HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-04-02, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925, WOMEN WHO DO THEIR OWN BUYING know the quality and value of our meats. They cannot be misled. They see our chops, steaks, roasts, stewing meats, etc. That is why we count among our customers some of the most discriminating :buyers in this town. Many of them have been buying from us for a long time. D. H. STEWART. Your Butcher Seaforth PHONE 58. CENTRAL /. Jizedi STRATFORD. ONT. WINTER TERM from Jan. 5th Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than does any other calling. Central graduates secure good positions. We re- ceive more calls for trained help than we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you, D. A, MCLACHLAN, Principal. ws�wowar�o�e Grain, Salt, Flour and l eed FLOUR.—Best Pastry and Baking .FEEDS.—Bran, Shorts, White Mid- ' - dlings Ground Screenings, 011 Meal, and -Tankage.. CATTLE SALT. -100 Ib. f3ags. DAIRY SALT. -25 ib. and 50 lb bags POULTRY FEEDS.—Wheat, Buck- wheat, Oats, Scratch Feed, Meat Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell, Grit and Poultry Charcoal. Highest Market Price Paid for ,Wheat, Barley and Oats W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth Wt J. Walker & Son 1 UNDERTAKING —and— EIVIBALivIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns,. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same, Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont, Dr, Da H. McInnes Chiropractor tth Of Wingham; will be a e Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Oranges At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c MIXED,; NUTS Per Ib. 20c SHELLED ALMONDS• SOC Per Ib. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS 4 ' c in the shell, per lb. .. FRESH. OYSTERS • HEAD LETTUCE. CELERY CAULIFLOWERS; TOMATOES S Seaforth hrlips Phone 63 How small the cost ! The value to you of YOUR telephone in- creases as rapidly as the value of a corner store in the busysection of a big city—'and for • the `. same reason—if you make the most of it. Each year more than 50,000 new telephones in Ontario andy uebec • are added to thearmy. of those you can do business with. Your telephone also en- ables you to: talk with upwards of 125,000 telephones on rural lines in these two provinces. Costa a family less than 2% of its annual outlay . Want and For Sale. Ads, Town Topics '.1 an®n a�i.Nu..�nw�ur.�-r.�.•�•p 'Lo rlc Shoblirook, of Landes - bora, spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Morrison, Exeter Times: Mrs,' S. Johnston, who has been a highly esteemed resi- dent of Exeter for many, years, has rented her property on Mill street to Mr. Albert 1 errett and will move to Seaforth to '.make her future home with her daughter 'Miss Ila, who 'has been in that town for 'some time, The change will take place the latter part of April. The many friends of Mrs. Johnston will regret to learn of her intended departure, Miss Claire Sproat *was a Stratford visitor. 'Mr. Keith Lamont left on Saturday for Detroit. Mr. Jo's; Corbett of St. Jerome - College, Kitchener, is home at present. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dodds spent a few days. in Toronto last week, 'where Mrs, Dodds underwent radium treatment. Mrs. W, Sclater has returned from spending the .winter months with her daughter in Galt. Dr. Armstrong, of Mitchell, was a guest of his brother, 'Mr, A. D. Arm- strong, 'Goderi'uh street west. Miss Cook, of Drulubo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Aberhart. Miss Daisy Spain spent the week- end in Kitchener. Miss" marguerite McIntosh, of De- troit,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Stewart 'McIntosh, has succeeded in winning the championship in her school for spelling, Next year she intends competing for the champion- ship o8 the city. Mr, and Mrs, 'L, G. Kruse and son Billy, of Galt, spent the 'week -end at the home of Mrs. W. Sclater, Mrs. Leslie Mullen, who recently underwent en operation at the Iso.s- pital, is recovering nicely. Mr, and Mrs. McRobert, of Chil- ton, were guests of Mrs. W, E, Broadfoot. Mrs, David Tough, who has been visiting Mrs. George Sparks, has re- turned to her 'Home in B.rucefield. Dr, Hodgins, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. 'Henderson, Mr. Fred Kerslake was called to Waterford owing to the illness of his wife. Mrs. Kerslake was taken ill while visiting her daughter, Mrs, Ivan Hill, Mr. Thomas Dickson has received word of the serious illness • of his brother, 'Mr. John Dickson, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawson and 'Bernice, of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J, Finlayson. Mrs. J. 'Patterson is visiting her sister in Chesley. Mr, Backus has returned from a three weeks' visit in Toronto. Miss Mary 'Walker returned, on Friday to Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, Clinton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mrs. T. Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs. W, Smithers left at the .beginning of the week for To- ronto, where Mr. Smithers is going into the hardware 'business. Mr. G. E. 'Whitesides and Mr, W. Size, of Stratford, and 'Mr. W. Whitesides of Toronto, visited rela- tives in town. Mr. G. W. Nott intends leaving this week on a trip to the West, Mr, and Mrs. A. Kennedy and fem- ily left on Tuesday for Windsor. Their furniture was shipped by truck the same day. Mr. 'Robert Hastings, who spent the .winter with Isis sister, Mrs. Jessie Brown, left on 'Thursday : to return to Seselewik, New Ontario. Miss' Erratt, of the Babylon Line, Stanley, spent the week -end with Miss Jean Turner. A visitor in Seaforth over the week -end was Mr. Thomas Miller, who is moving front' Saskatoon to take the position of conductor of Guelph 'band. Mr. Miller left here twenty-five years ago for the West where be has since resided, and was overseas as band leader during the war. His old friends here were glad to meet ,bins again, and recall the old days when he was in charge of the local band. He was the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. Andrew Calder, James street. Mrs. 'Miller is in Saska- toon yet, but will come. East soon. Mr. D. Grummc'tt has purchased a Maxwell sedan .from the Meal deal- er, Mr. John Regier, Mr. Frank Rankin, of Toronto, visited his mother, . Mrs. John Rankin. The Public 'Utilities Commission have moved 'Mr. Oscar Neil's ; garage to the back of 'the town hall where it will used as a pump house, Mr, E. W. 'Bateman has located his tailoring 'business iupstairs over Mr: Keating's drug store. An address on horticulture illustrat- ed by somevery fine, slides will be given in 'the 'Carnegie Library on Wednesday, April 8th, at 8 p.m. by Mr. Henry Moore of Toronto. No admission lee.' ' Miss Grace Eigie, o'f Tuckersmith, is spending a few days of ,this week with her cousin, Mrs,'Alex, Hanna, of Mitchell. The vote 00 church onion com- menced at the Egtnoodville church on' Monday and Will continue till April 13th. Mr- Jack Innis has returned ` to town after spending his holidays at Sim'toc. I -Ie. has resigned from the bank'and'wilr take a,.position ,with the n Dominion Caners`.at 'Highgate 'the beginning of "May. • Mr, Thos. Biekell has located in the stand just'. east of iHutchison''s groc- ery-, roc- ery where ,hey will bay eggs on the graded basis. Mr and Mrs J. D. -Gemmell spent Sunday with relatives in Kirktpii. Mrs. (Rev.) McLean and her mother Mrs. Dundas, of St. Cath- erines are guests at •tile home of Mr. and Mrs. 1V. Knochtcl. - Miss Marie Smith, of Stratford, is 3 times, 50c ,thy guest of Miss Claire Sproat. THE SEAFORTH tYEWB Ladies' AGE FIVTfi,'!i° Bateman Tailor Gentlemen's Prompt Service Assured Satisfaction Reasonable Prices ALSO PRESSING AND REPAIRING Please Note New Address; Upstairs over Mr. ICeating's Drug Stone MAIN STREET Announcement Dr. J. A. Munn, successor to Dr. R. R. Ross, announces the opening of a new office over Geo, A. Sills & Sons' Hardware Store, Main St., Seaforth, for the prac- tice of Dentistry, after April 1st, 1925. Phone No. 151 Mr, Reg. Reid who spent ' the winter with St. Patrick's hockey club of Toronto, resumed his position .in the Provincial Savings Bank on Wed- nesday of this week. The'Merner flax mill, of which Mr. J. A. Kerr' has charge, wilI he operat- ed day and night, comencing this week, making tow, and the Huron mill will work until next August scutching. Thirty men. have 'been employed 'during the winter in these two mills. Rev. Ira D. Pierce superintendent of the Armenian work in Canada, was the guest of Rev. W. D. IsteDonald, ak Egm'ontiVilie Manse, KIPPEN ROAD, Mrs, Thomas G. Shillinglaw spent the past week with Toronto 'friends, We are all very sorry to hear that Miss Kate Doig has been in the Seaforth hospital for the past week owing to some trouble with her eyes but we hope she will soon re- cover again. Miss Elizabeth Taylor spent the week -end 'with her uncle and other friends in McKillop. The Misses McKay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bell and family. The past few days the talk of the neighborhood has been chufch union as the voting started Monday. Miss Etta Taylor spent the week- end under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doig, Jr., en- tertained the neighbors and a few of their outside friends with a party on Friday evening, The night was spent v1 euchre and dancing until the early hours of the morning when all de - Fled for their 'homes thinking of Pa o the 'lovely time they had had at Doig's. Miss Madeline Bell visited Miss Helen Hay one day last •week. EGMOND V ILLE. The following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Tuckersmith, for Febru- ary and March. IV. — Edith Walsh 73, Mildred Shinen 70, '.Bill McDonald 68, Frank Kling 64. Sr. HL—John McKenzie ' 86,6, Mary Kling $4,_Frank Case 73.6, Margaret Strong 68.1, Roy McGon- igle 66.7, 'Glen "Hays 65, Raymond Nott 63.1. Jr. III.—Bob McDonald 80.2, Chas. Ferguson 70.3, Irene Strong 58:3, Will Dupee 39.7. Sr. II 'Rebecca. Shinen 72.4, Har- old Finnigan 72.2, Margaret Case 69.6, 'Margaret Finnigan 68.8, Jack Dony 67.2, Morris 'Wolsh 65, George Kruse 62.7. Jr. II. -Margaret Smith 85.4, Jessie Smith 60.2, Vivian Townsend 75,6, 'Bill Doily 73.2, Palmer Coombs 59. S.—Mary'Case, Ethel Shinen, Grace Finnigan, Janet Townsend,. Hilda Woish. Pr.—James Sherwood, : Dorothy Hudson. 'Harold Chesney, Cleve Coombs. -M. 'Lansing, Teacher. To Improve County Fruit. In to -operation with the Huron County Fruit Growers' Council, the Ontario Department of -Agriculture is undertaking. a spray service itt the County for 1925. This service is de- signed to help those who intend spraying their orchards and giving them the attention necessary to pro- duce clean fruit.. The timing of the spray and the proper application of the same are the two important factors in produc- ing good fruit. This. work will be under the supervision of Prof. J. E. Howitt and W. G. Evans, of the O:A.C,,this year. Those who ask for the spray service will be assisted as follows by the County organiz- ation: (1) Give information' and in- struction regarding spraying—some spraying demonstrations are to be arranged just before the spraying season starts. (2) Adviseeach one in the service regarding the time to apply each spray -this can be done partly by telephone. (3) Visit each orchard at intervals throughout the spraying season to take note of conditions in the or- chard and to advise and instruct the operators of 'spraying machines, (4) Assist with various orchard problems. There is room for much improve- ment'in the quality of apples produc- ed in Huron County. More spraying and better spraying are ;fhe two great needs. In order to control fungus diseases such as apple scab and insects such as Codling Moth, etc., it is necessary to apply .the spray thoroughly at the proper: times. Growers who wish to take advantage ofthis service this season thi s should write or telephone or mention the matter definitely as soon as pos- sible but not later than April 15th. Firestone Tires 1�Lt eatalogue prices CORDS LD $7.95 UNIVERSAL CORDS $8.95 CORDS $10.95 $ 10.95 'BATTERIES — *Pres -To -Lite and Columbia. We have the Pres -To - Lite Agency for Seaforth. We do all kinds of automobile repair work. All work guaranteed. Automatic Air Service Day or Night. ADAM DODDS Phone 17. SEAFORTH. Finest Nursery Stock Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc. REAL STOCK, REASONABLE PRICES List on request. HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO. 449 River Road, NIAGARA !FALLS,- ONT. ,ryco-sveror.n rR,ram>a=yFa.•:amr'�,aoram,rw�'^.R DIS We carry the Westinghouse Radiola IIIA with Music Master Loud Speaker The most satisfactory set at the most reasonable prices. Call and see them. �� is J. re crick � 1; Electrical Supplies Hydro Lamps are built to a standard — Not to a price. There can be no second grade Hydro Lamps at a lower price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed. by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. No others will be accepted. • No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall BBN=HEJR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Chop of 7•#II Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAiN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs It will not be long until you will think about your car. What about - Your Storage Battery Better bring it in and have it tested and charged; it might need some repairs. Have you noticed the increase in sales of the New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? PHONE 167W,