HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-06-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
iltIMRATEI 1111M6
J. F. SN,OWDON, Proptietoss
I General Observations 1
The legislation promised to sweep
away the Senate, as well as that to
lower ocean rates, have •fallen by the
4, *
A. month ago coal was to .be
brought .to Ontario. To -day the
CN.R. has withdrawn the offer
owing to the promised investigation
of freight rates by the government,
The old Union Jack that floated
over the Canadian boys in the Great
'War is still as mirinly venerated in
the days of peace. "Never let the
Old Flag fall."
* *
Those who say Canada should have
a new flag because there is now a
confusion as to what the Canadian
flag is, woulki make the confusion
greater by adding a new flag to the
number. Thers is no eonfusion now.
Every school ;boy, if asked, will say
Ou Friday and Saturday, June 12th
and 1 3tb, the Lions Club organized a
"hee" for both days, to take about
five feet of mud from the )bottoninI
part of the swimming pool and in
that way enlarge it. The above is
a picture of the Lions, merchants,
professional men, farmers and last but
not least the boys of the Collegiate
actively gmgagetl in the work. Farm-
ers sent in teams and wagons and a
tractor was •ako engaged in draw-
ing mit W a go n s. Stones were
drawn tel build a retaining wall. The
work was stopped by a welcome rami
on Saturday but the enthusiasm is
strong as ever in this splendid work.
The water was let into the pool on
Saturday and ;the boys and ,girs1 have
been making good use of it already
this week.
Mr. Levi Holmes, of Timmins, is
visiting his parents Mr. end Mrs. 1),
i Holmes,
the Caitadian flag is the Union Jack. Mrs. I hos. Davidson is spending
a .few days with 'friends in ifilibert..
Mr. John Balfour is having house
shingled. ;Messrs. Ed. Fawcett tout
Ales Constable are doing 'the work,
Mr. John Jeffries called on friends
in Brussels on Sunday.
Ferree Love is spending a few
days ;with her siter, Mrs. Ed. Brit-
ton in,Kifiburti.
Mr. and Nirs. Ed. Pinkerton and
Mrs. Robt. Holmes left 011 -Wednesday
"lhose who have hay left over from
last year will he lucky, if present
conditions continue; While most of
the spring and fall grains are doing
fairly well, this cannot he said of old
clever and- ;timothy meadOw-s. In
some ;places the red clover is headed
out and not over two inches long. to visit friends 10 TOr011 to,
Those who put in corn this year will Mr. Ernesd, Constable of St. Marys.
find good use for it. called on relatives here last Friday.
Western ministers tie a Much better
knot than their eastern brothers.
Miss Gertic !Miller is, the gueSt of-
: !Mrs. Wm, March in Preston.
Mr. and . Mrs. TIiS' .. 2krchibald,
Jean and ,Mr. E. Miller motored to
'London on Sunday..
Death of James Citaicliss.1 in Sat -
judging by this hit from a Calgary urday, June 20111, death .called in. our
paper, ;received this .week: ; midst and etainied another of our Oro
"Later the bride and groom left. ,
ricers in- the -person of James Cuaick.
for 'Vancouver, Victoria and Cali- lie was born in Naesagameya two,
, • fornia before returning to Van- l t•'0 years ago. In his younger years
' - cower, where they will in •fliture •. i he was a carpenter by trade, later.
reside. ',Piles. travelled in a smart 1 -Hieing on a farm on the 166 conces
. ensemble of navy atol grey, finish- , 5'0 A GreY. .for 25 years where the
' '' ed with a collar of grey squirrel . , family were raised. Fifty years ago
and wore.a small .powder blue \hveorititiarrle/ Alitee .tyiroytn,dahs, lic'eb.sr who
ribbon hat." y le mita e ,. ,
predeceased him eleven years ago. that Spotton Chosen in N. Huron,. curious coincidence is the fact that
George Spotton was the choice 22n -of .hs alul his wife were ,buried on the -
d of June, The family consisted
N. Huron ,,Conservativess at the eon- „,.., . nine ,,,hgares..7 of whom sunless
vention held in Wingharn on 'rues-
' • Al -
day. June 23rd . Convention was a , Mrs. James Taylor of Guelph and record maker. with practically every , Bert being dead. They are: Annief
, .... delegate in the riding heing present; Vancouver. B.C.; Mrs. R. W. Hoy.
• John L. Stansel M.P. for East cas.'
,, ‘-d.-- Walton, Mrs. 'Henry Last of De -
gin: E. R. Wigle, M.P.P. c troit: Mrs. Henry Skins of New Liss.
Centre Huron and John ,loit°Itr,:..kear.d. Ont.; Mrs, James Ti. Gore.
Portland, Oregon; William of Palmer.
M.P.P. for North Huron. were prep e, .a.. Josha of Oregon Deceased was
itrit and addressed the convention, the last of .five brothers; and of tour
While a number of nominations were sissseesswg survive, being Mrs. Dienes
,vo. Tn. but tn.,. H. J. NfoRwan 'f j ,,- Nebraska, and ;Mrs. Gallop of Nor-
ioderich, "'I r'''''' S""°"' "f •Win4- val. He died at the home of his
ham, 15 or, definitely in the tiel and
the result !./- the Ita4ot s', 115: Spotton ;
!daughter, Mrs. R. W. Won Walton.
being deektre,1 the choice if the con -
')1!' 5-11 e fimrler ; '.;f1,.1....11‘1';ghuCnionhst'er's‘...aatF'h!eivianngd. in '''r els; agiso lai
137. NrcEu an 110. and
ventioo he was congram la vel by ..,,,. • she L. O.
.. , a Preethyterian. He was 0 member of
L. of \Vinthrop. Funeral
MeEe so and :vas accorded 11 most :;,,,,l, place 00 Monday 11'001 Sit.
entliasiastie reception when he
earedi oo Coe platform to thank the j
3P-; i,e..a..i...e's chinch, Walton. to Brussels
helegates for the honor. cemetery, Rev. Nir. Lewin officiating.
A resolution ar:.'riiiing loyalty , i' Those from a distance who at -
pledging :import to the PoileY '
an" ' tended the ;funeral of the late Jamea
leadership di' the Rt. -Hon. .\rrall'tli'ri ,I . 1 k
i us e were .
Mr and Mrs. Last of
j Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Shinn of New
Meighei3. ,t -o: 1Th MaiestY''' lYa, Liskeard and Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
opposition at Ottautt, and expressing, crim,..k,
confidence in the oovernment of T -Ion. 1 Guelph.
Howard Ferguson, was ,, , \fre. Pitts. Myth, visited Nix's.
resolution deploring- any aPtatfesite4;t to''d Drager on Friday.
tubstiinte any other flag for the i Mr 4. Wm. Neal, Sr., spent the
old -Uniot: Jack" was metehlimsly 1. o,...ek in Preston.
carrie 1 amid loud applause. lite entrance pupils commenced I
P. W. Scott, the veteran president! '!!'!:,,r11,n144 Wednesday. Some are
of the party for more than twenty at Seaforth and sonie at
, Brussels. There a -e ten candidates
years, presided. from Walton school this year,
The *Bible Society collectors are
Government Grants to Schools. 1,01 ,s,ileeting and meeting with very
Inspector J. M. Field. of Goderich,; good ;411 C Ceti y,
has issued the following information: Mr. Roy Bennett has purchased a
The Minister of Education has decid- Ford sedan from Anderson Bros, of
ed to retain for another' year the 1 neussels,
present mode- of apportioning the Quite a number took in the garden
Legislative grants for another year. aarty at Moncrieff on Thursday night
That is to say, on an excess of salary and report a good time.
above $500 for a principal and $406 Mr. Frank Cudmore i; severing -his
for an Assistant, .besdrining 21 17(10 but connection with the Bank of Coin-
less titan 8800, 5 per cent. will be
paid: banning at 11.800 but leas
than $900, 10 per cent. will be paid;
beginning at $900 but less than $1,000,
20 per cent, will be paid; on salaries
of $1,000 and over, 40 per cent. will be
paid. Permanent first and second
class certificates when the experience
of the teacher is five years or over,
receive grants of 5100 and 560 re-
spectively; when the experience is
less than that, permanent or interim
first and second clas certificates will
draw grants of $80 anti $50 re-
Mr. W. M Erwin, principal of
• the Collegiate, has resigned to take a
position in Dundas.
Miss Helen Winnifred Holmes,
daughter of Rev. A. A. and Mrs.
• .Holmes, has graduated from Wel-
lesley hospital, Toronto, as a train-
ed nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gibbings an-
nounce the engagement of their eld-
est daughter, Flossie M., to Nlis
Wm. R, Tasker, of Preston, the
marriage to take place the end of
June. , The marriage WaS solemnized at
• the home of Nfr. and 'Isfrs. George
H. Elliott, Clinton, on Tune 10th, of
Mrs. Elliott' 8 niece, Miss Pearl
Hann -a and Mr. I-Iarold Bell, of Port
Mich. ,Rev, C. J. Moore -
house officiated, They will live in
Port Huron
merec and starting in ;business in
Brussels selling Ford cars and acces-
sories. We will be sorry to lose
Frank as he was a very obliging clerk
in the bank, but wish him success in
his new undertaking. Mr, Stone, of
Toronto, is nows assisting in the
hank. We welcome him.
Strawberries are ripe, but not a
very good crop,
Miss Devereaux is still confined to
Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and Miss Vera
were in Guelph last week.
Art Hoy and family were in the
village last Sunda -y.
Mrs. Stewart is confined to bed as
the result of -a fall. She fractured
some ribs.
Mrs, A. McGavin is not improving
very quickly
Rev. -Mr. Lewin will address the
Orangemen next Sunday afternoon at
Quite a number went to the Met m -
dist church last SundaY to hear Mr.
Robinson's farewell sermon. Dr.
'drown, recently of Trowbridge, will
he the new pastor.
Mrs, Gardiaer, Mrs. Berry and
Mrs. Neal ;attended the district meet-
ing of the VC/omen's Institute in Wise -
vale on Tuesday.
The annual garden party of
Duff's ;clitirch, Welton, be held on
Mr, Wm, Woods' lawn 00 Friday
evening, July 3rd.The usual good
supper and fine programme will be 1.
provided. your ;personality, permeated as ft is
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennison and
children motored tip erom Preston
;and 05 101 tl {1 .10. friends over Sunday.
and ' me 1, of 'r
ton spent Sunday at Mr.. John Har-
idne ;lay tlin %%eel: Mr. DunLan
Johnst.m thonglit lie was stronger
than he really was and lifted a ;bag of
grain from his var. Ai a result he is
again confined to bed.
NI.r. John Clark was smerated on at
Settforth hOspital on Sunday night.
Ir. and .Mrs. W. Fitzsimmons and
f:oully, of Thorndale, spent Sunday
• .
with her sister, Mrs. R. J. t_ ar
Annieersary services were held in
• Melville church. Bressela, on Sunday
and a garden party on -Monday even-
ing. !Altogether 025 Was raised.
Slone a 'few Walton .people attended.
Miss Beryl Pollard, of Blyth,15
_visiting in Walton.
ale. John Dennis' barn raisiug last
Thursday was one- Of the meat suc-
cessful ever held ,hi this district,
Everything .went together perfectly.
l The old barn was burned more than
a year ago.
Miss Jenny Clark who has been en-
gaged at the millinery with Miss
Ross, Brussels. is holidaying With
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will (leek.
Presentation. --Rev. W. 0, Robin-
son, who has been pastor of the
Methodist church here and at Bethel
for the past three years, was given a
beautiful gold watch and chain and
a purse at a farewell social hell in
the Walton church on Monday evens
ing. These was a short programme
of readings and solos, followed by
lunch. Mrs. Hugh Fulton read the
address and Mn, George Dundas made
the presentation. Mr. Robinson, al-
though completely taken 'by surprise,
made a 'suitable reply. thanking the
donors in their appreciatioe his
services. The address was as ,follows:
Dear Mr. Robinsom-dl'he best -of
fiends must part, but now that the
time has some for the tie between
yoil and yotte congregation to be
severed,. we feel that we cannot allow
the separation to take place without
some slight expression of our up-
preciatiou of your presence and labors!
your ministry here, we have learned
among us. During the three years of
to respect and love you 'for your
faithful teaching, your sympathy and 1,
helpfulness as a. pastor, and more •
particularly for 'the dignity and charnt
by the very spirit of Jesus Himself.
With the earnest prayer that you may
long be spared to pre-ach the /un -
searchable riches of Christ to the
salvation of souls and the glory of
Itlis Great Name, we beg of you to
accept this small token of -our af-
lection and esteem, Signed on ehalf
of the congregations at 'Walton and
lie the].
THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1925.
Seaforth Monument Works
The grain crap is looking very fair
but hay will be 'short.
Mr, Rubinson, pastor on .the Wal-
ton eircuit, who has been here for
three years, preached his farewell
sernion at Bethel on last Sab'b'ath to
a good sized congregation, Mr. Rob-
ins -on was will liked svhen‘here,
llisa Irene Sifilth end Miss Eliza.
Godkin were around collecting for
a purse to be given to our pastor,
Mr. Robin son. Being popular young
ladies and engaged in ;a worthy call-
ing, they met with good success.
Mr, Charles Boyd gave a solo in
a pleasing manner at Bethel church
last Sabbath.
Nit. John Holden came in contact
with poison ivy and has been laid off
work for a -few days,
Mr. Alex. Munn has his cement
work completed- ,
The ,frame of the ibarn of John
Dennis, on the Forbes' pine, was
raised last Thursday afternoon.
Ed. Pryec has about 50 good
steers on the pasture -lands he pur-
chased from J. J. Irvine some time
School will close this week for
some time at least. A fact which will
he pleasing to most of the kiddies.
The July meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the United church wilt be held
at the home of Mrs. A. Swale on the
afternoon of Thursday, July 9th. This
meeting will be the closing of the
membership contest. The captains,
Mrs, O'Brien and •Mrs. Jeffrey, are
expected to have all the new mem
bers present at this meeting.
Miss Flo McDonald is visiting in
this vicinity.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at the home
of Mrs, 0. H. Kerslake, on Wed-
On Monday night Staffa girls won
Don't tear up road surfaces by
immoderate chi -zing
les the back wheels of your car that push it along—
and it's resistance that keeps it moving -the resistance of
the road surface.
At moderate speeds, the surface remains in place. At
higher speeds a portion of the surface is displaced by
the friction of the wheels. The higher the speed, the
more material is displaced.
The speed limit exists in the lmv to save the surfaces
of roads, as well as to prevent accident. Because the
highway is clear, you may think the law may be broken.
This is a mistake. There is always danger of damaging
the road by excessive speed.
The material which is displaced each year by auto-
mobiles driven too fast would weigh hundreds of tons.
Tht repair work made necessary costs thousands of
The public of Ontario have spent $160,000,000 to
make roads easier and safer for you to travel on. The law
seeks to preserve from accident those who use the roads,
and to conservehe roads themselves. The Government
requests the co-operation of yourself and every other
automobile driver in maintaining the condition of the
roads. Take pride in the highways of Ontario. You are
interested, for they are yours. They are being main-
tained with your money.
While the Government relies on the goodwill and co-
operation of the great majority of motorists, notice is
given that the enforcement of The Highways Act will be
all the more rigorous in the case of those who disregard
the law and this request.
An advertisement issued by the Ontario Department of Hzgh-
ways to secure the conperatinn of motorists and truck drivets,
Autornoble Clubs, good Roads Associations and alt other public
stillited bodies, in abating the abuse of the wads of the Province,
The HON, gEO. S. i-IENRY, Minister; S, L, SQUIRE, Deputy Minister
is what may be said of mon-
uments of most modern de-
sign, and - will give the
-most pleasing and lasting
satisfaction . Supplied by
from the Cromarty girls in a league
game. _
Mis's Mary Gople, of Toronto, and
Miss Bissett, of Exeter, and Mrs.
Ericson, of Rochester, N. Y., were
callers at the .hogne of Mrs. Clifford
and Miss Currie on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, John Young and I
family, .of Motherwell, were visitors
with relatives ..here recently.
The appearance of our village will
lie noticeably brightened by ithe re-
decorating of the home at Mr, Jahn
Stacey by the Woodham ,painters,
who to .good Work.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott were delighted
to 'have friends visit 'them recently
from Scotland, and Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin McKay and family, of Kin-
The strawberry festival held 00 Mr.
Worden's lawn, Staffa, was not so
successful owing -to the rain on Friday
night of last week. Good weather is
necessary for the -success of any such
The Dia -n10041 jubilee of the Cro-
marty church la to -be held on Sun-
day, next, June 29th, with ,former
ministers taking the services;
12. G. McKay' in the •moraing and
Rev. R. A. Cranston in the 'evening,
An old aim service is arranged lot
the morning when the grand old
familiar Psalms will he sting and an
old time choir ,will assist the precentor
who will lead the singing.
Ou Mondayafternoon, June 29th, an
old-time picnic Will be 'held at the
Mountain Grove with sports and an
interesting ,programme .and a good
supper provided, and 111 the evening
as a final celebration, there ,will be a
fine church concert. Miss Anthistle,
of London, an excellent reader, will
be a great treat; also excellent music-
al talent, both vocal and violin, will
be given by rtalent from Toronto, Lis-:
towel, Durham and iSuilbury, and very
enjoyable speeches by ministers pres-
ent. Good ,weather prevailing, a
happy time for home -comers i$ an-
New Books at The Library.
The following hooks have been re-
ceived at the Public Library and have
-been placed on the shelves:, 1
Adult Fiction -.A Gentleman of
Courage, Curwood; The Enchanted
Hill, Kyne; Red of -the R.edfields,
Richmond; The Carolinian, Sa-batini;
'The Gates, of Doom, Sabatini; The
White Monkey, Galsworthy; The
Loring Mystery, Farnel; The Un-
known Quantity, Dell; Tice Locked
Book, Packard; Smoking Flax, Stead;
Pimpernel and Rosemary, ()may;
Rose af the World, Norris; A White
Stone. Mitchell; The Crystal Claw,
Le Queux; Blacksheepl Blecksheepl,
Nicholson; Madam Claire, Ertz;
Nina, Ertz; The Passing of Charles
Lanson, Tracy; Clic,: Nails, Rivard;
Marie Vee, Newton; According to
GibsonolficKaill The Reckless Lady,
Gibbs; Cattle, Watana; Greven Image,
Widdeifier; Mostly Sally, Wode-
house; Trail of the Conestoga, Dun-
ham; Hansen, Bridle; Red Pepper
Burns, Richmond, Mrs. Red Pepper,
Richmond; Red Pepper's Patients,
Richmond; Round the Corner in
Gay Street, .Richmond; Tempera-
mental People, Rinehart: The Pas-
sionate Qttest, Oppenitims Her
Father's Daughter, ,Porteto Michael
DR. H. liUGH ROSS, , PI:widen •
and Surgeon Late ,of; London Hos.
pital,- London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid-
ence ,behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106.
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich 'street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron, Tele-
phone No. 40.
CYHaBoran, Porter; Laddie, Porter;
A Girl of -the Limberlost, Porter; A
Daughter of the Land, Porter; Sister
Sue. Porter; The Mils* 1Zevetigo,
Cody; Corporal Canieron, Connor;
Ras of St. Stephen's, Keith; The
Coming of Autos, Locke; The Vik-
ing Heart, Salverson; ''Phe Setons,
Douglas; Timber, Tittist. Arrow-
smith, Lewis; Lorna Doone, ,Black -
Juvenile -Pollyanna, Porter; Polly-
anna Grows Up, Porter; Rilia of
Ingleside, Afoirtgorniry; Anne's House
of Dreams, Montgomery, Anne
of the Island, Montgomery;sPolly of
the Hospital Staff, David; Polly of
Lady Gay Cottage, -David; Miss
P,illy's :Decisions, Porter; Man From
Glengarry, Connor; Sceated,
Harboroughs Little Men, Alcoa;
Little Women, Alcott; Good Wives,
Alcoa; Jo's Boys, Alcoa; Prudence
Say$ So, Hueston; Predence of the
Parsonage, Hueston; Treasure Is-
land, Stevenson; Toni Brown at Ox-
ford, Hughes; Tom B1'01/1,115 School
Days, Hughes; The Young Forester,
Grey; The :Lost Flamingoes, Hart-
ley; Hustler .Toe, Porter; Strawberry
Acres, Richmond; Tales You Won't
Believe, Porter.
Notf-Fiction---How lo Swirp,Keller-
mann; The Small House, How to
Plan and Build 11. Brin-ckloe,
W-orm Powders were de-
vised to promptly relieve children
who suffer lrom the ravages of
worms, It is a slim Is preparation to
destroy stomachic and intestinal
worms without shock or injury to
the most sensitive system. They ea
thoroughly and painlessly, arid thdugh
in some cases th. y May cause vomit-
ing, that is an indication of their
powerful action and nnt of any nause-
ating property.
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling out of your face.
Say "Boncilla Faded" to
your barber and come up
graffing with a new appear-
ance of vim and fitness. Be
one of the "million a week.'
9 S
(Just Around the Corner)
ii,o4pert W. Service's
famous novel
The •!'ough eek
picturized with
and a great supportinn cast
Another Service drama "The Shooting of Dan
McGrew" will be shown also shortly.
Be sure you see these
MON., tUES.,and WED.
Thomas Meigha
e 'ing Thr tui:h
DR. C. MACKAY.-C Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univera-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons Of
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER.-Eys, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic 'and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. Act
Commercial Hotel, Seaf ort h.
third Monday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone 267i
DR. j. A. MUNN
SuccesS'or to Dr. R. R. Ross, Gradu-
ate of N. rthwestern University, mi.
cago. Ill. Licentiate Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office
over Sills' hardware, Main street, Sea -i
forth, Phone 151,
General Fire,' Life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing,Machinos
James Watson
North Main Si. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
James Connolly, Goderich; Alex,
James Evans, BeechWood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seafortk,
Sec, -Treasurer.
Rini, No. 2, Seaforth; jobs
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwein Clintoni
James Conolly, Goderich ;
• ;Alex.
Broadfoot, 'No. 3, Seaforth; J. G,
Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrisi
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3r
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex. Leitch, R,R. 1, Clinton; E.
I Hinchley. Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
I.R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo,
Hrilmesville; R. G. Jartnotith, Born -
Imam James Kerr and John Goven-
lorc auditors,
l'artles desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other kusiness will be
promptly attended to bp application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
11 !'rOW
Yi)ar Old
earpeits Away
Theyinlice new raver •
able "VelveteX"Aings
Send for Folvetex Folder .1
Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh
phone 17S, Seaforth,
a ,
At Abernart's Drug
With the Fingers I I
Says Corns Lift 6nt.
Without Any- Pain
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
ny kind of a corn eau ahortly be
,ieted right out with the fingers If you
telli apply directly upon the corn a few
drops of free2gine, says so Cincinnati
authority, • •
It is claimed that at small cost one
0110g.et a quarter of an ounce of frees -
0110 at any drug store, which le ad&
clout to rid, one's; feet of every cora
or callus without pain or soreness or
the danger of infection.
This new drug is ap ether oompound,
and while stleisy, dries the moment it
isrraitapptleiellheansuddrrootetsminiztotgitnifismamec or oeveu
ft This announcement will interest
many women here, for it is said that
the present high -heel footwear is put-
ting corns on praeucany everz
wonean's feet, 0 •