HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-02, Page 7i
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Why no.. ,this :
The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it a.
) '' CAT ION
Provincial Board of Health;, Ontario.
answer questions on. Public Health mat -
lad to
Teton will Dr. terndine
S ad
Hous , p
era through this_
Address osa
Pira at p
t g
Crescent, Toronto.
Mark Twain's opinion of man is not
very flattering on occasion. He secs
human weaknesses and limitations
very clearly and tells 'about them in
his own humorous and interesting
way. "Mtn can't sleep out of doors,"
stiys Mark, "without freesing to death
or getting rbeumatisr he can't keep
his' nose unties water over a minute trouble. What is his bear[ ons l erse
being drowned. He's the poor- is just a nuisance. Allpe
cswithoutb cute it with a razor. Nature, however,.
tut, clumsiest thinhabit th of all the area- lied with it, in -
tures that ' the earth, He has always keeps him supplied
his head, - A
coddled swathed and bandaged, stead of putting. it o
to- be man wants to keephis hair. It is a
ety-sort; 1 to coddled,
at all. 11His a rick- r ceful ornament a comfort, the best.
sty -sort of thing any. way you take gpraceful
against weather, and he
innrio regular British museum of prizes it above emeralds' and rubies,
inferiorities. itis always
and half the time nature puts it on so
"He is always undergoing repairs. � , ,
A machine as unreliable as he is would it wont stay. and as
I Man isn't even handsome,
have no lowermarket. for style, look at the Bengal tiger—
The t ahimals appear or us that ideal of race, physical perfec-
to'vet their teeth woinett through
ugor ter tion and. -majesty. Think of the lion,
convenience; man's came t a time often Bridgeburgo Ont„
he tills is cruel torture ata time 031 as ore tiger. and the ngthen nimal I 'out orchestra, They has a fine Boy recently gave
he is least able to bear it. ' As soon as of .man that 13001 thing! The S
f tl iii ll•e ear-trunpet, the glass
.The Illusion of War: •"
V ag Y+xbhur, and yet how.swee't
'The 130330[1 along themarching street
Of drum and 11te,'and I forget
Wet weeof widows, and forget.
Broken' 014.1 mothers, and the Whole
Dark butchery •without a .soul.
Fire Marshal Praises Scouts.
Tho Snout Troops of Woodstock re-
oeatly had a visltor in the person of
Deputy Fire Marshal J. W, Pointon, or
Toronto, who addressed them on are -
prevention methods." Mr. Pointon made
the statement. that \'Vocdsteck was the
first city, he had fouud in Ontario in
which the Scouts were taking courses
of instruction on are -prevention. Ite-
cently a fire was baited In its early
stages by the good work of two Wood-
stock Scouts, this beiag a direct result
of their training.
U.S. Scouts at Sarnia.
exists between the Boy Scouts of
America and the Canadian Boy Scouts
along o ns anti cities s g C
the ,a
dian-American border. This was re-
' Sarnia Mere
pro- the Scouts of the, l Huron
basketful or th sport and corruption,P Boy Scouts of America, ere-
ct microbes. Look at the workman- sonted their fine play, "The Boy
ship of hint in some particulars! Seauts," under the auspices' of the and
What's hisappeudir, for? 111 hasno
and Sarnia Troop.
value. It's sole interest is A Ltbrar Helps Scouts.
wait:for a stray grape, seed and breed y p
Ashcroft B C has a public library
whi•eh takes particular Interest in Boy
Scout readers. The- librarian, in ad-
dition to marking available books on
subjects of general interest to Scouts,.
has pickei1 out a act of 00 hooks cover-
ing the -66 proficiency badges which
Scouts can earn. This is a great help
to the local troop. Sh'ow this note to
your local librarian and see If some-
thing similar can be arranged for yolm•
troop. --
A Boy Scout Orchestra.
of, ono sort or another: He's just a Gently demonstrated lth Port a
Legal Wit.
130a'recent ipteresting-baok, Gentle-•
men of the Jury, Mr. Francis'L.
man • relates many instances of legal
wit, English and American. Two noted
London lawyers were John' L. Adol-
phus and (Merles Phillips; but Phillipa
was an Irishman, and his rapid sot cess
Without a soul, suve this height drink at the English bur atter hie arrival
Or heady music, sweet as hell;'
And even my peace abiding feet
Go marching with "the 'marching '.street.
For yonder, yonder goes the fife
And what care I for human lite?
The tears fill my as9tonlsbed eyes
And full my hearths like to break
And yet 'tis all, embanoered lies,
A dreamt those little drummers make.
he gets thein, they must be pulled out c 1 th porcelain teeth the wooden
again. • Th eecoutl set will last for as e ?' , e 1,
while, but lie will never get a set that I leg, the sliver windpiall pe, to ac to ur
he can depend Upon until the dentist; that is mended,p
makes one. Man starts in as a child tent.'
and lives on diseases to the end, as u We gather a grain of comfort on
regular diet. IIe has mumps, scarlet reaching these remarks by remember -
fever, whooping cough; croup, -tonsil-; ing that Mark Twain was a humorist,
itis and diphtheria, as a matter of! and that in pointing out the defects
course. Afterwards as lie goes along,) anti failings of mankind, ho does not
his life continues to be threatened at en his serious moments overlook the
every turn by colds, coughs,. asthma, (fact that in comparison with the ant -
bronchitis, quinsy, consumption, yel-;mals mentioned, man stands far ahead
low fever, blindness, influenza, ear- lin intelligence and general under-
buncles, pneumonia, softening of the standing. He is really not so bad as
brain, and a thousand ether maladies 'he is panted.
The- Canadian. Spring weather --one
x raw
• .he next • bright; t
daynnild end i 111 g ,
blustery, is extremely hard on the
baby, (11ouditious are such that the
mother cannot lake the little one out
1'or the fresh till. so much to be desired.
He Is confined to the house which is
often over -dented and badly ventilated.
Ile catches colts; his little stomach
and bowels become disordered and the
mother soon rias a sick baby to look
atter. 1'o prevent this an occasional
close or Baby's Own Tablets should be
given. They regulate the' stomach and
bowels, tints preventing or relieving
colds, simple revers, ioolio or any other
of the many minor ills of childhood.
'Che Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25c a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Every person has two educations—
one which he receives from others and
one, more important, which he gives
himself, -Gibbon.
L frz K
Ford Fenders, Per Set
Fisher Automatic
Windshield Cleaners
Ford R.etopping Outfits
Motor Driven Horns
Write Us for Your Accessory
Wants. We haute the Lowest
Prices 0 Canada.
Sherbourne Motor Equipment
and Supplies. i
514'Yongo St., Toronto
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders.
from the Emerald Isle naturally an-
noyed some of his rivals, for tbey saw
mnoll of their business passing into Ilia
Adolphus, meeting him. in the robing
room of the court, said to-hinalueolent-'
1Y, "You remind:. ale of the. three B'8--
blarney, bluff and bluster.
"Ah," said Phillips, "you never com-
plained of my been until they began
to suck your honey."
O It is wickedness to clothe : It was another Irishman, John Phil.
Yon hideous, grinning thing that stalks .Pot Curran, who in the 'course of one
Nidden in music, like a queen,
That in a garden of glory walks,
Till good men lovethe thing they
loathe. .
Art, thou hast many infamies,
But not an infamy like this—
011, snap the fife and still the dram,
And show the monster as she is.
—Richard Le
c G ialiienne,
their first public entertainment and
were greeted by a ep]endid audience,
Scoutmaster Bruce Hogg is the leader.
Mr, Irwin at Perth.
Assistant Provincial Commissioner
Frank C. Irwin, of Toronto, spent an
evening recently with the 1st Perth
Troop. This is one of the oldest troops
in the eastern part of the province and
has been doing consistently good
Scouting ever since its 1nept1013. It
is fortunate In the posseesf0n of a very
fine camp property on Rideau Lake,
Just at the end of the Tay Canal. Here
it has a big stone house, a bunk house,
row boats and. a disappearing propel-
ler motor Boat, 'Phis Property was
given to the troop bya Perth lady who
has always been most appreciative of
the good work Scoutmaster Holmes
has been doing for the boys of Perth,
An. Old Boy Returns.
TheMostExpensbea Parts.
Friend -"What parts of the country
have youfound th most expensive?"
Discouraged Motorist — "The auto-
mobile •parts,
Known Only By Love.
Of course man is useful to man, be-
cause his body is a,maraefous machine
and his mind an -organ of wonderful
efficiency, But he is a spirit as well,
and Ibis spirit is truly known' only by
love. 'When we define a man by the
market value of the service we can ex-
pect of him, 350 know him imperfectly.
With this limited knowledge of him it
becomes easy for ns to be unjust to
him and to entertain feelings of
triumphant self-congratulation when,
on account of some cruel advantage on
our side, we can getout of him mach
more than we Have paid for. But when
we know him as a spirit we know him
T48 . our own. We at oncefeel that
cruelty to hila is cruelty to ourselves,
to make him emall.is stealing from our
own bumauity, and in seeking Co make
use of him solely for personal profit
we ' merely gain in moneyorcomfort
what we pay for in truth.—Rabindrin-
ith Tagore.
A single grateful thought towards
heaven is the most perfect prayer. --
teasing. ••
Live -stock Labels for k
slue, sleep and 1108% l'
e • a I 0 a, - Tatar: s. ,(
-ehlheli Bandit nun
etc o Maus. Wrila for
'0 ninnies and mire.
I:clonal Manufacturing 0o., Ltd., Ottawa. Ont,
pox 55135..
Steers hi Middlesex County
Only one farm in five where grade bulls were
used did steers return' a profit over the value, of
the feed consumed.
The 'steers on over .80% .off the farms, where
good Pure ,Bred Bulls r were •user3. returned large
profits over value: of feed; conslxsrAed, ,
-351'2 t 'A '.
F �t'f�ME�(��9i
� $tj3
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Give
New Health and Vigor.
Not sick—but not feeling quite well.
That Is the way most people feel in the
spring. Easily tired, aPpetlto fickle,
sometimes headaches and a feeling of
depression. Pimples or eruptions may
appear on the skin, or there may be
twinges of, rheumatiem or neuralgia.
Any et these Indicate that the blood is
out of or•dee--that the indoor life of
whiter lots left its inark upon you and
may easily develop into more serious
Do not dose yourself with purgatives,
as many people do, in the hope that
you can put your blood right. Purga-
tives gallop through the system and
weaken instead of giving strength,
Any doctor will tell you that this is
true. What you need in the spring is
a tonic that will enrich the blood and
build up the nerves. 1)r. Williams'
Pink Pills do this speedily, safely and
surely. Every close of thismedicine
helps to enrich the blood, w•hteil clears
the skin, etrongtlrens the appetite and
makes tired, depressed men, women
and children bright, active and strong.
Proof of the value of Dr, Willtamne'
Pink Pills when the system is run
down is shown by the case of Mrs, Lil-
lian Lewis, South Ohio, N.S., who
says:—"About a year ago I was badly
inn down. My appetite was poor, I
did not sloep well and my nerves were
of his 'trials when he was pressing the
Jury rather intently was irritated by
observing the judge frequently sleek.
Mg his head, thereby indicating to the
jurymen his dissent from, -what was
being in sold.
"Gentlemen of the jury," said Cur- after years of residence the chPld is
ran at last, "you may .have noticed still homeless and wi'th'out the social
Ills lordship shaking•his head. I ask safeguards that all children should
Yea to Pay n0 attention, because, If fled 111 the friends they have grown
you were as well acquainted with his up with.
lordship; as I aln, you would know that The aim of the departntelL le to get
when he slhakee his head there 18 it."
1tg noth-
In that instance the lawyer lead dis-
tinctly the betterofthe judge. In an-
other instance a judge used his. wit Society it will receive prompt atten-
with cruel effect at. the expense ,of a tion. The younger a child is taken the
more firmly will it take foot In the
home and district. It is a groat 350111,
and can be heartily collimended.
him at the beginning, of a long speech ' It is important also to know that af-
La o had prepared e a
ionto repetition of a reasonable time legal adoption can
re -
Soiled in his confus p
hie opening words: "The unfortunate be secured by addressing Mr. Kelso,
client who appears to me—My Lord, 110 Upiveesety Ave., Toronto, as he is
the official appointed by the Govern-
ment to administer this Aot,
A lose is as real a thing as its thorn;
The dawn is 110 less a fact than the
'Way back in 1912 a little f e
Jellied the 10th Ottawa Troop under
the Hien Scoutmaster, Mr, W. A. Proc-
tor, and played away and worked away
until he became a First Class Scout,
But that was not enough; ho sought.
knowledge, and finally there were 29
bright proficiency badges 113 310771'on
1118 a11110. He kept on with the Troop
through many affairs up hill and
through defeat, but one day it changed
its meeting place and then it became
the 2nd Ottawa Troop, And still this
Scout Rept on. But one day ire went
away to school and his old friends at
t110 Troop went along without him, un-
til recently he came back. Now h@ is
a man, but still a Stout. His name is
Dr. Brathwait Dixon,- and just the
other day he .accepted a place on the
Executive, Committee of • the Ottawa
Boy ScoutsAsaocfation.. So you see,
Scoots, the old phrase Of "Once a
Scout, always a Scout;' holds good.
Dr: Dixon returns to active Scouting
with the best wishes of all Scouts, old
and new, and we hope that his new ex-
periences will be as pleasant, as his
recollections of, the old 10th and 2nd
Ottawa Troops of thirteen years ago.
HAS .'` P L
Northern '11i.-eclric Peanut lubes,
Jew typo - 02.45. Reg. $350'..
Stared headsets . $2.75; ateg. 04.00
Killark A h.. Transforrneri1,
• - $2,75, ,Iteg, 04,00
21 Pl. Condensers, $1.75. Reg, $2.00
A11 Our Supplies at Cant bale.
115 King St, West Toronto.
Horne Life Preferable to Insti-
tution, Says J. J. Kelso.
"The best thing that can Ile done
for a homeless oh5d is to get It into
some nice fam11y as quickly as pos-
sible," le the testimony of J. J. Kels°.
If sent to m. institution the abtach-
ments are not permanent, and even
Classified Advertisements
Patches, 02, McCreery,"Chatham,
Ontario. .
iolas, Iris,' Peony, Panay. Dahlias
and E.rrod Rook Eggs, The Wright
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
la-. five to ten donne daily selling
Hosiery for the family, f1.0131 mill to
(:orieaimer.' Samples .free. Ste3'ling".'-
Hosiery Mills,, Toronto, Ont.
A• wanted. Reynolds; 77 Victol'ia,
Golf in Germany.
When the was' broke out golf was
Just beginning: to be popular 10x. Gsr••
many. It now, seems likely to regain
its old standing. The Berlin Golf Club,
says 1t de eetell from that city, will
boon open its new eighteen -hole
that, yen.
if it
event e
should pleaeo no one case, 1s sure to
p'ee,+0 tate diplomatic corps in Berlin,
especially the members of ilie Ameri-
onrelese cllildreu adapted by good can, the British and the Japanese em-
anii'liles in the agricultural and • vii- bassy. The noose ilourisliting golf club
age- districts, and if an application is in Germany is at. Bremen, where there
sent to the nearest Children's Aid are lamge American and. English colon-
ies of cotton merchants. Baden-Bad-
en, Hamburg, Wiesbaden, Munich,
Frankfort, Cologne and Dresden also
have golf' courses.
sheep fanswer is made in
Many a 1
blunt language.
Appearing before an English judge,
a young lawyer whose memory failed
h t h h 1 ro al ed 1n advance re t e'child bas beo11 in foster hone for
A Sonnet Worthy of a Frame.
Whistler, the famous artist, was a
severo and frank critic of art. More
than once he succeeded in offending
his colleagues by telling them just
what he thought of their work. On
one occasion his friend, the poet and
artist Daniel Gabriel Rossetti, showed
him ti. sketch and asiced his'opinion of
its merits.
"It has its good points, Rossetti,"
said Whistler; "go ahead with it by
all means."
Later Whistler inquired how it was
getting along "All right," said Ros-
setti cbeorful1y. " Pve'ordered a stun-
ning frame for it."
•In due time the canvas appeared at
kessebtl's liou,s'e in Cllleyno
Chelsea, beautifully framed.
" 'on've clone nothing to it since I
saw it, have y ou?"'said Whistler.
No -o;" • replied Rossetti, -"but I've
written a sonnet o1 the subject if
peed like to hear it."
Ho recited sero line„ of particular
tenderness Rossetti, said Whistler
as the recitation ended, "take outthe
picture and frame 111e sonnet."
The Same Pig.
A young wife-we11t into a .grocer's
th.4paand said: "I bought three or four.
haute here a month o+ so agio, and they
Were flee. )raid :31031• ahy, more of
them? '
ora ane," replied the grocer;
there are ten of those hams hanging
"ll'p 'there 1101"
"Well, if they're off the sante pig,
I'al take three of them'',
Good nature never rails to pay large
dividends in good health.
my unfortunate client:
The chief justice, Lord S1lonborough,
interrupting, almost whispered in a
soft and encouraging tone, "You may
go on, sir; so far the court is r with
It wes In the United States In a
court In Chicago that a lawyer, Mr.
Parsons, woe trying a ease before a
judge who, he felt, was very hard upon so
him and upon his client, the defendant. Ia the thrush's song, iii the after -light.
After the judge's charge the Jury re-
tired and promptly brought in a ver- And love, the fool's miracle, proves to
diet of guilty. Parsons moved for a be
t tel The judge denied his oro- The one diving reality.
The shriek of an engine 1s sound but
Mix Minard's with sweet, oil and
apply at once. IL remove„ in-
flammation, stops the pain and
heals quickly.
tion and remarked, "The court and
the jury think the prisoner- a knave
and a fool."
Instantly the counsellor replied,
"'T'he prisoner wishes me to say that
he is now perfectly satisfied, for he
feels that he has been tried by a court
and jury of his peers."
For Sore Throat Use Minard'sLiniment
It is an old and true maxim that a
drop of honey catches more flies
a•11 unstrung. T could not go upstairs a gallon of gall." So it is with riles.!
If you would win a man to your cause,
without stopping to
rest. 1s Iv
s a
i • t convince
him that you are his'
long way from a doctor i decided to fx13 v S d of
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in
honey that catches his heart, which,'
say what he will, is the great high-
road to his reason, and, when once it
is gained; you will find but little
trouble in convincing his judgment off.
the justice of your cause, if, indeed,.
that cause really . be a just one.1
sincere friend. Therein 113 a rop
the course of a few weeks I felt like a
new person. As an all around re-.
storative I eauheartily recommend
this medicine."
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail, at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
iliediciine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Self -Made Monarchs.
7n many a group of the East or west
Indies, one hears now and then of a
white man who has made himself the
potentate of some little island un-
known to the outside world. The Ross
dynasty, in the Cocos Islands is a fa-
mous case in point, and there are sev-
eral others. -`
Early in the nineteenth century a
certain French adventurer, Baron de
Thierry, at the head of a hundred fol-
lowers recruited in Australia, pro-
claimed himself I{ing of New Zealand.
He soon discovered, however, that to
Seed otatoe
New Brunswick Grown and Govern-
ment Certified.
Green Mountains and irish Cobblers.
$2.00 per bag of 90 lbs.
T havea lot of fine Irish Cobblers and
Green -Mountains that aro pure but not
Government Certified, but just as good,
which: l and selling at. $1.10 per bag.
Cash with. order. These prices are
f.o.b„ Brampton. No charge for bags.
She p
Special rice for lots of 5 or more bags.
P.O. Box 38 Brampton, Ont.
be a successful king a 111811 must have
money, and it was the lade of this that
caused the desertion of his subjects
and Ole consequent collapse of hie
A man named Antoine de Tounens i
esteblisteda monarchy in Araneania,
a country Just south of Chile, Antoine'.
was luckier than fie Thierry inti that ho
succeeded in. escaping to France wheu.�
his people reblled against 11in1. He i.
died in 1880 in comparative lioverty,
bequeathing his crown to his secro-I
tau',, who, however, wisely elected- to �
govern. his .kingdom from the safe
vantage -ground of his rooms in Paris!
A self -elected potentate who wielded
considerably more power than any of
those 'already mentioned was \\-illianr
Webster, King of \\.aieta" \Lelister,'
an American citizen,was formerly a
ship's carpenter on a whaler, 11331 had
(1088 ted and joined a little band er
settlers scattered Isere and there in
Auckland. The great Coromandel
chief gnown as Pooknoso locik a fancy
to this deserter, who married bis
daughter. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Edge -Holding Saws
Fast -Easy -Culling
{ MUD.
3r. Jowl. N a.
That haggard, care -wore, depressed
look will disappear and nervous, thin
People will gain in weight and
strength. when Bitro-Phosphate_ is
taken for a Elbert time. Price $1. per
Mtge, Arrow Chemical C'o„ 25 Front
St, East, Toronto, Ont.
Ritz.Cait r ton
Atlew Jantie City
Y 1 er
America's Smartest
Resort ITotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere.
Perfect Ct'isine and
Single rooms from 05.00
Double rooms from 08,00
liuropenn Plan
New I'dydi latrie and
Electro - Therapeutic
J Department.
t;TUsirAVE TOTT, Manager
He then established trading stations
all over the Gulf and Pleth of 1 times, -..0'="-,:,47-
"--tlu'oi{01 which he reaped a largo profit
Tonsilitis Headache
when Immigration I,0 New South
Wales began on a large scale, buying Colds
maize and pofatee1 from the Natives
and shipping them to Australia. [lo
also kept a bearding holiee at the na-
five village of T3erkshire for the bene-
Lt of the numerous adventurers who
kept coming and going. •
Ilalyd work may bring you twit:[ i 1 -
saving it requires resourcefulness and
often courage. •
Flattery is the praise vwo Imar Given
to other people.
Nlinard's Liniment for Colds -
Pain • Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only ` A'i\ er" package
. • which contains_ proven directions.
Iittnde "Rayer" flexes' of 13 tablets.
• Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspn'lii 10 (1,e trade mart,(r0(lstere1 In C.n,-0i.nf nayrt Mannfae ir*. of mennaceltc-
eaidost r or Sall/Wanda (Actrl 'nl teri{o. ,Ada, ^,� S. A. •). R9d'.011 In 35811 knnwli
that Anpirin moaned -tapir motntf.., IU'B, t. S.. t I PU11O against imitations. 410 Tab1,10
or Layer company will ae stemped was their neural 1raco 0131. the "Maser Cross."
Burned and Made. Face
Sore. Cuticura Healed'.
" For four years I was bothered
with hard, large, red .pimples' in
blotches on my face and neck. The
pimples came to a head and festered
and looked terribly, end at times
bursted and made ray face very sore.
My face looked so badly that 1 used
to feel embarrassed when 1 went in
' I began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and they helped me,
and after using three or four cakes.
of Cuticura Soap and a few boxes
of Cuticura Ointment I was com-
pletely healed in three i
(Signed) Miss Vera Sweny, 1 Gib-
son Ave„ Toronto, Ont.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for daily toilet purposes.
Sampre. Sash Pres by Mao Add40aa Canadian
n p t 81,0102,; ltd. 0860[,00 " Price, Soap
Omtment15 nnd 602. Talcum 460.
Cutiourn 86ariae_ Stick 2So.
Toronto Mother Found Relief
by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Toronto, Ontario.—" I have found
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound a splendid medicine to take before
and after. confinement. A small book
was put in my dame one day advertising
Lydia E, Pinkham's medicines, and as I
did not feet at all well at the time I went
and got arbottle of Vegetable Compound
right away,. I soon, began to notice a
ditrerencour my general health. I was
full of aches and pains at the time and
-thought i had every complaint going,
but i can truthfully say your medicine -
certainly did ole good, 1' can and will
speak highly of it, and I know it will ,
do other women good who are sick
and ailing if they will only give it a fair
trial. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills
are splendid for constipation. You are
welcome to use my letter if you think
ft will Help any one." --Mrs. I1ARMY
WFs twOOn,1143 Quebec Streot,Toronto,
The expectant mother is wise if She
considers carefully. this statement of
Mrs. Westwood. It is but one of a great
many, all telling the same story—bene-
ficial resilita.
T yilia E. Pinkharh's Vegetable Com -
Pound is espeeialiy adapted,for use (lur-
ing this period. The experience of other .
women who have found this medicine a
blessing is proof of its great merit.
Why not try 11130135 yours1f? _ D
ISSUE. No. 14—'25.