The Seaforth News, 1925-03-05, Page 8TIIE SE.AFORT*1 • NEM
fl N SALL NEWS !from our station on Saturday
P Death of George Arnold. -Ther'
lifonday evening the subject "The ( died in London on Wednesday, Feb..
reat Commission," was .discussed 25th at the residence of his daughter,
r Mr. W, 3. Jones. Miss 'Gladys ; Mrs, John McArthur, George Arnold,
titer gave a reading, Miss 'Greta: age 92 years, Ms. Arnold lived. for
,mimic an instrumental, and Mrs. years in Hensall, •being one of its
,eclair anti Miss Nellie Boyle sang best known citizens, but on the death
duet. of his wife some years ago, he went
The special day;for women 01 the to London to live with his daughter.
iethodist• church was very success- Fred. Arnold, of Buffalo, and former -
1 ,and profitable. The ladies' choir' ly of Hensall, is a son, also Harry
,:lighted the audience with..their Arnold, manager of the Bank of
aging. At the evening service 613 'Montreal, Hensall, and Mrs. McAr-
;lurch was filled, both gallery and thur of London, is a daughter. The
iditorium, l funeral was held on Friday to Nairn
School Report. Hensall Public cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arn-
chool report for February. Primary old attended the funeral.
loom, Primer B. -Kenneth ,Mamas; The hockey match between Hen-
Gary McConnell (equal); Mary sa11 and Dashwood on 'Tuesday
.ittle, Harold Higgins, Orville Hed- '.was a 6-5 victory for Dashwood.
en, Harry Clark:
'Primer A. -Dorothy Drummond,
Norman Sinclair, (equal); Myrna
Ludson, Minnie Sangster, (equal);
rene Smale, Mildred Follick, Lit -
:an Beeswax.
' L -Olive Brock, Kathryn Drysdale.
Jr. IIB, -Rage Paterson, Helen
tlenn, Lloyd Lindenfield, Harold
iherritt, Mary Hemphill, Herbert
iledden, Dorothy Cook, Jack Young,
dobby Passmore, Malcolm Gillies.
Jr. IIA. -Mabel Fee, Harvey Hud-
,on, Edith Wolff, Dorothy Dadson,
iiugh McDougal, John Farquhar,
Margaret Kennings, Viola Hilde-
brand, Stewart Bell, Jean Whiteside,
;Cornelis Faber, Lorne Elder.
Sr. IV. -Gertrude Higgins 94 p.c.,
Margaret McLaren 94, Jean Bon-
thron 92, Beryl Pfaff 81, Lillian
Steacy 80, Lloyd Passmore 74, Marg-
aret Drummond 74, Louise Drum-
mond 74, Marie Foster 73, Scott
Welsh 72, Dorothy Little 69 Bertha
Soldan 61, Roy Soldan 44, Russell
Blackwell 40.
Jr. IV. --Billy Joynt 87, • Mtldren
Smillie 81, Harold were very attractively arranged, were
Munn 77, Albert auctioned off by Mr. G H, Elliott,
Passmore 77, Roy Smale 74, Brttee of Clinton.
Ho earth 73, Dorothy Hoskins The Y. P. S. are holding their meet -
Mr. Grenville Atkinson, Detroit,
has arrived for the summer and is
occupying his cottage.
Mrs. H. Weston is visiting her
daughters in Detroit,
Miss Alma McKay returned to
London on Sunday.
Mrs. Malcolm Toms is visiting her
sister at Sault Ste. Marie.
Mr. Thos . Brandon and family
moved on Monday to Mr. Louis
Thompson's house.
The box social given under the
auspices of the local L. O. L. last
week proved -to be quite a success.
There was a good attendance and a
very pleasant evening was 'spent.
Progressive euchre was played dur-
ing the first part of tate evening and
after lunch dancing was indulged in.
The winners of the prizes in euchre
were Mr. R. Blair, Jr., and Mrs,
Nelson Heard first, Mr. H. Darrow
and Mrs. A. Brandon carrying off
the booby prizes. The boxes, which
Sr..IIT: Clare Zueffe 74, Marion
Sinclair 69, Royce Welsh 67, Albert
Wolfe 64, Lulu Lindenfield 62, Edna
Wolfe 62, Edward Little 60, Edith
Cameron 53, Joyce Scruton 52, Eldred
Smith 52.
Misses Jane and Eliza Newell
visited over the week -end with rela- London.
Mr. W. Fee recently visited friends
in London. .
Mrs. Sangster and Mrs. Hartley, 0f
Port Huron, recently visited with
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and fam-
Miss Irene Hazelwood, of London,
visited an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
George Hudsnn and family.
Mr. E. Knipe was in Exeter Fri-
day on business.
Mr. Ross Dougall, of London,
visited over the week -end at his home
Mr. Ferris Cantrlon, of London,
was home over the week -end.
Mr. E. $haddock spent Sunday
with friends in Clinton.
Mrs. Fred Smallacombe and little
daughter' Jean, of Guelph, are here
visiting Mrs. Smallacombe's mother,
Mrs. Ellis, who continues seriously
Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair, M. W.
Pierce and Mr. W. Welsh, of Lon-
don road, were in Clinton Tuesday
attending the Huron County Tem-
perance convention.
Miss Sparrow, of Paisley, arrived
in town Monday evening to take
charge of E. Rennie's millinery de-
partment for this season.
We understand that Mr. W. C.
Davis, who has conducted a general
store here for the last 30 years, has
sold out to Mr. Skinner, of Usborne.
Mr. Lee Hedden is busy this week
fixing up the Warrener livery barn
for a garage, which he proposes to
open shortly. mer home here.
Mr. J. Hogg, of Goderich, was in Rev. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman
town Tuesday Forest butinleft will conduct Lenten services in St.
Miss Edith Left Michigan.Monday John's church on Thursday evening, visit Beggs
in the eele Mr. Richardson will soon be ready
Mr. Dan. Boggs, of Steric
Briggs & Co., Toronto, was in town
Wednesday looking over their onion
warehouse here.
The village council met on Tues-
day evening, but owing to the fact
that the auditors were not present to 4unday
give thejr report, the meeting was ad- We are pleased to report that Mr.
joA me tilln Wednesday, Albert Austin, who underwent an
A meeting hall the U. tiFsd0yvaa held operation in London hospital, is pro-
the town d Tuesday after- ressin favorably.
McMillan, ;"-and were addressed by W. D. g Our gcitizens were much surprised
Sandr,of Seaforth, and era ve to hear of the sudden and quite .un-
ing on Friday, 'March 6th. The mem-
bers would like to see more attend,
Rev. A. Macfarlane, we are sorry
to report, is still quite ill.
Mrs, Ed. Weston, who underwent
an operation in Goderich hospital on
Monday, is improving nicely.
11'liss Maggie Horata visited friends
in Seaforth on Tuesday.
air, Peter Matthews called on Sea -
forth friends-on`Tuesday.
1tLrs. tames Shea` ea y t seed friends in
Stratford on Saturday.
alr, Brown and Mr, F. McConnell
tnade a .business' trip ;to Seaforth .on
The funeral of the five -months -old
baby of Mr. and Mrs. John, Eckert,
of McKillop, 'was largely attended on
Sunday afternoon to St, Patrick's
cemetery, �o
• Physiography. Cl. 1, B. Murray, R.
O'Connor, C. Dorrenstein. 'Cl. 2, `'A,
Dantzer, D. O'Rourke, P. „Dill, L.
Hastings, L. Watters, M. Darling, H.
Dantzer, Cl. 3, T. Eckert, E. 'Eckert,
A. Molyneaux, Credit, R. McConnell,
M. Atkinson, J. Shea, 3.1. O'Loughlin,
Art -CL 2, C. Dorrenstein, D, O'-
Rourke, E. Eckert, M. Krauskopf, H,
Dantzer, T. Eckert, B, Murray, B,
O'Loughlin, A. Dantzer, M. Atkinson,
Cl. 3, J. Shea, L. Watters, R. Me -
Connell,, L.
Connell,,L. Hastings, A. Molyneaux,
a. O'Connor, Credit, M. Darling, J.
Miss Ellie Ryan. and Mr, Jos. FORM I Lit,, Cl. 1, R. McQuaid, D.
Ryan attended the funeral of Mr. Molyneaux, T. Delaney, C. Krauskopf
M. O'Rourke, H. Atkinson, V. Dill,
Thomas Ryan on Friday last."
Mrs, Alex. Darling 'visited friends. M. Jordan. Cl. 2, J, Malone, C. Looby,
in -:Mitchell during the weelc. R. O'Reilly. Cl. 3, P. Kennedy, M.
Messrs. Roy Dorsey and Fred Murray, M. Ryan,. M. Byrne. Credit,
Forrester called on Mitchell friends J. Kelly, T. Kennedy.
on Saturday, Eng. Comp. -Cl. 2, H. Atkinson) D.
Continuation Schoch Report for Molyneaux, •M. Murray, M. O'Rourke,
January and FS hoof T. Delaney, R, 'McQuaid, C. Kraus-
) y 1,75 per cent or over.Class kopf; V. Dill, R. O'Reilly. Cl. 3, M.
Class' P Jordan, P. Kennedy, M. Byrne. Cred-
2, 66-75 per cent. Class 3, 60-66 per lt, M. Ryan, J. Malone, C.' Looby, J,
cent. Credit, 50-60 p.c. The names Kelly,
appear in order of merit. Eng. •Gram -Cl: 1, T Delaney, C.
FORM III, -Eng. Literature, cl, 1
G. Stapleton; cl. 2, M. Benninger.; cl.
3, 'M. Hills, A. Delaney, M. Kraus-
kopf; credit, Jas. Shea, T. Eckert, R.
Dill, M. McGrath Sr., A. Shea, J.
Campbell, D. Williams, M. McGrath
Jr. N. O'Rourke, M. Britton, IL -
O'Connor, F. Hills, J. Flannery: J.
Carpenter, J. Dill, H. Benninger, Jos.
Looby; absent, E. Ryan. Eng. Com-
position, cl. 2, E. Ryan, M. Ben-
ninger; el. 3, A. Delaney, G. Staple-
ton, M. McGrath Jr.; credit, M. Mur-
ray, M. McGrath Sr., N. O'Rourke,
NL Krauskopf, J. Campbell, Jos, Car-
penter, A. Shea, M. Britton, F. Hills,
R. Dill, M. O'Cionnor, M. Hills, H'.
Benninger, Jos. Dill. Ancient His-
tory, el. 1, G. Stapleton, Mary Mc-
Grath Sr,, Thos, McQuaid, A. Shea,
M. Hastings, E. Murray; cl. 2, T.
Carpenter, A. O'Reilly, W. 'Murray;
el. 3, Jos. Shea, Ralph Dill; credit,
Dan. Williams, A. McGrath, Mary
Feeney. British History, cl. 1, N.
O'Rourke, A. Delaney, Jos, Carpen-
ter, G. Stapleton, A. Shea, 11, Ryan,
Jos, Shea; el, 2, R. Dill, M, O'Con-
nor, M. Murray, Marie Benninger;
cl. 3, Annie McGrath; credit, M.
Feeney, Jos. Looby, F, Hills, H. Ben-
ninger, M. Hills, M. McGrath Jr.;
absent, M. Britton, M. Horan, V.
Feeney. Algebra, el. 1, D. Wil-
liams, W. Murray, 14, O'Rourke, M.
Benninger, G. Stapleton, A. O'Reil-
y; M. Murray, M. Hastings, A. De-
laney, M. O'Connor; cl. 2, Jos. Car-
penter, H. Benninger; cl. .3, M.
Hills, Jos. Looby, J. Campbell; credit,
Mary McGrath Sr.; absent, E. Ryan.
Geometry, el. 1, G, Stapleton, W.
Murray, A. McGrath, A, O'Reilly,
M. McGrath Sr„ ,Jos. Shea, Thos.
McQuaid, E. Murray, M. Feeney; cI.
2, Ralph Dill, T. Carpenter. Physics,
el. 1, M. Benninger, G. Stapleton, E.
Murray, A. Shea, A. McGrath, M.
O'Connor, N. O'Rourke; cl. 2, M.
Hastings, R. Dill, M. McGrath Sr:,
A. O'Reilly; el. 3, E. Ryan, Jos.
Carpenter, Mary Feeney; credit, F.
Hills, M. Krauskopf, T. Carpenter,
J. Campbell, Jos. Dill, Dan. Williams.
Chemistry, el, 1, G. Stapleton, A.
Shea, A. McGrath, H. Beninger, L
Carpenter. .Cl. 2, M. McGrath (Sr.),
Vera Feeney. Cl. 3, R. Dill, M. Mc-
Grath (Jr.), M. Murray. O Redit,T.
, J.
McQuaid, M. Feeney,
Shea. Absent, .M, Britton,
The many friends of Mrs. W. Ste-
wart will be sorry to hear she is
under the doctor's care.
We are sorry to report Mrs.
Sparrow had the misfortune to
slip on the cement floor while
assisting with milking, and is suf-
fering considerably. Although no
bones are broken the bruise is quite
Mr. and Mrs 'McAsh and sons
spent Sunday with friends in Sea -
The flu epidemic is still prevalent
in and around our burg.
Feb. 27th was a day of prayer in
the Methodist church here. There
was a good attendance.
Members of the township council
met on Monday, the usual 'business
being transacted.
Owing to the severe storm last
Thursday evening, Lenten services in
the Anglican church were called off.
We are pleased to report that Rev.
Mr. Macfarlane, -of Bayfield and
Varna, who has been suffering from
an attack of erisypalis and mumps,
is now on a fair way to recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, George Johnson en-
tertained a number of their friends to
a euchre party last Tuesday evening.
Several from our district attended
the box social in Goshen line school
under the auspices of the U. F. O.
Mr. Roy Connell spent last 'week
in Goderich township.
Dr. Moffatt motored from London
to spend the week -end at his Sum -
to operate his portable mill, as there
is quite a collection of logs at 'Mr.
Webster's and Mr. Johnston's.
Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr.
Macfarlane there was no service in
the Presbyterian church here last
Jr. III. --M. Dorrestein, Isabel Jor-
dan, Ethlyn O'Hearn, Carrie O'Con-
nor, F. Brennan, E. Gormley, Joseph
O'Connor, Betty Campbell, Dorothy.
Brennan, F. Donnelly, L. Maloney,
C. Kennedy.
IL -Marion Hunter, I,Ionica Roach,
Clarence Krauskopf, Genevieve Me -
Car thy, Ursula Krauskopf, Clare
Gormley, Irene Donnelly, Joseph
Delaney, Antia Dillon,' Cum-
mings, Aileen Nelmes, Frank Cuna-
mings, Jack Molyneaux, .Gordon Dill,
Cecelia Feeney, Norval- Parker,- ICath-
lecn Burns, Elizabeth Cunnings,
Haien Dillon.
Pt, II. -Bertha Dillon, Gerald Don-
nelly, Arthur Looby, Edwin Staple-
ton, James Dillon, Alphonse Perry,
Sr. Pr,=john Arnold, Dorothy
Donnelly, Norman O'Connor, Ed-
ward Cummings, Benedict Kennedy,
Matilda 'Dorrestein, Lloyd McCarthy,
Catherine Kenny, Frances Delaney,
Lawrence Dillon, Margaret Mary
Primary. -Rose Arnold, Geuevieve
Feeney, Rita Stapleton, . Agnes Row-
land, Agnes O'Connor, Leonard
Nagle, Roselle' Dillon, Margaret Dor-
restein, Charles Krauskopf, Jos.
Krauskopf,'J. Malone, lel, O'Rourke, Dorsey, jos. Nelmes.
R.- McQuaid. Cl. 2, R. O'Reilly, C.
Looby, H. Atkinson, M. Jordan, 'M.
Ryan. Cl, 3,' M. Murray, J. Dill, Cre-
dit, V. Dill, 'M. Byrne, T. Kennedy,, P.
Kennedy, J. Kelly, Absent, D. Moly-
Maths. -Cl. 1, T. Delaney, -.R. Mc-
Quaid, J,' Kelly, M. O'Rourke, C.
Looby, J. Malone. Cl. 2, C. Kraus-
kopf, D. Molytxcaux. Cl. 3, M. Mur-
ray, H. Atkinson, R. O'Reilly, M,'
Ryan. Credit, V. Dill, M. Byrne.
History -Cl. 1, R. McQuaid, M.
O'Rourke, T. Delaney, V. Dill, M.
Murray, M. Ryan, C. Looby, C.
Krauskopf, J. Kelly, P. Kennedy. Cl.
2, H. Atkinson, R. O'Reilly, Cl. 3, M.
Jordan, Credit, J. Malone, T. Ken-
nedy,'A'bsent, D. Molyneaux.
Science. -Cl. 1, R. McQuaid, T. De-
laney,'M, Ryan, M, O'Rourke, V. Dill,
H. Atkinson, j, Kelly, C. Krauskopf,
Cl. 2, ,M. Jordan, M. Murray, P. Ken-
nedy, C. Looby, R. O'Reilly, '3'. Ken-
nedy. Class 3, J. Malone, Credit, M.
Byrne, D. Molyneaux,
Latin Prose (Sen.) -C1. 1, Thos.
McQuaid,. E. Murray, M. McGrath'
{Sr). Cl. 2, Mary Hastings, Annie
Latin Authors, Sr. -C1. 1, A. Mc-
Grath, Thos. McQuaid, E. Murray.
Cl 2, Mary McGrath (Sr.) Absent, M.
Latin, Jr. -Cl. 1, M. O'Connor, A.
Delaney, M. Britton, H. Beninger, J.
Campbell, A. Shea. Cl. 2, N. O'-
Rourke, Vera Feeney, Cl. 3, Mary
Hills, Jos. Carpenter. Credit, M.
Murray, F. Hills, Marie Beninger, J.
Dill, M. Krauskopf, Absent, E. Ryan.
French. --Cl. 1, A. Delaney, M. Mc-
Grath (Sr.), M. Hastings, Cl. 2, T.
McQuaid, M. O'Connor, Cl. 3, Marie
Murray. Credit, J. Campbell, J. Car-
penter, 14. O'Rourke, M. Hills, Dan
Williams, Vera Feeney, M. Beninger,
M. McGrath (Jr.), Absent, Marie
Britton, M. Krauskopf.
FORM II. -English Literature -
C1. 1, Dorothy O'Rourke, Bertha Mur-
ray, Helen Dantzer, Jas. Shea, Lor-
etto Hastings, Mary Atkinson, Rose
Latin, Cl, 1, M. O'Rourke, R. Mc-
Quaid, M. Ryan, D. Molyneaux, M.
Murray. Class 2, C, Looby,C. Kr'tus-
kopf, J. Kelly. Cl. a, M. Jordan, L.
Hastings, T, Delaney, Credit, H
Dantzer, J. Malone.
French. -Cl. 1, R. MrQu'eid. M. O'-
Rourke, T. Delaney, Cl. 2, C. Kraus-
kopf, M. Murray, M. Ryan. Cl., 3,
al, Jordan, R. O'Reilly, H. Atkinson,
Credit, C. Looby, J. Malone, J. Kelly.
Absent, D. Molyneaux.
Report of Dublin S.S. for January
and February. IV. -John 'McGrath
79 per' cent., Pat 'McConnell 75; Anna
Ryan 72, Loretto Delaney 70. Betty
Dorrestyn 70, Marion Dill 69, Wil-
fred Krauskopf 69, Bernice McGrath
68, Annie Watters 68, D. Benninger
66, F. Hills 65, H. Krauskopf 65, Wm.
Dantzer 62, H. McGrath 60, Kenneth
Dill 58, Thomas McCarthy 56 E.
O'Hearn 56, Clarence Looby 50,
Thomas Hills 50, J. Krauskopf 49,
Albert Gormley 45.
Sr. IIL-Francis Stapleton, Nora
McGrath, Veronica Molyneaux,
Lena Maloney, Joseph Krauskopf,
Harry Feeney, Mary Dillon, Dan.
McCarthy, Carrie Krauskopf, Mary
Brennan, Francis Krauskopf, E. Don-
nelly, Gertrude Dorrestein.
' 1 lien
The arse of hens is' to lay eggs, and hens .will positively lay more eggs--
GUARANTEED-'fouput agdose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the feed
every day. Your deaaler is authorized to give back your money if it fans:
krg r7 ',Aar
wrl rye for TR5150055.. PRATT 50015 CO, m CANADA r'rn„ 7OnQNTO
Thee Council met on Feb, 18th with
members all present. Minutes of
last meeting read and •confirmed.
Orders were issued on the Treasurer
amounting to $155.95. The Reeve
was instructed to ask Hill & Co., of
Mitchell, 'to remove the steel. of the
old Waters Bridge and to have the
necessary changes and alterations
made so that it can be used again.
'Win. Hills was appointed road over-
seer for the township: Councillor
Malcolm was appointed to attend
the Good Roads convention at To-
ronto. Council adjourned till Mon-
day, Feb. 23rd, to receive. the audi-
tors' report and other business,
Council met on Feb. 23rd. Members
all present except Councillor Mc-
Dougald., Minutes of last meeting
read and adopted. The auditors' re-
port was read, considered and
adopted by 'the Council and 200
copies ordered to be printed. Bylaw
No. 259 for appointing a road over-
seer and fixing his salary was read
three times and finally passed, signed
and sealed. Council adjourned to
meet again oil Wednesday, March
18th, at 10 a.m.-JAMES JORDAN,
Eat more of them when bread is
11c per loaf.. They are the cheapest
food on the, market.
We offer carefully hand -selected
potatoes, free from rot at $1.25 per
bag, for 2 bags or over. This offer is
for a limited time only. They are
good for seed, also.
Phone 13-616 or address
Wednesday, Mar, 4th:
Wheat, per bushel • $1.60
Oats, per bushel 50c -52e
Barley, per bushel 80c
Buckwheat, per. bushel 75c
Peas, per bushel 1.25'
Shorts, per cwt, $1.90
Bran, per cwt. $1.80
Butter, per 1b. 30c -32c
Eggs, per dozen 30c -32c
Potatoes, per ,bag , ...,,.,., ,.75e
Hogs, per cwt.. .$11.50
Waterloo Boy 12-24 tractor, near-
ly new; Decker separator with feed-
er, blower and grain elevator; B -type
International silo filler with inside
distributing pipes; 10%% inch grinder;
John Deere 3 -furrow plow ; 16 -plate
double disc 9 foot stiff tooth 'culti-
vator. Also two choice young Hol-
stein bulls and some young heifers.
Seaforth. Phone 163.
Saunders, of Exeter on co-operative expected death of Mrs. W. Stewart, McConnell, Peter Di11, Class 2, Lu -
selling. A number of farmers were who passed away at an early hour, ella Watters, Eileen Eckert, Rose
present: Tuesday morning, March 3rd, Mrs. O'Connor. Cl. 3, Anna Molyneaux,
The recent cold weather has putthe Stewart was at the home of her dau- Charlie Dorrenstein, Credit, Andrew
and ting rink in s being enjoyedd byhthe ghter,'Mrs. Nelson Reid and although Dantzer, Bridget O'Loughlin, Michael
young people of the village.
The young people of Thames Road
are putting on a play in the town
hall on Friday evening, March 6th,
entitled "Bashful Mr. Hobbs."
Mr. Wm. Buchanan of Dauphin,
Man., whohas been visiting his
mother and sister here this winter,
• spent Tuesday with his friend, Mr.
Win. Rivers, of Exeter. Mr. Buch-
anan leaves for Dauphin on Tues-
day- March 10th.
Mrs, A. L. Case visited friends in
De" field ver the week -end.
Mrs. H. Reynolds is confined to
he" home through illness.
The South Huron seed show was „
held in the Town Hall, on Friday, Meeting at Mohawk Crossing. 2%
Feb, 27th., with quite a display of hours of wit and laughter.
seeds, and considering the cold day,
a good number of farmers were
A enlon prayer meeting was held
in the Methodist church on Friday
afternr,'n with Mrs. T. H. Wilson in
the chair, Mrs. Scruton "read the
Scripture lesson. Solos were render-
cd by Mrs. T..'Heridea, Mrs. J. Bon-
throe and Miss Gladys Petty. A
ouartette by Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Rennie,
Mrs. Lindenfield' and Mrs. Sinclair.
t`'-i"•e+-s were offered by the different
members of the W. M. S. of the
4.4 per cet. beer is mach discussed
on ti'e slreets just .now.
The dance on Thursday evening
did not have a large attendance on
account of the had weather. An-
other is being nut on shortly by the
"Lovesick Trial."
We understand that Mr: ,and Mrs.
Wm. Consitt, of nay, intend moving
.... ;,,,.. ..110.+71t:, renelinr4}hr.
not feeling very well, she was able to
be around. Consequently, her death
came as a great shock to her
We are pleased to hear that Mr.
Thos. Johns is improving and hope
to soon see him around again in his
usual health.
Mrs. A. 'McQueen and daughter, of
Brucefield, visited her sister, Mrs.
Jas. Bowey, for a few days last tnreek.
Don't forget the play in Presby-
terian church on Friday evening,
March 6th, given by the Ladies' Aid
Society, entitled the "Ladies Aid
Mr. Wm. Deitz entertained. ,a few
friends last week.
Mr. Jno. Bell was in London last
week for a few days.
We hear that Mr. Robt, Dalrymple
has the job of looking after the
roads for Tuckersmith. We are sure
they could not have got a better man
than Rnhe.rt.
English Composition- Atkinson,Cl,D.
Shea, B. Murray,
O'Rourke, Cl. 3, R. McConnell, C.
Dorrenstein, H, Dantzer, E. Eckert.
Credit, P. Dill, A. Dantzer, L. Wat-
ters, M. Darling, A. Molyneaux,• L.
Hastings, B. O'Loughlin, R. O'Con-
Arithmetic -Cl. 1, Mary Krauskopf,
H. Dantzer, R. O'Connor. Cl. 2, L.
Watters, T. Eckert. CI, 3, B. Murray,
3. Shea, 13. O'Loughlin, M. McGrath,
P. Dill, E. Eckart, Credit, A. Dantzer,
D. O'Rourke, C. Dorrenstein, M. At-
kinson, R. McConnell. Absent, Vera
Geometry. -Cl. 1, D, O'Rourke, 13.
Murray, A. Molyneaux, 13.. O'Lough-
lin. Cl. 2, P. Dill, A. Dantzer, Cl. 3,
M, Atkinson. Credit, L. Watters, E.
Eckart, J. Shea.
Algebra. -C1, 1, B. Murray, E. -Eck-
ert, A. Molyneaux, L. Watters, B.
O'Loughlin, D. -O'Rourke, M. Atkin-
son, R. McConnell, J. Shea. Class 2,
R. O'Connor, A. Dantzer, L. Hast-
ings, C. Dorrenstein, Cl. 3, H. Dant -
We arc sorry to hear' that Nirs. E, .aero
Detweiler is in the hospital at Sea- French -Cl 1, L. Watters, B. Mur-
forth but hope she will soon be out ray, C1. 2, D. O'Rourke, R. O'Connor,
and around again. A. .,Molyneaux, . R. McConnell, H.
Dantzer, J. Shpa. Cl. 3, Charlie Dor-
A Real Asthma Relief, - Dr. J. D. renstein, L. Eckert, Credit, B. O'-
T(elloge's Asthma Remedy has never Loughlin, M. Atkinson.
been, advertised , by extravagant state- Latin -C1. 1; B.. Murray, R. O'Con-
inents, Its claims are conservative nor, L. Watters, 15, O'Rourke, J.
indeed, when judged by the benefits Shea. Cl. 2, B. O'Loughlin, Credit,
which it perfnrnis. Exnect real re- R. Molyneaux, E. Eckert, C. Dor
+ef and permanent benefits when you renstein, R. McConnell. I'
buy this remedy and you will not Zoology -Cl. 1, P. Di11,`13. Murray,'
have cause for disappointment. It D. O'Rourke, B. O'Loughlin, T. Shea,
gives ,permanent.relief in many cases H. 1Jantzer, L. Hastings Cl.'2, E."
C. 3, R. McConnell R.'-0'-'
w}lore so called remedies have nlh r Eckertc
l�h Yf;prG A.
Ever Held hi
$io,000 Worth
Men's and L:idjes'
and all. kinds of Drygoods will be
sacrificed without reserve
Less -Than hollesake
s� �
O posite Cnrnenercial lintel,
The remains of the old •building,
in the D D. Wilson 'block, a frame
Wending partly destroyed by fire, will
be offered for sale by public. auction
at 2 P.M.
For further particulars, apply to
ANDREW LITTLE, Seaforth, 10.
Farm Stock and Grain. Thos.
Brown, auctioneer, has received in-
structions from the undersigned pro-
prietor to sell by ,public auction at
W3'S lot 29, con, 12, McKillop, one
anile west of Leadbury, on Monday,
Mar. 16th, at 1 o'clock, the following
valuable property: Cattle -1 cow
fresh with calf at foot, 1 cow calved
a short time; 6 steers 2 years old,
weight about 1,000' lb.; 7 steers rising
2 years; 3 yearling steers; 2 heifers
rising 1 year; 4; heifers 2 years old'
(fat); 1 heifer rising 2 years; 1 Here-
ford bull rising 2 years. Pigs - 7
clunks, weight about 80 lb,; 7 pigs
weight about 160 lb.; 15 stare pigs;
1 brood sow due April 17th. Grain -
100 bus. O.A.C. No. 72 seed oats; 40
bus, seed barley 2 -row. Terms -All
sums of $10 and under, cash. Over
that amount 8 months credit given
on furnishing approved joipt notes.
6 p.c. per annum off for cash on
I credit amounts. Landowners for se-
curity. Grain, cash. Positively via re-
serve as proprietor has no grass.
i Thos. Brown, auct., John A. Marshall,
Corns cripple the feet and make
walking a torture, yet sure relief in
the shape of Holloway's Corn Re-
mover is within reach of all.
Exceptional Value in
Improved Farms. ' .„
50, 75, 100 and 200 acres.
100 Acres.-Hullett Tp. one of
the best farms in the Township.
Owner isretiring, reasonable
payment. down, ;balance on easy
terms. An ideal ' farm.
100 Acres.-Hi'bhert Tp. near
Staffa. A bargain for sash to
close estate,
200 Acres. -McKillop Tp, close
to town. Moderil labor saving
equipment in barn, Best of land
and buildings, Terms easy. Will
take 100 acres as part payment,
50 Acres. --McKillop Tp., well
set. Practically new barn, clean
land, Sacrifice for quick sale.
Owner has option. on 100 acres.
100 Acres. Tuckersmith Tp•
near town, fine hoose barn and
outbuildings. Reasonable pay-
ment down. Balance on easy
Silver Creek Dairy and 100
Acres. -Daily demand for the
entire supply. Inspection invited
at any time, Hydro light and
power. Terms and possession.
75 Acres. --Provincial Highway
half mile from town, large brick
house, good barn, hydro light
and power. Price has been re-
duced. Immediate possession,
Own your own Home.
See our list of houses from $500
up. Several fine residences. ill
modern conveniences. Bonds
taken in exchange.
with from three to eight acres
at reasonable prices.
Inspection Invited. Call and get
full information regarding the
above properties,
, General Insurance Agency.
You Dont Have to
Log a DAY -FAN
A distinctive feature of all DAY -FAN sets is that, you can get
any station, anywhere, at any time, without logging. With every set
comes a complete list of broadcasting stations with their dial set-
ting.. To get KDICA, for instance, simply turn the pointers to 21--
" and listen in..
All dial settings are the same for every set, everywhere, on any
antennae.. There is a model for every taste and purse, and each one
embodies the same remarkable qualities of tone, volume, selectivity,
simplicity of operation,' and beauty which distinguish the DAY -FAN
OEM Receivers.
Scott Fergus
"Everything Radio."
Phone 239 r 15.
for this month,
We give absolutely FREE an extra pair of pants of the same
material with every -3 -piece Suit of any of the 24 fabrics selected
for this
Free Pant Sale
We want to .ntaalce December the biggest month in our. history,
and tins 'is the way North American Tailors, makers of DresSwell
'hand -tailored -to -measure clothes are helping us to do it.