HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-12-11, Page 5.®r 1 THURSDAY `'DECEM13ER 11, 1924, , and S AssdNice As'The;i Look Our Bolognas, Sausges, etc., are even nicer to tris They are all made from tIij choicest, of meats and flavored`with the purest of spices, in :just the proportions to give them an extra fine and appetizg flavor, If you once try them, ju cannot help but like them. verybody does. D. D, STEVAI T Main Street Seaforth. [?HONE 58•; 5,'i'FJA FORD., ONT Prepares young men aryoung women for Business, ich is now Canada's greatesrrofes- Mon. We assist grades to positions and they haveprac- tint training which awes them to meet with sucetStu- dents are registered eac,eek. Get our free catalogtand learn something about cdif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHL Princi f With every purchase of 10c or multiple of 10c, on Candies, Nuts or Oranges., we .give free guesses on a jar Of candy.. Correct num. ber wins a Goose; next nearest, a Duck. - Fowl given away, Christmas Eve, 10 p.m. W. Ma STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth ooit:'4 ouseac 11St60A1®Ce .6t Walker 8b Son UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W, j. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. nx-.s::ae 0111111 CREAM (MAN CREAM! MR, CREAM PRODUCE; Send your cream to ua are here to give you the very best possible market for your 9. Webeg your support atLoperation, send us your No, 1 grade cream and secure top pricesake this your Creamery. •Cream pail{ Ear on a graisis. Do not produce cream except of a' high standard of qualityioes not pay you, We will pay a premium tee cents per pound butter fat for sweet cream delivered at thesmery. Bring in your high grade cream. Cash paid to any patron wt Creamery open on Saturdayta. Seaforth Creamery Seaforth, Ont, Dr. D, 'Ho Welles a ehiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial hotel, Seaforth; Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- • . fully Oranges ..111•.. qead 'This! At all prices to meet your needs in the holiday season, from 20c to 60c doz. MIXED NUTS c Per 1b. SHELLED ALMONDS �� Per lb, SHELLED WALNUTS SOc Per lb. CALIFORNIA WALNUTS 45. in the shell, per -ib.. . • • • TABLE RAISINS FRESH OYSTERS HEAD LETTUCE. CELERY SWEET POTATOES CRANBERRIES CAULIFLOWERS TOMATOES CALIFORNIA FIGS `New Year is not here yet, nev- jss it is time to matte New irons. Let Us Begin NOW. riVED.—From NOW on to al- is look our BEST. In order to this we will get ottr 'hair t Robinson's every 10� days at deft work of the hair cut- in that sanitary and up-to- rarber She RB P. T;nfr looking its best, we of only feel "spit and span' ill really be better groomed c Yuletide season, when ys and girls, friends and `s are here for the Christ- jtrvities, smiling and feel- ectly fit, because they are limed and dressed in the FAC4 r silver is well spent at s because this is :he a that gives VALUE, V, with EXPERT SFR- jd these are essential if woolour best, which is lisp nowadays; whether in inbusiness, in school or'street AI'S01LVED.- That we Bahr barbering done at w"ibetwhere treated carefully; roue d dislikes ,vill be re gond painstaking thought, FROM hN. — A Hair Cut every, days at , TO. PhilltiPS Seaforth Phone 63 lialMitalltaMMEMEREMISIMMBline DUBLIN, Mr, and Mrs. Brown spent' Sunday the guests of Stratford friends, Ivlr, and. Mrs, David Crawford were [Clinton visitors on friday. . rt �,�"tvSON'S (Jnad the Corner) forth Mr. same ick of Stratford, spent Stunt nest .of Mr. arta Airs. Jas. •` 2vfr, and is Liam and Mrs, T. ltawley�. from Detroit and s mrC to end with relatives here.' It• Alex. ]V made a business trip to Tor dnday. The Miss:re.t,and Annie McConnell'e 'Judge visited friends in S cemtly. Mr. wad t Izenne and family returgt. Y trait on Moe; Itdrne ut .Dane visit'with 111 a. few weeks' l accompanied.oit h b e tfieir sister Kate: { y The teachers dents of the THE SEAFORTH NEWS giltilwun.�an�un.�.nu�-.n4 uos.tAs, Iqi ! , tl i Town Faits 'jlgim,rmu.ae<w„wi�wrnr,4a.e,rm.gmnq,/gorssn tl' g'}U��.�Bn�UTA��il11,.�a.wUU��AAws,1,�t,"t "Digging" will be elle 'subject In the, 'SeaforthPresbyterian church next Sunday evening. •Rev. W. D. McDonald and Air, p; Brown, of Egmonclville and „Rev. j. A. Ferguson, of McKigop, were in Clinton on Tuesday att 'Ming;a meet- ing of the Huron Presbytery. y. Miss Muriel Willis is visiting relax" hives in Detroit. Mrs. J. Schocker and children, who spent several weeks. at the home of her parents, Air. "-end Mrs, John Sproat, have returned to Detroit. Among those present from a dis- tance at the funeral of the late Mrs. George Brownlee were Mrs, iL Little and son, Mr, George Little and' Mr. W. Brownlee, Windsor; Mrs. 9'. Dodds, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Sturdy, Mr. AfcCaughey and Mr, Shanahan, Clinton. Miss Alae Hudson spent the week- end in Mitchell. Miss Olive McCormack was in Stratford visiting friends, The new pipe organ in. the Method- ist church Is paid for, and a balance on :hand. The recent anniversary brought in over $650.00 for 'Sunday and Monday evening: Mr, and Mrs. Louis Brall and Miss Kate Eckert, from Detroit and Mrs. T. Rawley, from. Port Huron, mot- ored to town ,last Sunday. While Mrs, Brall land her little daughter Nary are remaining with her parents, Mr, and Airs. C, Eckart for the holidays, the rest have returned to their homes to resume their duties. Air. and Airs Joe Kenny and fain - and .Hiss Kate Kenny, who were visitors at the home of Mr. C. h cleart, returned to their home in Detroit last hfouday. Mr. Gordon II-ays, of the Dominion Bank staff, 1Vindsor, spent Sunday with his parents, Air. and Airs. 'Stan- ley Hays. Mrs. Agnew, of Clinton, is visiting with Aar, and Mrs: J. A. McLennan. Mrs. Smith, of Petrolia, and daugh- ters,were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. McLennan this week. Preparations are now in progress. for the Christmas Dance in the G.W.V.A. hall on Dec, 26th. There is still time to order your Christmas cards from the large range of styles and prices at The Seaforth News Office. Mrs. J. R. Archibald is visiting friends in Hamilton. Mr. Gordon Dick, of Seaforth, has been appointed to the position of assistant in the Provincial Bank while Air, Reg, Reid is in Toronto, Mr. A. DeLacey, of S'mithville, is the guest of his son, Mr, L. T. De - Lacey, Mr. J. Shaw, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. James Watson. Miss Josephine Livingstone has returned from visiting relatives at Rpsetown, Sask. Sir. and Airs. Burgess and Claire Buck, of Mitchell, were guests at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Buck. Mr. Reg. Reid was home from To- ronto over the week -end, Mrs. H. McKay, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J. Bos. Miss Janet Grieve, of Beaverton, spent the week -end at her . home here, Rev. W. D. McDonald, of the Eg- mortdville Presbyterian church and Rev. R. Fulton Irwin of the Method- ist church exchanged pulpits On Sun- day evening. Mr. W,G. Spencer spent the week- end at Port Colborne. Airs. U. D. Clark is in Toronto this week, Mrs, W. E. Southgate, Sr„ left on Saturday to spend the winter in New York. Airs, W. L. Keyes has been con- fined to cher Home through illness. Miss ii, I. Graham, who was a delegate to the Ontario Educational Council held recently in Kitchener, read a report of the meeting to the Sunday.schooi in Seaforth Presby- terian church on Sunday afternoon. Miss Sparks, who has been a pati- ent in the hospital here ,for several weeks, recovered sufficiently to be conveyed in an ambulance to. Toronto on Sunday. Miss Rosabelle Cluff and Miss Viola Ritchie spent a few days in Wingham last week visiting Mrs. Norman Baker, who is ill. Mr. William Mariott has returned from Toronto where he spent the summer, Mrs. L. G, VauEgmond spent a couple of days in Stratford during the week. Mrs. Jahn Pethick' Miss Grace Petliich and r Violet d Afiss \o r let Raukir r Rankin were Stratford visitors on Thursday. Mrs. R Stephens, Miss Betty and Master Billy, returned to their home in Kitchener on Saturday, Mr. Martin; of Toronto, and Mr. Gardiner, of Galt, were guests of Mr. J. A. McLaren during the past week. Continuation school, Dublin, met of the _afternoon of Wednesday, Dec. 3rd, to organize their literary society for this school year. The following elections took place, Hon. President, Rev. Fr. White; president, Gertrude Stapleton, vice-president, Thos. Mc- Quaid; treasurer and corresponding sec., Elizabeth Murray;. recording sec., Marie Britton; editor of school paper, Mary Hastings; asst. editor, Wilfrid Murray; committee of enter- tainment, Dan, Williams, Michael, Darling, Alice; O'Reilly, Luella Wat- NIANLEY,. Messrs. 'Nfiahael Murray and Joe Eckart, Jr., have returned from Tim- mins Lind report dull times. Messrs. JOS C. and Cla ver Eckart and sisters, Misses Lrtcy and Moca and Kate Kenny, from Detroit, call- ed on friends here last Sunday, and from here they 'motored to Mr. and Airs. Dan Burks' iu •Hibbert. Mr. Cot. °E•ckart was a visitor in our burg ,last week. Mr, and Mrs. Fred‘.Eckart attended ttlre funeral of ltirs. Harkens in Stratford, Messrs. Peter McLaucrhfin and Frank Evans made a business trip' to Stratford this week. 68 x 68, Pure Linen Tablecloths, with colored borders, red and blue, $2.95 SPECIAL PRICES ON HOSIERY. Ladies', Men's and Children's Special Prices Men's Suits and Caps, Great Selections in Mitts and Gloves for Ladies, Men and Children Special Reduction in MEN'S OVERCOATS of 25 p.c. We guarantee the quality. Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth wvv. ST. COLUMBAN, CONSTANCE. Mr. George Mann, Sr., is very ill at present and small hope is field for his recovery. Mr, Mann fell some time ago and broke his hip. Mr: and Mrs. Thos. Riley, of Clin- ton, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Afr, and Mrs. George Riley. Mr, and Mrs: Adam Micholson and Mrs. Wm. McArthur and Mr, Bert Barwick spent day last week at London, Mrs. Robt. Grimoldby returned.last week after a two months' visit at Teeswater, bfr. and, Mrs. Jos, Riley spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, of Gode- rich township. . In two short weeks Christmas will be here and tlie children are busy looking for their'•biggest stocking for Santa Claus to (11 The .farmers around were busily The St. Columbian Literary Society organized for the coming year with the following offiecrs, viz., President, J. L. Malone; vice president, Gerald Doyle; recording secretary, James E. McQuaid; treasurer, Geraldine Connor; editor, Joseph P, Moylan; assistant editor, Margaret Doyle, committee, Lucy Burke, Mary Mc- Grath, John Murray, Fergus Horan, Joseph Malady. Miss Annie Dalton, who is teach- ing in Goderich, spent the week -end at the parental home in Hibbert. Miss Gertrude McGrath, of Strat- ford, spent the week -end at the home of her parents, in St. Columban, The Misses Catherine McGrath and Annie Downey were in Stratford on Monday calling on friends, Mr. Joseph Murphy was a Strat- ford visitor on Monday of this week. engaged in plowing last Monday after Miss Nora Murray spent the week - the thaw. end at the home Mr. and Mrs. Thos. • Purcell, Stratford, Mr, James McQuaid was a Strat- ford visitor On Monday of this week. McKILLOP. The McKillop Y.P.S. of Duff's church held their weekly meeting on Sunday evening. Mr. Frank Hunt Presided throughout the meeting, The topic, "What Jesus said about forgiveness" was taken by _lir. Scott Ferguson. Miss Mae Campbell read an article on the benefits of forgive- nesss, avir, James HOtg and Misses Helen McKercher and Tillie Storey gave readings on the subject. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. A. Ferguson. WALTON. The Bazaar given by the Lilies' Auxiliary of St. George's church on Wednesday was very successful The different booths were very artistically decorated and the various fancy articles and candy found a ready sale. The fancy booth was in charge of Miss Driscoll and Mesdames Scarlett, Bolger,. Watt. and Anderson. The Candy Booth was presided over by Miss Marguerite Bolger and Miss Laura Hay. Afrs. Humphrey and Mrs. Sohier looked after the tables, ably assisted by their assistants, Miss Eva Scarlett, Miss Iva Anderson and Miss Hattie Bolger. The proceeds amounted to $145,50. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson cele- brated elebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage recently. Theiirmed i - ate member of the family were all home , for the occasion. The bride and groom of ye olden clays are en- joying fairly good health and their many friends hope they may be spared for many years to come. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander enter- tained the friends and neighbors of the 10th concession of McKillop on Friday evening to a euchre party and dance till the "wee sma' hours and all present thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. The Ladies' Aid Society . of the Presbyterial% church held their monthly meeting at the resilience of Mrs. A. Gardiner, King street west; on Wednesday afternoon, A large number of members .were present and considerable business transacted. Also time woo employed sewing quilts, after which several selections of music .were rendered by Mrs. P. B. .Gardiner, Miss Ferguson and others. Then a unique lunch wa.s served by Mrs. Gardinerand assistants.' The .barn on the farm of Mr. Wm, Bray, of Moncrieff, was burned to the ground on 'Saturday nightt. Origin of the fire is unknown. The recent rains 'which we have had will raise the water supply in the wells for farm stock, as there has been quite a scarcity. Grains continue to neve more free- ly but the present hay quotations on the graded ,system has not been sttf- (tons.ciesutly tempting to bring out many , Miller's Worm Powders will eradi- cate the worm evil that bears so heavily on children and is believed to cause many fatalities, They are an acceptable medicine to children and can be fully relied upon to clear the food channels thoroughly of these de- structive parasites and restore the inflamed and painful surfaces to healthfulness. They are an excellent remedy for these evils. i 1 I THE RADIO SHOP ATWATER KENT RADIO Think of What Ts Back of It Whether it is tone quality, distance, selectivity, or volume you want in the radio you buy, you will find it in the highest degree in our line of AT - WATER KENT equipment. There is an Atwater Kent instrument; — receiving set or loud^speaker at a size and price to suit your preference. To fully appreciate- the real beauty and splendid workman- ship of these instruments, you must actually examine them. Come in today and see the real value you can get in AT - WATER KENT Radio Receiv- ing Sets and Loud Speakers. DALY'S GARAGE SEAEORTH want and For Safe Ads, 3 times, 50c.• � PAGE FI'(t'&t',• 11126.5. A fine range of more than fifty designs of Christmas Greet- ings in booklets, folders and cards, on 'which your name can be printed. Envelopes to match supplied. Prices are exceed- ingly reasonable.' Come and see them while the stock is complete. THE SEAFOHTH NEVES lentenentas • 1..3M15.1.9 ._ 'r`t`, t,�� ���1'�\I .,,, w Hydro Lamps are built to a standard -- Not to a price. ' There can be no second grade Hydro Lampe at a lower price. HYDRO {.AMPS Quality First and Always! All Hydra Lamps before being passed by our experts" and labelled with the Hydro label of quality must come up to the Hydro standard of efficiency and life. No others will be accepted. No others can bear the Hydro label.. Seaforth Public Utilities Clerk's Office, Town Hall This label is your guaran- ies of Fret quality. 04. 4%. POWER G Olt�) Look for it. Ask for it, ors the lamps you buy. GEM lesdetelteleilileteltetette BEN= The Special Milverton Flour We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings Ghop of 1111 Kinds C. G. ITIOMS0 i GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Seaforth Garage IF YOU UARE IN NEED OF TIRES, give us a call. Prices $6.75 and up. Also a pair of cushion tires at $10,00 each. • IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A NEW BATTERY or if you have have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. A Complete Line of most called for parts of various cars. BATTERY CHARGING. E OXY -ACETYLENE WELDING D NG 'EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING . I NG A PECI'ALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We waist to ,serve you and serve you well. PHONE 167W. Dealer in new and used ears. Have you seen the new {MAXWELL AND CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS.