HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-23, Page 5TiIURSDAY'; ARRL 23, 1225. E SEAFORTH .IYEW8 SERVE ONE OF OUR ROUND ROASTS for dinner tonight and make a hungry man happy. He knows that when he gets a generous slice of our roast beef, with pota- toes and some green vegetables, he won't get up from the table, dissatisfied. D. H. STEWART 'Your Butcher Seaforth ' PHONE 58. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. WINTER TERM from Jan, 5th Commercial life offersgreat- ere opportunities than does any other calling Central graduates secure good positions. We re- ceive more calls for trained help 'than we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Crain, '.'Salt, Flour and I eed FLOUR.—Best Pastry and Baking Brands. FEEDS,—Bran, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Ground Screenings, Oil Meal, and Tankage. CATTLE SALT. -100 lb. Bags. DAIRY SALT. -25 1b. and 50 lb bags POULTRY FEEDS.—Wheat, Buck- wheat, Oats, Scratch Feed, Meat Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell, Grit and Poultry Charcoal. Highest. Market Price Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth W1 J. Walker & Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALlvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CHURNING CREA WANTED 'Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, Dr. D. H. McInnes Chiropractor. Of Wingham, will be at the. Commercial Hotel„ Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Oranges At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c MIXED NUTS 20c Per ib. SHELLED ALMONDS 50 c Per lb. ........ . . . . CALIFORNIA WALNUTS 45e to the shell, per Ib. HEAD LETTUCE. CELERY CAULIFLOWERS• TOMATOES T. Phillips Seafortlt Phone 63 CROMARTY. 'Rev. R. G. and Mrs. McKay, and little children, of 'Dresden, were visit- ors at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Sc'o't't last week -end. Miss B. :McLellan, now 'teaching in Carlisle, and M'is's Jean Barbour, who was ;home from Detroit 'for Easter, were ,c'a'llers on friends in Cromarty last week. Air. Ott. Walker has gone to De- troit to take up carpentry work there. Miss Ethel Howe and Miss Mary M•dKellar returned 'home :from De- troit, where they spent the Easter holidays with friends and rela'tive's. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Russell, of Avonton, were recent visitors with relatives there. Rev. Colin Fletcher, D.D., o.f Hen - still, preached here on Easter Sunday as 'Rev. D. R-itchie.was absent. 'There was quite a large 'attendance to hear Dr. Fletcher who is still -a fine speaker and a known authority on Bible history and lecture. This 'community extends 'sympathy to the bereaved brother and sister of the 'late Milton Crawford, who' passed away . on -Sunday afternoon 'after a long and wearisome illness. 'He had been a ,partial 'invalid .fo'r many years but a,brave stiffererand 'a general :fav-. trite with all Who knew him. ' :His death was not unexpected. Wingham. Mr. Thos Jenkins, of Bluevale road died at his hotnenn"Wednesday, aged 94 years. The funeral was held on Friday. - The: Bowlers have organized for, the season. Mr: J, W. Hanna is the president and C: R. Wilkinson, ,secte- tary. The -bowling green will be a lively place soon. On Easter Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church the ,choir, with Mr, W. H. Willis, organist, rendered selections from a cantata whioh was 'much appreciated bythe -congrega- tion, con rega-tion, Mn'Lawrence MacLean 'has chased the 'Mime of Mr, C. D. Shackleton, who is removing to H:untsvillle, Muskoka, • The large barn on the farm of, W. ,R, Johnson, I=I'owick township, was :destroyed by fire on Thursday, as- ■■rrr.r■r�su�ru.—�t1 ii1iTown Topics Miss Jessie Buchanan, of .Hensall, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Sproat last week. Mr. and Mrs: J. Reid and Mrs. Paul -Reid, Lueknow, visited Mr, and Mrs, James Sproat. Mr. R. T. 'McIntosh, Toronto, has rented Mrs. John Cameron's cottage. Mrs. Cameron intends going to 'To- ron'to, for a tine to live with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. +Gailagher, of 'Tees- wa'ter, have moved into their 'h'ouse on North Main street, recently ,pur- cha'se'd from Mr. A. Kennedy. Mis's MieLennan, of London, is visiting her brother, Mr. A. A. Mc- Lennan. • Mr. John McNay was in Toronto attending the 'convention of the Rural Ratepayers and School Trustees: . Mr. and Mrs. J.: M. 'Govenl'ock, of Winthrop, have 'moved in with -Mrs. Goven'l'ock's father, Mr, 'T. Hays, Mr. S. Broadfoo't +has taken a posi- tion in Toronto. Mrs. Williamson, of 'Grey, .was the guest of Mrs. G. McTaggart. Rev. and Mrs, Norman and Miss Ruth, 'of Hamilton, and Miss Tovell, of St. Marys, were 'guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Stewart: Mr, and Mrs. Hodgins, of Toronto, were guests of her Mother, Mrs. R. Winters. - Mrs, Hester, of St. Joseph, was a guest of Mrs. Adam Dickson. Miss Florence Laittla'w, who spent the vacation -with her Mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw, has returned to Toronto, Mrs, Reeb and Miss 'Ree'b, Port Colborne, are guests of .lir, and Mrs, W. G. Spencer. Rev. W. D. McDonald, Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Chesney, Mr. John Mc- Lean, Mrs, Robert McKenzie and Miss H. I 'Graham were in Stratford on Monday to hear Rev, Dr. S. D. 'Gordon, 'of New York, the disting- uished religious writer. Mr, Russell Stott, of Cromarty, who underwent an operation in the hospital, is recovering. Miss -Bernice 'Hodgins, who spent Easter with Mr..anid Mrs. L. T. De - Lacey, has returned to Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Latimer, of Anderson, S. 'C., are spending ;their honeymoon with her mother, 'Mrs, G. Weir. On Monday evening a few friends met at Mrs. Oscar Neil's and presented the bride with a• "silver platter. Mr, Moffatt, of Staffa, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warden, Goderich street. Mr. Arnold \Westcott,'Who -has been ill 'for :sante weeks in a London hos- pital, has recovered -sufficiently to return 'home. His many friends are pleased to 'see him around again. Mrs's Thelma 'Whelpd'ale and Miss Marguerite Barrington, of Toronto, are .guests of Mr, and Mrs. IT. M. Sproat. Miss Dorothy Robinson has re- turned after visiting Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mitchell. Mrs. C, Wright, .Detroit, and Mrs, S. Chesney motored here to attend the reeption held at Mr. W. M. Sproat's for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Govenlock. Mr. and ivirs, Edward McFaul, of St. Thomas, are the igucsts of Mr. and Mrs. John M:acTavish. As[•r. Fred Larkin, Windsor, spent Sunday with his parents at the Manse. Mrs. S. S. Hardy, of 1GOderich, was a giies't at the Rectory on Tuesday. Seaforth Football Club is holding a meeting 'Thursday, April -23rd, The repetition of the fine pro- gramme of Easter nisysic on Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church by the choir under the efficient lead- ership of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rennie, was much appreciated, as was' also the appropriate sermon preached by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Larkin. Two solos by Mr. James Sleeth, Sarnia, a former member -of the choir, were a special feature. His Gua ny friends were :delighted to hear him again. Mrs, Livingstone returned hme on Monday after -spending' the winter in Detroit. -' Mrs. Harold Pym and two children', Marion and Billy of Stratford, were ,week-eitd guests of Mrs. John Hotham. LADIES' AID TEA. The Ladies' Aid of the Seaforth Presbyterian church ihelcl q very, suc cessful tea on Thursday afternoon, April .16th, in mite school room. Tea was served front 4 to 7 at .prettily decorated tables and an enjoyable time was -spent by all. The proceeds amounted to :the 'gratifying 'stun 'of $48. The ladies of the society wish to thank all those who, in any way, helped, to make the tea such a success, S.T. COLUMBAN. Mr, Hugh McMillan, of Detroit, motored 'over and spent the week end at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and 'M'rs. Miles McMillan, of the sixth line, Hibbert. 'Mr, John McMillan, of Detroit, ;spent the week -end at the 'home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Miles Mc- Millan, Hibbert. Mr.John Melady, of Detroit, :spent the week -end at the Thome of his fath- er, Mr. Joseph Melady, second line Hibbert. Mr. iDonnis Barry and Mrs. 'William Nigh were called to London this week owing to the serious illness of their sister, Miss Hannah Barry. The whole cotnnumity was shocked on Monday evening -when the news of tite death of 'Mr.' Frank Feeney was rep'or'ted, He died of pneumonia and was only ill a couple of days. The sincere -sympathy of ;the whole com- munity goes out''to the bereaved widow and chil'd'ren in The sudden taking' of husband and father, This district was treated to a' gents- ine piece of winter weather during Sunday and Monday and it was ac- companied by a very 'high gale-Sat- urday ale Saturd'ay night and Most of Sunday. Dur- ing the 'heavy blow of Sunday aftet- 1 ,Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING. PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS: Upstairs over Mr. Keating's Drug Store. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTN OPEN EVENINGS. PHONE 257- noon 57 noon the wind demolished ,a section of the :horse sheds at St, Coluiuba'n. Pneumonia is very prevalent in this part just now and 'there are very few families that haven't some member laid up with severe colds. STAFFA, A play will' be given by the'Goul'd's Dramatic Club, "The Path Across the [-fill," in 'the .township hall on Tues- day, April 28th. Cone and hear a real good play. In view of her approac'hin'g mar- riage e the Methodist choir gathered at the home of _MM.r, and Airs, Wm, Sad- ler an Tuesday evening and 'presented their daughter Mary with a beautiful ni'aliogany tray and the .following ad- dress: "Dear Mary,—It is with mingl- ed feelings of ,pleastire and regret that our little group is gathered here to- night—pleasnrc in anticipation of the. happy event which is to take ,place in the near 'futu.re, and the setting up of a new home on our Staffa circuit which we arc sure will prove a very -real help and inspiration for many years to conte. Our regret is at losing one so popular and energetic from our immediate community, and from the various activities of the church. Your place will be hard to fill in :the Sun- day school, in the community sports and in the choir, and with sincere gratitude for all your help so will- ingly given, we ask you to accept this mahogany tray with the hope 'that it will always remind, you of our pleasant times together, and with the assurance that our very best wishes go with you in your new sphere. Sign- ed on 'behalf of the choir. The Staff, Girls soft ball team also ,presented her with a beautiful pyrex pie plate set in pierced silver. Rev. E. J. Roulston and family, and Mrs. Chapman, Arkona, called .on friends in the village on Thursday last, being guests of Mrs. vV, O'Brien, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. O'Brien 'call- ed on friends here at Easter when on their way front . Sinrcoe to Owen Sound. The regular meeting of the W.M S. will be held in the church of Thurs- day afternoon 'of this week. Officers will be elected. :lir. and Mrs. \W. O'Brien spent Sunday in Stratford. 'A little baby boy was welcomed to the :hone of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie on Saturday, Mr. Lloyd Elliott has gone to Windsor where he has secured a good position and purposes taking his family to live there in the near future. Mr, and Mrs. Wni. ;Warden, Strat- ford; attended the funeral of their Wednes- day - n \ crines Warden, o 4 tics C. , Cousin, b day 'last. 'The many friends of Milton Craw- ford were much grieved at learning of his death -which occurred on Sun- day last. The funeral was 'held on Tuesday with interment in 'Staffa cemetery. 14Ir. Robert 'Moffat is spending a few days with his nephew, Mr. T. Worden, Seaforth, and is at present under the doctor's care. Mr, J. M. Woideni has rented 'the Drake farm and- is 'busy putting in the seed. , The 'Staffa Women's Institute an- nual meeting and election of officers for -' the ensuing year e'arwt will be held at the home of Mrs, J. A'I, Worden on Wednesday. afternoon April 29th. Roll scall, "A 'beau'tiful thought 'front ;prose or poetry." Programme 'com- mittee; Mrs. Jas. Hill, Mrs, Walter O'Brien and Miss Margaret Davis. An afternoon tea will ,be served. -Come and bring your 'friends. Mr. Will Miller has presented him- self .wi't'h a new "Lizzie," Mr. and -Mrs. 'Ivan Hill, Waterford, motored upand spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hi1C: Miss Jennie 'Sillery, teacher at Fer- gus, is "spending , her vacation at 'Mi'ss Margaret Lovell, teacher,,as- S.S. No. 4, spent the Easter 'holidays with her parents tin Stratford, The many'friends of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reed are sorry to know they are leaving Staffa and will in future live in Mitchell, The 'home of Air. and 'firs, Wm. Sadler 'was the scene 'of a quiet but pretty wedding at 5,30 'o'clock on Thursday evening when their daugh- ter, Mary Irene, was married to Norman cram E. Bushfiel 1 son of h '1- t c the -late Johnson and Mrs, ] f \I s, Bus t tell of Logan.The bride U de e ttered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, -to the strains of L'ohengrin's wedding march played 'hy 'her sister. The cere- mony was performed by Rev, J. E. Jones under an arch 'trimmed with ferns, sweet peas and Easter `lilies in the :presence of only the immediate relatives of the bride and :groom. The bride was attired in a charm- ing 'gown of sand silk' georgette crepe and carried a shower 'bouque't of carnations and sweet peas. The groom's gift to 'the 'bride was a dia- mond set bar pin and to the pianist an onyx ring. Mr. and Airs, Bushfield will reside on the groontms farm in Logan. Goderich. Airs. Richard Ryan, while going to a service in the Methodist churdh, was struck by a car driven by Fred Fritzley, and knocked unconscious. Her leg was :broken in two places and her arm at the wrist. She is new improving in the 'hospital. A junior branch of the Horticul- tural Society 'has been formed and is now engaged in beautifying the grounds opposite the library. Shrubs and plants have already been 'donat- ed for the work. Other corners will receive ,attention later. NOTIeE We have secured the services of two master mechanics in all makes of cars. Work guaranteed J. C. Thompson Chevrolet Garage Main Street Phone 155w Seaforth Firestone Tires At Catalogue prices CORDS OLDFIELD Q 7 ■95 UNIVERSAL 95 CORDS ■ OVERSIZE SIZE $10ro/�IC{� BATTERIES — Pres -To -Lite and Columbia. We have the Pres -To - Lite Agency for Seaforth. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed.' Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. Finest Nursery Stock Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc. REAL STOCK; REASONABLE PRICES List on request. CANADIAN IMPORT HOLLAND MPOId'r Co, 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. We carry the Westinghouse Radiola IIIA ewith Music Master Loud Speaker - The most satisfactory set at the most reasonable prices. Call and see them. J. j, Broderick Electrical Supplies 1q�\t \�,, 1�a\��� 1 v �l 1� 1 Iii ,\ G ng na \ ( J!S. ill' Hydro Lamps are built to a standard— Not to a price. There can be no second grade Hydro Lamps at a lower price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall ,This Label is your guaran- tee of first quality. 'took for it. Ask for it, on the camps you buy. BBN=HUR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON 'f GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Your /Auto Needs If you are in need of tires, give us a call. If you are in need of a new battery, or have a battery to be repaired, see us. ' A complete line of most called for parts of various cars. Battery charging, oxyacetylene welding, expert auto repairing our specialties, Have you seen New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? e fl e rS Garage, PHONE 167W.