HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-01-29, Page 2BSCURED BY CLOUD S IN ONTARIO, ECLIPSE VIEWED BY NEW YORK WILL COPY EFFECT OF ECLIPSE ON NIAGARA Cataract as it Appeared Then New York, Tan, 26,—A thitz, lumin- Will be ,Reproduced in one elftaotherwise than make such an impree- the Illumination. oe'ningb ring ht with m great themeasternofft stun'' and the effect was intens�i'hed' by Niagara FaIIq g the fact that everyobserver felt the ,Ont;, Jan.s 2i the• sky over the Atlent;c'yesterday more thrill of a discoverer. The advance though Niagara Falls was se .the n at 9 11centre g o c:o the ' population while most of New accounts had given no notice that the ,glimsesf oft3zeasu riw4hr+es seen. Just � arks of six millions eclipse had il- zed at It, ornaments of this brat the obscured vial moment dense banks of For several seconds the ewe! spark- Nancy to display. 'clouds obscured the spectacle. Scien- j p Scarlet tufts of flame about the firsts fro r�ed. with a 'pure and mild radiance, sun'a rim. had been predicted, but were in Clevelandcrosson the roof of a 'hen trembled and melted into the fortunate across the not visible to the naked eye. The river were mese circle of light which rimmed the inky corona was not large or colorful, fortunate and secured some Erne pia_ disk of the moon, The total eclipses There Was a profusion of weird And tures of the corona at totallity, had come, and stars twinkled lumin- wonderfully beautiful scenery, netThe spectacle Froin that pointewas ously: i one ofo rare beauty. Sfrom oaIculated to strike terror to the heatrt;rays of deepest blue wavered. from Before the spectator could recoverias it once did, but well fitted to show left to right front his breathless wonder at the humanity its true proportions—to re-' Nis died across the waters scene and try to' realize its detail in mind mortals that •after all they are obs gars and were away. Interesting yD the sky and on the earth, the amazing; mere midgets living on an under -sized .Ryan; um made by Darcy spectacle was ended. I planet that is but a part of a great' General illuminating engineer of the The marvelously beautiful jewel of;God-created universe, , General Electric Company, and a white' light reappeared again, this! The'moon was unpunctual, as well ¢o"N of assistants on Goat Island. time on another part of the thin, Inns -j as careless of its routs. It was about Niagara clipls loft as appeared Mous ring. Its clear and all-per}'ad- four seconds late in blottiu out the reprodnguced," tee" said of the sun can be, ing iustre quenches the corona,.and + sun. The earth, the sun and all the reproduced,' said Mr. Ryan who willt • then put out the light of the stars. be This ring, with its gorgeous soli- taire, drew attentio.:from the ortho- dox and predicted features of the eclipse. It made a deeper impression on the c owds than any other feature of the heavenly show. The incompar- able beauty t Yof thi s sight, tn. sap ecte d by mod of thewatchers coulddo • of the the ecprincipalKeithOpinionforHappiness.n- ArthurKeith,rarelytotalwasandcontinuedfor$80,000,000iltenandbeenplantedfarmersproyincial"Thesincevillagerwalklive-uniformly way,recent,plantedbeingnennennanenemenecatezeacres,won,nextpullmoonProf,the thethatgenerally75becalculatedpioneerthe made.thatColumbus'goodsplendidtheeemphasizedshowingforbyfactforceMr.fashion.'prizeswereoverNewnoastronomersFALLSduringableTOreproducetheluminaryknowledgeofnight,abyfewerandThebraindwindledGeneralsizeaccordingproductionCorn-made Canada from Coast 'to lJoast I HUMAN BRAIN IS GETTING SMALLER "Whenschemedmanthethebeasts, as it went down and. eluding natural gas, gypsum and build- ed that Great Britain offers a lucre -'dangers of intellect, Nature saw IN CALIFORNIA HOME came up, The effect of the eclipse on. A despatch :nom Niagara Falls, int materials,•was well up to the fig- five market for Western Canada's 1 the falls will be incorporated° in the Ont•, says:—The contract for the in I that if man's blabs were to be all Former Associate of Peter plan of fliunrinainco of the fall§ : urea of 1923, beef, providingmise abl he f the become e Lunt;nation of the Falls has been Montreal, _ good, heavy fat catt'.e,piofoundl a Photographs of awarded to the Canadian General E1- 165,139,396 Q hofs oft grain'real during only are sent across. ;miserable. If the animal in tis were Smith in Bond Deals Ina- a the ealtak and the g during Vancouver, B.C•—The Industrial, !entirely subjugated and . reason be fails and rapids were taken during ectrin Company, and the work of in- 1924, the largest amount ever handled Committee of the Vancouver Board of prisoned at Request of and before totality,same supreme, the human race would i s'tallation will be done under the sup- by the port in any one year, accord -Trade is in consultation with re re_ soon cease tq exist, British Consul. _��,` i envision. of D'Arcy Ryan of Scheme- ing to the final figures issued by the sentetives of interests that propose to "Maybe we should all commit 'sur - Toronto, Jan, 26.—Andrew Pepall--- TORONTO -VANCOUVER tady. board of directors of the two Harbor Commissioners. In 1923, 120,- erect and operate a plant for the! code.. The fear of death and the arraigned by Chief e a M,,cities of Niagara Falls andc lone Queen 107,990 bushels were handled, while in handling of copra, soya beans and I of life are the two bases of animal Meredith, the presiding Judge at the SHIP CARGO SHIFTED Victoria Park has been appointed,ughinand 1922—the best preview year -155e peanuts. Production will be oils and life' Reason would provabl• trial of e Jazi is and Peter is as follows; Mayor Laughlin City 035,817 bushels y soon onager Robins, J A Johnson S passed through the stock feed. This will be the first'planti come to Regard both a ; fallacies, So as fugitive from justice and Orl]arnYan Arrives in C- Port. . of the kind on the Canadian Pacific nature, that man might lie happy, left 1VIorden, all of Niagara Falls, N.Y.; TimminsOnt.—Preliminary figures Coast. The raw material will be ob- him still largely an animal: possibly in control in the United feria fort With Deck Tilted ;Mayor H. T. Stephens, this city; G, issued for' the month of December tainted from the Orient speaking it "Broadlyis only to 45 Degrees. of the J. II, Jackson and 7. R. Bond through the animal in US that we get. gr , Phili A despatch from Vic Queen Victoria Park Commis- pleasure in life. When we were given a capacity to reason, we lost much of , our animal power of intuition, "But one still finds forms of intui- • tion' highly developed in people, not- ably in women. I mean it in no dero- I gatory sense when I say that women I have been left a larger share of in - I tuition than men because they have a smaller intellectual capacity," NATIVE WOMEN VIE IN DRESS FOR 1-I.R.H, VISIT West Africa.Puttirig on Gala Attire to Welcome the Prince of Wales. A. despatch from London says:— When the Prince of Wales visits West Africa"he is going to be greatly taken }'with the native women's attire—that ; is, If the women have anything to do with it. Ever since it became known I that the Prince would go to the (;old Coast,chiefs' daughters, merchants' meI, in bags, Montreal or Toronto; do, caws "" • daughters and other wealthy vouac; export, nominal,' cotton bags, c.i.f. ; Mi • Ernest Thom son Seto, the fa native women have been arriving !» Hay—No. 2 timothy,mous Canadian naturalist and author, London and -sending orders for street per ton, track, Toronto, $14.50; No. 3, $12.50. recently arrived In London, England, freaks, afternoon frocks curd evening Straw—Ca/dotswenas Screenings—Standard, recleaned, (.'return from n her i In some cases wonderful -Aemilius Smith, "a, M States of the plunder in the Provincial bond scandals"—is again in ctistdy in Los Angeles, This time he is held on complaint of the British Consul at that point, who informed the police Sir Edmund Gosse, ttidely known In there on Saturday that a warrant had e world of letters on both sides of been 'issued in Toronto charging Pep- he-iWautic, was recently knighted by all with theft',and bribery arising set Ing - Victoria, B.C„ snan, Mayor Laughlin was 'appointed iu Week's Markets says:—The_.Kirkwood Line steamer chairman of the board and J. R. Bond Poehanivan, operated Toronto and secretary: Hamilton to Vancouver, with a high' The lights to be installed are 24 deckload of lumber .aboard, took a TORONTO- dangerous list to port while en route carbonarcsearchlights, er la d Mr. RyanyN . 2 wheat—N0, 1 North.,. $2;09, George. S e is in his 75t! year: '; °f tlta Provincial and deals, here from Vancouver on ThursdaNorth., $2.03;a,No. 3: North., r Word of his arrest reached the At- and arrived off Ogden Point with the will be. here on Saturday is decide on $1.98;aNo. 4 wheat; $1.49, tt rney-General's Department hero on port rail only a few inches above tae location for these units: ' In can-� Man, oats—No. 2 CW; d, ' No.,:l bilged to .fart With warSaturday •afternoon by wire from the water, her starboard rail til junction with the actual will be sup_' CW, 'F. oe; extra No, 1 feed, 730; No,1 Honors to Obtain a Meal British Consul at Los 'Angeles, "heangle of 45 degrees. d in the of the Fails, color screens will be sup,. 1 Alld't 71e; No. 2 feed, 08e. 1 air at an pliedwith the amts, so that attractive ' he above c.i.f. bay porta; A despatch from Port Arthur message .stated that Pepall wan being Aboard the ship there teas vomiter- multi -colored drills may be done 1 Am Dorn, track, Toronto—No. 2 ayes—A D.C.M. and bar, a long ser- held ;without bail, pending 'further in- nation and, ashore, hundreds of per- with the unite yellow, $1.46. ice medal and a medal for service in straetions from Toronto. The neves- sons watched the vessel, momentarily llow, ed—Del_ Montreal freights, e Great War were sold' in a Iocallearl' papers are being prepared here expecting she would turn. turtle, ,bags included: Bran, per ton, $86; staurant on Thursday afternoon for, giving the details of the charges, and It is understood that she had some •� Ishoits, Per ton, $38; middlings, $43; Sc by a soldier who was down and }: will be taken to Los Angeles, probably difficulty in keeping ' proper ballast �� ' Good feed flour, per bag, $2.75. I t and who wanted the price of a by inspector Boyd of the Department in her tanks the heavy load of lumber Ont, oats—No. 2 white, 56 to 58c, cal, Re left the restaurant without of, Criminal ,Investigation, Ontario causing her to fiat.' She was anchored F' Ontario wont -No, 2. winter, $1,03 sclosing his identity, and the man Provincial Police. While no informa-' off the breakwater in the afternoon ' No. $1.67; ne 3 winter,1$o:81.6 $1.65; ho bought., the medals cannot be loll tion was. given out last night by the and her crew Ia working:desperately { r 1 cg points, according to $1.63ef.o.b, ted, The G.W.V.A. hopes to locate!' Attorney -General's Department res - talk put her on an even keel. There is. q«:: shipping to freights, e' unfortunate soldier and find him'pecting the specific charges and their talk of towing her to Es a;m,lt ° ti jam' I BarleyheMalt;ng, 90 'to 94c.! ployment wording, the extraditionq n s 4 heat —No, 2, 86 1. 90c. } proceedings where seine of the cargo could be lift-;• fi, e Rye—No. 2, $1,33 to $1.38. will be undertaken on five different ed.The Torhamvan's lumber cargo t Man, flour, first pat., $10.70 To-' charges, • I was for discharge at a Cuban port r W' ionto; do, second pat, $10,20, Toronto. a.. Ont, flour -90 per cent. pat nom- London,' Jan. 26.—Port Alexander, peal against deportation direct g o' Distributed Among Growers' small isle in Angola, the Portuguese Washington, and was successful, de•I ' dress ,long of West Africa, has been and- spite the fact that the Immigration A despatch from Ottawa says:—,. per ton $0 where he t to meet his wife o li es of the Latest fashion. my submerged in the sea, and has Board at Los Angeles recommended Western' Canadian farmers will e til and '.ah. be Alanson B. Houghton, present U.S.U,to o,b. bay ports, per ton, $2S. a trip to t 1te Fal East. orate gowns here, with l' c'e have Lisbon disappeared, according to his compulsory return to Toronto, i some half -million dollars richer this ambassador to Germany, is slated to Cheese—New, large, 22c; twins,' — been sent Lisbon dosgatch to The Sunday Ex- I spring by the distribution among the succeed Ambassador• Kellogg at the 22'�e; triplets, 23c; Stiltons, 24c, Old,` 1, to l5'4e; tubs, 151,4 to 1536cpails,that they uri calif laclucsts SFS. Flattering the Judge, I .Court of St. James, London, when Mr. large, 24 to 260; twine, 25 to 26e; trip- Butter--Finest ri • 16 to 181c; prints, 171/8 to 18c. h t be brought up to date and Western provinces of the surplus pro leis, 26 to 0p Choice hessent back to West Africa in time for No details have been received, but • Judge—"Prisoner, the jury -finds. you fits of the operations of the Canada Kellogg becomes secretary of state. Ii ftp F7e,!butchersteers,eiers, $776 to $8.2b; the Pidnae's reception 1t 1 considerable loss of life is feared guilty." Wheat Board, whichU e y Porti know you're too intelligent to be in- authorizes the disposition of this; �' ESI IIS' MONARCH 2, 36 to 36c; dairy prints, 28 to 30a. i Ot d°' oonL' 8.26 t,. $4.50; butcher} variably include white sill: stockings nese and native 1 PO � • est African Island Disappears in - Ocean Another long legal battle is expect- ' ed to follow in the United States. in Wheat Board Surplus to be I" a ferule; case Pepall carried his p 1 ee oar , marketed the. r u r— mast creamery prints, 89; choice ce, $7 to $7.00; do„ las sen the islet, which was 4,000 aquas¢ Prisoner—"That's all right, Judge, I 1919 crop. The order -in -Council which to 40c; No. 1 creamery, 37 to 38c; No. ood, $6.25 to $7; do, mod,, $6.26 to,t notie,ed'that orders from the coast ro- de lei area, was inhabit d b - settlors,gEggs -Fresh ,extras, in cartons, 67, heifers, choice, •$6.75 to $7,25; do , end the natives evidently are stn+;airs fluenced by what. they say."much-disputed surplus,,now reposed i SUNK BY GUNFIRE to 68c; loose, G6c; storage, extras, in good' $G to $6.50' do, mod: $4,76 to that they should be supplied with in the Treasury of Canada, has not! * cartons, 58 to 60c; loose, 56 to 57e;'cows, do, coo•, $3 to $4, butcairIprecise'ig. just right, for the rens« �J�I�TRECORDS j� ECLIPSES � �� been signed, and details of the am Aciriiralt storage firsts, fib to 54c storage see-, cholco, $4.2o to $4,76; do, fair - UAINT j SEE++ bunt available and of how much will y Announces Carry- ends, 47 to 48c. g to good, $8,60 to $4 canners and mit- Pr¢ciso •;nstructions, apparently ab_ Ing Out of AgreeEnent U tern $160 to$2.50; farmed from fashion papers,invariably go to the t spring chickens, 2 IUs; ' s° e; ; bologna $2.60 to $3,25; feeding Some letters received lit London res ec ive n- Live I ; butcher bull's oval zn t y jip? OCCURRED p provinces hays, poultry— I3¢ns, over5 lbs., 24e;$gnoc�, $4.60 to $5; do, fair $3 ^r6 to accompany all orders. j �° 2136 B.C. n°t been ureic public, but it is under -a der Washington Treaty,de, 4 to b lbs lee; do 3 to 4'h 18 t I stood that the Gove> nment has decided' A despatch from London_and over, 23e; !steers, ood 6 t g .stores ar , to return the money to the Westernideip says:— roosters, 12e; ducklings, 5lbs, and u to $5; stockers, ° $6'50' do, fair, $4 who have consentedcla?tzstna wives, The Admiralty announced that under 18c, ?+' good, $4 to $4.76; do, to fief as go - Get, 22, 2136 B.G. Iasi and Ho, offl- -the spectroscope and shown to be corn- I under growers, whose grain, marketed the terms of the Washington Treaty,I Dressed pnmrl ry H¢ns fair, $3.50 to $4; calves, choice, 11 b liter but ln:other 1 'astronomers to the Emperor ofm rider war -time wheat aver 6 lbq., to $13, dq, mod., $6 to $9; do, r $ eases the chiefs Poon condana a the 22 k eyattles nf, Monarch,' 28c; do, 4 to S lbs , 23c; do, 3 to 4 $8 to $4 nrilch gassers,' daughters have written in their awn 'ns, put to death for failing to ob I posed of incandescent hydrogen, cal-' netted for the now extinct Cando' was sunlCbylbs. 16c; spring 1:ec., 3c; 2 lbs. and • ' cows, choice, $60 to! requirements, vino and another gas, until then un Wheat Board a profit over the esti-,Tuesday gunfire. She was over, 6e• roosters, $60, fair cows, $40 to $50; s ringersn ive customary rites during'partial known, This gas, now known as hell ` mated returns. The amount available considered -19 tally obsolete, haying ' 18r; ; ducklings, b choice . 70 to 90; 1r lipse•g lbs. and ; 25e;hand-picked, 3bc, ' $ $ good light sheep,' Annual Deport of rhe lJtii- l rum, was discovered on the earth in the Treasury was estimated last' been 9-hourht. in 1011._turkeys.7 to $8; heavies and bucks, $4,50 to Juno 80, 1070 $.C.—Total cell se' A bombardment preceded the' s6eCan` and -picked, lb., 6nfic; 6.25; culls, $3 to $4; good etre lambs, Versify Of Toronto corded at Babylon. eclipse: about 27 years later, and is now used session at $560,000. 16 to $1G; buclzs, $18 to $ Y in airships: I sinking. The attack was made about Maple products— Syrup, per imp.med.,$10 to . 12; do, culls, ' 14'; co, TriedJune 14, 763 B.C.—Total eclipse re-! Aug. 7, 1$G9—Observation of an' ' " 15 miles off Plymouth and the testsi'g , $2.40; per 5 -gal. tin, 2.30 $ $ $9; Those who are interaste,i in lcitow- June at' Nineveh.al` rper hogs, thick: smooths, fed and watered, indone Mny 28, 686 B.C. Total eclipse !eclipse visible in the United States re Observers of Next Eclipse were secret, though similar to those :gal maple sugar, b., 25 to 26c. g of the work by the 1'trovin- P the presence in the corona of recently carried out against the Am- fOney 60 -Ib. tine, 131/ae $1] to 11.10; do, f.o.b., $10.40 to anal a copy of of Ontarioest ashould place during battle between Lyd- sealedan unknown substance called c per lb:; $10.50; o, country points, $10.15 to Y ahott d see erican battleship, Washington. 10-11). tins, 181/sc; 5-3b..tins, 14c; 21' $10.20; do; off earn $11.40 to l 50• cure a copy of the latest annual report ns and blades, so frightening theexon 'Will Have a Better Chance The Monarch was first bombed by 1U` tins, 15;$ a 16c. select premium 2n to 22.17. $ ' of the President p ntestants that theyg g runt' This substance has never been Ottawa, San, 2b. -At 12.08 noon, airplanes, which music several_' hit ' which has just been called a truce, found on the earth.Smoked meats—hams, nned•, eked issued. In it' Sir hebert Falconsr d finally made peace. This cell ee October 26, in the year 2144, there Then the light cruisers, Carysfort, rbc; cooked hams, 37 to 38c; smoked deals with such F May 29, 10111 -Photographs taken will be a total eclipse of the sun; in Caledon, Ctxraaaox and 1 o.Ia, r18e `to' 20c; cottage rolls ; 21 e- , w T s special features as said to 'have beim predicted byi during total eclipse 'by two British which the area of totalityCa hope, and 2uc; breakfast bacon 23 tot MONTREAL. the dedication of the Soldiers' Tower rales of M;I ve at that time one expeditions showed .bendin of 1; will again the destroyers; 'Vectis, pounded her c;ai br 27c; spe- Oats, Can: west," No, 2 81e the " ' the sevenwase men of relict. 8 ght pass over Ontario, stated Dr, R, E, with six-inch un and less, faint 36c., 29 to 31e; 8, 77c• do crura • $.t ur, rapid development of University f rays from stars, thus ding of the pass o of the rio, s at g s• Finally the flf- backs, boneless, 29 to 36c: ,+ No, i £sed, 7sc, i fear, F.xtenszon, the alert' eased use o is,Juno. ve 400 e m.n Eclipse of En-, theory of Einstein thus lveri is offObservatory teen -inch guns of the Hood, Re ulse Cur Man, spring wheat pats,, lits, $10,70 wc'v f the Ju Totalit0 occurredhlpse ofaElect- lest evening. Dr, DaintyF ed meats—Long cl0ar bacon. 0; gds, Y0;20; e, sto Y essthe y. the ronisrbone Y; ed by the sun's gravitational field, that observers.yet unborn will have a Ramillies,. Royal Oak,: Royal Soyer- to 70 lbs., $17.50; 70 to 90 lbs., 18.80 $10; do wry ong bakets, woxk,done by the Goanau ter sun$ot at Rome. I have a eign, Revenge amid ,Resolution firing90 lbs. and u $15.50;$ 'ntez gats,, chorea, ., $4 to0. aght Labor. Aug. 14, 310 B.C. Agathogles, Ty- adSepit.21, 1922—American and Can, fine alienee of making calculationsg p, lightweight $8.2, toned oats, ba 90 lb . toxics and the many generous Urrr g at from a distance of ten to twelve miles rolls, in barrels, $33; heavywei ht. Bran $36,25. Sh g s + $4'X0' factions re eived age;-oexpeditions to ..Australia con; the next eclipse, owing to it occurring left 'the Monarch a shatteredtoils+ $27. oats, $38,26. Mid- from friends of the t__Syxacuse, observed total; firmed 1919 observations bearing on at amore favorable period hulk, dlinga, $44.26, HaY, No. 2 per ton University. There -'are oven teen •e- rpse while o`n• us age from Syracuse; of the which slowly settled in sixty fathoms Lard --i aro, tierces, 18 Ito 18%c; car lots, 14 to• 1a, pm Carthage: Einstein theory,it -$ $ ports from 1~aeulti,s and Depart- - of water, tubs, to 19 ;nails, er1l.n to 19 c. Butter, No. 1 pasteur;zed, $2 to menta, pu ecial reports on 'zp Aug, 30, A.D. 1030—Klug Olaf of �" - -- prints, 21 to -22c; sTzorteafhg, tierces, 83t/aa; do ` No. 1 creamery, '82, search sway killed. during battle of Stikle 3 ? e; do, seconds 81 to8 , , to on publi useu r, and on the Dgge vehen his soldiers were frightened 3 -teem , Ronal -Oui:at';o lluseune' lt' rosy o the �'�``">a' } • y �'°sc'± h x,, ori, storage extras, Sc;7do, storage firsts ed light in -the coronathe;�• •' ' t .. ,, ,<.„ .i ,ly ,.r , .,a,.� ��.a.",w%a ,.. � . : • -.,...tee.g that,_as'sci n .• .. of t, n } } . „ i kr z� . t •, 2 1 ,i" t ..kX .`'} u r.., s �. , - 53c; die storage seconds dF •• fresha ti b c nese Cation -;s s hived sure As a' 0. _ .e,,,. 'yfu _ , -, r� ,.. •< ;,li s. •lit t`h4t k fir' , It* c, do, r result of this bat- � � ,_ � .?, �l.r., . � v• ;'�• ��, n���`.y � � . � �1, . Yyv,hts ., ,r ,� ^s.y: ,; r .,•.�. e:cti:•ts. 70d du, fresh much in the public sur»ri Hv lees, fi ash b s,a a firsCs,hoc, the 'Dan bemuse: st Danes' established 'a brief rule •S~ • r , . t '�' � . ,. ,. t :Mn a, . ,rc . ,.,:. t : �, � "� .�>-_ , .. ,. , •a�`� .t . .w � - .� �•_+ .-- 1 ea, eal'cres, ;'3 to , t important h $10l hogs,. mixpc ? p diacarsz;ps, the most x Norway. eel teras of good quality interesting fi =: fs.. ,. .r .'mss•`.. '�i e t ::qr... d, j ..k?- . -r; .: •e ::•irr,•r.. �r. ; $ g d ty and weight, Part of the Reeve( is ,! tfey 30 1612 -_eclipse $11.26' do other g1 that 1012 --Total seen ]rinds, 1.1; d light, which ;rives a ough'"t ;, $14.26. o, hL list of more th :n three g a tube or teiescape for the hundred research problems ttiwe: � v,.;,• x'•, :' '�+`'': ,. ,". 4: y:.1 s � ^� •�.r,°.•'3x`srA A���" E%. �. • �'`r:., .'t�•''1'�, "� _ P on which t� ',.,;,,�., •I�., r • + a,, �r:'ar � �. . s v ,;;w • ,, � �, +..,�;K�.., ck, ,,, s1 - ;�,�; - wont is being done. Lslcet: all to- gether, 8, 18tube Scionbegan'` ' y r 15 m a ..+r j x£ * ./ x ,•� r • ,� a> 3 $ t fists rh ,i. -n, �, �^• f.. � },n �� r, =r t�a.'iff f"'t w�• „ ��; ,,,. Leo hoz; the Report i. 1 Y" z• ,, „a H . ,; f . 4 t n: a' :..r t,>. : f ? x .IeruSale p 5 ctn iinnoitant �. ,�, �, ;u .: ?r, s: � # _�,�. �• .:, ; tn,Preparim, for In- conte' ml research on the sun by observing P ;+?u. i�; t a��" :�` ft' ,i•E$ � �k xsv ,. �.,•..,. : ,,.�.�- .,{ t?j -' .:�; $' rbutfou to the c t li se.. visible b. c u iivna! '.iter; xl ee p sable ;n Europe. {�:,t gip,. Vic, E,.. s,r.:,, K,tv ,a�,: sayv F u, , . liar lY•s�c, • :,.; ,.r flux of Tourists Onto .of the P 2 •. ,•3 `�^�c-: ?t�f`„ s to ,`%, . n« a , ;%� , i, c. e,� r ;'�!± x . �"�' ° b ,t': I rI'�915 Year year. ul Y 28.1851=I'`izst hoto � :,r ,:ts•r .•,.+, <:,, ••<'i`"'., >,• ,x',„r,,, ;.«•.s., f'�� �� .?� rl � .s�i,�` -_--•---,,.- > . p gra lis F �. fi ^ , t�k_ # •z.a °i: ( w , p Dyp, ,.rni''." en Of a , fatal calx °ss. Dau, A despatch from Jerusalem o t 1. g eire0- � �, � • ;.:J ;�:: • r. -•u. r.� i•" .o, r'� ;.�i � ., s i, ,» «, i «, .•e� r xtr, • .. 1 .w usa,eri sa s:— S L3tlY AfrlCd �l Cail""'•YA:..x...., .,,..«.....+e i1 nt,,.,.' r ia,r .? .�s. ?' �..,... r. .,'},1ii".r',tX e Il I�$tiirai to s were made of an eclipse vz That Palestine is becoming ncreasing- Gold Sta visible Bcandini>•iia and Russia, , ly attractive to the tourist, now that ndrerd cn July Coru- na. ]8,' via end tat eclipse visible HOW ECLIPSE SHOULD HAVE APPEARED' IN WESTERN .ONTARIO, normal travel. facilities and hotel ac- A des r • The •,les e series of drawings show what happened to the sunit byan official are available, „ patch from O.taou -sa o:-- ,na. 1 Fur the that Blip the red whilewas •concealed ,train Ontario citizens'i is shown The Department Y redia; . r ere examined two dixgi'anis on each end show various phases of the eclipse, whiles on Jan. 24 behind guilt less an off oz ] return .,nt of Trade surf e amined through twoP , in the CENTRE ie how it would have :a?' s. The a .rep,n t f 2 the last five wilier Is informed that South Afi or _ennu.2.y when the eclipse was total ppeared during the something than months, during which 22;3-a lira:>cles•s will to the•gold standi+s.d ori came to the country: July 1.