The Seaforth News, 1924-12-18, Page 4fIJl11.
t . ;F.. SNOWDON, proprietor._
~ OMNI Observations
au spite of the remark often made
at the automobile is rapidly driving
he horse out, there was little evid-
atcc of that on Monday last -when
• e Hilt
the a
Ix snow put
iness. Horses were as plentiful as
TkiURSDt#Y>• DE,, CE, 18, 1924;.
"Pk9 .�ili&RFt38TW{ 111k`!!!9S "
will ahtract most of them to lay MANLEY, `
fu! .event ur the thus lar e1y saving The many friends of Mg's. August
was otic most joyl theif eggs on , g to Iearit tlhit `
crop, In August the trap liauernkau .are sorry
11th world. the snood, r P ieion.
history of, , right stele ' in a trecatious cord ,gyp
y fromthe cut with a hoe Yrg t she is 1 �� � � � � � .� � � ■ � ' � '
Breakfast w was i the and aieg lows should be Word Ile iu the xno•nfng, till, at the ground and fed green to the r d tvas received here that Mrs.:
time the xva o bed .at cattle to destroy the borers present. W. J.: McKay presented .her husband _
tired aad sleepy, we went t b 1 d with a baby girl on the 8tii inst., Rita
right merry day. a trap crop will Ue of no •benefit Elizabeth, ie Seattle, Wash;: Mrs. Me -
night the lead a g th P p 1 ntiu corn late as
Kay is a daughter'of Mr, and Mrs. C.
Most eats a g L+",ckart; of Seaforth,
But not by any means has Christ -
utas become a matter of iia account
put away childish , things, We re -
If, however, the spring es at. cwar ,
os y p •
'late as is safe without risking failure
m a n
t g
of t"he crop,. ,
t but in a ac
so far as possible
no stubbl, weeds or
d' he corn
2. 'o leavelying
plant, including the cobs,
s lanes
s ba
rn ad
barns, Y
around re
or elsewhere, but to burn all these or'
plow them under. ef,.
3.' To take care in cultivating to
use a disc instead of a toothed im-
plement and in sowing to use a disc
drill, if possible, so that none of the
buried 'stubble or other parts of the
corn will be dragged up.
4. To .complete 'all plowing and
clean-up' measures before June ist:
Provincial Entomologist, Guelph,
Entomological Branch, Ottawa.
CONS._.. -----
to us who aicp and to infcstatrat, b backward season -
this does not hold true.
it as much. as da the chit The most things in con-
trol in following:-
Mt f art,let you want Great Variety Great Value. Special Christmas Offering.
� may be trot are the
the most
_ Whynot
get" .
Barber ops •
ie o
Blanchard rd sold to Mr.
W. G; Bennett; 41 six -months' -old
barred rocks, which . weighed 291
lbs. .and for which he recetved the
l to
tit a
0 5
finasum E1.11 We cn
Mr. Blanchard for raising such good
The recent storm has ,kept the
motorists from 'going far from-
f g
lien; though our rejoicing 1 To plow very thoroughly the up to -date �Zlair Cut, too. COrit6 and See. Buy and Save
to .and less hilarious salvation
.than leaven it "'by coming to 'Robinson's
more sedate
theirs.: 'Out' hope of salvation. is emit field, dg corn remnants 11 6 5h SeaForth Just Round
uncovered. The Corner,'
based only on "God's inestimable Z no parts of t Mt Thomas ane ta.
love in the redemption of the
by our Lord Jesus
ever, on the streets this week.
I1•I0w to Control the European
j Corn Borer,
TWO weeks more to pick out your
candidates for the Council and
school Board. 'Like Christmas buy-
ing, do it early.
There is no doubt that ,the. Eti
can corn borer is Here to stay; that
it is increasing rapidly;and that, if
control' measures are not adopted at
.once, especially loathe worst infested
counties, it will ricin the corn judos -
Next Sunday will be one of the try in a very few years, in some coun-
ties perhaps in two -years.
' shortest days in the year. From then Up to the present there has been
s g no united effort made to combat it in
i von, may look forward to longer any comity; evert in Elgin not more
'days and Spring. than 50 per cent. of the farmers have
s vin adopted control tneasures but what
these careful men did has helped a
. 'Elope soune one will hay a turkey great deal to prevent the increase 'be -
for. Christmas for Peter Smith, Jarvis `%g macliC utldt ore rapid beent t batt f i 1 other-
and Settell. They would, miss it trol cannot be looked for until every
more than the poor fellows who set corn grower is doing his part,
dont get them. In any county but Essex and Kent
the borer should be almost as easy
_---- to control as the potato beetle and
the cost little or no greater. Quce
GENERAL' OBSERVATIONS 1 farmers begin to practise the neces-
by W.H.T. tsary measures they will readily con-
Wheu you have tried and tried; thine to do so each year; for they will
find that these ,are not burdensome
when you have exhausted Your and .that they will pay well.
patience a'ud your vocabulary; when{{ Control measures are based upon
you have explored this terraqueous1nd remainauntil June ithe n awinter ny paovof
globe from Greenland's icy ntaunt. the corn plant above ground, that is,
to India's coral strand and dived in the stubble, stalks, pieces of stailcs
measureless depths of the and even the cobs. Some. are also hili
into tht, r ct among the corn but s
stout weeds you
when t
• t r
alt ` Control,
spaces; Y i Ca
Inter stellar spa I ,loin in weeds elsewhere ,
tumbled nut the pigeon holes, of your therefore, consists in killing the
memory, and reviewed all you have borer in the above places before Pune.
ever read about Biology, Geology, If left later than this they will
'!rheology, and all the other 'ologies; changeound into
1a oths eggs in uewwill
when you have caused to pass before Killing may be accomplished by a
you Shakespeare's endless variety of combination of several things:—
wit and wisdom, Milton's ttnap- 1, By feeding to livestock as many
proa0hable majesty, Bacon's con- of2.'Byoburninrgtunconsey umedwill
densed profundity, Pope's elegance pelts of stalks and cobs.
and exactitude; Broweiug's obscur- l• By plowing down all corn
ity, and Tennyson's word mastery;teebleleftd therccorn remnants and
when you have ransacked all your All borers in corn put iuto the
history from Herodotus to Philip silo perish; also practically all those
Gibb; when you have done and serf- in cortt run through the shredder,
fared all this, and your emotions are omost nce of hend latter being dyingdestro latat
worked up to the highest pitch; and as a reult of the crushing. A silo
you [eel like—expressing yourself in or a shredder is therefore a great
language that would be inekcusable help in control.
from a preacher or a Sunday school A cutting box is not so good suss
superintendent, as you push aside the shredder since many
through it uninjured. However,"ifall.
cross word puzzle, after vainly try- the corn is run through the •cutting-
ing-to solve it, do not let the cross, box and what the cattle do not eat
word puzzle draw the cross word is e fore hauled
out and
pilowed will der be -
from you. Remember that the itis-foree1st,
s a
cion of the crass word puzzle and the y.
If the corn stalks are fed whole
stove pipe is to test the maturity, there will be mane borers left in the
the integrity and the sweetness of uneaten portions. To destroy
your Christian character: the best method is to pile
* * * tions by themselves, haul them out
from time to time and burn them.
As Christmas draws near, how we Burning is more satisfactory than
grown-ups would like to be young plowing under in this case and also
again, especially those of us
in the case of any superfluous corn
who are stalks left in the born or fields in the
not far from the narrow sea that spring; because these are too large
divides the Heavenly Land front for the plow to bury completely.
ours. If corn stalks or cobs gets into the
sur -
We look back in memory to the
face ubefore re lJune out aand ll hburose ntiolreplow
time, aiid O that it could conte back them under•
again; when we used to hang up Plowing as a factor in control is
,sur stockings on Christmas eve, and of
otr other rtremnants;forif
pletely having said aur prayers, in buried and not dragged tip
which good old Santa was not for- again all the borers in them Perish;
gotten, we jumped into bed, and in a therefore every corn field should be
fear minutes, .like healthy, happy chit- tvcll plowed either in fall or spring
to bury the stubble weeds and corn
alien, arc were oblivious of all earth- refuse •
Air• Fernier, you want the most
up-to-date Hair Cut, too,, Why not
get it by coming to .Robinson's
Barber Shop,' Seaforth, "Just hound
The Corner
The death, occurred last Wednes-
clay of Mr. George Mann, an old and
respected resident of Hullett. Six
weeks ago Mr. Munn fell, dislocating
his hip and was coufined to his bed.
'Iwo weeks before tic died he gradual-
ly grew worse until on Wednesday,
laec. 10th he quietly passed away..
The funeral was held of Friday,
12th, interment being made. it Kin -
burn cemetery. Mr. Moorehouse, of
Manniwet; n his �87thtyear. Ile leave services. es
behind one brother, Mr. James Manu,
of Kinbure, four sons, John and
Joseph at home, George of Hallett
and three
and Jame, of Brussels,
daughter,, firs. Joliet Bart, of Mc-
gillop, Mrs. Wm. limiter, of •Hallett,
and Jennie at home, The pallbearers
were three sons, George, Joseph and
James, elate John Hart and two grand-
sons, George Mann, Jr., and John
Mann, Jr. -
ly things.
At the first peep of dawn on
Christmas morning, a. whispering
could be heard, and soon little white
clad figures in bare feet came pat-
tering over to the stockings. In a
moment the exclamations of joy and
glalness proved that once more
Santa had shown how mucle he loved
he little ones, and how much he
deserted their lore. The stockings
wvere bulging with delights, which
little hands quickly emptied out; and
then, oh then, began the squawking
of ducks, the squeaking of dolls, the
blairing of trumpets, the piping c f
whistles and the beating of drums.
At breakfast, father and mother
were quite as happy as we children,
saying they hoped we would greatly
enjoy the gifts which Santa had
brought us. Then they told us of
the mess our first •parents made of
things :in the garden of Eden ---
Of tnatt's first disobedience and the
Of that aorbidden tree whose mortal
Brought death `into the world :and all.
your woe,"
and hove sad our state waned have
been were it not that "God so loved
the world that" Me gave his only be-
gotten Son that whosovere, believeth
on him should 'not ,perish, but have
everlasting :life,"e-"that ',God's 'great
gift came to us as a babe It Beth-
fie oma being a s
e'.Htsfis h g ,
'lel m
HIS first cradle a manager—that we
'keep Christmas dad as His birthday,
tkiat the gifts, which we give Itid re-
CQive ire It/Waders. tders ok.;. G,od's •geeat
gift t'o'e as, anti. We rejoice and are
glad;and Merf'y on Christmas day
beeattse the birth ;of the child SeetiS
The Messrs. Bart Bros, have taken
the contract of cutting a quantity of .....� �--�•
wood for Mr. John Scott.
Mr. Robt. Grieve's condition is still
very low.
All roads will he leading To Roe- Saris Again
hero school on the. 23rd as teacher Again
and pupils are sparing no pains in
taking preparations for the annual
Christmas tree,
Quite a tiutuber of farmers are
making good use of the sleighing.
The farmers' wives are greatly in-
terested in discovering, who has se-
cured the highest price for their
ave market-
on ttthe open l market in. Some Stratford.
Rest Assured
..,•..r.,• e
Rest Better
With an
Life, Accident, Fire, Wind,
Auto, Plate Glass, etc,, etc.
Ready for any emergency.
It costs a trifle compared with
the protection afforded.
The unexpected usually
Avoid complications by making
your• will now.
5100 $500 -- $1,000.
Interest payable half -yearly.
Safe and Secure.
A.D, Satherand's
Insurance Agency
'HONE 1'52.
To secure thoroughness in plowing
the corn should be cut as low as pos-
sible and, if planted in hills, a disc
should. be run lengthwise of the sows
to tear the hills apart and thus make
burial of the stubble easier, or better
still a plow should be run shallow
just beneath the stubble to throw it
out, then the field harrowed and then
Plowed six inches deep or deeper.
This makes a perfect job
The best lcind of plow to use is a
broad -furrow single plots without a
tvheel but with a skimmer and, if the
stubble is long or there are many
weeds, with a heavy chain.
In plowing ruts the last furrow be-
fore the stubble rote as close to the
stubble as possible and about an
inch deeper than the other furrows so
that the stubble may be flopped over
into it and buried more deeply.
Plowing may be done in fall or
spring but never when the ground
is. too hard to do a good job.
The value of plowing, no matter
how thorough, may .be largely spoiled
by dragging up the stubble later
when cultivating. Hence a disc
should always beused for this pur-
pose instead of a toothed implement
and disc drill substituted, of possible;
for the other kinds •iu sowing,
Rolling the ground before cultiva-
tion is a benefit because it drives the
stubble deeper, .firms its and thus pre-
vents its being dragged up so easily.
A hoed crop should never follow
corn because the cultivation neces-
sary would drag up the stubble.
In severely infested areas dent corn RAZORS
should be preferred to flint because
it has a stronger and stouter stem
and does not break :down or dry oute
so easily;
A -trap crop in a normae year gives
good od results, This hi consists of.
it dozen ows of fitnt,
planted in a, convenient place about
al date,
In n the usual ten days horsier t a
of sowing. The train crop in this
can should then be planted eiweele or
more latee',than the usual time. 1
the trap eerole grows well it will be
aittch further advanced •khan the rest
when rhe moths come' out and so
Sweet and palatable, Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator is ac-
ceptable to children, and it docs its
work surely and promptly.
Mr, Norman Nicholls wishes
to state he has secured the build-
ing occupied formerly by the
Strand Theatre and will open his
Palet 'hop
on Monday, Dec. 22nd, and will
be prepared to do all kinds of
Special Value
Per Set
AUTO SKATES $1.50 to $6.00
HOCKEY STICKS 25 to $1.50
75c to $
POCKET KNIVES 15c to $2.25
THERMOS BOTTLES 75c and $2.00
Pints and Quarts
LINED MITTS 30c ,$2.
FLASHLIGHTS 75c to to $2,255
$1.00 to $20.00
in various designs
CRUMB TRAYS $1.00. to $"x3.00
SERVICE TRAYS 75c to $2.00
NICKELED a,.75 to $ .00
$ .00 to $, .00
i 5
$4.50 to $9.00
5 CI) C
n lines
See t many Y
of Toys and regular lines from now until
Christmas for 50c
Santa's come to stay --
From now tilt Christmas day"
New Print Of
earls Aflame
The big special Michigan lumber woods
Film which %ye: had advertised last sum.
mer, but which was destroyed.
Rebooked On Its Successful Record
SCISSORS 25c to $100
TOOLS' 15c to $6:00
stonef uli of goods awaiting .your
:.. ,
• ec
15 •
. �.�.,..,' 1'
�" 4Dn�
Panna Nillson a d
Frank Keenan
head the cast
Matinee 3 p.m., Saturday
Special for Christmas Erre
DR, H. HUGH - ROSS, PhYsicran
and Surgeon.' Late of London Hos-' '
pital London, England; Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose, and throat. Office and
ence behind Dominion Bank, . ;Office'
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 105,
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderieh' street,
-oast of the Methodist church. Cor-
oner for the County of Huron. Tele -
Phone .No.. 40.. .
DR. C. MACh?AY.—C. Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers-
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
&Iedical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F. J. R. I`ORSTER.-Ey .
, e, Ear
Dose and Throat: Graduate in Medi-
eine University of Toronto; 1897,
Late 'Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and GoldenSquare Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. $'t`
Commercial Hotel, Seaf ort h.
third Monday in each month,
from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo'
street south, Stratford. Phone 267,
Where the North Begins
�L R:
Featuring the famous police dog
RinxTinf Tin
General Fire, life,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
(James Watson .
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Wiltual Fire Insurance Cee
• Alex.
James C y. Go ,
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec. -Treasurer.
Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John
Benneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
James Conolly, Goderich • ;Alex.
Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; J. -G.
Grieve, No, 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
Harlocki George McCartney, No. 5,
Seaforth; lvlurray Gibson, Brucefield.
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J, V. Yea,
Holmesville; R, G, jarmouth, Born-
holm, James Kerr and John Goven-
;oek, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other business will bre
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
Make it A Dead Christmas With
A Player
If you have a silent piano in your home tarn it in on a
Player Piano, and make your home happy. Any member of
the family can operate it, and any musician can play it just
the same. I have a nice one, just arrived. Call at my home
for an evening and hear it demonstrated. Terms can be
arranged to meet your convenience. -
I have also two new Pianos:—Bell and Dominion makes,
and offer theta at prices that you cannot touch with any,
city dealer. - r
I absolutely guarantee to undersell any city or town
rvdealer in the same grade of goods, as my selling expenses are
a mere,trifie and I can save you this money because I do not
charge for it.
I offer for quick sale a beautiful Phonograph. The
price is $115,00
less the cost of selling, $30;00 $85 00
I place my goods in, your home with a guarantee of
absolute satisfaction. You owe it to yourself to take up the
matter with me and see my goods before closing any deal.
I also offer a Square Grand Piano, 7/octaves;' in fine
condition, 'to first buyer at $50, and a Bell piano -cased, 6-
octave org'an for $35.00. rite to
Call.tne on 616; ring 13, for infortnation, or, w_
Jonathan Eil
R.R. 2; Seaforth
P --.,.Agent f i'
or •thenlatest,Rad o Outfits. ;
r Don't Th'f Olar
Your Old •
Carly ets Away
They make new rover-
ible "Yetvetex" Rugs,
Send for Vott•etex Folder 7
;colvnori, oNT,
Highest prices paid. Max Walsh
phone 178, Seaforth.
Dr. W. R. Nimmo
U.e.,'Sp. e.
Chiropractic, Specialist
Spinal, Nervous and Chronic
Diseases treated successfully by
the latest methods of natural
therapeutics, spinal adjustment, Dart;'
corrective dietetics, etc.
Monday, 'Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturua,
10 to 12 a.m. 2 w S p.m. 7 to B p.tu.
Saturday—lo to 12 a.m. 7 to.9 p.m -
Sundays by Appointment:
LezE '
If you havefailed to . get relief
send for "EZO" The, New Find,
that has given positive relief • in
every case.
Mr, William , Cook; of Mitchell,
writes: "I had been tortured with Ec-
zema on my hands and arms and tried
d,iffer.en't eczema,remedies evibhout re-
sult. Being advised to try "EZO"
and after' using a few •boxes, I am en-
tirely free from the annoying malady,
(Signed)' Win. Cook,
Mitchell, 'Ont"
"EZO" is sold in Seaforth at Ab-
erhart's Drug Store, and by the
Standard Drg Co., London, and
re aid o- re-
. Stratford, or sent p p n
cant of $1:00 by Chas. McDaid• &
Co., Dublin, Ont.
Wart and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c ..