The Seaforth News, 1924-12-11, Page 1inaterdiarmur
A Gift of Sweets
is a present always appreci
You're sure to be, welcome
if you take a box of
Our Confectionery
with you.
We are giving some very nice Presents to those who
purchase Boxes or Bulk.
See Our Window Display
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
APPLES.—Kings, Peewaukies, Wealthies and Spies.
At very 'moderate prices considering their scarcity.
SHIRRIFF'S MARMALADE.—Orange 12 oz. 25c
Pineapple, 16 oz, 35c
FINE ALL -HAIR STOVE BRUSHES at a bargain. Hand=made
of fine quality pure hair closely filled, •brass wire 45c
strung, regular 75c, for
PURE EXTRACTED HONEY.—Beekist brand in 23.E and i S c
5 lb. pails, at per pound
This is below association price and may not long be possible.
Secure yours now.
I lb, tin 50c
BODLEY'S ALMOND ICING.=We have it again, very 25C
fine, very convenient, % lb. tin
CANDIED CHERRIES, Plums, Dates, Figs, Pineapple, also Candied
Lemon, Orange, and Citron Peels.
MOPS at 25c, with brush holder 35c, Self wringing mops 75c,
Polishing mops 75c, $1.00 and $1,25.
CHOCOLATES.—Special 5 lb, box forQ Art
These chocolates are regularly sold at 40c per �7
pound and are splendidly assorted .in flavor end substance.
MINCE MEAT.--+First•-class, per pound
1 8 c
and is only, per pound, .�
First Class Dairy Butter, Clean Fresh Eggs, and dry, bright Dried
Apples in Targe quarters wanted in exchange for goods.
Boys' Solid Leather SI m®
School Shoes .... u
Girls' Solid Leather $41 09
School Shoes
Growing' Girls' $
3.7 Size 3.49
Patented and Gua. $02 iiia ?!t
Metal Oxfords
Do nbt wait for wet weather. We
again have Dominion Rubbers.
The guaranteed kind.
Special price on Suit }Cases and
Leather Club Bags.
No doubt the recent .heavy ruins
will bo_acceptable, as most cisterns
were dry, and some wells also.
The many friends of Mr. Robt.
Grieve, of the North Road, are sorry
to hear he is in a very critical con-
The choir of St, Thomas church
had a very jolly birthday party in the
church hall on Friday evening to
which members and friends of the
choir were invited. An excellent pro-
gramme was provided, which was.ap-
propriately of, a musical nature. The
opening selection was a piano solo
by Miss Anna Hanna, followed by a
few remarks by the chairman, Mr,
Neelin. A duet was given by Misses
J. Edge and J. Archibald and Rev, T.
H. Brown gave an address on Music
and the English in which he set forth
the part taken by Englishmen in
adding to the world's store of good
music, Miss Marjorie Sicken gave a
reading in her usual inimitable style,
which won hearty applause, as clic)
also another piano selection by h,U6S
Acura Fianna. Rev. R, Fulton Irwin
was called upon to 'give a talk on
Music and the Irish, and one soon
felt that music and Ireland were
synonymous terms. ' Miss Brown, of
the Collegiate sttafl, gave an excellent
reading entitled "The Firm of Push
and Pull," Music and the Scotch was
the subject most ably taken by Rev.
Dr, Larkin, followed by a solo by
Miss Evelyn Cudmore which was
much appreciated, Mr. F. S. 'Savauge,
in a very bright and clever 'speech, en-
lightened the audience concerning
Music and the Ordinary Man. A solo
by Mr. Heron was followed by the
closing number of the programme; a
duet by, Misses Annie and Cora
Strong. Mr, George .Clark was ac-
companist during the evening. Sand-
wiches, cake and tea were served by
members of the choir, after whichthe
gathering broke up with the singing_
of Auld Lang Syne and the ;National
The regular meeting of the Town
Council was held on Monday at 8.15
with all members present. Moved by
Messrs, Beattie aid Haigh, that
James, Proctor & Redfern be paid
the balance of their account for
engineering work of waterworks sys-
tem, $1,025; also that Mr. Roy T.
Patterson be paid the balance of
money clue him for engineer work on
street paving amounting to $101:55;
also Air. Hays' salary amounting to
$200 for 1923 and '1924. Moved by
Messrs. Card+no and Chapman, that
Mrs. Catherine Fortune, East Wil-
liam street, be rebated $4,51 overpaid
in error in taxes on Nov. 3rd. By-
Law No. 274 appointing deputy re-
turning officers and poll clerks was
read and adopted. Moved by Messrs.
Cardno and Chapman that certain
notes received from the R. Bell E. 8:
T. Co., be approved; and that certain
other notes be returned. On motion
of 'Messrs, Beattie and 'Haigh the
Council adjourned to meet at the call.
of the Mayor.
The finance committee passed the
following accounts:
Wm. Gillespie, $100; Jno. A.
Wilson, $75; John Knight, $65; Elec-
tion Board, Cty. of Huron, $95.05;
Bell Tel. Co., $6.64; Geo, D. Fergusoun
Co., $1.75; P.U. Com., $49.22; J. F.
McMann, dump $25;..Geo. A. Sills &
Sons, $9.35; Thos, Sharp, $2.75; C,N.
Rys., $5.05; P.U. Com., hall light,
$27.29; do., street light, $1,470; Kruse
Bros., $1.23; J. C. Greig D.C., $40;
Jas. F. Welsh $40; E. T 'Box, $9.25;
Alexa Lamont, ,$10; Robt. Edgar, $55;
Jahn Grieve. $6; J. F. Snowdon, B. of
II„ $12; J. F. Welsh. do., $7.35; J. A.
Case, do., $5.75; S. Allen,' $2.25; E,
Chittenden, $11.70; Ed. Hunt, $12.80;
C. Sills, stamps, $10.
The Young. People's League on
Tuesday evening was in charge of the
Missionary Department, the chair be-
ing occupied by Afias Gladys Hol-
land. The Scripture Talk was given
by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin. A reading
was given by Mrs, Johnson, and a
solo by Mr. Oliver Elliott. The topic
was taken by Mr. C. II. Holland.
Recognized as a leading specific for
the destruction of worms, Mother
Graves' 'Worm Exterminator has
proved a boon to suffering children
everywhere. It seldcim fails,
Ch ristinas
Niore and Better Than Ever
Complete Lines of
ouse Furnishings
an N velties
Corne and Select Early
Store Open Evenings
The Lions Chit met on Tuesday
night for organization. There were 23
present. .The election of officers re-
sulted as follows: President, R, M:
Jones; vice president, W. J. Duncan'
secretary, W. G. Spencer; treasurer,
Jos. McMillan; board of directors,
Dr. Chas. Mackay, Jas. Mullen, J.
MaeTavish; f. H, Best A. D. Suther-
land; tail twister; F. Sills.
The funeral of an old resident took
place on Tuesday afternoon when the
late Walter Kemp was laid to rest
in Maitland Bank cemetery.. Deceased
came to Seaforth about fifty years)
ago and resisted here until 9 years
ago since when .he went to reside in
Petrone with Mrs. Smith, his daugh-
ter. I -Ie was aged 88 years. His wife
died about 47 years ago He leaves
mud son, Henry, of Texas and three
daughters, Mrs. Smith of Petrone,
Mrs Johnston of Cleveland and Mrs.
McCue, .of Alberta. Deceased was a
charter member of the Canadian
Order of Foresters; under whose aus-
pices the funeral was heli;.
The: annual business meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in the school room of the Pres-
byterian church on Tuesday after-
noon, Nov. Flth , Mrs. F. H. Larkin
presided. The reports presented by
the secretaries of the various depart-
ments were most encouraging. The
treasurer, Airs. T. Swan Smith, re-
ported an advance in givings over last
year but she was unable to state the
exact amount of money raised as the
books do not close till the end of the
year. Interesting reports were also •
given by the treasurer of the Barbara
Kirkman Y.W.A., Miss Belle Camp-
bell; and of the Senior and Junior
:.fission Bands by Mrs. W. J. Mc-
Intosh. The membership of the sen-
ior auxiliary number 113, which is 13
more than last year. Foliowing offic-
ers were elected;' President, Mrs. R.
Archibald; 1st vice president, Mrs. G,
T. Turnbull; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. A.
McCuaig; 3rd vice -pros., Mrs. J. C.
Greig; secretary, Mrs. C. Aberhart;
treasurer, Airs. T. Swan Sniith; as-
sistant, Mrs. J, G. Mullen; supply sec-
retary, Mrs. John Beattie; Home
Helpers, Airs. John Robb; press sec.,
Miss H. I. Graham; Messenger sec„
Miss Robb; strangers' sec„ Mrs. C.
Aberhart; pres. Senior M.B., Mrs. J.
A. Stewart; pres., Junior M.B., Mrs.
W. J. McIntosh; convener look -out
coma Mrs. J,. Finlayson; convener
social conn., Mrs, T. Dickson.
The annual meeting of the Bar-
bara Kirkman Y:W,A, was heid on
Tuesday evening in the school room
of the Presbyterian church with a
fair:' attendance. Miss Edith McKay
presided over the meeting owing to
the illness of the president, Mrs. H. J.
thbsoi, and read the Scripture lesson,
after which Mrs. F. FL Larkin offer-
ed prayer. A social evening will be
held, in January, and the membership
fee was raised to 25c. Amount raised
during year, $599.17, mite boxes, $17.-
86. The officers: Pres,. Mrs. H. J.
Gibson, vice presidents, Miss. S. L
McLean, Miss Eolith McKay, Miss M.
Somerville; secretary, Miss E. David-
son; treas., Miss Belle Campbell,
press sec., 'Miss Pearl Patterson;
pianist, Miss R. Elder, asst. pianist,
:Miss P. Patterson; look -out, Misses
li. Habkirk, P, Patterson and Mrs.
W. R. Plant; flower coma Mrs. W.
Ai. Stewart; visiting em., Misses
Belle Smith, Nina Robb, Mrs R. H.
Sproat; supply com -Mrs. G. D.
Haigh, Mrs. J. Cummings; Miss J.
Steel; social, Airs, Leslie Scott and
Adis Edith McKay.
On Saturday. December 6th, 1924,
Mary Jane Little widow ofthelate
George Brownlee, Sr., passed away
at the, age offifty-five years. Deceas-
ed was a daughter of Thomas Little,
of Clinton, and was married in 1906
to Mr. Brownlee wt. stied on Janu-
ary 5th, 1923. For a number of
years they dived in Tuckersmith, be-
fore retiring to Seaforth about twelve
years ago.
•The funeral; which was private,
took place on Tuesday afternoon
from her late residence, James street,
to the place of interment in Mait-
land Bank Cemetery.
The annual meeting of the Neil
Shaw Y.W.A. was held in the Eg
mondville church on Saturday after-
noon. Mrs: R. E. McKenzie presided
and led in prayer. Scripture lesson
was react by Miss Billy Chesney and
•selections'on mission work by Misses
Cora Sherwood and Dorothy Reinke.
Mrs; McDonald took the closing
prayer. The work of the Sgpiety has
been very successful during the past
year, the amount being $285.85. This
includes two life memberships, Mrs.
Hugh Chesney and Mrs. D. McLean,
and one In Memoriam, The officers
elected for the ensuing year are; Hon.
President; Mrs. W. D. McDonald;
hon. vice-president; Miss MacTavish;
president, Miss Bertha Chesney; 1st
vice-pres., Miss Jean Hays; ;2nd vice-
pres., Miss Alae Wallace, . ;3rd vice -
ores., Miss Dorothy Reinke; secret-
ary, Miss Bertha.Beattie; asst, sec.,
Miss Cora Sherwood; ;treasurer, Mrs.
R. E. McKenzie; pianist, 'Miss Billy
Chesney; asst pianists, Misses Pearl
Carnochan,ancl Sadie 'Howatt; look-
out committee, Mrs. J McElroy, Miss
Grace Eigie, Sadie Howatt, Rena
Simpson, Mae Hudson music com-
mittee, Misses Billy Chesney, Pearl
Carnochain, Rena Simpson, Sadie
Howatt, Mae. Wallace, Claire Sproat;
sewing committee, Mrs, D. McLean,
Mrs. J. Carnochan; Mrs. J, McElroy,
W.f 'r Ltd __:;. r3
li Otre (Gift torr
mks --Than
hi IS
ISSUE No. 50,
For Her
Diamond Ring .. $25.00 up
Solid Gold Rings ...$2.00 up
Solid gold bar pin .43.50 up
Silver Bar Pins .... 75c up
Pearl Beads cased $5.00 up
Ivory Clocks ..., $4.00 up
Ivory Jewel Cases ..$2.50 up
Wrist watches, fancy $10 up
Bead Hand bags .,$2.50 up
Pearl Lavaliers, 14k, ..$5 up
Pen and Pencil Sets
gold mounted ..$3.00 up
For the Horne
Silver Sets $16.00 up
Clock $6,00 up
97 -piece Dinner Set $25 up
Buffet Sets $3.00 up
Sugar and Cream
silver $5.00 up
Sandwich Tray, silver $4 up
Byzanta Bowls .., $2.50. up
Consol Set $3.00 up
For the old folks—Consult
Dr. Ross Savauge about a
pair of real glasses,
For Ifirrt
Cigarette Case ....$2.50 up
Watch Chains .... $2.00 up
Cuff }'mks $1.00 up
Signet Rings $5.00 up
Pocket Watch . $8.00 up
Wrist Watch $10.00 up
Waldemar Knife$1,25 up
14k. Pearl Tie Pin $2.00 up
Military Brushes ,,$3.50 up
Waterman Pen $2,50 up
Eversharp Pencil , .$2.00 up,'
Silver belt buckle $1.75 up
With Christmas only Two Weeks away, "Santa Claus will catch you if you'don't watch out.
Now we are wonderfully well equipped to supply your Christmas needs this year. All our regular
lines of Jewelry are well up to and considerably above the standard of former years. In addition
to this we have added a very large stock of Fancy Chinas, Brassware, Trays, Byzanta Ware; Ital-
ian Pottery, New Style Umbrellas, Golf Supplies, Crown Ducal China, and a host of other splen-
did Christmas necessities that will solve your Christmas Gift Buying almost instantly, very
pleasantly and certainly very economically. You will be sure to like this new store.
We will have an abundance of Christmas stock and plenty of sales people to serve you,
If you wish to make your purchase privately and quietly, we have rooms for that purpose.
Altogether you will enjoy your Christmas slmppMg at
Phones 194
Jeweler and Optometrist
u g e
Open Evenings, Opposite 1Postoffice.
Res. 10
Mrs. Moore, Miss Mae Wallace,
Miss Lizzie Taylor; stranger's secre-
ary, Miss Mae Wallace; press secre-
tary. Miss Dorothy Reinke.
Our steepest sympathy goes out to
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Elliott in the
death of their infant son.
Mr. Wm Kelly is visiting his sister,
'firs. W. C. Bennett
Mrs. Geo. Eaton is visiting her
I sister, Mrs. Harold Smalldon, of
A box social will be in S.S.
No. 7, Tuckersmith, on Friday even-
ing; December 12th, An extra good
programme will be provided and will
start at 8 o'clock sharp. Ladies please
bring a Taney, box, inside as well as
out, and gentlemen your pocketbook
so as to be able to buy Her box.
Everybody wedcofne, so be sure to
come and bring your friends.
A concert will be given by the
pupils of S.S. No, 9 Tuckersmith, in
the school house on Friday evening,
December 19th. A good programme
is being prepared, The proceeds are
in aid of the piano fund. Everybody
Life, Fire, . Accident Wind,
Sickness, Plate Glass, Auto, etc.
Bought and Sold
On first mortgage
Farm Property
Office over Walker's Furniture
Store,. opposite Dominion
Phone 152
Miss Petty, of Hensen, spent the
week -end at the home of Mr, and
Airs. F. Tomlinson.
Mrs. George Swan is visiting
hieuds in Toronto this week.
Messrs. Hugh and Frank Aiken -
head and Mrs. T.. Baird motored to
London last Sunday to see their
brother. John, who is very ill. Isis
many friends here hope tce hear of
his complete recovery.
Rev, C. G. Armour will preach on
the question of Church limo% next
Sunday morning, Dec. 14th. A full at-
tendance. is requested.
Seaforth Methodist Church.—Sab-
bath services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school 2:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev, R.
Fulton Irwin.
Pastor at both services. It is re-
quested that all the members and ad-
herents of the church be present
ne . Sunday morning to talk over
matters which the Finance Commit-
tee will propose.
- � Moment,
' Will anything here help you out of
your gift dilemma 7
cellent values in Flats; staple and snappy.
j'. en's - Lounge Robes.
All articles advertised, at attractive appraisement.
ocks—silk and wool, Pure silk, Eng. LIama, Eng; Worsted.
carfs—Brush Wool, Scotch Knit, Silk.
underwear = Standfields, Admiral, Flc. lined.
loves—Tan cape, Mocha, Silk lined, Wool.
arters and Area -bands in fancy boxes.
xtra size night gowns, Pyjamas, etc.
ilk (Japanese) - Handkerchiefs, initial aril plain.
Ties—Knit, New Patt Silk, - ` fancy boxed.
1 rish linen Handkerchiefs -Boxed, initial lawn and plain.
Our Tailoring Department in full swing. English Woollens.
Novelty -boxed leather belts.
weaters ranging in price—$2,50 to $6.00.