HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-02-26, Page 5'THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 26, 1925,. Pork and Beans is an iappetizingdish, even for those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give 'It the " right flavor andwe pride ourselves that we knowr how to supply ,just the right cut for the purpose. Try it once. You'll want it often. D. % N. STEWART Main Street: Seaforth. • PHONE 58. i➢ DENTfAL . a s srRATFoR6, ONT. WINTER TERM from Jan- , Sth Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than docs any other calling. Central graduates secure goodpositions. We re- ceive more calla for trained help than we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue, It may interest you. D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal, wainiarewierest assawerausewaselwassienteemmeneansineertnis Grain, Salt, Flour and feed .FLOUR.—Best Pastry and Baking' Brands. FEEDS.—Bran, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Ground Screenings, Oil Meal, and Tankage. • CATTLE SALT. -100 Ib. Bags. c°rwY ,.�'.. _. ate„ pia. 1 � a Lown Topics , m 11------------- '1 E. .:MT. B4tgnaairt, Mr, Joe, Sills was home Pittsburgh, Penn .returning THE SEAFORTH • HEWS e«wmt�II from again is ar- arly la cultor- it Col- ek-end yr on of her rdton, r. and f Au- ames t the ilsol2 S011 s. G. mpson, Mr5, . R. etch, m'p- on Thursday of this week. The Horticultural Society .. ranging for a public meeting e April when a prominent horti ist will be present. Miss Hazel Elcoat, of the Ga legiate Institute, spent the we at her home here. Mr. Andrew Little was in A Monday attending the funeral sister, 'Mrs. Robert Richardson. DAIRX SALT, 25 16. and 5046 bags 'Mrs. J. Brinley, of 'Shep•pa was a Visitor at the home of M Mrs. J. Nixon. Mrs. James Higginbotham, o burn, .was a guest of Mrs. J Graves. Among the relatives present a funeral of the kite Mr; D. D.. W were Mrs. C. R. 'Somerville and Ross, of London Prof. and Mr R. Anderson, Mrs. A. R. Sa Mr, Douglas 'Wilson, Toronto, David Wilson, Brantford, Mr Cweddle, Fergus, Mt•. and Mrs Thompson, Brussels, Mr. J. W Galt, and Mr. and 'Mrs, A. Tho son, Woodstock, Mr. Thos. Flannigan has returned from visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. Haney, 'Sr., is very,ill at pres- ent. Mrs. Robert Strong visited her daughter, 'Mrs. Teamer:son, in Water- loo, over the week -end ting POULTRY FEEDS. --Wheat, Buck- wheat, Oat's, Scratch Feed, Meat ! Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell, Grit and Poultry Charcoal, Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats W. M. STEWART Phone 77. Seaforth arazawastalweesseenesectemaworatemminsissage W. J. Volker 86 Son " end G d ' } ek. sit sit- een her nett tle ta,, nes for Wits as rs. as is cis a td is net er e, er 5. e Miss Margaret Forest is vise friends in Port Huron, Miss Kate Ellison spent the we in 'o cite r. Mrs.Payne of Moosejaw, is vi ing Mr. and Mrs A. 'Camp+bell, Mrs,R. Stewart, Iiensall, is vi ing Tilts. J.Wood. Mrs, B. Williams, who has b spending P g a couple of weeks with mother; Mrs. S. Boyd, ,has retur to Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and lit daughter, Juanita, of Blackie, Al were guests of Mrs. J. Woods. Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Than Road was here on Wednesday the funeral of the late D. D. 'Writ Mr. S. D. Dawson, of London, w a visitor at She home of Mr. and M 5, B. Tyerman. Mr. Dawson, who h Just returned from New Ontario, very enthusiastic over the •prospe of that section of the province. ' Miss Emily Deem is spending few days in 'Toronto. Miss 'Hazel Thompson, of Listow was a week -end guest of Mr. a: Mrs, D. Fell. Mr. 'George Beattie, of Toronto, a town visitor. Mrs. Armstrong, of Toronto, visiting Mrs, 'A. D. 'Sutherland. Dr. Young, of Toronto, was guest at the Egrnondville manse. • Miss McDougall has resigned h position in the Bell Telephone offlc 'Mrs. 'McNair and little daught are'visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr Reeves, North Main street, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant spent th week -end, in Toronto. Misses Mae and Vera Hudson ar visiting friends in Norwich, 'Miss Mary +Modeland• leaves for New Liskeard on Wednesday, Mr. is supplying ing atry I the Custom Brantford, PPY $ this week, owing to the illness of i,fr. Neelin, who is in the hospital, Mr. Wan. Patrick was a London visitor over the week -end and - at- tended the Normal School "At Home." Mr. L, Atkinson has been confined', to his home through illness during the past week, .Mr. J. Hudson, of Tuckersmith, re- cently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Hospital, Mrs. ;Chuff, of Goderich; and Mrs, Glew, of Clinton, were town visitors, Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Shanahan have returned from a trip to Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mu/drew, of Brockville, are guests at the hone of his sisters, Mrs, Robert Scarlett and Mrs. J. IR. Scott. rs. C. Greig visiting her daughter, s in Mrs, Toronto Clark. Ur. George Israel is a Toronto visitor. Miss Beth Willis is spending a few days in Toronto, Miss `Wilma Seip recently under- went an 'operation for appendicitis at the hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerslake visited relatives in Varna. UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALTAING' Motor or Horse Equipment. W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CHURNING CREAM WANTED. Keep the wheels of Industry Send or deliver your cream t turnss.,. This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our running in your own community. o us and receive the utmost re - success. cream, consistent with accurate trons wishing. same, Highest prices paid for good and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all pa Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. • Dr, 0, H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, w111 be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday y and Thursday After - aeons in future. Diseases of all kinds success• fully treated. i Oranges At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c 'MIXED NUTS Per Ib. SHELLED ALMONDS 50c Per Ib 20c CALIFORNIA WAI(NUTS w me In the shell, per'lb. ,....... "'11 FRESH OYSTERS' HEAD 'LETTUCE. CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES WINTHROP, The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S, will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs, Melvin 'Blanchard on Wednesday afternoon, March 4th. It being the annual day of prayer, all are requested to attend. Mr. Norn rau Smith, th of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith this week. Quite a numlier from here attended the Collegiate concert in Cardno's hall Tuesday night and enjoyed it very much. Mr. Will Ross, of Hallett, visited Mr. and 'Mrs, Percy Little over the week -end The weather is getting more spring like and the heavy rains have taken away a considerable amount of snow. Mr, W. C. Bennett received a car- load of salt and was busy unloading it on Tuesday. MANLEY, 'Mr, Peter Eckart was busy last ;week drawing e2laterial on the grounds in Dublin to erect his new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ra.pein enter- tained McKillop 'Happy Bunch last Monday evening, when progressive 'euchre was played until lunch was BARBARA KIRKMAN. served. The winners for ladies' Barbara Y.W.A. met on Tuesday most games was Mrs. Jas. O'Laugh- evening, Feb. 24512, •Mrs,• H. J. Gib- lin and consolation •prize,'Mrs..Henry son presiding. Scripture lesson was Rock; ineu's prize, Mr. 'William 'Rap- read ,by 'Miss Steele, The Messenger cin and •consolation by Mr. Reuben prayer was given by Miss Smith. Rapein. After lunch the light fantas- Miss Grata Ross' gave a fine paper r tic was indulged • in until the wee on India, ' strut' hours of the morning, all leav- iicg and -wishing their host and MONCRIEFF, • -hos,tcss manly happy 'returns. • Miss Anna. Dunlop, in her 38th Mr. C. Eckart spent a few clays year, died at the - hoarse of David with friends, in our burg. Dunlop; Wilkes-Barre, •Penn.; on Feb.' 13th, of complications. Miss Dunlop • was born in Huron 'County, but re- sided in Wickes -Barre for the last two years, having made .her ,home with her uncle,She had •been in ill -health for „suncle,,,,veral. years 'and for the last two weeks was confined to her bed. She is survived by her father, George Dunlop, a ,brother George McTaggart, of Seaforth, and a sister, Mrs.• Luke Soeiran, of Grey to,tvnslitp Mr. and Mrs. 'McTaggart, sptiin.g is almost here. of, Seaforth 'and 'Mrs. Speiran, of Grey township, attended the funeral, Miss Ethel Jackson, who has been ill at the home of her aunt, Miss Jackson, for the past two weeks, has returned to Branksome 'Hall, Toronto, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, of ;Hettsall, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Elder. 'Mrs. Herr, Of Strafford, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell, ladies' and 'Gents.' Tailor Now is the Time This Is the Place To Have That Suit Made Your .own materials made up McKILLOP. There will be an entertainment in S. S, No. 6, iMcKillop,. on Friday evening, Feb. 27th, There will be recitations, readings, dialogttes, etc. Rev. J. A. Ferguson, chairman, Everybody welcome. Duff's Young People's Society suet on Feb. 22nd with Grace Kerr in the chair, The Scripture read was John IT 1-11; Luke 19 1-10, followed by prayer by Janet Smith Topic was taken by Mary Smith. Scott Fer- guson then took the chair, Questions were answered by Grace Kerr, Irene Yantze Mr.Ferguson,6 Fcr Collection taken 'by Harvey Mcllwain, and the meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Miss Edith 'Hunt. acted as organist 'for the meeting, WALTON. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held oft Wednesday, Feb. Ilth, at the home of 'Mrs, J. Hislop, 'Walton, Mrs, Ritchie oc- cupied the chair. After devotional exercises the topic 'o{i,,'Ronan, was given by Miss Simpson, assisted:, by Mrs. Kirby. The pagers dealing with the work of our'medtcal Missionaries, who, while administering healing to the body, must direct their patients' minds to the Divine healer and tell the story of God's leve and freedom to fallen hnnmanity. This work must. ever be associated with the doctors and teachers in the mission fields. Mrs. Berry read an' interesting paper. on the work of Tindall who wrote and spread the Bibi in Braili . in early days, svhle Mrs:'t"lardiber gave current events in IIPSian,, The roll. call wag responded t' by .naming . a missionary in; Ronan.• There' were 21 •present. The erecting. closed by prayer and praise. . A lunch was served at the meeting, The next meeting will be held at .the lhonie of Mrs. Neal, Walton. HARLOCK. We are sorry to say that the scar- let fever epidemic is spreading, There are five families sick with it and No. 7 school is closed at present. Mr. George Watt, from Toronto, is visiting Mr, Bert Ailen this 'veck, Mr. Jas, Knox has returned to the West after spending the winter at his home here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Appleby enter- tained a few friends to a euchre party on Tuesday night of last week. 1vfiss Annie Stevens spent the week -end with her 'brother, 'Mr. Ernie Stevens, of Loudesboro. Mr: and Mrs. Alex, McEiwing en- tertained a few other friends on Thursday of last week to a euchre' party. All enjoyed a good titre. DUBLIN. iLIr 1. Matthewss of Detroit, is visiting old friends in the village, Mr. F. McConnell made a business trip to Mitchell during the week. Mr, and Mrs, John Darling spent fthe riendws.eek-end the guests of Stratford Quite a number fron town attend- ed the concert in Mitchell fast Thurs- day. It was well worth seeing. Mr, and Mrs. 'Wan. O'Rourke en- tertained a number of their friends to a euchre party one evening.. Mr. A. Darling made a 'business trip to Toronto on Tuesday.. Spring must be coming as the robins are flying around Dublin. The people of the village were strickened 'with grief when it became known that Mr. Thomas Ryan, of Hibbert, died Monday night from a short illness with pleural pnett- monia. The snow is nearly all gone and the cars are running in -town. Thomas'--Ryan.—The death of Mr. Thomas 'Ryan at,the age of 74 years is a distinct loss to the Community in which he was a valued member, Ile was taken 4.11 with pleuro- pneumonia and in spite of • every care, passed away. He was an ex - reeve . •orf Hibbbert; ex -Warden of 1 Perth County, and a director of the Hibbert and Usborne Fire Insurance Co., and also a Justice of the Peace. He leaves besides his widow one son John and one daughter Mary. The funeral was very largely attended. r"."1wv.wwwE F 0 TH • LTICAFEI OPENS THURSDAY, FEB, 26 Oscar Neil's old stand. We are prepared to give the highest class of service .at mod- erate rates. Hot, well cooked meats�,serv- ed at all hours. Good, wholesome food. dome end try it ICO 'WING, Prop. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 tunes, $Dc THE RADIO SHOP ATWATER KENT RA1)10 Think of What Is Back of It Whether it is tone quality, distance, selectivity, or volume you want nt in the radio you buy, you will find it in the highest degree in our line of AT - WATER KENT equipment. There is an Atwater Kent iustrutnent; --- receiving set or loud speaker at a size and price to shit your preference. To fully appreciate the real beauty and splendid workman- ship of these instruments, you must actually examine them. Come in today and see the real value you can get in AT - WATER KENT Radio Receiv- ing Sets and Loud Speakers. DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH ROXBORO. :a Fps M•: James Hart has been on the sick list this last few days, h��;�'�Messrs. Howes and Coleman are •!!!busily engaged cutting Mr. John Bennett's wood on the Huron road, ,..forth Phone 63 The mild weather of the past week is,spbili•ng the roads and is tbegiu- `ning to" make'' the farmers think Finest Nursery Stock. Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc. REAL STOCK, REASONABLE PRICES List on request, HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO. 449 River Road,. r . NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. We carry the Westinghouse Radiola IH.A' with Music Master Loud Speaker The most satisfactory set at the most reasonable prices, Call and see them, J. J. 'Broderick Electrical Supplies Hydro Lamps are built to a standard' -- Not to a price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First 'and Always! AII•Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and. Iabelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label, Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office; Town Hall This label is Look for it. Your guaran- Ask lot ft, an ttallqoy first , D , the tempo you buy. BEN=I4UR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial, Ado. Ground Screenings Chop of All Kinds C. G. THOMSON GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25. i Your.I4titoNeeds It will not be long until you will think about• your, car. What about Your Storage Battery Better bring it in and have it tested and charged; it might need some repairs. Have you noticed the increase in sales of the New Good -Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? Regieres Garage PHONE 167W.'