HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-07-30, Page 611 6af 9 e1V SAIJ� NEWS S Mr, and Mfrs. Arthur Peck and E t v N WP ,itiiss Jean Peck, of Akron, Ohio, are occupying Mr. William 'Riobinson)s cottage for two ,Weeks. :Miss Nellie Hilborhe of New Dundee, is the guest of. Miss Izetta Mer•mter. Miss 'Helen. Johnston :of London is visiting 'Miss Agnes Will, Miss Ruth Higgins has taken a position as stenographer with the Dominion Express Co„ London, Mr, and Mrs. W. Sherlock and 'family, of London, are camping on the river flats, also Mr, and Mrs. R Faryon, of I:ondon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sturgeon have moved into Mrs. 'c'ough's house, Mrs. B. J, Lingard and family and of Mi. and. Mrs, 'R, Bolton. tome Miss Annie Stewart of Toronto are Mrs. fames Simpson visited a • visiting theT former's parents, Mr p over and Mrs. W. Hall. the week enol with relatives in Lon- Miss A. L. Gower returned to cion. London on Friday last. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. C. McKinnon and and two sons of Detroit, and Mr. and Miss Kathleen, of Peterboro, arriv- Mrs. John 4vloNeal, of St. Thomas, cd on Saturday to camp by the river, visited over the week end with Mrs, Miss Grace Cameron of Chicago, John Murdock,. I I11., is visiting her father, Mr, A. Mr. and Mrs. John Westcott and ill., is n. son Bert of Hamilton visited .for a , biers E. Houghton and little Miss few days with friends in Hensel: ` Kathleen Milligan, London, are Miss Grace Scarlett of Seaforth guests of the farmer's sister, blrs. visited friends in town on Thsirsday. W. gttnt, Miss Hattie Whiteside of Gode- Miss Vera Tnllard, of Sault Ste. rich, visited in town on Sunday. Marie, is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Ed. Mrs. John Murdock visited friends Weston and Mrs: .Malcolm Toms, in London.on Friday. ' ;Air. and Mrs. Stradley, Misses Dr. Coulter and wife, of Toledo, Betty and Marjorie Stradley, of De - Ohio, are spending their holidays trait, bio, and Mrs. Harry Nahrgang here visiting the doctor's parents, of New Hamburg C. Wyse' and J. Mr. and Mrs. John Coulter. \\. 'Wyse, of Ottawa, Mr. and .Mrs A large ntunher from here took in j, E. '•Cfook, of Clinton, Mr. R. A. the Forrl picnic et Bayfield on Wed- park, !Detroit, Mich., M. McDonald, nesday, Forest. J Farrar, London, Stewart Quite a number of the farmers in McKenna, Ralph Harrison, Gen, this district have a already threshed ^ theirand Storey and Harold Skiuncr. of Lan - Awheat n.l report a g goodyield. don, J, W. and R.Watt, L. Stevens A large quantity is being 'marketed Mr, 'anti Mrs. Graham and Miss here daily, 'the price .being around Mary Grahattf, •Mrs. S. McKenna, $l'10' Mr. and Mrs. Sherratt, London, \V. The recent rains have helped she H. Gill, R, Whidden, Mrs. and Miss root and bean crops wonderfully. Simpson, Miss Margaret Garlick, The beans are far ahead of the ave- \li.s Band, Mr. Harold Prince, rage this year, and with good tveath- Margaret 'Morris. Edythe Coonrbes, er to harvest them there will be a Nancy I.ingard. Toronto; 'Mrs. L. wonderful yield. Herbert \leeander, Mrs. T. Hen - An American tourist with his wife Herbs, Alexa,. rd, Mr. and ' Mrs. Hen - and two children, who were no in John Torrance and little grandchil- the Bruce peninsula fishing, were re- siren, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Pat - turning home on Sunday evening, r terson, of London; \V, R. Harman, and ,had just passed through Hensall Owen R. Tyler and Dr. and Mrs, F. when a front tire blew nut and put • Toler, of New Albany, Indiana, were them in the ditch. The car must tt ftors daring the week. have been travelling at a terrific Mips Margaret Waldock who has state of speed as when it struck a been a •guest at Miss Rathtvell's for hydro pole it cut the pole clean off, the past two weeks returned to ton - Car was badly damaged and took ,ion on t Monday. fire, but the fire was extinguished Guests at Miss Ferguson's: ,fr. before doing a great deal of harm. and Mrs. Ronson. Jint and Hubert The little girl in the car was badly Ronson. \\'alke-rvdle: Mrs.Taylor cut and was .reproved to the home and Mise Winnie. Taylor, London; of John McEtvan, where Dr. Hynd- Mr. Ross Taylor. Toronto Misses .man and Dr. Dougal were summon- Daisy, Emma. Mary and urate Di- ed. \Ve understand she was taken to son. London. a hospital in London on Monday, 'Miss Graves and Mr. Scandrett, The others in the oar were slightly t• I.ottdon, were guests of Capt. bruised, On account of the acci- and Mrs Cs,oke r Miss herguson s, dent the lights were out on Sunday Mrs. Ferguson and family of Kau - evening for about an hour. and a a. City are onliciaying at Jowett's gang of hydro employees were here a r. .t,e on Monday and put in a new pole. Mrs. I•:,,ote and slaughter heist Large congregations listened to Florence Foote are occupying Mrs Sinclairtheformer Me Rev. Mr. in t cottage,Sum R -Inn. thodist church Sunday morningand R' in Carmel church Sunday evning, Mrs, (DrDet t Moore, son and daugh- rer of Detroit, spelt a few days at Nest Sunday the services will be re- ' \}ass Ferguson's. versed, in Carmel church in the Miss Nina heard entertained her morning and the former Methodist Sunday school class on Tuesday af- church in the evening. ternoon. Monday,Mr. Nathan Peck was in Exeter on Miss Ethel Cortright, 'Mr, Thomas a number from Hettsall in Molter, Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Cliff - Quite tend taking in the harvest excursion ofd Walmsley and 'family, Sarnia: to the west this fall rs, Charles Stillman, Stratford, Mrs, A. E. Cleveland and child- Mrs. C. Horn, Toronto are guests at tel. ren of Toronto' are visiting with the issAleson IIo Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Patterson. Misses Marian Robson. Bertha Mr. Samuel Steacy is visiting his Charlton, Anna Douglas. Florence sister at Cromarty this week. Caverhilt, Margaret Scott, Misses Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen and Janet and Sylvia Campbell, Mrs. children returned home Monday ev- Telfer' Misses Nellie and Irma and. ening after a very pleasant visit with 'holidaying Mr. Clarence Telfer, I rove.n, are friends in London, Toronto and in Jowett's Grove, Stree'tsville. Mr. Anthony Tillman and son Geiger and Son have sixty Indians Jack, with a parry of •ttiventy, spent here pulling flax. tivfr, and Mrs. Dr. Hamilton, of Detroit, visited over the week -end with Mrs. Hamilton's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Reichart, Miss Freda. Smallacom:be, who has been here visiting her aunt, Miss Ellis, returned to Guelph on Wed- nesday. where She will visit for a time with her parents,!Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smalla'combe. Mrs. Geo. 'Hedden visited for a 'few days with her son in St. Catha- rines. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and little son of London visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. White. Mr, Harry Smith, of London, vis- fted over the week end with his par- ents here. • Mr. Willis Powell, ni Exeter, vis - heel with Mr. Hess on Thursday, Mr. R. Brodie. of London. Gov- ernment cream inspector, was in. town Tuesday, Mr. Milne Rennie of Seaforth vis- ited in town on. Monday. Mr. J, Stewart of London was in town Monday on 'business. Miss Sholdice client Sunday 'at her home in McGillivray, Mr, and Mrs. J 'Stewart, of Sea - forth, and 'Mrs, A. Stewart, of Mon- treal visited on Sunday t theI BAYFIELD. Rev F. H. and Mrs. Gairdner and Miss Betty, aE Washington, Pa., are the guests of 'the former's brother, Mr. John ,Gairdner. THE SEAFORTH MEWS mannuciammesmatumetwanassugsmarramsaroszenSync and Blake, theyoung men of Iip- tock, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steina cher, and children, of St, Mary's. \Ve are sorry to hear that Mrs. Heory Keohler is on the sick list. Mr, and Mrs. 'G. L. Gross and children land Mr. 'Mellow, of West- field, were visitors at the home ' of Mr. and 'Mrs. William Hoegy. Sunday visitor's at the home . of Mr, and 'Mrs. Charles Regele Mere Mr. and Mrs. Wietet•son, Mi. and Mrs. George Schrader of Sebring - ;Mr. and 'Mrs, Darr, Schnider and children, of Bornholm. Quite a number of this vicinity at- tended the Tavistock -St, Ooiunrban football match held.'in St Colunaban Mr. and Mrs, John Wright and on Thursday night last, son Billie have returned to their Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilhelm, of home in Detroit after, spending a Stratford, were visitors at the 'home of 'Ur, and Mrs. Fred Keohler on A. Wright also brothers and sisters. Sunday Inst. •Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed. Scherbarth and VARNA. children and 'Rhine, Funk, motored to,Grand Bend on Sunday last: Mr. Norman Benneweis motored to Milverton .on Sunday last. pen and the young mein of Ilillsgreen and Blake had au interesting game of Baseball in which Hillsgreen and: Blake were victorious with a score of 7-1. 'Mr. and Mrs: Snowden„ and son and ,Mir. and Mrs. J. •Cansitt visited at the home of Mr. W, Carlile the llas't Meek, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Dove and daughter, ,liss Gertrude Love, . ,of Hensatld and Mrs. Caanpbell, from California, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, also Mr. and Mrs. James Love and Mrs. Gordon Love. • CHISELHURST. week with the,.formers soother, +Mrs. Thefarmers are all smiles these days at the wonderful promise of a bumper bean crop: Mrs. Evans and daughter Eleanor, of Seaforth, are spending 'the vaca- tion with her mother, Mrs, Clark. Mrs. Jas. Reid and song of• Bay City, Mich., are visiting with her nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs, W. Reid, Parr line, The Anglican -church people are having 'a garden party on Friday evening, August 7th, on Dr. •Mof- fatt's 'spacious lawn, Supper served from 7 to 9, and a good programme will 'be given by London and Biome talent. Zurich 'hand in • attendance, Mrs. Sparrow is spending a few weeks with her 'brother, Mr, Mc- Naughton, of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Ward and family, of Edmonton cent Sundaywith Mr, and 'Mrs F. Weekes. The song of the thresher Is heard in the distance, Fall Wheat is giving A good yield. The young girls of this vicinity have formed a soft baseball 'teats, the name of which we have not yet learned. :air, and \irs. Metcalf and daugh- ter Mary are spending a few weeks with thsk.Johnson family at Bannock- burn, ' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, July. 29th. Wheat, per bushel ...... , $1.00-1.10, Oats, per bus. 45c Barley, per bushel 65c Buckwheat, per bushel 65c Shorts, per cwt. $1.75 Bran, :per cwt, $1.60 New Potatoes, per bag $2,00 Butter, per lib 30c -32c Eggs, per dozen 24c -32c Hogs, per aw. ..............,$13.00 BORN. SOMERS.--To Mr. and Mrs, Elvitt Somers, of Grey twp., an July 19, a son. CONSTANCE. 'Miss Vera Colclougit had the mis- fortune to cut an artery in her foot with an axe, isir. Tont Walters had his house turned one clay last week, which is a piece of 'b'ad luck for Mr. Walters. The one :that wrote the piece for the Stratford Beacon about the .foothall match must have sat tip all night thinking up the misdoings of the Kinburn football boys. But if the Kinburn boys were to 'write up Stratford it would talce them much longer to list all he sins of the to Stratford team. Mr. and' Mrs, Rolbt. Grinrold•by left on Saturday to spend a week with relatives in Toronto Miss Martha Cook spent Sunday las'£" with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Riley. Mrs. Wm, Cole. of Clinton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Thomas Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollard, Mr, Campbell Sutherland, Mr. David \(ill nn trod Miss Pheohe 'Wakefield Rev, H, Deihl, accampan'' 1 by spent Sunday last at Bayfield. • 'Mrs, Deihl, of Adelaide, are visiting Berry picking 'around here is the order of the day, Mr, Norman Nichol ,and nephew have completed painting the church and church fence. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Riley and Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Hoggarth and sons ,Spent Sunday 'last with friends nt Stratford. The members of the U.F.O. held a meeting in the Forresters Hall nn Tuesday evening last. There was not a very big crowd at the community picnic held at ' dr. Jas. Dale's bush on Saturday last as the weather was not very promising, blr, and Mrs, Thomas Riley, of Clinton, and Mr, and Mrs, John Riley, of Tuckerssnith. spent Sun- Rileday y, at the home of Mr. George friends and relatives m our vicinity, hir, and Mrs. Ing;; motored to Strathroy Saturday last. Mr. and Miss Logan spent, Sunday with friends in Bayfield. BRUCEFIELD. lir. and Mrs. 'Maxwell; tvho mos t, r cd from North Dakota are 'the guests of Mrs. Maxwell's brother, \Ir. Dan. Munroe, and sisters. the Misses Munroe and Mrs. \Vin, Nes- bitt, this week, Mr. and...Mrs. Monteith, of London, are vi ring at the home 01!Mrs. 11,onteith's mother, Mrs, Wm. Ross, this week. Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Nunce, of London, were week -end guests at the home of -Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Berry, Miss jean Murdoch, a pupil of Prof.Aatderto t has .successfully y passed her exams in both vocal and instrumental music, WINTHROP. • -The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Janes Hillen on Wednesday afternoon, August 5th. The write boxes are to be handed in that day and counted. We hope every one can attend. if not, hand boxes to the captains, Mrs, Alexan- der for the west side and Mrs. R. Campbell for the east side. Other business in connection with the Jubi- lee will be talked over at :t'l,lis meet- ing.. Mr. Wm. McSpadden, who has been visiting his sisters in the West, has returned home and looks as though the West agreed with hint. Monday at Miss Ferguson's. . .Mr. and Mrs. f. Armstrong and Mr, and 'Mrs. C. J. Baker and fam- Mrs. Leishman, of Blyth, spent Sun- ily 'who spent a week in the village day with !Mr, and Mrs, Fergus Bul- retnrned to Big Island, Va., on Sat- lard. urday. Miss Beth Govenlock, of Seaforth, is spending a few days with 'Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Govenlock, Miss Velma Hoist visited her aunt, Mrs. H. Jackson, of Walton, last week, 'Miss. Jean Holland spent the week end with friends in Seaforth. 'Miss Margaret Eaton is spending a few days with friends in Walton. Mrs. H. Smalldon, of Walton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo, E'a'ton, Quite a number from here at- tended the 'Ford picnic in Bayfield Wednesday. Otir merchant, Mr. W. C. Bennett had a booth for the day, HILLSGREEN. Miss Anna Pearl Douglas, of Brucefield, is visiting her cousin, Miss Muriel Carlile this week. .bliss Jessie Cochrane, of Seaforth, is visiting her mother and sisters the past week, also taking in the Cochrane reunion 'picnic which was held at 'Drysdale on Saturday after- noon. Quite an interesting game of soft ball was played at Hillsgreen on Friday evening last between the Hensalt and Hillsgreen teams; green was wa's victorious •with a score of 25-20, We understand that Hills - green is to play against Kippen in the near future. WEST BRODHAGHN. Visitors at the home of Mr. and On Tuesday of last week at the Mrs, Henry Keohler on Sunday were Union picnic of Kippers, Hillsgreen Mr. and Mrs. John Kechnie, of Ros- STANLEY. ;\ quiet wedding was solemnized Friday, July 17th at 7 a.m. at Clin- ton when Laura Margaret Jane Mc- Linchey, daughter of Mir. James Me- Linchey, of Adelaide, betaine the bride of Lloyd Alvin Keys, son of Mr. Amos Keys, Stanley tw'p, Bride wore a gown of sand, satin -face crepe, with picture hat, gloves, hose and slippers to match, and the groom's gift, a white gold pin set with a green diamond. Immediate- ly after the ceremony the young couple motored to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. James M. Reid, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served, after which they took the early train for London, Port Stanley and southern .points. On their return they will Make their home on the .groom's farm nn Parr Line, Stanley. It has Many Qualities.—The than who possesses a battle of Dr. Thom- as' Eelectric Oil is armed against many ills. It will relieve a cough, break a cold, prevent a sore throat; it 'will reduce the swelling from a sprain, 'relieve the most ,persistent sores and,will 'speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medicine (hest in itself. It is said that a man can 'fall from a great :heighth without 'losing con aciousness, bu't it is a 'cinch 'that everything else will prove a total loss. Women who formerly complained that carrying a heavy moth 'of 'hair made their heads ache ,now complain of neuralgia from necks left un- protected by bobbed hair, , ' CLEARING AUCTION SALE 01 Farm Stock land Implements. Mi, Malcolm bMon'tgomery has in- structed the undersigned, ;auctioneer to sell by public auction at lot 7. con. 3, Hullett, (5 miles east of Wil- ton) on Friday, July 31st, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses --Span working horse's; registered filly, ri's- in'g 3 years; driving mane, quiet and reliable. Cattle -4 caws 'supposed' to 'be iu calf; cow due in ,the fall; Shorthorn registered cow; heifer, 1 year old, registered; 2 heifers, 1 year old; 5 steers, 1 year old; 5 spring calves. Brood sow, supposed to be M pig; sow with 10 pigs 3 weeks old; 12 chunks about 125 lbs. each. 70 hens mostly Rocks, and 75 Rock chickens, Implements — Massey -Harris seed drill, combined; nearly new; Massey - Harris cultivator, nearly new; steel land roller, walking plow, set of harrows. riding .plow, new; gang plow; snuffler, new; wagon, nearly new; hay rack, .gravel box, new; pea harveser; stock rack; set of Cana d - can bobslet s, set of Manitoba bobs new; root pulper; cutting box;fan- ning null; cream separator; set of Renfrew scales,nearly new; woad cart; open buggy; top 'buggy, goo'd as new; gas tank; barrel of syrup; set of double 'harness, nearly new; set of plow harness; number of horse col- lars; quantity of 4 inch tile; quantity of elm lumber; quantity of � oak end elm •plank;,.Daisy churn; dash churn: 500 lb hran; 500 lib screenings; numt- ber of grain bags; stone boat; forks; whiffletrees; neckyokes; chains and numerous other articles. Everything to he sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold Isis 'farm. Terms —All stuns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 3 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. Malcolm ' Montgomery, prop.; Geo. H. Elliott, anct. 31 DO YOU WANT A MODERN HOME? If you are looking for a home, modern in every respect, see this fine house on North Main street, '.eaforth, completed this spring, Has all conveniences, including bathroom, hardwood floors •throughout, electric fireplace, etc. Eight rooms, Excel- lent garden, Apply to R. FROST, Phone 183, Seaforth. .32 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Southall lot 27, Con. 9, Twp, of Morris. On premises is a good bank barn 78x40 with good cement stabl- ing, Driving shed 24x40. Comfort- able 2 story frame house with good stone cellar. 2 good, never -failing wells. 5 acres good hard maple bush. This farm is well fenced and drained and in good state of cultivation, and is situated 1 mile from village of Wal-! ton; also 1 mile from school and church. For 'further particulars ap-' ply on premises. or to J. A. MAR- SHALL, R.R. 4, Walton, 33 HOUSE FOR SALE. On the corner of Louisa and Mar- ket streets, a comfortable six -roomed house with good back kitchen and garden. Light and water in the house. Will be sold cheap. Apply to MRS. FORTUNE, Seaforth, phone 161-J, or The News Office. Half a Million Bowls of Porridgee. In connection with Salvation Army winter relief in China just con- cluded the following. . statistics are of interest. At Peking's five centres 433,685 bowls of porridge have been distrilbu'ted, in addition to which 11,- 178 sten have !been sheltered, In. Tientsin 37,987 people were 'fed and 15,062 sheltered; .clothing also was d'is'tributed, 'and the 'homes of the people visited. Thousands of cups of tea have :been given away free to rickshaw men in Peking and Tien- tsin. A number ofCanadian officers are doing a splendi'd work in that country. Lt is said a daily cold bath tell pro- long life, but who avants to live if be has to freeze to death? THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1925. first e ns Ieration The safety of your deposit in The Province of Ontario Savings Office is guaranteed by The Ontarto oyernnnent Interest paid on all accounts : THE Seaforth R 3V1NeE SAVINGS Branch - 11 Other ©F ONTARIO OFFICE j. M. McMillan, Manager Branches Announcment Any order for RADIO GOODS or Stipples left at Adam Dodds' St., Garage,Goderich E. win receive immediate attention Scott Ferguson "Everything Radio"- Phone adio"-Rhone '139r15 Seaforth, Ont. lothes h I, Must embody good Fabrics, good Tailoring and good Style. The style of the garment graces the figure. Good fabrics and good tailoring safeguard the endurance, style and wear. The longer you receive service from these factors, the greater the value of your investment. Economy is what you gain in the long run, not what you save at the start. It is our policy to sell only good clothes, good safe values. Clothes of Quality, Suits$20 to $50 Stone Made Clothes, Suits, $30 to $50 Art Clothes, $35 to $70 "MY WARDROBE" AGENT FOR ART CLOTHES. MAIN STREET SEAFORTH Painless and perfect in :their ac- tion, Miller's Wosin Powders are al- ways a safe and reliable remedy for children who show symptom's of worms. These symptoms are easily recognizable in a feverish restless- ness, 'frequently ending in convul- sions:. A point of notable import- ance is that after Mil'ler's Worm Powders have expelled the worms, the stomach and 'bowels are toned ifj into a very 'healthy !condition. Hog Grading Report, Report of 'hog shipments from this district for weekending July 16: Sea'foi'th•--iTo'tal, 120; select bacon, 35; thick smooth, 67; 'heavies, 11; extra 'heavies, 1; 's'hop hogs 2. Brucefield`— Tota'I, 5; select, 3; thick smooth, 1; lights and feeders, 1, Walton—Total, 98; 'select bacon, 28; .thick smooth, 59; heavies, 6; 'shop hogs, 3. - YOU WILL GET THE THAT'IC sl E . 'EVER (✓ l A iii t GAINS ED. DURING THIS fliss It