The Seaforth News, 1925-05-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Rlr, and .tins, Fred :Viane and son
Kenneth, visited in London on
VIr, Moe Mrs j:,c:.Ij,t rsun.tisite ,
as j�4h d
frieiegelllii•"tiederiellean Sunday..
elrotinensoie Knipe spent ,Sunday
with`hielparents in'Lietowel.
A4ir John Yoking Was; in Clinton
112ond'ay aril busiiiess.
Tine. Odd ••Fellows' of: Hensall,
Brucebeld •and •L+`*eter attended divine
'sorviee•'in= theeeenigiican'chorcli en
Sunday evening''.Rev. Mr. Naylor
'preac'hed. a very appropriate sermon
to' the large numberipresent, The Odd
Fellows 'marched"from their 'hall' to
the church, and the 'Parade was wit-
nessed'by a large crowd.'
Large congregations attended both
services in the Presbyterian c'hurc'h
on Sunday. Rey. ,Dr, 'Fraser, of Galt,
was elle rpreacher, the occasion being
anniversary services. T'he,choir gave
special'mu'sic for the day and at the
;evening; service Miss Jessie Parks
sang a solo, and Mrs. Wm. Mdearen,
Miele J.' iBu anare• Mrs, M.. Drysdale,
and' Miss' Helen Eider sang a quar-
tette. Two anthems were .also sung by
At the Methodist church on Sun-
day morning . Sacrament was par-
taken and a number joined the
church. The evening services were
withdrawn to allow as many as pos-
sible to hear Rev. Dr. Fraser • at the
Presbyterian . churoh.
Mr, Win. Doig, of Port Huron, who
spent the week -end with his fantilve
returned on .Monday evening.
Mr. Arnold Bell, of Windsor, visit-
ed his
isit-ed''his mother, Mrs, Bertha Bell, over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Caldwell have
got nicely located in their new home.
Mr. Alec Smith, of Montana, is
visiting his ,parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Alex. Smith,
Mrs. Pym, who has been visiting
her daughter in Windsor, returned
'home on Sunday.
'Mr: Mack and Mr. Harris, of St,
Marys, visited .friends in town on
Death of Mrs. John Taylor•:—There
died at Clinton on' Friday May 1st,
Mrs, John Taylor, age 93 years. Mrs,
Taylor was 'married twice, her first
husband being David Clark, who died
'here in Hensel] some 25 years ago,
Mr. laud Mrs. Clark resided for a
great many years at Hillsgreen on
the farm now owned by Robin Mc-
Allister, Their family consisted of
four sons and one daughter: John,
who was drowned at Bayfield; David
who died at'Hillsgreen and James'
who died in Hensall a few years ago;
Albert, of Edmonton, Alta.; and Mrs.
John Bury of Hensall. Some years
after the death of Mr. Clark she mar-
ried John Taylor of Exeter, who pre-
deceased her some years ago. This
last few years she has been in poor
health and blind, 'The funeral took
place on Monday from the residence
of her daughter, Mrs. John Bury, in-
terment being at'Hillsgreen cemetery.
Mrs. Frank Marshall, of London, is a
granddaughter and Percy Clark of
Windsor,• is a grandson of deceased.
Mr. H: Dick, who has been visiting
his 'brother Roy, in Watford, spent'
Tuesday in town.,
airs. J. K. Martin and children, of
Barrie, visited Mr, ,and Mrs. Robt.
'booze. 'Roy, toweeer, turned' up
Monday, Owing, seem, the week-
visiting,et 'tate home Of a friend
MIss. Ena Sparrow n$; Paisley
a'gein' in ,chat'gei feel? Eennie's t 6
briery d'epantment, and' Miss 136
Ashton,:'wh'o has been relieving I
returnedto her home Gorrie
on visit to town. •on Tpesday.
end A' congreglationa'l'meeting was held
in in 'the Methodi's't church on Tuesday
evening, Reports ley the different if
.ie, ficers were giver ,end after the reet'
it ing was oyeie,,' a'dainty lunch 'Was
ryl served by 'the la les of the church,
',ere Mr. Geo., T. ren and 'family, of
on' Ohiselhurs'
t, eget ed friend -.''. Krtch _
s i
ener on Sunday, r
The •Grace Mission Band of the
Methodist church 'held their annual
meeting on Sunday afternoon; April
26Th. After 'the 'devo'tional exercises
the election of 'officers took ,place,
The following were elected: Presid-
ent, •Gertrude Higgins; vice, Aldan
Appleton; rec,°'secy., (Hazel Hudson;
Cor, secy., Lupi Lindenleld; treas.,.
Joyce Sermon; pianist, Marion Sin-
clair. The from May
The'retuains of the late John Ryck-
man,'who died fn Moose Jaw, Sask.,
arrived at Seaforth on' .Thursday
evening 'and was taken to the lioine
of Mr, Joseph' Fereguson where the
funeral was held on Friday afternoon,
interment at McTaggart's cemetery.
Mr. Ryckman has been a severe''suf-
ferer from rheumatism, 'having laid in
the hospital at Moosejaw for over
two years, He was well known in
Hensall and a number qE 'Hensall
people attended the funeral:
A large acreage of beans will be
sawn again in tthis:district this' season,
The 'farmers are now preparing the
land for the bean crop. Quite a num-
ber of farmers have put in 'cucumbers
but no sugar 'beets are 'being sown
this year, •
Mr, 'Skinner has added a new pair
of electric scales to :his already. fine
equipment in his large store. Mr.
Skinner's many friends in the Ellm-
ville, ad Winchelsea distriets will he
'pleased to hear that he is working up
a splendid ,business here in. Hensall
Gardening is the order of the day.
Mr. Thos, ;Welsh is this 'week ship-
ping out a number of oars of lumber.
The Steele Briggs Co. are this week
remodelling the 'large building they
recently purchased •from Mrs, Thos,
Berry, .and inaking it ready /or an
onion store house. Mr. Dan!Bcggs, of
Toronto, is directing this 'work
•A -large 'attendance was present at
the Young Peoples League on Mon-
day night. Miss S•carlebt had charge.
of the meeting. The lesson was read
by Miss Nora Follicle. A beautiful
Piano solo •was given : by Miss Greta
Larnmie. The address was given by
Ur. J. W. Skinner on the -message cf
Job. Mr. Skinner delighted the audi-
ence with This very practical and in-
spiring exposition of this remarkable
book. Two interesting readings were
very ably given by Suss Elva Shad-
The regular • Board meeting of the
Hensall circuit was held on Monday
night. The reports show the : circuit
in a good condition. Mr. Nathan
Peck •wasa elected delegate to the
district meeting to be held in Cretin
ton, Tuesday, May 12.
The regular sacramental service
was held in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning Twenty-one new
members were admitted to member-
Next Sunday is Mothers' Day, Rev.
A. Sinclair will speak especially to
mothers an .the 'following subjects:
11 a.m., "Rizpah on the Rock"; 7 p.m.,
"Time's Hallowed Name." A moth-
er's choir will lead in the service of
Lower School Test Examinations.—
Hensall continuation 'school, Form I.
--Standing is given in per cent. Ruth
Chapman 74, Mildred McDonnell 72,
Jeanne Stone 69, Alice Walker 68,ere
ma Higgins 68, Mildred Scruton 67,
:kris Lindenfield 66, Thomas Simp-
son 57, Lettie Lave 57, Sadie McCon-
nell 56, Marie Dick 54, Milton Boyle
Bonthron and other relatives over the, 53, Harvey Hyde 52, Edna Cochrane
week -end. 51, Muriel Carlisle 47, Norman Alex -
Mr. Clarence Shepherd visited his; ander 43. Form IL—Clarence Mc -
home •for a few days. Lean 85, Harry Cook 78. Roy Pfaff.
Miss Ethel Murdock spent the Harry Joynt (equal) 77, Pearl Ken -
week -end with friends in Listowel. Wings 76, Dorothy Heffernan 75, .Mar -
Mr. and Mrs, Hall of Toronto, visit- garet Hogarth 73, Grace Forrest 66,
ed Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Murdock on Clarence Smillie 64 Margaret Douglas
Tuesday. 63, Mona McGregor 61, 'Charles
Mr. Colin Hudson, local agent for Pearce 59, Donald McKaig 53, -Mac
the McCormick Deering machinery, Simpson 52—Jessie V. Johnston, Prin-
is this week turning out'a lot of farm cipal; Grace J. A. Scarlett, assistant.
machinery and cream separators.
Mr. Wes. Green purchased a Ford (Intended for last week.)
touring car this week from. Cook .Mrs. L. Bishop, of Battleford,
Bros. Mr. Green is taking the agency Sask., is visiting her parents, Mr. and
for Fuller •brushes at Strathroy and Mrs. Richard Welsh, and other rela-
vicinity, and with Mrs, Green, will fives in town.
shortly 'move to Strathroy.Mr. Cann, of Exeter, visited friends
Mr. Roy E. Cook has purchased a in town on Sunday.
bakery business at Ridgetown and is Miss Florence Welsh, of Loudon,
taking possession immediately, and visited over•'the week -end under the
is, offering his residence here for parental roof,
sale. Miss Lucille Phybus and Miss Pol-
Mr. Thos. Welsh has purchased a lick, who are attending School of
new Essex car from Cook Bros. Commerce at Clinton, visited over the
Mr. W. L. DeMary, of Ottawa, is week -end with Miss E. Ph bus. Miss
n'gaged in Government topographi- Rollick sang a pleasing soloo in the
1 survey work in Hersadl vicinity, Methodist church on Sunday evening.
s, DeMary is spendingsome time
S. C. Cook, C o of Keswick', Kest ckvisit-
i ' -
ith •lura.
v sit
On account of the weather being
wet on Friday, Arbor day was post-
poned till Monday, at the se'fiool,
when the scholars made a clean-up.
Council Meeting.—The Council held
its regular
monthly tht meetingon Tues-
ue -day evening, May5h, with all vhe
members present and the reeve in 'the
chair. Mr. Colin Hudson, the asses-
sor, presented the assessment roll el
1925, and gave the following sum-
Land Assessment $87,230
Building Assessment . , , $305,550
Business 22,883
Income ... 700
Total for village
a anon 82
p P 0 , number of
children between 5 and 16 years, 123.
The roll was accepted by the Coun-
cil and a Court of Revision will be
held on May 30th. A delegation
from the baseball club was present
and -asked the Council to move ,back
the Gun Club's building to make
more room for a baseball diamond,'
and also requested a grant. Mr. Lee
Redden applied for a permit for op-
erating a 'gas 'pump in tfront'of bis
garage, which was •granted, Some
discussion .took place as to planting
more trees in the park. A number.
of 'accounts 'were passed and ''Coun-
cit adjourned.
A number of applications 'have been
to 'bhe
Government !for
e r its
to sell the new 4.4 beer, but owing
to the 'big dry majority, as far as
South Huron is concerned, we under-
stand that ' no •licenses Will be issued
in South Huron except to 'standard
hotels,that is, where meals have
beer) served andaccommodation has
,beer: given this last few years.
Some anxiety was :fele 'by the
friends of Roy Todd on Saturday
evening slid Sunday rant when he
failed to •put ' in an appearance at his
ed for a few days with his brother,
Mr. R. E. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Penhale, of Ex-
eter, visted Mr, and. Mrs. Robert
Mr. and n
C k d
a fam-
ily and Miss M. 'Hodder on Sunday
visited relatives in Dutton.
Mrs. Jas. Taylor, tt'lho has been
visiting for the past two weeks in
Detroit, returned 'home Monday even-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross McLean, of De-
troit, visited their parents, for a few
days this week.
C. Cook is improving the a -
P $
ea• nee •of 1
ra his .property building
Pb 'btu inn
y g
alarg e
Cook Bros, are building a veranda
on the house occupied by Jas. Foster.
Miss Mattie Ellis resunfed teach-
ing her room. in the ,public school en
Miss Nettie McTaggart, of Exeter,
b visiting her uncle, Mr. Geo. Case:
Mr, and Mrs. M. Drysdale and
family visited relatives in Kitchener
on Sunday.
Mr, Fred Steacy 'left Monday
morning fon Platteville Where he has
secured a position •with the S•tandard
Bank. Mr, Allen Solder' has also se-
cured a position in the 'l bank at
Mns, Donald Park and Miss Jessie
Park and 'Miss Nellie Carmichael at-
tended h
d oa �, t lett fun rat �of e
h ate Ivir
Wm. G'llard; in Stratford last week.
M•r. Wm.''Consitt is improving the
property'thet he bought from 'the late
Mrs. 'Dick's estate by 'building new
Our main street presents s busy ap-
pearance these days by the nu'm'ber of
cats parked on 'the•'streets; Hensall
merchants must be doing a big
business. '
Mr A. Whiteside ;.and daughter
Miss Hattie; 'Goderich, paid 'a' is'hort,
THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1925.
'Geo R. 'Weller has sold :b+'s 'hard-
•wa•'re i'beeiness fa` W. H.Da' '',s on, t. of
Gala:•' hp. '"Weligr,':'.who wfa,, tt,,buai-
ness dor 5 years, .hes nof• decided
just what he will do.iit future,
R. J, Hoover, 9th iconcesge�ion of
Grey, has been.busy 'refo'resting
,some of.his 'i1 hal Meeting 1,300
young trees, The total cost 'of the
trees wae 90 cents•for expa'es's.
^Mr, Wm. A. Michel, of!Grey ;4owis-
ship, lost this 'barn by fire on April
23rd. It was 60x80 +feet and 'had j 2,-
500 insurance +which partly ,covered
the loss.
Samuel Yuill, oaf 'roroieto Univer-
sity, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Yuill; of Monis, He has a
1924, showed 'that $4.7,85 had 'been, position am New Jersey for the suna-
raised by the Band, mea;
Mr. Vern. Ellis 'ha's gone to Inger-
soil to live with his daughter, Mrs,
Mr. W. 51, 'McQueen, of Toronto Goderich;
visited his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Donald -'MacKay died c one
James McQueen, 'here last week. r April d2rid.: Fiftyrtwo years ago she
' ,Mr,, James Hill of Stratford sent married •her bereaved husbana
the week -end a't;ithe home of his p Robert, J'o'hn and r elkeeen MacKay,
par- ,of,;Goderfch, `Hectar;,R4a'cK,ay, ;,
Brits, Mr':"land-Mrs. Geo. Hill .n of •Toran'to,, University;•s•iaard Mrs-
IRev, J. F. Anderson, a returned David McDonald, Rii Ie arc- anion
missionary _from Central India, ' will the cihil•dren'wh'o survive. Rev. 'R. C
give a ,missionary address in Union .M'eDerm'id conducted the .funeral,
church,' Brneefield, •on' ablondeY, May Mr, and Mrs: ft..H. Johnson au-
11th, at 3 o'clo'ck, Everybody invited: ,pounce, 'the, engagement of their
Goetp-Sunday-School Day and daiwgliter, Norma Adelaide, to ,Mr.
Mother's Day will be observed next Lorne Garfield Young.
Sunday morning, May' 10ele .Thera Mr, `Cha•itles T.weed'ie a resident. of
fine] be; a mothers' choir and the min -d
ister ' r 1 Goderich 'since 1890, died, aged he
av 1 preach' a •special sermon •to years, He was with' the
ipa'reittsi All the children 'arid patents. Goderich Organ Co. and 'had form-
ai the congregation are especially g fo
erly 'been 'connected ••witlY the organ
company in Clinton, Mr's. Angus
BAYFIELD, McDonald and Ma. Campbell
Tweedie, both of 'Goderich, are
Mays. John Tippet' has returned from 'his children.
Detroit 'where she was visitingher Geo. W. Stakes hes entered the
daughter ,for, the past three weeks.. electrical business oh his' own 'ec-
Mrs,'Tretheway,'who'hes spent the ,coulee
winter in Detroit and ` St.. `Thomas, James Yuill,_aged 84' years, died at
returned this week ,and le visiting his •home in 'Goderich township. John
her daughter, Mrs. A. Carver, Yuill, Mrs, Reg. Sturdy and Mrs.
IOr. A. Newton -Brady has moved Geo. Ginn, all of Goderich toevnship,
to the house ,formerly' occupied by are c'h£ldren.
Robert S>aekman acrossDungannon Methodist 'held • a re -
1 .from the g
efethodist •church. union on 'Sunday, April 26th, when
Mr. Attwood, of Ottawa,. who is 'hu'ge congrega'tions'''were present at
do,'iing sonic surveying at St. Joseph, the various services. Rev. J, E. Ford,
is registered at the Albion;. of Goderich .preached at 11 a.m. and
RIr. and Mrs. bfanness and hili, conducted a fellowship service at 3
and Mrs. Hookway, of 'London, were Pim, Mr. Moorehouse, of Clinton,
here last week, was the preacher at 7 .p.m. Letters
Mrs, Barrett, of Wingham, is visit- were read from a number of former'
ing 'her daughter, Mrs. Thomas members who were unable to be
Brandon. present. 'Rev. 3. R. Peters, is pastor
Mrs. Jas. Ferguson left on Friday of 'this''church.
for Belgrave owing to illness. of ,ter Mr. Robert Carey was in Montreal
sister, Mrs. Geddes, • ' last week, to meet his little son, three
The Y. P. S, met last Friday even- and half years old, who made the trip
ing. The attendance was not very
large, sorry to say, as"two excellent
papers were given by Miss Ruby
Taylor and Mr, P. J. Bigelow,: `after
which a game of carpet balls was in-
dulged in,
Mr. G. I. Fawcett, who has 'been
assisting Rev. -J. Jay Johnston in the
revival services for the past three
weeks, left on Monday for his home.
A very interesting and amusing
play, "Here Comes the Bridegroom,"
is to be put on at the Town Hall
Monday evening, May 11th by the
young people of the Methodist.Circuit
dub of Benmiller: There should be a
good attendance
The weekly. half holiday.begins here
next Thursday, May 14th, and con-
tinues till end of September. Remem-
ber stores close each Thursday at
The result of the voting which Inas
been going on 'for the past two weeks,
was announced at a congregational
meeting Monday evening. The votes
stood: For union, 46; Against union,
39; a m'ajori'ty of 7 for union.
Fishing has been good so far this
season, especially last .week when
there were large hauls.
Mr. Jas. Drehmann, Wingham,
left on Tuesday, having spent sev-
eral days with his father.
Mr. John Pgllock ieft on Saturday
for 'his ranch near Selkirk, Man.
Mr. R. T. Orr and sons, Tom and
Jack, of Stratford, spent the week -end
at their cottage ,here.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Scrimgeour and
frieds .from Stna'tfgrd spent Sunday
in their cottage.
Dr. J. M. Par
7 t of Detroit, is
visitingat th h
e home f Mr. Wm,
Quite a number from here attended
Mr. J. T. Reid''e sale in Clinton Sat-
John Beatty i
s visiting with
relatives t ves ra London.
Mr. and Mrs, Alex, McConnell are
moving to the village. We welcome
them to their new home in the burg.
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of the bride's parents, !Goshen
line, on Saturday, May 2nd, when
Miss Annie May Stephenson, eldest'
daughter of Mr, and Mrs, D. J. Steph-
enson, .became the bride of Mr. Lee
Mc n
C tell only -'can of r
and Mrs.
McGonne I,
1 of the village. f
a wedding, dinner the ' 'happy PY con le
left on 'the afternoon train from Clin-
ton for a wedding tour. On their re-
turn they will reside on the groom's
fine farm, 'Bayfield road west. The
correspondent wishes them a1'happy
married life.
Mr. and :Mrs. Lorne Epps spent
Sunday 'in Owen Sound.
The many' friends of Mr. John
Stephenson, Goshen line, will be sorry
to 'hear he 'had the.misfortune to fill
and'break•a limb. -
The. W. A. 'of •the"•Anglican church
met at the' home of Mrs. 'Jas. Camp-
bell's east Thursday, 'The quarterly
board of the 'Methodist church met
Monday 'night.
Dust Causes us Asthma. s hma. Fvc
h le
speck too salt to see will 'lead to
gonies which no words can de-
eribe. The walls of the breathing
ubes •cont'ract'and 'i't seems as ifethe
cry 'life most ,pass. From this condi-
ion Dr. J. D. ''Kellogg's Asthma
emedy brings the user, to perfect
est. It 'relieves the passages and
normal breathing is firmly,;es'tablish-
d again. Hundreds of testimonials
eceived apnttaliy;, its effective-
from Glasgow, Scotland, alone. Mrs.
Camey is remaining in the Old Coiin-
tay for a while.
On April 26th Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Stevenson, of Goderich, observed 'he
49th anniversary ea their wedding.
'l'•he frame 'house occupied by Mrs.
Norman McDiarmid, Jr., suffered
baclly 'from fire on April 22nd. The
cause is unknown as the children
were alone, . The fire alarm 'system
was not 'working at the time, and
,where the fire (brigade finally got
word, they lost some in securing a
team dor the hose reel. The cotmcif
is considering new fire equipment.
The cement foundation for the new
postoffce is a'bou't connpletgd,
Blyth Horticultural Society started
on its :caveer last week with a mem-
bership of fifty: The officers are:
Hon, president, Dr. Milne; president,
T. J Huckstep; vice presidents, Mrs.
C, Fiangland and Mrs. G. D. Leith„
sec.-'treas., E, W, Geddes; directors,
E. Bender, Jos. Stothers, Dr. Mc-
Intyre, J. A. Strang, Mrs. G. M.
Chambers, Mrs. James McGill, Mrs.
M. Taylor, Mrs, Robt, Newcombe.
Mrs. James Craig passed away on
April 25th in her ninetieth year. She
had lived in 'Morris township 'sixty-
four years,
Wednesday ha'l 'holidaye - com-
mence this week,
Mr, Jack Tierney fs home from
Georgetown, having left the 'bank.
Blyth's population, according to
Assessor D. 'M'cCowan's figures -this
year, is 623.
Miss Annie White, of Woodstock,
is visiting her '•sister, Mrs. C.
r. dbrea of Detroit,
M L. 'Goo d
visited Mr. E. Art.
Albert Gies epent a Week in Gode-
rich recently.
Milton Deitz has sold the 'building
where he 'had 'his implement shop to
acob Deichert,oaf Haytownship,
J ,,
Who wille itf e etin honey.
w ous or xtra i gh ty
Zurich now bas a drug ,store. It is 11
owned •by2A. J. Mackinnon.
Mrs. Fred Galley, a sister of Chris.
Lrilber, of Zurich, died on April 18th,
at Detroit. She was e6 years of age
John Peart purchased the farm of
L. L. Willett, 14th concession,
Stephen, for $5,400 atan lauction sale.
M'e'ssrs. Oscar Klopp and George
Hess. have a
autos Mr. .
Hess recetin Mr.Klap 's Maxwell,
whichcertainly looked the wore for
wear, 'havi'g.met with a bad accident
on the icy roads last fall, while Mr.
Klopp got the large •7 -'passenger
Chalmers six,''which 'm'a'kes a nice
roomy car.
Mies 'Ortha - Melick of Detroit,
visited her parents• fir a ifeib days.
A quiet ,marriage was solemnized at
Willis churoh 'manse when Rev. J. E.
Hogg joined 'in matrimony Mrs.
Florence Lowry to .Me. Thos. Wig-
ginton. They will live in Clinton.
The piano 'factory was dosed
down owing to an electric motor
burning out.
W. Clemente telegraph operator,
has been transferred to Norwich,
W. R. 'Ohowen' has gassed his
fourth year in 'mining engineering at
Toronto University and Fred J.
Wallis his 4th year in architecture.
H. Bluthner, 'Beas
nenber of the firm of J. Brown
s Co., has 'taken •charge of the con-
fectionery and bakery. He is mov-
ing 'his.'fatnily eo 'Clinton,
Mrs. C. 'M: C'ham'bers and Mrs, Ie
L Jermyn halve retureed to Regina,
Sack after +felting`!their ,parents; Mr.'
and Mr's.''' J, B.'reroleey, of Clinton.
A. D. Sutherland's
Life, Fire, Accident, Auto, Plate
Glass, Wind, etc.
Special Wind Policy
Reasonable Rates.
No Premium Note
Our Auto Insurance Policies
will protect you.
"Office over Walker's Furniture store
opposite Dominion Bank,
Of Farm, Fanin Stack and 'Impl
meats. W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, h
received ins'truction's to sell 'by pu'bil
auction on Lot 1, Con, 1, McKillop
adjoining the village ' of Dublin, o
'Feeley, "May. 8th at; 12.o'eloek Weeep
the, following. Ii-dtses�t grieu'ltu
gelding 7-3'ears old agricultural ,gel
ing 10 yrs." old; agricultural tea
aged, Cattle—•2 registered 'Halstei
cows fres'h'in'1 month; 'I tegisterc
Holstein 'cow due to Ere'shen at tem
of 'same; 20 'high 'grade H'ols'tein _cow
new milkers; 2 grade Hol'etelo heifer
due at time, of sale;: 9'choice sprin
heifer ,calves; 1 'Hols'tei 'boll ;}sing
year, eligible 'f.,r regi'stnaition. - Th
above cows are a choice lot in goo
condition. Hogs -1 purebred York
shire hog; 5. pure fibred Yorkshir
sows, due to farrow in. June; 6 pur
bred Yorkshire sows abo)it 150 lb
oath; 5 ahoets. Implements ---;Massey
Ileitis binder 7 ft. cut, sheaf Carrie
and truck; 'Deering mower 6 ft. Mit
McCormick• bay loader; new 'side de
livery rake; steel' hay rake'10 it,; cut
tivator and drill :combined; disc har
row; seed drill; Fosdson'tractor new
John Deere 2 furrow tractor plow
new; land 'roller; set of harrows;;
manure spreader; Bain wagon gravel
box; set cef trucks; hay rack; wagon
box; one main roller rack; set of
sleighs with flat rack. Ford touring
car 1923 model. cutter; fanning mill;
2.ferrow riding /plow; 2 walking
plows; eset of 'scales 2,000 lb. cap.;
grinder with- •10 in.,plate; blizzard
blower with 2 'sets of pipes; Hynam
milk'§rg machine, 2 unit; 214 Gilson:
gas engine; wheel barrow; coral cultf-
vakor; scuffler; pea pullers; circular
,saw; 5 in. 'belting; pump jack; bag
truck; Renfrew cream separator; set
of power clippers; 100 ft. of 1 in. gal-
vanized ;piping; milk cooler; milk
pails; stone boat; hog 'trough; 170 ft.
of hay fork rope, pulleys, hay foek,
set of 'slings, 3 ladders, a- full set of
carpenters'. tools; vise; quen'teity of,
lumber; wire stretcher; 2 lets of dou-
ble harness; 2 ,doz.. gram •bags; log-
ging chains' scoop shovel; craw bar;
quantity of fence posts; steel oil bar-
rel; 100 sap pails; 2 sap pans; steel
supply tank; three sets of whiffle -
trees; 3' neckyokes, forks, hoes, shov-
els and a host of useful articles found
on.a'faete Real Estate,—The harm
consisting of 190 acres of choice land
well drained and .fenced, in first class
cultivation and situated adjo'inig Dub-
lin fronting on Provincial Highway,
rural nail and phone, 6 acres of good
bush; 80 acres of 'spring orop sown, 6
acres of .fall wheat, 5 acres of alfalfa,
20 acres of swee clover, ,balatsce in
grass, good orchard and small •fruit,
drilled well, story and half 'brick
the first cora j ';
The safety of your deposit in the
The" Province of Ontario Savings Office
is Guaranteed by
The Ontario Government
Interest -paid on all accounts
Seaforth Branch - J. M. McMillan, Manager
i4 'Other Branches
house iwi'tlt furnace, lra•rd and soft
water in 'house, bath, good cellar,
bank barn 50x80; large _straw shed,
room ,for )100 bead, of 'stock, cement.
floor, equipped with milking mach-
ine,'cement'silo, This is.a ;choice dairy
farm ,close to railroad, school and
`churc'h. Terms—On darm 10.per cent._
on day of sale; !balance in 60 days, On
chattel'seeAil sums of $10 and under,
_ cash; over"that amount 10 months'
credit will be given on furnishing
nates approved 'by the manager of
' Standard Bank, 'Dublin, or a discount
of 5 per cent, straight off 'for..ces'h•'in
lieu of Motes. 'Positively no reserve
as everything offered will be sold. W.
E. Nairn, auct, Patrick Feeney, Thos.
Feeney, executors to estate.
,Miller's Worm Powders act anildly
and without- injury to the child, and
there can be iro doubt of 'their dead-
ly effect upon worms. They have
been in successful use 'for a long time
mnd are recognized as a leading prep-
aration for the purpose, They 'have
proved their ,power in numberless
•ca'ses and have given relief fo many
children, av'ho, but dor the good of-
fices of this compound, would have
continued tweak and 'enfeebled.
Think of What Is Back of it
Whether it"
is ton
9 ,
lis anc
e, selectivity, ectivit
or volume -
want in the radio you buy,
you will find it in the highest
degree : in oar line of AT -
WATER KENT equipment.
There is an• Atwater: -Kent
instrument: — receiving -set' r;
loud speaker at a size and price
to suit your preference.
To fully appreciate the real
beauty and splendid workman-
ship of these instruments, you
must actually examine ..them.
Come in today and see the
realevalue you can get in' AT -
g Sets and
Loud Speakers.
P 8.
Of Farm Stock, 1'nrnplements and
Household Effects, James W. Wat-
son, auctioneer; 'ha's received- instruc-
to sell by ,public auction on Lot 15,
North Thames road, Usborne, at
Thames Road school hoarse, oat
Thursday, 'May 14th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, the following: Horses— Team
of work mares 8 and 9 years old, 1
driving mare $ years old. Cattle -.1
cows freshened in April, cow due
June 15th, purebred Shorthorn cow
due time of 'sale, 2 steers rising 3
years old, '3 steers rising 2 years, 1
heifer rising 2 years old, 4 yearlings,
2 spring calves, 'purebred Shorthorn
bull 9 months old. Hogs -1 sow due
middle June, 8 hogs about 140 labs,;
50 Barred Rock hens, some 'spring
chickens, . Grain and Feed -400 lb -wile
els mixed grain, 125 bushels barley, 2
bags Early Ruse potatoes, a quantity
of other ,potatoes, Some salt. Imple-
ments. — M. -H. binder new, M. -H.
mower new; M. -H. drill new, culti
valor; hay rake, roller, disc harrow,
4 -section harrows, ;truck wagon and.
box, democrat, 'top buggy, Ford
touring car 1917 model in good con-
dition; road cart, 2 cutters, 2 -furrow
plow, 2 Verity walking ,plows, scuffle
er, pig rack, stay rack, pig 'crate, har-
row .cart,
ar-row.cart, gravel box, Banning mill,
scales 2,000 lb.' capacity; bag truck;.
root pulper, barrel wheelbarrow, De
Laval cream separator new 500 lb.
capacity; grindstone, sap pan, heated;
set of team harness new, 1 set team
harness, set single harness, Stewart'.
power horse clipper, 2 dozen grain
• Wednesday, May 6th.
Wheat,/ bushel .. $1.35 "-
Oats, per 'bushel ......... , . ,
,.: 45e
Barley, per bushel
Buckwheat, per ;bushel 6°'e
Peas, per bushel $1,00 •
Shorts, per cwt. •, 9 .. $L70
Bran,_ per cwt. •, 1.60 •
bag o,. ,,,60e
Butter, per Tb.
Eggs, dozen , . ,.
24c -26c
Hogs, P e per Hogs, w4.'... 1;
$1.25; .:
To the kind 'friends of
Mrs. George D. C. ;H'arn andfamilyil
extend their sincere appreciation for
the loyalty and kindness shown dur-
ing their recent sad +bereavement
EPPS-BROWN:-•AT knox ntan'se,.
'Goderich, on April 21,'1925,,.Ivy R.
third daughter.• of leers, M. 'Brown
--and the date Capt. Brown of Bay-
field, 'to !Lorne Epps, of Varna.
A second 'hand steel tire ,bu gy for
sa'le;. also 3 -burner coal oil (stove, in
good •order. W. C, GOV'ENLOCK,
Agent for Tropical Electric Ranges,
Egmondvilie, Ont 21. •
Wm, G. McSpadden, Hay. Dealer,
Seaforth, Ont.l Wishes to let thepub-
lic know he will be unable to do any-
thing in 'the hay. 'business this spring
owing to i11 health. 19 f
On the corner of Louisa and Mar-
ket/streets, a comfortable six -roomed
house with good 'back kitchen and
garden. Light and water in the
house. 'Will be sold cheap. Apply to
MRS. FORTUNE, 'Seaforth, phone
1614, or 'The News Office, a,
Sealed tenders, marked "Tender lar
wirlug Court House" will 'be received
by tiie undersigned up to 8 o'clock
p, m., -May 25th, 1925, 'for re -wiring
the iCoawrt House; Goderich, for light-
ing purposes. A11 'material to he
furnished by party receivin,g'contract.
?laps and,speoiiticatrons way be seep
bags, quantity lumber, 4 cords maple at 'niy ,office.- The 'lowest or any
wood, 2 logging chains, 'ro'be and a tender not necessarily accepted.
host of other articles found on rho 'GEO W. HOLMAN,
farm. Household Effects -1, steel' " County Clerk.
range Monarch Peninsular, wood or Goderich, April 25th, 1925. 19
g , o
coal; 1 's'teel ran' e +wod heater i
or wood heater, Perfection oil bart-
er,. cupboard, extension table, kitchen
table,' bureau, couch, lounge, several
small tables, chairs, . flower 'stand;
bedstead and 'springs, washing mach-
ine and wringer, 3 dozen fruit gems,'
strainer, pail, milk pails, lawn mower
new, 5 gal. coal oil •can. Terms -All
of 0
$ dunder ,1
a -
n cash; a h over
that amount ten months •credit will
be'given on furnishing approved joint
notes with, property owners es secur-
ity or a discount of six per cent, per
annum 'off' for'ca'sh in lieu of notes.
Positively Y no reserve
the 'farm, is
Tgrn'bull, pro-:
prietress; James W. ;Watson, auct.,
Charles Hackney, clerk,
'Icor service. A s'hoice'hog bared
from the bacon 'type lines and also'
possessing' the strong oonstitution
Which is often lacking an purebred
lines. Terms $1:50 a't time of 'service
vyith' privilege ,of returning .if neces-
Huroii road west
,For Rheumatic /Pains,—The gains
and aches of sciatica and rheumatism
should be treated with Dr. Thomas"
Eclec ri
t Oil. The soothing ''
tng properties es of this
famo s
-have been demonstrated ,;for fifty
years. Use it also 'for -inflammatory
pains, cuts, scratches, bruises and
sprains, either in 'human 'being or the
Want and For
Sale Ade, 3 times, 50e. lower animal's.
Must embodyood''e
g Fabrics, goodTailorfng/and`` cod Style.
style of the garmentf y °' d
gracds the figure. Good fabrics
rd the endurance and', good
tailoring safeguard , style and wear. = '
Tlre,tonger you ,receive:serr'ice from these
the value of " actorsthe in the
Your •
investment Economy . i
s w`
y �t
long run, not what -you save at the start, you' gain in the.
It is our policy to sell only good clothes
s , gotld;safe values.
Clothes oaf
Quality Suits
0 t
SQStoneMade CIot1ESSuits $30to $50
Clothes h
$35 to $70 ;