HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-01-29, Page 4Or al hit lip Jc Cfy Jr rd' Mi ole' ria ntt ci a tai • ti Ju is. tel A.t it i p,.. Gi 4t ry d . tl ipl t1 ilk of u it tl' 55 3t exenneesisielzsentemetsan J, F. SNOWDON, Proprietor, OeneraI Observations The January thaw was very brief this year, 15 the eclipse had been on Sunday people would have been up in plenty of time for church. Save those smoked glasses, you may be Able to use them the next time the 'sun will he eclipsed in Sea - forth, in 2144 A.D. Not even ringing the town bell could make Clinton see the eclipse. Perhaps it had the salve effect upon the clouds: as hammering a. tin pan has upon bees—made them lie closer. a(. * Since there is a department of health to tell people what to eat, there should be a department of pub- licity to tell folks what to read, as the 'mind and soul is greaserthan the body, so its food is more hit - 'portant. Now would be the right time for the town council and the Horticul- tural Society to plats for an even more beautiful Seaforth. There are several spots betwe n the station and the town hall that would blossom as the rose" with very little expense. Huron editors had an active week. What with Br'er Smith, of Wingham, falling down stairs on Sunday night and being elected County Master on Monday, and Br'er Hall, of Clinton. being elected Church Warden and Chaplain, they each were able to laub- listi a very creditable newspaper as well. Well done, boys l The canal statistics in lake freight rates reveal a peculiar state of affairs. In 1919 the lake rates on grain in August was 2,36 cents perbushel to Georgian Bay ports, 3.50 cents to Buffalo and 3.4,3 to Port Colborne from Port Arthur, all slightly in fa- vor of Canadian ports as the distance is less. When however the rates in 1924 'are reached, for come reason there .is an alarming alteration and all in favor of the United States port ut Buffalo. Take August again. The rate from Port Arthur to Georgian 'Bay ports is given as 2.44 cents per bushel; to 'Buffalo, a much longer haul, is 1.47 cents; to fort Colborne 2.48 cents per bushel. 'Why should Canadian ports be thus discriminated against. If the shipping interests in Canada are to blame, why does the Government not use the Canadian Merchant Marine to bring these rates to a fairer basis for their own fanners in the West. MITCHELL. Mary Jane Butters, widow of Thos. Forbes, passed away on Friday at' the home of her son, Archibald Forbes, Huron Road, Hibbert Town- ship, near the village of Dublin. She was born in Ireland 88 years ago and cattle to this country when quite young, After 1 her marriage they set- tled in Hibbert townshipand had been a resident for over 70 years. Her husband, who .predeceased her .many years ago, helped build St, Mary's Anglican church, at Dublin, nearly 60 years ago, which they at- tended regularly when health per- mitted. The funeral service was held in the church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and. a large number attended the service, which was conducted by the rector, Rev. W. H, Robarts, of Mitchell. After theo servicee the body Y was taken 'to Mitchell and interred in Trinity church cemetery in the family plot beside that of her hus- band. • New Train Connections at Hamilton for New York via Canadian National Railways. Canadian `National Railways have effected a considerable improvement in night service to New York by ar- ranging 'connections at Hamilton be- tween train leaving London 4.25 p.m. and train from Toronto carrying Le- high Valley Sleeping cars. for Penn- sylvania station, New York. Pas- sengers leaving Seaforth cit 3.12 p,m. daily, except Sunday, will under the new schedule now in effect arrive Hamilton 6,45 p,m, via Stratford and Brantford, and make direct connec- tion with sleeping cars leaving Ha- milton at 6.50 p.m, Full 'particulars from Canadian National Ticket Agents, A Corrector of Pulmonary Trouble '-J11lany testimonials could d IC pre- sented pY -sented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Fclectric Oil in correct- ing disorders of the respiratory •pro- cesses, but the .best testimonial is experience, and 'the Oil is recom- mended to ail; who staffer from these disorders with the` et taiuty'that they 'wiil find relief.: It will allay in- flammation in•the.brouchial tubes. THE SEAFORTH NEWS 1�!.l his .;�Y:^#' re-• �ksiiy+.,.,t;.. 4 t. r ti(r+�ft� .v,. ri How Many °Weds in This Picture Start With the Letter "P"? The above picture contains a number of Objects 'moment"' with the letter "P". Just take At good loop: at thepicture--theie are all sorts or things that begin atilt the letter "P"—"Puppy', "pumpkin", "paddle", "parse", etc. Nothing is hidden; you don't have to turn the pleture upside clown, alnico a list of all the objects in the pleture the names of 'which ilegin with the letter "P", Have the whole family jolts 1st—see who can noel the most, Don't miss any. Fifty cash prizes will be awarded for the fifty best fists or 'words submitted, The answer having the largest and nearest Correct Iter of visible objects shown in the picture starting with the letter "P" will be AMrted tl first' prize; second best, second prize, etc. Yonug and Old Join in the Fun The Matt cud Empire announces to -clay another puzzle game In which ali can partici- pate --front the tiniest child to grandfather and grandmother. No object is so small but that the poorest eyesight can see it. It is a test of skill. Your ability to find "P" words deter- mines the prize you win. Right after supper this evening, gather all the montllers of your family together; give each of them a pencil and sheet or paper—and see who ran find the most "P -Words". Yon will he surprtsett to find how large a list ot words you can get with a few minutes' study, Sit down NOW and try It—Then, send in your list and try tot' the big prizes. Observe These Rules 1. Any man. Women or child who lived In flange;,, and Is not a resident of Toronto, and who Is not in the employ of The EMI and Empire, or a member of an employe'» family, may submit an answer. A. Ail answers must he mailed by Irebru try 7th, Iota, end addressed to C. A, Montgomery, guzzle &tanager, Moll and Empire. A. All lists of names should bewritten on ono side at the paper only, and numbered eso oenttvely 1, A, 3, ate. SVrlte year (nil name and address In the op - par right inmd corner. If you desire- to write any- thing else, use a separate sheet. 4. Only anti, words as appear to the Englisli Dic- tionary will be ronuted. Do notuse obsolete words, Whore the plural is used. the singular cannot be counted, and vice Versa. 5. Words ofthe snore spelling can be used only once, even though used to designate different objects or a:Dries, or part* of objects or 'articles, An object or article can be named only nnee, 0, Do not use hyphenated or compound words, or say words formed by thn Combination or Imo or more ooesplote words, Where melt trent in stns* to Ito abject. - 7. The answer staying the inmost and nearest cor- rect list of nnmra of visible objects unit articles Shown in the picture that begin with the letter •P" Landwritl igrhnvepno heariPring i pen deriding th'u lu'inr nem e S. Any comber of on may re --operate in awarded Ing the Puzzle, but only one l pre will be awarder] to may one household: nor will ttrlcCtr be awarded to more than nue of any group where two e.• more hare beton working together. A. fn the event of a. tie for any .prise offered, the tall ata0r nt at suets price Will be awarded to rami tied partitireet. 50. Stet crlpilonn (beth new nail rrnaaal), tetyrgdr In advance at 75,00 per relic by mall In Cando, or 34500 per year delivered be carriec hey In llumllton, will be nom:pted. flowerer, in modifying for the 71.000 rlotec llon'nrds. ut Ice*t gap new subserint'on must be seat In. Il. A new subscriber is ,,,,,soot' who lax :AA been rseafvin The {Intl and Ern dive ',ince Januar: 15th. T -E P WIntdnf Answer's will reeelCe the arty C prises a„eoriling to the table below t Prize if No Prem if One Petal/ Two &utrecriptiane. *ulwarlption teutteoripttonn nee Hentin dent, aro sent, st Prize 2nd Prize...j 3rd Prize „ 4th Price . . 5th Prize.... $35 3S 35 25 20 0th Prise. , , . 15 7th Prize .... 10 8th Prise. , , 8 9th Prize.. , , 6 10th Prize, .. 5 11 th Prize . . . 4 12th Prize . 3 13th to 20th es inclusive 2 10 21st to 50th P -ins inclusive 1.50 7.50 15 250 150 100 75 50 30 25 ZO 15 500 300 200 150 100 60 50 40 30 20 In the event of a tie for any prize offered, the full mammal of such prier will be paid to Suet, tied participant. 'VOL CAA WIN 9000 There Are Three $19000 Prizes Tne J w d pleture 1 r ie,ie Game 1a a t,unPnlgn to la- -re rs,, the 1 J - Im Iy of The .Mall and ti rep re- It oasts neth- tng L, tal, putt ,fttl y411} 11,0 not Stove Con.I In a tangle sbb- _rrlpti n to tile ten,, ff bias' 11st of "P -Wards" is award dd i••twt'e ' E:. s,0 rte I It tits i' I 1.y 11,0 ju tete You Will win 5 I I if vu a 11 ,Jin t, g:, Mete fnan 155 tv incise tin, sol wi t pedal offer wia4 J y ? i run tin •digger retcht nrlsa.sl , iia', in I nr T‘:el C ..a. rtPr.nn to The knil nl ] tl Nhl i i fyour unener to on. 1154 rl' Pietur,. 1'eee,,• I.•Itu,1 .1 i `tl r o\I. alt TIf inU Prize, end Yeu lie,. t rt 11 4.11, t mi' uunstertul Inn to It y1,s.1 mid Pvtuptro •et 5 lis t t ,t r t a: elm., or $5.5'J de Ir r 1 by eirr,er hey in isatin, t .1 1 luteeetve ;500. !instead ot -t . fourth, pr•laa, 3tu0; fifth 11: . 515e and su forth, (4„ ue•,nui rut."nn u! I2. Ari ntlssers v:ft reeet{c the f n• eons tlrra14.e. ngures is p.z•: n 1 it Si OND . n 'flilltle regardless. of Whel iter or not a -v1 errs pt on to The Or, I1 icier 7snsur r Mon 101AST, 1 SECOND . Prize, and you hass ',ma In two yearly sub s r',pL one to Thr N(a11 and 1'smpfre la cent In. SA, All new sabxer)pttons will be earefuht• cert. JHtiisti end empire (t new and one renewal or the new eub. file hr the Puezle &Ianneor. Onnftldutee marking Ptd sr,t');t,t ,ru will ret •nr 51.000 in place of a' ears& prise. auboerlptionx as new wilt pos(tively forfeit the credit '1110); fifth prize M n 1, oaf! so forth. (He reins cubing of of^such subscriptions !to qualifying for the iintt{mmm “wares In Attar Bet.) Horan Rewards. How huh for r! offer? But 1.00K, there are Owen 14. Three prominent Toronto eitlaens bovine, a 'tl 000 p ae,m. 'r) r r s er le y u f stun 1 I I((ST, $,,,,,,,,,i, or 1 r • se utr rubt,c J Got at .+.en a e Pm r wi I l• Ili non Jur+ r 1 5 oonneotiou with The Intl and pi N, r Ids . +e t 3 I pnetle'to act as }edges (o ,ars li lists ism ',til • Ieur (one b) mill oc :Aft,: eu I n tit iy tar Jar lttl a cine; pChaert deciottn byf sending in their Lists of ,'t o toe)>f ten (ear new nod n , aI u I tun new). . you a si n4r it cite cions, hdes judgese'; final anti curt lustre. tl heats bot tau l5t rl,v 5:i, t Orn r,t slltOil to J 11, ant& (0041 16. The dodges will oast on I.%l t February r,'e :tot gra told etc cutely, I,.i 1, i n tot 1 f for the 1,',,; tt ,.eft, of11 words stilt of tiro Yt'izo 'the St 'and rt , cit J,sr rewinds, yi, latero tats J,. the e" , nt t Von reau ea a this with of words will be published in 'P.he Mail unit f opera t . I I,n, (t i Yens bl t r n111 r ode" c ut < ant We eau also i Slip gnloldy Margatte,. as possible, subscriptosis L, Marl al ai ittulr dale, .suss mak on :ma EXTRA LARGE YIOTIIItk Ptt'/Zf.l5 9LN'r ie11111J-ON order uh a you ,tea tl • , I .io•t used 'Ce wilt etrt con, 7REQiiESr, metwe Sr.ts err• tot 1 yott '+p}. Subscription Rates --Payable in advance. THE MAIL and EMP Ili ny .here in Ri C'anada by Mail $5.00 Per Year. Delivered by Carrier Roy in Hamilton c a Lo .,on, $66 Per Year Rural. Rake This offer applied Sc, itsr•al Lout, )tutrurts as loll II is eubsc.r.hrts Living in iitiea Ygura1 IInel to Wu*. re you are already race i,'ln T lin tl II n it'I Erupt, e, your yah •eeiptl)n Subscribers will be extended from llv Cresent explratlon. :ictntl In a ye..riy su'hstrllt"ire ut 75,00 an4 qualify fol' the hiq tlri5es. TORONTO CI. , MAIL- AND E L CANADA The following is a partial list of Prize Winners in e1.17 recent contests. Mrs. Angus Campbell, Forest, Ont., $1,000; Mrs. Joe. Doyle, Marmara, Ont., $1,000; Mrs. Thos: Pattianore, Athens, Ont., $1,000; Mrs. (Rev.) Theo, A. Iseler, Williamsburg, Ont. $500; Mrs. Emma Moore, Chesley, Ont., $500; Clarence L. Merrick, Alliston, Ont,, $300; Miss Grace Webb, Granton, Ont., $250; Mrs. Herb, Bunistead, Mea ford, Ont., $150; Mrs. Wm. Yates, Sarnia, Ont., $100; C. H. Cascade', Oil City, $60; David Watson, Cayuga, Ont., $60; Miss Daisy M. Rupert, Kingsville, Ont,: $50; Mrs. A, E, Sims, Sarnia, Ont„ $30; Miss M. McGillawee, Gadshill, Ont,, $20t Mrs. Francis Graves, Dresden, Ont., $15; Miss D, McDonald, Sarnia, Ont., $15; Mrs. R. S. Murphy, '4Valkerville, Ont,, $15; G, H, Berkeley, St. Catharines, Ont., $15; 'B. G. Coutts, St. Cathariues, Ont,, ;'15. We have actually given away a total of over Seven Thousand dollars in prizes. Sealorth Monument Works THE BEAUTY OF SIMPLICITY is well exemplified in tssany of the monuments we have pro- , , duced and erected. We shall he pleased to show you 'photo- graphs of them or of any other style of memorial you may pre- fer. If you will call we 'feel we can convince you of our ability to meet your desires both as to design and expense, W. E. CHAPMAN, Prop. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925. When you deposit with ns you know that your Savings are secure. The ONTARIO GOV- ERNMENT guarantees .. that. You are also assured prompt and courteous service. No notice is reoulred for withdrawals and cliequing privileges . are allowed. CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS. THE PROVINCE OF ONTAR fO SAVINGS OFFICE Seaforth Branch J, M. McMillan, Manager' 14 Other Branches "Your Own Depository." Thursday Afte moon Douglas Fairbanks in his own production of Alexander Dumas' famous story The Three Musketeers PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. IL HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital; London, ' England. Special. attention to diseases of the, eye, ear, nose and throat. Office. and resid- ence behind Dominion ,Bank. , Office. Phone No. 5; Residence'Phonc 106 DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the 'Methodist church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- - phone No. 40... 12 reels of magnificent entertainmen t with the screen's dynamic star as D'Artagnan HERE THURS., FRI., and SAT. Matinees Every Day Thurs. and Fri, 21; Sat. 3 p.m. ADULTS 25c ADMISSION — CHILDREN Ida Matinee, 10c and 15c, emidgemanznatzmizmeamtemossmarma SPECI E, *iA0 r for this week 0 I NEW DOMINION, WALNUT CASE, Guaranteed for 10 years. Regular price, $575.00. $ A q fi_+ as5 SALE PRICE "'! i4 e7 Your old piano or organ taken, at highest market price and terms arranged to'suit you. Also a 4 -tube Radio complete A real instrument. I wiII 1 week's free trial, Phone or come for demonstration. I give you the best value in Canada on nlusicaLinstruments. Jonathan s ®- I� R.R. 2, Seaforth P.S.----Agent for the latest Radio Outfits. DR. C. MACKAY.-C Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers ity and gold medallist of Trinit Medical College; meinber of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. 3 R. FORSTER.-Eye Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate• in Medi - eine University of Toronto, 1897. Late .-Assistant New. York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moores eld's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England, At .: Commercial Hotel, Seal o r t h . third . Monday in. each month, from 11 am. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo: street south, Stratford. Phone 267:. Stratford. General Fire, Life, Resident & /Automobile, INSURANCE AGENT end Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines,. James Watson North Mail St. SEAFORTII, ONT. • THE McKKILLO'P Mutual Fire Insurance Sao.. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, 'INSURED Officers James Connolly. Goderich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGtegor, 'aforth. Sec. -Treasurer. Directors, 4Vm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; Jolla Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M, McEwen, Clinton; James Conolly, Goderich ; ;Alexa Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, e No. 4,Walcot • 1, Robert Ferris, Harlock; Gerge McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brncefield,. Agents. Alex, Leitch, R.R, 1, Clinton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No, 3, Seaforth; J. V. -Yeo, Holmcsville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other tusiness will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postofflces. D alit Thraw Your ON Carpets Away They make new raver. ible"Velvetax" Rugs, Send for V.elvetes Folder s CANADA RUB COMPANY 'L01100th, ONT. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Welsh phone 178, Seaforth. Dr. W. R. Nimmo D,e., Sp. e. Registered ehiropractic Specialist Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods of natural therapeutics, spinal adjustment, and corrective dietetics, etc. HEAD OFFICE OVER SEAFORTH PHARMACY Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday h1Ia ayFriday and Saturt Hours; 'l0 to 12 a.m. 2 o t $ p.m. 7 to $ pm. Saturday -10 to 12 a.m. 7 to 4 p.m. Sundays by Appointment. .. EZ for EeZE IV[A At 14berhart's Drug Store Seaforth It will Prevent Ulcerate' d Throat.- At the first'symptons of sore throat, which presages ulceration and inflate: oration, take a spoonful -of Dr, Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. Add a little sugar to it to make it palatable.. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and, swelling that are so painful, Those whp'seere'1lehodi. cally subject to quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack. -{f