HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-30, Page 5THURSDAY; OCTOBER 30, ,;1924 Nice As The As N yLook. I Our Bolognas, Sausages, etc., are even Mar to taste. They ,,are all made ,from 'the choicest of meats and flavored with the purest " of spices; in just the proportions to give them an extra fine and appetizing flavor. If you once try them, you cannot help but like them, Everybody does. s IL STEWART Main Street Seaforth, PHONE 58, DURING THRESHING 'SE ASO h we are ptepared to supply y meat after hours by calling "182 J CENTRAL'�,CENTRAL Ali„. 0 STRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young women for Business, which fs now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables them to meet with success, Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and learn something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. seossres"........".ess1/4" a°°Ic NICIMINMIIIMMitgnalaiganalWiallnadIMONMIale We have unloaded a car of elIA LE ••T on October 21 and 22 eail1 store for prices Ws1 Phone .77 STEWART Seaforth rcoms � r"" t' Wr ,ls Walker 8 Son UNDERTAKING .and EMBALxvIING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. 1. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. *x Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67, s CREAK CREAM CREAM! MR. CREAM PRODUCER: Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best possible market for your cream. We beg your support and co-operation, send us your No, 1 grade cream and secure top priees. Make this your Creamery. Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you. We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for sweet cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade cream. Cash paid to any patron wishing it. Creamery open on Saturday nights. Seaforth Creamery`:Co, Bedford], Ont, t a<.-®q,i®.:>un......glimp-ilnr,..• 1uue..�q LoTown I ccs T � u - pnn n®nnM.qu®qq�q� Mrs, Thos Rawtey, of Tort 'Huron, attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Corbet hi Clinton last Tuesday and on iter re- turn spent a day with her sister Mrs, G. Ecicart.. Mr .Coa E:ekart has -returned 'twine from Detroit and reports his dough ter Monica is on fairway to recovery after au operation for appendicitis. Mr 13ruce Phillips has sold his 'gar- age to Mr. Adam .Dodds, who has been employed with him cluring the summer. Mr. 1)odds is .well and fav- ourably known in town and will no ris oubte. new enter- - successful to d p 'this n By request, "Nearer My God to Thee" will be repeated by the quar- tette in the Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday evening- Mrs, veningMrs, Robert Nicholson, of Bran- don, is visiting her niece, 'Mrs Evans; James street. ;Mrs 'Hall, of Atwood, is visiting* Rev. and 'Mrs. W. D. McDonald. 'Mr. and Mfrs. Campbell, Wingham, and Mr.. and Mrs..Wheeler, Brussels, visited at the home olf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wallace over the week end. Miss Alice Knechtel spent the week end in Palmerston assisting her sisL•er, IVIlss Jennie Knechtel, who is choir leader of the Presbyterian church, Palmerston, where very successful an- niversary services =were held on Sun- day, which with the fowl slipper on Monday raised over $1,000. Mrs. (Dr,) Milne, of Blyth, was a visitor at the home of MIr, and Mrs, R. S. Frays. Mr, and Mrs. G. D. Haigh, and Mary motored to London this week Among those present from a .dis- tance at the funeral of the late Mr. R'iiliam McMichael. were Messrs. James McKinney and Mr T-Iewitt, Itervie Mr. Frank McMichael, Cleve- land; Mr James MlcKinney, Mrs, IZ. McKinney, Guelph O.A.C,'Mrs. Har- ford, of Woodstock. and 'Miss Young, of. Brussels, An enjoyable service of song was Dr, D. ale McInnes +, Chiropractor Of W.ingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. WEEMNIZZEMIZTAIMMELVI=CESENSVEMZEIM and Vegetables TOMATOES CAULIFLOWERS CRANBERRIES CELERY RADISHES ORANGES' CALIFORNIA FIGS SWEET POTATOES CVbUMBERS CALIFORNIA RAISINS LETTUCE i, Phillips Seaforth Phone 63 a HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRiN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin -No others) (DAVUQ -Q THE SEAFORTH NEWS A fine. range ,of more than fifty DUBLIN, (i f Cl tma Greetings in The many friends of Airs, P. after undergoing your name can be printed. Envelopes an operation in Seaforth hospital for to match supplied. Prices are exceed- appendicitis. K uhl ora Crowley, of t t birs. C y, Mr. uc see . a and s M e Come exceed- ingly reasonable. them while the stock is complete, spent Sunday .the guest of Alr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans.. Yl$ $EAFORTH iVElPOIu inMChsc go Ill,, after el weeks lnvisit with ,friends in the village; The public school concert was . a grand success and a most excellent programme was givenbythose tak- ing o 'r ed s ang part Thanks are extended to the good cheery, chairman and to the auctioneer, fair, Reed, who did his part well. The proceeds amounted to �i Weiland, nod .$30.75.. Our teacher, Mss , deserves much credit for her enter- prise, and she has greatly .improved the appearance of the 'good old es She school with new window shades. S also bought indoor games .for the pupils, In the .silence of the night the hand of death came and tools from us "Johnnie" Shea, as he was famil- iarly called by ail that knew hien. He was ill for some time, but never gave up, and his death came as a great shock to all. He was a man of sterl- ing qualities and a very obliging neighbor, He and his sister Kate h road ' farm n the Logan 3 lived on his am a lie c g in a cosy home be had built for their comfort. The funeral was largely attended and requiem mass , was stung by Rev •Fr, White. The remains' were laid to rest in -St. Patrick's cemetery, A cousin of the deceased, Rev. Fr. Dining, of De- troit, who had motored tip for the funeral, assisted Rev. Fr. White at the graveside. Friends from Dundas, Kinkora sand Stratford attended the funeral Miss Molly O'Connell spent Tues- day with friends in Stratford. afrss 'Maggie O'Connell, of Dullalo, is visiting her home lfrss hate Collins is visiting 14rs, Leo Fortune, hear Seaforth. Mr, and :Vers, Charles McDaid and family, spent Sunday in Stratford with the hisses McDaid. deSig � a � 1rxS a5 - booklets folders and Cards, on ,which. 12awleydwill o doing e pleased to hear that Rev. R, Paton, Irwin conducted pre -communions services in the Pres- byterian i y evening. Freda ghat bytes tan chile Mr. 1'.-S. Brugger, of Toronto, was a guest at the home 'of Mr, and Mrs. G. Bethick,. Miss Janet G, Chesney, R,N., of the Cleveland hospital staff, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs Pearson so t h. Chesney: ra ey: - i • r Miss A. G. Gavenlock recently underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis, Rev. W. D, :McDonald was in In- gersoll attending the funeral of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Turnbull were Woodstock visitors, A pleasant time was spent on Mouday evening in the school room of the Presbyterian church when the Plebiscite Committee and other tem- perance workers he Presbyter- ian s v ricers t franc l n trYter- tan and Methodist churches held a final meeting of tine campaign. The chairman, Mr. R. ,1. McMillan pre- sided; speeches were made by a number present, and prayers of thanksgiving were offered. The fi- nancial part of the work was attend- ed to. A lunch was server) by the ladies and a pleasant social time was spent together, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in the Methodist church next Sunday morning. ST, COLUMBAN. Mrs. Joseph Doyle, of Detroit, is spending a few holidays at the home of lvfr. M. 'Doyle and Mr. Frank Jordan, Hibbert. Mr. Joseph Malady, Sr., of third line 'Hibbert. -meet the week -end in Stratford at the home of his son, T. S, \Melad}, B.A., inspector of :Separate CROMARTY, -Ills Donald cf<inti nt, of Detroit, given in the Presbyterian church alt '°j1O ' ' is spending a week among his friends Sunday evening last by the choir, as- Mr. Joseph Dantzer lett last week here. sisted by MrsEdwards and Mica Tye. for Sudbury, on a hunting trip. On :Sunday morning occurred the of Goderfclt, and bait Goodwin. o[ Mr, J..1': 'Moylan has gone t1 death of Robert McKellar in his 51st Hensel!. Northern Ontario on a hunting trip.year. 1)eceased had been a great "Miss Odell of the Collegiate stallMr, Jerry Stapleton i. confined to sufferer for the past three months was off duty through illness this week. his home through illness. We hope to from gangrene, He was always a Mr. J. I1. Thompson chi St. A'tarys,� see Mr. Stapleton able to be up and :faithful attendant at church He visted.relatives in town. around ere many weelcs as Jerry is Mr. Douglas Walker of Buffalo was a guest at the home of Are and Airs. 1A', J Walker. Miss H. T. Graham was in Kitch otter on Wednesday attending the provincial Sunday school •convention. Mr and Mfrs, E. Umbach, Toronto,' and IlMiss Brie Stewart, Kitchener, were week enol guests at the holm of Air. and Mrs. 1D H- Stewart. Mfr. and Mrs S. Free, Brantford, Air, and Mrs. Harry'Mclfullen, Rip- ley, and Mr and Mfrs. T. H, Free, of Dunganonn, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V, J. Free. Alias Dell Thompson, of London, and lir, J. Greet; were week -end guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mr, and Mrs, Bruno, Mr.:VlcGarrie and the Misses Heron, of Toronto. were guests at the ]tome of Mr and Mrs. h T. Heron. Ma. A. Porterfield was a visitor at his home here, There is only one Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross' -all other tab- lets are only acrd imitations. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been Prescribed-. by physicians for nineteen years and proved safe by mil- lions' for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis: trendy tin boxes of 12 tablets -=also larger Bayer" packages, can be had at any drug store. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada);' of Bayer Manufacture of Mouoaeetieaeddester of Saldoylieaoid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufaeture, to assist the public against imitations; the Tablets a Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped with their; general trade . mark, the 'Bayer ()rose.," USE "DIAMOND DYES°' Dyo right! Dont risk your material. Each pada age of"Diamond Dyes'. con- tains •iiretimis :so simple that any w,cxnan can dial -mind -dye a nein, rich voter into old garments, draperies," rovernr ;n; every- thing, whether wool, silk, limen cotton or mixed goods. Tiny Diamond Dyes'---nc other kind -then perfect re . eultg ane guarenteed even ri you have never dyed before bruggist has "Diamond Dyes Colo Caird" -16 rich colorer Mrs. Cadieux intends moving soon to Windsor, Mrs, W. W. Robinson and Miss Dorothy spent the week end in New Hamburg. Mrs. E. A. Chittetnden is ill at pres- ent. Miss Mary Gillespie of Harriston, spent the week end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs, G. Thompson Scott have returned from their wedding trip to Detroit, ' Mr. Carl Shealtan, of Toronto spent the week -end at the home o Mr. and Mrs, R. Murless Jones. Mrs. W. Wright is ill at present. one of our best citizens. Mr. Joseph Heffernan who had his arm broken, is progresstuh as well as can be expected, a; it was a ball break. Mfrs Reid, of Flint, Mich., and SisterIsiarlore, of Kalamazoo, Mich,; visited their sister, . , fernan, who is in very poor health at noon. present. The Misses McGrath, of Stratford, spent the weelc-enol at the home of their brother, Mr, Patrick .MfeGrath, St. C:olmnban. Mr, and Mrs, Owen Hart and 'Fam- ily spent Sunday with Walton friends. MMildred 1McGratlh, of St. Clem- ents, spent Sunday at the home of her parents \lr and firs,- Patrick McGrath. Mr, and Mrs.rs. W. J. Cleary and fam- ily were in Walton visiting friends on Sunday. I•iIBBERT, leaves to mourn their loss four ,esters, Mrs. James Ballantyne, 'Mrs. R. G. ,I•.Toggarth Mrs, John Suitt anti Mrs. Kenneth Drake: and fire brothers, Alexander, Donald, Neil, Duncan, and Archie, all of whom reside. in this nellhborhood. Interment took place in \f ..rn Miss Annie Cameron is spending a week in Forest. .Mrs, M. Beattie. of Bridgeburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. B. tic - Lean. Mr and Mrs. R. 17, McIntosh, o Forest were week -end visitors at Mc and Mrs. G. T. Turnbull's. Mrs. Scott and ,Mrs, Tufford, of Cromarty, are visiting Mrs, Neil Gillespie. 'Mia. L. L. 1fcFaul is ill a present. Mrs. E, Drake has gone to spend the winker with her 'aughter,�'Mrs. J. Ilay, Tnckersmith. Winners at the Bowlers euchre on Monday+night were Albert Edier• and M. Davis; C. Aberhart and J. Beattie; lone hands, Harry Stewart; consola- tion, E. J. Box and Mr; -Allen. Miss Mary Robertson, ofl'•Marlock, was a visitor at the' home of Mrs. Davis, James street; Mr. Garry Garside, of Flint, Mich., was a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Frost,. Mrs. W. 12 'Sinillic, of Toronto, and Mr. L. G. Smiibie, of Ottawa, were (here attending the funeral of the late W. R. 'Smillie,. Mr. G. Hutchison and :Mr. W. Pat- rick were in Stratford attending the Your Metes Conference. Mfr, and Mrs. C. A. 'Barber anti fam- ily spent Sunday in Toronto. Afrss Billy Chesney has returned from visiting friends in Toronto and Ha muton 'Miss Hazel Elcoat, of Galt Col- legi•ate staff, anti Mfas, (Dr.) Glanfiedd, of Wall1'Ceburg; were week -end guests of their father, Mr. W. Eicoat, John street, William Plef Cromarty cemetery on '.Cuesdav after. The Council met.on Oct. 22nd with members all present. Minutes of last meeting were adopted. Orders were issued on the Treasurer for the fol- lowing amounts: Wm. Connolly & Co., Downey drain contract, $367; A. A. Colquhoun, selecting jurors, $4; I•'at. Feeney, do., $4; J• Jordan, do. and making up report, $7• Elmer Col- quhoun, grading, $65; Wm. Venter, graved contract and gravel, $35.70; Dan, Burns, gravel contract, $28; Frank Murphy, inspector Downey drain, $15; J. F. Snowdon, printing and advertising, $139,30; A. A. Culqu- haun, insurance on town ]hall 111; Miles McMillan, power for crusher and repairing, $114; Frank Coyne, wort: in gravel pit, $27; Jos, Coyne, do., $16.50; Frank Morris, do., $18 Bert Barry, do., $12; 'Wm, Burke, da, $12; VA'in McMillan, do., $3: James Feeney, jr.. hauling gravel, $15; Dan, O'Connor, do„ $15 '1 . Elliott, do., $12.50; Mack Feeney, du., $10; John Park, spreading gravel, $112; John Coyne, gravel contract and gravel; $150.70• John Coyne, moving crusher etc., $10; E L. Jordan, grant to Dub- lin school fair, $25: R. Norris, grant to Staffa school fair $25; Smith Bros,,. car hire (Little) $3; 'Municipal World supplies; $4.73. By -Lave . No. 252 abolishing Statute Labor was passed, signed and sealed with corporate seal, Th, Cleric was instructed t, notify that portion of the Roney Robinson Awardsaid Brant on l c login repair to comply with the requirements of the award. Cotmeil adjourned till Wed- nesday, Nor- 12th, at I p. ata, .. 1 JORDAN, Clerk, For Catarrh, -It is one of the chief recommendations of Dr: Thomas' Ea Iectric 011 that it eau be. used _ in- ternally with as nvrch success as it cats outwardly. Sutter ets frohih catarr)n will find that the sufferers from this ailnhent have- fouu'd relief in the Oil and have, sent testimonials, HURON'NEWS.. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, C. Salmon are moving from the Babylon line into Miss Jem- Ma's Johnston's house. Mr, and Mrs. C. Fritz and Mr, and Mrs. John Gascho spent some time visiting friends in Michigan. Clinton. Miss Amy 'Howson, who has been on the Molsons'Banhk staff for severed years, has resigned and will spend the winter in California: Ain b 1, i • bazaa'r was held last week tc C aid of the hospital. Wingham. Mrs, 'Geo. Gregory has returned to her home in Saskatchewan _ after speeding the summer with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gannett, of Wingham. Mr. and Airs. L E. Farrend, resi- dents' of Sullivan, B.C., celebrated their golden wedding recently. This esteemed couple were former resi- dnts of this district, Having moved to the West from Bluevale where Mr. Farrend operated a sawmill, in 1908: Eolith Catherine only daughter of Mrs. and the late Edward Jenkins, of Curnberry, was married to Robert A. Powell, son of T. K. Powell, Torn - berry, on October 22nd. Want and For Sale Ads; 3 times, 50c MANLEY Stephen McKay, youngest suit of Thos. McKay,' had the misfortune of falling off the verandah last Thus, day and 'breaking his collar bone. He is convalescing nicely, The ideal weather has helped the farmers to harvest their root crop iu good shape. Mr. Henry Weiterson and claeghter returned from Detroit, where they were visiting friends. Mr- and Mrs. John Coyne, who were here. visiting. Airs. Coyne's mother, 1{rS, Duffy, and her sisters, returned to therm home in Detroit last week. PAGE FI17 BY THE SALVATION ARMY, Clothing; of all description for distribution, among the poor of the Town: Also old furniture to heir make unfortunate homes mart cheery. Please help us to help others., Articles thankfully received. Have you Eczema or any disease of the skin ? If you have, get a package of EZO at Aberhart's drug store, Sca- forth, Ont, and watch it dia appear. Most effective remedy io Chronic Psoriasis. Dragged .down by Asthma. The man or woman who is continually subject to asthma is unfitted for his or her life's work, Strength departs and energy is taken away until life becomes a dreary existence. And yet this is needless, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has brought a great change to an army of sufferers. It re- lieves the restricted air tubes and guards against future trouble. Try it. that tired look and "ragged" feeling out of your face, r 1 to i a Say.- "BoneIa Fac 1 your barber and come up smiling with a new appear- ance of vlm and fitness. Be oche of the "million a week." The Bette!' Shop - Best Holland Bulbs (Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc,) SECURED .BY BUYING EARLY. Send for list including ROSES AND SNtxlltl S THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. g IMPORT ,,fi�gg 449 River: Road; NIAGARAFALLS, ONT. C r What to Expect When Buying Electric Lamps Satisfaction Efficiency (Long Life Economy These qualities are all built into the Hydro Lamp, so they are bound to be given out. Hydro Lamps are Factory inspected and 'tested by Hydro Engineers and +experts. I'T PAYS TO BUY THE BEST BUY HYDRO LAMPS i Public Utilities Com. Clerk's Office, Town Hall Look for this label on the lamps you bay. The Special Milverto& Flour Vire Have it—Give it a Trial. Also. Csrrol naScreenin gs Chop of 71111 Kinds rd C. Til GRAIN DEALER n. z NIS �.PHONE 25 assraniasumalessomsraweramasamesseaswessaumma NIIIIMMITANININSRPOMMIPCMINIVNIO Seaforth Garag IF YOU DARE IN NEED OF TIRES,, give us a call, Prices $6.75 and sup. Also a pair of cushion, tires at $10.00 each, IF YOU ARE IN.NEED 'OF A NEW BATTERY or if you have have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. A Complete Line of most called for parts of various cars: BATTERY CHARGING, OXY -ACETYLENE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A PECIALTY, Get into thehabit of patroniking tis, We want to nerve,you and serve yox well �, 1r s� 1� y ��{{ u, t� �Pa sl f� 'fit 'a 't x ,,,� PHONE 167W, Dealer in new and used cars.. Have, you seen the new MAXWELL AND CHRYSLER 'MOTOR CARS,