HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-02-05, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5,,'.1925 Pork and Beans is an appetizing dish, even for "those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork . must give it - the , right flavor and we pride ourselves that we know how to supply just the right -cut for the purpose, Try it once. You'll want it often. D. it STEWART Min Street PHONE 58. Seaforth, ddigeMYz STRATFORD. ONT. e..d WINTER TERM from Jan. 5th Commercial life offers great- er opportii un t es than does any other calling. . Central tela • e s secure good positions. We re- ceie v more calls forr trained helpthan we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you. D. A. McLACRLAN, Principal. Grain, Salt, Hour and I eed FLOUR.—Best Pastry and Baking Brands. FEEDS.—Bran, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Ground Screenings, Oil Meal, and Tankage. CATTLE SALT. -100 lb. Bags. DAIRY SALT; -25 lb. and 50 ib bags POULTRY FEEDS.—Wheat, Buck- wheat, Oats, Scratch Feed, Meat Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell,Grit and Poultry Charcoal, Highest Market Price Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth erseenezemenaanctomemianansasnnseesenannoss r 1 W. J. Walker. 8 Son UNDERTAKING -and— m EMBA tvII ., NG Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALICER, holder of Go- vernment . diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CHURNING CREAM WANTED Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns„ This is your Creamery. Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream; consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. •.rr..oe.,4.1~ Dr. D. Ht McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. leaumuingesitaluttee 111111111111111 Oranges. At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c (NIXED NUTS Per ib, 20c SHELLED ALMONDS S® c Per ib, CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Amc 3n the shell, per lb... FRESH OYSTERS HEAD LETTUCE, CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES T. Phillips &eafforth Phone 63 BAYI+IELD. Eric and Bright Chapman, Lon- don, and Tom Orr, of Stratford, were here the past week hunting. They stayed at Mr. Chapman's cottage and had an enjoyble time. , Wm. Mailian has returned after a stay of sevenal weeks in i Stra tford. Miss M. J. Taylor, of _Detroit, is visiting her sister, Miss Rachael Taylor. Mrs, Thomas Harrison, who has been at her daughters in Stanley for several' weeks, spent the week -end at Mrs. Fred Baker's. Mrs. E. Wigle, of. London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs James Sturgeon, over the week -end. Arthur Peck has returned from De- troit where ha had an enjoyable time. A number' of the young people are busy preparing a splendid play to be put on under the auspices of Trinity church about the., 20th hist. George Castle and " Robert Mc- Murray repreeentecl Bayfield L. O. L. et the annual county meeting held at Exeter on Tuesday. The members of Bayfield T.. O. L. are •planning to 'hold a .progressive euchre, box social and dance at the town hall shortly. The February meeting of the Hay- field (Council was held Monday even- ing, Feb. 2nd. Reeve H, Weston in the chair.' All members were present, The ,officers appointed far the year 1925 were clerk, John Fraser; treas- urer, James lit •Reid' assessor, John Pollock;' caretaker of hall, constable and sanitary inspector, " Win, Os- mond. A grant of tan dollars was made to the Bayfield Library and ten dollars to 'the Sick Children's Hos- oital, o't Toronto. The auditors' (Mrs, E, +Herder and Miss M. Campbell) report was passed and ordered to be printed. A special meeting, was called for Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th, to consider the advisability of dis- continuing as an incorporated Tillage' and going into the .township. Her many.' friends were touch griev- ed to hear last week Of the death, af- fer a short illness with the flu of Miss Grace Finder at Keewatin, where she had been teaching for the nest two' years, Miss Pinder came from Goderich and was principal of navfield :public school in 1921 and 1922 and had many friends, who'ex-• send sincere Hiympathy to Mr. anti Mrs, Pinder and the other members tp'e,�•wi._�uu—.+nu+..�un�.un...�.up. lE'NSALL NEWS • Mr G. J. Sutherland gave a very a Town Topica inteersting address on the subject, "Immortality," in the Young People's 0.409.45,01.0.19601......110.114.4.* ,,ter mous. g� League es Monday evening A large at;dience was present and the. address was much appreciated, The Duff's church.. 'McKillop, on Mon- meeting was in 'charge of Miss day reported a vote 31 to 20 in favor Scarlett. A vocal solo !bv Miss Avis of union. Lindenftei'd, and two readings by A new furnace is being installed in Miss Hattie Whiteside. the Methodist chart 'this week. Next Monday evening the Heinen Dr. R. R. Ross has disposed of` League will entertain the League of his dentistry practise to Dr. Munn, of James street, Exeter, the visiting lea - Toronto, who will get possession the guc providing 'the programme, beginning o1 April Dr. Ross many Mrs. Bertha Bell, who has been friends are gladto know he will re- visiting for the past month in Wind - main in Seaforth. sor, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Frost, of Mr, George 'Moore, of Meaford, is. town, received' a letter this week visiting friends in town, from their son, Harold, wh'o went to Mrs. Duncan, of Harriston, visited Miami,. Florida, in December, in over the week -end with her parents, which he says no one could realize Mr. and Mrs, J. Young, how beautiful the country is without ° Mr. Cecil Hudson is visiting friends seeing it, and the weather is just like and relatives in 'London. July. While out driving recently Mr. Robt. Higgins visited for a Harold saw an acre of roses in bloom. Kew days last week with his .brother Since going to Florida h,e has enjoy- in Clinton. ed the best of health; Miss Catherine Sills, of London: ,Miss Cook, of lleamsvillc, who and Miss Gladys Sley, of Sarnia, has been with tubs. Manson the past were week -end guests of Miss Greta six moizzths, left for home an Satur- Laminae. day. Mrs. Thos, Simpson pleasantly en- Miss Maggie McKay is visiting her tertained a number of friends on Fri - aunt, Mrs, Dyson. day evening last. Mr. Charles Riley, of Tuekersmith, The 'many friend's of Miss M. has been confined to bed the past Stavin are sorry to learn that she is few weeks, confined to her home through illness, Miss Erie Stewart, of Waterloo, The carnival held on Friday even- spent the week -end with her parents, ing_was largely attended and the.ice Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart. - was in good condition. The prize - Miss Dorothy Green, of McKillop, winners were:. spent the week -end at the home of Ladies '.fancy costume -1st Miss Mr, and Mrs. J. McElroy. Scarlett; 2nd, Miss Johnson, Mr. J. Steele, ledgerkeoper in the Girls' fancy costume—tst, Mar - Dominion Bank, has been moved to garet lefcLarsn; 2nd Marion''Mcts,ay. aTorottto, His place has been taken Boys' comic costume—lst, crank by ;Mr, J M. Lamont. 1 edaen; 4nct 'Billy I)adson. Miss Norma Jeffrey is visiting Men's comic costume, lst Mr. An - friends in Toronto. derson, of lexeter; and, Mr. 'Hurry Mr. Ernest Edge has taken a post- paean, tion in 'tile Dominion Bank, fir. Lee Hedden wort the mile race Mrs, Jahn Carnochan is visiting and Percy ,Hams of Chisethurst sec - iter sister, Mrs. McNaughton. ond, The proceeds amounted to near - Mrs, E. .McMurray is visiting her iy $5U. At the ,conciuszon of the niece in t Tor onto Mile " race a Ntr, liedet was cltaalcig cd t Mrs. John Sproat fs visiting her to skate a mi le race e on the Dome daughter, Mrs. Glinski, in Detroit. rink,. etsxeter, on 'l nursaay evening, Mr, andr M 5 George- Aberhart eels. 5th, by Mr. Anaerson, of .Exeter, were in God each attending the fun- which he promptly accepted, unite eral of .the 'l r' este s sister, the late an exciting rageis anticipated, Mrs. Robert Wilton. Whim. t:ortton Heater was •deliver- Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Hodgins, who ing some eggs at . U. t,antelon's were guests' at the house of Mrs. score on Manuay morning, ane 'teairt Robert Winter, have returned to To- owned by W. L. Pierce ran away and ronto. created considerame excitement. Miss Hodgert and Miss Duncan, of ihey broke loose from The sleign, Thames Road, are guests of Mr. and and„finaziy enued up in the Method - Mrs. Neil Gillespie. 1st ,Church shod, without doing any The Janet McGillivray Circle held further harm. a sewing meeting in rbc vestry of the While 'Thos. Cook and Conrad 'Vol - Presbyterian church on Tuesday af- and were returning from the `bush ternoon. " • on Thursday :,afternoon last their Dr. Nrmm'C, who 'has been do To- horse ran away, .throwing Mr, took nonto undergoing en operation, re- out and breaking hes collar bone. Mr. turned on Monday evening, We voitand escaped unhurt. understand his brother will enter into A concert was :held in ehe Method - partnership with !him in his business 1st church on Tuesday evening under here. rhe auspices of the Grace Mission Mrs, James Henderson and daugh- Bud. The proceeds-an'tounted to ter, of Brussels spent the week -end /.3 SO with her •mother, Mrs. Jarmin, Nord! Mr, Milne Rennie, of Seaforth, Main street. visited reiatives in town on Tuesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jarmin, Jr., and 'Miss Minnie Reid entertained a family left on 'Monday for their 'home number of friends on Monday even - in the West. ing. Miss Jennie 'McBride has returned The choir of the Anglican e'hurch ,from two weeks' visit with friends in held a social evening in the basement Stratford.. of.the church on. Tuesday in honor of Mr. Wm, Bloats IMP., left on Tiles- Mr. and Mrs, Bradshew who are leav- day afternoon for the opening of the rug Thursday for British Columbia. session on Thursday, Mr. and .Mrs. Robt, Higgins enter - Mies Gwen Snowdon, of London tained a few friends on Wednesday Normal school, spent the week -end at evening her 'home here. The council anet on Tuesday -even- Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of British ing of this week with all themem- Columbia, are guests at the home of bers present. The auditors who were 'i,tr, and 'Mrs, Islaac 'Modeland. appdinted at the first meeting of the Miss Belle Ballantyne, df Water- Council to audit 'the books of the loo, spent the week -end with her town, refused to _•dtt the work for the father, Mr. W. Ballantyne, salary, A considerable discussion fol - Miss Marie 'Hughes is visiting lowed and it was 'finally decided to friends in Detroit. allow them more time !to do the Dr. Everett Rivers, of Windsor, is work, and if not then done, the posi- a visitor at his home here. . tion will be filled by tender. A nuns Mr. and Miss Busby, of Toronto. ber of accounts were passed and the were called here owing to the death meeting adjourned, of her father, Mr. W. S. Busby, Mrs. Thos. Elston, who has been 'Mr. Broderick was a Mitchell seriously ill for this last two weeks, visitor. is somewhat improved. Miss Annie Cameron left on Mon An old time dance will be held in day for Toronto, where she intends the town hall ort Friday evening, training as a nurse. Feb. 6th, Mrs. J. Keating and little daughter romtoMerit., are visiting friends ods Ta - Mr. F. S, Savauge, on behalf of the Methodist Sunday school staff, last Sunday presented Mr. and (Mrs. W. J. Williams with a Robert Raikes diploma in recognition of about seventeen years .faithful and efficient servicer Mrs. R. B. Hohnes is ill at present in the hospital. Mrs. R. C. Anderson, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bell. Miss Norah Rau, of Zurich, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, John Regier, Mr. John Forsyth, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. G. T. Scott. The •many friends of Mrs. G, Thompson Scott are sorry In learn she is ill at present. THE SEAFORTH NEWS P69,1MARY01.511.1011,104t1 IMO Lions Eat, • The Seaforth Lions and some of their friends who had never seen Lions fed were present at the feed- ing in the Methodist church on Wed- nesday evening last. Charming ladies had prepared a dainty and sumptuous banquet and only growls of 'content were hear as hungry appetites were catered to. The following programme was car- ried out, Father Goetz was pre- vented being present but telegraphed his regrets. Song by the club; •governor's ad- dress and presentation of charter by Lion Avery, which was replied to by Lion Jones; solo' by bfr. R. E. Bright; reading, Mrs, R. Muriess Jones; .ad- dress by Rev,iT. H, Brown; solo, Mr. Jas,. T. Scott;address. Rev. Dr, Lar- kin; song by club; reading, Mrs; R. Murless Jones; solo, ' Miss Beth Willis; solo, Mr. 3.T. Scott; .special selcctron J. G. Mullen, of the family. Mr, A. Ford King, son al IMr. and Mrs. Geo, Ring, has passed .his final examination for chartered accountant Mr, Wm. 'Stinson and Mr. D. Me - Naughton spent a few days in To- ronto recently, EIPPEN. Mrs, Jas. 'McDonald, of Stanley, was visiting at Windsor last week with her sister, Mrs, Ed. Foster. A very enjoyable evening was spent on Friday when the young peop,e of the Presbyterian church held 'their first social evening of the year in the Sunday school room,• The first of the evening was taken up by elec- tion of officers for ,the corning year when the fallowing were elected to office: Hon.'pres.. Jiro. Hyde; pres., Wnt. McLean; vice pres., M, Mellis; sec.-treas.. Mary McDonald. When the election of officers were over an hour or so was spent in games, songs, contests, violin, and mouth organ sel- ections, after which the young peo- ple served a,lun'ch. After lunch was over they all circled around Mr. and Mrs. Lundy and sang, "For They are Jolly Good Fellows " Th all di en s- persed to their (tomes looking for- ward to the next social evening, which is to be held on Feb. 13th, ,Mr. I. Jarrott is a busy man these days taking in grain while the price is good. Mr, Al. Harvey has secured the maid route No, 3 out of here. A very successful dance was held M the town hall last Friday evening. Mr. Alex, Sineiair has disposed of GE MX, his fine driver, No doubt it brought a good price as "Sandy" likes ,to have good horses. The W.M.S. held their February meeting on Wednesday at the home •o£ Mrs, I. Jarrott with a very good attendance. Mr. and Mrs, James Bowey spent Sunday at the home of Mr, sand Mrs. Thos. Baird, of Stanley. The managers of the Presbyterian church held •a very good wood bee on Friday afternoon of •last week' at Mr. Welsh's bush, when they got enough wood for next winter, Some of the people who voted' dry last election wish they had not, as now it is that dry they •have to melt snow to water their cattle. But never inind, pit wasnot the water question you voted on. Mrs. T. Jarrott spent 'a few . days, last week at the home of Miss Craige. Hensel!. Mrs, J. C. McLean entertained a few lady friends on Tuesday after- noon, Holloway's Corn Remover . takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. Where There Are No Roads, "Jack" Brennan, the well-known Northern Manitoba. traveller, who al- ready has a number of automobile achievements to his credit, added an- other to his list last week—the greatest of them ail—when he blazed the trail in a coupe, from Melfort to The Pas, in Northern Manitoba. This is the first time the trip has ever been made by car and many miles of the route travelled was through an 'unbroken wilderness, Brennan, accotnnanied by another traveller, left Melfort at 4 p.m„ Mon - ,.,lay, November 17th, travelling as far, as Nipawin that night, He left. Nipawin Tuesday morning, spending Tuesday night at one of the Pas Lumber Company camps along the Carrot River, The Pas was reached Wednesday night, where the arrival of 'the car created quite a sensation. In all a distance of 237 utiles was covered. Oz to hundred d thirty- two arti - Y fwo m'1 " i es was made over new tract. He broke trail through deep snow far 25 miles and travelled e ed 20 miles over a4ol 4poplar cordurory trail. The trip is only possible during the winter— after freez-up and before the heavy snowfall, 'Outside of the tough go- ing, in spots, no accident or break- down of any kind marred the trip. The car is equipped, with balloon tires and a nusuber of other acces- sories, and was a sourse of wonder and admiration to the citizens in the northern metropolis, where the husky dog and thecanoe are the great transportation stand-bys. Mr. Bren- nan left The Pas Thursday evening, driving all night, arriving at Nipa- win 2 p.m., Friday, and Melfort at night. It was a wonderful trip and while he would not care tomake it again under the same conditions, still, he would not have missed it for twice the trouble and hardship involved, To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a another. They ,cannot -,she healthy if troubled with worms, Use Mother Graves' Worm 'Exterminator. researessaweareavedeasepepeawaaeasee THE RADIO SHOP ATWATER KENT RADI Think of What Is Back of it Whether it is tone quality, distance, selectivity, tivit y, or volume you want in the radio you buy, you will find it in the highest degree in our line of AT - WATER KENT equipment. There is an Atwater Kent instrument: — receiving set or loud speaker at a size and price to suit your preference.. To fully appreciate the real beauty and splendid workman ship of these instruments, you must actually examine them. Come in today and see the real value you can get in AT - WATER KENT Radio Receiv- ing Sets and Loud Speakers, DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTU Finest Nursery Stock Roses, gladioli, peonies, perennials, etc. REAL STOCK, REASONABLE. PRICES List on request, HOLLAND CANADIAN IMPORT CO. 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. Electrical Supplies I have placed a full line of Electrical Equipment et the most reasonable prices, I solicit a call. 5BOUDOIR LAMPS, regular $6.0P $4.25 to $4,75 BOBETTE HAIR CURLERS, regular $2.50 . . .. . . . . . ......$2.00 STAR -RITE CURLERS $5,00 IMMERSION HEATERS , , . , , , • .... . , $6.550 HEATING PADS , • , . , $8,50 PORTABLE HEATERS .. , , , . , , .. , . , .. $11,50 HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS $3.50, $3.75 to $6.50 Every Electrical Article bought from me is absolutely GUARANTEED. ELECTRIC FIXTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS These articles are on display at the BRODERICK LEATHER GOODS STORE 85.00, 87.00 to '$11,75 $5.00 td' $7.00 ro enc Electrical Supplies u~t u t „� . �_ •t w 1 � 1 � 1t R I. s I -l. l yr p 111 t Hydro Lampe are built to a standard — Not to a price. There can be ne, second grade Hydro Lamps at a lower price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of' efficiency acid life. No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall This, fohol is your guaran- too of fast quality, POWER 0P/Tp51 Look for it. Ask for f t, on tho lamps you buy. BBN=I-IEJR The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Glue it a 2'riaL Also, Ground Screenings Chop of 7111 Kinds CsGeT GRAIN DEALER OMSIN PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs It will not be long until you will think about your car. What about Your Storage Battery Better bring it in and have it tested and charged; it might need some repairs. Have you noticed the increase in sales of the New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? Regier's Garage PHONT" IfTil!.