HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-06-11, Page 5SERVE ONE OF OUR -
for "dinner tonight and make a
hungry man happy. He knows
that when he gets a generous
slice of our roast beef, with pota-
toes and some green vegetables,
he won't get up from the table
Your .Butcher - Seaforth
A. D. Sutherland's
Life, Fire, Accident, Auto, Plate
Glass, Wind, etc..
Special Wind Policy
Reasonable Rates.
No Premium Note
Our Auto Insurance- Policies
will protect you.
Office over Walker's Furniture store
opPo'site Dominion Bank.
p m ®wna*em..os it.®nn®an n.MIMIZOO
11 • Town T'6piCs i �.
Grain, Salt, Flour • .�,�,,� ®m®�•npI
. .1.
and Feed
Best Pastry and Baking Brands of',
FEEDS. Bran, shorts, white midd-
lings, ground screenings, oil
xnealuannd• tankage,
SALT. Cattle alt, Dairy Salt,
Poultry feeds of all kinds.
Highest rnarkct prices paid for oats,.
barley and wheat.
Phone 77 Seaforth
V. J. Walker 8 Sen
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
b y
Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community.
Send or • deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re-
turns.. This is your Creamery.
Your satisfaction means our success.
Highest prices paid for good'.cream, consistent with accurate
and careful weighing and testing.
Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same.
Seaforth Creamery Co.Seaforth, Out,
Invitations end announcements. for
the June wedding can he secured at
the News Office.
Mrs. 'Y. Courter is visitingfriends
nu t.atgat'y, Fuca,
Mrs. .j onu Taylor underwent a seri-
ous opela'tign at tne,hosprtal.
Dr. Montt, of J:'ort L"oiborne, was
a week-eno guest at lbe Manse.
Mrs, J. S. Se Roberts, of 'Oshawa,
called on 'friends in town. •
Miss IIeletl Larkin has returned
ftbm Toronto to spend the vacation
with her +parents, Dr. and Mrs. F.
Mr, and IMrs, T. Elder are spend-
ing some weeks m• Bay$eld.
Miss Cuthfbl spent a few days with
friends in Brussels.
Mr. Clifford Hunt, of London,
spent the .week -end at his hone in
Mrs. Bert Muir is in St. Joseph's
hospital, London , taking treatment
for rheumatism.
Mrs, S. Boyd and 'Mit. H. J. Gibson
have returned from spending some
weeks in Niagara Palls and Stratford.
Miss Gertrude Cardno, Milverton,
spent the week -end at her "hoose here.
Miss Kate Broaadfaot is visiting
relatives in 'Guelph,
Rev, Dr. Larkin and Mr, R. P.
Bell are in Toronto attending the
General Assembly of the continuing
„Presbyterian church.
M. Leslie Scolh London, p t
the spent
week -end with his family.
Mr, Andrew Scott, of Brucefield,
who has been ill for the past two
years, has recovered sufficiently to
come to Seaforth and 'call on his
nenhew, Mr. John 'Beattie.
,Mises H. I..Graham is in Toronto
this week attending the General Conn-
eil of the .W'orsen's Missionary Soc-
iety ni the Presbyterian church.
M. and Mrs. 'Rob'ert Ritchie visit-
ed Mr, and Mrs. Robert Troquair, a
cousin :of Mrs. Ritchi', in Hensall on
Sunday. -
Mis"ses Grace and Hazel Hulley at-
tended the moonlight excursion in
Goderich on Monday.
Mr. Edward Archibald, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Andrew Archibald, has gone
to Worcester, Masa., to spend the
summer in acturial work.
'errs. Wellington Johnston, of
Varna, spent a few days with her
sister, Mrs, R. S. Evans.
Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Lockhart : and
family, Mrs. J. F. I(atzenncyer and
r -New
Ilam -
Dr H 14. I(atzenmeye ,
burg were Sunday guests of Mr. and'
Mrs.- George Seip.
,Miss Norma Muir is spending a
few days in Detroit,
• Miss Alice Knechtcl is confined to
'her home through illness,
Miss Celia Horan, of Wingham,
spent the week -end at her hone here.
Mrs, C. Dungey and daughter Jean
have returned from visiting friends
in London.
Rev. R, Fulton Irwin is lin Toron-
to this week attending the United
'Mrs. Oscar Neil is spending a
few days in Detroit,
Mrs, MacDonell and children who
have been 'spending some weeks
with her parents,, Mr. and llrs, John
Robb, deft this week for. Fargo, N.,1.,
where the family will resade.
Mr. and +Mrs. Frank 'Lee and chil-
dren, of Thorndale, and .Mrs Easter -
brook and Miss Phemia, of Exeter,
were Sunday guests :of Mr. and Mrs.
J, Quail,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sparks and Lorne
spent the week -end in Bayfield.
Messrs. Lorne Matthews and Geo.
Monroe are in Detroit this. week.
Mr. and Mrs. !Haight, of Union,
were week -end guests of Mr.. and
Mrs. John MacTavish.
Miss Sparks spent Sunday at..her
home in Stratford.
Mr. James Hays was in Goderich
Mr. Chas. Sills, Postmaster,- went
to 'Detroit Tuesday on the Grey-
hound- excursion.
Quite a number went to Goderich
tltonday night for the excursion.
Several went 'to Detroit on Tuesday
on the .Greyhound.
Mrs. 'McMicl'tael, James street, hal
returned after spending a month in
Cleveland with her soli.
Mr, Will Hays• who spent his
holidays With iris parents, Mr, and
Jas. Hays, left for Detroit on the.
Mr. Archie Hays left on Tuesday
for Toronto and will spend the sum -
neer on one :of the St. Lawrence
Mr. Ted ,Merner left last week for
Port McNichol where he will join
ode of the C. P.. R. steamers for the
,Mr.' Wm, Greig de[tt on Tuesday
to take charge of a scout 'camp of
140 'bogs et Pine Crest, Muskoka; for
the suminer.
Mr. D. G. Ross, of Druid, Sask.,
•was the guest last week at the home
Of Vt. and 'Mrs. 'Ade.. McNabb,
North ;Mato Street Mr. Rosscalve
east to attend the General Assembly'
e'Preslbytterian church at 'To -
Miss Gerhart, of Toronto is visit-
ing Miss Nan Camp'bele.
Mrs.: Leslie,'Mtellen is visiting rela-
tives an Toronto.
Mrs. James l(err is visiting frim ds
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert &erica 'are
moving into Mrs. Robert Willis'
Among those 'Who were 'here lor'the
funeral of Miss Blanche 'Cooper on
Wednesday afternoon last were 'Mi'ss
Cooper, Toronto ; -:Mrs. Wm.
Kemp :and Messrs. Geo. and'Thos.
K.eine, Mrtchelle 'Mrs IF, A. 'and Har-
vey Hanllbly 'and Miss Vera Haneb1y.
Staffs; lir. Robinson and Me. and
Mrs. James N. Campbell, Weltott.
Mrs, Walther and Mrs., Manson
were SPrietfbtd visitors' on Monday.
'and r%fireton nds..10Hen
lvisite dMr,
Mrsrs; •'Sp
Hen -
sale on Sunday
Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. l4oIils, adcotnpan
Dr. Ds H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,.
onday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of all
kinds success-
At all prices to meet your needs
40, 50 and 75c
Get your supply of Pineapples for
.. good Junior football game was.
played here on 'Ialesday night btween
Winthrop and St.' Columban, when
our boys won by 1-0. !Mr, Moylan, of
St. Columban, was referee.
The L'a'dies' ibid and 'W. M. S. meet
ng held at the home of Mrs: R. Mc-
Clure last Thursday afttrncon was
well attended. The meeting opened
by dinging a hymn and all repeating
the beatitudes Mrs A. Cuthill pre-
sided. The Scripture lesson was read
by firs, R. Beattie, 'followed Ibyt.
senger +Prayer by Mrs.,J.
Mrs. Allen Ross gave a splendid re-
port of the convention :'held in Lon-
don in May, M^s, Ross 'being a dele-
gate. topic to is of Formosa was give
en .63^ Miss B. Bilandhard and was
very Interesting. The meeting closed
by all repeating the Lord's prayer. A
few hours 'before the meeting opened
Was spent in quilting. '
Sacrament if the Lord's Supper was
held in Cavan chards last Sabbath,
Mrs. ]:Iaist and Miss Velma 'Heist' be-
came members of the church..
Mrs. Churdhill and dhildren Lorne
and Jean of Cleveland, are visiting.
Mr. and lens. James Campbell.
Mrs, J. H. Morrison spent a few
days en Toronto lasts ywee Mrs's Vera
Miss Mary ,
Armstneng and Mr. Duck Armstrong.
of Blyth, cabled on Mr. arid Mrs. F.
Bullard on Sunday.
The 'football game between Kin-
burn and •Wintlieop held. here last
Friday evening, was fairly 'well at-
tended. The score 'was 2 -1 -'for Kin -
burn, We expected Kin'burn to ,wins
by a .higher score, and we feel as if
it •.wastn't 'for the McKillop boys .on
the Kiinburn team, Polley 'wouldn''t be
in it at all. Don't forget tthe'g'anee he
I(m'bttro Friday night Ibebweetr Tfack
ersmitllt and I(in+burn as the game fu
Seaeorth was a tie 2-2. e It pro is
arsmt es
'ho be a good 'ga'me. W
tlh da+s taken in snore territory
and ate 'gettwg a'pltuYer'from a ,great
distan'ce+for in•Gday nih'L'5 gal le. We
are q'ui'te confidhu't ttlial, Kinibeen will
win :out.
Seaforth Phone 63
Want, and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50e.
E. W. Bateman'
Tailor Gentlemen's
Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction
Reasonable Prices
Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store.
ied.by Mr. and Mrs. Alex. llroadfoot,
visited in London and Delaware on
Mr R. Frost ,has been at Denfield
the Past two weeks working on a
Plisses Lucy Eckert and Marie
Eckert left Tuesday morning 'on
Greyhound to visit friends .ln Detroit,
Lieut. e
Capt. Bunn and o
were in London last Thursday eand
Friday attending couttei'Is on Salva-
tion Army work.
IvIese Clarke, London, and Capt.
Clarke, Clinton, are visiting at the
Salvation Army.
,The many friends of Mrs. Wni.
Ooedlough will be pleased to know
she is somewhat improved.
Mrs.'1\1. McNaughton left 'last Sat-
urday for an extended trip 'to.Van-
couver I'sl'and and Portland, Oregon,
Her many friends wish"Mier 'a pleas-
ant trip and holiday.
Miss Violet McClymout has return-
ed after spending a few days with
friends in Loddon.
iMr, Will Johnston, of Flint, Mich.,
is renewing acquaintances he our
vicinity. •
The little helpers met at the home
of Mrs, J. Beatty last Saturday,
+lir. Richardson's 'sawmill is now in
full operation on Mr. Webster's •farrn
east of the village. e.
Several from our di•stre•
et took in
the moonlight on the Lake Monday
evening and report a large crowd.
The Messrs.. McNaughton of Kitch-
ener, spent Clem week -end in and
around our burg.
Rev. Ivir. Durant was taken' sudden-
ly ill on Saturday. After securing
the timely cies of a doctor and Nurse
McLeod of, Bayfield, we are pleased
t0 report at the time of writing the
reverend geitlelilan is much im-
Mr. and u' 0's, Wilson i1IcAsh, of
London, spent the week -end in Varna.
The first Union League aneeting
was held Friday evening in the Pres-
byterian church, Rev. Mr. Durant
•took the topic.
Miss •Mabel Pilgrim has secured a
position at Strathroy.
Mr. Chuter is busy these days paint-
ing 'the Standard Bank building.
Mrs. John Rathwell took in 'tile
excursion on the Greyhound 'Tuesday
morning to Detroit.
'M'i'ss Logan spent a fewdays in
London last week.
A little baby boy arrived at the
home .of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rat'hwell,
Goderich township.
Mr, John Rathwell is busy superin-
tending the Widening of -4th• con. road
Mrs. McAsh, of Exeter, spent the
week -end with friends here.
Mr, Thos. McMillan, of Hallett,
called on some of his friend's here
Mdnday last.
- Mr. Perry, of Bayfield, spent Sun-
day in Varna. , .
Owing to the upness of the pastor,
Mr. Harnwe1l took the service Sun -
clay evening.
Only +the o1 niuformed endure'.idle
.agony of earns. ' The 1619014 -Ones
apply 'He lt0Wtty's- Cor n'Rebererea'tid
get relief,,
foot span :with very narrow roadway
and approach. We recommend a new
,dcuerete culvert either 20 'or 25 feet
and 66 1 set long, to replace present
bridge, a very deep fill to widen ap-
proadhes and erect new guard fence
of ,posts and cable. -.(Inn committee
this.elausd wa.s left out). Recommend
u11 expencleture of about $150 on wid-
ening PP'
nn approach at Galbralths. arch
culvert and new guard ,fence on ap-
proaches. A new concrete bridge for
Lindsay's bridge, which is falling
down, ,rand 35. Recommend a new
culvert to replace present Tunnbull's
bridge, The 'present retaining 'wall
on south side of bridge should be
built higher to allow a wider fill. 'to
widen road and a new guard - fence
on top of retaining wall. That Walk-
er municipal drain opposite Harry
Hamilton's be moved off road allow-
ance or at least to fence line,
The Whiskey bridge at Grand
Bend on road No. 4 is in good shape
but has a narrow roadway. We
recommend to widen the bridge . 10
feet, ,u -raking a 24 foot roadway
with a four foot cantilever footpath
on west side. Recommend that
Brown's bridge, road No. 33, which
has a narrow roadway 12ee foot, with
deep, dangerous drain 10 rods along
the road, be .widened and if ow -
sidle "drain be taken elf the road.
Recommend a 12 foot extension to
boiler culvert, e t lvert road
No.4,and drain
moved bark closer to fence. Recom-
mend t11at county road snperintend-
ett interview Owners of Stanlake and
Cain's gravel pits in Usborne and see
if they would sell to the county
Kipper culvert on London road
falling down. We recommend build-
ing of a nen' arch culvert 5 It. span.
;(one; hill on county Toad in W.
\V'awanosh, road narrow with narrow
culvert in valley ,between hills. \Ve
recommend some repair to this par-
ticular section of road. Re Prairie
road. The new fill of last year a.ish-
ed away, considerably undermining
the new guard fence. The road has
been Putt in repair this spring at a
cost of approximately $800. \Ve
recommend new guard fence from
bridge to Scott at,ibn county road.
Road No. 31, Turnberry, Hogg's
bridge. Bad place for snow. Recom-
mend to try and make arrange-
ments to •Nave rail fence replaced
with wire through the hill cut. Also
.recommend that on road 31 grade be
widened and underbrus'hed through
Walker's Cameron's, l;alfour's and
Black's swamps. At Wroxeter on
county road at mill dam road al-
lowance under sidewalk being tnlder-
mined. Recommendedthat the ttHee
the roadway at the dam. Sink hole on
county road .t ¢
• t 'Lok let wl exten-
sive epair • were made last year.
There was 9hen we were there, three
or four rods of this road under water.
Churchill's bridge, 17/ ft. span, 14
ft. roadway. Recommend widening
bridge to 28 ft. and widening ap-
proaches, Londesboro bridge. Recom-
Inend that abutments be pointed and
new guard 'fence be erected on ap-
proaches. Zurich and Hensel' road,
The swamp areas need underbrustiing
and widening of grade. ,
Egntotdville ,bridge. Recommend
that- $100 be spent on abutment and
guard fence of approaches On south
'Grievers 'brid'ge, road No. 12. Rec-
ommend that a new floor be hid 10
ft, wide lengthwise of to of old
floor and that danger signs be placed
on bridge and at end of approaches
to this bridge. Recommend that road
superintendent ,.buy,a carload 'of Mc-
Crackell sewer pipe, assorted sizes for
culvert purposes. Recommend widen-
ing -of grade on road 13 for lye miles
from Provincial Hi+ghwayr This is
now completed. We instrudted road
superintendent to purchase' one Sa'w-
yer Massey No. 4 graader, credit an
reettrned scraper to apply on ,pur-
chase .price, which is $100.
Re cou•mty boundary account . 'be-
tween Huron and Perth of $1,256.37
pipe culvert 4 Iby 20 'feet. due .Huron on expenditures made by
Gulilyhridge, This Istruottire is 751k -iron in 1924e the instructed our
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50e.
• Mr. W. Ca
Galbraith and daughter,
'Miss Ida, ofMoosomin, Sask.,, spent
a few days at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. \V, H. Stevens, on George
(Continued from Page 4.)
further back to give better view of
the road. If all this work cannot
be dune, this part at least should be
done. We recommend widening the
approach •t0 Har•nter's bridge :on side
next Ito Bayfield. Recommend re
placicg Burke's pipe culvert with 3 by
ft. concrete culvert 31 feet .long,
Recommend 18 foot extension to
We carry the Westinghouse
Radiola II►.A
with Music Master Loud Speaker
The most satisfactory set at theimost reasonable prices.
Call and see them.
o 413
Electrical Supplies
road superintendent to communicate
with County Clerk Armstrong de -
manning payment. Re two bridges
on road 4 on Walker Municipal
both have narrow roadways and are
dangerous for ,travel owing to being
so .near Grand Bend. Recommend
that these' bridges be widened to regu-
lation width. Re bridge, ?had 12,
south of Jamestown, recommend
that this 'bridge be lowered to road
level, also recommend the: bridge dp-
posite Brussels and Morris and 8-
foot span be rebuilt with a light
concrete wall inside stone abutments
and extended to 30 foot roadway. Re
bridgeon Blyth county road that a
concrete footing be built on south.
abutment and that abutment be
pointed and new guard_ fence added
on both approaches, Re approaches
ori bridge at Benmilter milldam, We
rec'ommend that approaches be wid-
ened and a new guard rail fence be
erected, Road No. 16 is narrow and
irregular. Recommend widening and
resurfacing 11'l miles, also that cor-
rurgated pipe culvert he extended to
the regulation width of -the road.
Allsworth's culvert in bad condi-
tlnia -be .Recommend thatbait. Re o n
this year.
Other expenditures Machinery
$4,500; superintendence $4,500; snow
roads $6;000; repair of bridges, $6,-
000; weeds $8,000; grading, $7450;
dragging 70,000; repair of culverts,
$1,000; calcium chloride $3,500;
bridge construction $19,050; special
grants $10,000; resurfacing, $94,520;
total estimate of expenditures $166,-
020. Receipts—Balance an hand $17,-
17;000; levy for 1925 at 2 milts, $85,000;
anTici'pated grant for 1925 $78,000;
total $150,000 We recommend that it
will take a county road rate of 2
mills on 'the dollar of theequalizedas-
sessment of the county to meet
above road expenditures. In com-
mittee lir. Hays moved, seconded by
Mr. Geiger. that the rate be 114 mills.
Seven voted fur .the amendment and
22 for the report, which carried,
making the road rate '2 mills, The
council convened in the evening on
Wednesday and the ,changes in the
Good Roads system were taken 115.
Finest Nursery Stock
r �
Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc.
List- on :request.
449 River Road,
Jos. C. Thompson
Best Brands of Gas, Oil, Grease,
Coal Oil, Etc., Etc. •
Complete Stock of Tires, Tubes, Bat-
teries and Accessories of all kinds.
Batteries Charged.
Cars for. Hire.
Cars Stored and Washed
Prompt Service by Courteous
Attendants, •
All kinds of repairs made by experts
—Satisfation guaranteed and charges
J. C. Thompson
Day Phone 155W; Night Calls 139r11
Be sure you get !Fire.
stone gum edropped
cords. Cost no more
than ordinary tins..
Also our new imperial
rubber case battery gu-
aranteed for one year.
We do all kindsof automobile repair
work. All work guaranteed.
Automatic Air Service Day or Night.
Phone 17.
The ecial Milverton
We Have it—Give it a Trial, Also.
Ground Screenings Chop of ,A11 Kinds
Your Pinto Needs
If you are in need of Tires, give us a ea,
Ii you ere b need Of tttw ba t$'y, cc fangi batttpfy 10.
Ike_ see>
A. complete line of most called for parts of various cars.
Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto
repairing our specialties.
Have you seen
Chrysler 51e1 Cars?
11 and h
Maxwell 'd
New Good Y
ler' '°5
ell rh'45 (araee
PHONE 167W. '