HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-06-11, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 47.
MARSflNtAL9.OtiVS, Special
45c 1b.
5 Different Flavors. See Window Display.
Try Our Eskimo Pies.
Theill lyia
Confectionery and Restaurant
a "xystem
A Simple Self -Working Plan Save
You Money on Every Cash Purchase
On Saturday, June 6th, we are introducing a
permanent new system of CASH DISCOUNTS.
For each and every 25c ou spend in this store,
on and after that date, until further notice, you
will receive a CASH DISCOUNT BOND,
You can then use these BONDS in this store
just the same as money. We will redeem them,
at their full face value -at any time -in any num-
ber -on. any purchase.
These BONDS mean an additional Discount on
prices that always represent the highest values
obtainable in quality of goods, and of service:
There are no strings -no conditions. Just make
sure you get your BONDS -then cash them here
whenever you are making purchases,
No thrifty buyer can afford to overlook
the worth -while savings these bonds offer°
tch son
Ladies Pt'd leather with new
Buckle $4.00
Light Tan with buckle 4.00
A new pt'd Laeather with
Cuban heel for $5.00
White kid Gorr effect $5.00
Special bargains in Ladies' Kid
1 strap slippers, reg. $5, 144
FrerLW Wigg
The North Side Church, -Sabbath
services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school 10 a:m. Pastor, Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin.
Next Sunday morning the official
service of the United Church. 'will
take place in 'which the Unionists
of both churches will take part.
Mr. Thos, Johnseen made a ,busi-
nesto last sk.
.trGeorge Welsh called roa friends•i
Stratford this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckertaccompan-
ied y their iron Joseph en'd'their'dau
ghter Miss Lucy and Mrs. L. Brale
and her dau'gh'ter Mary paid ns a
flying visit last Sunday.
Quite a number of t{ir young peo-
pie motored to Goderich last Monday
evening to take in 'elle moonlight .ex-
Amendment to Marriage Act.
In addition to the affidavit made -by
one of the parties to the intended
marriage who makes the application
for a .marriage license, 'there Shall ge
produced and filed with the issuer a
copy of the registration of 'birth of
the 'other panty to the 'marriage, cer-
tified by the registrar -general or oth-
er proper 'officer in this behalf, or an
affidavit made by such other party to
the marriage or by-r'ome person be-
ing a .member of his er her family
and :having personal knowledge of
the 'facts seating, the cage, date and
place of 'liirth of such other party,
and the affidavit shall be 'n such form
as may 'be 'prescribed :by the Provin-
cial secretary, etar
also o n
nge shahs
be solemnized within
after the date of the --mart agee e license
This 'comes into effect June 13, 1925.
Paying a corn is both risky 'and h ..
effective. It is 'much better to use
.Hollowayes Corn Remover rand' era-
dicate 'them entirely,
A quit .but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the Manse. of the Eg-
mondville church . en Wednesday
evening, June 10th, when Sara'bel,,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Dailey; Goderich street west,
became the bride of Mr. Wilbert
Webster. Rev, W, D. McDonald
officiated. • The 'bride wore a beauei-
ful 'gown -of pink crepe and radium
lace and earned a bouquet of sweet
heart roses and lily of the valley.
The couple were unattended. After
the tcerem'ony 'the happy couple mo-
tored to 'the home of the 'bride's
sister, Mrs, S. Oeklinore, of U'sborne,
where a daint luncheon was' :served,
Mr. end Mrs, James D. Gemmell
announce the engagement of their
only daughter, Jessie Irene, to George
F. Handley, London, the marriage to
take place' the Utter part of June.
The town council annet on Monday
evening in the town hall. Motion,
Turnbull -Beattie, that .we authorize
the Clerk to .forward $W for ad in
Municipal Canada. •Beattie -Parke,
that the coffer of Michael',Coyne of
$20 for water tank be accepted as we
have no further need .for the tank.
Council then adjourned to meet alt the
call of the Mayor, t
The finance committee reported as
follows: Wm. Gillespie $60; Jne, A.
Wits -on, $75; John Knight $65; Geo.
Lowery $11.15; T. E. O'Reilly Ltd.,
$498; Geo. A, Sills & Sons, $4.25;
C.N. Rys„ $3.94 E. J. Box, $100.81.;
Thompson's Bookstore, $4.10; Can.
Nat. Express Co., 65c; Township of
.Tuckersmith, stone (1924) $249
Mitchell Nursery & Floral Co., $10;
Bell Tel Co, $2.06; Workmen's Com-
pensation Board, $119,20; H. Hawley,
$93,57; J. H. Smith & Son, $5.75;
Geo. B. Eberhert, $232.50; Jas. V.
Ryan, $68.25; E. Chittenden, $32.40,;.
S. Allen, $7.
For a young society, the Lions
sprang into the arena on. Thursday
last With an ofianization' of steady
workers that would dg credit to vet-
erians, arid the public showed by
their support, they appreciate the
work being done 'by the Lions.
During the day the Olympia, which
had been placed generously in the
hands of the Lions for the day, was
the 'centre of attraction, where their
celebrated home made confectionery
was dispensed. In the evening din-
ner -was served to about 400 guests.
It was a revelation to many of 'the
Lions wives to se's 'how expert'
their husbands were in waiting on
tables and how deftly they handled
the dishes. These men are now
finding it difficult •to live clown 'this
reputation at their homes as no
longer are they able to plead ignor-
arice as' of old in handling,dishes, etc.
13y eight o'clock when the Band
concert 'started the town and park
were filled with visitors from the
surrounding country and the -booth
on the grounds was patronized so
freely that it rah short of supplies
before 10 'o'clock. The programme
given by the Band was of its usual
high order and the members are
playing this year better than ever
under the able leadership of Mr. Win.
Freeman. The following lis a list of
the selections: 1. March, "Enter-
prise." 2. Address, Mayor Golding.
3. Fantasia, "Bonnie 'Scotland." 4.
'Overture, "Princess of India." 5. Sel-
ection, "Offen•bac'hiana" from Offen-
bach operas. 6. Overture, "From
Dawn to Twilight" 7. Waltz, "Im-
passioned Dream." 8. Selection,
'Songs from the OM Folks." 9.
March, "Artillery." Cod Save the
The Mayor in his ,speech spoke
'highly of ;the work being .clone . by
,the Lions. The local club was a
real asset to 'the community and he
bespoke the continued co-operation
in their .projects.
At 9.30 dancing in the G. W. V. A.
fine club room started and continued
until 1.30 a.m. The music was sup
plied by the Crescent Five 'orchestra,
whose playing was enjoyed by the
crowd present.
'The Lions are greatly pleased .with
the 'result 'of their first public ap-
peal to 'the community, and as they
are contemplating further work for
the improvement of Sea'forthl they,
will, no doubt, receive again the
hearty co-operattion of all. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $185 clear of ex-
penses, -
An .opportunity 'has arisen where-
by mien: and boys of this locality,
who ere physically fit, can prove
themselves to Inc'real Bons in spirit
even if they are not members; of
the Lions Club. The Lions Club
have engaged in an effort to benefit
this community as a• whole, not any
'particu'lar individual, up be 'the pres-
ent juncture. And in cdnnectionwith
the swimming pond, as work pro-
ceeded, it was learned • that In order
to have a permanent succese of 'the
undertaking, it is advisable) to re-
move great quantities of accurnud-
ated earth -wash from the quarry
bed, 'build additional stone wall, and
do 'other necessary work to obtain a
e eto.
' thereto.
' side-wall
m and
proper bottom p p
In ''order to accomplish this at the
least' possible 'outlay of money, it
has 'been decided to hold a free-for-
all, 'ol'd.time working bee this Friday
and a'Sturd'ay afternoons. Everybody
who can drive a 'team of •horses, use
a shovel, swing a pick or 'Mt a heavy
stone, is invited' to take a hand in
elle work. If you live on a farm,
come •with your team and a wagon
and you well lee most welcome. If
you have d'arege s'tonesabout the
place and bring a wagon load of
them, you will be a real hero. Al-
ready persons have gladly promised
to come with teams and .wagons, but
more men and more teams are
wanted, 'Perrot s 'front town who will
come with shovel's to help fill the
wagons to capacity will be hale fel-
lows well met Every lion wdto can
possibly :spare he time is expected
to be on the jou, . Persons who are
not members o` the Club 'have a
chance to experience on Friday 'or
and Saturday afternoons. Everybody
practical Lionissp really 'signifies, By
all means come and ,take a band in
this, importantWork. The 'little you
think you can do may be '•far-
rea'ching. It at least: will be rendering
service to a 'cause Which this com-
munity in a very short time will
greatly appreciate.
And any person who wishes to •en
rich this garden soil or improve, !his
lawn ;grass should arrange to procure
a few loads of earth 'dep'osi't from the
quarry bed. It is :excellent and will
cat you no more than it costs you
to haul it.
Lions' Officees.
The following 'oflicers were elected
on Tuesday evening: President, R. M.
Jones; vice president, W. j, Duncan;
secretary, W G. Spencer; treasurer,
J. M. McMillan; dirootors, Do. C.
Mackay, J. 'Macrevish, J. Best J. G.
Mullen and A. D. Sutherland.
Tuesday evenin•�jkc•''s League meeting
was in charge of t le Missionary dept.,
The ellen being to en by Miss Gladys
Holland. The Scripture 'lesson WAS
recited by Miss Hilda •Batchello.r. A
reading was g'iveri by Miss Doreen
Hudson, and e piano duet by Mies
Eleanor Burrows and Mies Margaret
Cardno. The subject for -the evetii'ug
was "Volunteer. Missionaries of East-
ern, Canada, Newfoundland, and Ber-
muda." The first address,'"Early Con-
ditions.in Eastern Canada," was given
by iMi'ss Margaret Ashton. Fallowing
this, four of the early missionaries
were im'persona'ted and sketches of
their lives given. The pioneer mis-
sionaries were Rev. Lawrence Cough-
lan,'taken by Mr. Lawrence Webster;
Rev. Wm, Black, taken by Mr. Will
Black; Rev. Thos. Cooke, taken -by
Mr, Murray Savaugc; and Rev. Free.
born Garrettson, taken by Mr. Keith
Webster. The closing address, "Our
Heritage and Service," was given by
Miss Dorothy Keret. After this all
enraged in a co'nteat.
Next Tuesday etlening, our society
and Egmondville Y. P. S, well enter-
tain the Young Peoples .Federation
of Central United Church, Stratford,
who will supply the eveninrg's pro-
gratume, The evening will be spent
in the echao1 room of, 'North Sirle
United Church.
St. Columban Intermediates ' rather
surprised foo'tba'll fans by holding the
Iluronis of Tuekersmitb to a°tie, the
,ganre ending 0-0. Both team's worked
hard for the decision. St. Colum'ben
proved to be a bit wild when kicking
on the goal, but their goalkeeper
was .success'fu'l in 'stopping •dangerous
shots by Seafort'ln. The line up was:
St, Columban- Goal Carlin; backs,
Stapleton and McIver; half backs,
Dolmage, Bremer and Doyle; for-
wards, Moylan, Lane, Coyne, Morris
and Malone. Seaforth--Goal, Kers-
lake; backs, .Allan and Reid; half
'backs, McMillan, Nicholson ,,and
Landsborough; forwards, Fitzgerald,
Dale, Wright, :McCartney and Aiken -
Mr. P. F'fnnery and daughter Miss
Marie 'Flannery, were Toronto visit-
ors over the week -end.
Miss Geraldine O'Connor is spend-
ing a week visiting Toronto friends: •
Messrs. John Devereaux, Wm.
Devereaux, P. McGrath and Peter
O'Sullivan 'motored to Toronto last
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Kate Gallagher, 'trained nurse
of London, spent few days at Mr.
and Mrs. John Delaney's last week.
Four .au'tomobi'le loads of young
people motored to 'Goderich on Mon
day evening and took in the moon-
light ht excursion on the 'Greyhound.
They report having a nice time.
In a well played 'game of football
in' the Intermediate series St. Colum
ban Shamrocks 'held the Tuckersmith'
Hurons to 0-0 score. This game was
played on _ the Recreation' ':grounds,
Seaforth and came as a surprise to
the Huron's as the St. Oolumban
team was 'considered by them easy
picking.' Well done, boys, keep tip the
good 'work end you Will put a crimp
in some of their aspirations.
St. Colu'mhan Juniors and Win-
throp Juniors met in Winthrop on
Tuesday evening in a game of the
Junior aeries. Winthrop boys won,
the score being 1-0 in favor of Win-
throp. Rumor 'has it ithat a St. Col-
umban player scored the goal for
Winthrop. We wish our lads were
'1 acorirn
in g
' so liberalR'
they are n''ot'scoring for themselves.
Better luck, we hope, fie next time.
Remember Goderich Races.
Wednesday, June 17th. $1,100 in
Purses. Big Entry List.
ISSUE No, 23.
u�1p rift tare
Genuine Orange` Blossom Rings'
d., f Groom
We are often asked by prospective bridegrooms for suggestions for
the gifts they shall purchase for their wedding. Below are a few
Wedding Ring, p'l'ain $5.00 tvp
Fancy Wedding Ring $7.00 -u.0p
Orange Blossom Wedding Ring - 12.00
Forget -Me -Not Wedding Ring, ..., , $$12.00 up
Rope of Pearls $10;00 tip
Diamond Bar Pin ° $12.00 up
Wrist Watch $lOAO nip
Fancy Oval or Oetagon shape small
Wrist Watch
Wes have 'fancy Diamond Iveountings
OrangeBlossom and Forget -Me -Not
June !
The Wedding
Fancy Gold Cuff Links' $2,00' up
Solid Gold Tie pin $2.00 up
hversltarp pencil $1.50 up
Waldemar Chain $2.50 up
Vestermen Fountain Pen $2,50 up
Gold Bar Pin ,,: $5.00 up
Pearl Choker $2.50 up
$18.00 p Silver •Bae Pin - $1,50 up
to match Fancy White Gold Marquis Ring $4.00 up
Wedding Fancy China Pieces_ All prices
Fancy Pieces of Silver All prices
Oppoeite Post Office
• uge
and Optomerrist
Phones 194.
Everyone has been complaining
about the intense heat this past
Mrs. Taylor underwent a serious
operation in the 'Seaforth hospital
last week but she is doing fine and
we hope she will continue to do so.
Mr, Alex. Simpson, of London,
spent the week -end et his home em
the 7th concession,
Miss Mary .Doig, Etta and Bill
Taylor visited Lorine and Bill. Bell
on Sunday last.
Mr, end Mrs. Thomas Hodgert
and family spent:* Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Martin.
Mr, Leonard Gerrard who has
been working with Mr. Peter Simp-
son, spent the week -cel with friends
in London.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter 'Hay and fam-
ily of Niagara, motored over and
spent the week -end with relatives in
leeckersmith and Steffa. Mr. Hay's
mother accompanied :them ,,back to
M'i'ss Madeline Bell 'visited Miss
Helen Hay on Sunday last,
Mr. Bill Smith, of Seaforth, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Hay, of Nia-
gara Falls, were visiting the former's
mother, Mrs, John Hay, the past
A number from this way attended
the funeral of 'tire late John Doig
on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,Forsyth, who'
have been visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Abe Forsyth on the 4th
concession, have returned to their
home in Detroit.
A successful missionary meeting
was 'held at the home of Mrs . Harry
Chesney last week.
Mr. Russell Kyle and Miss Belle
Kyle, of the Parr Line, spent the
week -end with• Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
predeceased 'him forty-one years.
Surviving hem are three sons and
one daughter, Andrew and Will, of
Tuckersmitlt; Alexander of Detroit,
and Mrs. Crawford Simpson, of Eg-
mondville. John, of Algoma, died
five years ago, and Thomas died in
Tuelcersmith three years ago. An-
other son, Angus, died when twelve
years of age. A brother and a sister
survive, Mrs. Hammell, of Algoma,
and William M., of Port Huron,
Mich. The funeral was held on Sat-
urday under the auspices of the
l•Bbons of which Order he had long
been a member. Rev. Mr, Naylor, of
Henson, con -ducted the service and
interment was made in Baird's ceme-
tery, Stanley township, . •
on the lawn of J. W. Elliott
Tuesday June 23 d
�'! r !
Tea served from 6 to 8 o'clock
Music by Seaforth Highlanders.
Come and enjoy a night with the
Kiltie Band
Admission: Adults, 35e, - Children 15c
f, ,iiia eleieeree i , ; s i teeeee
D.L. W. Scranton eoal
Often Irritated .. Never Equalled
Nut, Stove and Egg - - 15.60 Pocahontas • - - - 11.60
Large Size- Pea - - - - 12.00 Soft - • - - - - . - 10 60
The miners' agreement expires Aug. 81st.
Prepare for next winter with Real Coal and SERVICE
by leaving your order with
Phone 43
The Roxboro school held its an-
nual picnic to Bayfield last Wednes-
day. About 75 gathered to spend
the clay at''tlhe lake and a most en- i
joyable time was spent. They car-
ar ried out a programme of races in
which there was some keen 'competi-
tion,, and some liberal prizes were
given. Miss Hutton, their ever-
'faithful 'teaoher, made sure ale her
pupils, of whom she took good care,
had a motor boat ride. All returned
home in the evening well pleased with 1
halving spent such can enjoyable 4
Shingling bees are the 'order .of
the day. Mr. D. McGowan had a
bee a couple iof days last week
shingling his 'barn and Mr, John .�
Scott, Sr., had 'one on Wednesday; i
and Mr. McDowell purposes havifig.l
one the end of the week, at his I
large hen house. t
The Maitland Bank Cemetery Com- 1
mittee intend to put a new -fence along
the front -of the 'cemetery which will i
improve the appearance greatly.'
The .death occurred on Thursday,
June 4th, of Mr, John Doig in his
eighty-third year About a year and
i e
he suffered a slight ht stook
half ago g
ef paralysis, but 'had been able to be
aormn,I since. thonrah lacking his for-
mer vigor. He was 'horn- in Cue-
bec, a son of John Doig, and' when
he was ten years •of age the •family
came to Tuckersmith and settled on
the 2nd ,concession, ewhere the •grew
to 'manhood.. Fifty-five years ago
he marri.ed'Miss Ellen MacKay, who
And the LAV
demand Wearing Apparel
Therefore it is fitting to have doilies
to fit. We have a Large assortment of
materials to choose from in
The workmanship and fit are superlative,
the trimmings the best and the price
within the reach of all. Try us.
Phone 42, Seaforth, Ont.