HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-16, Page 7. ONTARIO Bankin by ` '{ i. The security afforded by the Province of- Ontario Savings Office, together with the facilities extended: by every ,'Post- Office in Canadaand other countries, ]lake it possible for everyone.to deposit their savings in• this institu- tion. Interest is allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full checking privileges. The confidence the rural communities have shown in this Savings Office is indicated by the large increase in de- posits, which are now over $20,000,000. All deposits are secured by the entire resources of the Province of Ontario. Remittances should be made by Post Office money order, bank cheque, express. order or registered letter, and should be ;addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive prompt attention.: PitiliCa Of nSaliMgS HEAD OFFICE: •'15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO Toronto Brano h Offices: Cor. Bay and Adelaide Sta. • Cor. Unlveralty and Dundas Sta. 619 Danforth Avenue. Other Branches at Hamilton St. Catharines, St. Mary's; Pembrokke, Brantford, rd, Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa, S,eaforth, Walkerton, Newmarket and Aylmer. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J;, J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health; Ontario. Dr. Middleton win be glad to answer questions on Public Health maty tars through this column. Address him at Bpadina House, Bpadifa Crescent, Toronto. {active' exercise should peactice -passive movements,.the Batu and. 1t "leis' ehould•be kept active.: In most cases people can fight off fat if theyy ere' deter Mined and' per- ' sistezit in their efforts. 'rill aiad Bees Know Color and, Have Favorite Shades. Wasps have a keen eanss' of colo'. Lord Avebury placed colored papery I, . t�:w dz t•' u,eo'r, First Ald Trophies, Tire Presence or these fish in the ®® j over a wasps' nesi.• with a hole to al- low free entrance. Ire constantly, re-' moved the impose to various distances from the neat, replacing them by. others of- different colors. The wasps flew to the colored papers'to which Way become accustomed. Bees, too,: have 'a very keen sense of color, and, the ability to discrimin- ate between variations• in shades. alines aro 'fav corites, including pale blue and violet; and though purple reds aro visited and in favor, yet scar= lets are disliked. Yellows or greens are passed by if flowers of more, 'fa- vored colors are present. In some, of the delightful rural spots do len.gland people still believe that bees aro interested in world affairs, especially when these affairs affect their 'owners. Failure to .inform the bees is tisSeriotis breach of confidence, so grievous indeed that they are liable to die of disappointment. To prevent disaster it is customary to visit the hives and tell the news; to decorate them on feasts' and holidays and on the occasion of a marriage ora birth, to use colored cloth, While a death nuts the bees•into mourning, and black crepe is -fastened to the hives- Good news or bad, the owner taps three times and tells all he can.. It always better to'useethe front -door key to tap with. . if you are overweight you are not year. In all cases obesity results iron quite so healthy .as you would be if a disturbance of. nutrition. Too much yyou' were the correct weight. Besides, food of all kinds is eaten, and there is danger. 'Statistics prove that enough exercise is taken. Thebody the overweights die young. The death- cannot burn -the food up into the final ratefrom pneumonia among people of, products of combustion—carbon .di - excessive avoirdupois is very heavy.. oxide and water, The system cannot Bright's disease carries off large num-get rid of the excess of food, par- bers of them, and'high blood pressure ticularly the starchy foods, so it con - takes a heavy toll To sum matters verte.it into fat and stores it in the up, the motto is plain and self-evident. 'tissues. If 'the food did not come in If you are overweight, you should re-isuch large quantities and at such fre- duce, and when ;you get your weight quent intervals, if the body were down, keep it down. The great trouble l given time and opportunity to oxidize is that many people start to reduce, f the food by work, it would take the but comparatively few have. the will- materials essentially needed, burn up power or determination to stick for the rest, and not be burdened by ex - any length of time to their good re- cessive deposits of fat. Generally solutions. speaking, lazy people are Tat people. The normal man is about twelve per', The prevention of obesity rests on cent. fat. If a man eats each day Just regulation of diet, habits and exercise. a little more food than he uses in his No more food should be taken than work, and keeps it' up, he puts, on fat. can - be used up by the body. All ex - The amount'of excess food required is cessive diet Of sugar, starch foods and slight. For instance, an experiment -malt liquors should be avoided. The was made by working out aaultrition- real burning up of food is not acorn - al balance, and then adding two slices plished in the stomach, but in the of bread and a good sized helping of lungs and muscles. Keep your lungs butter to the daily diet. This was and muscles active. . enough to add on fifteen pounds in a The'treatmentfor those who sufi'er, is chiefly along the above lines. Stop feeding the trouble. The diet should be cut to at least one-half the usual amount, Fats and sugars and starch- es should be limited a little more than ,the proteins. The amount of liquids should also be limited, Indolence and. disinclination to exercise should be strenuously combated. Too much sleep or idle lying abed should not be en- :couraged. Invalid® not able to take "The Standard by which • other Irons are Judged." V OU can now obtain a genuine Hotpoint Iron for: 0.60. This famous elec•-• trio: eervant.•haa=-for years been the first choice among discriml:nating bouaewiyes. The thumb rest—an exclu- sive Hotpoint patent—eidm- Mates all ' strain on the wrist. This Is the Iron with the famous het point. 'Your dealer sells Hotpoint Irons' A Canadian General Electric; -Product. MAO. Seed Potatoes Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains. Grade A, $1.50 pier bag f.o.b. Brampton or Toronto. Cash with order. Lots of 5' or more bate 10 per cent. less. H. W. DAWSON P.O. Box' -38 - Brampton, Ont. WE WANT CHURNING We • supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by -express money orders, wlrioh can be cashed anywhere without any•ollarge, Our Present Price .is 37 Cents Per Pound Butter Fat. Nett to you at your station. Price is subject to change without no - tied. To obtain the top price, Cream mustbe free from bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent. Butter Pat: • Bowes Company Limited, For references—Head. Office, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker.. Established for over thirty years, WIEN THE SYSTEM IS ALL RUN DOWN Often All That is Needed is a Tonic•to Build Up the Blood. Thereare many women who have been invalids or semi -invalids so long that theyaccept their condition as a life burden. They have endured brok. en sleep, stomach trouble, nervous- ness, headaches and weakness so long that they have given up hope of enjoy- ing good health. In most of these cases a well ohoaen diet, fresh air an$ a tonic to'build up the blood would do wonders. To allrun-down, nervous People the experience of Mrs. H. J. Cameron, Watervale, N.S.; will be of deep interest. She says: -"About two years ago I was in a miserable run- down condition.I was unable to do, my work, my .heard ached day and night, my nerves were all unstrung, and for three weeks I could not eat or sleep. 2 t'h•en decided to give Dr, Wil- liams,' Pink Piller a trial and got six boxes. By the trine 2 had uaedlialf of thein I felt much better, and when I had taken the six boxes I was as well as ever. I could work all day and not feel tired and have been strong arld healthy ever eince. I have never 'tak- en any medicine that did me so much good Bind- will always highly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these Pills, from any medlcine dealer, or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. • A Mystery; o£ imtale ;Sainge a, .Specens of Asia that swirl he Beath the sands of 111e Sahara Desert are beim;exhibited at the Arnericatn Museum of Natural Ilistery. They were taken from subterranean desert water -Kele, and are not of rare pe0ice, RN might have been axpeetod. One kind lii a member o1 1115 mirrlow family. Others resem. ble perch. Scout's W IrThe Boy Scouts of Out:rlo • rejoice rleaeft remains a lnysterv. One theory Orderr, from your grocer, his ' best tea and he'll usually send'. "Red Rose." in the fact that Boy scout teams won . is that file eglis arc trarisporled here ' the hist, : ecoud and fifth places in a in particles of mud, or weeds, carried provincewlde ilrs•t aid competition tn0tare clawa of. hirds that vieeil ills as conducted by the St. John Ambulance desert water -ileacs, same dare saim good tea for 30 years. dry .it! Aesociatio> and open to teams rel>re-i Nerd- +ngai e det corps schon'ls' anemia e ince brigades, Girl Glades, Theis !Soya, 4SURP dSS� D. FOP, S tt 1py FOP Good Beef Sires Pay. Soule men breed beef cattle for plea- sure, but more men breed them for profit. If you expect to make profit you should breed what the butcher wants, who is the final judge of all block animals. • The butcher wants a steel' low down, square, thick fleshed and fat. If you are using a scrub sire can you ever expect to produce such animals? The answer is "no," because such Boy Scouts in the storm area. Sires do not possess the low down, - - blocky, thick -set form. A beef bull — -- breedo into his calves what lime been Deadly Drugs We Eat Daily. bred into him for generations.. If this is scrub blood he will breed 'scrub As they put salt into their morning calves. If it is good blood , he will egg few people. remember that com- b—reed gbodi calves. - mon salt is a compound of the deadly The' market wants thick, meaty poison gas chlorine, used extensively steers and will pay g -premium for in the war, and a bright white metal them. The right kind .of a sire will which can burn under water. A cup - put the meat .over the back loins and ful of salt was a favorite method of in the thighs. This le hat the butch suicide among Chinese, for in large er wants waren he buys a steer. dolma it acts as a violent irritant of the - If;you are ueing•.scrub sire you stomach. But although it is a poison are producing steers' that are small in it is beneficial in small quantities, and, Wee, thin fleshed'' ever the back and iisd.ced, s necessary for health. loins, and which usually have a large Lurking in rhubarb is a very power - paunch. : This- is cheap !neat and sells, fur poison. This is oxalic acid, which for a low._price is used for bleaching. In small Tree Raegere, etc., as Well as Boy Scouts.'CH And the l3oy Seonts of thel.tt FIullts• I D aD A M4 TS vine Troop rejoice particularly in the fact that ops of the two teams which they entered took the first' place and their second team the fifth place, and they made this record in a field of 86 Mrs. Deward 1Fieg,, It.1.1. No. 5, Truro, NS„ sats: -`.i ant Ilre mother of four children and have always used competing teams. As a result the Let Baby's Own Tab—As when any of then Huntsville Troop will be awarded the Wallace " Nesbitt .Junior- First Aid. Shield, and a. set of Medals lo' their first team, A.ucl' beri use they 1511 all ands of other loathers agree with Mrs.Boy Scout teams in lire general corn- Icing as to the merits .of the Tablets. petition they will also be awarded the There are :thousands of homes through - Toronto .Globe Boy Scout First Aicl out Canada where the Tablets are al - Shield which .was won. in 1024 by the ways kept on hand in_ readiness for 2nd Sarnia Troop. the least 51511 01 any of the minor ail - meats which alfliet little ones. Baby's Own Tablets never fall to regulate the needed a medicine, and 1. can recom- mend 1115 Tablets as being lust rpass- ed 'for childhood ailments." Thous - The second place in the general com- petition was won by the 3rd London troop—"The Fighting Third" --as the boys themselves call their very mach alive troop. Besides the second prize medals' of the. St. John Ambulance As- and bring the baby throrlgh that dread- sociation, this troop will also be made ed teething period 1n safe'ty. The Tab= the custodians of the Loveday Cup, the lets never do harm—alwaye good -as first aid trophy of the London Boy they are guaranteed absolutely free Scouts Association, for the year 1925. from any Mei/Ulla drugs. They are said by medicine dealers or by mail at Scouts Take Up Tree Planting. 25 cents a hex from The Dr. Williams' Under- the lead of the reforestation Mediciue Co., Brockville, Ont. division of the Ontario Forestry De- partnreut, many Boy Scout troopll ,, province �o eh and bows , thus they banish constipation and indigestion; brealt up colds and simple fevers; relieve colic "Say 99." throughout the 1rovince this, year wi undertake a number of large tree. planting projects. The young trees' al a patient, as he applies his ear to will; be supplied from the various the stethoscope: "Say 'ninety-nine' "? 01 the Forestry Department and the Scouts will plant them and take care of them until they have grown big enough to take care et them- selves. This is a' fine piece of work for the Scouts, and it Is hoped thateach year will see more and more Scout Troops undertake it. Why does a doctor always demand Scouts Aid Tornado Victims. Our brother Scouts in the areas stricken by the recent tornado in Il- linois. and Indiana have been doing yeoman service in connection with various relief work enterprises. Be- fore daybreak on the morning follow- ing the storm a petrol of Scouts from Sparta,' I11., arrived at Murpliyeboro, and at once went on duty as messen- gers. Later the entire troop arrived, joining their comrades. Scouts from Why is that particular number chosen? Why not "Say 'one hundred' "? Sir William Hale -,White, president of the Royai Society of Medicine, has let the secret out. Ile explained in a re- cent address' on "Auscultation" (lis- tening) that a physician can. often ob- tain evidence of the condition of his patient's chest by noting how the spoken voice is carried through it. The trained oar can quickly d'scern wheth- er the chest contains • air, solid, or fluid. Since the words "ninety nine" are producedin the larynx, they are the most suitable for this test. • SORRY—ONLY TWO LEFT. Bride—I bought three hams here Harrin arrived at 8 a.m, These wentrecently and they were fine-- directly ine=directly to the Longfellow School, Butcher—I'm glad you liked them, Where they helped unearth ten dead •lady.• ' school children. Bride—Weil, can you send me up Hours before the Murphysboro troops• three more oft the saint pig? • had mobilized for messenger service An English --cattle dealer' reports at all hospitals and emergency centres, that recently he received 8 cents a pound less for Canadian hides than for English of similar quality on ac- count of brand marks. The lads from the stricken town were the first on the scene of the dis- aster to render first aid. Their -help has been reported as invaluable. They The moral standard of a country served by excavating ruins and trans- will always be set by the standard the porting supplies,, by acting as order- women set.—Dame Beatrice Lyall. lies, kitchen police and messengers, as - . well' as in many other capacities in A transparent umbrella, which per - which. help was needed, mits the user to see -where she is go - In West Frankfort, Ill, the Scouts Ing, and scissors with intenchangeablol under the , mad. islon.of the American blades, are two novel inventions re - Red Cross, made a thorough canvthe Gently patented by women. j of the entire ilaysstatel. section of the city, compiling a list of missing pee- , • pie and'oross'checking it with those` in the morgue and hospitals., Through this service, authorities were able iri twenty- four hours to have a fairly accurate 1181 of the dead, wounded and missing. It is "estimated that there aro 1,000 Can you afford to continuo this prac amounts it. gives pleasant thirst - quenching properties to vegetables and fruits, as do the minute quantities of citric .'acid found in red currants, gooseberries, raspberries and lemons. Pepper contains a poison, and a poisonous stimulant. Tea contains a . poison called caffein, but 'here again the poison only ,shelve 11.seif widen the cheering beverage is taken in enorm- ous quantities. None would, suspect a wedding suite. Yet the leing. which gives the cake its enticing appearance contains one of. the most deadly,polsone known to science—prussic. held. Tasting faintly bitter alinonlc s e sa to a tiers? Not if you expect to put your - business on the same plane as the banker. Ie.you do ,net have ready money most -banks will loan you a suf- ficient amplint to purchase a good beef sire. 'A dairy cow is not worth keeping unless she produces 6,000 pounds of milk or'over per' year. Dsn't-support a low producing herd. Starts pw to weer: ant the poor ones. Breed the best ones to andfeedproperly—then watch results. good bulls Does it pay?, 'Ask the successful dairy,£armer. no PY, _ ETTIER BULLS -..' 'y, 10 A good' etre will increase the milk production --will increase the fat pros duction—will enable one to get mors Product from 'same amount of feed— will increase selling price of 'surplus stock. All these will increase the net profit. Tho milt production of the heifers out of ordinary cors. sired by Holstein, Ayrshire, Jersey,' and Guernsey bulls inoreaeed over that of their ,dawns by 64 per cont. The fat production in- creased, by 52 per cent. The sewedgeneration inoreasee in milk production over the original bows, 130 per cent:' In fat production 105. per cent. Trying find a` hort cut to success lyngto s has developed. a• great' many failures. Minard's' Liniment for Colds. like b 1 ,it 1 l'd tl t h if• a., teaspoonful MS water containing 1/50th pert of acid is' fatal. 11(7edles6. to say, It Is found in wedding caste in quite !harmless gltuntilies. Poison that. does trot:1harm is also found ill Wrenn. The color of the rind is" obtained, 'except In. the case• of smoked baron., by means of saltpetre, the principal ingredient le gunpowder•. The' quaniity present hr bacon Is, in- finitely email, but eating au ounce of It would certainly cause Sleuth, Their t'eeth are of a toughnesswhichmakes them hold their keen - cutting edge under every usage. .,s SIMONps CANADA; SAW CO LIMITED ' t LIVEN n1CNTREAt OT,JO,N,N, a. .lul• -- •max :��. - .. The Ritz.Cariton Atlantic City ?a� y,�� New Jersey America's Smartest Resort Hotel. I� amous for ,its Euro- pean. Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from $5,00 Double rooms from $9.00 European Plan New I3yd11atric and Electro Therapeutic ,� Department... (USTAVE TOTT, Man.lirer People- Blti•o.I']tospllate feeds the nerves Elect old people need it, to make them feel and look younger, It's the ,one best nerve builder foo' weak, nerve -ex hausted 111011 snd, women 0nd•'that is Why wo guarantee. i1 nine .$J .per pcgc. Arrow Clipnical'Coy 25 Front Si. least, 1 ol5nto, Ont. He -"You remind meso much of my first wife: Will you marry me?" She—"No. 2 wouldn't marry a man who' could over remember what his first wife looked like:" In Bulgarian Villages. Bulgartan villages are vary oriental in appearance, and most of the houses are built of mold or wood and rubble work.• For Sore Throat Use Mlnard'sLiniment The world's longest railway plat- form, the total length of -Which is 2,175 feet, has been created through the linking up of the Victoria and Ex- change stations at Manchester. • Ideal Spring Vacaiio�3�tts +1Only2 Days -from Go in April and May whorl Bermuda is obis.* with Flowers-perfectdeysforrest orioles,. Palatial, Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall Street • New York CitY i or Any Local Tourist Agent; for a pass d I/i , Prire)1.25 'Dp is .ift✓11 Druggists REQUEST. 0� 10(0(8 ABOUT DfAf6 D A.O. LEONARD. INC. ,o .1,AVE.. NEW YORI( For Leer Troubles -- Jaundice --Gallstones Flatulency -Acidity Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem- edy a_ most reliable medicine used for nearly 50 years all over the world and attested by medical men and thousands of persona who found this remedy a great boon. e suffering These troubles cause mor g and disturbances in the human organ- ism than any. other. Sufferers should not delay in patting faith into this remedy, as a trial will convince the most skeptical. Soldby all druggists. Price $1.25 a bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., 'reroute, Ont. WARNER'S Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. ,. — in�+iescnns.�.'tan!n-yam Say "Bayer" Insist!, ,Unless you - see the "Bayer Gross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer prod- uct proved safe by millions and . prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Accept old a Bayer package ll a which contains proven directions Handy. "Bayer" boxes of 12"tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—])rUggists deplrl>1 15 the trod° merit (registered in. °nnada)•ot layer ,ilnnn0sltulo of MOO. acgticacl6Ostor. or s111tallencld, • Ciassi4ted Advertisements FREE CATALOGUE. T)) ASPBF,,R13,Y BUSiiES, GLAD- iolaa,.Iiia, Peony, Fancy, Dahlias, and Barred Rock Eggs.' The Wright'', Farm, BrockvilleOrt MONEY TO LOAN. ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS Y wanted- ,. Reynolds, 77 Victoria, Toronto. Mapping Ganadiah Wilds. Approximately 2810 miles' were flown and 1700 photographs taken by the Royal Canadian Air Force in cop - junction_ with the topographical sur vey ih producing, naps of the little known regions of' Western Canada in 1924. Ground. traverse work was also conducted by the survey anandupon the• completion of the latter it will- be pos- Bible to plot an area of about 15,000 square miles. Loud speakers sometimes need to be tuned down. phlf reitCal mat Sal ' New Eyes Iw 6 t1;h> �!V Clean, Healtbyan Promote ond Ilse Wo f Use Murine Eyc Remedg C eJ Nicht and Mooing." 'Hecp your Eyes Clean, Clear and: Healthy. Write for l?reeEyeCare Book. 11blssreeaeaods Co., s Mai Ohio.sbcel,Ghisesp STIFFNESS Rub in Minard's with the finger tips., It penetrates and heals. Re- moves inflammation; - A remedy for every pain. TCY ECLEMA All OVER FAE In Pimples and Blisters, Healed by-Cuticura. "Eczema broke out in pimples and blisters and spread allover my face. It itched and burned causing me to. scratch which made it worue. I could not sleep on account of the irritation, and could hardly talk because the sore eruptions were all around my mouth. The trouble lasted several months. " I tried everything I could get but nothing helped me. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and got relief. I continued the treatment and in about eight weeks I was completely healed." (Signed) Wm. J. Romanahuk, Samburg, Seer. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are ideal for daily toilet uses. Sample 85011 Yee. b MW Address Canadian Depot: ateaSenee, Ltd, ManteaaL" Prim, Soap 558. Ointment 55 and 50e. Talcum fhe. Criticism Sharing Stick 25c. ASK THIS HALIFAX NURSE She Is Willing to Answer Letters from Women Asking About Lydia. E. Pinkham's ' Vegetable Compound Halifax, Nova Scotia.—"I am a ma- ternity nurse and have recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound to many women who. were child- less., also to women who need a good tonic. I am English and my husband is American, and he told me of L:'dIa E. Pinicham while in England. I� would appreciate a copy or two of your little• books on women's ailments. I have one which I keep to lend. I will willingly answer letters from any woman asking about the Vegetable Compound. "—Mrs. S. M. Cor 1MAw, 24 Umacke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Could Not Sleep Nights Dublin, Ontario.—"I was weak and irregular, with pains and headaches, and could not sleep nights. I learned about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound by. reading the letters in the newspapers and tried itbecausel wanted to get better. I have got good result& from it and I feel a lot stronger and am not troubled with such bad headaches as I used to be and am more regular. I am gaining in weight all the time and I tell ray friends what kind of medicine I am taking. You mor Ilse my letter` as a help to others."-- Mrs. JAMES ltAcilo, Box 12, Dublin, Ontario. ISSUE No. i".-•�'25.