HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-11-13, Page 2REPUBLICANS GIVE UOOLIDGE IIUGE MAJORITY IN IMMENSE POPULAR VOTE 1 Both Houses of Congress Are Republican by 1VIajorities. Suf., flcient to Enable. President to ,Enforce His Policies. A despatclatrom New York says:- and his party leaders to fight success - Calvin Coolidge's election to the Presi- fully the bloc opposition which saw dome, of the United States proves, as the returns near complete tabulation, to be an overwhelming ,Republican victory. The party's popular total very probably will "exceed the stagger - his meastires, and policies so often overridden he the past Congress. This is apparent both as a- direct numerical result and because the country has said such a firm and emphatic "No" to ing Hardy victory of 1920, and the the radical element that it is regarded President's position in the Electoral' as doubtful if those with weaker lean - College probably' will rank third int ings'in that •direction will be willing strength in the whole history of theito embarrass a President who mod - country. - The results of Tuesday'a festly has the people behind him. election, as they appeared on the lat-I "Ma" Ferguson turned the knights est tabulations, are as follows from, of the Ku I{lux I{lan over her knee an Electoral College point of view: and gave them a good spanking at Coolidge, 379; Davis, 139; La Fol -I the polls in Texas. She defeated the lette, 13. ( Republican -Klan candidate for Gov - The popular vote cast for President'ernor by 100,000 votes. Coolidge and his running mate, Brig: For the first time, women will sit Gen:, Charles G. Dawes, may actually in the legislative halls of Wisconsin exceed that cast for Handing in 1920,1 as a result of the election. Helen M. when the totals are complete, but thus far it appears to be about three mil- lion short. This is the nearly com- plete tabulation: Coolidge, 18,303,118; Davis, 7,076,- 172; La ,076;172;''La Follette, 8,847,959. Both Rouses of Congress will be Republican. But, more than that, they appeal' to be Republican by ma- jorities that will enable the President lvelssiseippi. Brooks, of Colonia, will represent the Green-Wasulnra Counties district, Mildred Barber, of Marathon, will be assemblywoman for the first Mara- thon County district, One woman, Mrs. Mary T. Norton, of New ,jersey, will sit in the next Rouse, the first woman to represent a congressional district east of the Pee ELECT/ON A TRIUMPH SAYS BRITISH PRESS London Newspapers See Mes- sage of Good Cheer in Down- fall of Progressivism. A despatch from London says:— The outstanding point of the majority of the London newspapers' comment. Secretary for India—Earl; of Birk - on the United States elections is that enhee- it emphasizes the prevailing desire oft Colonies—Lieut.-Col. L. C. M. S. the democracies of the world for a Amery, period of quiet, stable government: Foreign Secretary—Austen Chun - and that the people of America are berlain. no more than those of Great Britain President of the Council and leader in a mood for the experiments of Pro- of the house of Lords --Marquis Cur- gressivism. ion. The Conservative Daily Telegraph Privy Seal—leargdfs of "Salisleuty. regards • the , "outcome'-' -ae• a much-- -LordeCh"an'cellor--Viscount-Gave:.- more amazing triumph; than that of the Conservative party to 'G'reat :Bri- tain. The general desire'fer continu- ity and stability in national adminis- tration, it. adds, "has been more than commonly strong." Anticipating that the policy of the last four yearn will be continued and that United States adherence to the League of Notions is still out of the questicei The Telegraph says that, Ai Smith nevertheless, "the reality of the Re - as Who wre-elected governor -of e- publican Government's desire to seel struction that have served generation effective American co-operation in the after generation are still tiirtting, out York fpr a third term, snowing under ilo so Col. Theodore Roosevelt in the later world's work of recovery from the their product and .wild no doubt returns. SUcCESSFUt.; CANDIDATES IN UNITED STATES ELECTCONe Calvin Coolidge elected President for a -second term by large majority— Genera/1 Dawes is Republican ehoice for Vice -President, PREMIER BALDIN ANNOUNCES I THE PERSONNEL OF I�I'��ISI� MINISTRY A despatch from Loudon says:— Stanley Baldwin, the now Prime Min- ister, has lost no time in drawing up the list of hie new Cabinet, which has been submitted to and approved by the King. The King held a Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on IImlay for the tranefer of the seals of office from the old to the new Min- isters, who took the oath and complied with other formalities. The personnel includes: Chancellor of the Exchequer --Win- ston Churchill, Dominion News Brief Natural Resources Bulletin.Bulletin.: The Natural: Resoureee Intelligence Flailfax, N.S.—The City Council bas Winnipeg, Man. --Manitoba's output Service .of the Rept: of the Interior approved of the immediate re-eetab- at Ottawa says; lishment of the Provincial Exhibition of butter will be a million null a half In a review of the annual report of here ,and hire pledsed the city to the pounds more than that of last year, the Explosives' Division of the Dept, extent of $160,000 as ite share of the acepeding• to the :Provincial- Dairy Commissioner. The manufacture of of Mines one cannot but be struck by the number of accidents caused to cost of reconstructing the bu alifax butter in Manitoba' is ,not only in" boys by the' finding of explosives. which were destroyed in the Halifax creasing .but the duality is impr9> ing, This has been especially true of de - ex 1 p orlon. Basing his figures on the benefits of tonetors, the larger portion th St, olio, N.B.—The movement of the grading system established, the :accidents'being-caused throughof curle- potatoes from this province to Cuba, Provincial Dairy] Commissioner fore osity as to what the effect would be is now reaching its height. Several casts the production as likely to reachwhen exploded by contact with fire large shipments have already been 12,260,000 pounds this year, and pos- or from exploded of n blow, The re forwarded and "arrangements' have rutty 12,600,000 pounds, which will feet in almost, all cases was the loss leave 7,000;000 pounds for export: of portions of the hand or more. seri- Regina, Seek, — Saskatchewan's ous injuries. dairy industry is malting great strides Detonators, or caps, are necessary this year; as it is in all parts of the when using dynamite and guncotton prairie provinces. It is estimated that explosives. Decomposition must be 1924 will 'show an increase of 60 per must be started by the application of been made for _regular winter ship- ments from Carleton County to Ha- vana. Montreal; Que.—The value of build- ing permits issued ltr September in 56 cities showed a considerable increase compared with the preceding month and also with September, 1923. Ac- cent in dairy products, as 'compared sudden high temperature and pees - , to the But•eau of Statistics with the previous year. sure. This is effected b} .ring, a cording `n authorized last .,> ted l small charge of fulminate of mercury, the value of buildings Edmonton, Alta.—lt is e. D which' 'explodes with groat violence month totalled $14,6GG,604,' while lit that the forest seed plant at Rocky and sets oft the explosive with which August, 1924, the total was $9,463 Mountain House will be in operation it comes in contact. The fulminate or was and in September of last year it before the end of the year, This is mercury is compressed in small cop - was $10;478,618. h est the dist plant of its kind in Alberta. per tubes which are fired by a fuse. Toronto; Ont,—During the p eriirst p, B,C.f One thousand arta. year the Ontario Dept: of Agriculture, i The Explosives Division suggests through its colonization branch, has I ish Colombia rose bushes are being that detonators ,sheulcl not ea convey - located upwards of 4,000 settlers. upon!shipped to Portland. The "Rose City,"'I ed or ;leopleeeiphl,eryenroe itie or ocher ex - farms in this province, according to! Portland, fatuous all over the contin plosives on account of the danger of • t bays t the v eyieties' aeciden e annus report produced in British Colmnita, ,Ue, the branch. In addition quite a large. P' t , . trK7lllo Montt of, 9iiih appeal is that• the 1 r ort of the director of ent for 'f s roses, J. e. First Lord of the Admiralty ---Wil- { cause they are ,the hardiest and est greater caro should iia taken in rile stritetl for growing on the continent. care of explosives, that detonators should beakept: away from ,children, who are n turally- cureeus; :Chat the ciang'er'!eh° ld be 'explained,. and the ngodefoie care impressed upon all Labor --Sir Arthur Steel -Haiti workmen who are intrusted with the Board of Trade—Sir' Philip Lloyd- ljxgaert State . t W¢p> ft hof ;arse .of exp este e, tetl that both ex- Greatne, yies14es end, 'd'e�hat8zs•should •11'eise- Man. wheat—No 1 'North.; $ ,' Iseaj�sgraeli3alh16`lr cured against theft b Education—Lord Euetace Percy. g y both adults and Secretary fez' Scotland—Sir John null Farmer IS Better Off. children. Of the 61 persons injured Gilmour, A despatch -from-Hamilton says. - •last.Yeaz.through.etayiug•wfth detoty- Attorney-General-Sir Douglas M..1 feed, 63de No. 2'feed 61.c. Sever}e€isausdaai3i4�taiuesseete zi7.e rsiv and e�rvares,•m31 than forty Hogg. J ....wW W v u, .,..W �Cvazs Bays,• aTliose"�1ssi"�w,.,,atiie Mr. Baldwin's official position. will All the ab$1.27ove cede ,i'L' ay ports o 2 'shout t show an upward trend during result of carelessness on the part of Am: corn, tract.; Toronto N users of explosives, be handicapped be the Prime Minister First or of the n Set six months Were cited to the the Treasur , and lender of. the.House yellow, ed—i o y iVIillfrled--Doz�," Montreal' freights, -;pure of Commons. ' bags included: Irate per :'ton, $89inu It is einderetood'• that this list of shorts, per ton „ y232 25.e middlings, i' nineteen . Ministers' constitutes the $38; good feed-fiiOur,-gal bale, $2.25. Cabinet, although: it is officially an- ' Ont. oets—No 3 white, 40,,tu :51e - pounced that it is . pot .necessarily Ont. wheat—No, 2 winter, $1.25 to complete. The other::Mitisters and $1.27; No. 8 Winter, $1.23 to $1.211.; -Under-Seeretaries will be named later, `No, 1 commercial., $1,21 to' $1:23, f.o.b: ,arid the Government. is not likely to be completed until 'next week. ..The Homs Secretary—Sir Wm. Jaynson- Cabinet Ministers, however, will" be Hicks. Able to follow custom and attend the Agriculture — Edward Frederick Lard Mayor's banquet Monday in Lindley Wood, their official. capacity,,, liar Clive . Bridgeman. War—Sir Laming Worthingt Evans. Air lginister—Sir Samuel J. Hoare. Health—Neville Chamberlain. number of settlers were located in on - Northern Ontario. G: The Week's Markets : REASONS 1��/I-lCrr��.71-� .1sti its , , VVI -<r, 7-S°�S - �� and. TORONTO 166, No. 2 -North., $1.60,• No: 3 North., -. ' Man, oicts—No. 2 CW; 664/$e; No. 3 Cw� 64c extra No. 1 feed; 64c, No. Can Decay in Woos' Be' ` -Prevented'. Some of the oldest building in Can- aria now standi g 1';ere_hu11t oP wood, Fionr and .grist mills of wood con, war receives a new demonstration in the election of Charles V. Hawes,- "In this countrye' it goes one "there RESULTS OF FIVE BY- is nothing but sincere gratification that a period of serious political di'ffi- ELECTIONS IN QUEBEC'culty has been avoided in the United Stator and thebestof all possible Liberals Retain Three Out of governments—a government backed Five Seats While Sherbrooke Stays Conservative. A despatch from Montreal says:— Winners of the •five by-elections held in the Province of Quebec to fill va- cancies in the Legislature were: Ste. Anne, Montreal—S. H. Dillon, distinction of being 50,000 years old, Liberal: No change.. for at the quarterly ivory sale, which St.. Maurice --•A. E. Guillemette, took place recently thirty-nine tusks from mammoths --the ivory weighing in all a ton—was withdrawn from the sale because the minimum price could not be obtained: There is some mystery as to the or - by a great popular majority --se- cured Ivory is Drug on Market. Nobody in London seems to want mammoth ivory; although it has the Liberal. No change. Sherlerouke—A. Crepeau, Conserva- tive. No change. Bonaventure—P. E. Coate, Liberal. No change. fer maay years yet, This is, however; net always the case. Wood; unfor- tunately, like practically everything else, has Its enemies, and probably the most destructive of these are fungi. To secure exact information as to the conditions which facilitate .the setion of various wood -destroying fungi on woods used for interior construction in mills, factories; -eto:, and to work out procedure and methods by means of which the deeny may be prevented, the Forest Products Laboratories of the Department of the Interior have been.carry`ine on investigations for some years,. Expert technical know- ledge on the prevention. of decay has been secured as a result of decay studies in some hundreds of large buildings. What is almost of equal importance to Canadian industry is the series of mechanical and physical tests evbich the Laboratories is conducting.ru the Quebee-.County—L,. Bastien, Con- igin of these tusks: Seven' tons ai•- strengths of Canadian timbers: Data servative. Opposition gain. ! rived, only a portion of the total being have now been obtained. for practical ' put up for sale in Mlucing Lane, The le all Canadian timbers of any come ebe •standing of the parties in the mercial value; and tbese are available Quebec Legislature as a result of the ivory came from the Baltic, via the b 1 ti T t 1 is 85tee Kara Sea, having been consigned to a to architects, engineers, builders and y -e ec ons ls: o a sea r - others interested in construction work: weals, 62'; Conservatives, 22;, vacant, l.; Russian firm of traders. It 7s report - Balloting on election day brought` ed that the Soviet government had dis- ,covered theni in the frozen fastnesses 1'P -- to a close a campaign .in which the of Siberia. Canada has become Italy's rival as Ind th of both the Government party' Scientists believe the ivory tusks to a macaroni manufacturer. Three years and the Conservative opposition figure' be at least 500 •centuries old, •i3naike• ago the Dominion iraported 7,000,000 ed.Ca et Mini Trsctoured and consul minds ' '£ macaroni' principally front Cabinet Ministers toured the consti=��nts�-furies;^the•-rnaurrrti3tU-s-ttialts;�o, P -mare, oeeriee all ot•them .solid, and.;;tt}e It ] Last year it imported only a tuencies, while Arthur Serve, Opposi- ri to Ily of a dar•k• 'few -hundred .:pounds Canada's fac- , • After 'a long search a patrol of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, head- ed by Inspector T. V. Sandy•Wunch (above), brought back to Vancouver; B.C., recently,. five Indians, charged with murder, John tistie Th orgai misti 1 tieing {Agenta' Association by jT, tdd`§sbht�`y''al' Ralis'oili "Eta- { Bureau of Boston. rsaeong on; which. the Babsoe. t i' ationra:lt�ave based their opti- forecast are: vo-thirds of the period of re- shipping points, according to freighte,: adjus Ment have been experienced.. Barley -Malting;: 86. to 90e. Henee,lthe Worst is over+: Buckwheat—No, 2, 80 to 83c. Rye -No. 2; $1.06 :to $1:07. Ont: 'flour—New, 'ninety er cent. 2. The purchasing power of the .GRLa inn farmer has been greatly tri- p prompt cress d, despite Lthe decrease in the n cal pat,, in jute bags, t o a 6volume of" major crops.. The, farmer shipment, d $6'; Toronto basis; $6; bulla is re eiving from 16 to 20 per cent. eaboard nominal. 5 more for his product this year: This mean$' more business. 3. Canadian exchange is now on Toronto, $11.50 No. 3, $12.60: a par with the American dollar. This Straw -e -Carrots, ta, per ton; le pointe' steep ly , to cue; conclusion: Screenings—Standard, recleaned, f. - � , •substantial faith in Republican Victory Haig Prompt Effect on Wall Street: A despatch from New York says:— The Republican victory was promptly reflected in Wall Street,. the markets scoring „substantial advances. --Turn- over on the New York 5toclt' Ex- change reached1,823,000 shares, 'Traci -- Matt: 'flour -First pats., in jute sacks, $8.50 per bbl.; 2nd pats:, $8. Hay --No. 2' timothy, 'per ton, track, T" o.b: bay ports, per tori, $22;50. Banks s lino Cheese—New, large, 20c; `twins; -Canal 'and its future. 20%c; triplets, Rice Stiltens, 22c. Old,' 4. he world et large is waking up large 23 to 24e; wins, '24 to 25c; to th�;unliounded poestbilities offered: triplets, 25 to 26ce by investnioait in Canail*. ' Many Butter—Finest creamery :prints, autho ,sties` ieleo have studibd" Canada 403. to 41%c; No: 1 creamery, 88% 'cloeel ',believe that, de the nineteenth to,89%c; No. 2,:86 to 36c; dairy, 28:ill the •United States so to 80c. • century made , Eggs—Fresh extras, in cartons, 58 m a like degree •will"this •century make Canada. to 60q; loose, 55 to 67c; storage ex-, 6. There are 3to burdensome sup- surveying chip in 1912, at a place off tries, lit cartons, 48 to •49c; loose, 47 1 firsts, 43 to 44c; ger- plies of eemniodities overhanging the the .coast cf. leigeanao, Philippine Is - age s ; storage Is - age seconds, 37 to 38c: Canadian market. .This ,obviates -lfqui_ lands, where bottom wus xeacheli at .a epee life, The; gecatest. a all the ne, tueM resources' elfiCanadaeis her chill- dren; letustherefore exercise every precaution in the, care and use, of explosives that they quay be protected from accidents by this cause. Deepest Spot m Ocean.. . The deepest place in any ocean, so Par•` discovered; is'loceee'd about fifty. miles off the .coast of Japan, in the Pacific. Ocean, according: to, informa- tion matte public by the U.S De_pert- ment of the Intake' throug_U the Geo- logieee Survey. Tlie Japanese' man-ofavare the Man- chu, found the sp.ot recently while on. EL ohertenalcing cruise for the Japanese Naval Department. Its depth was se great that it could not, Pe- measured, for the reason that the sounding wire carried by the vessel reached 'only 32,- 644 feet, or nearly 6% miles. How much deeper than the length of the, wire used the ocean may be at this place cannot even be guessed.' Tile greatest ocean depth previously known 'was discovered' by ae Berman Live poultry—Hens, over 6 lbs, 22e; do, 4 to 6 lbs„ 20c; do, 8 to 4 lbs, 15e; spring" chickens; lbs. and over, 25c; roosters, 12c, cea'cklMgs, 5 lbs. and up;: 18c. Dressed poultry --Hens, 5 -lbs., 28c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 25c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 18c; spring chickens, 2 lbs. and over; 80ge roosters, `16e; 'ducklings, 6' lbs. and up, 25o. Beans—Can., hand-picked,. lb., 6%e; primes, Gc. Maple produete-Syrup, per imp. gale $2.60; per 6 -gal. tine $2.40- per gal.; maple sugar, lb., 26 to 26e. Honey -00-1b. tins, 18%c per lb.;, 10 -Ib, tins; 13%c; 5 -lb. tins; 1446.; 2%-1b. tins,' 15c., Smoked meats -Sams, med., 27 to 29c; cooked hams; $8 to 40c; smoked rolls, 18 to 20c.;;.cettage rolls; :21 to 24c; breakfast bacon; 23 to 27c; spe- cial brand breakfast bacon, 29 to 31c; backs,' boneless, 33 to 38e. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs.; $17.50•; 70 to 90 lbs., $16.80; 90 lbs and up, $i6 50, lightweight rolls, in, barrels,•' $33,- 'Leavyweight rolls, $2'7;' , Large-e•tierces; 18 to' 181Fac"- tubs, :181/x,. to 19c;' peels, IBlei to 19%ce prints: 21 to 722e; shortening,'tlercese u.Y- 144/a to 150; 'tubs,:'14a'4 to 15s/a,c;: rnajo ty are ex .rna tion Leader, delivered a number of 12.000' 00 bund ing ne the morning neared 1,000,000, 'pails; 15% to lec; rints, 17 to 174/ c: t turned out 0 p s speeches grayish color. although it is possible ones _rue , - •''Ex cit;st er ; ;c cite, $'7-.to,$7-.5,0;. Acoin the various ridings: its ea ed f'ozn 2190,013. the largest showing in three years In P 1 - they are white inside. Some •bE them E'tports: Cr s § do, geed, •'$b to $6.60',-Uutohei steeps, According to first counts o£ the '. th first two: sales reached the'croree '- o • b•` u ' ballots, the 1Libeial, majorities in rtllcoss.lize enaug to be dated be- P.� t hu a total of' 805,e00 rshares, Ilusis : F ' et. $ fore the flood, while others are of a n28. The fr•roduct: wen .pnnctpally ,. 8 , choice; $&.26:to $6; do, goo8; $4.76. to the isit{{ Government t t the United States Great Britain s li '•d , vele • b tib coni $2 50 to �3 do • Odd gild' ounds•in 1922 -,to, 2 229,000 pounds m e b t 6 2 b titter Heifers leek f i d h „nes was' na ion -wt e r r toric - 'houses ru eed Wiell orders: h s ... 5.59',. 'tb' 6 do'' • coin ' to -pair. and`Be- iuYn:':$ b` e sett - e overnme .v y re- tallied were cut. e--, Duchese of Athol) One oz the three women who wall silveeleesaeeee71„�e`:PeaMgeeetetwkliee ell British election. Lady .Astor was re- efeeted, bright yellow, and are well' preserved. Most of 'them,however, look Iike old branches of dead trees. ,;;, The bids„did not go above £41 for 4iese prehl totle tusks. Some east African ivory, whicheold at the same time lerouglft' a top price of £219 the bund redvt elgh t. 2 50 eo the Or butcher cowse cli6ide' $4 to $4 60 • do -•Pau; $3 rto ee3.7511 do canner$ 'cuttees a i.56 to $2150 ...'l: 7! .�.a.9a•9.-ys�», <,:�• sc'"�z,yr/a .$.` :es.<3.tF'r �:�cv�aar'. nv1k:,c,?{t,..<t.x ,Y .,v�.•.`- waWv{.,,.� . 2':.u. `Hl�. �n�ri• %v..>.FSv> ua. ..n fa•ta :�,+.5;r.{�?Y.'l�".ww'''.':D. . �,ry•'�#.,r,a�efrs. ~';#,.�.+1.'v,:'i°,'.. ...,i.;, ..^: , '-, lau t- Mier"tllls;good;$$3,50 te-$4.25,•d0; .ain nd tp $310;'iI&NbSltigntt$2. 0 to, 1 $$3 f ee ing ucers,I -geed, $5'25. to $5.50;eitt faer, 4:50 tees$5'; siocke%s; t good t e $4 60, eel fait $3360'tb• $4e .t -•C e« L Y a, -$4 Ifiejt,i> e;ege; 'c'llbtce, $ 5:eeto ee. .$6, culls $2 le4T roolYchtsjce"leiriebs i , :911 to $•12, teekelce;'$3•'-% $1e r eielle, •e8 to $9 flidgsefed:and Wateredd, ee60.:e ido fob.,"$9, do, 6:1untrypoents $875.;, to; bff cars $10 .select grenaiume $1.78.1 to , l ethdd” f Extr I' ing Kure ; inDiscov ry ofrai xetpoc t ett,a, ting t x ife sfee antftee tietebtediieectly"teem j iron ors,; eliminating Che use of emelt- F ,iro8hvnou aloest is apriqunceroey nf Swed i teh etgde[tet Flod e of the; I-Iagefors `Trott. Wohy.CCt The lirventione•lvhich is i .•3 the reault of extensive experimental , work, has aroused lively interest r =' aneting metal expeetseend will immedi atejee be submitted to- practical�*ste i"" on allargeri•,seele p I r Hee% igethe"etety duiAArab woman bakea,he„.•bread: She makes a pit in > the'seliagand builds a`hot' fire in it. i I rakes 'a a t.ee w r m e bars shand Then y ' i i _•o..11fss the .. do at Red ,C a .. 'resp' t n ] a own t 1 _Ilei it a P r S e e g r au M s, &I d Y u e- t i a.. I e. &. u 9 . Seek, >4 1zg on .- p £ � tl � >R � >•b ...,, a p .b•+ When the broad. is dome she icicait "I{iPling, daughte}..of �iVlr and,.l4,rs lttidyard Kipling. Mr. Baldwin. Nears W p ori' with a pair of tongs, smile of the victor even before hie piety: was returned: ciiiveia choice $10,tb $1i ,50-,;d$niYrted., $R 50 t , el ehe ee grit sees • $3 60 io dation' and discount• 6. The balenee of, trade ie Canada has Bever Been better since `1919.. ' 7. European conditions are steadily ?teeth of 32,1(3' feet: These great depths have lately become interesting in connection with the study of earth - qualms tliat'aepear to be produced by improving. The uncertainty caused the slipping'of etrata:along the planes by the Presidential elections in the deep in the crust of the earth. United States is now dissipated. WINTER GRIPS ENTIRE CANADIAN WEST ppeinge>r' ??� ohce,efeel to ref halo 'ecws t$46 !to y;066 eltd�ces it 3�eop - $7 60 rte. 8” fieavt'es nil bu drsr 4 to :: a ,' MON . R`gAi:i a a 68,%c ,do, Our% -Cite west -:Nie 2 :&4c rFleur, e 3, GG'i/ c=extrar.Ne 1 Eeed � oe :Man spicitg ewheat :.pats„ xasts ` 8 50,,. o u I aJ ya 5 r The 6 m , ' 'inp;;ts t the Lon- ia, roi�iids, :$8 'st 1g :bakers, $7.$O;syvin- : ' k)e a$ ; Fs a %9 j.�, ' enburg, �TT1 3��' ng fie eehav 'peti14scre'' :'ter pats:, choice $6x.75 i $ 3.85. Bran, ' s 3 year setae. ;el? ,425 q,uineei of iii"sh,, "oats, ba 90 lbs., $3.76 to 3.86. Bran, Cf` a 15 $` whit have tern sold for 916t39,200, $30,26." Shorts,""'$32.26. `"Y-tii'ddlings,' The averagw c�;tch thia.;,ygai.i s I;xfger �a than last year and conditions at�.gen- 'M,rs ,Miriarn,A Fergvsanr r orally bettor, all, the catch being a1 • ;byho ryas elected as governgr oP .t oxss,,.read, `,•sur '"' ' ' "." e fi e�iiilen t v - y Y1. IYi1l .a„f34�,K. , •>oYbe-ea e : in, a {lard battle against the Klan, iitg the c illi, ` Snow From Six to Eight Inches (Deep in Three Provinces. A despatch from Winnipeg says:— The entire• Canaiiiam West is now. in the grip of cold, bleak winter. Heavy snowfall, according to -reports, has been fairly gene"r`al' thee:44116ot the The deepest place in, the Atlautic Oeean thus far found lies Just east of the Weed df Hatti, where the depth is 27,922 feet. Heart and One Lung lois- placed. Au interesting operation was re, eentlyipetrermed ori filmy, at tee -Lon. don Hospital, .a castiron Spike, nine inchee ,long,. and three pounds in weight; leaving been remoieed s iet:ethe southern portions:of the three Prairie Tully from his body. Although the Provinces during' the .past 24 hours, heart and one lung had to;,Ue displaced while en other districts low temper- for purposed ,of the operation' neither atures prevail Eight inches of snow fell in Cal- t U 1 gory and district;' 'A uniformly heavy y, g fall ,as experieeteed.-in:the southern organ was injured, le ' any uas;; nor Were any of the :retain aarteries eo ten,, The bo Ed He t.h., fi;fteen,y.eers.' old, fell from % e ulipergeoreh of big part of Saskatchewan, while in Mani- house and became impaled on the rail - ;t ins the stomn wadenorageneral; with legs below, one of Alto s kes iwl which V enni a eefid- Beeinddn Bion ` was barbed nice a sll'ea, he4'd kI delle{ , ; i 1 p, � _ keted - a e' , d i ' ,l lei breast an s .post lits t ,1� � . . wtth'sii'bW tnorA ,than eii?'lirch's deep: gg , u :e. $ throu h the body 8 a y±rrr . -a Predlet ens. are``for• eethee� snow g „ re • `" , l ; Tiis father heard i,Ue 1" y cel tui fall and contnu•ued co=d ori statuses. �n „� e t t ' t; � ran out end lifted Kuru off.-titer>Cailin s„ 'kV Wmt�er lest yeah sst tn>aimosi: a a g 'month Ilatoz+' witit:-the: f tst- sna;vfall biiL as he did so the spike snapped off.' ' •iho' boy- nas rushed to the hospital. fn Manitoba on-'Chttstma's ]gay. - r .. i - Itr.wietpiethe hiede_brol;e+ throng a eel) "in its pae,eage intgoh•13± Uody, and carried with it a portion of the bglrgeehiet -aeget t•ee sire of14,:s hendlciteehlefe4whicli tc;eq:as-a•3 . ,,ad+, blunting the head �of the rp11,e and Pte-: vontiatet+e pieseing the heart. 1heettieemonsexpeiienreel grei dif- iipplty in removing the barb,''1'oef ineheeeel oaeeli4. sleeve it wes locked 7e.be the - tit% rib ' nIL'At lertgilirg Lhe' ,ribs it wile everiiteaio} tg#noeleete . The deeplagme ear dn1 13 nit adlnsted them iWYPY3ieil''of 6ITO.ir- 9itiith8#tdTd::k In° weighing your onetime consider yoar tfivn •ItieposNlAsrornsc:atlle wAti oft 3, i of a thing never varus;.,jlut ngt;gall : scales are true., ,�^g821y avt4Not�, pet tontcrary lots] the su ken calves p%, to $9 `z5, etesserc $3.fi0; .liogs, -fair, $9.5iri ,tje goo& quality, $9.75; selects, $10.25.