The Seaforth News, 1924-12-11, Page 4l erns scli*
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11112 all 'WORTH DIEV116
J. $. SNOWDON, Proprietor,
General a Observations
n I
The thaw which took away the
coating of snow which lay on the
ground last week has been very wel-
come to the farmers in thisvicinity
as water had become so scarce that
some had to drive ,their stock some
distance .to secure it. It is not quite
so good for business as the cold
weather with snow for sleighing, yet
with good roads and autos this is not
quite so important as formerly. There
is, to Canadians at least; a real attrac-
tion in the -merry jingle of the sleigh
The death by accident on Saturday
night of Gene Stratton Porter will
bring a pang of real regret to thous-
ands who have enjoyed her studies in
human nature and outdoor life, writ-
ten by her during the past twenty
years. Perhaps she is best known by
her earlier books, `Freckles" and
-The girl of the Limberlost," yet
many people consider one of her last
books, "The White Flag," as her
best. In her writings she not only
strove to create in her reader a love
for nature as shown in the bird attd + by submitting ae. application and
animal, but to entertain while instruc- fulfilling the conditions therein act
ti That she succeeded is proved I
out. These application fornix can he
obtained from thyself at Goderich or
by the: eagerness with which her new, Mr. A. T. Cooper at Clinton, Fll
bookswere awaited. { those out in duplicate and send them
'tion adopted in their council which thea moved seconded by NIL,. Middte-
they ask Huron Couu'ty to co-operate ton, that the .motion be referred to
With ^them in pettttoutug far, that
supplementary grants be not with,
drawn from villages of 2,000 and
under, and that Government gran Se
onrural school teachers' salaries be
The'jeiler, Mr, Jas. B. Reynolds, re-
ported• There have been p
the county solicitor for his 'opinion,
and this' was carried.
Great Source of. Revenue in ,Apples,
Mr. S. B. Stothers, . Agricultural
Representative for the county, who
was present during the session, was
] council. The
the co c 1. I
asked' to address
1]a been a
i year d
'school -fairs this t.
ens committed, as follows;. 0. 1'. A., great success, The fruit or apple
16, theft, 9; vagrancy, 4; breaking industry was one that needed mare
and entering, 3; indecent assault, 3; attention, as there was a great source.
fraud, 3;, Inland Revenue Act, 2; of revenue in apples. It was a great
common assault, 2; reckless car matter of regret that we were selling
driving, ]; seduction, 1.; insane, 1. B.C. apples today iii Ontario, Some
Cost of daily rations per prisoner, progress had been made in supplying
per day, 12a4.e, the demand for labor For farms. The
Mothers' Allowance Act Intended for cora borer came in for attention and
Those in Need. the farmers were being circularized
lair. G. W. Holman, chairman of the with reference to this matter,
Mothers) Allowance Board of the To Enforce More Strictly, Regula -
County, 'gave quite an extended re- tions as to Truck Loads m Soft
port of the operation of the act both Weather,
in this county and in the province in Road and bridge matters as usual
general. Of the Act, he said: It is took up a good share of attention of
one of those pieces of legislation that the council,
must be administered firmly but syn- Some discussion took place as to
pathetically, with illue regard to the the respective merits of oil, and cal -
sensitive nature of those woman who cium chloride for roads and the opin-
in the majority, of cases find them ion prevailed that it depended large -
selves as it were up against it through ly on the nature and condition of the
no fault of theirs. To such we must road mud both depended on how,
extend our sympathy and help with where' and when applied. In many
no grudging or fault fendiug, The villages applying for oil, calcium
Act is intended for those only in need chloride had been used, mud the same
of help, hence all the more reason percentages were paid as for oil.
for those not in Beed to help enforce mated by Messrs. Klapp and
its provisions. But we have found' Neeb: That county road and town -
that there are some still who, putting ship road commissioners and county
self before all others, try to crowd constables he instructed to enforce
out those -less fortunate /hail them- the heavy traffic motor 'laws more
selves. It may be through ignorance strictly as to the capacity of loads
of the scope of the Act and not self- during the frill, winter and spring
ishness many act, and through a months. The roads leading through
belief that all widows are equally eli- Stephen, Hay; Stanley and Goderich
gible to apply, I would like to enlist townships are abused by the heavily
the county council in helping to loaded log tracks using these roads.—
overcome the wrong impression. Carried.
I There is also one way to proceed to Me. Hanley brought tip the matter
,tt the mother's allowance and that as to who owned the gravel on the
lake beach, It was pointed out that
the general praetice was to pay for
right of way to secure the gravel and
in some eases paying for the gravel
hot not the right of way. air, Neel)
gave the opinion that the party own -
to me with the certificates asked for in g the property abutting the lake
It is not necessary to employ a owned the gravel.
lawyer. The investigator visits the Road and Bridge Committee's Report
!tame of the person applying and The road and bridge committee re-
makes a report. That report is sent ported as follows: On Oet. 30th the
to Toronto and the allowance granted chairman of your committee met the
of refused. The investigator's work chairman of the road and bridge
is very important both before and committee of Perth County at Han -
after a grant is made. The number of na's bridge and let the contract of
mothers receiving the allowance in filling the approaches to this bridge,
Huron is 37, total inunber in the Re communication from the County
province, 3,870. of Perth regarding the part of the
On Wednesday morning Mr. G. 11, payment held back by the county on
Elliott addressed the council, giving the Hanna bridge, your committee,
a very full aecount of his work as having gone fully into the matter,
County Superintendent of the Chil- would recommend that no further
dren's Aid Society and the work of payment be made on this bridge, as
the juvenile court, of which he is the they find it was not done according
probation officer, to contract. Re claim of henry
The Wardell expressed his apprec- Corey,_ Clinton, for $165 damages, by
iation of att.. Itlliotk's work and of ear Jumping over wing of a bridge on
his full report to the council, and boundary between Goderich and
asked Ex -Warden W. R. Elliott, who Stanley township, we would recom-
was warden during the year the Shel- mend no action. Re account of $25.25
ter was instituted, to address the repairs clone to Jackson .bridge be -
council. air. Elliott expressed his tween Goderich and Statile), town -
pleasure at meeting the council again ship, this work was done under the
and reviewed his work in connection supervision of ,lir. Hanley, of Satan -
with the institution and his interest ley, We recommend that this be paid.
in the same ever since. Re the improvement on the Borth
On Wednesday afternoon, on mo- side of Brussels bridge, amounting
tion of Messrs. McKibbon and Beat- to $196.80, we would recommend that
tie, the comma adjourned to attend this be paid to the treasurer of Brus-
the funeral of ilefrs, Knight, wife of sets.
ex -County Councillor Martin Knight, Good Roads Commission.
On re-assemblinu• the Warden, on the The Good 'Roads Commission re-
request of Mr. Knight, extended his ported meeting at Robert Cooper's
thanks to the members of the council farm, Tuckersmith, Sept. 12th, re
for the expression of sympathy in at- purchase of gravel unit, but did not
tendingthe funeral. think it advisable
to buy
this pit,
Under The Case of Paying
Patients at the the same date they reported in
County Home Causes part as follows: The Provincial
Complications. County Road between Kippen and
Mrs. Abraham, of Portland, Ore- Hensall is in need of resurfacing
gam appeared before the council with and we recommend that one of the
reference to a claim against Mrs, county crushers be placed in this pit
Thos. McKay, an imitate of the for this work as soon ae deal is put
House of Refuge, for care, attendance through and agreement signed. The
and travelling expenses of several bridge on Road No, 8, at the Scott
trips frnm Portland Dr. Milne, Mr. drain, Usborne, is falling down and
!Buchanan, air.. Geiger, Mr. Sanders, a new bridge is now in couse of
Mr. Armstrong, lir. H. J. A. Mac- construction opposite where the,
Ewan, air. Munnings, :vitt Robertson, Scott drain strikes road out of Hib-
lir. Hanley and air. Neeb, spoke on pert, and a 24 -strip of landshas been
the question. The following ]notion purchased off the Hackney farm, the
was adopted: Moved by air• H. J. A, purchase Price being $100, and the.
MacEwan, seconded by Mr. Middle- new drain will be placed off this
ton, that the matter of the claims of county road allowance. A new cut -
Mrs. Abraham on moneys in posses- ,vert, 8 -ft, span, has been erected oat
t o u£ the county of Huron in trust the county Provincial roadway 1
for Mrs. Thus. McKay, an inmate of Stephen just north of Centralia.
Road Widening on Blue Water High -
The road ideniieg approved b the
county council in Julie is under way.
Five new concrete culverts have been
completed south of Bayfield, The
county concrete plant at the .Heyrock
bridge is doing the excavating and
reconstruction of this difficult and
hazardous undertaking.
The curve leading to south ap-
proaeh of Bayfield has been widened,
new posts planted for guard railing,
and the cable is ready for installing;
also some of the shrubbery has been
cut out, giving a better view :to
travelling public of traffic conditions
on the bridge.
South of Goderich on the provincial
county roacl three culverts have been
extended to comply with the. High-
way Act respecting bridges on pro-
vincial county roads. Five culverts
have been ereeted between Goderich
and Amberiey. this summer, ail' ex-
cellent structures. : ThelleNain
bridge is in about the same condi-
tion as last spring, but is dangerous
for heavily loaded vehicles.
Pavement at Blyth Excellent Piece of
Work. •
The new pavement at Blyth is an
excellent piece of „road ,construction
in every respect. The Prairie bridge
near Winglram' is undergoing widen -
e. been put
a concrete footing has
n put in an the bridge 'abutments.
A. gravel pitwasbought from W. G.
Strong, Howick, for $200. The work
at the sink hole east of Lakelet at
Road No. 30 has been completed.
The method employed Lras beet! to
fill in with cedar rails, with about 10
inches of gravel :spread out to a
width of 20 feet, This is about all
of *Huron, and our 'county engineer is
deserving of great praise foe, the way
se has .handled this work. We would
.recommend that a tablet he iuserted
n the railing of the Heytock bridge
and also on Bannockburn badge. The
road for a utile north of Grand
Bend' has been widened and the cul-
verts rebuilt to regulation width the
tc anwdn
resurfacing not completed.Road
No. 4, Stephen, has been wudeued at
two culverts and drain straightened
to Tiring the run ,opposite the culvert.
We inspected the beach in Bayfield
at the north side of the pier and
Eoun(1 immense quantites of excellent
gravel suitable for road purposes,
and there has been a fair road con-
structed to the beach to haul this
material to our county roada.
On the 21st we went out to Salt -
ford bridge. The ` comity engineer
has had the abutments all reponsten
and these abutments are now yin first
class condition'. We went out to
Nile and then to Dungannon. On
this road north of Nile Mr. Irwin is
claiming damages amounting to $377
for a ear accident, and also onbehalf
of Miss C. Pentland, We find this
road of an average width over culvert
and at both sides for a considerable
distance. We examined road No.
27A, Ashfield, and would recommend
some maintenance if the expenditure
is not now river our estimate. We
went from there to Lucknow, and
over the new Provincial County Road.
to Wingham. En route examined
the bridge at ,the foot of Dickie Hill.
We would recommend a new con-
crete arch culvert or bridge 66 feet
Hong and 12 foot spate and that the
hill be cut clown and widened, and if
found practicable, to have hill -cutting
commenced during the winter. A
narrowstripof land will have to be
bought on both sues over the hill
top to get the required width to
grade. We would ask the engineer
to arrange this matter, We find the -
new road constructed last year be-
tween Whitechurch equal to or super-
ior to any road in the County of
We visited the Prairie road. This
work has been completed and is, in
our opinion. a first-class job. It
would, in our opinion, be advisable
next year to widen the culvert, and
when this is done, it would be a
perfect road. The committee recom-
mended purchase of gravel pit from
Mr. R, M, Young, Colborne, for $500,
and reported: We recommend that
all accounts on county roads pertain-
ing to the Workmen's Compensation
Act or ally other accounts pertaining
to (food ].toads should gothrough
the County Road Superintendent's
office so that they conid be verified
and the statutory grants obtained on
Claims for Damages Disposed Of
Re claim of George Irwin ,Dun-
gannon for damages to car, clothing,
medical assistance, $403, we admit no
liability and take no action. Re claim
of A. H. Graham, Howick, for $90,
we reemmend no action. Re claim of
John T. 'Lennox, Wingham, - for
broken sprin gin automobile, $3.85,
we recommend no action, Re renewed
claim of Patrick Moran, Ashfield, for
broken wagon reach pole, we recom-
mend no action. Re claim of Ernest
Blake, Ashfield, in regard to dump-
ing rubbish on county road opposite
Ms farm, we do not approve of rub-
bish being dumped on roads, and
when he furnishes committee with
the blame of the party who did it,
we will take action to have said eels-
ence removed. Re claim of E.
Phillips for damages to buggy' and
himself at Auburn bridge, we recom-
mend men
< n O action,—Re
d n as
Bess -
mint on unty Road i�r,
KiUpP, $253.60Co, the recommo.end.14'tMc-
this be paid to the treasurer of Mc-
Killop. Re drain assessment on Road
No, 22 West Wawanosh, this ac-
count has been paid through Patrol-
man Gillespie, Re motion of Messrs.
,Middleton and McICibbon asking for
a supplementary grant for Clinton of
$1,449.94 for .County Highway cou-
neeting link, we recommend said
grant be made. Re motion of
Messrs. Hanley and Bays for the
money received for old timber of
Bannockburn bridge, sent to the
county treasurer to be returned to
the treasurer of Stanley, we recom-
mend that this be done. Re motion of
]Messrs. 'McQuaid and McCutcheon
that t the boundary
between Mc-
Killop and Grey be designated as a
county road, we recommend that this
be granted,
Further Grants to Brussels and Blyth
1've recommend that a further
grant of $1,275.60 be made to the vil-
lage of Brussels andthat an agree-
ment be entered into with the villages
whereby they-re-iuiburse the county
to the extent of the amount not coy-,
erecl` by the Government grant, viz.,;''
$765.36. We recommend that a fur-
ther grant of $2,205.50 be made to the
village of Blyth in 'accordance with
agreement entered into with the vil-
lage. The toad frons. Amberley to
the easterly limits of Grey has been
approved as a County Provincial
broad and this has been the only coun-
ty provincial road granted by the
Highway Department in Ontario in
1924. We recommend that $9.57 be.
paid on the account of McKillop
Telephone System of $16.45, for wire•
and moving poles oft Road No. 12.
That $15 be paid on account of
Crediton Rural Telephone Co. for
moving polesandwires.' That one
half the Hay Tu. Telephone System's -
cos.!. of'moving poles on Like Shore
road, be paid, And that the' county.
pay 40 per, cent. 'of the cost of cal-
cium chloride and oiling on county
roads in hamlets and villages.,
Responsibility for Stock Runningat
Large on Designated Roads.
At the Thursday morning session
Mr, Robertson ,brought up the matter
of an accident •• which occurred in
the Township of Colborne on the
county road, The -question involved'
was as to the responsibility for stock
running at, large on county designat-
ed roads. It was- . pointed. out that a
township bylaw lorbidding'stock on
township roads, did not affect the
running at large of stock on a county
designated road. Mr, Robertson said
his object in bringing the matter to
the notice of the county was to
secure uniformity, in the county. The
question' was further - discussed by
:Messrs. Neel), Hanley, Sanders, Mid-,
dleton, 'H.`J. A, MacEwait and Barker
and it was decided," on motion : of
At this season of the year there is
considerablecontroversy over writ-
ing "Xmas" for "Christmas". The,
riter prefers the latter, trot that "X"''
in "Sanas" has anything to do with -
the cross, as one exchange holds,
The "X" stands for the Greek letters
"Ch" which is written like the English
"X". Webster's dictionary gives the
derivation of Christ as the Greet:
word Christos, meaning anointed, and
under Abbreviations he gives "Xmas
--Christmas, Ztn--Christian; Xper—
Christopher" He evidently thinks the
abbreviation quite correct.
The December .session, of the
comity council opened on 'Tuesday
afternoon, Dec. and, with all the
members present. Warden Irwin, in
his opening remarks, expressed his
pleasure at seeing the members pres-
ent, all full of health and vigor, and
ready for the work" of the session.
Since the last meeting of the council
the County of Huron had been bless-
ed with a bountiful harvest, for which
all were thankful, He had visited the
County Home and fount everything
in hrst-class shape and the place was
well kept, neat and clean. He had
visited also the County Shelter at the
annual meeting, at which Mr. J. J.
Kelso was present, and found every-
thing well kept, under the care of
the Matron. lir. Elliott, the County
Agent, had the wink very mach at
heart and left nothing undone he
could do. There was a great deal of
business to be disposed of at this
session and he hoped for a good ses-
sion. The large sums the county
is called upon to pay to Collegiate
Institutes of other counties is soine-
thing that is causing serious thought
by the council. icor instance at this
session of the council accounts have
come in from I;oadan .. 4
hurt!! Colleg-
aIle -ioke 1 tstit to and Central Collegiate
Institute. London. amounting to the county home, be ret'ereed to a
$860-53 between them, and $1,453.11 F
from Lucknow Continuation School, committee of the whole council and
Dr. Milne pointed out that the county that we ask Mr. Patty, of /reason,
gets bills front London, Lucknow,
inspector and our solicitor, to
Iiarristan, Listowel, tit. Marys, Un -,appear before the council tomorrow.
This is a case where a lady having
chell and Parkhill and there does not
cent to be any offset in the way of
pupils Iuron County can charge
other counties for. The law provides
for Collegiates receiving pupils from
an adjacent•county and charging the
county from which the pupils come,
but Ur. Milne said he was far from
satisfied that a student should go
past two or three schools in his own
county and go to a school in London
for instance, simply because :his or
her grandmother heed there and he
or she could Pet cheap board, it
would. pay this county better to pay
the board of such a pupil and have
him attend our own Collegiates in-
stead of being bitted for large sums
to help maintain half million dollar
Collegiates in London. He wanted to
get the solicitor's opinion on the situ-
ation and arrangements had been
made for hint to meet the committee.
There are a number ofclaims for
damages against the county, Henry
Corey, of Clinton, asks for $165 dam-
ages for a horse which jumped over a
bridge on the second concession of
Stanley into the river, on account of
the lack of a railing Ezekiei Phil-
lips,' of Auburn; asks damages owing
to a buggy wheel being caught in
wire at the side of the road witch re-
sulted in a` runaway, and int his being
dragged some distance. John T. Len-
nox, of Wingham, broke an axle com-
ing to Goderich on July 12th, owing,
he claimed, to a hole in the road at a
culvert, which was being repaired.
John Hey, of -Zurich, had an auto
upset by reason of the earth giving
away under his car, and he claimed
damages. A, A. Graham, Gorrie,
R.R. No. 1, also has a claim for auto
-damages and there a number of
others. •IMAM
The road from ,u erley running
through Lucknow and Wingham has
been taken over as a provincial road,
approval -haying been received ,from
the highways Department.
Lincoln .County forwards a resolu Was defeated I5 to 13. Mr, McQuaid
some means was takenin the County
.Monne as she .had nowhere else to go,
and her money was taken over by the
county for her keep. The solicitor's
advice was that the county had noth-
ing to do with such a claim as airs.
Abraham's. It was conceded by the
council to he a just claim against the
estate of the innate, and if presented
before the estate was taken over :by
the county, should have been paid. As
a matter of fact, the County Home is
not intended for persons having
means for their own support, but in
Huron a number of persons have
been accepted as inmates who had
some means, where the County
Home made a convenient place for
theta to go to spend their declining
years; The matter of adjusting such
a claim as Mrs. Abraham's is now
beyond the jurisdiction of the council,
and here remedy- is a suit against the
estate: This being the situation, Mrs,
Abraham thanked the council for
the patient hearing given her, and Mr.
Geiger for the kindly interest taken
iu her case, and stated that, on the
advice of'a solicitor, she had with-
drawn .any claim made on the cottrt-
eil and would resort to legal, action
against the estate of the inmate -ia
the case.
It was moved by Messrs: Geiger'
and Armstrong that in the case of all
persons admitted to the House of
Refuge having money_ or estate, an
advertisement must he inserted in the
papers of the county at least three
insertions to the effect that all
claim; and accounts against such
parties must be sent in or reported
to the inspector by a certain date, or
they will not be considered. This
motion was debated at some length.
Some claimed that the passing of
such a resolution, would have no
legal effect and that the council
would only be making, trouble for it-
self by passing ,it. Mr. Geiger asked
for the yeas and nays and the motion
that could be done until a drainage
scheme is devised, and the ` work,
while expensive, is an excellent job.
The committee met at.Goderich. Nov.'
20th," went to Bayfield .'where, the
widening south of the bridge was
completed, a big improvement. The
county provincial road south .of Bay-
field has been widened for one mile
to the regulation width` and re- :Sessrs. 'Ih J.' A. MacEwan ° and
sutfaced,'an excellent job. •Heyroek Nceb, that the solicitor be requested
bridge has been completed and is ono to report at. the, January meeting of
of the best structures in the County the county.
� t
Great Variety--- Great Value. Special Christmas Offering.
Come and See. Boty and Sane
50c e LINTER
See the many lints of Toys and regular lines from now until
Christmas for 50c
€'Santa's conic to stay---
Frorn now till Christrnas day"
Vitagraph's Massive Production
Man From
/Adapted from the famous novel by
V ,� Q ~ r
George Barr McCutch all
'Fftfith a superb cast including
,t 1, arren
Kerrigan an
DR. H, HUGH ROSS, Physician
and • Surgeon,. Late of London Hos-
040, London,; England. Special
attention to diseases.of ,the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and resid--
eu e behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106,
DR, F. J. BURROWS, Seaford'.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor -
otter for the County of Huron. Tele-
phone No, 40,
Hero of The Oovered Wagon
Wanda Hawley, dice Calhoun, Miss Du Pout
Pat O'Malley
A drama of intrigue and mystery producing East Indian splendor
8 Reels
Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m.
In response to an enquiry from garding the matter of high school
.lir. Geiger, air, Coates gave the in- levies. The clerk explained the
formation that the pay sheets of the change in the manner of making the
Good Roads Commission for the year requisition as per chapter 82,1 sec. 16,
amounted to $479:75• Statutes of Ontario, 1924, which reads
District Engineer Irwin Advises as follows; "To 86 per centum of the
More Attention to Maintenance total amount expended for perma-
• of Roads. tient improvements (including am -
At the Thursday afternoon session omits expended in 'paying for the. Highest prices paid, Max Wolsh
Mr, Irwin, district engineer, was interest payable on such , debentures) phone 178, Seaforth.
present and was asked to address shall Ue added the total cost of main -
the council. He said that more tenance. of the high school; the
money should be spent on mainten- amount apportioned out of the legis-
lation grant and n t i
this a sums received
roads and that Y
auce of the oadla
for fees shall be divided ded by the totalals
should receive first attention. It
was a serious mistake to allow the number of clays' attendance of all
roads to become surface -worts too pupils at the school during the next
creep or broken up. The grants to preceding three years, and the result- Z�
towns and villages he thought money ing amount shalt be multiplied by the r
well spent and that good results were total number of clays' attendance of
accomplished. He went rather fully county pupils during the same three Registered
in Highway Development in Ontario years; and to the resulting amount
since p
si its inception and marked the theme shall be adders the share of the ehiropractiC Specialist
progress made. In answer to n. cast uF education of county pupils
great p
question` by air Hanley he said that which the town, village or township
gravel and water privileges on
the: which constituted the High Schou!
the lake shore were vested in the Dc- district pair] to the County during
partmetit of Marine and Fisheries, the preceding year as included in the
unless purchased by. the farmers or rate, levied by the calmly council
those ,owning the land in proximity accorrling to the relative equalized
to the Jake. Mr. Johnston asked
value, end the tidal amount so
sce .
what would be the most feasible plat! . • ccrtaihcd shall be the stun payable -
to tis the tourist traffic and the council to the board.
Irwin was of the opinion that a tax Turn Down Claims of London Col-
on gasoline would serve the purpose. legfate for Huron County Pupils
In answering ivIr. Robertson's ques- Attending There,
tion as to controlling stock running The education committee reported
at large .on the highways Mr. Irwin as follows: Re reddest and accounts
said the municipality should pass the til Central Collegiate Institute of
necessary. bylaw.: London, also South London account,
Moved by Messrs. Johnston and for Huron County pupils. amounting
Coates that the comity enghleer . be to $860.53, we rr carimend that these
requested to furnish each member of accounts be list paid), as our solicitor
-the 'council tvith_a statement of the thinks the Act was never intended to
atnounts expended on county desig- apply to the pupils passing out frons
noted roads in each municipality up their adjacent High Schools and es
to Dec. 1st, 1924; the same to be sent c o convenience going to. � `j
out on or before Dec. 20th—Carried. High Schools in adjacent counties: i.r
Moved by Ivressrs. 'Robertson and We ,further recommend that, in case
Iklopp that the •Good. Roads Commis -.these outside points are upheld and If you have failed to get relief
Stott consider the advisability of tat- .that Barents are allowed; by the Act send for• "EZO" The New 'Find,
ing advantage of the 'reforestation to select a costly, highly ,equippedthat hasgivenpositive relief in
scheme tvth the view of reforesting Collegiate or High School and allergic every case.
out waste spots in the couti•ty. Re -this up to the county, it becomes high •
ferrel to the Good Roads Commis time for this council to memorialize- Mr. William Cook, of Mitchell,
stop. the Legislature to have this act writes: "I. had been tortured with Re -
At the closing•meetiug.of the sex amended we contend the act>.is mina on my hands slid arms and tried
Sion; On ,Friday mining, Mr: Patter= only applicable as icable where a`pupil is more different eczema remedies without re -
son gave a verbal repos^t of the work aceesesble to an outside County High Butt. Being advised to try '"EZO".
of los department covering the 7oast School than to one situated m his and after 'using a few boxes, Team en-
yoar, own county. tirely free from the annoying malady.
Educational Matters. We recommend that the following "(Signed) W
be g m Cook,,
The Departmental grants to the Paid to Blyth 'Continuation sclrore, - Mitchell Ont."
various Iiigh Schools and Collegiate Ncrtmm�enb:,Imprnvetnent debenture,:
Institutes in the county as reported 80 per cent:, $/01.32,' to village ureas "EZO" is sold in Seafosth;at Ab-
by the Edueation Department are as urer; maintenance account, payable to erhart's Drug Store, and 'by the
follows: Winghain $1,533,17; Exe- .secretary -treasurer of school board, Standard Drg Co., London' and
ter, 1,399105; Seaforth; $1,574; Clio- $1,711.56;
,�� maintenance,
total of
$2,- Str
atford,, or sent prepaidaid on
ton 1491.50•:Goderici $ �338 total, 412•88 We. recommend that Clifford eelpt of $1,00 b Chas. McDaid B
$7,336.22.On Thursday evening a '
Continuation school receive . $607.47 Co;, Dublin, Oat..
session was held: Mr. Robertson
spoke of the change in the law re (Continued on Page 8.)
DR. C. MACK,AY.—C. MackaY.
honor graduade of Trinity" Univers-
ity and 'gold medallist of, Trinity
Medical College; member orthe Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR: F. j. R. FORSTER.=Eye Ear,
Nose and Throat, Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto; 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute; Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden 'Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. Alt
Commercial Hotel, Seaf o r t h ,
third Monday in each month,
from 11 a.m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford, Phone 267,
General Fire, Life,
Accident & automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machined
James Watson
North :Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Miltlld Fere lusuruuce Co.
James Connolly, Goderich; Alex,
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Prat-
ident• D. F. McGregor, Seaforth,
Sec. -Treasurer.
Wm. Ring, No. 2, Seaforth; Jona
Bennew•efs, Brodhagen; James Evanat
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
James Conolly, Goderich • ;Alex.
Broadfoot, No. 3, Seaforth; j; G.
Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferrisi _
Harlock; George McCartney; No, 9;
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brumfield.
Alex. Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No, 3, Seaforth! J. V. Yeo,
Hohnesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or tranacst other business', will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices,
Don't Throw
Your Dili
Carp efts Away
They make new rever-
ible "Velvetex"-Rugs,
send for Velvetex Folder R
Dr. W,_ R. Nimmo
Spinal, Nervous and Chronic
Diseases treated successfully by
the latest methods of natural
therapeutics, spinal adjustment, and
corrective dietetics, etc.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday and Saturn..
10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5
p.m. 7 to 8 p.m.
Saturday -10 to 12 a.m, 7 to 4 p.m
Sundays by Appointment.
Want and For Sale 'Ads, 3 tittles 50c.