HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-02-12, Page 7A dairy cow is not worth keeping unless she
produces 6,000 pounds of milk or over per year.
Don't support a low producing herd. Start now
to weed out the poor ones. Breed the best ones to
good bulls and feed properly—then watch results.
Does it pay? Ask the successful dairy farmer.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario.
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat=
tars through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
were trusted ontheir honor to a very
How many communicable or - women. of to -morrow, and if the chil.,large degree in carrying out their
at dren of to -day learn the principles of duties. The uniform was' the Cowboy
hygiene, the men and'women ot'to 11,4 shirt, green tie, .and shorts.
morrow vvil'l put them into practi • I.Badges were -awarded for proficiency
Grown-up people do not very readily' in different lines of work.
learn anything of interest to that Engla•
nd, In
Birthday Greetings'.
The World's Chief Scout was born
February 22nd, "1857, and the approach
of Sir Robert Baden-Pawell's birthday
will cause to arise from the hearts of
his many admirers feelings of grati-
tude that he is yet spared to the world
to direct and foster the great boys'
wprk which has spread throughout the
world;, and of which he is the founder.
Congratulations and "Many Happy Re-
turns" will be his also,
Early Beginnings.
The evolution of the Boy • Scout
movement is interesting.. Its sped ger-
minated in South Africa. This is
what Sir Robert says:—"ln 1901, I.
raised the South African Constabulary
on litres of my own, the principles of
which were practically those of• the
Scout training applicable to men. The
troop was made a small unit in order
that the Commander should be able
to deal with each individual on per-
sonal knowledge of him. The human
• side was • appealed to and the men
tious diseases can be avoided? Th.
is a question of interest to everybody,
but in the case df ehildisn, it is espe-
cially important to know something
about it. One wee,
World's Pity.
Tiny Titles.
Wei`id'S Pity Is .'twee In Paradise I "What is it Called?" This Is the
Whence -"hour pale little princes, question we usually ask. concerning a
hand In habil, pew book, and ono with an original
Peer on the cherub sports with wilt- title will stand a good chance of be -
fel, wondering, eyes, ' coming a bestseller if the matter In -
As if joy still were strange to un- side the covers • is equally good.
derstarid. I One word titles- are not much in
i vogue to -day, although Hilaire Belloc
For two remember- Londe:es gloomy published a book called "On" recently.
tower, Two novels,-publiebed some years ago,'
And one the'Pttris mob belleeein�g go' one better than this, however" One
Che charms was called "B"and the' other "B'"
Of: Madame Ouill'otine, and one the Similarly, "Why." published in 1921,
midnight hour bee been beaten by "7"
-When murder smote him in his There are many three -letter titles,
father's arms,'' : some of the best known being "'She,"
"Eve" "Now," "Fan," and "Tim"
Even in Heaven a simple state they
For the- shining children, fait to BABY'S WELFARE
comfort, spread
avto avoid these die- "After return to gI
rom peep le health and well-being, The reason iscortin 1904,as a
eases is toikeep from # P P habits,schemed some ideas for Scouting Who are eand exist. p's ad advice is that they have dot erd set
This is and have got, as it were, into a rut training for boys. In 1907, I held a
Bro -
diseasesScout for S
t ell)
t i
•inch the
ou from w Y
If Y
especially good for children. aresea Island, at which I had the boys of
come near a child having one of these themselves,hand oints is they
and pools to experiment on, and
contagious diseases, you may be ex- rut, their viewpoint other ,scl
sed_ to breathing the germs when their vision clouded, They cannot see its result exceeded my expectations
t0rey are thrown otic' into the air by beyond their own limited experience, and protupted'me to go on with he
the sick child coughing. As a result and they have the tendency to sneer idea."
you may become sick also, so it is good at, or try to: minimize the importance
advice to shun the company of all who of any new efforts to preserve the From these beginnings the move -
are sick with any disease that might health of the .individual or the coin- meat
eatdgt nwcsosrapidlyfilet o devote it Robert
hil- munity. A
s farert
ba contagious,
dren are concerned, there is another So it is to the child that we pin our time to its direction.
point to observe, Never borrow a faith. The elastic mind of the child
Why it Appeals.
pencil, a pen, or a book, etc., front is receptive to goo influences and
if guided
Before them violets•blue and, like a
With a view to marring the subject
another child, and also never early to sound teaching, and along
our mouth such articles... as ..pencils, right paths, .will have a tendency at of Scouting appeal
to boys Ind told meet pens, etc., that may ha.': been in the least to put them into practige all their spirit
mouths of others. Th: school child through the later years. The Biblical for their ideal the doings of back -
should also remember to void moist- adage holds true in health matters as woodsmen and knights; adventurers
ening its finger in turnic - over the well as other phases of life. "Teach and explorers, as the heroes for them
leaves, of a book, for on the pencil, the child the way he should go and follow. These were grouped gener-
the' pen, the leaves of the book, may when he is old he will not depart from tory under these of Scouts. In their
be hundreds and thousands of germs it." camp
which may directly orindirectly find
their way into the child's mouth. A
third precaution is to . never allow a
. sick child to go to school. If you find
that a child is or seems sick, report
this fact to the teacher at once. If
who goes setoln the
school, immediately notify the teacher
that he may send the child home,' be-
cause the sick child may spread con-
tagion through the school.
cloth of gold, I DURING FEBRUARY
Bright jonquil's, snowdrops—every)
hue bet red. rebnrar,y le .one of the hardest
—Katharine Lee Bates et Youth's months or the year oil little ones It
prevent the mother, ta ing her baby
Venice is Still Queen of Mit for the fresh air so ,necessary to
Adriatic. its welfare,... Baby is 'consequently
Venice ranks high among Italian confined to the home. More often
than not the rooms are overheated
cities In its supply of picturesque nick- and badly ventilated and: the little
names. The commercial centre of. the one catches cold or grippe. 'Shat is
world, in the Middle Ages, Venice, has needed to keep the baby well is a gen-
been knpwn as "The Bride of the tie laxative that will regulate the
Adriatic" and the "Queen of the Adze -
stomach and bowels; .banish constipa-
To this clay tribute is paid by Venice
will either prevent or break up colds
with elaborate ceremonies to the.Adri- and grippe. Such a laxative is .Baby's
atic, whose. placid waters take the
Own Tablets. They are mild but'
place of streets and bear upon their thorough in action; are absolutely `
bosoni the trade, and life of the city. safe as they are guaranteed to contain
Venice is known also as "The City no opiates or narcotics, They never
of St, Mark," after its patron saint, fail' to be of benefit to little ones and
" an11-
"The 'tlit c
fthe Lion,"
andas Y
either the
may be given to
r n
lesion to
of the cathedral, holding in its paws
the gospel of St. Mark,
• These precautions should still more
rigorously be adhered to when there.
are many cases of contagious -disease
in a municipality, and when this out -
reek is known to the school author-
ities. The removal, of a sick child
from school,.even at the onset of the
disease, is a sound means of protection
In that it removes the source of the
. danger from the school,
iu.order to wage a successful fight
against' all forms of ill -health and dis-
ease, the education of the young and
especially of the children of school age
In health matters is imperative. The
children of to -day will be men and
/ is a month df"ccld, blustery days that
k 1 b b
life, beat work, pioneering, and
Beyond Belief. nature study, one could find all the
The professor had been dining out, attractions for a boy which at the
and as most of the guests were ardent same time would be the medium of
fishermen, he had had to listen all the instruction. Sir Robert worked it out
evening to stories of the size of their I partly from his own experience -and
catches, partly from the general feeling of
He was extremely short-sighted, and what was lacking in the training of
as he was crossing a field on his way 1 the average, school boy. The deficiency
home he came across a scarecrow with lay chiefly in the direction of char-
arms widespread. Memories of the acter and general intelligence; skill of
"tall" atonies he had heard that nlghtlhandicraft; services for others and
floated back to him, and he hatted in the State; physical development and
front of the scarecrow, I health knowledge. The activities and
"My dear sir•," he exclaimed, "I practices of Scouting were, therefore,
simply refuse to believe you; there ; framed as far as possible to develop
never was a trent that length." these attributes.
You have. been intending to try "Red
Rose." Why not now before you forget.
Ais good tet.
The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it!
tion anti indigestion and in this way i
C ideals.
Economy is half the battle of life; it Honor was made the high Ideal for
is not so hard to tarn money as it is I the boys. The Scout Law on which
to spend it well.—Surgeon. I. the movement hinged was taken from
i the coda of the knights.
When making fruit pies, put the Organization.
sugar between two layers of fruit and The troop was purposely kept small
the juice will not boil over. in numbers in order that the Scout-
It is These That Cause Many a
Breakdown in Health.
Almost every woman at the head of
a home meets daily with little worries
in her household affairs. They may
be too small to notice an hour after-
wards, but it is the same little worries
that break down the health of so many
women. Their effect may be noticed
In nervous headaches, fickle appetite,
indigestion, pains in the side or back,
and a sallow complexion. To those
afflicted in this way Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, by improving and purifying
the blood, bring speedy relief. Among
thousands of weak women who have
tested and proved the merits of this
medicine is Mrs. Gustave Hutt, Brux-
ruxelles, Mau., who says:—"It is with
profound thanks that I write to tell
you what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have done for me. Before I began tak-
ing these pills I was weak, and my
blood thin and Watery. I was so thin
that I looked litre a skeleton. I was
troubled with headaches and indiges-
tion, did not sleep well, and was ter-
ribly oonstipated. I decided to try
Dr. Williams' Plait Pills and I soon
found that they were just what I
needed. Under their use my appe-
tite rettu'uetl, my food digested pro-
perly, and I slept better at night, and
gained in flesh as well as strength.
The result is that now I am a per-
fectlyhealthy woman, and there is no
doubt that it due to the use of Dr.
.Williams' Fink Pills, a supply of which
1 now always keep in the house, and
I would advise other women to do the
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co Brockville, Ont.
' By John L. McCrohan
master should have personal know-
ledge of each of his boys, this being
the only possible way for developing
the character of the individual: The
patrol system was adopted from that
of the Constabulary, and for the same
The Alm. -
'Cita aini of the movement was to
make good citizens-, and for this rea-
son it was judged unnecessary to in-
troduce military drill.
And so this wonderful boy move-
ment of character training and citi-
zen development has grown and
spread until today Boy Scouts are
numbered by the millions who are re-
ceiving training along the, lines orig-
inally laid down by the great Chief
whose birthday the celebrate this
month. No other scheme of welfare
work is more acceptable to the boys
themselves. , Through loving and obey-
ing the Scout Law, and going in live stock men . have studied their
heartily for the activities of Scouting,, herds, carefully selecting females that
boys are helped to preserve and de- possessed high producing qualities.
velop the manly qualities which they These females were bred to sires
whose dams had displayed high pro-
ducing tendencies.
As time sdvunced breeders learned
to keep records of all the milk given,
as well as the feed consumed.
The result Is that now we have re-
eords of individual cows giving over
80,000 pounds of milk in a year.
What a debt we owe to those old
improvers of our breeds, we cannot
repay them, but we can continue to
carry on the wort: that they so nobly
child. The Tab -
1n growingi 1.
babe or the
lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
A red, fiery rirn,rose above the skyline, and the glacier's summit glisten-
ed a solid mass of sparkling Crystals.
Felt Pretty Small.
He (pompously)—"How do you feel
walking with a big chap like me?"
She—"Pretty small."
The Courteous Frogs.
I suppose that for those who know Human health and strength are
and understand them, all animals have greatest when the temperature drops
distincth, Scribner'ss,•saysfrof Lyon tabout 66 to 60 degrees at night and
Phelps, in hildbin Hartford rta c. s -"- rises to somewhere between 68 and
I was a o eu r tbet it wrs a, 72 degrees duringthe middle of the
pleasure to enter the beautiful garden� g'
of that hospitable gentleman Pliny . day-
ayJewell. There was .a little lake, and I
For EveryIll—Mrnardes Liniment
in winter he distributed to the boys I
of the neighborhood free skating' Four Polar bears, caught the
tickets, which we highly appreciated.; Arctic region last bars, ca are innw on
In summer eveningsathe old eedle-' their way to the new Zoo at Auckland,
man would sit in a chair on the edge New Zealand. They are making the
mellow tones the frogs would come , the pond and "rings bell, At the fifteen -week journey in stout packing -
out of the lake and group themselves eases.
about Mr. Sewell, who offered them I g
"It is the t eatest mistake e -woman
bits of food, which they received
courteously. I had never discrimin-1 can make to marry a many thinking
ated particularly among frogs; but to she is going to reform him," said a
that man every one of those frogs was London coroner recently.
an individual, and he named them all.; We are interested in obtaining
The largest was called Laura Matilda I OLD
and was the owner's favorite. I have and RARE
seen Laura draw near her master's
chair, take a bit of bread delicately BOOKS
from his fingers, eat it and then wipe 1 ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send
her mouth daintily, particulars to the Wilson Publishing
Suppress a moment's anger, and Company, 73 West Adelaide Street.
you may prevent a life -time sorrow. Toronto, Ontario.
Too Hot.
A doctor received the following not*
Ask Your Neighbor from a patient:
"Dear Doctor,—The mustard plat-
tars you prescribed for me twice a day
may be all very well, but they're 00
hot I can't eat more than one a day,"
Quinine -bearing g bark has- been
found in large quantities ire New
Hand a friend a slip of paper and
a pencil and ask him to write on
the paper any number he likes,
Stand some distance away so that
you cannot see what he writes. Ask
him to ask his left hand neighbor
to whisper any number to him and
give him the choice of adding it to
the number he wrote, subtracting it
or -
from the number he wrote org
Ask him to ask.
it altogether.
his right hand neighbor to mention
any number to him. He may add
this, subtract it, multiply by it or
divide by it. He is to take the sum
he now has and multiply by any
multiple of 9.
Then for the finish of the trick, in
which the friend loses a little of his
freedom of action. He is to
out any digit in the product except-
xoept-ing a cipher and to mention to you
the digits he did not cross out. im-
mediately you will tell him the
number he oreseed out:
The secret is that you add the
digits be gives you and subtract
their total from the next multiple
of 9, The remainder will be the
number struck out.
(Clip this out and paste It, with
othrt' of tilt aeries. In a scrapbook./
Payment for articles advertised in
this column should be made with Do-
minion Express Money Orders --a safe
Way of sending money by mail,
Classified Advertisements
Patches, $2. McCreery, Chatham,
iol-as, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Barred hock Eggs. The Wright
Farm, Brockville, Ont.
and light sewing at home; whole
or spare time; good pay; work sent
Send end
sbamPfor particulars. National Manu-
Co., Montreal.
" Ladies' Frieud, mailed in plain
envelope, free. CASIER 2423, Mon-
Pure Bred Sires Essential.
Back in the old, days, when our an-
cestors paid no attention to; the keep-
ing of live stock, the native stock, run-
ning wild throughoutthe country, pro-
duced only enough milk for their
young. As time went on, however,
men discovered the value of milk as
a food for human consumption and
they began to select the cows that
gave the largest quantities.
Thus, we find that for many years
themselves admire. Through taking
part inthe varied program of Scout-
ing good habits are formed, good as-
sociations are enjoyed, good comrades
are found, good health is promoted and
good character is grown.
The thousands of Scouts and Cubs
with their leaders throughout the
whole Dominion join as one in wishing
The World's Chief Scout many happy
returns of -the 22nd.
for rheumatism, neuralgia, back-
ache and kindred ills,
Rub It in well with the tips of the
fingers, An enemy to pain.
Poor Pickings for Gulls. commenced.
A friend, says the Outlook, sends us In so doing we will add greatly, not
the following story as an illustration only to our own income but we wile
of the characteristic acuteness of one contribute to the revenue of.Canada.,
race and' the proverbial economy of No farmers can afford to neglect
A Jew stood on the dock with an
Irishman rat New York. 'tlgticing a
large ship marring Its way toward the; careful selection of females, with
east, the Irishman asked the otherjudicious - economical feedings, to -
where the vessel was bound for.
"That boat," replied the Jew, "is-
loaded with Scotchmen, and it is
bound for Scotland."
In some wonder the Irishman asked
him how he knew the boat was loaded
with Sootohmen and bound for Scot-
land. "Because you do not see any
'butts following it,' replied the Jew.
Houses aro like the human beings
that inhabit thorn.—Victor Hugo.
their lire stock in these days, when
feed prices are soaring.
The use of - pure bred sires,
gather with the keeping of'records, aro
essential points that the farmer of to-
day cannot overlook and prosper.
"Quack" Chinese doctors in Amer-
ican towns have been known to pre-
scribe leaves of certain trees, ground
claws of a lion, dried toads, beetles
and snakes, and tiger heir,
For First AId—Minard'e Liniment
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Rheumatism 'Colds
Headache - Pain
Neuralgia Toothache
Accept only Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets.
Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists.
Aspirin to The trite stark ,(reglotere,l in Canada) of Bayer M t,1fhetttte of Meneknava
semester a¢ Sallertiendd IdeetYt Solloslio Ada, "A. S.
that Aspirin incase Bayer ,ttnnafnrtnre, to assist the pubne ngnh,st imitations, the Tablets
of Bayer Company will Is, stamped with their general trade mark, the 'Barer Cress."
Suffered Misery
With Itchy Eczema
Cuticura Healed
"I was troubled with eczema for
over two years. At first it appeared
in small spots and
then began to spread
all over my face and
head until I suffered
awful misery. The
itching and burning
were terrific. At times
I thought I would go
crazy, and was obliged to give up
my work.
" I was treated and tried different
ointments without any benefit. I
read en advertisement for Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and decided to
try them. After :the first application
I' felt relief. I continued the treat-
ment for time and now I am
healed," (Signed) Miss Y. Wood,
886 City Hall Ave., Montreal,
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cum are ideal for daily toilet uses.
snap,, 5,05 Erse by Dana. Address Canadlari
Duet, "aycasP. cara, e. Hoo ts, xoatroal,'
S44eTryoouianawtSha iRang Stick.
Ended by Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Fusilier, Sask.—"For two or three
days every so often I would have such
pains in my back and sides that I could
not do anything—could not even lie
quietly in bed, •and my head ached, too
I was this way about three years but
worse after I was married. I was
on a farm with not a house nearer than
five miles and there wad not a person to
advise me,.as my folks live in Manitob
My sister-in-law told me about Lydia l
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound an
told me to try it, I took her advice an
have been thankful for it ever since,
After taking the medicine for three
months I can say it has helped me a lot
and I am doing fine. I am glad to res.'
nmmend the Vegetable Compound to
others and you may publish my testi..
monial. "—Mrs. Havz rN BALANOFP,Fusi-
liar, Saskatchewan.
Often some slight trouble will cause a
general upset of the system. Such
symptoms as nervousness,painful times,
irregularity, backache and headache
indicate some form of female weakness,
Women so bothered should give Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conmound a
trial. This dependable medicine hat
helped thousands of women and it is
reasonable to expect that it will help
you. Try,it today. Your druggist sells
this medicine. C
ISSUE No. 7—'25.