The Seaforth News, 1925-01-22, Page 6CHICAGODIVERSIONOE WATER OPPOSED PLAN TO VISIT DOMINION NEW MURDER CI I �RG]E it Week's Markets. AT SPITING ASSIZES AT INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION 3 'ra rx4p ;2 .,, Four Accused of Slaying Bay- Man wheat—ONo 1 North $2.054a ; toizae Must Report to Police No. 2 North., $1.99%; No: 3 North., 3 , $L94%., No. 4 wheat, r Cleveland Ohio River district residents, and makes a ate; Every, Week. Man. oa + � -ts—No: 2 CW:, 76i�o; No. 3 A despatch from l ,300 dale •etas i wholesale raid upon the Great Lakes o Iialni:ton says. CW, 73i/ic; extra No. 1 feed, 73%c, says:—Approximatey g •, iyw''3„ . `aa�, w.•p, • ¢ .,„ l '$rn :° •y. A despatch £1 m maintain "a profitable! No. 1 feed 71 ac' No. 2 feed, 68ac. fn order to r P �, Yea E ?a Ba toutiae and the three men ac , representing 'about $0 different ort t..,r ; Vie' t •:..'. M•rs, y m track, Toronto—No: 2 eP g P that power at a cost of throe times §r organizations on the Great Lakes, met ° cased of murdering her husband were A . corn, tack, g that profit to the commerce :of, the S µ t , ; .; �• a akx , • '',, released from custody on Friday on yellow, $1.43. Montreal freights, Ii"aro on Thursday under the auspices Great Lakes. � +� x �' �a�'\_ e `"�'• . `�� r�„ , 8G• cis- A Maguire former mayor of ri x e `v .14,:, +� r I "t v,, theirreleased own recognizance.bags included, Bran, per telt, $ of the Great Lakes Harbor Asso C,g Y 0 allo bail was fixed se none of the 48; n American) to Toronto, at the afternoon see- :n t , i �� :�r shorts, per ton„ $38; middlings,.$ , tion (Canadian and men ) o present formulate an official retest against sfon said: H ;3 . x :,£ tx'a accused had any assets. Certain con- ditions bag, ,$2.75. were imposed, however, by Mr. Ont. oats --No. 3 white, 53 to 55c. the practice of Chicago in diverting Wo Canadians cannot understand a � ,a -. ?�y, ..',,,„�z.<< .>� ,-• {'+`�,:- - e lakes b means of Its how an American city would o In de-,�•>a° ,. tri x; :a'' Jwstiee. Mowat. Each of the accused $iOt. No� 9 nter, winter, fi6rt nx$1759 the waters of th y Y ty g t i drainage canal, with alleged resultant fiance of the courts and the laws of a H �•, r '+ +*+ must report to the police oliee:a wee to g2� ? z< t r � i until the Spring Assizes in March. No. i commercial$1.5 to $1.67, f.o.b. s damage to navigation and other in- the land: We were shocked' when we hR y, a fail to so report, or melee shipping poiiets,according to freights. dustrues. found that Chicago had, through ape Kati \,-. t,�t*' + °' ' zfi F Should they P Barley—Malting, 89 to 08 c•. A committee was appointed at the cially selected committees of experts, attempt to leave Hamilton, they Buckwheat—No". 2, 87 0 91c stands the four Man. flour, first at,` $10,60, To- to against till be Chien o system. ed nine -foot navigation channel' be now i merelyronto • do seond eat, 10:10, Toronto. As the .case protest g 1». accused are not acquitted, but p i e The protest will be presented to the Riveren Chicago and the Mississippi " ' .>w 4 � v 3rd . � x d from custody. One thing is Ont. flour -90 per cent pet, $7.80, conference .for adoption,. then be Sm.- andmade itpublic before ie •"° , - ' extaiti • All four will be charged at in age;, or or, , '- afternoon session to draft a resolution prepared their report on the pro - any p will be arrested I Rye—No $128. to $1.38. f d bl' b f tl released b Montreal T onto • do,ex {yarded to the Secretaries of War and gallant Supreme Court decision. PRINCESS MARY AND VISCOUNT LASCELkE'8 c ort 45s., cotton barer c.r So successful was the recent visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada the Spring Assizes with the second P -onto $o 2 timothy; per ton, trach, State and to "members of Congress. "The people of Canada realize tire, that As drafted, the resolution opposes the importance of safeguarding the heri- indictment of being accessories after Toronto, $14.60;. No. 8 $12.60: tae handed down to all the people in Princess Mary and her husband, Viscount Lascelles, have virtually decided the fact. Straw—Carlota, per ton, $9. Me ate committee, 33i11 now before a special g F F to make a trip to the Dominion next year, it Is announced authoritatively Sonata committee which provides for the waters of the Great Lakes and Justice Mowat ruled on Friday that Screenings—Standard, recleaned, f. 1 London. The visit it !s added will be in every way an informal onre this charge be traversed to the next o.b: bay ports, per ton, $27, authorized diversion of 10,000 cubic we join with the people in this country n Cheese—New, largge 22c; twins, feet of water a second from Lake Mi_ in opposition to the stand taken by -- court. 22 c tri lets, 23c; Sti�ito22 24c. Old, chi an through the Chicago drainage Chicago." i�Tho Crown will make renewed ef- i/e ; P g g g g BRITAIN LOSES SIX , FALLS VICTIM TO AGE- forts at the next Assizes again to large; 24 to 20c; twins, 25 to 26c; trip - canal for navigation purposes. W. R. Hopkins, city manager of + FAMOUS PAINTINGS OLD CONFIDENCE GAMElets 26 to 27c. William George Brace, president of Cleveland, said the big thing, in hist charge the accused with murder and Butiter—Finest creamery prints, 39 charging Chicago with making a bold grecs • e a no version o attempt in the halls of Congress to water .at Chicago can be justified. Spencer to Grace Art Gal- $1, 800 from Prince Edward supported in this by Attorney -General Eg•es—Fresh extras, in cartons, 72 P g p , sanctify theft of water from the F. P. Williams, secretary of the leries' of United States. Man in New York. Nicicle, who. contends, it was stated, to 73c; loose, 70c; storage extras in Great Lakes into an holiest act, and New York State Water and Powers (that a new charge of murder may be cartons, 67 to 59c; loose, 56 to 56e; " Commission o conference a : •' storage firsts 62 to 63,c; storage sec- that the Chicago sanitation scheme ix amine paintings have been ur- i• farm hand, feeling permissible, it ie argued, because of on s,c_ over b lbs: 24c constitutes the most gigantic engineer- invitations had been extended to the S f p s P tel.tan, 30, husky fa h n , g P Live poultry Hens, ingblunder of modern times." He said Governors of seven states to send rep- chased from the collection of: the late he had outgrown the place, left Prince the fact that the present trial came to do, 4 to 5 lbs., 18c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 13c; Earl Spencer of AlthorpPark, North- it conserves the heath of Chicago by resentatives to another protest meet P Edward, Ontario, Jan. 18, with $1,800 a conclusion after the Crown had ask spring chickens, z lbs. and over, 23c; menacing the health of the Illinois ing in Washington, January 80. amptonshure, Eng., and are to tomo to he had saved by hard work and thrift:'i ed for a stay of proceedings. roosters, 12e; ducklings; 5 lbs. and up, g With the o.ice bending every effort i8c. have a new trial, Crown Prosecutor to 40e; No. 1 creamery, 37 to 38c; No. the association; opened the meeting by judgment, was to keep before Con- the fact that di f Group from Collection of Earl Two Strangers Glibly Extract Boys and Crown Attorney Ballard are 2, 35 to 36c: dairy prints, 28 to 30c. h' k' b 1p Co told thef that A despatch from New York says:— New York Jan 18 Eugene Ber- laid any time by the Crown.d 46 to 47 America. This became known when FIELD MARSHAL HAIG SALVAGED COPPER_ ! it was. learned that the painting had WILL VISIT CANADA CARGO WORTH $800,000 been aegdured by Duveene Brothersat a price said to have been more than $1,000,000. Duveen Brothers declined Presides Over Conference of Lying 318 Feet in Sea. Off either to confirm or deny the report. British Empire Service I Coast of Chili, Recovered I The paintings inolude two portraits f Geor 'ane Duchess of Devonshire His intentions were to open up a gio- p ' eery in Glen Fells, N.J. To -night lied to gather new evidence, and Bill Sher- Dressed poultry—Hens, over 5• lbs., year on April 16 to its close on Dec. was glad to wash dishes in a Broad mett, fifth person;itemised of murder- 28c; do, 4 to 5:. lbs., 23c; do, 8 to 4' 18 the freight carried .through the way restaurant at 20 cents an hour. I ing Joe Baytelzae, to be brought here lbs•+ -160; spring chickens, 2 dos. and! carrel amounted to 5,037 412 tons, over 80c; roosters, 18c; ducklings, b which was over 1,280,000 tons ahead While aiming down on the Mont -1 for trial, the; Crown authorities are lbs and a?, 25c; turkeys, 85c. p I p securing canvietions. Beans—Can. Rend -picked, lb., 6%c;. of the previous year, and over 1,175,- real Express, Bertellien met two still hopeful of suave strangers. They engaged him primes, 6c, 000 tons ahead of fife previous high Prince George, youngest son of King George, who is, now with the fleet in the Orient. RECORD FIC BY WELLAND CANAL Nearly 100,000,000 Bushels of Wheat Passed Through During Year 1924. A. despatch from Ottawa says:— Traffic through the2Welland Canal during the season of 1924 was the heaviest of. any year in the history of that waterway. From its opening last in conversation, gained his confidence DIAN AWARDED Maple products—Syrup, per Imp. record made in 1914. p e w says:—. h, ot25 toher $which aggregated CAN. AI, gal., $2.40; per 5 -gal. tin, 2.80 per The largest increase was in wheat, A despatch from Ottawa says:— ' Ades at h from Na York sa s other by Gmnsboroug two o er per of a better scheme than the grocery. maple sugar, a s, 26c. m h 2'l95 110 tons or Smoked moats—Hams, med., 25 to 99 980,600 bushels. This was nearly. For the purpose of presiding over the Divers have recovered a $600,000 traits by Reynolds, one of Lavinia; "He might buy up surplus stocks of FeliX D'Herelle, Discoverer Of 26e; cooked hams, 37 to 88c; aril ed 36 000,000 bushels ahead of 1923, Can- "fed biennial conference of the Brit cargo, of copper which had lain 318 Lady Spencer, and the'other of army shoes and clean up a fortune in rolls 18 to 20c; cottage rolls, 21 to r Empire Service League, which is Frances, Marchioness Camden; aper -1 Glen Falls: Ultra -Microbe, Honored by 28c;breakfast bacon 23 to 'L7c; spa. adian wheat increasing by 24,496,400 to be held hero this summer, Field c rat o a man, y sans a, , arta ,fan agree to a em show c' i s heat in- 1869, when the British frigate Cape the Daedalus nd Icarus of Van Dyck.hacks, boneless, 2ht to SOe. in- creasing by 11,472,420 bushels. Barley Marshal Earl Haig, G.O,C, of the Horn was wrecked off the coast of . a him som. y furnished accompanied them to a Ades etch from. Paris says: -Felix British forces in the Great War, will These have long been treasures of the handsomely apartment, opo -ver PCured meats—Longclear bacon, 50 h'1 th Chile, according to messages received! spencer familyHubert D'Herelle, the Canadianscien- 9 q0 lbs., $17.50; 70 to clear , $16.80• sail for Canada around the middle of by the Westinghouse Lamp n� r have hung _ wand until now}�hey lice said, and January er handed over tist who discovered ultra -microbes, g0 lbs, and 'up; $15.50; lightweight his $1,800. The strangers departed to the invisiUle organism that preys upon rolls, in barrels, $33; heavyweight july, according to a cable received Capt. Ben Leavitt of the salvage ship "make nrrangenient." BortellSan went i, arms has been rolls, $27. League Next Summer. by British Captain. one by Sir Joshua Reynolds and the gu ( and learned of his plans. They knew LEEUWENYIOEI� MED gal ish feet below the surface of the sea since t 't f b F • H 's and B i" d 1 t them h Amsterdam Academy ea brand breakfast Macon 29 to 81e; bushels, and United State w creA I was lighter by 87,024 tons, while i e e other grains showed, slight,mcreases. A new high record was Also estab- lished on the St. Lawrence canals in 1924, the total traffic being 5,586,874 tons, exceeding the previous high re- cord in' 1928 by nearly 1,000,000 tons, or 22 per cent. The principal factor in this increase was wheat shipments. here on Friday. His visit to the Do- minion will be limited to two weeks, the cable received by the Dominion Command of the Great War Veterans' Blakely. I Manor. and k ,ls cease g , In art circles on Thursday night. it for a walk. When he returned the awarded' the Leeuwenhoek Gold Medal Lard—Pure, tierces, 18 to 18%c; The divers worked in high-pressure was said that the purchase was one of furniture and men were one. He by the Amsterdam Academy of tubs, 18% to 19c; nails, 18% to i9i/xc; suits of Capt. Leavitt's invention, and the most important in recent years. told his troubles at a police station. prints, 21 to 220, shortening tierces, •Sci _ Association said. During his stay in with special pressure resisting deep- Seldom, if ever, it was said, have so Detectives took up the trail and The prize has been given every ten 16 to 16%c; prints, 17i/a to 18c.r 7Ae; Yliutl, sea lamps made by the Westinghouse lar e n row of aintin s b such the Capital he will be the guest of Co., which made it possible for them g group P g y arrested Edward Eichenbaum and Choice heat/ steers, $7.75 to $8.26' eminent artists been brought to this Norman Pellet both of Montreal, years since memory of An- y , Governor-General Byng. to see plainly even while 300 feet be ' thong Van Leeuwenhoek,Dutch scien- butcher steers, choice,,$? ed $7.5.2 do, Officials of the Canadian National low the surface, the reports said. ; Country. Then the detectives took pity on Ber- , Exhibition are still hoping that Earl — '�- fist of the Seventeenth Century, who ood, $6.2b to $7; do mad. $6.2b Pilot of ZR -3 Favored as The Blakely sailed from Hampton Family Walk Two Miles in Wien and got him the dish -washing made great improvements in the e; do, tom; $5.25 to $4,50; butcher H will be able to stay in Canada fob. Haig Roads, Va., on Jan. 4, 1924, and work;long enough to be present at the open- began on the salvaging in March Cold When Home Burns • ing of the Exhibition. Manager John Eighteen trial descents were made b ' Irish Plot in London G. Kent states that no word had been received that would lead to the belief that the famous General would be g on the North Road out of hero, had a unable to be present. The directors Westin house Co stated In the London.Jan 18 Five Irishmen of the Fair are also hopeful that Prin- cess Mary will be present at the open- ing this year. microscope and with it found many heifers, choice, $6.75 to $7,26; ° o, $6 to $6.60, do, d$7.$2457,5 , $4 76 to previously unknown facts about hu- good, me . man and animal anatomy. 6.60; do, come $3 to $4; 'butcher by A despatch from Cobalt says:—Tho The medal is an award to the sci-I cows, choice, $4.25 to $4,76; do, fair Captain Leavitt, his son, Harold, and to 'Wreck Warships to good, $3.50 to $4; canners and cut - Chief Engineer Charles the the family of E. Harding, a farmer living cadet who has made the greatest die-. tars $1,50 to $2.50; butcher bulla, arm- covert' in preceding decade, and goof{, $4.60 to $5; do, fair, $8,76 to Dred harrowing experience when they were it is believed the preceding lie's discovery will $4; bologna $2.60 to $3,26; feeding d vi is the bl d Irish have Boy Who Survived Sea Tragedy Dies in Old Age A despatch from Hamilton says:— Robert Pollock, one of Hamilton's pioneers, died Friday evening at his residence, 298 Cumberland Ave. He chances for the success of the pros - was 89 years of age, and had been ill pective Lusitania expedition has been for the past three years. Mr. Pollock strengthened by his trial descents, was born in Ireland, and came to this when he reached a depth of 361 feet. district 75 years ago. For 59 years The Lusitania is believed to be up he conducted a farm in what was then right, resting at about 252 feet below Barton Township, northeast of the the surface, eight miles off the coast i ng sui a men were a e to forced to walk two miles to the home an one ria woman been ar- remain under water from 25 minutes of a neighbor clad only in their night rested in different parts of London, lead to the curing of > diseases by use: steers, good, $6 to $6,0; do, fair, $4 g y g 1 • b to $6; stockers, good, $4 to $4:75 • do, to 3 hours at depths ranging from 194 to 918 feet, the depth at which work had to be done. Capt. Leavitt, according to the home caught fire from an overheated statement, claims to have broken all stove durin the ni ht and the occu i Two of the men are reported to be in 1885; Pasteur, in 1896; Beijermck,I choice, $70 to $90; good light sheep, attire, and with bags secured from the; according to The Daily Maul; they of the u tri -micro e. fair $3.60 to $4; calves, choice, $11 stable the only protection their feet were allegedly concerned in a plot The previous recipients of the, m $13; do, meds, $6 to.$9; ilo,:grassers, had against frost and snow. Their i to blow up British battleships and Leeuwenhoek Medal were Ehrenberg,. $3 to $4; mulch cows, choice, $60 to submarines. i of Berlin, in 1875; Cohn, of Breslau,1$65; fair cows, $40. to $60; springers, previous records for deep-sea diving pants had to make a 'hurried escape sub -officers at the Portsmouth dock- in 1905, and Sir David Bruce, who dzs- by 179 feet, having reached a depth from the building into bitterly cold yards. All those under arrest, accord-, covered the sleeping •sickness trupan- of 861 feet in other trials. weather. ing to The Mail, are extremists con-) income in 1915. The belief of Capt. Leavitt in the nected with the Irish Republican! --+�— $7 to $8; heavies and bucks, $4., $6.25; culls, $3 to $4; good ewe lambs, $14.50 to $15; bucks, $12.50 to $13; do, med., $9.60 to $10; do, culls, $8 to $9• hogs, thick smooths, fed and wat- Shipcount points, 9.75; Y i supposed to' d iQ GO• do country P + $ movement and the of s s ere $ Cast on Shore of an P PP V ' es i ti 's Receiv League of Nat n j f b lo• have been designed to injure the re- select premium, $2.06; do, o.., $ couver Island -Crew Safe ratline between the Irish Free tate Gift from U.S. Well Wishers —.- do, off care, M. Victoria, B.C., Jan. 18.—Cast upon and Britain by creating a revulsion, pO of fooling • here against the Saorstat, I Geneva, Jan. 18.—The receipt by the MONTREAL. the rocky shore of the west coast of Tr -fr-;. ;� ,,;e, ea •fle rtant Lea¢ue of Nations yesterday of $1,- Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 34ia` to and the chiefs of Scotland Yard an 35c; No. 1 creamery, 33% to 34c; gale, the French sailing shp, officials of the Home Office have been Richmond, Va., on behalf of `'Friends seconds, 82i to 33c. Eggs, storage alta, us believed to be a total loss. f extras, 62e; storage firsts, 48c; stor- age seconds, 44c; fresh extras, 70c; Tatters intercepted in the post led the- the League can accept gratuities. fresh firsts, 66c. hogs, ritam al r Veal calves $8 to $10.60; to $ mix - t) where they are being car ht d ed lots of good quality, $ to be on the Decrease ed for. The men abandoned their ship — I money" selects, $11.60. VancouverI ' d thisi by. s.an morning a t ` d 500 from Thomas B. McAdams of city, The Steel Company of Canada of Ireland, where she was sunk by a terrific R m con erence raga The ship carried be -a captain, mate ane which was suspected for some time. has raised the delicate questinwhe- a crew of ten men,all of whom are reported to safe at Carmanap to the arrests. The message from the donor stated the was o be use for some humanitarian activity designated by and the International Harvester Com- German submarine during the war. pany erected their mommoth plants what was his farm. Births inGreatB Said When he was 14 years of age Mr. Pollock's parents and family set sail from Ireland for Canada, The craft was a sailing ship, and the passage A despatch from London says:— on the rocks. consumed 14 weeks. Tragedy smote The British Board of Education is the young Irish boy on this passage, budgeting 4,000,000 fewer children in as his father, mother and five sisters primary classes than it did in 1910, and brothers all succumbed to ship, according to Sir Robert Blair. fever, and he saw them, one after an-' Commenting on the birth rate, he other,' buried at sea. When lee landed said the decline seemed to be continu- •ding the plot, of the League in the United States" in their own boat when it was driven Only One Ship in the World the League." . Descendant of Shakespeare Acquiring Eggs. Mr. Bee was horrified to find Johnny gluing feathers all over his pet rat- terlier. Driven by Electricity it was suggested that the donation be applied to the Commission for the A despatch from New York says :—' repression of traffic in women and the The only' electricall driven and con- protection of children. However, the i trolled ship in the world, the Cuba, question of establishing a precedent "Why, Johnny, what are you doing,. arrived from San Francisco by way caused the League secretaries to de - in Canada he was the last of his krn.t ing, and Great Britain was losing "The teacher said that everything • of the`Panania Canal. She is 350 feet tide to consult the council regarding Rut the heart of him was strong and 100,000 children annually from each with feathers raid eggs;' was Johnny's i in length, with 48 -foot beam, and has acceptance of such gifts now and in person of Thomas Henry Shakespeare, he hewed a path for himself in the' age -group. " reply. , three decks. the future. who lives- at 141 Oak Avenue. new land. Resides at Windsor, Ontario Windsor, Jan. 18.—Windsor's latest clairri to fame is that of having as a citizen a direct blood descendant of William Shakespeare, England's fore.• nnogtauthor and' playwhight, in the Most Famed German The German newspapers are engag- ing in a warm _controversy over the question whether Dr. Hugo Eckener, 'who flew the dirigible ZR -3 across the Atlantic, or Anton Flettner, the in- ventor of the "saillese ship," is en- titled to rank as the most celebrated German of 1924, says a Berlin de- spatch. Eckener, however, seems to have more supporters than eche man who built the rotor ship. Elettner's vessel is regarded: as still•being more or less in the trial stage, while Ecken- er's achievembent ' in landing the ZR -3 safely in the United States was a definite accomplishment. Professor Miethe, who is said to it have succeeded in concerting bare metal into gold, also is being men- tioned as a candidate. Dr. Hjahnar Schacht, president of the Reichsbank, who stabilized German currency, is. facetiously alluded to as the elan who really has been much troy,: of a mir- acle worker than 1VIieth.. Hosts to Prince Acquire ' Stonework . of Mansion After waiting for thirty years, James Abercrombie Burden, who placed his Long Island home at the disposalof the Prince of Wales dur- ing the Prince's American visit, has had the opportunity ofgratifying one of his greatest desires, says a London despatch. He has become the owner of the stonework from the two port- ers' 'lodges of Devonshire House— part of the coping and a set of urns and gateway posts, which guarded the manaion for many years. 'Postpone Bonspiel Owing . to Warn Weather in B.C. Nelson, B.C., ;Ian. 18. ---Warm wea- ther`and rains are reported as general over the oKotenay. The Crowsnest Pass bonspiel, fixed to open Monday, has been postponed at Fernie, the rink being under water.' Calgary, Jan. 18.—Calgary at the present time is enjoying exceptionally, warn weather, being almost summer- like compared with the same time last year, examination of Federal weather records.to-night revealed. - The •temperature at 10 o'clock to- night was 44, degrees above zero. At the same hoar on the same day last year it was 25 degrees below zero. ,01112. PREPARING TO PHOTOGRAPH AND MAKE SCIENT IFIC OBSERVATIONS OF THE ECLIPSE OF THE SUN CET•TING, READY TO "SHOOT" THE ECLIPSE OF THE SUN 'AT LONG'S CORNERS. - Scientists are now busy making preparations at Long's Corners, - on the I'Iagiiltdn- mountain ,.to •,ob-' serve.'the eclipse of the -sun on Saturday morning, Jan. 24. The above pictures; show at the left, Prof, C. A. Giant and Prof. R. K. Young, of the department of astronomy, University of Toronto, at •the end of the forty five foot teloseopo. At the top 'right Is Long's Corners, near Ryniel, four miles south et. Hamilton, • whore the scientific observations will ne made. Below fsseen the shelter for the scientific instruments and: the Reusing for the big telescope. • Dr. W. A. Riddell Represents Canada at Opium Conference ar A despatch front Ottawa says: -•1)r. W. A. Riddell, Canadian reprclsenta-. Live. at the League of Nations, has been appointed to succeed Hon, Dr. Boland, Minister of Health, 'as Can- adian delegate to the International Opium Conference at Geneva. Dr. • Behind has been obliged to• return to Canada for his.parlianrentary duties. He sailed on the 14th. The conference resumed; its sitting on the 19th inst. Dr. W. A. Riddell was fornseely Deputy Minister of Labor for Ontario. Ile was recently . appointed resident representative of Canada at the. League of Nations. Hundred Persons and ' Thousands of Cattle Perish A despatch' from Georgia, says:—One hundred pe -soca and thou- sands of 'cattle have brt;i-1t-nen to death during the unur.eedeptcy geld • weather, ,new pie of Ing th,reuplietit th4 tTaucas_us In z P,o( Da ns worn-: herds and farmers ,wim went- to the fields -to tend their sheeu or cattle were . found frozen with their sigeke. _ In the''Aie,xandrnpa. disti•ct 6r - Armenia., wiier•e Amrtitcvts of the Near Valt.Relief 'are (arf.to; for thou sands of (0li'ans, the rhe i ino,nefer; registers 82 degrees ,e, _ .•.0n). - He Knocked ::thc Trier -:_Flat.. Little Toni and bis t tlbor.tvere call- lag on a biegartie Linter,' Toni had been, put en the flol.i, a'play, with , a tiger -skin rug. Ha interrupted his :elders' conversation with; so many questions that finally the minter took him 'on his lap and told .about .the tiger hunt. Tom returned to the rug, exam- feed it ,with renewed.interestand then inquired'. "How did' you shoot is so