HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-05-14, Page 7"HEALTH EDU•CATION • BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions. on Public' klei4lth mat• ters through this column. Addreee,htm at Spadina House, Spedlas o tto. Tori Crescent, In' country districts a' case of con -I the disease had been diagnosed as. tagious disease sometimes break 'out' wlioolling. cough. • like a bolt from the blue, without amyl • It is a different state of affairs in _apparent cause. On the surface it the cities' as gomparedwith the coun- would seem that the case had occurred' try in the matte)'- of the spread of Spontaneously, but on'.'prying, 'deeper communicable disease. In cities such o diseases a ; 'measles, diphtheria and t trace booty. In the no they -next to lm o..slble o y 'rake a disease like diphtheria. Oe --and It 1s .P •.air<I Christening." Countries. There is an interesting legend con- cerning ,the oncerning,the manner in winch Caaada got its nalno, Spanish adventurers rseases a were the first, so far es is known, to nio rhg'iicant a the outbreak a varlet fever ale resent all the�tmie, visit' the American shores in search of more significant resect is often found. aP, north ..RSES They Toronto Hospital for locurnblee, In affiliation with Bellevue and Allied' Hoopltela, New York 0110 otters a three year.' Coitree 01 Tralnin0 td young W0hlen, 11011100 ;the reauleod education. end desirous of becoming tarot,. This 01oepitel•Ila6 ujfudled 'the eight- hour ey1100.. The 0111111. reoe8e untlormo 01 'the sofldpl; d modtplal)aWanoo mid trayalling wt ' 1100e.. to and froth' 111080(01111. For further information-.u11111y to the Superintendent. itts t e found the casionally a fresh case may develop the origin of anysmg.e ease. among people who are not very clean, may transmit the disease without and as a result, the theory gains showing any symptoms at all, and so ground that diphtheria is a filth die -;.the vicious circle continues.Not so ease. No ease had been previotisly• in the country. There is generally repgrted in the neighborhood,'and toxone or more eases that cah be, pointed. all intents and purposes, The patient in as the root of the trouble; and if never had been: in contact with any- -these'cases are promptly quarantined, one suffering: from dip,itheria. Surely the outbreak will seen be et 1Ped-out. it mutt be the result'of uncleanliness: There should be little or no infectious A little investigation, . however, will, diseases in rural districts if the noel likely reveal the £act that some child essary precautions are taken to .pre- • in the neighborhood had a sore throat, vent its spread. No child :suspected but nothing. was .said about it ;having of having a disease that is infectious diphtheria. htheria. It was a mild ease, per- b haps, but no doctor was called, or the first case may, have developed after the child had"been'on 'a train' journey, coming in contact with people in t11 coach. I have in ,mind a case of whooping cough resulting from direct infec- tion. A baby .of eighteen months was. taken -by his parents to visit at:a home where there were children all should a allowed to attend echool. The child should be' kept at home and the doctor called to make an examina- tion: No` other childrenin the house should be allowed to school either, as they are nearly always in contact with the sick one; and likely to spread' the disease themselves if allowed to min- gle with. other children. An ener- getic health officer is ail' effective agency in anybonununity for; prevent- ing any outbreak or cdntrollmg tt, country disappointing. :The soil was sterile audunyielding. The Spaniards were heard by the natives to make fre- quent use of the expr'ee1on "Acs nada," ,meaning "It is barren." It was noted that after giving expreseion to their dissatisfaction they, invariably departed to another place! When the French explorers arrived on the scene, the inhabitants gathered on the shore'and yelled "Acs nada," hoping to drive them away. The Trer:ch took this to be the name. of the country, and they called .it Canada, The Spaniards also named Florida, meaning Land of `Flowers, and Vane,.zuela, so called because of its resem- blance to Venice. Helping the' Cotton Trade. The cotton famine in Lancashire is a, poignant memory connected with the under.. ten. years of lige. The a lest blockade of the Southern Statab . of boy played a gooddeal with ,the. visit- Because he. has the authority to take America in the Civil Ware with wilted ing baby, and. attimes would burst active steps 'to ` iinpesc quarantine the name oP Lincoln :is •inseparably out coughing, thqugh whooping copgh regulations' and other measures to connected, Eve)- since that'g'r•eat die at ibie. .time , was never thought of, cheek its spread. 1'n the absence er aster there has been much tent of Mu- Apout ten,days or; two weeks later, the health officer) the achool teach ,pire•grorvn cottonwhi , ch would ter_- the,baby developed a persisten�tcottggh, can do much to prevent the„apredd.of der such au Quant imnosei»io inthe which in s ite a treatment,.gredually communicable _disease by reporting to grew worse. .The' mother, having her the doctor that such and 'such a. gupil future., suspicions.:aroused.tha't.it might be is detained -.at hours- theOugh. illness, This 'ie.what makes the record Of whop ingg"cough, communicated by and ,having inquiries made, as.. to the Uganda so interesting. In 1904-5 the P tele hone with the lady Whom She had nature of the disease. If contagious production of raw cotton in. Uganda Visited two weeks previously, and on disease breaksopt To a village or amounted in all to fifty bales, but the inquiring as to the health of the chi)- rural corm -nullity, all visiting among 1823.4 crop is ofilcia11y estimat children all have whoopingcough." and all children kept from playing oned. at dren," she Was greeted with; the 're, the local- residents should cease, all 180,000 bales or 2;000 times as much mark, "Oh,' we'are quarantined. The public;meetings should be cancelled as twenty years ago! _ As the baby had not begirt visiting at the streets-or-otherwis intermingling, The acreage planted for 1924-5 .' any,house but this one, it was ap- Tho diagnosed' cases' of infectious•dis shows a large expansion over previous parentlya,case of direct infection,Iease should be kept:ngderestpict guar; figures, and with fadorable_conditions nd thinfection took' place before 'antcne,and .all contacts should) also be is estimated to produce 160,000 bales quarantined until . the dangerof or n]ore. Such an increase may have a great bearing on the cotton trade.,' C CHURNING �'WNT C G We supply cans and lay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be caahed anywhere 'witliout'any charge. To • obtain rite top price,:. bream must be rreeefrom bad flavors and contain not less than SO per cent Butter -Fat Bowes Company Limited, Toronto For references—Head Orrice, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. Established for over thirty years." Ideal Sienna Vacations' Only 2,Doystfrom NewYork d.lc, Go -in May and June; whoa Bermuda (a ablaze with Flowers -perfect days for root or play. Palatial, Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" For Illustrated Booklets. Write ,y FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street • New York CitY y.. or Any Lodal Tourist Agent r spreading the infegtton_has passed. Only by • mutual co-ouc ,rntion between the public and the health authorities in can infectious diseases 1 a rural com- munity be'effectiveTy stamped out. If there is `co-operation, theefforts should be crowned with success. Pope's Crown of Gems. Tho wonderful Papal tiara, or crown, which the'x'ope wears, is a magnificent ornament. It is formed on a basis of very fine felt covered with silver mesh, on which there are three crowns, Each of these,consis'ts of a gold hand, set With jewels and edged with two row% of pearls. There are ninety pearls in earls row.;. In addition, the first .crown is de- corated with sixteen rubies, three emeralds, a sapphire and eigbt gold points. The second. Crown has ten emeralds, Dight balas rubies, one chrysolite, two' aquamarines, six small rubies and three sapphires. Ninteen bales rubies, four ,sapphires, three hyacinths, three aquamarines,. one garnet, eight gold floral ornaments —each set with two 'emeralds, one balas ruby, and a chrysolite—and eig'let gold points eaoh trimmed with a,gar- net, adorn the third 'crown.. The top of the crown is covered with a thin layer of gold in which eight rubies and eight emeralds are set. This covering issurmountedby a gold- en globe, on top of which is a cross composed of eleven brilliants, A E CARE OF BABIES EASIER Stomach disturbances and constipa- Gillwell Camp Plana Announced.: At its meeting' last week the %'rovin- coal L7xeeutive,Committee of the On- tario Council approved, Plans 'made for holding a •Gillwell. Training Camp for Scoutmasters at Fiber, Park, on the Grand River, between Brantford and Paris, frons -July 7t11 to 18th, inclusive. The camp will be in charge of De- puty Camp Chiefs Frank C; Irwin and Rev. S, A. bIaedone'll. The .camp guar: termaeter•• will be Rev. Arthur S. Mit- chell. All three'; are graduate Gill- welllans and were in charge of the very epccesaful Gillwell camp held et l bor Park last year. Scout leaders whose appllpations for places in the camp are accepted will pay a fee of ten .dollars to cover. the. coat of instruetlon,.food, etc„ during their eleven day sojourn in the camp. It is hoped that in many instances this fee, together with the cost of transpor- tation to and from camp, *111 be borne by the Local Aseoctatfons or Troop Conimltteete under whose' jiirisdictlon the Scout leaders' work comes. labor:Park 10 one of the finest places whichcould be chosen in all :Ontario for this purpose. The portion of the property which the Scout organization uses consists of 65 acres -of beautiful park land, partly covered with a beau- tiful stand of timber •representing litany varieties. The camp Itself is on a hill which stands nearly 100 feet above the major portion of the pro- perty, and the view, from the camp site up and down the valley of the Grand River is magnificent, Arany who have atteuded Gillwell Camps at Ebor Park in recent years -are planning to hold a re -union there during theperiodof this year's- camp. Veteran Scout Leader Honored. lion are responsible for much of the peevishness of babies and young child- -ran. When the baby is 'cross or irrit- able the mother should not resort to so-called soothing mixtures to correct the trouble for in the tnajority of cases these mixtures simply drug the child into an unnatural sleep. What is need- ed is a gentle laxative, that will sweet- en the stomaoll and regulate the bowels. Such a remedy is found •In Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy to take and are guaranteed to, be en- tirely,free from opiates and narcotics. Concerning them, 'ales. Jos. Tousalg- nan't. Ste. Sophie,- Que., writes: -"I would.like all mother§ to know that I. feel there is no other niedtoine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a box in the house and their prompt use never fails to restore .my little ones to bealtii." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or` by mail at 25 cents, a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • v Mildew sometimes :appears..on blan- kets, owing to-theirbeing stoi,ed in a damp place. Foe this stain there is no' remedy, so prevention is better than cure. FREI HT EREP.AID IN ONTARIO Settee . 02.00 Armchair $13.75 Rocker : $13.75 itff.:o - �•s' -Thle Suite Described Fully on Page 76 of Our 1925 Furniture Catalogue Just a Small Sum Down. Balance Spread Over. a Long Period Without' One Cent of lntereet Charged to Prices. Quoted. The construction ie cfliigle-grade American outround reed in a .rich brown finish. Settee seat has 24 coil 'springs and each chair seat has 6 coil springs. Inside length of settee. 491 inches ' chair Seats 20 by 19 inches each. A. slend_id assortment of cretonne'ooverillgs from which to ehease. This suite is a Mvery popular seller and the pieces may be bought separately. THE F. C. BURROUGHES FURNITURE CO., LTD., Dept. W.L., Corner Queen and Bathurst Sts:, Toronto,: Ont. Gentlemen, --Please seed, "s'eed, without any obilgation:whatever on my -'part, a fres copy of your 100 -page book of 1925 Furniture Styles. Name Send For Free Furniture Catalogue To -day Every Canadian home should have this Furniture, Catalogue s range of Furniture, ugs, Lfnoleums and photo Illustrated. lues. ' Tremendou Sioves, R:. Chinaware, Splendid va Andress . i......... .... ,... QUEEN and Cat and Queen. The Royal Society for the Proven• tion 00 Cruelty to Animals or Great Britefe, which has been much' in the limelight lately, was always warmly supported bly ,Queeu Victorla. When the socjety decided to give 'incline in recegpitlon 05 special acts the ve of a ni- ll live'. • ,v. In say n 1 o bravery i f Y g male,. tlfe design for the Medal was submitter) to the Queen.' -A little later the •society a'eoeived a letter from her secretary, saying that, as no cat was included in the design; Queen Victoria had 'drawn one horself. in the position In which sbe wished it to appear. The cat stiil appears upou modals issued by the •society. Ernest O'Callaghan, for the past ten - years Executive Commissioner of the Toronto District of the :Boy .Scouts.As- sooiation, was recently invested with the Boy Scout Order of the Silver Wolf (Honorary): by the Chief Com- missioner for Canada, Dr. James W. Robertson, C.M.G., officiating on be- halff Scout for Canada, of the Chie His Excellency Barron Byng of Vimy. This unique' ceremony was performed at a dinner meeting of the, several hundred offcers of the Boy Scouts Association in Toronto, all of whom were intimate- ly associated with Mr. Callaghan in the work of the Toronto District, which is the largest Scout unit in all Canada. There ere at the present time between. 6,000 and 7,000 Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs in Toronto alone. Prior to 1915, when he became ac- tively associated with Scouting in Toronto, Mr, O'Callaghan bad a long male successful experience in boys' work. Scouts and Cubs from all over Ontario join with those of Toronto in congratulating Mr. O'Callaghan upon receiving the Silver Wolf, which Is the highest award within the gift of the Association: j�. E 1V. TRENCTSII VORWEAK GIR: . Can be 1-iad Through the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Wil - Hants' lianas' Pink Pills. • There comae a time in the life of almost every girl when weakness at- tacks her, The strain upon her blood supply is too great, and there comes headaches and backaches, toes of ap- petite;attaolcs of dizziness, heart pal'pi tation, a constant weariness and a -tendency to a decline. Ali these symp- toms may not bo present in any par- ticular case, but the presence of any one of 'them shows the necessity for prompt treatment. And the very best treatment is through the blood -making tonic qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They, are the one thing needed to maintain the health of growing girls and women of mature: years. Isere is a bit of strong proof: -Miss Matilda Breen, King Highway, New- castle, N.B., says:—"I was in an ex- tremely run-down and nervous condi- tion. I was losing ileah, had a poor appetite, always .pale, and suffered fre- quently from headaches. ` In fact my Condition can best be described as miserable. I bad tried, several treat- ments but they did not help me In the. least. Then, reading one day about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I decided to try them. After using three boxes I was much improved, but continued un- til I had taken' six boxes, with the re- sult that Iam now well and strong, g, with geed color and a hearty appetite. In view of what Dr. Williams' Pink Planning Summer Camps. Although many summer camp plans have been discussed with Provincial Headgtiarters' by local leaders in re- cent weeks, the first definite camp an- nouncenienl for the 1925 sea.soit comes from Owen Sound. And the informa- tion it contains is that the North Grey District Camp w111 be held at White Crud Island from July 4th to July 18th, inclusive. The camp will be in charge The name "Red Rose" ' bats been a guarantee of quality for 30 years fire.1 9, is gooatea The Try it't cod:: T ORANGE PEKOE is e%t'r�, g The Ceny,da Wind. .Yon 1naY'lirase the glamand g Y of spring if you will Andthe beauty .pf earth, set free 'from the frost's embrace; Give me the north wind, sweeping over the hill, And the scurry of driving snow that stings myface, Givo mo thewith its limner of sky g Stars steel -blue, And a scimitar -blade of moon, swung low .and bright—' You may keep the langorous darkness, drenched with dew, And the slumbrous scents and sounds of the summer night. Ah, me!. for .the snow that creaks be- neath my. tread, For the triumphing wind, that calls and laughs and sings, Thalehouts to the stare and bends the pine' tree's head, And over the wide white world its challenge flings.. Then praise the dews and the s'howe'rs of spring if -you will, Or the long, hot summer clays with their languid grace; Give me the north. wind, piping over the hill, • And the scurry of driving snow that stings my face. -Norah M. I-Ialiand. "The Mills of the Gods," This is an old Greek aphorism taken from the "Oraoula 'Sibylline:" The original,- literally- translated,• reads as follows: "Tho mills of the gods grind slowly, but they. grind small." Long- fellow, in translating it, inserted the word "exceeding" and made. it read: slowly, 'grind w "The mills of the godsY, but they grind exceeding small." The P1110, have done for me I cannot re- same thought is found in Plutarch and commend them too highly." other ancient writers: You can get these Pills from any .t -- medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Why Pure Bred Sires. Canadian live stock men aro intense- ly interested in the extension is the cleaning mirrors. Apply with a soft market for cbompetet e s beef Spully ata. st cloth and polish with another. order to eom�pete successfully against other countries' we must improve the quality of our live stock.' The Argentine Republic is without a doubt the hardest competitor for the English market, To -day they, are able to place a large quantity of beef on the 'English market at a very mush lower price than Canadians. This pro- duct le very much superior in quality. Therefore, the question confronting us is, what can we do to beat tins com- petition As we look over the reports of auc- tion sales- field in Great Britain dur- ing the last ten years, we find that the big ranch owners of the Argentine have paid enormous prices for bulls to head •their pure bred herds. oP DTstt'ict dommisaconsr D. E. Mac- Me. 'who know conditions' in the Ar - from will bei attended lltroops I gentine say that these high priced from Owen Sound, Durham, Meaford; l bulls are first used on the smaller. and a• number of other centres in the herds and -later turned in on the range northern part of Grey County, lot cattle. It is little' wonder that the quality of beef animals in that coun- try is exceptionally high. Thus, we can readily see that we must follow the example of our strongest competit- ors and use only high class pure bred bulls onall our grade herds. Figures from our Canadian stock yards show that only about 2% of the stock marketed during 1919 was At for export trade. - To those who sot .down and figure out the: loss sustained, the figures are startling. The average farmer loses about $30 to '940 .per bead. on steers bred from grade sires,' Facts prove that on every instance, the 'steers 'from pure bred sir•es,` not only sell for higher prices, but matte more rapidand more economical gains than those sired by grade bulls. While we are well aware that high. unaided the judge, in surprise. "Horse prices are obtainable` for almost any stealing was' the reply. "Stuff and kind oP beef animal, yet it is vols nonsense!" cried the judge. "Tho idea clear, to triose who follow market re - of these infants stealing -a horse! They ports closely, that the low grade stock stole a ride, I dare say. The case is ars the first to suffer when tate mar- dismissed." kers' take a downward 'droop, Itis, therefore, quite clear that the us Wanted a Change. 'e.of grade sires is a losing proposi- Betty had only lately bee ninstruct- tion viewed, from any angle. ed in the matter of evening prayer'', It is high time that we discard inferi- and her performance was exemplary or bulls - •whether they be grade or until the occasion when she startled scrub purebreds. her mother with the petitions "Bless This. is important '..because of the Thy little pig to -night, fact that the bull used on a -herd in- Sbe was 'reminded that the correct finances all the 'eats of calf crops. word' eras "laniti," but refused to .re Discard the inferior type of bull and turn to orthodoxy. - :increase your year's income. At Last,, when pressed for the cause —� of this stubborn, naughtiness, she re- Brides in some of the southern plied that she was tired of being a provinces of the ,Philippine` Islands lamb: • "Every night," she protested, seldom, attend their own weddings. has been )slab )lamb lamb! So to e:F` a,J 1'd�°r2 ret`:'•r'', v.-. ^'•-ve" riorrow night I are goiii. to lie au .eta- tivtth a mixture of -fine sawdust and Minaret's Liniment for Colds Man or company,, your character is built upon what you do, not what you say or intend, to do. A Valuable Hint. Tlie late Lord Houghton of England was a poet, and considered a very im- practable person, but in one case at feast he showed all the'guile of -award politician. A poor washerwomans lit- tle boy was ttrrested for stealing a horse. The youngster and another like him bad foinid a horse grazing in a field near London, had improvised a bridle, from a handkerchief, and they were having a fine side when.arrested. They were, about ten years old and small for their age.' The laundress knew Lord Houghton and appealed to hint -for advice: ;'Put both buys—both, mind you," said he, "in- nice clean Pinafores when they go into court. Do that,and you' need not fear." The two little chaps appeared in the. dock' in clue time. "What is this ease?" de- night l'nl going to,. be rap pig, and to- • TJnsightly -nail holes- may -be filled Fiirlliture Co., ltd. (Dept. IN I.) :w a pliant:" glue. Fill the hole with it and leave isn't everything you must U rr 1111 dry. BATHURST TORONTO ONT M Say"Baer" Insist) Y Unless` you see the ``Bayer Cross" on tablets you'are not getting the genuine Bayer prod- uctg uct roved -safe bymillions and p prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Accept only a Bayer package — Classified Advertisements : ADIB5 WANTED To 00 J'LAIIt elm I a 151111 seeing at homer whole 0r suers timot h01000' tl aid mut sort r (Beano; 0 6 D rood yes, nay Send afafhtl 'foe aertfcular.. National AfantUauturlag Co., efoutreal.' nem:to e emcees. O.N ,pun a,ircas oo ,0005 Paas. ROCKS, white. and Barred; ,eepin0ton0, lt'iitte 004. Burt; nod$, both' Combs; B1501, 111,0000am 'White and 5110or-Ln lit:Wynn) htos. -write ' for 001000. John Jenoue, aa100009, Ont.", n f., 6. Sentence Sermons. There is.No•Salvation-For the boy who ,will not take his father's advice: —For the town that enacts the laws for money makers, not ehildreu. —.For the club 'that organizes' only for' personal advantage. —For the neighborhood that cannot learn co-operation:` —For ilia marriage in which .both parties are interested chiefly in 'right. —For the team . eu whieh every player wants to be the star. —For the .play that depends upon smut for its popularity. r? i �ora_ysutd EYES Refreshes Tired Eyes �i'rfeelvturl eCe;,lIlicag4:rorEyeCnreBooie.aaaaailetraWte GOING FISHING? Take along a' bottle of Minaret's. Wonderful for insect bites. Aleo gives quick relief' for sprains and_ bruises. i OF PAIN n s ca3 ECLEMAiMRASH ANO BLISTERS Had to Keep Hands.Band- aged, Cuticura Healed. "'Eczema broke out in a rash and blisters between' my fingers' and on the backs of my hands, The skin was red and swollen and used to peel off. It itched and burned badly and was' awhilly 'sore especially when I put my hands in water. I had to keep my bands bandaged. "I sent for a' free sample of Cuti- cure Soap and -Ointment and it helped me. I purchased more and after_. using one cake of Cuticura Soap anddnabox of Cuticura Oint- ment I wasp completely healed." (Signed) Miss Nettle ICeeso, R. R. 1, Listowel, Ontario, Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum are all you need for every- day toilet and nursery purposes. anamml, Each Free by Man Address Canadian ETA', 15 sml le. ¶r*cum2bcrleo, Soap Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c. which contains proven directions HER NERVES Handy `Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles' of 24 and 100—Druggists Asplria is the trade mark (registered 1a I{f Canada) or Bayer hirumfaatolre of b10s0- 1 acdticacideeter et BaiidylWacid, The Ritz.Carlton otelP tlantte City New rersey America's Smartest Resort • Hotel. Famous for its. Euro. peen Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and -Service. Single retinae • from $5,00 Double rooms from $8.00 European Plan New Hy drlatric and Electra Therapeutic Department. GLJ6TAVE TO:L"P, M11nsger BETTER NOW Received , Much Benefit by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Chatham, Ontar o.—"I started to get weak. after my second child was born, and kept on getting worse until I could notdo my ownhonse- work and was so bad With my nerves that lens afraid to stay alone at any time. I had a girl working for tnea whole year before I was able to domywashing egmn. Through a friend I learned of. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound and took four bottles of it. I gave birth to a baby boy the 4th day of beptetnber, 1922. I am still doing. any eievn'Work and washing. 'Of course I don't feel well every day because 1 don't get myrest•as the baby is so cross. But when I get myieat 1 feel fine. I am still taking the Vegetable Com- pound om pound end am going to'keep on with it until cured. ' My nerves are allot better since taking it. I can stay alone day or night and; not be the least frightened. You'can use this letter as a testimonial and I will answer Setters, from women asking about'the Vegetable Compound.' S —Mrs. OiIARLES CAnso�r, 27 Forsythe Street, Chatham, Ontario. Mrs. Carson is willing to write to any girl or woman suffering from female troubles. ISSUE No. 20—'25. If you are; weals, thin .:and nervous, let Your druggist supply you' with Bitro=1"hosphate. It :is guaranteed, to inoreaae weight and strenglli. and: re-• store'energy, vigor.- and nerve f..oree. Price $1 per pkge, Arrow Chemical o00 ' also acgiiire.the knack of spending it. For Sore Throat UseMIdard'etiniment Co.,"25 Front St,: East, Toronto, Ont.