakes as far as Duluth. • Miss Versa Geiger, who has been visiting friends in Kitchener returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, who have been visiting their daughter at Harrington, returned home Monday. Mr. Young is not improving in health as fast as his many friends would wish. 'Mrs. Robert Caldwell is visiting friends and relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Win, Vanh'orne of London is visiting cher sister Mrs, Geo. Hudson. While in the village Saturday ev- ening, Mr. Wm. Petty of Hay put his 'horse and buggy in the hotel sheds, and on going to, get the horse later in the evening found it missing, ter. In our social gatherings yo Thinking it had broken loose and have always been one amongst u gone hone, he drove to his home in and whenever called upon to help Thos. Wren's car but the horse not you have -so willingly responded beltlg there, he concluded it was You are going to be 'greatly misse stolen. He returned to Hensall and by your girl friends, ,bult .what wil with County Constable Hudson, Mr, Wren and :Mr, Willard, started out to hunt the outfit. At Kippen they met the''hotse and .buggy coming this way about the stone bridge, midst as you are -on the threshold o The two Indians in the buggy fm- your wedding day. We wish yo mediately swung the horse around and headed north, and in the dark- ness one of thein escaped across the fields. The other Indian was caught onthe road by Mr. Petty. The horse ran. to Kippen " corner, then turned west and was caught over the railway tracks by Constable Hudson. The .prisoner was kept in the lock-up until Monday when the Qonstable took him to Goderieb, where he will appear 'before Magis- trate Reid, The trio Indians had been working at Blyth and on Fri- day afternoon stole a car .and ap- aretrtl headed for home p y At Byron they ran out of gas, and having no money to buy more they shoved the 'car in the ditch and left it, They started to walk back to Blyth again. Between walking and riding they got to Hensall late Saturday night and thinking that they had walked far enough, stole 'Mr. Petty's horse and buggy. The many friends of Mrs. Adam Case, of the London road south, were shocked to hear of her death which occurred at her late resid- ence on Monday. Mrs, Case was in her 60th year. The funeral took Place on Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. Interment at Exeter cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Luker and Miss Gladys intend leaving for the West next week, where they will visit Mr. Robt, Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt, Beaver re- turned home on Monday from Kitch- ener where they have been visiting their daughter and taking in the old boys' reunion. Mr, Carl and Miss Ila Wilkins, of Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thcs. Palmer on Saturday. Miss Helen Fisher, of Toronto is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Caldwell and children, of London, spent the week -end in town with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore and little son, of London, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Mr. Percy Clark, of Windsur, spent the week -end in town with relatives. 'Mrs. Robt. Higgins and 'Miss Viola are visiting relatives in De- roit. ing was spent in auusic, games and contests, after which -a 'dainty lunch was served on the lawn. Miss Jessie Parks sang a solo, and the following won the prizes in the iontests; A Love Story .contest, Grace ,Stone, Violet Whiteside Nellie Petty, Edna Gill, .Mae Simpson, :Mary 14IeKaig Helen Smith, Kathleen Pfaff. Draw ing contest, Mary Fisher and Zetta Passmore. Mrs. 'Whiteside and Miss Violet and Miss Jean were down dor. the event. Hattie is to be married on Saturday, Aug. 15th, and after a honeymoon trip they will reside in Clinton, where Mr.' Fines is a teach- er in the Collegiate. Trine following address was read by Miss Helen Smith; "Dear I'iattie, We, your friends and associates, have met at home of Rena Hudson to spend a social hour with you, ere you enter the Holy Bonds of Matrix many. During your school life you have :been a right `Good Sport", en- tering into the games with all your energy and showing at all times that spirit of cheerfulness and jollity,, ,whether winning or losing, which we so much admirein your charac- u a 1 s u every success in life and may you Heavenly Father direct you in th arduous duties which you are a'bou to undertake. At"this time we 'wool ask you to accept these gifts as slight remembrance of the man good tithes we have spent together and as the. shower from 'Heaven re freshes the grass and flowers, so may this shower -of small gifts refresl your memory of the givers. We ex 'tend to you and your Hubby ou heartiest congratulations and trus that Happiness may crown you wedded life." The Public Library has been leen dos- ed for several days for repairs. Mr and Mrs. ,Colin Hudson and family visited Mr. Hudson's ',father at Egmondville on Sunday. Quite a number -of the Orangemen of the village went to Goderich on 'Wednesday to take in the celebration there, Local Church Union.—The mem- bers of the United church at Hensall have taken a forward step, and in accordance with the great Union movement, have decided on local union—the congregations of the for- mer Methodist church and the Unionists of Carmel church uniting. This is a very important event in connection with the church work in Hensall and in bringing it about the steps were taken: On July 13th a joint committee from the two congegrations met and arranged for union services to be carried on alternately in the two churches, The congregation of Car- mel church decided unanitnously not to call a minister, but to invite the former 'Methodist congregation into Carmel church and form a united congregation ,with the minister of the former Methodist church in charge. Members of the congrega- tion -were most cordial and enthus- iastic. The invitation was 'brought before the Board of the Methodist church on August 5th, and after a full discussion and 'careful considera- tion, it was accepted unanimously. The Board recommended that their action be approved by a congrega- tional meeting to be held as soon as possible and that the 'President of Conference, Chairman of the District and Rev. J. E. Milligan be invited to attend. On Monday evening a meeting was held, .with 'Rev. Mr. Rivers ve'presiding. sRcv. r. 3M Thom- son, of London, president of Confer- ence, advised the congregation to sanction the action of the Board. The meeting sanctioned the Board's action. In this way the final step Inas been taken, The Unionists of Hensall will enter the spirit of the union and present a united front for the cause .of the United church in this community. Rev. S. L. Toll, of Toronto, was a visitor in the village on Friday. Rev. Robert Hicks and children, of 'St. Thomas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ortwein on Mon- d be our loss will be your Hubby' gain. Now we are come to the part- ing of the way—the choice of your life work removes you from our Misses ssfildred and Ethel Johnson, of. Hay, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Gordon Parker. 'Messrs. Wilson and Ed. Berry, of Windsor, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Thos. Berry. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sangster on the arrival of a young son at their home on Monday. Mr. Arnold Bell, of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Bertha Bell. Mr. John McD. Wilson, who has been very poorly for this last few months, is not improving as fast as his friends would wish. Mrs. Garlock and children, of De- troit, are here visiting Mrs. Gar- lock'•s father, Mr. Thos. Cook. Mrs. Graham is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Scott, and her sisters. A number of the young ladies of the village 'met at the home of Miss Rena Hudson oh Monday evening and gave a shower .to Miss Hattie Whiteside, who is to be married 'to Mr. Edward Fines, of Clinton. A large number of useful articles were given to Miss Whiteside. The even - e d a 7 Y r r ay. Next Sunday the services of the United church will be held in the morning, at Carmel church and in the evening in the Methodist church. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor and lit- tle son are spending their 'vacation at Point Au Baril, 'Georgian Bay. 'Mrs. Charles Johnson, of Detroit, is visiting friends in 'the village. Mrs. Caldwell, of Saskatchewan, i 1h•oa Dick and sister, Mrs. Bertha T3cll; \Ir. John Garby and his son and daughter -iia -law, of Saskatchewan, are visiting friends s lt town, 1 .GarbY carried on farming and b1 c�- smithing at Dixie for a number of years and this his first visit home for 22 years. He sees great 'changes down here and his many old friend's are delighted -to see him. Our village, blacksmith, Mr. Roy Robertson, is having quite a time with his radio. He says 'some nights the static is 'something fierce. HILLSGREEN. Mr. Joseph Hagan, of Windsor, was visiting his brother 'Charles, . of the Parr Line last week, ...airs. James Cochrane and daugh- ters Agnes and. Annie visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Cameron, of 'Clinton, last week, tak- ing in the Huron Old Boys. Mrs. Gibbs and children front Moosejaw, is visiting her grand- mother and 'outer relatives in and around Hillsgreen. Mrs. R. Hopkins, ; -who has been visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, has returned to her home in Chicago, There was a weiner roast given at Drysdale Thursday evening of last week when quite a gathering of old and young in ,and around Hillsgreen, who spent the evening at the lake. Lunch was served, along with hot, dogs,•cake, pie and coffee, and all en= joyed roasting 'their own venters, Af- ter lunch games were played in -the beautiful thoonlight, Everyone had a fine time, and hope many more . of these gatherings will take place, 1lfiss Dorothy Luker, of Exeter, has been visiting her friend, 'Miss Janette McAllister, 'the past week. Miss Emma. Love visited her friend, hiss Anna Moir, of Hensall, over the meek -end. ilfr, Wm. jarrott has been improv- ing the front of bis store 'by putting up a new corrugated veranda. Mrs. 'Webster Turner has returned home after spending g a few days with her grandmother, Mrs, J. Stephenson, of the Goshen line, o• s here visiting her mother, 'Mrs VARNA. We are very sorry to report Mr Chas, Stelck is seriously i11. (Miss Annie, Foote has returned to her duties in Victoria hospital, Loll - don, after spending her holidays with her brother here. Miss Pearl Reid, of London, is calling on friends and relatives here The Garden Party which was held at Dr Moffat's'summer home Mon- day evening alter being postponed from Friday was a decided success. (Many thanks are due Dr. and Mrs. Moffatt, Misses Devlin and Morgan, of London, and Mrs, (Rev.) Paull, Bayfield, for the programme. Zurich Band also added greatly to the even- ing's entertainment. The proceeds amounted to over $215. Dr. and Mrs. H. Reid, of Toronto, are visiting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3, W. Reid. Mfr, Earl McNaughton, of Ritch- !ener, is visiting in and around the burg. Mr. John Beatty spent the week- end in Listowel with his sister, Mrs. Woods, Mr: Lockhart Johnston, of London, and his brother -George, were renew- ing acquaintances Monday evening. The Anglican Sunday school picnic was held in Jowett's grove, Baylhld, Saturday. All report a good time. Miss G. Beatty has returned to London after spending a two +weeks' vacation with her mother. BAYFIELD. Miss Maltz and Mrs. A. H. Jones, of Detroit, are guests at Miss Nora Ferguson's. Mr, Robert .Middleton and Mr. Ernest Walton, of Clinton, are camp- ing on the North beach below Jow- ett's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.' Dixon, of Galt, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. H. Paull, at the Rectory. Misses Eva andMabel Miller and Janet Scott, of Galt, are visiting at Miss M. Campbell's. Mrs. E. S. Houghton, of London, is occupying "Lorne Cottage" for a few weeks. ' Mr, W. J. Fitzgerald and family, of Munro, Mich., are camping on the •Bluff: Miss Margery Montgomery, of London, is a guest with Miss Mary Tillman at "Longue Vue" cottage. Misses Frieda Schoenhals, Beta Elliott, Dorothy Streets, Doris Dun - yon, of Clinton, are tenting at "The Poplars." Mr. .Lewis Crookes and sister, Miss L. Crookes, of California, for- merly of Bayfield, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Launcelot Clark this week. 8 J NE%N8 THURSDAY AUGUST 13 1925 Mr, and Mrs, J. Weatherilt,' o Maryfield, Sask,, are guests of Dr and MI•s. E. T, White at their Cottage.'.' �� Miss 'Grace Love,' of 'Walketville; and Miss r. s lI. J. Smith, of Windsor, are spending a few days in the vil- lage. !hiss J. all&Vettie and 'Miss J. Walker, of Brussels, Margaret Brown, of Blyth, E. Churchill, Elsie Ferguson, F. Johnston, Mary 'Mc- Intosh, of Clinton, are guests of Miss Margaret McConnell at Deer Lodge Park. . ,Miss Marguerite ' -'French, of Learn ignton, and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead, of'Lgndon, are occupying .Mrs, Paul ' Do'ig's cottage, for two weeks. -Mr. j. G. Enteler and family, of London, are guests at Lakeview Hotel, Mrs. J. A. Forbes and iami'ly, Mrs. 'Bonghner, Miss Rose, Mr. G. McGuire, Mr. E. Neiden, Stratford, are 'occupying cottage 7A in Jow- ett's Grove. Miss Florence Rorke, of Clinton, is visiting -Miss Bessie S'criingeour at "The Poplars." taliss Kate Parke, of. Mt. Kisco, N.Y., (+formerly,of Bayfield) is re- newing -,old, acgataintancep isa -the vii= la ge. Ir. . Frank James, df London, is visiting Mr. 'W. E, Manness this week. Miss A. Thompson, of Toronto, and Mr. Martin,' of Buffalo, are spending a few days as guests with Mrs, S. R. McConkey. Mrs, Leith and •family, of Lon don, are' holidaying in Jowett's grove, Messrs. Les, Pickles and.G. Frank- lin, of London, are tenting on the flats, lir. John Thompson, of Ft. Frances, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jas, Thompson, Rev, and Mrs. 'Lang -Ford and Miss Nora, of Kicbener, are ,spending August in Deer Lodge Park. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. :Bailey„ of Toronto, spent a week as guests? with the former's mother, Mrs. T. Bailey. Mr. Elmer Paisley, 13vIr: Ivan Dodds and Bill Murch of Clinton, are camping on the river flats. Mrs, Jacobs and Mrs. Hessian, of London, are occupying Mr, John Pierson's cottage for 'the month of August. Mrs. E. C, James and sot Archi- bald, are the guests of Mfrs, C. B. Chapman this week:' Miss Vera Friendt, Miss Bessie Burchill and Mr. Charles Smith, of Wingham, also Mr.. Alvin Groves, of New York, formerly of 'Wingham, were guests last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brandon. Mrs. J. Rowntree, of London,'is the guest of Dr. J. O. Smith this week. Miss W. Nash spent a few days with Mrs. C. E. Stevens this week. Mr, H. Davis and W. Nobbs, of London, are camping at Sunnyside Park, Mrs, F. G. White, .Mrs, D. Brooks and Mrs. .H. Rawlings, of Stratford, are summering with Mrs. A, Goodhue and family in Mrs, Cot- ton's cottage, `The., Warrens." Miss Edythe Green, Mrs.,. A. Carty and Junior Carty are visiting. 'their mother, Mrs. Margaret Green. ' Mr. Morley Calcott, of London, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. (Dr,) S. Thomas, at Sunnyside Park. f SEAFORTH'MARKETS.' Wednesday, August 12th, I Wheat, per bushel $1.00-1,10 (gats, pea bus.. 45c Barley, per bushel •' . •...:.65c Buckwheat, per •\bushel - 6$ c + S1 tarts, ,per owtj .. ... $1.75 Bran, per cwt, $1.60 New Potatoes per bag $2.00 . Butter , , 30c -33O !... 23c -33c Hogs, per ort, , , , ....... ; $13.00 BRUCEFIELI3. Mrs, Jack Tough, of Bayfield, and also Mrs. James Campbell and Miss Margaret visited at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. David Tough last week. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Murdock, of Detroit, and their daughter Flora, vis -t ited atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Murdock last week. Miss Jean Murdock and 'Misscan J McKenzie went :back to Detroit with Miss Mur - dock's brother on Monday. They will spend the week with their friends there. We wish them a pleasant visit. The many friends of Mrs. Allan Douglas, formerly of our village, now of Westminster, Ont., will be sorry to hear of her serious illness, she hav- ing taken a stroke last 'Sunday. Her two sisters, .Miss Aggie (Beattie and Mrs. Wm. Scott visited her this week, Miss Beattie remaining for a few days. Miss +Marion Allen, Goderich, is visiting friends in Brucefiefd and vicinity the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. !McQueen, of Toronto, visited the former' parents this week. For years Mother Graves Worm Exterminator has ranked as a reliable worm preparation and it always maintains its reputation. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Southr/ lot 27, Con. 9, Twp. of. Morris:: On premises is a good bank barn 98x40 with good cement stabl- ing. 'Driving. shed 24x40. Comfort- able 2 'story frame 'house with good stone cellar. 2 good, never -failing wells. 5 acres good hard maple bush. This farm is well fenced and drained and in good sate of •cultivation, and is situated.1 anile from village of Wal- ton; also 1 mile from •school and church.. For 'furt'her .particulars ap- ply on premises or to J. A. ,MAR- SHALL, R.R. 4, Walton. 36 HOUSE FOR SALE On the corner p'I 'Louisa: and Mar- kat streets;<,a comfortable six=rotated house with good' back \kitchen and garden. Light and, 'water in the house. Will be sold cheap. Apply to, MRS. FORTUNE, Seeforth, phone 161-J, or The News Office. Mc'ILLOP, Notice. Take notice that side road 15 and 16 from 9th ;Con. to William Bolton's farm gate, Lot 16, Con. 10, is closed. /for public traffic until further notice owing to 'the rebuilding of Smith's bridge 011" said. road. ,Parties using this road do so at their own .risk. By order of the 'Council of McKillop, 34 F. J. +McQUASD, Reeve, FETY the first st consideration The safety of your deposit in The Province of Ontario Savings Office is guaranteed by The Ontario Government e t Interest paid on all accounts - THIS ` �RPVi 4E , e'F ONTARIO NT1RY® S�VINGS OFFIlE Seaforth Branch - J. M. McMillan, Manager 14 Other Branches CATTLE FOUND. his -100-acre' farm being Lot 1 25Three head cattle which came to Con, 7, Morris. Also 50 acres, he- m ypremises about 10 days ago. ing North rrLot 26, and Owner may have same bype7i (Mors. Good houses cndpor art and payingfor thisadvr-bargsin $rst-class condition, also ail' tisement, JOHN DRISCOL'L, Wal- good out -buildings. Wi1Q sell with, ton, R. R. 4. 35. or \without crop. Reason for-'scllfn h poor hea'lt'h, For .further r . FARMS FOR SALE. •° •ai l , to pCHEOI ,. PP Y ' 'W. E. iI1�'c'CUTCHEO]!(,. The undersigned offers for saleP•roiprietor, +R,R.4, Brussels. 38, Shamrock eoncert eo. Big Free Fun Show Every night at 8 p,m. Opposite the Furniture Factory. io High Class Entertainers Singers, Dancers, Comedians, Musicians, Acrobats, Funmakers 2 Hours Fun Night1y On the Big Illuminated Platform clean, Bright, eomic, Polite come Early. Don't Miss It 1111 Free 2 All Free 50,000 HARVESTERS WANTED $15'..Oo TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta,—Edmonton, Tennis, Calgary, MacLeod and East. Returning -Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 to destination. GOING DATES AUGUST IBth and 2Ist AUGUST 18th—Toronto, Caledon. East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontario. AUGUST 21st -Toronto, Inglewood Jct., and all stations south and west thereof in Ontario. Special Trains Leave Stratford'A'ugust 2Ist, TAO a,ni, STANDARD TIME 'Through trains—Coanfortable Coloni'(ist Cars— Special cars for Woanen and. Children, Purchase your 'ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways, whether or not your final destination in the West is a point on the Canadian National. Tickets and all information, from nearest Agent. nESCILIMMEMEIMIONMEINIMIMMIqk JUST TO REMIND YOU THAT SICK Clearing SALE Our is continued to the end of August and that we just got in a new lot of satin faced canton silk Dresses; many are the.latest models from New York, also a Lot of Men's and Boys' over= coats Ornade in the latest materials and styles. All go at a very, low sale price. Don't Miss It CHEIFETZ BROS. rt;