HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1925-01-15, Page 8PAGE EMil
I N;:
l 4 t.iWS.
Mr, A. W. Anderton, of London
iq town,Monday on business,
Mr. \Viii, Horton, of 1Jetreit,
iti:ig for
a few days •
b:, s at his tom
The :IV.M,S, and Ladies' Aid meet -
tag - held at the home of Mrs. J Olin
Grieve last Wednesday' afternoon,
s I January 7c1t- was well attended. The
emeeting opened d vith singing Hymnnu
38. Mrs. C. Milieu presidd,
Scripture lesson was given—by Mrs.
H. Blanchard, followed by silent
prayer for missions at` home and
a abroad. Messenger prayer by Mrs.
H. Alexander„ The topic on "Wo-
men in India was given by Mrs. A.
Cuthill and was full of interest. The
annual day of prayer will be held in
March at the regular meeting, It
icas decided to continue the mite box
system for raising money for as ex-
pense fund, with.Mrs. H. Alexander
and Mrs. Rabt, Campbell as captains.
The meeting closed by repeating the
Lord's prayer in unison.
We' are sorry to hear that Mrs. S.
Ross, 'of Toronto, formerly of con
cessiin 9, McKillop, has been • so ser-
iously ill that she had to be taken to
the General hospital,'Toronto. At
*last accounts she was resting easier
and we hope she may 'continue to
The many friends of Mrs. Frank
Stockton, formerly Miss Tillie Mor-
rison, of Winthrop, youngest daugh-
ter of the late John C. Morrison, will
be sorry to hear that she met with
a very 'painful accident in Fullerton,
California. While walking on the
street she was knocked down by an
auto, and sustained a badly broken
leg and other injuries Which will con-
fine her to the hospital for some
months. We are sorry to hear of
accidents of this nature which are
becoming far too common in our
cities of Canada as 'well as in the
United States.
The annual school meeting of S.S.
No. 10 was held last week with a fair
attendance, Everything seemed quite
satisfactory: Mr. J. A. Montgomery
was elected trustee, as Mr, J. Shan-
non's term had expired and he
would not stand any longer, having
been trustee for a number of years,
The trustees for this year are Samuel
Pethick (chairman), Geo. McKee
(sec.-treas.), and 3, A. Montgomery.
The care taking is being looked af-
ter by Mr. Geo. Eaton.
The annual' meeting of Caven
church is being held this Thursday
afternoon. We hope for a good
turn -out.
Mr. Archie Campbell'left for
Cleveland last week to visit his sis-
Quite a number are laid up with a
severe cold that is going around and
acts like a slight "flu,"
.Mr. Clic.ord Selves, 'of Thorndale
visiting friends around Hensall,
Mr. moss istes,eau, of iii troit
ited aver the week-' pd with hi
tents and other relatives.
tiast.er' Roy i.amnne, who was
rine over New Year's, has returned
, Auburn, where he has a good
Mrs. H. Jackson is visiting this
eck with relatives in Clinton.
Mr. A. Whiteside was in Goderich
h Tnesday:on .business.
Mrs. A, Case visited in London on
Next Sunday evening the minister
ill speak on the subject, "Human
•sture' in the Methodist church.
The Young People's League of the
lethodist church held their annual
meting on Monday night the follow-
ig officers being elected: Presid-'
it, Miss Viola Higgins; 1st vice,
Liss G. Scarlett; 2nd vice, Miss
ladys Luker; 3rd vice, Miss Gretta
'assmore, 4th vies, Dr. Knapp; sec-
atary, Manley Jinks; treasurer, Alma
crutch; pianist, Nellie Boyle. The
ew executive will arrange a series
f meetings for 'the coming term. It
hoped these meetings will be help -
iii to all who attend.
The new Council met Monday at
noon for their first meeting and ad-
ourned till Tuesday evening, Jan,
0th for their first business meet -
The Board of Trade held their an-
mai meeting on Thursday evening,
:or the election of officers and other
Arsines,, It was decided to hold the
regular summer half holiday on
Wednesday instead of Thursday af-
ternoon. There was also some des-
nussion as to the sale of the skating
A vote is being taken this week in
the Presbyterian church on church
We understand that Mr. Bradshaw,
teller in the Molsons Bank here, has
resigned his position and will return
to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Brad-
shaw and family will be greatly miss -
cd in Hensall especially in the Angli-
can church where they were valued
We are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Richard Blatchford is lying at her
home seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zuefle and
little daughter, visited relatives in
Parkhill on Wednesday.
Death of Alfred McTaggart,—Hen-
sail was called on Saturday morning
to mourn the loss 'of one of its old-
est inhabitants in the person of Al-
fred McTaggart, aged 93 years, Mr.
McTaggart had been ailing for some
timewith pneumonia and passed
peacefully away on Saturday.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon to McTaggart's cemetery,
and was largely attended,
Mr. Aaron Switer, who has been
visiting 'friends in Hensall, returned
Saturday morning to Detroit.
Mr, John. T. Gairdner, who ha
been visiting his brother, Rev, Chas
Gairdner, Rochester; N.Y., returne
to the village last Wednesday.
The fishermen and others wh
store ice for summer use, were bus
last week putting it up. The quant
is excellent, much better than fo
several years, thus making the wor
much easier and more quickly done.
The Golf Club had another dan
last Friday evening when there wa
a fairly good attendance. Music wa
supplied by the Varna Orchestra.
There was a pretty good numoe
at the meeting of the Young People'
Society on Friday evening, Ther
was an interesting debate on the sub
ject "Resolved that men spend mor
time and money for pleasure tha
women." The affirmative was taken
by Miss Jean McKenzie and Mis
Margaret Campbell and the negative
by Donald McKenzie and John W,se
son, The judges, Mr. Bigelow, Mrs
Keyes and Miss Petty, decided in
favor of the negative. Games were
played and lunch served.
W r vas i v a received on Thursday
last week, of the deo h that m u n's
at her trine in Toledo,0.,: of Sarah
wife of Mr Andrew Sta'lcer, a'lo
some years atso lived on the Saws::
Line in the house now owned by
Mrs.A. P.rown. Mrs, Stalker wee a
sister of Mn, John Pollock, and of
the late Mrs. George Dewar. Their
many friends extend sincere sym-
pathy to Mr. Stalker and family..
Rev. A, Macfarlane was unable to
take his. services on Sunday, having
a severe cold. Mr. Colin 'Campbell
took his work very acceptably.
The annual meeting of` St. An-
drew's congregation was' held on.
Thursday evening of last week 'in
the basement of the church, • with a
fair attendance. The'chair was taken
by Mr. Fraser, in the absence of Mr.
Macfarlane, who was ill. Repre-
sentatives of all the organizations in
the congregation were present and
gave their reports, which for the
most part, were very encouraging, es-
pecially the Ladies' Aid Society,
which had increased its , income • by
:1120, and the' Mission Band which
had increased by nearly $30.. The giv-
in.gs of the Women's Missionary Soca
were also larger, while the finances
of. the other organizations were also
in fair shape, a total of about $2,450
being raised, The officers were all
The January meeting of the W. M.
S. was held on Thursday -afternoon
if last week at the home: of Mrs.
Campbell, with eleven members Pres-
mt. also a visitor. The Society's book
"or steal, in In75, will be the "Plant-
ing of the Faith" and the first 'chan-
er was read by Mrs. Wm. Reid. It
3 f'nm the pen of Dr. 2vfaraaret Mc-
'cellar, one of the missionaries of the
church in India and is a very rne-
dncinr• and statesman-like desrrip-
'ion of affairs, political, social. and re-
iRr,ni,s in- that country. As. Dr. Me-
near [neat her girlhood in Pnr'l�
Out, her career is of esnrrtal
interest to Western Ontario' peoute,
he members were •pleased to hear
'-nm the treasurer that the gaiety's
•Ilottn-nt for the year of VA hat
`peen reached and passed by $12 the
ital amount forwarded to the Pres-
byterial treasurer being $197..
Skating sell prevails and each night
gathers new forces' which adds to the
Miss Pearl Reid, of Clinton, is
visiting with friends on the Bayfield
Mrs. Wm. McDonald, of Porter's
Hill, spent a few days last week
with her aunt, Mrs. Weekes.
Mrs. "Mac" McNaughton is visit-
ing •friends in Bayfield.
We are pleased to report Mrs. El-
liott and Miss Ruth are able to be
around again,
We are sorry to report Miss S. 3.
s Stephenson is suffering from a severe
attack of bronchitis. We hope for a
d speedy recovery.
Messrs. Billy Marshal and Dan.
o Smith are busily engaged cutting
y wood for Mr. W. H. Johnston.
y Messrs. Elliott, Taylor and Cole-
y man shipped live stock to Toronto
k on Saturday.
Monday being the first council
Ce meeting for the New Year all the
s members being present. All the old
s officials retain their offices for an-
other year.
✓ Mr. John Rathwell was appointed
s road superintendent for the town-
-e ship of Stanley. ,
Mrs, R. G. Reid' wa's called to Ex -
e eter owng to the serious illness of
n Vhom, father, a sorry John Kerslake, there t
s is no hope of recovery,
names appear iii order' of merit.
I ' I1h—Eng. Lit.—Class
G. Stapleton, A. .Delaney, M. Be
anger, S, Ryan. Class I11.—M. Mi
ray,, Carpenters I-Iills Tl
, JosM, The
esa Eckert, A. Shea, M. McGrath (s
M. McGrath (Jr)• Credit, H. Bell-
inger, D. Williams, M. Britton, F.
Mills, N. O'Rourke, M. ,O'Connor, M,
Krauskopf, M. Horan, Jos. Shea.
Eng. Composition,—Class
Bellinger, A,: Delaney. Class IL—D.
Williams, Mary McGrath (sr.), A.
Shea, J. Campbell, M. Horan, M.
Hills, M. Krauskopf, N. O'Rourke,
Credit, H. Britton, M. McGrath (jr.),
Mary O'Connor, Jos. Carpenter, Jos.
Dill, Ralph Dill, Tim. Flannery, Jos,
Looby, M, Murray. Class II.--- E.
Ryan, S. Stapleton, F. Hills.
Anc. Hiei:,--Class I: -Mary Mc-
Grath, G. Stapleton, Annie'McGrath,
M. Hastings, A. Shea, Thos, Mc-
Quaid, A. O'Reilly, E. Murray, ' W.
Muttray. Class III., M, Feeney, R.
Djll: Credit,' Jos. Shea, D. Williams,
T. Carpenter,
Br. Mist—Class 1',—,A. Shea,' E.,
Ryan, M. Beninger, Jos. Carpenter,
N. O'Rourke, A. McGrath, A. De-
laney, G. Stapleton, F, Hills,: M.
O'Connor, M. Murray, Jos. Shea.
Class II., M. Britton, M. 'Hills, Class
III., Jos. Looby, Ralph DIll. Credit,
M. Horan, M. Feeney, M. McGrath
(jr.), J. Campbell,
Physics.—Class I., M. Beringer, G,
Stapleton, A. Delaney, Mary Mc -
Gratis (Sr.), A. Shea, E. Ryan, Class
II., Jos. Carpenter, H. O'Connor, T.
Carpenter, M. Hastings, Class III.,
E. Murray, M. Feeney. Credit, A.
O'Reilly, Jos. Looby, J. Campbell, 0,
Williams, R, Dill.
Chemistry—Class I., A. Shea, T.
Carpenter, G. Stapleton, R, Dill.
Class II, H, Beniuger, M. Murray, M,
McGrath (jr.). Class III„ Jos. Shea.
Credit, Annie McGrath, V. Feeney,
MaryMcGrath (sr.), Alice O'Reilly.
Algebra—Class I,, D. Williams, A.
Delaney, G. Stapleton. Class II., M.
Beniuger, N. O'Rourke, W. Murray,
H. Beniuger, M. Hastings, A. O'Reil-
ly, V. Feeney, M. Murray. Credit, E.
Ryan, M. O'Connor, F. Hills, M:
Britton, H. McGrath (jr,)
Geometry.-- Class T.—G. Staple-
ton, Jos. Shea, A. O'Reilly, T. Mc-
Quaid. Class II,—E, Murray, Mary
McGrath (sr.), M. Feeney, A. Shea.
Class III., D. Williams, T, Carpen-
ter, W. Murray, Teresa Carpenter.
Credit, R. Dill.
Latin (Senior)—Class I. Thos. Mc-
Quaid, A. McGrath, M. Hastings, E.
Murray, Class II., Mary McGrath
(sr.). Class III., Jos, Shea. Credit,
Th. Carpenter.
Latin (Junior)—Class I., A. De-
laney, M. Britton, 1MI, O'Connor J.
Campbell. Class II„ E. Ryan, Jos.
Carpenter, A. Shea. Class III., V.
Feeney, F. Hills, M. Murray, H. Ben -
Inger. Credit, M. Bellinger, M. Hills,
Jos. Dill, M. Krauskopf, Jos. Looby.
French.—Class I., Thos. McQuaid.
Class II,, V. Feeney, A. Delaney, M,
Hastings. Class III., Mary McGrath
(sr.), E. Murray. Credit, E. Ryan,
Jos. Carpenter, D. Williams, M.
Murray, F. Hills, J Campbell, M.
McGrath (jr.), A. Shea, Jos, Shea,
M. Hills, WW Murray, H, Beninger,
M. Britton, W.
FORM IT,—English Literature, --
Class I., 3, Shea, R. McConnell, B.
Murray, D. O'Rourke, C. Dorren-
stein. Class IL, M. Atkinson, M,
Darling, E. Eckert, P. Dill, R. O'Con-
nor. Credit, A. Molyneaux, L. Hast.
Ings, B. O'Loughlin, L. Watters, A.
Eng. Composition.—Class II., R.
McConnell, M. Atkinson, D. 0' -
Rourke, B. Murray, J. Shea, L. Hast-
ings, C. Dorrensteiu, Class III„ A.
Molyneaux, A. Dantzer, E. Eckert,
I Watters. Credit, P. Dill, M. Dar-
ling, 13. O'Loughlin.
French Sr.,—Class I., D. O'Rourke,
L, Watters, J. Shea. Class II., B.
Murray, 13. O'Loughlin, Class III., E.
Eckert, Credit, R, McConnell, A. I
Molyneaux, M. Atkinson, R. O'Con-I
French Jun,—Clads I., L. Hastings,
Class II., A. Dantzer, Credit, H. Dar-
ing. atin Sr., 3. Shea, L. Natters,
Class II., B. Murray, D. O'Rourke,
• O'Loughlin, A. Molyneaux, Class
if., C. Dorrenstefn. Credit, E. Eck -
rt. R. O'Connor. R. :McConnell.
Latin lun.---Class I„ L. Hastings.
redit, i Dantzer,
Art.—Class I., E. Eckert, Class II„
Ii. Dao i 'i, C. ltorreriatein, 13. Airw-
ay. D. O Rrurk A. :Dantzer, R.
I t'6nnel 1.,, Wafters, ters, B. O'I.ough-
n, M, 1 kinson, 3, Shea. Class III.,
• Hastings, A. lfolyneaux, R. 0'-
onnor. Credit, M. Darling,
Science.—Class 1 , J. Shea,. B. Mur -
ay, C. Dorrensteiu, A. Dantzer, D.
Rourke, Class II., R. McConnell,
, Atkinson, A. Molyneaux, M. Dar -
ng. Class III., E. Eckert, L, Has -
Delaney, D. Molyneana, M. Jordans.
Glass II.,' M. Ryan,' M. O'Roprke, J.
Kelly, M;, � Williams, I . ',liettaedy.
t' -'Class III,, H, Atkinson; C. Looby, J.
ir- j Malone, V. Dill, T.' ICeunedy, A+I.
Murray.ACredit, e
Y• dr R. )'1 ei
C Z 11 y.
Y, �f,
Byrne, C. tr•
1 attsk
Y apf.
M•a hen
t tat•
hes.-- 1
L ss 1.
J, Kelly;
M. Murray, R. ;A2cQutiid, D.„, 14Taly
nexus, M Ryan, Ai. O'Raurice, C.
Looby, C. Krauskopf; J, Malone, T.
Delaney. Class II., H. Atkinson, M,
Jordan, Class III„ V. Dill. Credit,
T.. Kennedy, R. O'Reilly,
Latin, --Class I., R. McQuaid, D.
Molyneaux, H. O'Rourke, T. Delaney
M. Murray, M. Ryan, J. Malone, C.
Krauskopf, T. Kelly,^Class II., , C.
Looby, H. Atkinson. Credit,' R. O'-
Reilly, V. Dill, H, Jordan,
French.—Class I., M. O'Rourke
R. IvicQuaicl, D. Molyneaux, M. '
ray, C. Krauskopf, T. Delaney, C.
Looby, J, 'rtalone,. M. Williams, M.
Jordan, Class IL, J:..TSelly,'M. Ryan,
II. Atkinson. Credit, R. O'Reilly, V.
Dill. Margaret. Byrne absent for
Eng. Gram. Bot, Latin. Patrick Ken-
nedy absent for Bot,
dore Kennedy absent or Bot„ . tn.
Internal .parasites
'n the shape of
worms in the stomach and bowels of
children sap their vitality and retard
physical development, - They keep
the child in a constant state of un-
rest and, if not attended to, endanger
life, The child can be spared much
suffering and 'the mother much anx-
iety by usinga reliable worm remedy.
such as Miller's
which are sure deathoto worms,
Miss Anna McDonald left last
week to teach in a school near Kin -
tail. Inspector Toni secured this I
school for her,
y Mr. Edward 5tanlchoitse left hese
this week to attend the O.A.C. at
,i Guelph.
Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. C. Brock and
ells. C. Addis,,n from the W. M. S.
ani Mrs. Arthur Mcf)ttecn and Mrs.
Hugh Ail.enhcad firm the Kelly
Circle attended the business meet-
ing of the Presbyterial Society which
was held in Willis church, Clinton,'
on Tuesday, Jan. 13th.
Death of James McDonald, Sr.—
Mr. James McDonald, Sr., who has
been ill for more than the last year,
passed away on 'Monday, January 12.
The funeral. service was held on
Wednesday at the church, under the
auspices of the Odd Fellows; of
which lodge deceased was a mem-
ber. The late Mr. McDonald was in
his seventy-ninth year and was born
on the farm on which he died, lot 32, A
COIL i l.r.s., Tuckersntith, and , where
he lived all his life with the creep- fo
tion of about ten years spent in the F
West, He was married thirty-nine
years ago and besides the bereaved
widow, he is survived by five chil-
dren, Mary, Duncan, Martha and
James at home and Emma of Paler-
mo, Ont. Interment was made in
Baird's cemetery.
zings, L, Watters. Credit, B. O'-
Loughlin, P. Dill.
Mathematics. -B, Murray, B. O'—
Loughlin. Class II„A. Molyneaux,
L. Watters, C. Dorrensteiu, M. At-
kinson, E Eckert, R. McConnell, H.
antzer, Class III„ J,. Shea, Credit,
, Dantzer, D. O'Rourke, P. Dill,
Darling. Helen Dantzer absent
r Eng, Auth., Alg„ Science, Latin,
rench. Michael Darling absent for
FORM I.—Eng. Lit—Class I
D. Molyneaux, T, Delaney, R. Mc-
Quaid, J. Malone, Class II., M. Joy -
den, V. Dill, C. Krauskopf, M,
O'Rourlce H. Atkinson, M. Murray.
Class III., M. Ryan, C. Looby. Cre-
dit, P. Kennedy, T.Kettnedy, J. 'Kel-
ly, R. O'Reilly, M. Williams,
Eng.. Comp.—Class' II., D. Moly-
neaux, Rose McQuaid, R. O'Reilly,
V. Dill, M. Byrne: M. Murray, . 12,
O'Rourke, FT. Atkinson. Class ITT:,
C. Kraissknpf, T. Delaney, J. Malone,
M. ooby,an. r'yl, Williams, AP. Jordan, C.
Kelly. y+ 3.
Eng.-Grain.—Class I., R. McQuaid,
T, Delaney, D. Molyneaux. Class TI.,
L Malone, H. Atkinson, M. Ryan.
Class MI.. V,,. Dill, M. O'Rourke,' M.'
Merrav, C. Krauskopf. Credit, R.
O'Reilly, M. Williams, J. Kelly, C.
Lnnhy. -
HIistery,—.Class h, R, McQeaid, T.
Malone, D. Molyneaux, V. Dill, C.
T.^nbv, T. Delaney. M. Ryan, M.
O'Ranrlee. Class II,. Mildred M„r-
ray, If. Atkinson. T. Kelly. (lass ITT.,
M: Tnrilaia, Credit, C. Krauskopf;
R. O'Reilly,
Science.—Class I„ R. McQuaid, T,'I
The many friends of Mrs. ' Jerry
O'Hara and Miss Ellie Duffy are sor-
ry to learn that they are still under
the doctor's rare. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Mr. George Si:enrnigle was re-
cently removed to-. House' of Refuge,
Clintrnh. where he may enjoy its
comforts derinn the severe winter.
Mrs. Thos, McKay and Mrs. W.
Manley spent Sunday, under the
parental roof of Mr. and Mrs. C,
-reunion Seaforth,it
eh,ri before the departure afamily
llrall arid Miss Ise'"pica r+•rlcart to re-
sume their respective deities in life,
(inntirnxatinn School Re„ort. Fri_
Irwin_ is the report of tiie Dnhlin
Continuation Schnnl for Nove•nber'
and December. Crass i 75 n..e or
er: class TX, uM-75 n•c.: mass Tar
60 to 66 0,c.; credit, 50 to 60 p.c. the
Of 30 head of cows and young
cattle at Walker's sale stable, Bruce -
field, on Thursday, Jan. 15th, at 1.30
as follows; Durham cow, 4 years,
due in April; Durham cow 4 years,
calf at foot; Durham cow 7 years,.
fresh one month; Durham. cow, 4
years, calf at foot; Hereford cow, 5
years, due in April; blue cow, 4 years
calf at foot; Holstein cow, fresh
about a month; Polled Angus cow,
fresh ,about 2 monters;-.red poll. co *-
due leiarth; Polled rl,ngus ems', utie
thud of side; Polled Angus cow, du”
I+eb. '10th; Polled 'Angus cots, .,due
April let; ;Polled Angus cow, dueA i
it 01
I ti spring. ring: calf, . 4 two-year
' of steers,' 2 yearling steer's; 2. heifers
2 years; 3 heifers, I year; spring
.hejfer. Terms --9 'months epethi on
approved joint notes or a'discount of
5 per cent: straight; for cash. N. J. Le
Beau, prop., G. II. Elliott, auct.
e Thursday, Jan. 14th,
Wheat, per bushel ..,...; ,, $1.15
'Barley, per bushel 90c
Buckwheat, per bushel „,80c -85c
Peas, per bushel $1.25-$1,41,
Shorts, per cwt-'., 2.10
I3ran, per cwt $2.00
Butter, per lb, 35c
Eggs, per dozen, 55c
Potatoes, per bag 70c
Hogs, per cwt. $10.00
Of farm stock,—Thomas Brown,
auctioneer, has been instructed to sell
by public auction on' Lot 13, Con-
cession 14, of the township of McKil-
lop, ou :Monday, January 19th, at 1
p.m. the .following; One. Poll Angus
cow •to freshen Jan. 9th, 5 years old;
1 Durham cow to freshen February
7th, 7 years old; 1 Durham cow to
freshen April 22nd, 7., years old; I
Hereford cow to freshen April 28th,
8 years old; Durham heifer to freshen
May 6th, 4 years old; Durham' heifer
to freshen' January 20th, 6 years old;
Poll Angus heifer to freshen April
29th, 3 years old; Durham heifer to
freshen'' March: 29th, 3 years old; 12
fat steers rising 8 years old; 5. fat.
heifers" rising 8 years old; 7 steers
rising 2 years old; 1 heifer rising one
year old; 12. steer calves. The above
stock is choice and in good condi-
tion and will 'be sold without, re-
serve. Terms. -12 months' credit on
furnishing approved 'joint motes. A
discount of 4.. per cent, off for cash.
Edgerton Roe, prop;; T. Brown, auct
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will inset in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at -3
o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 27th day of January, 1925. All ac-
counts against the County must be.
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday .preceding the meeting
of Council.
CGoderich, ran, 10th, 925, Clerk, 4
S - rvic
it is an impossibility to keep a stock of all types and makes of
sets, to say nothing of parts.
We do not attempt to do so, but are prepared to'give service—
real service—on any article you may desire,
Any order,, amounting to $7,50 or over, which we receive before
two o'clock any afternoon, will be ready for delivery that same
Are you going to build ▪ the quality set described in this issue?
We can supply everything you need for this set. We will match the
coils to suit the condensers,.
Scott Ferguson
Phone 239r15, Seaforth.
n :s
Regular price 75c
P�yo yea.
+)li c Y ► i JsY .
We have a limited' number,
at the price.
eome E.• rl mid
oY• Get First ehoic
On the corner of Louise and Mar-
ket streets. A comfortable six -
roomed house with good back kitchen
and garden. Will be sold cheap, or
will be rented. Apply to MRS. FOR,
TUNE,' or The Ne Office. Phone
161-3. af:•
15 Yorkshire Purebred Pigs, weigh-
ing around 100 lbs. Suitable "for
breeding purposes, andonesow' with
pigs, at $35.00. Apply to ABRAM
HUGILL & SON, Ring 13-616. Sea -
forth P.O. 4
The sons and daughters of the late
Mrs. John Staples wish to. express
their sincere appreciation , of many
kindnesses shown by friends and
neighbors in their bereavement,
The annual •meeting -of the Red
Cross Society will be held at the
home of the President Mrs. F.
Holmested, on Friday afternoon,
January 16th, at 3.30 p.m. All inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
It's your smallest
annual expense!
Do you xpsliee that the
smallest item in the family
budget is the teIephone bill?
It averages only 1 per cent:
A. careful study of families
with incomes from $1500 to
$6000 a • year shows that
food costs 43%, rent and
taxes about 17%, clothes
13%, telephone 1% and
miscellaneous from 20% to.
Apart from the time the
telephone saves everyone,
the mind requires the stimu-
lus of contact with the
world, as the body requires
vitamins. Isolation can-
not mean growth.
Add a new interest to your
Iffe by calling some of them
tip tit i9,25.
Each New Subscriber Adds to the
Value of Your Telephone
'rHURSOA1'�, ,IANi. lRY 15;:1925;.
y. ;
is so widely recommended for
infant and baby feeding because
it is not excessively rich in fat
—testing between 3,25 and 3.75
per cent: --and because it comes
from.large, vigorous, Healthy'
Holstein milk is naturally
light in color.
If your bah is : not thriving
asyou believe
iv ty
leve it: should, try
Holstein milk,
unnecessary risk,
when you can have ' milk, . and
cream from cows , guaranteed
free from tuberculosis and.
under government supervision,.
It is a fact that many children
die every year ipom bovine
tuberculosis. Ask your, doctor.
We will be glad to serve you.
Milk .100 per quart
Cream,,,,,40c per quart
Creek Dairy
John R, Archibald,- F:OF
Phone 163
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, En
that tired look and "ragged"
feeling. out of your fape.
Say "Bonilla Facial" : to
your barber and come up
smiling with a new appear-
ance of vial and fitness. Be,
one of, the "million a week."
(Just Around the Corner)
Having installed irk our Garage the,,
latest battery equipment, we will do
We do all kinds of automobile repat
work. All work guaranteed.
Also a Good line of all accessories.
Automatic Air Service Day or Night
Adam .Dodds
If� 1 �•tt�'
winter and eunuuer:•
dont ic•t
F r a•. n i , if ofjust he hoarders. WeGTIA.0 ,
s 1 y r -is e 'tt•frbii rui layyour mored'."ol egr, gs, Wnre
I i t I Y
h I c n t,n rte offor PPl3ATT'
t r
r,,t.0 co ,)r CANADA., tri-„ 'ro t; ero
,...",[4.11102.1..0.1.,."11211,11.110611 nuanonginossengetentcw.m..1.1
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\for. this month
We give absolutely FREE an extra pair of pants of the same
material with every 3 -piece Suit of any of the 24 fabrics selected
for this
Free 1Pa it o"
We,want to make December the biggest month in our history,
and this is the way North American TaiI'ors, makers of Dz'esSwell,
r handstailored-to-measure clothes are• helping,us to do it,