The Seaforth News, 1925-08-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
3. F. SNOWDON, Proprietor.
• Mr, and Ilvirs. R. 'Mowbray, of
Toronto, is visiting the former's
brother, 1irs.'Mowlbray Who is tin-
der the doctor's care at present:
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark spent
Monday in PaInaerston • visiting
Mr, and Mrs, 1 , Ilanebly, of
a -
: res N. C
• r an Camp-
Mrs. S
ttatFa and J
bell, !Were in 'Walkerton on Tuesday
attending the funeral of a relative,
Mr. John !MeDonaid and Lewis
are visiting friends in Detroit.
While driving the mail route last
Thursday, Mr.,Jos, Carter's horse
took fright when part of the harness
broke. and ran away, throwing the
occupants out and smashing the
buggy. Fortunately no serious 'in-
juries were sustained.
Hydro has been orf in Brussels,
Blyth and Walton .since Monday af-
ternoon, the transformer at Walton
being the trouble. It will take a few
days to repair.
\Lr, Charles. Sellers. son of Mr.
Joel Sellers, of ?ud concession of
'Morris, • has been engaged as princi-
pal of Walton publie school,. Mr.
Seller, taught iu Heirlelburg last
year and eomee highly recommend-
ed. The 'former •principal. -lir. Print-
er, will teach at Toronto next year.
Mr. W. J. Campbell; of Harding,
Tian„ is visiting relatives in this
neighborhood for a couple of weeks.
Mr. Campbell i- a native of Usborne
township and this is hie first visit in
twenty !tine.. years.
Mise Elliott, of Goderich visited
her aunt, Mrs William Woods.
Iliss. Shannon of Peterboro,. visited
gr:, \\•m: Neal -over 'Sunday'..
Mr. and :Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of
Toronto. spent the week -end at his
h,nie here. •
Miss Hayed Drager, of - London, is
speeding her holt rays with her moth-
er, Mie. C. Drager.
Mies (::reta Sperm -pent the week-
end with friend in Walton.
M+•. J. Watt was- in Toronto. this
.\ great dumber are taking iu the
Old Bays' reunion at Clinton this
• 1)r. and Mrs Edwin ,MeGavin, of
\Windsor, visited hie cousins, the
Maser-Maie.Vin oil the lath con-
ee st,m ,f McKillop nn Tuesday.
MCKILLOP, The doctor came on account of Mrs.
• The W. M. S. of Duff's church held Albert Mciravin; who has been in
its regular monthly :meeting for July
poor health for some tone.
on Friday, July 31st fn tate church. Raspberries have :been quite plenti-
fulS4raial .quilts were made up for the after the frequent showers of the
missionary hale. Quite a' number of past couple of weeks.
the ladies of Cavell church. Win- The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
thrap, were present and assisted as
a special invitation had been ex -
Mt. and l'les. Michael Feeney and.
fatally,. of Detroit, are home visiting
their many friends,:
Mr. and Mrs. William Devereaux,
fire! s, of Chicago, Who have been visiting
- their friends here, returned home
l1a lday and Were
accompanied by
Joe llcContiel'1, who intends spending
a fele weeks' holidays there.
Mr. and Mrs: Peter Fitzpatrick
spent :Sunday at the home of Mie
and Mrs, James Feeney.
;Mt, Louis Jordan, of Detroit, and
Mary Jordan„ of Toronto, are visit-
ing. et tile- 'hone of their .parents,
Mr. and -Mrs. William Jordan,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Donnelly and
fancily spent Sunday in Bayfield.
Mr. Michael Jordan, of London, is
visiting at the home of his •father,
Mr, Peter Jordan.
Mrs. Patrick Williams is visiting at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Andrew-
ndrewKelley. of Stratford,
lair. and Mrs, Matthew Durkin and
family, from Cleveland, Ohio, and
Mr. and 'Mrs. John 'Malloy, from
Stratford, and Gertrude Durkin, call-
ed to sec their Cousins, Patrick and
John McGrath oh Saturdy everting,
On Friday evening Mr. Daniel
Matthews entertained a party of
young folks at his home All re-
ported a good time and hai'e the
opinion -that Dan, is 'e good enter-
Hiss Lila Feeney- has returned
home after having spent a week at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Daniel
Costello, of the village.
.lir. Joe. Maloney, from Kitchener,
spent 'Sunday at the home c.1 his
mother, 'Mrs. T. Maloney.
Ree 'Father McCerdlc was -the
guest of Mr. Frank McConnell and
family on Friday evening.
'Mrs, John Jordan is visiting rela-
tives in Detroit.
Mrs. John Murphy and - daughter
Mary are taking a iew holidays hi
\Irs. Dan. Barry, from Seaforth, is
taking a week's holidays amongst her
family in Hibbert.
number from here attended the
Old Boys in Clinton, especially on
Monday night when the Kinburtt
football telatn played St. Colunrhan
team which :resulted in the score 1
to nothing -for St. 'Cohumban.
Miss Esther Ryan has gone to
spend a few weeks' holidays with
relatives in Monkton.
Miss Mary McGrath is holidaying
with relatives in Galt.
,Mr. Jacob Broker, Jr., motored
from Detroit rami is spending a few
days at his home in IlercKillop.
Mr. Martin Klinkhainmer, of De-
troit, spent Sunday at, his 'home here.
church. lir. and Mrs. Frank Kenny and
daughter Mary spent Sunday in
Kitchener attending the Old Boys.
iMr, Toni 1 Iur'ley and Mr. Steven
F emiard, of Brantford, called on
friends in the village oil Tuesday.
Mr. M. J. Klink'hanuner is visit-
ing 'hie sons in Detroit,
We are pleased to liege that Mrs,
his present charge at Pembroke. This Che games were arranged air 'Mon_
John Darling is .improving after a
- will be a rare opportunity of hearing days. \Wedueedeys and Fridays and severe attack of quins`,
One of the old hoys of McKillop so :far several good games have been t nit Bunt.. i• visiting her
preaching in the chorea which he at-
had with good attendance. The I daughter in Stratford for' 'a few days.
tended as a boy. •
Observations alioas
At the Old Home Weeks • the
young boys and girls make the
noise on the streets while the old
boys and girls sit quietly on the
verandahs and live over again the old
Canadians should rejoice that
Providence is still looking after
their welfare, The recent rains
have _greatly improved the prospects
for the year.
Miss Macphail says that war le
wrong, but even the lady member
of the House of Commons would
put up a nice fight, if a bandit broke
into her own home and attempted
' murder and robbery.
Tile Premier seems to have a perfect "hornets' nest"
by his order -in -council looking to
changing the Union jack. A very
storm of protest has conte from the
Atlantic. to the Pacific. Canadians
want to die ander the flag they have
lived under.
It should be easy for "tittle birds
in their nests to agree" in the case
of two brother candidates in South
Huron for parliamentary honors.
per was observed in the Former
Methodist church last Sunday.
tended to their Auxiliary to meet on Mr. John Driscoll purchased a fine
new piano on Thursday last.
that day with the ladies of Duff':
On Sunday. August 16th, Rev. -
Alex. McIntosh, of Pembroke, will
Preach in Duff's church. McKillop, at
11 a,m, and 7,30 p.ut. Mr. McIntosh-
i$ former resident of McKillop, and
a former member of Duff's church,
and has had pastorates at Port Ar-
thur and Winnipeg before going to
.\ meeting wae held last week at
W. C. Hackwells store for the pur-
pose of forming a softball astoeia-
tirn. Mr. !indica, the C.P.R. sta-
tion agent, was nominated for chair-
man of the meeting. The election of
officers took place :and four teams
were, from Walton and to
the North and South of Walton,
On Thursday, July lath, the con-
gregation of Duff's church, ealcKillop.
held a picnic at Bayfield. The
;ehool ground: have up to the pies- 'Mr, and Mrs, S. F. Bloodsworth,
cat been used but iris Fred Miller
'f Toronto, are visiting at lir. G.
H, Diegel's,
ilir. and Mrs. L. Baker, of Preston,
were here visiting friends.
Miss Frances Looby, of Saginaw,
Mich., is visiting lier uncle, Mr. L. J.
Looby. I lUlll1
Mrs Rose Murphy, of St, Marys, is
has kindly consenter) to let the as-
sociation use his field which is anuch
weather was ideal, there was a large fetter adapted to the game. There
attendance and everyone found it a has -been some mention ,ef a Iadies'
league being .started also.
very enjoyable outing.
George £airservice is ill with Sister Editha, from Sault Ste. visiting Mr. and Mrs, Peter "fiat
scarlet fever. Marie, and Sister :\gncs from -Peter- thews. -'111j
Mrs. Frank George and family, of boro. are .pending their holidays I Mr, and Mrs Joseph Canning, o
\Wetaskiwin, Alta„ air cisifiifg with 'with their brother; Sir, Jerry 0- 'Toronto. visited Dublin friends, '
friends in the vicinity. Hasa, and are returning to their for •
elr, and Mrs. Harry Bible of Tor -titer homes this week. ':l:Ers. Judge and daughter, of Port
onto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Mr• Peter Conley- ani ht sister land, Oregon, are visiting at the Do
Carter Also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Maggie, from )Fog;m, spent Sunday minion hotel.
Carter, of Detroit, and Mise
in our burg.
\lr. and Mrs. Leo McKa are re- Miss Margaret Doyle, daughter o
Irene Carter, of Toronto, have re- g y \1r, and Mrs. Janne: Doyle, Hib
turned after a visit- with their par- turnip to their home in Regina by Bert, has secured a school at :maid
ants. motor and are making the trip
hough Uncle Sam's domains, stone for the coming year.
Mee. Carrell, wit, is over ninety Sties Margaret Dougherty. front '1Mr, and Mee. J. 11. Doyle and lit
years of age, was in Clinton on Mon -Chicago is spending her holidaysin tie daughter Mary, of Detroit, s en
brighttansi happy a-. anroung girl of was just as Iter 'tttit,ner cottage in Logan:
the week -end with the ioriner's par
sixteen. 1 wits, iMt', and Mrs. Michael Doyle
sT. COLUMBAN, f Ifilrbert.
NORTH McKILLOP. - Mr. and Mrs John J, Dalton, Mr. The reopennig service of St
and Mrs James Dalton .anri Mr Con Mary's Anglican. church, Dublin, 'writ
We have been getting a fair Dalton t ,Sunday b• I •11 Sunday •
The Northland Produces Match Hay
• ---It
I5 I3e,f, Sold on the HOOT or
In illilk — Settlers May Purchase
Cattle Cheaply,—\\ irelvot'ut Poison,
(Contributed by 0ntarip Department of;
Agriculture,' Toronto.) ,
Few people in Old Ontario who.
have not travelled through the north-
ern part of the province realize that
there is a territory lying north of
New Liskeard and west of Cochrane
that will in the near future" become
one of the most important producing
agricultural areas of the province,
The country adjacent to the railways
is now cleared or being cleared to
such an extent that the settlers are
no longer dependent upon their tim-
ber or pulp "mood for revenue, but
are now engaged in fanning proper.
Many farms, especially in tate New
Liskeard soctien, are entirely cleared
of bush and the while acreage Is
either under cultivation or in hay and
Northland produces Much Hay.
With the wonderful producing
power of tilts new land those is an
exceptionally rapid growth of vege-
tation and hay is now being produced
In suoh, quantities that it is with
difficulty that a market can be found
for the entire production. So. much
is this soythat even this year in June,
stacks of 1924 hay may be seen as
one travels along the railway. Set-
tlers have not been producing bay
alone, but have beet getting into live
stock raising as rapidly as circum-
stances and conditions would permit,
This is evidenced by the fact that
between New Liskeard and Cochrane
there are creameries at the following
points: New Liskeard, Ramose, Earl -
ton, Matheson, Val Gagne nuc
Ready Money Source With Settlers.
As was the case with settlers in
Old Ontario so it is ill most cases with
settlers in NorthernOntario--they
have very little ready cash as their
earnings have been used in clearing
the land consequently the Ontario
Government is assisting the settlers
financially in the building of cream-
eries and in the purchase 01 cows.
Such assistance is being given on
business principles only, that is, the
money for the building of creameries
and the purchase of cows is being
loaned to the settlers at a moderate
rate of interest and under certain
Purchase of Cows.
Briefly speaking, the new policy of
the Department of Lands and forests,
through the Northern Development
Branch, In co-operation with the De-
partment of Agriculture through the
Live Stock Branch, is as follows:—
Cattle are to be purchased in ear -
load lots only.
Settlers are to appoint a Represen-
tative to select the animals, and ate
to authorize him to act on their be-
half in auclt selection and in deciding
as to price.
Settlers are required to gig!' an
application form to this effect agree-
ing to give prouflssory notes and
liens against their farms for !unpaid
- balances.
�a Government will appoint a reeve-
sentative of the Department of Agri-
culture to accompany settlers' repre-
sentative and assist hint In selection
- of cattle.
Government will advance full
amount of money ie pay for cattle at
fl time of purchase aid to prepay trans-
/ charges and to pay expenses
- of settlers' representative;
- Settlers will be charged $12 per
cow to defray'Fthe transportation
- charges and the cost of their own
t representative. This flat rate will
- mean a saving of several dollars per
cow to the settlers, and will give them
the advantage of knowing exactly
what these costs yvil1 amount to,
1 The total cost to the settler will
be the amount paid for the stock pur-
i ` chased for hltn plus $12 per head for
amount of moisture latelbe y which will 'pert tit A. tchener t held neat un at at t pm. Ret
Miss Emil Downeyreturned to ads. of 'London, will preac
potatoes. beneficial to the oats and Stratford on y 'Mondayafter:pending and it is Charlton,'looped a large congregatiot
a week's holiday's at the home of her will be present.
seQuaertettrtiq meeting' itand\altunSt.
last r Coluba! and firs. M. Downey, 11 r. and Mrs. George Howard lef
h•at s a result there was no Miss Gertrude Heffernan spent the they Tuesday w, reside. Before their ere
week end at the home of her aunt in
Miss Mary Munn le vu a visit to McGilhn'ay township. - iparture they were presented with a
herr aunt in Paris this -week. afiss Agnes Downey, trained curse, well-filled pulse and address, the ad -
Now there
relfars two IobrSouthesIitt thie who was holidaying at her home dreestlbeipresentation m , ,afcCO1TMr.
field forhere, returned to London. of Sunday.
Two brothers got into a mix-up miss Evelyn McGrath is visiting G. K. Holland,
long, hong ago. 1s a result Abel Stratford and Kitchener friends this "Dublin, Ontario, August 4th, 1925,
was finished and (aiit bacl to clear past week.
this out and
ant to\`our e rfrieud.,et �ethe Rev. Rather Todd of Toronto call- To air. and and Family: WVe, ys. otirfriend e Howard
pp ed on. St. Columban friends on Sun fellow citizens of Dsblin, learn with.
Meafillan brothers. day last.
There was a heavy shower of hail Mrs Louis O'Rilley, who has been from ord,
regret that you are tbout to remove
Dna Sunday,
ttasoher damnscarce-
way i11 in Seaforth hospital, is, we are where lmostere toftyour he if aty nilyf Band trela-
done. pleased to say, recovering daily, tives reside. For about fifty years
Mr. Bolden, of Exeter, and seine firs' Louis Dorsey underwent an yott have lured here and were well
of, the members of his family, visiteel operation in St. Joseph's hospital, t and favorably known. In your
John London on Monday of this week and younger days you contributed very
the for-tter's hrother, Mr. J hn is progressing favorab4y 'at time of wuc']t to the pleasure of the cont -
Heiden on Sunday last. writing.
Mr. Lour; Dorsey was in London =nit), by the very difficult ,parts you
on Monday where hiss Dorsa is at 'here, d ,whenever a play Was staged
WALTON. present in St Y here, always accepting graciously
Joseph's hospital, theassignedyou, which in a
'A large .number of the residents of part to
Miss Maude Ferguson has return- this vicinity have •beet atteryditt the great number of erases could not as
ed hone front spending her vacation Clinton Old Boys Reunion during'well he filled t any, other business
•at Port Albert. the 'week. in the community. kttoy. Iu •business you
Mrs. Dinah Taylor and Master St Columbai Ifoobball team defeat- 'were always known as an honest,
'George visited her sister, Mrs, Pol- ed Kiirburn in Ian exhibition nine o{ upright s' ell never jealous your
lard, at Blyth, last week. g neighbors' le the orwelfare,- and in
corehbein n 1-0 in favor on Monday, the their trouble they had your sym
1f r. and A•Us Joseph Ryan visited g 0 in of- St. Colum- 'pat'lly. Therefore we could not.allow
Me. and Mrs. Thomas Lane in ban
Tuckersnuth oil Sunday..Mr. 3. J. Holland of St. Colum- You to leave our midst without a
'Messrs. hawience Cummings -.and han is .et present nursing a. verysore'greeting and a fond fa•ewelc. Tit con -
hand, 11elusion we ask Simi, to accept this
Joseph„ Carter were in Stratford on;tick: 'having to have it lanced last purse as a'slight token and cement
Tuesday: liraucc of you and your wife and
Mrs. George Wilson of Park Prut-ttcia'l Highway Patrolman family. And we sineere'ly hope and
Rapids, IIhnneoita, arrived on Mon- lett, tof Sebrittgville: has a number pray that our drat Lord may spare
clay to visit her brother, 11r. Wm. g crushed gravel from you all fora length of 'happy dlaysane
McCully and sister, 'Airs, Albert Mc- the Provincial pit in Scott's fta'rtn, may bless yott all .with good •health
Gavin. She carne by boat from Du- 3rd Concession of McKillop, on the and prosperity. Signed on behalf of.
Guth to Sarnia awl will be here fora road at St„'Cnhrntban: it i, rather your well wishers: E. L. Jordan,
couple of weeks: , a busy time tri get team.. a- oeople Wm. Hills, Ta Jordan, Jas. Kraus -
:Mrs. Harold' Grigg, of 'Tuxford, are in the middle sir harvesting circ- kopf. P. Dill, Dave McConnell, F.
easle., le visiting her parents, Mr. and rations, Mr, Mike D,,wuey is iloiitg :McConnell, G. 1-I. Dei el,; G, K.
Mrs: Albert Gotlkin, I the spreading,on the highway. Holland.” b
those other charges.
Upon delivery the settlers will be
required to pay at least 25 per cent.
t of this total cost and as much more
as he is able.
Interest at 5 per cent, will be
charged on unpaid balances and re-
paymsnts are required at the rate of
1 $3 per cow per month, and the settler
shall give a promissory note to this
effect and a lien against his farm.
Repayments may be made to the
creamery or to such other local office
as may be designated in the com-
munity,—L, E; O'Neill, Live Stock
Branch, Ontario Department of
Cut-Wortn Polson,
Bran, 25 the.
Paris Gra= or White Arsenic, 1 lb.
Molasses, ai gal.
Water, 2 gale.
Mix the bran and poison together
dry in a large vessel. Add the mo-
lasses to water. Stir well and then
pour the liquid over the poison bran
and "nix until every part is molal and
will fall through the Lingers, Apply
half a teaspoonful near each plant at
dusk and see that chickens keep
away.—Dept, of Extension, 0. A, Col:
lege, Guelph,
Sweet plover May.
A recent :press bulletin front the
Federal Department of Agriculture
states that where any other sitiahic-
crop can be growu it is best not. to
use sweet clover•Lor hay. As it is tt
hollow stemmed, coarse : growing
plant, it is rather hard to cure sweet
clover properly. It inust be cut at
the right moment, whish Is,usually
during the rangy prion of early ewe -
mei.. As a' silage or pasture .crop:,
however, sweet •eleeet• is one of otic
most valuable plants, while fee
Legumes exceed 11 118 a soil builder,
Seaforth Monument Works
Parasite, All.
When the dol; flea ands the dog,
it Is happy, so much so that it be-
comes very aotive and fleas become
numeroue. The flea found its host.
And so it 1s with plants, they all have
their bacteria. Generations of living
together have developed kinds and
types, with their dices and dislikes.
Each particular -plant Inas its asso-
ciated bacteria which become active
when they come in contact with the
root. We have long known the close
association between the roots of the
clover plant and certain bacteria, to
the general advantage of both. This
discovery was made -largely through
the bacteria carrying on the work In
a way that left large visible nodules
on the clover root. It has long been
suspected that plants belonging to
other orders bad associated with
them bacteria that carried on a work
similar to the clover or legume bac-
teria. And it has. now been demon-
etrated that. the corn plant has
associated with it bacteria that do
for the corn roots what the legume
bacteria do for the legume. It has
been a mystery to many agriculturists
how the corn belt land could go on
growing corn $'ear after year and
still have an adequate supply of
available nitrogen for the next crop.
The secret is now out, the corn plant
has its parasite, a nitrogen gathering
batceria that multiplies in the pres-
ence of the corn root, just as the flea
will thrive only when it finds a suit-
able host. It is to be hoped that
nitrogen gatherers will be feuud for
all agricultural plants.—Depa•tmeet
of Extension, 0 A. College, (luelple
Worms Antong Raspberries,
If you see any .evidence er the ar-
rival of worms among your rasp-
berries use a pound of dry lead
arsenate in a barrel of meter and
cover the upper and lower eurlaces
of the leaves. That is, use lead ar-
senate up to the time the fruit sets.
bAlter the fruit seta use white helle-
A Household Medicine, -- They
that are acquainted with the •sterling
liroperites of Dr, Thomas' Eclectric
Oil in the treatment of many . ail-
ment: would not be without it in
the house, It is truly a ,household
medicine and as it is effective in
dealing with many ordinary com-
plaints it is an inexpensive medicine.
So, keep it at hand„Cas the call for
it may cone unexpectedly.
'Word was received last week of
the death of Mr. Blyth, of 'Blyth,
England, son of the gentleman after
whom the Village of Blyth, Ont., is
named, and owner of many 'farms
and village lots throughout Huron
11r. Archie Somers, ivito had his
leg broken some weeks ago, is im-
proving nicely.
Dr. Wm and Airs. Potter, of Galt,
Iowa, are visiting the former's
brothers, Messrs. John, George and
Waleace Potter. :
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cole, of New.
York, accompanied by iMis Gert-
rude Bristow, of Newark, N.J., are
visiting the farmer's mother, M•rs..A.,
T. 'Cole.
Mrs. Houghton, of :Toronto, visit -1
Monuments of Distillation,
Monuments of artistic design,
Monuments that express
the kindly sentiment of
of loving memory.
ed her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Rog-
!Miss .Gladys Laundy, of Airdrie,
A•Ita., is home on a visit to her
parents, 'Mir, and Mrs. 1:. C. Laundy,
Miss Freda Kal'bfleisch is spend-
ing the 'holidays at Detroit.
Mr, jetties Moore end family, of
Troy, N.Y„ have been visiting at the
home of Wendell Smith.
Mr. anti Mrs. Norman Gascho, of
Windsor, are hotideying here,
Mr, and Mrs. Finitayson have taken
up 'housekeeping in Zurich..
'.Miss .Gladys Wren, of 'Ohiselhurst,
spet a few clays et the Waiver
gr. and Mts. Herman and 'Mr. and
Mrs, Ellison, of Tavistock, , were
visitors with -lir, and Mrs. H.
Airs. Ohalles and family, who have
been .visiting at John Swel'l's, have
returned to Detroit.
Me and Mrs. 'Lloyd Scheiflc, of
Detroit, are visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr, and -firs, John Gellman.
Citizens were shocked to 'hear of
the sudden death of Councillor Wil-
liam Jenkins on Sunday, July 26th,
from heart trouble. As a boy he
Brett in Goderich township and for
maty years was a grail buyer at
Clinton. For the last ' years he
has conducted a flour and feed busi-
ncss. At the sante time ho bought
the Cottle greenhouses, and was es-
tablishing a good business in that
line. His wife, formerly Miss Annie
Lindsay, and one son Frank sur-
vive; also 2 brothers and 2 sisters,
Giles Jenkins, Goderich; Thos. of
\lauitoba, lairs, Frailc Gorrell, of
Saska•tchew•an: and Mrs, George
Levis, Clinton.
The marriage took ,place on July
211d of Myrtle E. daughter of Air.
and Airs. Geo, Fulford, Colborne
twp„ and Joseph Hicks, son Of Mr,
and Airs. Wm, Hicks, Goderich twp.
They will live in Detroit.
Mr. 4. -R. b\rigle, '1i.P., was in
Charlottetown, 1',E.I., attending a
meeting of the Canadian Pharmaceu-
tical Association,
The body was found near Amber -
ley of a boy -who had -tried to swim
to shore with a life preserver from a
row boat, near Harbor Beach, Mich.,
on June 7th. It had drifted across
the lake. The boy's father came to
Goderich anti identified the body and
had it removed to Harbor Beach for
Shoe Repairing
Are you taking care of your
feet by having your
Shoes repaired cm'rec tly
We specialise on hand sewn and
ladies' fine work.
20 years practical experience.
All kinds of polishes. 1"aces, brushes
etc. in stock
Fred Barlow
Two doors south Ileattie's
Variety Store.
`the, z T`evil's eargo
Pauline Stark and Wallace Beery
An 8 part Paramount picture
dealing with the Gold0Rus'h days
of California
MON., TUES., and WED.
13ooth Tarkington's
kalnous novel -
Tr t.,l oil
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. ''Special
attention to diseases of the''eye, ear,
nose and throat. resid-
Office Offi csid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5 Residence Phone 10g,
DR, F, J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence; Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the Cotin'ty of Huron. Tele-
phone No: 40.
DR. C, "MACICAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of.
DR. F, J. R. FORSTER,—Eye Earl
Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897,
Late Assistant New York Ophthai-
rnic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-.
pitals, London, England. itt
Commercial Hotel, Seaf or t b
third Monday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 2671
Successor to Dr, R. R. Ross, Gradu-
ate of N 'rtbwestern Universi-ty, Chi-
cago. 571, Licentiate Royal College of '
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street, Sea -
forth. Phone 151.
General Fire, Life,
P[ccident & automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEA -FORTH, ONT,
Mutual a e Insurance Co,
James Connolly, Goderich; Alex.
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec, -Treasurer,
Wm. Rinn, Np. 2, Seaforth; Jobs
Benneweis, Brodhagen• James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton
James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Mex.
Broadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferrisl
IIarlock; George McCartney, No. 5,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex, Leitch, R.R. I, Clinton; E.
I-Iinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
`ock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other tusiness will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
-- --• S; w. ARCI3IBALD- `”'-'-
Office over Stewart Bros,, Phone 70 i.
Seaforth, Ont.
p,r Don't Thro ,+t
•' = »= Your Old
Carpets away
Theymake new rever-
s1ble "Velvetex" Rugs,
send rev vairetex Felder 2
Highest prices paid. Max Wolsb
phone 178, Seaforth.
Z Wk,�
EeZiElVldIt�, ]�'�j
at 1 berhart's Drug Store
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling' out of your face.
Say "Bonilla Facial" to
your barber and come up
smiling' with a new appear -
IMOD of vim and fitness, Be
one of the "mullion a week,'_
o 1NS '
(Just Around the Corn,
cr Seaforth