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The Seaforth News, 1925-07-30, Page 1
WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 47. T 1 SKtMt Pt E-4 Once. Again At the Olympia Sc. e0 ch Confectionery and Restaurant Hutchison's Groceries are Good Quality Their prices will average up in favorable comparison with anyone's. They have several specials that others have not, and in addition they give cash buyers Cash Dis= count Bonds, which amount to 4 per cent. on amount purchased. Where a discount is given on groc= eries, it is usually only 2 p.c. We don't expect to continue the/high disc count of 1 p.c. long. In the mean= time, Mr. Customer, o , take advantage 9 e Hutchison's Cash 1-i Discount Bonds. D. Hutchison New Summer Shoes. Ladies Pt'd leather with new Buckle $4.00 Light Tan with buckle 4,00 A new pt'd Leather with Cuban heel for $5.00 White kidiGore effect $5.00 Special bargains in Ladies' Kid 1 strap slippers, reg. $5, 3.44 • FrerLW Wig! SERIPOETI CHURCH CARD., The North Side Church.—Sabbath services, 11 a,tn. and 7 p.m. Sun- day school 10 a.m. Pastor, Rev. R. .Fulton, Irwin. Pastor at •both .services. In the morning the Sacrament :of the Lord's Supper •wi11 be observed. Let all church enentbers as far as possible be present. The Salvation Army. — Sunday meeting's, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. •Coimnan•ding officers, Captain Nevil and .Lieutenant Tid- man. 'Captain Nevili at both meet- ings. .A ship has been invented by a German which will return to the sur- face an hour after it sinks, .but hard- ly .soon enough to keep the'passeng- ers from getting wet. - SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1925. LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS, Subject •folldwieg a candidate's name htilica•tes that the,candidate has failed on that subject. Otherwise the pupil has passed on all departmental subjects take� 1D. C. Aberhart Alice Archibald, rem. Archibald (art), John Archi- bald (art), C. Armstrong (.hist,), Margaret Armstrong, . 'Margaret Beattie (geog., 'bot), Stewart Beat- tie, George llhiok, Doris Bolton (grain.), Erma ]3rowcifoot W. Broad- foot, K. Calder (hist,), H, Chandler, C. Cous'tab'le, H. Cummings, G. Daly, M, Dickson, L. Dinil'in, M. Doig (hist.) B. Dtmclan (art), 'M Haton, A. °Inroads, 'D. • Farquhar, W. Faulkner, 3. 'Ferguson, tel. Fergie- son, M. Finkbeiner, J. Finlayson, J.t Finnigan, igan, A, Finnigan, T. Goven lock (hist. and bot.), B. Grieve, M. Hays (arith.), W. Homy, F. IIo'gg, [ ..Holmes, D. Hudson, L. Jackson, N. Jefferson, C. Kerslake, C. Knight, E. Landsborotngh eatith, and coo.), B. Lane, M. leane (geog, and art), G. Love, C. 'Lowery, J MdDonadd (art), G. i14c(:onigle 1I, McKerch- er (hist.), 11, McKinnon, E. 'Mac- Lean, E• Mc'tann, H McMillan, L. McMillan, M. \f 'vIillen, C. Mc- Naughton, A. McTaggart, E. • Mar- riott, G. Mason (hist.), G. Meldorf, F, Mero (hist.), L, Mole, G. Muir (bot), M. Neville (bot.), T. Nolan, E.Nott, F. Oliver, R. Pa'tri'ck (phy.), E. Peterson, J. Purcell (art, '!lot.), (1, Purcell, L. Rising, D. Ritchie, D. Robinson (ari'th.. Lata gram.). M. Ralph, A, Ryan (phys.), E, Sharpe, al. Sills, B. Simpson, F. Spain, M. Sproat, C. Stewart Mot.), N. Stew- art, (arith.), C. Strong, J. Strong, C. Teat, M. Turnbull, J. Webster, R. Weiland, B. Wheatley, E. White (list. and geog.), M. White (hist,), F. Willis (gram. and arith.), A. Wright, G. Wright. STRANGE BIRD CAPTURED For several days a pair of strange birds have been seen ine,the vicinity of tete bush op the farm of Mr. Percy Meivfichael of the 7th :conces- sion of McKillop. . On Tuesday. Mr. Miller Adams was able to shoot one of theft in the wing and captured it alive.. Not knowing whet it was, he sent it to Mr. Ed. Hinckley, in town, who placed it in the, window of Hudson's store. Here it was recog- nized by Mr. [)an, Shanahan as a turkey buzzard, Naturalists say these birds belong to the 'Sonthern States and as such are n great curio- sity in Canada, and these birds have wandered far from their native hatutts. Thr birds have a wing spread of six feet and their flight is very high and graceful. They are about the size of a small turkey and are 'brown in color with 'bars of darker brown, The head is bare of feathers and the skin warty like the head of a turkey. BOWLING,, -. The' local bowling tourney on Monday night va aterY success- ful ful affair, there 'being 42 players on the greens. Something new was stag- ed, that of Irish trebles in which 3 bowls were given each man in 2-14 end games. The greens we're in fine shape and play was keen, Following is the schedule: Joe McMillan (pins0 plus 6) F. Sills, G. Dick. C. Barber (minus 0 minus 2) W. Thompson, j. J. Huggard, H. Jeffrey (plus 4 plus 7), W. J. Duncan, Bill Smith, Russ Sproat (plus 3 minus 6), Reg. Reid, 'M. Stewart. J. Beattie minus 7 mints 7), J. MacTavis'h, A. Sutherland. Tom Johnston (plus 7 plus 2), M. McKellar, W. R. Smith. Wm. Ament (minus .71)1us 7), 'Rev. T. H, Brown, R. McKenzie. Dr. Bechely (plus 7 plus 7) [win- ners], H. 'S'tewan•t, C. Sills. F. Robinson (minus 5 mimes 7), A. Close, J. J. Cluff. W. G. Willis (plus 5 minus 2), J: McIntosh, Wm. Bright. Jas. Willis (plus 7 plus 5) [second prize], Dot Reid. Bill Bell, Dr, Burrows (minus 9 plus 2), R. Devereaux, Tom :Scott, RACES FINISHED, No, it `is not always 'true that "a' !bad beginning makes a goad ending". Neither is i4 true "first the 'worst, second the sante, third the best of all the game." This was proved by. the meets of the Seaforth Turf Club this year, 'because .first, second and South Huron United Farmers POLiTleAL ASSO@IATION Will hold a Convention at t1-lENSALL, THURSDAY, JULY 30 at 2 p. m. to select a candidate to contest the riding at €he coming election. Messrs Wm. Black, M,P.; J.W• King; Miss McPhail M.P, Grey will address the meeting. All electors are welcome , W.G. Medd, Pres. N G.W. Layton, Secretary eNeeteabeleeeeeeeetee third were all bad as they could. be. At each meet there was a splendid matter of entries and all .that wlas needed to make a success was good weather, but in a very dry aumenee, when at least two fine days out of three migliV be reasonably expected, not one even fairly good Caine. • Sat urday last was drizzling all morning and at noon quite, a steady rain 'came down, but 'clearing after - noon the directors went on with the races, though it meant a deficit as only a ,few spectators were present, The racing, 'however, repaid those who cane out. Following are the results: 2:12 Class If'all Abbe 1 1 1 To'bhurst, Tilsonburg Vera Grattan 2 2 2 McLean, Newmarket Joe Grattan 4 3 3 'Galbraith, Parkhill Nancy Noon - 3 4 4 Beetwefherick, Hagersville, Times 2:11/. Classified Race. Carl Private 2 1 1 3 1 Allah, Parkhill. June Custer 1 2 2 1 3 Briggs, Toronto. Danny Direct 3 3 3.2 2 'Monk, Welland.. Grace Logan 4 4 dr. tel °Ewen,. Weston. • Time 2:24% 2:30 Class. The Girl Francis, Chatham. Battle Girl McCauley, Aylmer. Freddie Kippings Coliton, 'Toronto. Millie Patchett Cudmore, Seaforth Topsy Bars Hansford, 'Melbourne. Little Babe Guy, Sea'for•fth. Time 2;26%. 2:50 Class. King Grattan 1 \Velwood, Merlin. Sid Hall 3 Whitely, Goderich Oliver 'Peter 2 Litt, Vfitc'hell. Hal Jean 4 Allan, Parkhill. Bahr Grand 6 Sizor, Owen Sound, lltrty Abdef 5 Herbett, Guelph. Opera Queen • Rowntree, Toronto: Time, 2:29%. 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 6 2 5 4 3 4 3 5 5 3 4 3 4 5 dr. 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 1, 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 5 dr. 5 dr. dr. BIG CLINTON CELEBRATION STARTS ON SATURDAY Clinton welcome's 4I1 of us to their Semi -Centennial and Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion; August lst to 5th inclusive. From the hhndreds of ad- vices being received weekly a larger number of visitors and Old Clinton and Huron County former residents could not have been anticipated. They open on Saturdayt Aug. 1st, ,with reception, registration and aeroplane welcome, .the 'latter con- ducted by Jack Elliott, of Hamilton. This is followed on Sunday, Aug. 2nd, by morning services being held in the various churches and conduct- ed by former Clinton and Huron County ministers. At 1.30 p.m. the Veterans together with the various organizations, with bands, will decor- ate the Memorial Tablet at .the Fed- eral Building, the Post Office, thence parade to Clinton Cemetery for the decoration of graves of the many dece'a'sed members and listen to vari- ous addresses, the 'principal one be- ing that of •B•rig.-'Gen. W. B. King, C.B., D.S.O., and followed by others. At 7.30 pm. a Community Open Air Service and Sacred Concert twill be given at Recreation Park, .music 'being furnihed by the combined church choirs of 'Clinton and ad- dresses 'dellivered, by home coating .ministers On !Monday, Aug. 3rd, the days program will 'start with a grand Trades procession and Cali- thtnnpian parade forming at 'the Park at 9.30 a.:m, at the conclusion of which prizes amounting to $110.00 will be awarded to the three best ,contestants in Trades representation, Decorated Auto and Decorated Auto with farm 'produce. This will be fol- lowed in the afternoon at 1.30 o'clo'ck by the official opening address of welcome at Recreation Park by his Worship Mayor Fred Jac'kso'n; also of Generail W. D. Otter, C.V.O., G.D.B.; the, oldest living Old Boy, and 'followed by other speakers •af !prominence. At the conclusion of addresses a Lacrosse Match will be played between St. Marys and Clin- ton and a real contest is 'assured. This will be followed by a Football game between Kinburn and St. Col- urnbant, and a Softball game is being arranged 'for 'between Toronto and Detroit. In the evening at 7.30 o'- elock an Open Air Concert given by Clinton Odd Boys and 'Gulls includ- ing Mrs. Howard Humphries, of Jacksonville, Florida; William Harl- and, Guelph; H. Stanbury, Detroit; R. B. Foster, Toronto; Robert Downs, Woodstock; and others as- sisted by the Royal Canadian Regi- ment Band of London, will be theld at Recreation Park. On Tuesday, Aug," -4th, at 2.15 pen. a 'Professional League •ganne of baseball 'between London and Saginaw in the Michi- gan -Ontario League has been trans- ferred to Clinton at great expense 'to the Old Boys' Association. This at- traction 'providesthe, first opportun- ity for the public in this pant of the country of seeing 'e reap League Diamonds The Gift Su- preme. Always ac- ceptable, rceptaible, a 1 ev lay s beautiful, a 1 w a,y s valuable. The Diamond as a gift still stands supreme, Its rad- iant bcattty lends a charm that gives that very desirable last touch to per- sonal er-sonal adornmient. May we show you our diamonds? rF1I]li (rbiff Tule' loom fare Extraoreiinary silverware in the Cardinal Pattern that is guaranteed unconditionally. It is silverware of beauty and durability, every piece showing character and orig- inality in design. We offer for your approval Heirloom Plate by the single piece or in assortments, large or small. Fred,S. arrauge Jeweler & Optometrist Opposite Past Office. Phones 194.. Res. 10. Everything Hazy! Ever hear people say it ? Maybe you 11 a v e experienced the sensation your- self. Have your eyes examined —'that is Nature's warning. Thpsc eyes need help, and you can get that help, Consult a com- petent om- petent Eyesight Specialist. He can tell by examination just the proper glasses to give you. Ile can push these. clouds away and let in the sunshine. M. ROSS SAVAUGE, R,O„ Eyesight Specialist. game of baseball contested by two great teams standing well inthe race for this season. At 6.3(1 p.m, a Grand Band Tattoo will be held in Recreation Park and :participated in by the Royal Canadian Regiment Band, London; C.N.R. Band, Strat- ford; Mitchell, Seaforth, Goderich. Kincardine Pipers, Henderson's Juv- enile Pipe Band, London; and 'Clin- ton Kitty Band. Following this 'wilt, be spectacular fireworks by Proles lar Hand, of Hamilton. On Wed- nesday, Aug. 5th, a Softball Tourna- ment Inc been arranged between teams from Goderich, Mitchell and Wingham, this being followed by various Athletic Sporting events when prizes will be given for each. (See Large Pbstercl. In the -evening an Open Air Concert will be given by Mrs. Howard Humphries and company and followed by the ,Hend- erson Juvenile Pipe Band London, n o, ,with Miss .t.:i • i Mice Dunbar comedienne. Keep in mind that the Sunday, Aug. 2nd, Community Service and Sacred Concert will be .hroadcasted by Radio to all parts of the, Park so that all can hear and enjoy the programme. Also remember that Elliott's Aero- plane and Joyes' Midway will be a daily feature. Dancing in the Rink each evening end music furnished by 'MeKenna's Orchestra, London. A Wicker Chair is donated by C. Broadfoot, 'M.00sejaw, to the Oddest Girl registering and born in Clinton. A Club Bag is donated by J. Broder- ick, Seaforth, to the Oldest Boy reg- istering and born in Clinton. This is the first Official Home Coming in fifty years so ale together, "Let's ge." There is something in store for you every minute. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. Tuesday evening's League meet- ing 'was in rrhorge of the Social and Literary Department, the meeting being taken by Miss Evelyn Har- burn. The Scripture !lesson was read hy -Mr. Sam Scott. The topic for the evening, "The United Empire Loyalists," was taken by Mr. F. S. Sati'auge. A very pleasing piano sel- ection was given by Miss Annie Hanna. Following the programme, a pleasant 'half hour was spent in community singing. Next Tuesday, the reports of the delegates to •Gode- rich Summer 'school will be given. EGMONDVILLE. The Neil Shaw Young Women's Auxiliary •of Egmondividle United Church held their annual thankoff- ering at the morning service on Sun- day. There was a 'large and inter- ested audience, Miss Duncan, of Toronto, at present 'on furlough, gave an inspiring address on work and :conditions in South China, Spe- cial music was pravided by the Choir. Pleasing selections were also rendered by 'Misses •Mabel Turnbull, and Grace' Scarlett, a duet by George Israel and ' Miss Gladys S'hillinglaw. The offering amounted to $90. A Corrector of. Pulmonary Trou- bles. -Many testimonial's could be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in cor- recting disorders o'f the respiratory processes, but the 'best testimonial is experience and the Oil is recon- mended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will fundi •relief; It will allity inflam- mation in the bronchial tubes, .�®& W. Scranton eoai Offen Imitated .. Never Equalled Nut, Stave and Egg - - 15.50 Pocahontas - - Large Size Pea - - - 12.00 Soft The miners' Agreement expires Aug. 31st. Prepare for next winter with Real Coal and SERVICE by leaving your order with E • a r8J O X KIPPEN ROAD. Mr, Wren Eyre has returned home after spending a week with friends in Sarnia, Mr. and .Mrs. P. Collier, of Cleve- land Ohio, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Moore. Mrs. John Elgie and daughter Thelma have returned home after visiting friends in Brussels the past week. I !Seep this date open l Thur s. A u . 20 g 1 emu T A T T© e Fairview Park ----7 Bands 1 Always In The Bri i ht's Clothes Have ever been the advance word in dress As we have said before, the essentials in tastful wearing ap- parel are QUALITY FIT WORKMANSHIP We have this combination under one roof, nothin; Strni in con- nectionwith our productions: T'will . be worth your pocket's while to deal at this store. Again We Advise Yolk, Go To eeferasevextmeneennumeasereastemeeeamereem lit's