The Seaforth News, 1925-03-26, Page 7DELI IN STRIN TI E` Not• Side, Iiia •Not Quite \hell_ � You Need the Help of I)r. Williams' Pink PHIS. With' the passing of Tinter many, people feel weak; depressed and easily tired. No 'particular di ease, but the system lacks tone. You illid yourself tired., low-spirited, and often unable to get sound sleep at night. All this is the result of in -door confinement of . the winter months, and shows that the blood has become thin and watery, 'S"1' New, rich, red blood is what you need to put you right, and there is no other, medlcine.,can give you.: this new blood as surely and as speedily as Dr. Wil- liams? Pink Pills. This .new blood gives to every park of the body and quickly I. .improves the general health, Diges- tion is toned up, you,llave a -better ap- ^' petite, nerves are strengthened slid sleep is sound and refreshing. , The value of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when the system is run down is shown by the experience of Mr, Wil- liam Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Bedford, P.E.I., who says:—"A few months ago I found myself he -a badly run down condition. My appetite was poor, I was easily: tired and did pot sleep well. 1 tried several so-called tonics, but did not get any ;relief. Then I decided to give Dr. Willie:Me Pink Pills a trial and soon found that,I had got the right medicine. Gradually my strength cone back, the dull, tired feeling dis- appeared, and after using the pills, for about a month, 1 could eat heartily and was aa strong and active as ,ever I have been, I can most cheerfully re- commend' Dr, Williams' Pink Pills as au unsurpassed tonic.! unsn od You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mall at 50 cents a box from The -Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Ignorance. In the notion -picture "Robin Hood," Lady Marian desires to send a mes- sage • to t11e. Earl of Huntington and chooses Little John to act as her mos - 1 seuger. She presents Jol n with a scroll which is protected by what seems to he a black case or tube, As .he banded it over, a small boy in the audience asked his mother what It was. "That's a flashlight, she answered In a loud voice. "Don't show your ignorance, Mary," saidher husband. "They. did'n't have flashlights in those days. That's it ther- mos bottle." R It's far better tone homesick away from: home"than"tar be home sick. "OH 'BOY! WHAT A TRIPI" Plisni11a Doan, the movie star who was-ap'pointetl master, 01 Ycs150 Street Station, for one hour, upon 111•e termination of her "personal" appearance in Toronto, thought after inspecting a ..trans-C'anadit ticket that her education Canadian 11 "The e La one. 'h would not he complete until she hell li5edllp j1i31: Snell a Rookies and Victoria'fol me," she said. Seed Potatoes New Brunswick Grown and Govern. ment Certified. Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains. Fe sale at the following prices: Peck, 50c, Bushel, $1.60 Bag, 90 lbs.,$ 2.25. Special place in lots of 6 bags or more. No charge for bags or packages. Can sell you Ontario Grown, at about 20 per cent. less. You will have to order early as quantity is limited. Cash with .order, H. W. DAWSON P.O. Box 38 Brampton, Ont. fr- I-IEALTU' EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON. Provinoiel'Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will be giad to answer questions an Public Health mat - tem through at•tens'through this column. Address him atSpadlnaHouse, Spadlnr Crescent, Toronto. To thoroughly enjoy good health, we must observe the simple rule's of right living. These include the taking of sufficient exercise to keep. the body. active, eating the *right kinds of food in proper proportions, using plenty of fresh water Within and without. But the latter remark I mean that. water I should be taken at frequent intervals, certainly a glass or two first tiling the ' inonling ` and between ° meals throughout the day. It is better not to drink any fihids at mealtime, as the. gastric juice is thereby diluted and results in delayed digestion. For some reason oz other, there) seems to be 0 tendency on everybody's part nowadays, to eat too much starch and sugar in the daily diet. Too much starchy food causes fermentation of act arld intestines, which all kinds 1n ,eat g a Scouts y M O A Broth@rs Boys exec .sea of crow s, Big drinking and chew. our food thorough -j Olubs and other boys' work organize- ly at meal times. This relieves th tions, Mr. Atkinson was granted one ton, for or 'pa;t'of the work of &g s year's, leave of absence and a purse tlon,for properly masticated foods are more easily assimilated by the atom-, of gold to pay n11 expenses of a triparound the world. act 44, 1. Scouts Dine Township Council. The members of 010 1+)Lobiroke Tov n ^hip Connell, headed by peeve T: A. C. Tier of Ilington, were the guests of 'the Parklands (Long Branch) Troop of )Boy Scouts on Saturday even- ing, March 9th. The 0ou'ncil has been very he'l'pful to the Boy Scouts during lilts bast year and, the boy's took this rather unique way t0 show their'ap- preciation. During the evening Scout- nt'a'ste 1'.x..1'. Pollard of tbo Troop re- ceived a beautiful Coin Jack, which was presented to the Troop by Mr; G. Loty and iris family. Not the' Same. Iirst-class Scout -"Say, didn't 'I meet you. iu Ottawa about three 1110(M1tlls ago?" Innocent TenderCOat—"No, I never was in Ottawa in my lite.' lei I's t -class Scout — "That's funny, neither was I. It artist have been two other fellows.' Get-Portralt of Chief Scout.. Last Will. and''T'estalldent These chit;gti I gdt bj t'hesweat`of my brotyt A fallow field and' an ancient plow. And these I'heughtWith-the songs I have sung: The Wind' and the 'spray the salt sea flung. And these are the things that I got from Love: One tali pine tree and a star above. 1, being in my right mind now, Bequeath to my eon my land and plow, And 1'11 leave him also the wind and the sea, And 1'11 even leave hien my tall pines tree, But I'll keep that star so my soul can Last year, on February 22110, the Chief Scout's birthday, the 1st Galt Troop received a personally siigned Portrait of the Chief for the best' re- port published in "The Scout" London, England, Feb. 7, 1924. Two weeks ago the troop again received another por- trait for the best report published in "The Scout," on Feb. 7, 1925. Rather a coincidence, eh? How? Patrol him • nisi Leader—"If you want g r 1 Leede Into 3 done well, do' it yourself." Sntart Tenderfoot—"Bow about a hair cut?" Onegoenn her id trinket. i h hair' tea your grocer reCornmends is .usually good tea rr a _ .'r`"is goodtea 52 And most grocers recommend it. Mothers' Allowances: Now that the Mothers' Alilowancee Act is so well established and acconnp- liching each good work, it is Interest- ing to recall that. for nearly twentY sans Mr, Kees'o advocated this as a Classified' Advertisements REMNANTS. ARGAIN PARCEL, $21 5 LBS. Patches, V. McCreery, Chatham, Ontario. 1 ioodle Sonos11 a Clelland, neceeeaay . feature of efficient child FREE CATALOGUE, • 4 ASPBERRY BUSHE GLAD,- turn LADturn to the Ontario Legisdiature, pub- iotas, Iris, Peony, Fan&Y Dahlias - and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. MOTHERS PRAISE Veteran Boys' Man Honored. Mr. C. J. Atkinson, Executive Secre- tary of the Boys' Club Federation of :America, and for many years Director of the Boys' Dominion in Toronto and of other boys' work activities in dif- ferent parte of Canada, was signally honored on the occasion of the close of bis fiftieth year In boys" work. At I a banquet held in New 'York City and irdlattended by representatives of the Boy , toe often results in constipation and auto- intoxocatien, the effects of intestinal stasis or inertia. One and all, we should cultivate the practice of eating more fresh fruits and making the leafy vegetables a larger part of our daily dietary. We should refrain from We Challenge Ontario Farmers To Make Money By the Use of a Scrub Bull We believe a Scrub Bull is the most expensive piece of cattle flesh in existence. Is This A Challenge To You?10e We `must alsd melte it a point to - welfare work In his fourth annual re- lished in February, 1597, he reported BABY'S OWN TABLETS as s There are poor but respectable mothers who require temporary help, Mrs, L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., but this should he given. to .bbem in their own hooves, either by the manic'. says:—"I cannot recommendBaby's paltty or church organizations, 'so that Own Tablets too- highly. I have found the home may net be broken up. It is them invaluable for the ailments of no real charity or help to a pilar moth - get enough Sleep and ' to avoid all A Wish. unilecespalyworry. Too many people Smart Man - "Say, Sonny, what live what plight be called a dissipated would you wishif you had just one existence, that is they burn the mid- wishes 11ight'oil, 'staying up late at nights Bright Tenderfoot—"I'd wish a wish and through the stress of business ris that every time I wished' a wish, I ing fairly early in the morning after insufficient rest. This leads to nerv- could -have the wish' I wished." ousness and irritability whish in time may result in indigestion, insomnia e One Scout's Honor. 'and other irritating conditions. One Hero is an 'actual happening illus - must not forget the dangers to health trating the extent to which a Scout that result from mischievous gossip, •lived up to his pledge of honor. A lad with whom you are acquainted. In' Saskatchewan appeared iu court, people acanon or later these unkind, a per- father in -a land deal. The father • Ilretontheper- sen harboring them,' and bring about claimed he did not understand the Eng - an impaired state of health. There is fish lunguage. The son, who was a the question, too, of having imaginary Boy Scout, swore that leis father had enennes, and of believing that certain understood every word of the deal, be persons hold a grudge against you cause he, himself, badexplained it to and are plotting to do you an injury. him. These suvmises may be merely fig- When the boy quit the witness box, ments of the .imagination and if the truth were (mown, the people whom some person said to him, "Your father you suspected had no unkind thoughts 11'11 thrash you for doing that. Why of you at all. Another thing to re- did you do it?" melntier 10 that frequent bathing of "What else could I do and keep my the body is absolutely essential if one honor?" was his simple rejoinder. is to keep in perfect trim. But Fattier Didn't See It That Way. In these winter days we have a Johnnie—"Dad, can you sign your tendency to spend too much time in -.name with your eyes shut?" doors in a superheated atmosphere. Father -"Certainly, my son." What could be morn healthful and in- Johnnie—"Well, then, please shut rlgonating than a brisk walk in the your, eyes and sign my school report amen. Walking is an exercise that everybody can indulge m, and there card." is no better recreation. Still, there' is not half enough walking done, even Presentation to. Scoutmaster, in the country. The automobile is an on his removal from Cobourg to'e asset of course, and brings woven- Toronto the Rev, Canon F. J. Sewers ience and comfort to every home necessarily had to relinquish the where it is in, use, but when a person Scoutmastership of Che fine lat Co - develops the habit of riding every- bourg Troop of Boy Scouts which has where, even short distances that Could b n the ride of t11aG town fol• severai little ones:" Mrs. Brown's testimony to the same as that of thousands of other mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To use them once. is a sure guar- antee that they will always be kept. In the home as long as there are babies saying or hearing unkind things abou 5o called to give evidence against his own erous thoughts wi er to close up her•home and send he children, one to this institution 'and one to that, thus, robbing both of the ties and influences that ese, after a10, the only things' worth living for. The -principle here laid down is or young children to be bared for. The sound, and it is gratifying to know it Tablets are a laxative—mild but 'has worked out so we'll.—Globe, March 19. For Sore Throat Use Minard's Liniment Among the children left at the day at e Wembley Exhibition nursery there are three who have never been claimed. , thorough in action—which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers • and make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact they banish all the minor `ills from which little ansa suf- fer. The Tablets are sold by merit. cine dealel•s or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams,' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont In Turkish Plrison. A British officer who was captured wo by the Turks in the Great War gives some amusing extracts from the prison com'mandant's daily bulletins to the prisoners; Here is one: "'Everybody is obliged neither to cook food nor to have any sort of fire in the rooms where they live and lie, as a very slight carelessness as regards fire, cleanliness and neatness may be the cause of great dangers. It is rather good to consider the heaviness of the legal penalty that may Impend for a damage caused by a lank of precaution and care. If a fire starts, it goes. Therefore, de'n't smoke in bedrooms for goodness' sake." The coal deposits of Canada are be- lieved to comprise about one-seventh of the known supplies of the whole ld. easily be covered on foot. then the ee P automobile is little short of -a menace years. In appreciation: of his splendid -„LL _ - to health. I have heard men who own services to the Troop, the boys pre- - cars admit that for their health's vented Mr. Sewers with a gold Evor- sake they would be far better off with- sharp pencil on the eve of his doper- out an automobile. tore for the Queen City. The new '' A -powerful aid to the preservation Scoutmaster is Mr. Bradley,' Superin- of health is relaxation—of both mind tendent of the is. Sunday School. have and body. If we business cares Wilfrid Davenport continuos to act as or worries connected with the daily grind, we should as far as .possible, Assistant Scoutmaster._ put them away when evening comes and enjoy the fellowship of family or As Spring Draws Near. Friends orrecreationor books. The The snow is pricked by lean brown St: And in its melting white where it is difficult to get rid of worry Aresunken models of the leaves' and responsibility at special times, but That made last autumn bright; as a Mule, one can, by systematising his or her work, find time for relaxa- The meadow pools with crystal plants The Province of Ontario Savings Office SAFETY IS SATISFYING Deposit your s'avin'gs regularly with the Province of Ontario Savings Office. ,$$1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT b All m.on'ie's' deposited by you are guaranteedy the: Go'ernllient of the Province of Ontario and can be withdrawn at any time. BANKING BY MAIL Department at each •Branch. READ OFFICE: 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO and Adelaide Streets; Corner Branches: 'Toronto—Corner Bay University and Dundas Streets; 1349 Danforth Avenue. Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, _ Ps! ntiroke Seaforth, St Catharines, St. Mary's, Walkerton, Woodstock. "DIAMOND DYE" IT A. BEAUTIFUL COLOR mind needs a rest as well es the body, KM- this applies to women as well as men. Of course there are instances then, ._ Above all, we need, once a year at least, a complete change from our nor- ma surroundings. - Are strangely etched scram; Red rose hips gleam against old stumps 1 d' s and this h cape Scarfed with a wet green moss. Cially leen fiw'a•1 if those who live strenuous lives, go lo the woods or.a ciMet summer resort where they can The willow stem.. and alder stems live close to nature and get a chance. as it were, to find themselves and ,take stock of their mental, moral and physical progress. Moreover, we should always try to cultivate a cheerful spirit, and to meet adversity with calmness and fortitude, accepting with good grace what the 'gods have in store for us, always try - mg to play the part of real men and women who know how to play the game of life to the host advantage.: Minard's Liniment for Colds. Shine .out in vivid lures, Carnellan, saffron, fashioning Enchanted avenues. Down Vlach shall run a gypsy band In twinkling' blossom Sheen, While every bush flings banners forth,' And birds pipe up the. tune. Katharine Lee Bates. Perfect home dye- ing and - tinting is guaranteed with Dia-. mond Dyes. Just dip in cold water to tint soft, delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, permanent colors. Each 15 -cent pack- age contains direc- tions so simple any woman can dye or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings. sweaters, draperies, covering:, hang• tags, everything new. Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other kind —and toll your drugi;ist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton. or mixed goods. _The Ritz-Carlton Hotel NewJersey City America's Smartest Resort Hotel.. Famous for its Euro- peen Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from $5.00 Double 'rooms from $8.00 European Plau New Hydiaatric and • Electro - Therapeutic Department GUFTAVE TOTT. Manager forrtpINESS aii NOISES 1, @*; /0 trf4 ce 1.25 ant`° At1ItT 1`). rug,'ists %nii3vf sair pH REQUEST 70 ZWAVEnNEW YORK . • Idea of Space. One limy judge how great is the dis- tance to even the nearest stare, from the fact that Vega, a near neighbor, is about one and a half million tines more distant than th0 sun. Vega is 25 light years, 10 trillion melee away. That is, a 'ray of Tight from this star will take 25 years to reach the earth, though it travelswith the r'eed of •- lightning, which would take it nearly seven tunes around the earth in a sec- ond, Eggs in France cannot be sold es "fresh" 1f they have been in cold storage. YOU STAMMER A silver nugget., the largest over mined'in Britislty, Calulnbia, weighs 30. ounces.' Don't suffer under this handicap any longer, Successful nuUiln our et'e • he xe recommend r7 R methods of treatment. : Wr{ta for tree advice and literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, I, KITCHENER, ONT., CANADA INDISPENSABLE We receive letters every week from people who find Mlnard's indispens- able. Cant. Geo. W. Dolbow, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "While in British Columbia I used your Liniment but I cannot get it here. As there is to my knowledge no other liniment on the market like. Minard's I would appreciate it if you will advise me how i can get -another supply, for I do not want to be without Minardis. MIINARD'S LINIMENT I A Charming Reflection Is Obtained by Using Cutieura Soap Daily, assisted by Cuticura Oint- ment when required. It keeps the pores active, the skin clear and free from eruptions and the scalp in e healthy hair -growing condition. Sample Snell Pro by )bet Address canndlan Depot: litenlanue, Ltd., Montreal. Price, Soap ZS. Ointment rS and Gee. Talcum 2Ga. Cuticura Shaving Stick 2sc. DITARIO WOMAN REGAINS HEALTH i WantsOtherWoment6Kn0w About Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound Moullt.Forest, .Ont.—"Before I took Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com- pound±feltweakand miserable, and had ppains all through me. I was living in Ailsa Craig at the •time,and ono daya£riend came in andtold me her ex- perienced x-ppeerienced using the Vegetable Qom - .pound and added me to take a bottle, which I finallyI began to get stronger rind those pains left me. I am glad I found out about this medicine as I think "1er0 is;. none equal to it for women rho have troubles of this kind. I cannot praise the Vegetable Compound teo highly for the good it has done me. Whenever E know of a woman suffering I am glad to tell her of it." --Mrs. Wm. •RinSUALB, IZ.R. No.1, Mount Forest, Ontario. Women throughout the Dominion are finding health in Lydia E..Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Noharmful'drugs 'are used in its preps- ration—just roots and herbs -aid it can be taken in safety even by n nursing ):pother. For sale by all druggists: Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism .. Colds Headache - Pain , Neuralgia Toothache, Lumbago Neuritis Accept only "Bayer"acp }age which contains proven directions. Bandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. • Also bottles of 21 and 100 --Druggists. Aspirin IE Ehe trade ma1k (registered in Uanada) of Bayer OIat,urnoinre or \Ionenaell,•• nddeater 01Salicylic°. Id (Acetyl -Sall crlic Acid '1. '5, M !1. while It .le �pelr known that Aspirin mtotlo Bayer manulaetore,.to Alit' ate l obile.:n alnst Imitations, tial T+gilef!i or Bayer- eemaany will he stamped 1tith. Weir general tra110 marls,' the "Baser Crnas.' • ISSUE No. 13--'25.