HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-13, Page 5•+ VI THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1925 SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast, beef, with pota- toes. and some green vegetables, he wbn't get up from the table dissatisfied. D. I '. STEWART Your Butcher Seaforth PHONE 58. Jos. C. Thompson GENERAL GARAGE Best Brands of Gas, Oil, Grease, Coal Olt, Etc., Etc. Complete Stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat- teries and Accessories of all kinds;, Batteries Charged. Cars for Hire. Cars Stored and Washed Prompt Service by Courteous Attendants. REPAIR DEPARTMENT All kinds of repairs made by experts —Satisfation guaranteed and charges moderate, J. C. Thompson MAIN STREET- - SEAFORTH Day Phone 155\ '; Night Calls 139r11 THE' 8EgFORTHNEIN I�M' ijitlll�•I,�ti, Y ���.�� .. � . it Chain Store Prices Proin Your OHrn Store What—you hate been looking for I Town Topics Rev., Alex.' McIntosh, o,f. Pein n broke, is visiting 'and sister, Mrs John Henderson 'and other -friends. Miss Helen Beohely, of H+a.milton is visiting her sister, Miss B,echely 'The Benedict Bridge Club: motor ed to Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon and held an en,loyable picnic it honor of Mr. and ;Mrs.. E. Bright, wham they presented with a sterlin silver salver tray. S Mrs. W. W. Mains,. Burlington, is a guest of her parents, IMtr. and;Mrs. H. Edge. Mr.. and Mrs. Mason and son, of Saskatoon, Sark are guests' of Mr.' and ;Airs. W. Charters, Mill road. • Miss Mabel Hogg,. :Stratford, is visiting relatives in town. Dr. and Mrs. 'Hamtton and three children,. of .Sau:it Ste. Marie, were guests' of Dr, 113. H. Ross. M'r'. and Mrs.'M. Rennie and chil- dren have returned after spending a month :at Grrand Bend'. :lir. and Mrs. English, of Detroit, were guests of Mr'. and Mrs. R. F. Jones. Mrs. James B'roadfoot, of Tucker - smith is quite ill: at present. Mr. and Mrs. D, McDonald, of Goderich,' is' visiting Mr. and' Mrs F. ',Irlolnrested this week. ,Mr. 'and Mrs, Roy Stonehouse, of Goderich, were guests of Mt. and Mrs J, B. Tyerman for a few days this week. lVtr and Mrs Brooks and family, Mr. and Mrs. McCharles, of Luck - now, were guests at the home of Norman Carter, Huron road, last week. Mr. William Nigh, of St. Mich- ael's College, Toronto, returned home on Tuesdays to spent two weeks' 'holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nigh, of Tuck- ermith. Mr. W. R. Elliott, Centralia, was in town on Thursday. Airs. Geo, Siliery has returned af- ter spending three weeks with rela- tives at Dashwood. Mr. and :Mrs. James Hays and Glen are visiting in 'Goderich a couple of days this meek. Mrs, J. A. Stewart and Miss Madge Stewart are in Toronto this week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Adam Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar and children, Mrs. Schoales and Mrs. Carter mo- tored to Drayton on Monday. Mr. U. D. Clark and Air. Greig, Toronto, are guests of and Mrs. J. C. Greig. Mrs, J. C. Greig, :Mrs. T. Smith, Mrs. H. J. Gibson, ,Miss I. Graham and Miss Gillespie tended the W.M.S. presbyterial Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. Joseph Morton, of Toronto, afe guests at the home oaf Mr." Wm. Elcoat, John street,. ,Airs. W. T. Bickel) and daughter 'Marjorie, are spending the •vacation in Cleveland. They went by way of Port Stanley, crossing the lake on 'the City of St. Ignace, Mr. Will Hart returned on Wed- nesday from Port Huron where he !spent several months. The C.N.R. has greatly improv- ed the grounds around the station by a heavy coat of gravel. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller, of Brantford. spent a few days this ,week wth'Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Port- eous. ;Mr. and Airs. Miller were former residents of Seaforth. Miss Forrest, of Cranbrook, and Mrs. Cook, of Brantford, are visit - It gives line great pleasure to an- nounce my connection' with oneof the largest buying organizations in' the grocery business known a the Red and White Chain Stores Service and quality groceries at Chain Store prices. Fresh stock Satisfaction or money refunded. These are my aims Best groceries at low prices. See next issue W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth iW, J. Walker &Son UNDERTAKING" —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. r CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns,. This is your ' Creamery. Your satisfaction meaas our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth. Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, D, H, McInnes chiropractor Masseur Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noon in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. ximommismilinagnatgliMM Oranges At:all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 ;, , and 75c PURE OLIVE OIL FRESH ONIONS. •HEAD LETTUCE.. CyELERY TOMATOES LETTUCE NEW CABBAGE Get your supply of Pineapples for Preserves. T. PhiIIips' SeaforthPhone 63 e -. d. . . Want and For Sale Ads, 3 titnes, 50c. Make sure of a room The hotels will be crowd- ed with people arriving for the Exhibition. If you intend stopping at a hotel, call up by Long Distance prompt- ly and make your re- servations. If you intend stopping with friends, telephone them and make sure. they:can accommodate you. They may have other arrangements. The definite ,assurance of comfortable' accommoda- tions waiting for you will make holiday trips doubly enjoyable. Seery Bell Telephone is Long Distance Station a ing Mrs. R. Forrest. Miss Margaret Chittenden motor- ed to London and Port Stanley with Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, of Guelph, to spend her holidays. -Miss Thelma Johnstone has re- turned from Toronto summer school. Miss Agnes Duncan, of London, is visiting Mrs. W. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. John Tufford, De- troit, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Dermid. (Messrs. E. Daly. A. Edmunds and R. Willis are camping at Bruce Beach. Mr. McAdam is holidaying in Ha- milton and Bridgeburg. Dr,: McDonald, of Newfoundland, ancl his mother, Mrs. G. 'McDon- ald, Miss McDonald and Miss Down- ey, of Oriliia, were guests of the Misses Dorsgy. Mrs. Jas. Biernes, of Ashtabula, Ohio, is visiting her niece, Mrs. T. Ferguson_ Miss Ellie Archibald and Miss Helen McLean, of Toronto, who have been down the St. Lawrence, are holidaying at the 'h'ome of the fornaer's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Roht. Archibald. Mrs. E. Um'bach underwent an op- eration for ,tonsilitis on Tuesday in Seaforth ;hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hacking and Mr. and Mrs. ;Rutherford Low- ery and two children motored rom Calumet, 'Mich., and are visiting Mrs: Hackings 'sister, Mrs. R. L. Clark. Rev. Father. Goetz returned on, Monday evening from a trip to Italy. Miss Margaret Cluff, Toronto, is visiting her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Noble Cluff. Mr. Cluff has 'been ill for some time :but is nOw aIle to be otit again! Mrs. Leslie' Scott and children' have returned from visiting friends iu Bridgeburg, London and St. Tlaoinas. ,Mr, T. Bickell was in St. 'Marys visiting his brother over 'the week- end. Miss Dorothy 'Robinson is visit- inging friends in New Hamburg. 'Mrs. Abell has returned from visit- ing friend's in Brussels. Mr. Acheson, 'Toronto, occupied' the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on..Sunclg :: last. iIt4iss Bessie Beattie, Brid'geburg'i. is visiting her aunt, Mrs: R. B. Mc .Lean, in Ogmoadville. Mr. R. 'Myers, Waterloo, .was a week -end guests at the :home of Mi's. F, G, Livingstone. W. Mr. S. H at - in i g Prompt E W. Bateman Ladies' Tailor Gentlemen's Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO' PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAID STREET, SEAFORTHOs-k AVENINGS. PHONE 257, )" Egrnondviile Church Sunday and Monday, Aug. 16, 17 D. F. At ROBINSON DR. A. C. HILL Two Great Preachers Five Great Services Sunday : I t a.m. 3 p.m. 7.30 p. Monday: 3 p.m. 8 p.m. LITS. C UOnToronto, visited her a bo :McMurray. aunt, .Mrs. E. Mary and George :Reynolds; of Petenboro, are visiting their grand- parents, !Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sills. Rev. and Airs. T. H. Brown are spending their vacation at Leaming- ton. Mr. A. Wilson and 'Mr's. G. I3. Heintzman and little son, of To- ronto, are guests of Mrs, A. Young. !Miss .Margaret Thompson is visit- ing friends in llonkton. Mr. and Mrs. 'tV. C. Bennett and Airs. R. B. Holmes -motored to To- ronto and spent a few days.. arbara Vokes, of Detroit, who is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sproat, had the misfort- une 'to fall on the tennis court be- hind the Library and fracture her arm. - Mr. and Airs. John Beattie and Miss Florence Beattie spent the past week with relatives in London. Miss Bell, of Markdale, was the guest of Miss Agnes McKay over the week -end. Misses Gertrude and Evelyn Cardno and Miss Ethel McKay leave this week on a motor trip to Niagara. Mrs. 'Arnold Westcott and Mrs. A. Westcott were in 'London visit- ing Mr. A. J. Westcott, who is in the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. George Steet, of Saginay, Mich., visited friends in town. The Misses Cresswell are visiting their ,aunt, Miss Frances Fowler, James street, after .spending -the win- ter in Passaclena, Calif. Miss Margaret 'Neely, Winnipeg, is the guest of Mrs. John Mac- Tavish. Mrs. W. D. B'righ't and Miss Clare Diable left this week on a trip to Vancouver`. :Miss Mildred Johnstone, Hamil- ton, spent the week -end with her brother, 'Mr. T. Johnstone. Mr's. C. Dungey and daughter Jean are visiting friends in London. 'Mrs. G. McGonigle is visiting friends in Gait. !Mr. George Hutchison has secur- ed a position with the London Life insurance Co., and has gone to London. (Messrs. Jos. Purcell and John Dennison are visiting in Detroit. Mass Kate Kehoe has purchased Mr. Thbs. Daly's House on East %Wihliam street. Mr. Thos. Dickson,. Goderich •st., recently received word of 'the death of his 'brother, Mr. John Dickson, Chicago. Last Week's Hog Shipments. Hog shipments ' for week- ending July: 30th:thick smooth, Seaforth—Total. 4.v ; 26; heavies 4; lights 9. Brucefield—Total 22; select bacon 9; thick smooth 13. . Walton—Total�101; select 32; thick smooth 56; heavies 5; extra •lyeavy 1; shop hogs 6. The Poor Man's Friend. -Put t p it; snald' bottles that are easily portable and sold fon',a very 'small sutra Dr. Thafltas' Electric Oil possesses ,Pone'-: et in 'concentrated form. '' Its cheap ness' and the varied uses to nvhich it can be put makeit the +poor man's friend. No dealer's stock is 'comp'lete withdut it. • Special Optical 0 ffer, High grade gold-filled spectacles and eye glasses with best flat sPhcri- cal lenses for only $4.00. All other style of frames and lenses at lowest ;prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh - son, formerly optical expert for Keats, Toronto, and Henry Morgan & Co., 'Montreal. The best optical work to be obtained and moderate prices, :Monday and Tuesday, Aug- ust 24 -25th. Come early.. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 34. FAMILY REUNION. Mitchell, Aug. 3.—The annual re- union of the Babb family was held Sunday and today at Riverview villa, the home of Mrs. Richard Babb, who is now 'in her 89th year. Sunday morning 'Mrs. Babb, Sen., and her guests attended the United church, and 'Mrs, Richard ;Babb, of 'Hamilton sang a solo in the morn- ing and Mrs. Wilbur Bab•b, Stratford, in the evening. Today" was spent in games and sports of various kinds orf all. The large lawn, with its beautiful trees, flower beds and driveways, proved an ideal place for a family gathering. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ba'bb and son of Chicago, Mr. ,and firs. H. T. Babb and son Jack, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Babb, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Babb, Miss Eleanor Babb and IMr, and Mrs. C. R. McElroy, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. F. D, Hutchison and George -Hutchison, Seaforth; lir. Lorne F. I'Iutchison, Toronto; 'Mrs. Emma 'Babb, Kent Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ;Babb, Dick Babb and Eleanor Babb, Stratford; Mrs. Tuck- er, Mrs. Boyd and Miss Lily Babb at home, and Miss Marion Cash. PASSING OF JOHN WALKER. On Monday Aug, 10th, at his home in Roxboro, the death occurred of John Walker, who had reached the extreme age of 90 years, being born in Peter °Head, Aberdeenshire, Scot- land, on March 19th, 1835. Air. Walker emigrated to Canada some 70 years ago and spent all his time here 'i i Roxboro, licKillop town- ship. IMr. Walker was well known in Huron County, being an authority on gardening and also a taxidermist of splendid ability. Mr, Walker was married 5 years after *aiming to Canada, to Margaret -E. Grieve, who lived until Sept. 30, 1903, and left a family of 5 'boys and 4 girls, butstrange to say all the boys went to Manitoba and British Columbia and all of then died in early manhood, ;but the 4 girls are still living:' Agnes in Toronto; Jane in Cleveland, 0.; Margaret in Strat- ford, Alice in Toronto. Mr. Walker's 'second nuiirr•iage was Dec. 14th, 1904, to Margaret 113. 'Walker of Brucefield, who survives, with 4 daughters; also 18 grandchil- dren and 12 great grandchildren.' In recent years+lir. Wald :•'s sight has 'been failing 'but he had never ,been sick In his lite and death carte from a gradual weakening and not from disease, and he merely went to sleep._ ,The sympathy of the News is ex- tended to the 'befeaved family and we .feel sure also by the whole com- munity from—'the kindly interest shown to Mr. Walker in his declin- ing years. We carry the Westinghouse Radiola ill A - with Music Master Loud, Speaker ?µThe most satisfactory set at thelniost reasonable prices, Call and see them. Jo J. Broderick Electrical Supplies' WEST BRODHAGEN. Mr. Frank Campbell and Rev. G. L. Gross and two daughters Gladys and Ester, were visitors at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. Charles Regele on Sunday last. The Evangelical church of Mc- Killop is holding their children's •day service on the lawn of Mr. Fred Koehler on Sunday, August 16th at 2.30 p.na.. The Y. M. C. A. of Strat- ford, will furnish good music, Every- body welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regele were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. George Hocgy's, Grey township on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koehler and children and Mrs. John Eggert were visitors at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Rose on Sunday evening. ,Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler arid children and Mr. 'Willie Koehler Jr. motored to St. Marys on Sunday last to visit the fortner's sister, Mrs, Andrew Steinachre. Misses Freda and Adeline Messer- schmidt took in the old 'boys reunion at 'Clinton on Tuesday evening last. Mrs. Christian Regele is on the sick list. The ease with which corms. and' warts can 'be removed by Holloway's Corn Remover is its strongest recom- mendation. It seldom fails. Want and For Sale ads, 3 tisnes. 50e YOUR TIRES Be. sure you get FIRESTONE GUM -DIPPED CORDS. Costno, more than ordinary tires. Aliso, our new IMPERIAL RUBBER CASE BATTERY Guaranteed for one year. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. Bulbs, Roses, Shrubs For Fall. Fist Ready EA D EARLY ORDERS PA Y Low prices (or quantity Holland' eau, Import Co: Niagara Falls, Ont. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT, 1 Courses; Stenographic', Secretarial, Business, Complete Office Training and Telegraphy. Write now for. full details.Tate. the tint step to success Central Business College Stratford, Ont. Prloelpal, R. P. Lamsden, E.A. unimmsammoinssimmemmaoseig BBN=HLJR LT R The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Giva it a Trial. Mao. GroundjScreenings lehop of TM Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER ' PHONE 25 Your 7tuto Needs If you are in need of Tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new Battery, or have a Battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? e gie's Ai Garage PHONE 167W.