HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-01-22, Page 4FOUR.
ifigE :n lEA 01 TEETH
F. SNOWDON,'.Proprietor,
Now that you have all the parts
ready' for your four -Moshe set, we will
begin to assemble it. One conden-
ser and radio frequency transformer
is connected as follows: one, side of
the primary to the antennae The
same side of the ,secondary to the
stationary plates of the variable con-
denser anti to the grid post on the
first socket, The other side of the
primary is connected to the ground.
The remaining secondary terminal is
connected to the rotary plates of the
variable condenser, and the negative
terminal of the A battery, The 'neg-
ative tertiiinal of the A battery is
connected to the negative post on
each socket, The A battery positive
• terminal is connected to one 'termin-
al of each of the rheostats. The oth-
er terminal of each rheostat is con-
nected with the positive terminal on
the socket, The positive terminals
on the last two sockets are joined to-
gether as the ,one rheostat' controls
them. One side of the 'primary of
'the second R. F. coil is connected
to the plate of the first or R.F. tube.
The same side, of the secondary is
connected to the stationary plates of
the variable condenser and to one
terminal of the grid leak. The other
grid leak terminal is connected 'to the
grid of the second socket. The other
primary terminal is connected to the
binding post which is to be used for
the connection :to the B positive
radio frequency tube.
The remaining secondary connec-
tion "noes to the rotary plates of the
variable condenser and to the F posi-
tive side of the detector rheostat.
The plate terminal of the detector
tube goes to the primary terminal of
the first A.F. transformer marked,
plate, or P, or Pl. the other termin-
al of the primary s connected to the
it 22;r volt binding g post. The rest
of.the- tiro -stage amplifier is con-
nected in the usual manner.
Here are a few hints which will
help the builder get good results. The
R.F. transformers should be mount-
ed at right angles to each other and
the A.F. transformers kept' as far
away as possible to prevent audio
frequency feed -back into the radio
frequency tubes, whieh cause; howl -
Retires at Vancouver.
Tltc following item from the West-
ern Methodist . Recorder, refers to a
brother of Mr. Win. Black, M.P., of
Tuckersnlitll, who was educated at
the Roxboro school about forty years
ago while Mr. Duff was teacher, and
will be remembered 'by the boys of
that time. At the age of 21 yeras
. he went to St. Thomas and later to
St. Catharines, In 1881 he went to
the West at a time when the rail-
way ran no further than Brandon.
"Mr. James Black, one of the best-
known Methodist laymen in Van-
couver, was lately honored by the
umbia Di, trict ofr, on this he �retiirement
front the Company's service under
the age -limit rule. He was presented
by his own staff with a costly walk-
ing cane and by the officers of the
watch, Company 1caratat acasetandt17hjeweled
works which bore the monogram
J•B.' on the back, and was engraved
inside, with the words 'Presented to
James Black by the 'officers of the
Canadian Pacific Railway Co. at Van-
couver. B.C., on the occasion of his
retirement from the service, Septem-
ber 30th, 1924,' The presentation
was made on behalf of the officers
• by Mr, F. W. Peters, General Super-
intendent of the Company for the
,British Columbia District, who paid
a high tribute to Mr. Black, saying in
part, 'The British Columbia District
of the Canadian Pacific is noted for
the spirit of harmony which prevails
among the officers and employees of
the company and their whole -hearted
co-operation in all the work. The
team play has been fine and no officer
had resultpne nore to
than Mr. Black, who bring a retires
from the service with the good
wishes of all who have been associat-
ed with him these many years.' Mr.
Black entered the C. P. R. service at
Winnipeg in October, 1881. Hesub-
sequently left it for a short time and
took up a homestead in Saskatche-
wan, but returned to the Company
again in 1889 and has been in the
service continually ever since. He
had attained the responsibleosf i
of Freight Claims Agent. Mr. Black
is greatly honored in Methodist cir-
cles and has occupied many official
positions in the church."
The Y,P.S. held their weekly meet-
ing iii the Egnioudyille Presbyterian
church on Monday evening. The
chair was occupied by the new presi-
dent, Gordon Carnochad, Miss Vera
Hudson read the Scripture lesson and
Mr. W. Eyre engagedin prayer. The
topic, ap c, Religious Education in the
was taken I l
y Dr. Ross
age. Rev. W. D. McDonald and
Miss Lancing took part in the dis-
cussion. During intermission a flower
contest was held, after which Miss
Pearl''Carnochan and Miss Elizabeth;
readingof the the duet,
by dM ss
Billie Chesney.' The meeting closed
with the usual, hymn and prayer.
The many friends of Mrs. August
Ceureman are sorry to learn that, she
is still in a precarious condition,
..,Quite a number of stockholders of
the,McRillop, Logan B. Hibbert Tele-
phone Co. from here, attended the
annual meeting at the head office in
Dublin, ott the 21st inst.
Quite a nmither of young people
nt here have crossed ssed,th
seek their fortunes in der to
Uncle Sam's
&detains, and while looking over the
t umber of immigrants arriving here
ring.Ithe past year we find that
twice the number, of our young people
have left to make room for the few
Ts the imrnigratio j system helping,to
Populate our country? Y:r.
How Many Objects iii 'his Pk;t re Mart With the Letter "P94 ?
The above picture contatesa number or object, hsgtmYag with the letter "i Just tape a good
look at the pletere—there are all sorts, of things that begin rvltlt the letter "P" --"Puppy", "pumpkin",
"paddle", "purse'', etc. Nothing Is hidden; you dont have to turn time picture upside thorn. Rialto,
a list of all: the objects In the picture the names of wha'll begin with the letter "1"'.. Have the whole
family join in—see who situ find the most. Don't miss any. Fifty cashprizes will be awarded for
the fifty beat Mats of worths submittal. The. answer having the largest and nearest Ported list of
visible objects shown In the picture starting with the letter "P" wail be awarded first prize; tect'ond
best, second prize, ata,
Young and Otd,Join in the Fun
The, Mail and Empire announces to -day
another puzzle game In which an can partici-
pate—from the tlnle,se child to grandfather and
grandmother. No object Is so small but that
the poorest eyesight can see It. It is a test of
skill. Your ability to find "1"" words doter -
mines the prize you win. Right after supper
this evening, gather all the montbers of your
family together; give each of them a pencil
and Sheet or paper—and see who can find' the
most "P -Words'. You will be surprised tel -
find how large a list. of words you can get
with a few minutes' study. Sit acorn NOW
and try It—Then, send in your list and try for
the big prizes.
Observe These Rules
1. Any mut, women or cling who lives in Canada,
and bi not a resident' of Toronto, and who Is not In
the employ of The Mull and Empire. or a member
of Itfr emplose's family, may submit au answer.
Ph All answers mast be willed by N'abrmery ltd,,
IMO, and addressed to C', A, Montgomery. t'ileeie
14amager. Atoll toad Empire,
5. All lists of nurse should be wrltteu on elle side
et the paperonly, and "nmbered eoneeentirery 1., u,
5, ata Write your full name nail address le the up.
per right baud renter. If you desire to will,, euey-
thing else, Coe it separate sheet,
4. Only such words as sepeor in the 'Owlish Die -
Delany will be counted. Do not use obsolete w'erds.
Where the plural Is used, the singelar cannot he
counted; and vice vena.
5. Words of Ohs Caine spelling sun be tori only
*me, even though used to designate different objects
or entitles, or parts M objects or art{Iles Cu,
object or ornate Can be named only nurr.
5. Do not use hyphenated or eourpnnnd words, or
any words formed by the conabltmth a of two or mitre
complete words, where each word is Itself is on
1. The amswer having the 'extreme and neaareat op,
reed list of mince of risible Objects andnrtlrire
shown In the picture that begin with the letter "P"
jrl4 bo awarded First Prize, etc, Neatness, wiyie or
handwriting have no bearing upsl deriding the win-
o 8. Any number of people may en -operate In anewer-
ung the Pestle, but only on prise will be awarded to
any one household: any
nor will prix be awarded to
than one of any group' whereloo or + e r Imre
been working together.
0. tine event of
tie for any priceoffered. the
inn amount 0( such prize will be 'merited le:nob
fled .nSmnbsc ript.
1V. Subscriptions .s (berh new and it lit
f',, payable
$ alv per
at $5.00 per year rr mail In Cnnoda ii,
w willlper. year delivered.Ifw ye carrier boy to lel ' mu,
,o be accepted. How it to In mlii' yfng for t
must be sent I,., iia. of least our new wabcu rt n
it. A view sabxcrlber is anyone a alit int,. Ind bw•n
revolving The .\Toll and Bemire slime ,/nntinri 151i,
13. Ail answers will revolve the some rif00 11.00.1101.
rromganllesi of whether or not: a ubs1r1pfion 10 the
)doll mid' Ennpire 19 sent' In.
13. All new subscriptions will be WLMflrll - veri-
fied by the Pinola Aianager. Gmdiduteo marking old
sulseorlptions asnew will pooltivlly forfeit the credit
C such anbaeriptione no 11001(7/11Wor
g fe rte Maximal.Bons Rewards.
14. Three prominent' Toronto citizens, hu beg on
ponneotlon with The Mall and DmPire, will b, e•'
l•t as judges decide the nett nod
voted to al. !. g x fu e e
leftwardby sendingIli their agree c
hedecision f judges
u e isCl,,,')and a' e
15. The jnden will mace on tebru18th, owl
wnt of ib Pries win al and cermet.I's;
of w• ords wilt t published In The Mali nod mpir a+
ahlokly,ihorNter as possible.
diXTi[A Oanori PtCTiittls euezt.l: iilu`N'r ?item ON
Winning Aoswere will reoelve the fifty cash
Prison a,m+rding to the table below :
Pelee It No Prise if One Prise if Two
Subscriptions Subscription Subscriptions
ore sent. is sem. aro sent,
st Prize
2nd Prise. , ,
3rd Prise. . ,
$35 $500
35 500
35 500
4th Prize.... 25 250
5th Prize.... 20 150
6th Prize... , 15 100
7th Prize ... 10 75
8th Prize. .. 8 50
9th Prize, . , , 6 30
10th Prize. .. 5 25
11th Prize. .. 4 20
12th Prize 3 15
13th to 20th
rises inclusive 2 ' 10 20
21st to' 50th
Prizes inclusive 1.50 7.50 15
In the event of a tic forany prise offered, the
full amount of ,mucin prize will be paid to each tied
There Are Three $1,000 Prizes
c,I, 1 l
Pieter. I11l! I
c Seine te A n i
1 n bin -
1'01180r s +
I e l I .Ill l i t ball and Empire. It conte moth•.
log . , t
,Py„ a 1l (N .del t not hila t n t In I xis a 01113
P1 , 1 I your list of P 11 rel Is bulges
edt Iwllhr Ir. r I THIRD Prise 1 the thee ra you
will will $ i it r l Ilice m shy
more thf I $bu wn
mnkn tic , illre," ): Weer 0 his eiy veer ran gin hl g'•,r
et pll s1 n. rn ,uUt or 'I'171' 0allorerlp4„ne to. The
M.111 :ff.)
1 i I t'. It ytritif 0110,or to the "P -wort 1I'ture'
1 a 100 '111.-T. eat 1`Flrltit Prise and
$..111 .r w , ups ration to !ho 1101 nal Tt pine,
HI oy
1. rive $5000. Instead Instead Poet .na delvetill;r fourth iet•)r pries,
t261; nidi Its hi.u, And su Minh. (nee srdmt cnlcotn of
I1,0,,es in {,l, ,J
Or, 0 your ',lustier wins Ilnr;'r, ViE'ONn or Tfitlill
Prize• and 11 hove nem. la two yearly subscriptions to The
Moll 10.1 f h pI e (One new and One renewal Or too nue smN--
n riptut vl
yoll yonwill reeelre 51.000 In pine of 3351 fourth wine.
+5100; fifth pre, blit,,. Aid en tm•tie. (See iiiird eolunm of
II:cures in prise Ilst.)
Dow Is tint 9iu' 11 rn ,,fits Dmf, TOOK. there e e three
$11 ,1101) prIe n. •I'larrerere. it sol stolid t tltST Sim C(N.l) or
.rwoo, I) oft
I t I ve h nr
r n s< 1 rth.n $5.00
1 s al'.a
I a h h nail h',,,', 1 I i
a y e e 1 +yvenderhbo I ttemh-
Io (oar u and one e ,s, on , nc $) YOU •Ill rt I $1 000.
11 tri but 1, n yearly s lbs Ile.)
I x ti $8.00 r yen, e cosh' ,000
• i re.and..I renew.] , 15,0 r,eI toitimothy for the big li 4t,ith
m le of 1)As JI ,, t Hint la d e iia rant. You non tit_ tins with
IIto, aft ni Year n' -ii Lih r7plln tmnl','. , 55'n 0011 ill t:Le
hl, req iA li . 41.'1 I a ru 1< to i da{ (fust Mark 1 3,1e
ile nt yon Stant t{Ie paper In tinct Add We will net cone.
•I"' ",r•1l 11""*. ,lined XIM
Subscription Rates --Payable in advance. THE MAILand'EMPJ}°e' riy tshere inCanada
RuralMail Route$5.00 Per Year. Delivered by Carrie,' Boy_ its Flamilton ci Lo don, $6 'Per Year
Rt-raI. 'Phis on'er applies to it urn! Route 1.111puns.. tea Weil ts. IL Ii' tiers; til: tit' In eitl eo
I� t� and tawne.- If you are mieatiY ret trtnt; rim. hail lirul Lutpire, your subscription
I au0 acribersk will be extended front its p •eeent exph'n.Ll on Solid in a yee.ety subset-djition ut
$5.3e +'t ltd qualify for Cho hie t,rizee.
t;. �. lldontgomet'y'
ffhasglo blatta6fea,
Dept, t.
The following •is a partial' list 'of Prize Winners in our recent contests.
Mrs. Angus Campbell, Forest, Ont, $1,000; Mrs. Joe. Doyle, Marmara, Ont,, $1,000; Mrs.
Thos. Pattimore, Athens, Out., $1,000; Mrs, (Rev,) Theo, A, Iseler Williamsburg, Ont. $500; Mrs.
Emma Moore, Chesley, Ont, $500; Clarence L. Merrick, Alliston Ont,, $300; Miss Grace Webb,
Granton, 'Out., $250; Mrs. Herb, Bumstead, Meaford, Ont., $150 Mrs. Wm. Yates, Sarnia,' Ont,,
$100; C. H. Cascaden, Oil City, $60; David Watsbn, Cayuga, Ont„ $60; Miss Daisy M. • •Rupert,>
Kingsville, Ont:,' $50; Mrs. A. E. Sims, Sarnia, Ont„ $30;' Miss M. McGillewee, Gadshill;' Ont„
$20; Mrs. Francis 'Graves, Dresden, Ont., $15'' Miss D. McDonald, (Sarnia, Ont., $15;. Mrs;' -R. S.
Murphy, Ve'alleercille, Ont„ 015;G;.H; Berkeley, St. Catharines, Ont.,. $15; 'B. G. Coutts; St.
• Catharines, Ont., els.
We have actually given away a total of over Seven Thousand dollars in prizes.
Seaforth Monument Works
Here's a monument that tilt
once appeals hhli
classic beauty,to tIt'insosewpireso reke-
spect and admiration for its
simple good taste and enduring
quality. This is but one of
many designs which we should
like to show you. • You'll surely
find' something front our great
variety of designs to appeal to
you. Prices quoted on special
designs sketched to order.
e fin.stt
The safety of your deposit in the
The Province of Ontario Savings Office
Is Guaranteed by
The Ontario Government
Interest paid on all accounts
Seaforth Branch
J. M. McMillan, Manager
14 Other Branches .
Orph :. ns of the Stor
D.W. Griffith's mammoth 12 reel spectacle
adapted from The Two Orphans
and featuring
DR. IL HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England, Special
attention to diseasesof the eye, ear,
nose land throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106
DR: F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth,
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east ,of the Methodist church, Cor-
oner for the County. of Huron. Tele-
phone No. 40.
DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduade of, Trinity "Univers-
ity and gold medallist , of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER.—Eye Ear,
Nose and Throat., Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, 1tfoorefield'a'
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London. England. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaf a r th .
third Monday in each month,
from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m: 53 Waterlog
street south, Stratford. Phone 267,
General Fire, Life,
Accident 84 Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Ritual Fire Insurance Co.
Janes Connolly, Goderich; Alex:
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec. -Treasurer,
Wrn. .Rion, No, 2, Seaforth; Jobe
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M, McEwen, Clinton;
James Conolly, God5rich ; ;Ales:
Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefietd.
Alex, Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E.
Hiitchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. . V. Yeo,
Holmesvillc; R. G. Jarmouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors:
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other lushness will be
promptly attended lo by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
f. and Dorothy Gish I
A wistful girl's timid smile purring through the tumultous events
of the "Reign. of Terror." The rise of an outraged people against an
outrageous aristocracy that brought down a great monarchy from
the ruins of which the great republic was born.
A smashing, crashing drama of tremendous
climaxes as conceived by the man that made
The Birth of a Nation
Matinees Every Day
Thurs. and Fri, 11:15; Sat. 3 p.m.
Matinee, 10c and 15c.
D),l't Throw -
Your Old
Carpets Tway
They males new raver-
Ib1e "Velvetey"Rugs.
send for Veivofes Folder 9
Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh
phone 178, Seaforth.
. I
Dr. W. R. Nimmo
o.e., Sp. C.
Chiropractic r
Pena '"s
Spinal, Nervous and Chronic
Diseases treated successfully, by
the latest methods of natural
therapeutics, spinal adjustment, and
corrective dietetics, etc.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturtn.
10to12a.m. 2 to 5
P 74a
Saturday -_10 to 12 a.m. 7 to 9 p.m,
Sundays by Appointment.
for this week
I NEW DOMINION, WALNUT, CASE, Guaranteed for 10 years.
Regular•price $575:00.
SALE PRICE . � � � 0 / a7;
Your old piano or organ taken at highest market puce and
terms arranged to suit you, ,
Also a 4 -tube Radio complete. A real instrument .1,4411' 1
week's free .trial.
Phone or come for demonstration,
I give you the best value in Canada on musical instruments,
Jonathan E. Hugill
P.S,—Agent for the latest Radio Outfits,
At 7' berhart's -Drug Store
will Prevent Ulcerated Throat,—
At the first syflsptons of sore throat,
which •presages Fuicertion and inflaM:.
oration, 'take a Spoonful of Dr.
Thomas' Eclectrll; Oil.; Add a' little
sugar to it to make it ,palatable 14
will allay the, irritation and pnef'e't9 '11yee
tilts ulceration arid swelling that ate
ltfui Rsvho weregieriodi-
,pallysopai'su'bjechtcise quinsy have t'hus
made themselves immune to attack, •