HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-01-22, Page 5'THURSDAY, JANUARY.22, 1925. Pork and Beans is an appetizing dish, even for those who are not hungry. There is one essential, however, in making an ideal dish of it. The pork must give it the right flavor and we pride - ourselves that we know how to supply just the right cut for the purpose. Try it once. You'll want it often, D..II. STEWART Main Street Seaforth, PHONE 58, wld 1 li� S'rF ATFORO. Ol'll'.' WINTER TERM from Jan. 5th Commercial life offers great- er opportunities than does any other calling. Central graduates secure good positions. We re- ceive more calls for trained help than we have students graduate. Write the college at once and get its free catalogue. It may interest you, D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal. seWaseseseintalsoattalotallasot Grain, Salt; Flour and Iced' FLOUR.—Best Pastry and ,Baking Brands. FEEDS.—Bran, Shorts, White Mid- dlings, Ground Screenings, Oil Meal, and Tankage. CATTLE SALT. -100 lb. Bags, DAIRY SALT. -25 lb. and 50 Ib bags POULTRY FEEDS.—Wheat, Buck wheat, Oats, Scratch Feed, Meat Scrap, Laying Mash, Oyster Shell, 'Grit and Poultry Charcoal. Highest Market' Price Paid for , Wheat, Barley and Oats W. `Vi. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth lineteltECM W, ,lit Walker 80 Son UNDERTAKING EMBALMING MotoroorHorse Equipment. ,Mot r quipmenu W. j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CHURNR WANTE A Keep the wheels of Industry running in your own community. Send or deliver your cream to us and receive the utmost re- turns.. This is your Creamery, , Your satisfaction means our success. Highest prices paid for good cream, consistent with accurate and careful weighing and testing. Cash paid for cream to all patrons wishing same. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. Or, D. H3 McInnes chiropractor Of Wingharn, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Oranges At all prices to meet your needs 40, 50 and 75c MIXED NUTS 2Q 4a , Per lb, ., , , , SHELLED ALMONDS® c Per lb. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS 4+5c in the shell, per lb. '0r FRESH OYSTERS HEAD LETTUCE. 'CELERY CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES 1". 0 PniuIps Seaforth Phone '63 t= lr;ti Ir BRUCEFIELD. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held Wednesday, Jan. lath with Mrs. Zapfe inthe chair. The 'opening prayer was taken by Mrs. Wm. Dow. Three letters of appreci- ation were read. Mrs. Win. Douglass, literature secretary, read a letter she had received from British Columbia thanking the Society for the Presby- terian Record and Northern Mes- sengers which they had received, and that when they read them they pass- ed 'them. on to others, Mrs. J. Ad- dison read a letter. from Birtle In- dian school thanking our Atssiliary for the box of clothing sent last summer. Mrs. Jas. McQueen read a letter from Miss M. A. Yeigh, head resident dI St. Christopher house, Bellevue Place, Toronto, thanking the Society for their gifts at Christmas. Miss Yeigh said there was nothing they liked to find in the parcels more -than stockings, mittens end .under- wear. The treasurer's report was very encouraging. Tile offerings for the year amounted to $352.08; 152 over the allocation. which was given to the Diamond jubilee fund. The' meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. C. Haugh, president. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Tomlinson, who has been 'spending the last few.weeks visiting friends Weston ; returned' home last week, The votingan',cherch Union ',closed Wednesday, Jan. 14th. . 261 members .voted -177 fqr union and SI against it, with 'three spoiled .ballots; a ma- jority of 96 for entering the United chtrch The Public Library is new open for,;the giving out of books to mern- bers. Tickets for"nitmbership are 50 cents or 'two •for 75 cents to one favi- i'ly for one year. There are a' lot of good books in the library $hat .*re Well worth reading.. The .Directors hone it wilt be -Well patronizedby the community. Tickets 'can be purchas- ed from Scott's store or from the librarian, Mrs. J. Cornish. The li- brary will be open Tuesday' and Fri- day afternoons and evenings, '�/ n s n ' -at 't nr is ,s rhe surer hand. under - Mine the vitality of children Stretig tliet them by using Mother Gratf<es' W rkzt„ • xternttnttalaztb 'ar"ire` ''"bu t tlie; ;casifes. {ill.e.11/1�..�lllt��!YIIa,I�..xUlle Town ropics n,sn n.�ms�.uu�..ur•�.r.w..e•. Mrs.:McTavish, of Acton, is 'visit- ing her sister, Mrs. A. Park, Mr. Charles Routledge is recover - big from his recent illness. Rev. R., J. Irwin, of Lawttview Methodist church, Toronto, and nephew of Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Methodist church at the 'morning and evening services on Sunday and gave two able • sermons. Mrs. T. Elder is visiting her moth- er inHensall, Mrs. U. D, Clark and little son Ian, who have been guests at -the home of her parents, Mr. end Mrs. j... C. Greig, returned on Thursday to her home in Toronto, Miss Helen Swan, of Hensel(, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T. G. S'hillinglaw. Mrs. Thomas McQuade, who has been' spending two months with her daughter, Mrs (Dr.) Mulligan at Grand Forks, N,D„ returned home last Wednesday. Mrs. Andrew. Archibald left on Fri- day to spend a few days in Toronto. Rev, R. Fulton Irwin preached in Toronto on Sunday, Eleanor M. Evans entertained a number of her young friends at a skating party -on Saturday last in honor of her 10th birthday. Mr, George Clark, Varna, was a visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Evans, on Tuesday, Mrs. (Dr.) Briggs, and daughter, Elizabeth, of Cleveland, are guests at the home ,of Mrs. Briggs' mother, MIs A. McDermid, Goderich street. Mr. G. E. Henderson is suffering from -a slight attack of paralysis, Mr. Wm. McDougall, of E mond- ville, celebrated his ninetieth. 'birth- day last Sunday. His many friends extend congratulations. Mrs. McLeod, who has been visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. IV. E. South- gate, left on Monday to visit friends in London. Miss McLennan, who has been spending the past week at her broth- er's, roth-eI s, Mr. A. A. McLemiart, has re- turned to London. Mrs. Elliott, Mitchell, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Robb. Mrs. (Rev.) T, H. Brown left on Tuesday „to attend the Ontario Red Cross convention in Toronto, as dele ate from the local branch, While playing with the Hagers- ville team at Tillsonburg, in the last minute of a hockey match, Mr. Percy Hoag was tripped and fell on his right shoulder, dislocating it, Ills many friendg hope for a speedy re- covery. The Rebekahs are holding a euchre in the. G.W,V.A. rooms on Tuesday evening, Jan, 27th, Miss Julian Kinney, front Dublin, is visiting her sister, Mrs, C.Eckert. Mrs. Kay, of Stratford, was a visit- or at the home of Mrs. J. H. Broad - foot Mr C, A. Barber was in Toronto on business on Monday. Mr; Jos, Eckert, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. %V, R. Plant was a Toronto visitor, Mr. Gordon Carnelian is attending the Stratford Business College, Miss Alice Carbett, of Guelph, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. J. Rankin, Mrs. T. G. Scott, Mrs. W. A. Crich, Miss L. Freeman and Miss A. Stewart were( in Gode- rich assisting at the installation of officers of theiRebekahs. Mrs. Louis Brall and little daugh- ter and Miss Monica Eckert left on Saturday for Detroit. Mr. Walter Scott was a Goderich visitor, YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE. On Tuesday evening the Citizenship department had charge of the Lea- gue. The chair was occupied by Miss Gladys McPhee, the newly -appointed third 'vice-president. The topic for the evening "The Child as a Future Citizen," was very ably 'taken by Capt. A. Bunton, of the Salvation Army. A solo by Miss Ile is Johnson and a 7 piano selection by Miss Anna Hanna provided very pleasing musical acldl- tions to the programme. Next Tuesday evening will be "Au Evening with the New Testament" A very interesting programme is be- ing arranged by the Literary depart- ment. ST. COLUMBAN. Miss Agnes Downey, of London, is a visitor at the• home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Downey, of St. Columbati, Miss Ileen Mulligan, of Logan, was a week -end visitor •at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flannery, St. Columbaft, Mr. J. J, Holland was in Chatham this week acting as auditor of the Murray Stock Food Company, Limit- ed; whose head office has been moved from Dublin Ito Chathem. Mrs. 'John Flynn, of Dublin, spent the . week -end at the home of her sister,' Mir. and Mrs. James F. Carlin,. Miss ,Emily Downey, of _Stratford' visited' river Sunday at the home of leer father,. Mr.:. M. Downey, St. Goa - umbar. Miss Margaret Brown, Kinlcora, was a 'Week -end visitor' at the nosne of Mr. and Mrs.- P. McGrath, St, Co lv.m ban. CONSTANCE. '' Some people are 'busy rstnoking glasses, through which they hope to. view the eclipse ou baauroay morning, when the sun will hide Its head. Mrs. Thos., Pollard ' is at .Clinton nursing her mother,who is very illy, Mr. Robert Beattie had a very suc- cessful wood bee this week. Quite a few fromMilburn attended. Mi, Jos. Mann, of Clinton, `spent Sunday the home of Mr.Cha s, Riley. Y at-om Don't 'forget the big play that will. "lie hilt in+ the Methodist chufah. hagak !teal month on. Feb. 19th entitled "Wives to Burn." THE SEAFORTH NEWS w SPECIAL. OPTICAL OFFER. High-grade :gold-filled spectacles and eyeglasses with best flat spheri- cal lenses for 'only $4,00. All other style of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh - son, .formerly optical .expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan & 'Co., Montreal. The best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices. Monday arid Tues- day, )an'y, 26-27. Come early, Beat. tie's Fah-, Seaforth. WALTON. The; shareholders 'of the A. 0. U. W. hall held a very successful box social on Friday evening, Jan, 16th, in 'Walton, There was a large crowd present as the weather -was ideal, and a good musical prograntnte was sup- plied which was enjoyed by all. Then lunch was served, The ladies brought fancy boxes and the gentlemen had well filled` purses and so the auction- eer had no trouble to get ready sale and it all went with quite a swing. Proceeds amounted to fifty-five dol- lars, which will cover 'the expense of the Hydro lights and fixtures which have been installed recently and are quite an improvement. - Quite a number of people tin our burgand locality are suffering from severe colds quite akin to the old fashioned grippe or "Au," caused by the severe told weather this winter,' Extra precaution and prevention should be exercised to guard against the malady, Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve, of North Dakota, have been visiting friends in McKillop and Leadbury district during the past week. They purpose returning to the West again in the near future. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Storey from the West, who have been visiting Mr. John Rhin and family, Leadbury, the. latter's parental home, during the month, returned on Tuesday of this week, Mr Thos. Hackwell is at present visiting his brothel., Dr,. D. M. Hack - well, of Holland, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Radford, accompan- ied by Messrs, Ashton, have returned after spending -the holidays at the parental home at Gerrie. Miss Marjorie Reid and Miss Olive Bolger are attending Normal school at Stratford starting at the New Year term. Richard Drager, son of Mrs. C. Drager,, an employee in 'the Antent factory, had the misfortnue to lose three fingers off his left hand last week while operating a punching ma- chine. He was brought to his home in Walton. A resident east of the village was fined $500 for interfering with parcels left at a rural mail box. The many friends of Mrs. Isaac Bolton will be pleasedto hear she- is improving after her recent serious sickness of neuritis at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Humphries. The many friends of Mrs. Roy Ben- nett will be pleased to hear she is convalescent after a slight operation which was performed this week. The many friends of Mrs. Will Thamer are sorry to know that she is laid tip with a severe cold. • ROXBORO. The rural mail couriers have had very heavy roads this winter so far. Probably our January thaw will be making a welcome call. The many friends of Mrs. John McMillan are pleased to hear that she is improving slowly after a severe attack of the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. James Aitcheson, Jr., baby' girl is very much unproved afe ter a severe illness the past week. Mr. Faster Fowler has engaged the Hart boys to cut his supply of wood. Rub it in for Lame Back1: brHik rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will relieve lame back, The skin will immediately absorb' the oil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be con- vinced. As the liniment sinks in, the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying that it is an excel- -lent article. I4A•i2LOCK, Mr. Herbert Toll, who is home from the West and has been 'spend- ing a few weeks with friends in Grey, has returned to his home here. Friends and acquaintances, in the vicinity are pleased to hear that Miss Vina and Mr. Audrey 'Knox are around again after their illness of scarlet fever. 'Mr. Wesley Beacom has returned from visiting friends in Clinton. Friends and acquaintances were sorry to hear -of, the death 'of Mrs. Staples on the 10th concession if Hiillett, Mr. Howard Beacom has returned home after spending a few weeks with relatives in Grey. ' Miss Ferguson, of Walton, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen: A few of the young people from this vicinity attended the Olde Tyme Dance in Blyth on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen and Miss D. Staples put on the music, Miss Thelma Dale, of Constance, spent the week -end with Miss Janet McVittie, Cause of Asthma. No one can say with certainly exactly what causes the establishing of asthmatic condi- tions. Dust from the street, from flowers, from grain and various other irritants may set up a trouble im- possible to erradicate except through a sure preparation such as Dr. 5. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Un- certainty may exist as to the cause, but there oan be no uncertainty re- garding a remedy which has freed a generation of asthmatic victims from this scourge of the bronchial tubes. It is sold everywhere, i THE RADIO SHOP TEI1 } x10 Think of What Is Back of It Whether it is tone quality, distance, selectivity, or volume.• you want in the radio you buy, you will find it in the highest degree in our line of AT- WATER KENT equipment. There is an Atwater Kent instrument: -- receiving set or loud speaker ata size and price to suit yqur preference. To fully appreciate the real beauty and splendid workman- ship of these instruments, you must actually examine them. Come in today and see the real value you can get in ' AT - WATER KENT Radio Receiv- ing Sets and Loud Speakers. DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH THE SEAFORTH RED CROSS SOCIETY cordially invites you to An -Old Times Dance Carthl+!s + Friday, Opera Hall t January 30th IN AID OF THE NATIONAL IN STITUTE FOR THE BLIND. Dancing commences at eight. thirty. MUSICIANS. • Miss Edith Hunt, Mrs. J. D. O'Connell, Mrs. G. T. Scott. Messrs. P. M. Chesney, H, M. Chesney, J. F. Daly, Henry Forsyth,. Abe Forsyth, Herbert Fowler,' Joseph Hogg Sr Adrian Hogg, Joseph Hogg Jr., Jack Innis,' Earl VanEgni nd. FLOOR MANAGERS. Harry Charters. Peter Cameron. Chas. Doitnage. Ed. Rowland. . BASKET LUNH—CBririg your',eats and sups. Put your name on your basket or box and check it. Coffee suppled at the hall. Admi'saion :$1,00.' Everybody, Welcome. THE SEAFORTH RED CROSS SOCIETY - Mrs. F. H'olmested, Mrs. Jas. G. Mullen, Mrs, L, T.-DeLacey, Presidettt. Treasurer. Secretary. Managing,-Committee—Jas. G. Mullen, L. T. Del.a'ey, A, D. Sutherland, Articles made by the blind are now on display and for sale Scott'sa'Bod1F9fbre,' ' PAGE FIVE: W°'�✓�1MweRY+✓ Electricill Supplies I have placed a full line of Electrical Equipment at the most < reasonable prices. I solicit a call. i BOUDOIR •LAMPS, regular $6.00 : , , .. $4.25 to $°1`.?5 BOBETTE HAIR CURLERS, regular $2,50 ....... . . ... , :$2,00 { STAR -RITE CURLERS IMMERSION HEATERS ... $8.50 HEATING PADS $8.50 PORTABLE E H T A ERS L D $1.5 HOT PLATES ..... ............$5.00, $7.00 to $11.75 TOASTERS ,,.$$.00 to $7.00 IRONS $3,50, $3.7S to $6.50 330 Every Electrical Article bought from me is absolutely GUARANTEED. ELECTRIC FIXTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS These articles are on display at the BRODERICK LEATHER GOODS STORE crick Electrical Supplies Ilydro Lamps are built to a standard --• Not to a price. There can be no second grade Hydro Lamps at a lower price. HYDRO LAMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydro Lamps before being passed by our experts and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life, No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall \\ Thin ' label is your guaran- tee .fir l - lues of tits* quality. 4 Op POWER cOnsseo Or17p.. Zook for it. Ask for it, on the romps you buy. BEN=141JR' The Suecial Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial, Also. Ground Screenings chop of Ail Kinds C. G. Thomson GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Your Auto Needs It will not be long until you will think about your car. What about Your Storage Battery Better bringit in and have it tested andcharged: itmight might need some repairs. Have you noticed( the increase in sales of the New Good Maxwell and Chrysler Cars? • egier's Garage ie 167vv.