HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-30, Page 2..i HINDENBURG ELECTED PRESIDENT RECRUITS' FOR FARMS 1 ARRIVE FROM BRITAIN' BY THE GERMAN REPUBLIC Some Sizable Families Among _ Fine Type of Immigrants , Berlin,April 27. -Field Mortal supporting the Hohenzoliet a servitor Coming,to Canada. 1 Paul.Von. Hindenburg has been erected bore Alit Ilub, in, Bavaria. Curiously, a ebec April 26, -Canada's Minn,- ' t g Hindenburg 'lost his. own native Q 1 s- President of Germany by a plurality .:Von graben se:t,son at Quebec opened ye os nearly 1,090;000 over the'ltepub- city, Ilauover,'while he carried the terd•ay wit.he itish, with 805 passeu- Bcan, Wilhelm Marx, Socialist strongholds; Leipzig and gers on the S.ei :1lailuril and .1,257' Com l to returns at 2 ,'Clock this 'Frankfort, Berlld was satoug'13"ru ou the S.S. Monlcalnl. Of the about me morning- singwed the eeveuty-oiglit' publican, Motet receiving G:,4,:326 fotesl total 1,577 were third -el o passeu- yenr-ol'd soldier was' ui rlisptited tic- •against 384,667,. ' gore, consisting mainly of men and for over Marx,. the statesman. Re- action lead triumphed. Fully es alany women Voted a5 1144101: and for the 01os4 part the women Chose Von I•Iindenburg. The vote was heavy- 83 pea' cent, of _the eligible citizens; because the hypnotic power of the warlord's historic name drew The 5001' millions wlio put aver Volt families, destined to farms of various Hindenburg constitute the silent vote classes of lobni-, dreaded by the republicans in the 'mate list 00 t.lic :�lont'5104 was oainpalga-foul' mll)liou wor)>hippet•s litaittly British, and included ,876 per - of idols, m. martial heroes, of gooey- sons, including 11 families coming to stepping armies. Against this blare Candela antler the selected British fate of war'trumpets„ Marx's anguishing ily scheme. One Warmly le destined. cries for petite were inaudible, -dual to Ontario, three to Manitoba, two to , a vast block of the_usuwl stay-at-home Field Marshal Gonoral Paul \ Saskatchewan, three to Alberta, and vote to the polls: Millions cast bal. Beneckendorf and Ifindeubturg's cat two to British Columbia. eer has been 0 military one. Ile was i One of the largest'. individual tam- ants for 110 tia•,t time to hole put a g monarchist in die presidential chair. boric in 1347 at Posen, He saw active dies landed yeetct•d•ay'wee that of O.' service in the war of 1866 with Anstrin J. Wooster, which cott;i=acct of attar The oleetiuu ,';s the worst ile0eat suf- and later in the Franco leass1an Wal, • self, his wife, and sewers children, the' fared by republicanism in German Although ho had retired in. 19'11, he RT. 'REV. TJ. R': CLARE oldait clilld being 12 years of age ,,.r131s11"died history. The approximate final vote was';appoi appointed in 1914 eannnandor of I :4Ir::, Wooster - was barn on t1. facia, ? n_olicau of 1Viagaia, M11^hod e follows: the Eighth Army Corps, with Voni and her husband has haat twelve years" 01 Hamilton recently'; . Von Hindenburg, 14,640,000; Marx, Ludendorff as clilef of, staff. His vie- l 13740,000; Thaelmauu, 1,739,000. t Tannenberg and the Meow- farm experieioce. They are going to' Miles o g manitoba, Iters, Toeetc..• iteelares LONDON �1�J I CCI�I Von, Hindenburg attracted 4,000,000 Ian Lakes in the World War made him i,purchases, the Ontario Government votes more than Dr. Kari Jarres, the that the only place for a family like THEIR MAJESTIES HOME duce more a popular,hero, and he was; ( has added four flyingmachines•to its Nationaitst.•eaudlciate in the ireliutln' rapidly promoted to the tank of l ield`tLehs Is on the farm. Another• group which attracted t forest patrol fleet; which now totals ary election a month ago. Marx mere- 11latshal. 1 uneral oa Lord I�aV,llinson. a nineteen, according to the announce- Itthe Re ublican strength. 1 much attention coutsieted of Bine chit ly Ernst ted p g He of th , to leave his post at the l tared, travelling alone. Two of these Solemn Military Ceremony. Lrnst Thaetmann• fur the C'oiumun time of the, revolution after ilio are only seven years or age, and are 1 lets, gained slightly. Werld War he personally led the. .. s Loudon, Sprit 26. -Three impres- 1LLarx's main bulwark wa,s tate anniie5 back home in orderly as ion. i bound for dufeae�t oesdestinations. Eight; sive ceremonies were witnessed to Natural Resources Bulletin. Catholic Rhiaelaud, virile Catholic He again retired from active service? of the pule ate British: the ninth le London to -day. At the cenotaph the t. Ftuuia i boy, nine years olio, who $3,45, Bran -$27,25, Shorts -$2925. Bavaria deserted Marx for the Mon- in 19]9, When there was talk of pro-! Anzac Day termones were carried THE MARKETS_ Middlings -$35.25. Hay -No. 2, per Bavart Von IIi 504 Former securing' William Il. Ice offered him -1 has travelled alone from Finland, al- Met. There was the funeral prones- '-- $14 to $15. though 111' cannot speak n word of �• ,tett, car lots, , Crown Prince Ruprecnt's praclumaiion self as a snhatttute for theKaiser. tan of the late Lord Fawihls11 cont- Butter -No,' 1 pert', ized, 34 to Ij Eugl=sit• y in'India TORONTO. Sly/ac; No. 1 creamery, 33 to 331/2c; 1 Ontrivalling the Wooster fancily fn' In• icier-nt-ehiof of the arm , and Their Majesties King George' aitd Man. wheat -No. 1 North., $1.7091; seconds, 32 to 321/zc. Eggs -Fresh; THREE MORE BODIES point of numbers is that of 1.1.lrviatg, ween liar arrival from Fiance. No. 2 N, ribs 1.64 No. 3 North., specials, 85 to 86c- fresh extras, 34c; A�+ LAUNCH r i � i tvoci. com. acs of . 1. Irving, itis otic, Q It ivtls officially stateEl that the re_ $S.G09a; pNo: 4 wheat, $1.5294. fresh firsts, 31e. Potntces-Per bag; FY�®11d1. GAS. �f C . Y r car lots, GO to GGc, toirrisfs and travellers. i diol eight children. 'Cher are Prem turn of Their Majesties would be mi- lt Man. oats -No. 2 C.W., 59?1sc; No. Cows sold from 3.60 to $4. Bulls In this traffic Canada. is now coming • •v. Cumberland, England, rill 1110 desilm• 3 C.W., 551/ac; extra No, 1 feed, $ Fate • of Frel ter Ada MayC'a;`.. .' vita, but this merely meant they did 561st No. 1 feed 531E No. -2 feed, -$8,60 np. Calves -$5 to $ra,65. into her own. From all pmts of the $h , , 'eft to a farm m Ontario• not desire any ceremony', In point of / veWhen . + ti p 499ac. , t c'Hogs-Mixed lots, $18.50 to $14; do, country reports are received of in - Belle Revealed _-- -,_--•--.----ant a: �j, Pact, ilia ciewds weccin thea, be- selects, $13.50 and 514; sows, $11. oreasiug numbers of visitors., S g All the above ,Sea bay ports. British Squadron to invoc:n the station and the. palace American corn 'rack Toronto -No. Spring Tamils -$9 to $1L Sheep- many points that have heretofore not 1 Visit Canada in June showed almost unprecedented enthus- 2 yellow, 31,24. $0,50 to $7. - • been active in loolckug after the eot 11001. They were greeted at the sta- Millfeed-Det, Montreal freights, '-"'A- bets of visitors are c iter t e to Ades itch from Landon says: ---The I ion Uy the Duke and. Duchess of, bags included: Bran, per ton, rt$26; Insulin Effects Cure of recognize the advantage o% providing inter- eighthp York, Princess Maryshorts, per ton, $28; middlings, $38' Captain 111 -from Ea�osure cruiser Squadron, tinder Vice- and Viscount1} accommodation and a welcome. It Admiral Sir James Fergusson, c00-• Lasc 'les, Prince Henry, Prince g°Ont oats flour,r a o,b. shipping - would be exceedingly difficult for any !mal?der-in-chief of the North American, George, and France Arthur of Con- 2.00. points: A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., tourist with an eye for the beanofill i and West lathes Station, is ordered to naught. Opt. wheat -No. 2 winter, nominal; says: -Insulin played the leading, role or wonderful In scenery to visit Can- leave its base at Bermuda on June 0. Recent 0vtlences of Communist ac- No. 3 winter, not quoted; No. 1 cam in a drama of the high seas enacted ado and not find many spots w111110 a I for a visit to Canada. It will be 00111- , tivittes in Sofia and Paris had and to moretal, not quoted, f.o.b. shipping ou board the Cunarder Anaemia dtuing very short distance where he could posed of II.1I:S. t'oleutth, flagship the suggestion by a eectian of the pointsi according to freights. the recent tempest, and Captain F, E. find rest and recreation or otherwise tress that special precautions to Barley ---Malting, nominal, Storey of the Cunarder was comfort- satisfy his desire for a 0115030. (Captain the lion, Alexander Ramsay • 1 P P Buckwheat -No. 2,nominal. { D,S.0.1, 13,3I.5. Constance (Captain t 1 guard Their Majesties were neves-! ably resting in a local on By the sea or inland Canada offers ; V. Robinson), 11)14 H.M.S. Cu ew `sary, but Scotland Yard emphatically' Rye -No. 2; nominal Wednesday night, vocal his hospitalamor opportunities that are unexcelled by said that there were nohien. hour, first patent, 39.40, To- continued its voyage from New Yorlc 1 (Captain II. D. Bridges, B.S. l; Frontspecial pre -:ionto; do., second patent,. $8.90; To- any other country, and the vast i about June 9 to June 22 the x54106100 I cautions, On the contrary, instead of: ionto: to England in charge of Lieutenant,lengths Of good highways that have vel is±• off Halifax, Lo 41' tier flagshi : travelling in n MOOT car, in accord- Ont, flour -90 per cent. patent, Commander Gillingsworth. been constructed during the past few Monday night's tempest on the years have opened up areas hitherto North Atlantic kept Captain Storey inaccessible by automobile, During on the bridge throughout an anxious the coming season Canada will no day and night, and as a result of the doubt be visited by vastly greater nmm• exposure and fatigue he was stricken bees of tourists, The natural Re - Sources an acute attack'of diabetes. Sources Intelligence Service is already The liner was at once turned from in receipt of many requests for maps her course and headed for St. John's, and other information Concerning the nearest port at which it might motor tours and canoe routes from reasonably be expected the precious all portions of the United States, in - serum could be obtained. • Toronto Canoeist Starts Up Tiber for $14,000 Wager Dominion ,News in Betel Amherst, N.S.-It is understood obtained at the unusually low cost of that two parallel .coal seams, one $4,000 each, nearly four feet in thickness; and the Winnipeg, Man. -It is understood other three feet, have been discov- that the Vit -a -Min Products, Limited, erred by the Maritime Coal,, Railway will carryon a business here in milk, and• Power -.Compelly near the Maple ereaan, mineral waters, flavoring ex-- Leaf x- Leaf Mine' -at River Hebert, It is tracts and beverages this year. The stated that a stope will be stink lin- ,directors of'the company, which is. mediately for . the working of > the capitalized at one million dollars, are four -foot seam. • at present in Winnipeg, for the put.'- s 'pose of the selection of a factory site. Saint John, lie Application has Regina, Sask.-Commercial tests been made to the Provincial Govern - of .bigixetting ; Saskatchewan' lignite. menu for letters' patent for the inter coal are to be made in Germany and partition of the British. and Canadian Czeoho-Slovakia according. to report. Peeking Corporation, with lfoedquar't- It is expected that the test will take OTS in : this city and a capitalisation between six and eight weeks,' and of .$600,000; Both British and Cana - that the results will be known'in time than capital, it is understood, will be to permit the remodelling of the Bien - invested in the enterprise.' fait plant in June, if the tests prove Three Rivers, Que,-Construction as successful as anticipated. work Inas commenced on the news- ' Edmonton, Alta. -Great improve - Print mill of the Wayagamack Pulp tient has been made in the platter of and Paper Company here. Contracts winter feed for dairy ,cows in the for the groundwood mill .m01111014Y etrainee'clurin the past year, accord - and the newsprint machines have ng to the 'annual report of the De - been let to en English company, pertinent of Agriculture. There are while the, contract for the steel work etween 2,600 and 3,000 silos noW in went to a Montreal firm. the province, most of which have been Toronto, Ont. --Through recent' erected within the past five years. Victoria, B.C.-British Columbia will continue this year to advertise its resources of mines, 'fisheries,' lands at Wembley, according to ,an em- inent of the Minister of Lands and nouncement made, by Premier Oliver. Forests. Tho machines, which are This year's exhibit will cost $18,000 declared to be practically new, were or 319,000, it is estimated. GREAT BRITAIN PAYS HONOR TO AVON BARD Shakespeare's Iii •alloy Cele brated at Stratford by No't- Rble Literary Men. A 'despatch from London Saye: - The 3Glet anniversary of the birtl?'of Shakespeare was celebrated on Thurs- day in London and at Stratford -on- Avon, his birthplace, • AC luncheon. of the Englisch -Speaking Union in Lon- tion,'a toast "To the immortal Mem- ory of the Bard" tvas proposed by St. Lob Strachey, and aecon1 11 by .Alfred Noyes: Al a luncheon in the Town Hall at Stratford -on -.Avon it was Bernard. Shaw who proposed ,the same toast before, an audience '14111011 included repmesentat'ives of Poland, Bolivia, Ru- mania and Serbia. Stratford was ' crowded with visitors, who joined in the procession from the poet's cottage' to the' old parish, church, where scores,' of wreaths were placed on the tomb. The • procession, beaded by a brass hand, included tate Mayor and Alder - and men of-tlie borough,'rh0. Ambassadors attiecltes of nearly all foreign countrles end tate British Dominions and dependeueles boyou8 the seas, while the main body was constituted of men, w0100141 and .children, young and old, of all nations, some carrying expensive wreaths and bouquets, and others with humble floral sprays. The Natural Resources Intelligence Service of the Dept. or tate Interior at Ottawa says: One of Canada's natural resonrees - and one that is becoming Increasing- ly important is her attractions for Deep Yields Dead. St. Thomas,: April 26. -Within a few miles west of 'where the body of George Knaggs of Windsor was picked lip by the fishing vessel Thistle, Thursday evening, the bodies of Pranlc ,Payee, Bert Butcher and an • unidentified man, believed to belong to Cleveland, were found this after - neon by a searching party beaded by Reeve Dr. Jackson of Port Stanley, and brought to the port this evening. There was a life -belt around each body, and death in each case appeals to have occurred from exposure, and not drowning. The body of Bert Butcher was the first found, the fishing tug East Side � and possibly another c•rInser will visit dice with their recent practice, Their,eommal, in hags, Montreal or To- picki:ug it up. The tug Mogen picked THE EARL OF READING Hawke Bay, St. John's, N11E1. Sydney; ilTajeetirs' suite rode in open carri-'ionto. up Payne's body shortly afterward, , Who is the ideal ,duan as viceroy of ; rages, without escort. Straw-Carlots, per ton, 38.00 to while .the Edward S. located that of India, and who deflated the Gandhi Que0tec dna Montreal, ' $8.60. • the unidentified man. Thud the fate boom in a masterful manner, accord-] CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Screenings - Standard, recleaned, of the little gasoline freighter, Ada. Ng to Paul C'ruvath, an American' f.o.b. bay ports, per ton, $24.00. May Belle, that was formerly a pas- hula Incl publicist who has been Hay -No. 2, per ton, 313.00 to making short pleasure studying ,,.e eit,,.,....,, ;,, f1.., Orient.' ir��7rotltr4 G��ae t ,1 54 10 �� 514.00; No. 3, per ton, $11.00 to $12,00; mixed, per ton, $9.00 to trips on the lake during the summer 1 �� �, � t iiY ,rr, ��' $11.00; lower grades, 36.00 to $9,00. months, is known, and also the fate Cheese -New, large, 2415 to 25c; of who ventured across Far r Has Narrow )C. cape I 1 �` - '3^' twins, 26 to 251c; triplets, 26r/a to old � Lake Erie e four �on heron Saturday, g 2Gc. Stiltons, 26c. y Old; large, 27 to After Swallowing Medicine r Apr.14 18. 1 ® 'e 47 $Sc; twins, 28 to 9c; triplets, 29 to The boat carried a load of export A despatch from Hepworth, Ont.,' fi' z2 23 •; -•• 30c. Butter -.Finest creamery prints, 37 beer to Cleveland, according to re= stays:= -William -Finch, a farmer of ��"6 �■' to 38c; No. 1 creamery, 36 to 87c; Ports, and attempted to cross light Shoultice Settlement, near here, had a G No. 2, 35 to 36c; Dairy prints, 29 to April. narrow escape from death when he! ®®® f� ■� 30c. 19. on the a the l of herSunday, her Pe • 9i Eggs -Fresh extras in cartons, 35 19. That was the last heard of her consumed a small quantity of harsei , g , 's or stomach ®. - ,-. �� ■` to 3Gc; loose, 34c; fresh firsts, 31c; ti� dicating the growing interest in this country. Canadians have a web established reputation Eor courtesy to travellers. During the coming season we will be called upon many times for intermit - A despatch from Rome says:- tion about the particular district ht George H. G. Smyth, of Toronto, which we Iive and about Canada in completed the semi-final heat at of his general. Let us welcome our visitors medicine, in mistake f a n bodyan a Noce of d until I z1 sd gg'1 canoe •t fr o ti om Nova Scotia to Rome seconds,27 to 28c. o e v�JP return. n encourage them to eau wreckage were Pound. preparation which he hrd been taking n .- �, ' , i+and enc g .Y 1® Live poultry -Hens, over 4 to 5 when he arrived at the resort village As Canadians, we also should visit It was the location of Knaggs body of late. i 3 +�-b b lbs„ 20c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 18c; spring of Fiumicino, at the mouth of the the beauty spots. in olnr own country. that guided the Port Stanley search- Mr. Finch discovered his mistake at ,t `u. 3 o chickens, 4 lbs, and over, MX., 240• ,+, + , Tiber. The canoeist who paddled the line, when spend our vacation across ing party to -day. Reeve Dr. Jackson once, but, after rearhinl the nett L"' max" do, corn fed, 22c; roosters, 15c; duck- along the American coast from Syd- stated that they decided to make a room, he collapsed on the floor and; 67 3$ 9 y +o lings, 5 lbs. and up, 22c.y the within 11 comparatively careful c h i h. art o the was rendered s eechle,s. His wife,! o- :, • ^ :-a"', Dressed poultry -Chickens, spring, oiey, N.S., to New York, in 42 days, few miles are ponces.uhtch the far-' alefu ,ease n that t p E p 85c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs: 28o do, took a liner to England, crossed the ei lake, believing that the little boat however, suspected what had hap- gn tourist visits and which wo have went down there. The fishing fleet paned and immediately telephoned for ®■■ „lx `' 3 to 4 lbs., 22ce spring chickens, English' Channel, and then travelled never seen. Let us this year plan to steamed out from Port Stanley abort a doctor. a�� 49' 50 �1}x 4 lbs. and over, M.F., 5c, do, corn on continential rivers and canals, has spend our vacations in Canada; we 55 miles khan headed upthe lake in r He was unconscious before the duel i fed, 320; roosters, 20c; ducklings, 5 started' up the Tiber, to win his will then more readily appreciate the 54 flu+ 56 lbs. and up, ..7c. $14 000 wager. He is in splendid con spread -out formation. They had been tor arrived, but after an antidote hada w ■�; Beans -Canadian, handpicked, Ib., p reasons why so many United States Proceeding in this direction only about been administered he regained con-!dition and cheerful. terumists are visiting: this country. 20 minutes when the first body was sciousness and likely will recover, 6i4c; primes, Oc. found. Canada's Farm Lands Woman's Will Gives Each Valued at $37 an Acre : Pallbearer Two Dollars Occupied farm land in Canada; A despatch trona Pittsburgh says: slowed no fluctuation in 1924, remain-. The pallbearers who carried the c•of- : ing at an average value of 537 an acre, fin in which Mary J. Griffith was bur - according to the report of the Domin- t ied will receive 32 each for their ion Bureau of Statistics. The figures i kindness, by a stipulation in her will. included improved and unimproved I The unusual bequests became known laud as we'll as houses, barns and other' when the (Mamma was tiled here for farm buildings, ' probate. ) British Columbia registered t:he' Another claire bequeaths 35 to the highest average value of far lands minister who efil Iate:l at the funeral among the provinoes, with $96 an acre services- Her household effects and Others ranged from 553. an acre down i 54,200 were loft to frien,ls and vela- i to $24. 1 tives. ---- --__ MOUND STERLING AT HIGHEST POINT IN TEN YEARS IN NEW YORK A despatch from New York says: -I An advar.'ce of slightly 'mare than The pound sterling climbed on Fri -i five cents. which may come during day to the highest point inten years. the next week, woald mean parity, Bankers predicted its early parity. and that increase of a nickel in the with the dollar and considered the' price of a pound here would repre- probability of arranging a huge sent one of the most important finan- credit here for the British Govern cial and trade events in many years. merit. Its fra-reaching effect would be Pelt Such a credit may reach the figure in every dollar's worth of business of 3250,000,000, it was said, . but transacted between this country and 1 banking credit would �be entirely a a ng Great Britain, and in Britain's world - not involving sale or any security, to wide trade, amounting to billions. the public, The purpose of the credit, There is no doubt that a British largely psychological, would be to maintain sterling at par The fund credit, similar to, but much larger, would represent insurance against transient needs and might never be touched. Sterling reached 4.815, the highest since February 24, 1915. " This is 98.9 par cent, of partly, which, in dollars, is 34.8665. Bank buying, both here and in London, evas reported very strong. than the credits arranged for France here by bankers, utilier the leader- ship. of J. P. Morgan and Company, could be arranged without the slight- est difficulty. y The rise in sterling is due chiefly to Great Britain's favorable trade balances, her exports, having increas- ed materially in the last few months. ©THE INTERNATIONAL SYNDICATE. SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling to the words of which you feel reasonably ,pure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both, HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 1 -To house 6-Burnedby water 12 -Tidy 13 -Eager, greedy 14 -bear 16 -Roguish; coy 18 -Woody plant 19 -Toward 20 -Tear 22 -Less thick 24 -Court 25 -Change course 27 -Gives out 28 -Seaweed, source of lodin 29 -Mistakes - 31 -Aged; doting 33 -Part of the foot 34 -Correlative of neither 35 -Sour 36 -First book New Testament (abbr.) 38 -Couch 40 -And so forth (abbr.) 43 -An eager longing 46 -Anticipates with horror 48 -Rodents 49 -Hurry 62 -Drop ' 53=Anger 64 -Ties 86 -Prefix meaning three 57-Abbr, of name of a N. E. State 68 -Diseases 59 -Willing : 61 -Famous President (Initials) 62 -Source of wood 63 -Mimics 65 -Users, of popular weed. 66 -Changed 1 -Reduced to extreme hunger 2 -Half an em 3 -Grassy meadow 4 -Form of pastry 5 -Draws with a dry -point 7 -Fondle 8 -Assert 9 -Fib 10 -Theological degree (abbr.) 11 -Wilted ll -Row 17 -Pronoun 18 --High explosive (abbr.) 19-A fixed compensation 21 -Flippant 23 -Eggs of Insects 24-A dam 26 -Those who cheer for a person or team 28 -Tied into knots 30 -Peruses 32 -Pierce 37 -Tries hard 38 -To seize with the teeth 39 -Latest 41 -Two wheeled vehicle 42 -Longed for 44 -Male red deer 46 -Former German unit of Money 49-Contraiiiction 47 -Solt • 50 -Beast of burden 51-Abbr for means of communica- tIofi - • 54 -Hasten away. 55-A month (abbr.) 58 -To nffiict with vexation 60-A chargee 62 -Toward 94 -An elder (abbe.) Maple pradud's-Syrup, per im- President of Dominion Bank perial gal., $2.40; per 5 -gal. tin, 32.30 per gal.; maple sugar, Ib 25 to 26c. Dies at Toronto Home Honey -60 -lb. tins. 1333c per Ib; ' • 10 -Ib tins 131/sc. 6-11). tins, 14e; 2>,2- A despatch f Toronto pa from oron o says:- lb. tins, 151,3 to 16,4. - Sir Augustus Nanton, known through - Smoked meats -Hants, med., 82 to 33e; cooked hams, 46 to 480 smoked out the Dominion as a finarncier, and rolls, 22 to 240; cottage rolls, 24 to particularly in the West, where he 25c; breakfast bacon, 28 to 31c; spe- had 'built up many important finan- cial brand breakfast bacon, 34 to 36c; tial and business interests, died. peacefuly about 8.30 Friday morning at his home, 36 Castle Frank Road. Sir Augustus had long suffered from a serious malady, and some Weeks ago was critically ill,' but rallied and was apparently on the way to partial re- covery, at least, when again stricken. backs, boneless, 35 to 42c. Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., 321.50; '70 to, 90 lbs., $20.50; 90 lbs. and up, $19.0;. lightweight rolls, in barrels, $44; heavyweight rolls, 341 per bbl. Lard -^urs tierces, 20 to 2034;, tubs, 20% to 541c; pails, 21 to 211/20; Twenty-four British Boys to Settle in Canada A despatch from London, Eng., says: -Twenty-four boy,, the major- ity of whom belong to London, sailed on the S.S. Minnedosa on Thursday for Canada, to take tip farm work i:1 the Western Province=,. The boys' ages range from 14 to 17. They are receiving free passage to the Dominion from the. Co'_•onization. Association, and they have promised to remain in the 'situations which have been foend for them until they prints, 221,3 to 23c; shortening tierces, Lady Nanton and the three sons and are 18 years of age. When they ar- 14 to 14t/ c; tubs, 141/z to 15c; pails, three daughters of Sit Augustus wore rive at that age they ,vii4 be at lib 1511 to 160; prints, 161,h to .17c. at the bedside when tL'o end came. erty to -engage in. other work if they Heavy steers choice $8 to 38.26 desire 0 0 0. y i d s - do, gaol, $7.25 to $7.75; butcher steers, New Gold Fuld Reported Other parties of boy:, will sail for choice, 57:25 to $7.75; do, gooda$o',50Canada later under imilar condi- to $7; do, tied., 36 to $G.bO; do, com., in Pontiac County, Quebec $5.50 'o $6;. butcher heifers; tions:. choice, $7 to $7.50; do, med., $6 to A despatch from Pembroke says:- $6.75; do, come 35.50 to 36; butcher At Cobb Lake, in the County cows, choice, $6.60 to $6; do, fair to t y of Pon- Village of Stirling �W good, $3.50 to $4.75; canners and cut lac, gold has .been found on limits Attains Unique Distinction ters, $2.50 to ,$2.45; butcher bulls, owned by J. R. Booth,. - Claims arta good, $4.50 to 35.50; do, fair, $3.75 to stakedin every dbrection: The ore , A despatch from fetei•boeo says:---• $4; bologna, 32.50 to 83.25; feeding when assayed yi'e'd011 gold at 0, rate Tio Village 11 Stirlih^ bias lied •anew o steers, good, 36.50 to.$7; do, fair, $5 to 6.25 • stockers, good,' $5.50 to ,$G; of $32 to the tons Cobb Lake is distinction thrust upon it by alae filo do fair, $5 to. $6.50; calves; choice, situated about''eight pities fram �$11 to 312; do, med., 37.00 to 39.50• Chapeau, Que. do, common, 54.50 to $6.00; milch 0 s choice • 70 to 50; do, fair, `$40 Solution of last week's -tuzz'.e. cows, , g v8 i : to $60; springers, choice, , S 75to 590; , good light sheep, .$8.50 to 310; heavies and bucks, 35.60 to $7.50; geed; ewe lambs, 314,50 to 315; do, treed„ 313 to 314.50; do, culls,' "411 to 312; spring jambs, each 310 to $15: hogs, thick smooth, fed and watered, 31? 05; do, f.o.b.,. $12.25; do, country points, $12.00: do, off cars, 313,25.; select prcnnium, 32.52. MONTRE?LL. Oats -Can. west. Na. 2, 641/2c; do, No. 8, 601/2c; extra No. eed, 551/2c. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., lsts, 59.40; do, 2nds, 38.90; s` ong bakers', $8.7. tvintee patents, choice. 37.20 to $7.80. Rolled oats -Bag of 90 lbs:, uummar0®4v' iiiimma-ommuvw Ea R 01.1p MM MIA rb^J p ®'s it7 ' 4 i� R: ` MCP4 bei 11116311 Via ®.:1^.® ;x iIDI I ®®® [IM 'Eli O 0®®M EUEIGNal,;111211 SWUM MUMMAIGOU MUM nlini0n Government --through tedistri- bution, 11.19 main street of the vil- lage now forms the llaundari 1(1te of .11410 ridings, Stirling- having been built astride the line separating two townships, ItISbelieved Lh41t. (hie distiuotion is unique.., For Federal eleclon purposes what was once 111011,11 0s hest l-a slings will" in fnta1o appear in the returns as South Haetinge the riding that lea, Gus Porter of Belleville held for so many. Years. The: west half of Stifling finds it- self after the redistributioe shuttle in the new rlcling that his been termed by a joining together of portions of the Counties of Hastings and Peter•