HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-08-06, Page 8Ni,P: for South Huron, Mr, Icing,
NENSALL NEWS M.P.: for North Huron and Miss
Agnes Maepheil M.P. for southeast
Mr, and ;Mrs.Wilfred .Cavanaugh Grey, were the speakers, The hall
and t;wo 'children' of 17etroif, visited was fairly well, fil'18d, a large.. number
with their emit, Mrs. Thomson, ou of Liberals and Conservatives from.
.Miss .Nlacphaii. l4lr. Geo. Medd, of
Exeter, was chairman of the 'meetiug.
Mr, Black was first called on and
touched on the tariff, gave some
reasons for supporting the Govern-
ment as often as he did, and touched
an the Petersen ship subsidy, which
he was much in favor of, claiming it
would'break up the New York ship-
ping ring. Mr. Black thought the sol-
ution of 'Canada's troubles was a
large immigration. Miss Mac-
,p11ai1 gave a splendid address. She
the village being present
Mrs, Millian, '.who has been visit-
isiting- in Goderich, returned 'hone on
Mrs. S, Meitner is visiting rela-
tives in Uetrait.
Miss Gertrude Barnett, who has
been visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Thomson for the the past two
Weeks, returned to her home in To-
ronto on +Monday,
Miss Jessie Bell, of Windsor;
visited over the week -end at her
home here,
Miss Florence Welsh, of London, disagreed with Mr, Black on los un-
visited over the hgliday at her home migration and, ship subsidy pro -
here. posals, She claimed that Canada
Mr, and Mrs. Lesley Sutton, De-
troit, 'arevisiting with Mfrs. Sutton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson.
had too litany unemployed persons
without bringing in any ,more, and
was not in favor of giving. the Pet -
Miss lean Maxwell, of London,) ersen's such a large amount of
visited over the week -end with her ,money .when Canada's .own large
sister, Mrs. Peck. merchant marine lay rotting in her
Mr. Wm. Stone, of Detroit, visited bettors. She also stated that a mem-
over the week -end at his home hero. .ber could not represent all classes
Mr. Joynt, of Detroit, visited for a ' any more than he could go two ways
few days with relatives in town. at once. Mr. King in his address
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beavers are claimed that he did represent all
taking in the Old Boys celebration in parties in his riding and spoke at
Kitchener. length on Senate reform and touch -
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan \\rarrei. _ed on the tariff. They were three
of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr. sefairly good addresses but from a
Warrener, of 'Sarnia, who were for- party standpoint the ideas of, the
mer residents of Hensall, are home three members did not agree very
this week taking in the Old Boys eel- well, Nominations were then call-
ebration at Clinton this week. ed for and 11 were nominated, all
ivic holiday passed over quietly of w]oms
spoke briefly,
in town, a large number going tc' to the surprise of everyone, Mr.
Clinton. Black withdrew. Mrs, Glenn gave a
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoskins and good address and spoke of the Pro -
children, of Mitchell, are visiting gressives as a great moral 'force in
. (her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Duncan the country. Mr. McMillan said
McMartin. that he had been over the riding,
,and was - sure of being elected i£ he
Miss Versia Geiger is visiting
friends in Kitchener this week. got the nomination. Mr. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Green and ,poke along the same lines, and was
little child, of Strathroy, spent the
rived here Monday evening to McMillan 126, Sanders '11, Scott 56. SEAFORTH MARKETS.
end a vacation.
Miss Elsie Landsborottgh, of
Bruceiield, visited with Miss Eileen
Turner over the week -end.
lMr, and :,trs, W. Carlile and Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Hudson, of Seaforth
ntotoied• to. Windsor last week to
visit their sister, Mrs, James Logan,
and report .having a splendid trip.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs, R. A. -Lundy
ere enjoying their' holidays this
nia,o�otll apt 'their lovely cottage up atPbrt Albert, Rev. Mr. Whitfield, of
Goderich, is supplying the pulpit in
his absence.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Stefrhensun untbia is urging that they be made
and daughter Shirley, from Detroit, higher: "My opinion of the whole
were visitors at the thoine of 'Mr. Matter," he said, "is that it should
and Mrs. Carlile this week. They be discarded, . as one government
took in the Huron Old Boys at
week -end with relatives' in this
Mr. Fred Fairburn, of Detroit,
visited nis parents here on Sunday.
Mr, Geo. Heiden, while working
in the fields on Thursday last. took
a weak spell and had to be brought
-to his home.
3,{rs. Ross ticLean, of Detroit, is
visiting her mother here.
'.Miss Helen Elder, of London.
spent the week -end at her home.
Miss Jean Smaliacnntbe, Guelph.
who has been here visiting her aunt:
Miss Ellis, for - ne weeks. return-
ed home on :Mo ufay. She was ac-.
companie'i by Miss Ellis and 'Mrs.
Millian, who will visit Guelph for a
time. After Mies Ellis returns she
intends taking a trip up the Lakes.
Mr. T. C. Joynt is having his
show windows painted.
Mr. J. W. Ortwein, while at the
Clinton .eleliration on Monday. took
a ride in the aeroplane.
Miss M. G. Johns, of Kippen, has
ed to teach the pupils
been re ei a
of S q No. 10. Hay.
Miss Vi..let Ratcliffe, of Thanes
Road, has been engaged to teach the
pupils at S. S. No. 2, Hay.
The anions sets are being pulled
this week and growers report a fair
• Mr. Geo, Armstrong, of Hay. pur-
chased a Studebaker touring car
from Cooke Bros.
Mrs. Wes, Coleman has returned
after visiting her sister, Mrs, Ross
McLean, in Detroit,
Miss Gertrude Higgins spent a
dew days visiting Miss Dorothy
Corbett, of Hay.
Mrs. Wm. Henry is visiting
friends in Cromarty this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Reid and little
son. of London, spent the week -end
with relatives in town.
Mr. T. C. Joynt is this week on a
fishing trip up in Bruce peninsula.
Mr. R. J, Paterson and son Ray
and Mr. A. 'Taylor spent a few days
last 'week visiting friends in Marlette,
iMr. and Mrs. E. Rennie are holi-
daying at the Bend this week.
Next Sunday Rev. A. Sinclair will
preach in the former Methodist
church in the morning and Carmel
church in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron, of
New York, are visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Rabt. Bon-
Mrs. Cox -worth, of Strathroy, and
Miss Olive Coxworth, of Toronto,
are visiting Mrs. A. Scruton.
IMr. and Mrs. Allen Webber, of
London, spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Colin Hudson.
1Mr. Chas. Cooke, of Chicago, is
visiting his mother and brothers
U,F.O. Convention,—The United
Farmers of South Huron held a 'con-
vention at Hensall an Thursday last
to nominate a candidate for the
House of Commons. Mr. Wm, Black,
sure of getting the convention, and
would be elected, and that he would
be a 'big uplifting force in Progres-
sive circles, On a 'ballot being taken,
its was found that
MoMindn hah'l d
126 56 votes. Mr. Scott
Saunders 11.
Mr. McMillan is a brother of
This. McMillan, the Liberal candi-
date. and has been a hard worker
in the U.F.O. interests for a num-
ber years, and his career for the
next few months will be watched
The candidate made a short address
following Inc'nomination.
The \1cilillan family lloca:s to be
vuy anxious to represent this riding
in the House of Commons, "Bob"
tMaMillen's brother, Thomas, has
twice appeared before the electors
without success,, and is now the
Liberal. candidate,
Wm. Black, in a fine speech, touch-
ing on the tariff, declared it the most
difficult problem that ever con -
:fronted a government. Eastern Can-
ada, he said, wants high protection;
the Middle West wants the present.
barriers reproved, while British Col -
Dr. and Mrs. Grey, Of Walkerville,
are spending a few days with the
l4atter's parents, Rev, and Mrs,
Mrs, Jos. Riley and daughter, of
Toronto, are spending a few ' days
with relatives in the village
Misses Julia Brown and Mamie
Ross spent -a few days in Clinton..
Airs, James Watt, of Toronto, is
at present visiting her parets, Rev.
and Mrs, Abery,
Mr. T. Levan and Miss Mfttnie,
of Toronto, ere visiting relatives in
the tillage
'Miss Gertie Roberton and Mr,
motored toBa •-
Wilkes, f Torontoy
\\r o
field and Londesboro on Saturday,
returning to Toronto on Monday.
The ,Women's Institute Picnic to
Bayfield was well attended and a
great success.
Miss Viva Cole, of Toronto, is
visiting Mrs. S. 'Me ittie.
Miss Myrtle Grainger, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. J. Grainger.
Miss Blanche Emerton has return-
ed to London after spending the
week -end with 'friends in the tial-
iMr. and Mrs. Charles Hall and
Billie, of St. Marys, are spending the
vacation with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall.
will only make it higher for the
next to 'reduce. Canadian tellies are
averindustrialieed, due to the enor-
mous war, expansion, 'The country
is producing more than is needed.
and 'the- market in our own land f:
smlall." The speaker referred to im•
migration, and said that a:
far as he could see the best thins
for Canada was an extensive polis.
:thiat would bring millions of peo,pl,
to this country iuside 10 *ears..
make no ex'ouse for tsupporting th
Midget, as yott know, I did," said th•
member. "I .considered the Peter
nen ship subsidy the most inlportan
question of four years. I considere
that the New York shipping ria
ttad control of ocean rates far to
long, and that it was time for Oar
ala to get her hold on them. Ha
the contract gone' through before tit
untimely death of Sir Wiilies
Petersen I could have supported to the last ditch. It would not ,hay
broken the combine, • but within
a doubt bent it badly." Mr. lillac
declared the greatest •problem facin
any government yet to be proper1
dealt with was that of the agricu'
Lural situation, The man on lb
farm was ready to demand an equa'
leation with the man in the city a
to the matter of recompense for hi
money invested and hours worke
to get returns. He then made pass
ing reference to watered stock, tell
ing how it was actually done, am
referred to the various sums of lap
parent election money voted tr
places fnr improvements, either as
loan or as a permanent grant.
Mrs. Mary. Henry, of Stratford,
and Miss Barbara Norris, of Win-
nipeg, are visitors at the home of
\fi alnesd w, Aug. 5th.
Wheat, ,pei litrshel ... . $1.00-1.10
ahs,pe h' bus,
Barley, per bushel , 65c
1 60
Butter 30c-33Ic
Eggs 23e -33e
Hogs, per owt. $13.00
Buelcwheat,,;per 'bushel
Shorts, per cwt.
Bran, per cwt,'
New Potatoes per bag
. HOME ?^
If you are looking for -a 'home,
Modern in every respect, see this
fine house on North tMain street,
Seaforth, completed this spring. Has
all conveniences, including bathroom,
hardwood floors throughout, electric
fireplace, etc, Eight rooms, Excel-
lent garden. Apply -to R. FROST,
Phone 183, Seaforth. 32
"Tice preseniday sees a glut of al'
with a good deal of interest by the Mr, and Mrs, H. \\. Currie, products. on the Canadian market
people of this riding. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and .which has partially submerged pro
their daughter Lama Belle attended duction and put Canada in a place
BAYFIELD. the Reunions at 'Clinton and Kinch- she was reser beta began alt
ener this week. :Agnes\facphaill, M.P. "What we, are
after more to -day it a greater re-
turn for our investment. Scientific '0'
co-operative marketing on the part
of the •farmer will give this. The
\\reatern wheat pool is a living ex-
ample of its possibility, Greater edu-
cation along the lines of everyday
affairs will also assist the farmer to
get a greater return for his invest-
tneot. Careful marketing might also
he under this heading. for by educa-
tion from reading and nbscrv\atinm
the farmer can demand the proper
work on the part of his representa-
tive in the Government. which, in
the end, works •'out to something,
better for him,
Mrs. G. W Woods and daughter
Mise Nan, have returned to Bayfield
r a few days after an enjoyable
trip by motor to Tobermory at the
north of Brace peninsula, anis l -'ort
Carling ami Huntsville, Muskoka, be-
fore acn',smpanying Rev. and Mrs.
Crosby .,f e ourtrigh' 01' 0 trip to
the hestern State.
\ tartlet oi our people attended
the „pen air services in Clinton Sun-
day and report a great crowd.
Miss Lane. of 1:ucan. is spending
a few week, lith her aunt, Mrs.
Jan Wanless.
Master Bert Ward, of Edanontcu.
is having an outing at the home of
Mr. F. Weekes.
Rev. Mr and Mrs Pitts, a former
rector, now of Petrolia, in company
with two sons, attended service in
St. John's church Sunday evening.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Pitts were indeed pleased to have a
few moments with them.
Monday being council day, the
new acclaimed Reeve, Mr. John
Manson, and new councillor, Wilson
Carlile, assumed their duty and the
usual 'business was transacted.
'Messrs, 11vIcIslaughton, of Kitch-
ener motored through Monday in
company with their aunt, Mrs. Spar-
row, who has been viisting her ed to develop,
brother in Kitchener and ,has re -
Robert J. McMillan, of Seaforth,
was chosen to bear the Progressi,'e
standard in South -Huron. Eleven
names were proposed, among them
that of Wm. Black, of Tuckersmith,
present Progressive member in the
Commons, who withdrew, giving no
reasons. Three names went to the
final ballot, those of Mr. McMillan,
J. H. Scott, of•McKillop, and W. D.
Sanders, reeve of Exeter. Each was
allowed a five-minute period in
which to address the meeting. Those
Who withdrew were Wm, Blick,
M.P., Mrs. W. N. Glenn, Usborne;
Geo, Layton, secretary of the as-
sociation; James Love; W. G: Medd,
Exeter, president df the association;
W. M. Somerville, of McKillop; Wm.
Se1don and E. H. Wise. Very little
surprise was shown when Mr,
Plack announced his intention to
!withdraw and although several ask-
ed him -to allow his name to stand,
he refused. Result of final ballot:
Master Alex. McKay, of Walker-
ton, is holidaying with his grand-
parents, -Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Scott.
Mr. Lloyd Miller who spent the
past two wet.lcs in Detroit, returned
home on Saturday, and leaves this
week for Timmins, northern On-
tario, where he will work for his'
Miele, Mr. Alex. Miller, of that place.
Miss Currie and Mrs. '1`ufford are
spending this week with their sister,
Mrs. A. Russel, of Avonton:
Miss Grace Houghton is visiting
with friends in Kippcn.
Mr. and Mrs A. Ednonstone and
Miss Dingman, of Bowman ille, visit-
ed at the tat'ter's cousin, Mr :• R. J.
Wright, this week.
Miss Mary \McKellar has treated
herself- to a fine new Ford coupe.
A large number .from herp at-
tended the tournament at Staffa on
Wednesday last and report splendid
ball playing.
Several days before the U. F. O.
nomination there was considerable
talk around town that the meeting
at Hensall would be interesting.
However, when the convention came
off last Thursday, July 30th, the ex-
pected fight for the nomination fail -
turned home.
Now that Clinton Old Boys, after
being a great uccess, are a thing of
the past, come to the next best out-
ing and meet Varna old boys and
girls and have a real union on Dr.
M•offatt's spacious lawn on Friday
evening, Aug. 7th. Preparations are
being made for a good crowd. Zurich
Brass Band will furnish good music
and there will also be a good pro-
gramme consisting of singing, read-
ings, etc. Be sure to come.
Mr. W. J. Johnston's 'barn raising
took place on Friday, but was
threatened with postponement on
account of 'local showers, Owing to
the skill of Mr Doig, the 'contractor,
everything went along successfully,
Miss Welsh, of Ripley, is renew-
ing acquaintances in our vicinity.
Mrs. Jeff Keyes and daughter,
Miss Dorothy, of Nashville, Tenn.,
South lot 27, 'Con. 9,' Twp. of
Morrie, On premises is a good bank
barn 78x40 with good cement stab] -
ng. , Driving shed 24x40. Comfort-
able 2 story frame house with good
,tone •cellar. 2 good, never -failing
Veils. 5 acres good hard maple bush.
rhis farm is well fenced and drained
tad in good state of cultivation, and
s situated 1 mile from village of .1/Val-
on; also 1 mile from school and
:hurch. For further particulars a'p-
'ly on premises -or to J. A. MAR -
'HALL, RR. 4, Walton, 36
Miss Macphail said the question of
tariff was talked to death and that
she would pass r10 07111aon on it.
She stated she didn't agree with the
immigration solution offered by Mr.
Black. as Canada had too many un-
employed on her hands now, One of
the changes in the present Govern-
ment's policies that she considered
necessary w+as the doing away with
the large number of subsidies. How,
she asked. would a ship subsidy do
Canada any good as the proposed
by Petersen? Canada soul i only be
cutting her own throat with 26 mer-
chant marine ships on the sea and
paying a company to do the job.
"I am strong for a ^'tange in pre:-
eat governing methods;" said the
speaker. "The one in use to -day is
worn but -in such a way that a party
without a good working majority
can -create one."
• J..'<\r , (King. member for North
Huron, spoke entirely' on the_ tariff
question. , He declared the manu-
facturer was the most wide-awake
man in the. country and knew months
before the. election how the 'land lay.
He concluded his short address by
stressing. the work of representa-
tives :of thdd" people, stating these
.should kith* '-the questions of their
constituepci1s ;,better 'than those of
the Government. He finished with a
continent ton :the Senate: that it had
more power'- than the Hotise of
Lords in England, and said the Lib-
eral and. Conservative members were
all lined ftp on either side of the
door waiting their chance to get in.
On the corner of Louisa and Mar-
et streets, a comfortable six -roomed
souse with good back kitchen and
•arden, Light and water in the
Dose. Will be sold cheap. Apply to
ARS, FORTUNE, Seaforth, phone
61-J, or The News Office.
The undersigned offers for sale
its 100 -acre farm being N% Lot 25,
Con. 7, Morris. Also 150 acres, be -
lig North V2, Lot 26, and E% . 27,
.,on. 7, 'Morris- Good houses and
tarns in first-class condition, also all
;ood out -buildings. Will sell with
sr :without crop. Reason for selling.
Boor health. For further particulars
apply to W. 11. McCUTCHEON,
Proprietor,.•R,R.4, Brussels. 38
IIcQUI'1'T: -In loving memory of
Albert 1. McQueen, who passed
away August 7th, 1906.
August brings sad memoriesM
Of a 'loved one gone to rest
He will always be remembered
By those who loved him best.
He bade no one a last farewell,
He said good"bye to none,
But his spirit flew tbefore we knew
That he from us had gone.
But some day we hope to meet him
When our work an earth is. o'er,
In that land beyond the river
Where sorrow is ]known no more.
Externally or Internally, it is
Good—When applied externaliy by
brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Eclec-
tric Oil opens the pores and pene-
trates the tissue, touching the seat
of the trouble and immediately af-
fording relief. Administered in-
ternally, it .will still the irritation in
the throat which induces coughng
and will relieve affections of the
gans. l Tryit and be convubes and inced,
ratory or-
t t :, a first �d1a���� � m t�l li atiOfl-
The safety of your deposit in `
The Provitace•of Ontario Savings Office
isuaranteed b.
g Y
The Ontario 6ov'ernlnent
Interest paid on all dccounts
Seaforth Branch -
14'' Other
J'. M. McMillan, Manager
Goo elothes
Must embody good Fabrics, good Tailoring and good Style. The
style of the garment graces the figure. Good fabrics and good
tailoring safeguard the endurance, style and wear.
The longer you receive service from these factors, the greater
the value of your investment. Economy is what you gain in the
long run, not what you save at the start.
It is our policy to sell only good clothes, good safe values,
'Clothes of Quality, Suits, $20 to $50
Stone Made Clothes, Suits, $30 to $50
Art Clothes, $35.to $7.0
'MYi t
The family and relatives of the
late Mrs. R. T. Dodds desire to
thank the many friends and neigh-
bors for their kindly assistance and
acts of sympathy Yn their recent
I wish to assure any neighbors
and friends and the members of the
Seaforth Fire Brigade who assisted
in saving my buildings on Sunday
afternoon that I deeply appreciate
their kind efforts.
ass _m°=.rai toss• iaa"
'. -sTZtralMig=tsrfailltfiraltaM;
DODDS.—In Harpurhey , on Sun-
day, August 2nd, 1925, Annie S.
Dodds, wife of Mr. Robert T.
McLELLAN. 'In Sealforth hospital,
on Friday, July 31st, to Mr . and
Mrs. Andrew McLellan, Hibbert,
a daughter.
LA:MONT.—In Stanley township, on
July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Lamont, a daughter.
W"t:. NTED
Plus half anent a mile beyond to ail points in Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, -Edmonton, Tennis,
Calgary, MacLeod and gust.
Returaaing-Half a cent per mile to Winnipeg,
plus $20.00 to destination.
GOING D1iTES HEJGIIST ISM and 21st Midland, Parry
AUGUST 18th—Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood, Penetank,
Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in
AUGUST 21st—Toronto, Inglewood Jct., io. ti soot ,and west thereof in Ontario.
Special Trains Leave Stratford august 21st, 7:110 a.m.
'rktirough. trains-Cramfortable Colozae,st Cars --
$pec o.li czars for Women, aanrit Children _ I
Purchase your ticket to Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways, whether or not
your final destination in the West is a point on the Canadian National. -
Tirkets and all information from nearest Agent.
earhiF •SALE
•� still
will continue until the end of August with
Remember that every day in our st re in th nth
Real Bare aim and oney s1nvinq day I
I Augustwil1 be a