HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-30, Page 5Is } 1103 .,..der Grain, Salt, Flour and, feed xa• SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with.pota- toes and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the table dissatisfied. lD, 11. STEWART Your Butcher Seaforth. PHONE .58. CENTRAL STRATI ORD. ONT. WINTER TERM from Jan. 5th Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than does any other calling. Central graduates secure good positions. We re- ceive more calls for trained help than we ,have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. FLOUR.=Best: Pa'stry . and Bakin Brands. - FEEDS.—Brans, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Ground. Screenings, Oil Meal, and Tankage.. CATTLE SALT. -100 1'b, Bags. DAIRY SALT. -25 Ib. and 50 Ib bags POULTRY FEEDS. -Wheat, Buck- wheat, Oats, Scratch Feed, Meat Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell, Grit and Poultry Charcoal. Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth W J, Walker &, Son UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALivIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 3. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers` Furnished. Night or day phone 67. .1iTown Topics I, 11 Miss Sparks Was in Toro o on Mo '3a ,: �,tm:r. �" y Mr. James Curtin,. of Detroit, 'atpent •the week end 'un Mown. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, of Usborne, have moved into Mr. Daly's •houso on High•'street, Miss Marie Hughes, . of Detroit, . spent the Week -end at tier home here, Mrs. W. Abell, of Goderich, spent Monday at the ihom'e- of Mrs. John Rankin. Mr..,F.. A. Chittenden has rented Mrs. Cole's house on High -street. Mr. Dobson is, acting as manager of the'W'alton hank at pre'sen't. Mi's's Olive McCormack, who ibeen laid up for several 'months with a 'fractured ankle, has resumed her posi- tion .in the Bell Telephone office. Mrs. W. M. Stewart is visiting friends in Sarnia. Mr., and Mrs. Davey, of Wroxeter, called on Mr, and Mrs, John Mac- 'Tavish. Mr. and Mrs:'Robertso'n and daugh ter, Clinton, visited Mrs, W. E. Broadfoot, Mr. Thomas• Fraser, Clinton, visited Mr. John Beattie. Miss Dell Thompson, London, was a .guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. B. Thompson. Iy,r, L. Bolton was in Toronto on a business trip. Rev. Mr. Foote, of Exeter, occupied the .Pulpit of 'the Presbyterian •char ch on Sunday and preached two able sermons. Miss -Mary 'Gillespie is in Toronto this week. Rev. Dr. Larkin and Rev. W. D. McDonald are in London attending the Synod. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Healy, of Toronto spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. -McCormack. \1/atch 'for date of the "Old Maids' Association," to be given by the maids of the Anglican church early in May. Mrs. Wanless, who spent the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. G. T, Turnbull, has returned to her home in Varna. Miss Marion Wat on has returned from a visit to Toronto. Mr. George 'Kerr, al Trout Creek, Ont., was•here attending the funeral of his brother, the late 'Wm. A. Kerr. Mrs. M. Clark, of He'n'sall, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell. Mrs. D. Rogers and daughters, of Kirkton, 'spent Sunday with friends in 'town. Mr, Russell Scott, of Cromarty, is convalescing from this recent illness at his uncle's, Mr. Neil Gillespie. Mr. 'F. Fowler, principal of the Public, school, has been off duty through illness for the past few days. Word has been received of the death in California on April 20th, of Plarriet, eldest daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. A.,Wilsoh. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Turnbull were in Varna on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late A, Mitchell. Mr. Leslie Scott has accepted a po- sition in London. Mr. Jos. Eckert is busy at his trade shingling. Mrs. J. T. McMann is at. present lending a helping hand to Mr. and Mrs'. G. K. Holland, Beechwood, while they are moving to Dublin. Inspector Levan, 'of Toronto, paid his official visit to the Collegiate from Monday to Wednesday of this week. Miss Stirling, of Goderich, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. 'B. Scott. Mrs. J. A. Allen, of Kinmount, was a 'guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. Miss Mary Flett was in Toronto visiting her aunt, Mrs. Milton Ches- ney. Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Habkirk have gone to Grosse Isle, Mich., to spend the summer. Mr. J. Innis left on Saturday to take a position in the Dominion Can- ners Co., off Highgate. Mr, and Mrs. B. Willanis, of Strat- ford, were week -end guests of Mrs. S. Boyd. Mr. W. Ingalls, Mr. Adapt Paton of North Dakota Mrs. C.' F. Brown, and Mr. John McKinley,fof Michigan, were here attendmg the funeral of the late Thomas Paton. Mrs. A. Meikle and daughter, Miss 'Marion, of Toronto, were ,week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. G. D. C. I-larn, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wegg and two children, of To- ronto, land Mr. and Mrs, J. Bremner, of Ethel, were :here attending the funeral of the late G. D. C, Hann. Mr, .Dalton Reid sang a »solo in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening that was much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Ohes- ley, were 'week -end guests of Mrs. J. Patterson. Mr. Harold' Stark, Kitchener, •spent the week -end at this home here. Miss Erie Stewart, W'aterloo, was a week -end visitor at the home of her 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. iD. H. Stewart. Mr, R. Murless-Jones is confined to his 'home with an attack of inffueiiea. 'Mr. Ben. Johnson has rented the residence of the late Dr. Scott and will tntove this fancily to town. CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry ,running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. • Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, Dr. D, H, Mcinnes chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kind success- fully At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c MIXED NUTS Per ib. SHELLED ALMONDS 50c Per lb. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS 45c the shell, per ib. Ladies' •Batenan " s'Tailor.` Gentl'einen's Prompt Service _ Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH OPEN EVENINGS. ' PHONE 257 DUBLIN. Mr. 'Roy Dorsey, of the Standard Bank staff, .has been removed to the bank in Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. tyles. 'Darling anti Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Kleamen spent Sunday the guests of Goderich friend's. The many :friends of Mrs. Leo Hol- land are sorry to hear she us on the sick list. Miss Bessie Jordan visited friends in London on Monday. • Mr. Ralph Weiland, of Seaforth, spent Wednesday the guest of his friend, Mrs ;Alex. Darling. STAFFA. Mr. Hiram Harburn and Mrs. S. Kerslake arrived from t'he West to attend the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Harburn. Mr. F. O'Brien has installed a new gasoline engine weighing over fifty ° six hundred pounds, which will enable them to 'better serve the public in the chopping mill. Mr, F.'O'Bricn attended the O.T.A. convention held in Stratford on Tues- day. Mr. O'Brien is the representa- tive for (Hibbert town's'hip. Mr. C. 'Templeman, of Toronto, at- tended the funeral of 'his grand- mother, Mrs.'Hianburn, on Tuesday. Mrs. Harburn. — Hannah Paige, widow of the late Matthew Harburn, passed away at the home of her daughter, MI•s. H. W. Tetn,pleman, Staffda, on 'Friday, April 24th, in her 75th year. Deceased moved 'to Mitchell/about 'twenty years ago and her husband flied about 'ten ' years ago, Mrs, Hanburn frequently visited the home -of her daughter and 'it was on such an occasion that She passed away She was a woman, of fine character, beloved andrespected by all and her ,death has cast�a gloom on the cotnmuni'ty. She is survived by one son Hiram Harburn of Wa'sttna, Alta., and two daughters, Mrs. S. C. ICers1alce, cif Youngestown, Alta., and. Mrs, H. W. Templetaaan, Staffia. The funeral was on Tuesday' to Woodland cemetery, Mitchell, Rev. W. 11. Ro- berts conducting the •services. BEECH W OOT CROMARTY. Address and Presentation.—A very The girls have organized a soft ball team »for the season and are en- joying the :practises and are making plans for a series of matches with other teams during the coining weeks. The village was visited last week by former residents from Toronto, name- ly, Mrs. S. Speare and daughter Olive and soli nsersham and friend, Mr. Heil Bain and Mr. and Mrs. Rcebt. Brown and Mrs. Leckie, of Motherwell, and Miss Bessie Bain, now of Sudbury, were 'guests at the home of Mrs. Hugh Currie, Sr., one day recently, pleasing function took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Hol- land, Beechwood, on Monday even- ing of this week when on the eve of their leaving Beechwood for their new hone in Dublin, over fifty of their neighbors and friends assembled to 'bid theme good-bye and to wish them' many years el health, prosperity and happiness in 'their new home. The address was read by Mr. John Malone and Mi'. and Mrs. Holland were pre- sented with two 'beautiful leather- bound rocking,chairs. Mr. Holland on behalf of himself and estimable wife, feelingly replied, and 'thanked his friends and neighbors for their kind address and presents., After this part of the programme, all made' merry in games of cards, music, songs and reminiscent conversation until two o'clock a.n1.,'when all departed after a 'pleasant evening with their depart- ing friends and neighbors. 20c HEAD LETTUCE. CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES T. Phillips Seaforth Phone 63 Mr. and Mrs. Holland have been living in Beechwood now for thirty- eight years conducting a general store Mr. John Young, of Motherwell, and be was also Postmaster at Beech- assisted very enjoyably in the Sun - wood for. thirty-seven years, and un - day eveningmusic with his violin, and til the closing of the office about one year ago.: Before that period he was also in accotrLpanying the 'solo sung by Miss Irene Walker. . Mr, Charlie Coward and Miss Mary McCurdy were married at the Manse on • Tuesday afternoon of last week - Their many friends wish them every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. John Young and two little girls, of Motherwell, visited re- cently at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham, and Mrs, Currie, Sr. Mrs. Robertson was 'a recent visit- or at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Mc- Kay, of Dresden. Mr. and Mrs, Neil M. Currie, of St. Marys, visited at the homes of Mrs. Currie, in the village, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, the old home of the ,former. it successful •farmer on the seventh concession of McKillop, He has also been. Township Treasurer of McKil- lop for nineteen years and .forty years ago was a'memher of the McKillop council and 'dephty reeve for a num- ber of years,'' His activities have been varied and many. and always for the public good and he was always ably assisted 'b' his estimable Wife, Mr. Holland himself intends to spend this summer in Beechwood, assisting his son-in-law arid. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James F, Carlin 'in getting 'thor ou'glily grounded in the mercantile business as his successors in the Beechwooih;store, while Mrs, Holland and their .son,. Mr. George G., are go- ing to Dtt'lfn ,to the fide property they have.;purchased there from T)r, S. Murray„.V!S. The following is the address: • To \Tr, and Mrs. G. K. Holland; We , your friends and neighbors, knowing that you are soon going to depart front our midst, have 'gathered here this evening to spend one more pleasant night in your company. While We sincerely regret your de- parture wit"know full well what is our loss will he another's •gain.' We can ill afford' to lose such true and staunch friends as you have always proven yourselves to be, Never has there been a ,•time, when either of you have mot extended the helpful and willing hand to cheer and com- fort thasc •who in any way stood in need of your services. And your bright, happy and cheerful disposi- tions and outstanding •characters have always been e. source of encourage- ment to those whose .pleasure it was to know 'you. We therefore •feel it would ill •become us to let you depart from our midst without 'showing in some small way the esteem in which we hold you and •to show our grati- tude for the, Christian example you have given us for the past forty years. We ask you to accept this gift, not for its intrinsic value, but as a sou- venir of your friends of Beechwood, who have always admired your honor- able and •outstanding qualities. In conclusion; we wish you all joy and happiness in. your new surroundings. Signed in behalf Of your friends, John 'Malone, John Shea. Wretched from ;asthma. Strength of body •and vigor of mind are inevit- ably impaired by the visitations of asthma. Who can live under the cloud of recurring attacks and keep body and mind at their fall efficiency? Dr, J. D, Kellogg's Asthma Remedy dissipates the .cloud 'by removing the 'cause.', Sit 'does relieve. It does re- store the sufferer to normal bodily trim and mental 'happiness. We' carry the . Westinghous+ Radiola 11L� with Music Master Loud Speaker ` The most satisfactory set at the most reasonable prices. Call and see them. J� Bro.derick Electrical Supplies Hydro Lamps are built to ' a standard — Not to a price. There cart lie no second grade Hydro Lamps at a lower price. Wise and experienced nnothers know when their children are troub- led with worms and lose no time in applying Miller's Worm Powders, ,a most effective vermifuge; I't is abso- lute in clearing the system of wortns and restoring those healthy condi- tions without which there can be no comfort for •the child, or hope of ro- bust growth. It is a most trust- worthy worm exterminator. CONSTANCE. Mr. Jos. Pinkney Mas purchased a Ford car. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jos. Riley is sunder the d'octor's care at present. Mrs. Wm. McArthur and children motored from Goderich on• Sunday and spent the day :with her sister, Mrs. Adam Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson, of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'George Riley. • A week -from next Sunday on May 10th, Mothers Day 'will be, 'held in the It "o tliunn Methodist church. Miss Martha Cook is spending a few days ,with her sister, Mrs. Jos,. Riley. Mr. Clifford Colclough has purchas- ed a new driver. Mr”. George Mann and Mr. - James Riley spent Sunday at. the home of 'their uncle, Mr. James Mann, NOTIeB. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. NO others will be accepted. . No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall We have secured the services of two master mechanics in all makes of cars. Work guaranteed J. C. Thompson. Chevrolet Garage Main Street Seaforth Phone 155w Firestone Tires At "catalogue prices $7.95 $8.95 $10.95 OLDFIELD CORDS UNIVERSAL CORDS OVERSIZE CORDS This label is your guaran- tee of first quality. Look for it. Ask for it, on the lamps you buy. BATTERIES — Pres -To -Lite and Columbia. We have the Pres -To - Lite Agency for Seaforth. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Night ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH: Finest Nursery Stock Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc. REAL STOCK, REASONABLE PRICES List on request. HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO. 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. B BN=11 U -R The Suecial Milverton Flour , We Have it—Give it a Trial Also. Ground Screenings ehop of Till Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAiN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs If you are in need of tires, give us a call. ' , If you are in need of a new battery, or have a'battery to be repaired, see us. A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxy-acetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties. Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? Garage PHONE I67W., A. •:cn r