HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-30, Page 4PAGE FOUR. , till ilEGM VlU liU 0116 J. F. SNOWDON,Proprietor. 3� General Observations I R The result of the Plebiscite vote show's the fallacy of the 'claim 'that the liquor interests elected Ferguson, r* The Ferguson Government has in one week cleared their deck of two situations, the Plebiscite, and the Bond Conspiracy, both relics of the Drury regime, o* ;Hanning Doherty will next forget that he was the man who made Eng- land remove the embargo on Can- adian ,cattle. as Friday night will be Hallowe'en and ;given over to ghosts and sprites.. As a rule Se'afortlt is spared the de- struction of property; so frequently reported elsewhere. This fs right. '.There are plenty of ways open for fun without bringing pain and loss to others. The destruction of prop- erty is not fain to any but a diseased meld. THE SEAFORTH NEWS FEEDS THAT TAINT MILK WATER FARMHOUSES Undesirable Slavers (liven by Some Plants' In Autumn -- Ragweed an Offender—Rank Clover, 'turnip 'lops and leape .Also Make !iahtts-011 ou 1''ereht.N Stop Heat Lice --To Remove Naini. leenttrlbuted b nT,n trio Depart u, ent of .Agriculture, 7brouto.) One of the worst 'weeds for pro- ducing, bad flavors in milk during the autumn season is ragweed. So says Prof, H. IL Desai of the Ontario Agricultural Col ,ee. This gives a Peculiar pungent odour to uhilk, which is very objectionable for both cheese and butternraking. For con- densing, powdering, mud for city mile and cream trade such milk would be rejected and returned to the farmer, ?3 Bad Case of Ragweed Taint. A case is known where a cheeee- maker was obliged to leave the fac- tory because the cheese was rejected by the cheese buyers on account of had . flavor. On investigation it was round that ragweed grew on many patrons' farms nearly es high as the Ceram 'k'hell Pastures are short, as they frequently are iu September and October, the cattle eat the weed. This taints the milk and causes' no end of trouble for both cheese and buttermakers. The remedy, of course, is to rid the farms or this noxious tweed, or else prevent the cows from Pasturing in fields where the ragweed grows. Bank Clover Will (live Taint. Sometimee very rank Clover will The .loath of I'rter McArthur fol- give a taint to the: mills. The remedy lowing; as operatien, has deprived is to turn the cows into a fresh Canada of one wine glut hnuen for clover deter Yar only flints About installing; In the Rural, Household The Compression System—What You slay Enjey With Tills Method— The Agricultural College Will Help Yon -Raising Ducks. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. 'Toronto.) There are two main sources of farm water su.PPly, :lamely, well and spring (both hard water) and .rain water (soft). Anyone thinking. of in- stalling a modern water system and Plumbing in bis home should snake sure that his water supply is both Plentiful and safely protected from all possible sources or contamluatton. Much more water will be used daily under modern than under old condi- tions of service, about 30 gallons per person per day. The College Will help You. Ask the 0. A. College to assist you in solving the following problems in this matter of water supply: - 1. How to increase the well and spring supplies of water. 2. Flow to safeguard these-auppltes front surface contamination. 3. flow to make more Use of the raln water supply.. 4. How to get that fine spring water tunniug through your !louse and stables by twee Bing the hydrau- lic nam near the spring. Pumping and carrying water by hand is too expeneive at tttodern rates of wages, is very in envenlent, and is wasteful or lime and eneree. No one lilies the joie. It is rapidly going out of date wherever people are fretting acquainted with the more modern pumping and .supply systems. The Compression System. hamanity by hi= 1:nme.r and wisle,tn. each day until they grow -accustomed The Compression System is the His cbnYribntinns tee magazines anal to the Clover and the pereous buying most popular one to-daye The id et or u:tng the milk become adjusted le this the hard or soft water, us new:pape,s seers always read with to the change in flavor: the else may ho, is pumPed Min ti. pleasure and advantage. M tk:ng use' Turnip Tops Give offensive Flavor, large strong at, tight metal sant: to of the simple things and animals of Among ereps grown for feeding pm, about two -third: frill, no teeter farm life he de:seribed the follies of Prises, one of the worst flavored is compresses the original ale it: the tank and thereby produees eutH lent • , a turnip tors. As soon its the, turriiD ptossule to int, t 91tr^ war, or u ctrl att,p with .i•1 effect ay..- his out of the lace will be hard to fill. His hamar crop is harvested same farmerstank through t pep,• ln. Lu,.c nnr- • P turn their cattle into the Held to nests ill the st,l.. cls tt, "se. tub, also helped to carr. m:ury ever the clean up the tops, Small turnips, rte. eta.. in fire Neuse. The pump) may rough spots in lift: and changed This praetire is euro to result in had- be driven by hand, hasollnr engine, tragedy into comedy. flavored milk and cream. Most cream- windmill or ale etti r motor or any ery men warn their patrons against available Power- 7'hr hist named b f d impossible thein • is carriod en autom,itle.- One canned rejoice in the revels.- where much cream comes from farms tions of the expoeurc of the mat- where "cows break into the turnip Held unknown to the owner." fe t t ee of one in high office, and Rape dearly as Bad as Turnips. yet the feral and sentence passed ]tape is nearly as bad as turnip upon the erstwhile minister of the top. In beef-raiait, sections; where Crown its Ontario cannot help clear repo is largely graven for fattening ing the air. Never did a cabinet cattle and sheeps, the cows, if allow! enter spun their high duties with ed into the rape field, are almost greater trust of thn5e wee elected sure to give tainted milk. If the " a this, as it has been Clot m means is the pref rablr one because *. to prevent turnip -tainted butter pumping ally', is qulet in operation, eeononucal , ,, st,txtaon t,,. ap- et sPace, and a rresh water line that l,it tt tits .ar; i,• ,e13/4 e,ured uy dis- supplfas water c°lrect from the well ry , e , "nit spiltnate iu fordrinkingpurposesutay*b�sinst•tll- „net, 1tun;ulPhateis ed, The style and size of the: pump en,.,• need', nil; ,u eetc ,Vater. required depends on xvltetht•r lite ttirll „ i , e c.e: I,,. strained IS shallow or deep. The size of the iC rs put tank depende on the. amount of water ut+ ape •ea leu utp t:ui 6. 'IL is will required about the place:. :1n outfit r•:ue a 1,1,i" es that large enough for the• ordinary -sized a t.lxc a,. it,.a. family or household costs about ,x it"Ptd $175,00, piping, eounectin, system Lo well and to the vrtrinm fixtures in "r'ry its Gem. , elplants Just the house befog extra. t• iu:.•,ua in the shoe flowers. Lt is very 1m - portant to epray early. it the plants urn lett too long the treatment is not ne:�arty so effective. if a heavy rain Wines Wallin 24 hours after the solu- tem Is applied; Lt will be necessary 4u spray again. Bow. to :apply the Solution. c este farmer is using the milk and cream. -tat honesty at least teuuld be at home and likes the turnip or rape their ideal. Brew shamelessly- the flavor, all right; but to sell this raw Treasurer broke that trust, destroyed material for manufacturing purposes faith in all governments fear :he time and lowered ideals. The young gen- eration grasped at the idea that it did not matter what a man slid, if only he could "get away" with it. That it 'etas clover and something to be proud of. That faire standard bee had a Severe : blow in the conviction of Peter Smith and Jarvis. The naive of Jarvis for years stood in Toronto for everything honorable in sport and finance. It is now dishonored. Its me close to a friend's home whom I to keep hoose su.rrouudhtge taUnix- t{ve, substance. The punishment hanclee I asked to see her flock, to which 3.. Water nudes pressure is, uerY grasping at the shadow, he leek the knew to be a good poultry woman• she gladly led the way useful and conv.enleat tor washing clown shows that "Your sin is sure to The bulldhui was just a ram- the automobile, washing outside of and you out." is tette ni he very shackle old aH'air t.o which several windows, cleaning floors in eellar or c the rrc.+. Houk tires it reached ,t. d as hal putting out been added sables. u K e .tr l ,• t d t 1 - leans s ha >;1 a� ea well • •sea a. cls t e. . grew 91Ze. She tPn t right into o 13 time, BRUCEFIELD. the house, but I hesitated, for when I, 4, No Longer any need to: pump i looked fu f saw all surts of boxes and and carry water. Auother burden is 1 barrels half full of straw with hens, rolled away. ERADICATION 0F WEEDS Co-operative Experiments Show Now i't May Be Done d ,Rape for Perennial Sow Tliistles and Twitch Grass -Iron Sulphate for Mustard --Another Plan for Killing Twitch—O. A: C. Barley Popular In the United States. Wen+rteuted bay Ontario Depertmont of Agr{eu ture, Toronto:) As a result of ten years' expert meats the following methods are re- commended by the ,department of Botany of the Ontario 'Agricultural College: Use of Rape to Destroy Perennial Sow Thistle and Twitch Gratis: Cultivate the fiekl until about the middle of June, running over It fre- quently with the cultivator so as to keep the tops down and thus weaken the "roots." Then apply' manure at the rate of about twenty tons per acre (12 good loads), Cultivate the manure in thoroughly, and. with a double mould board plough slightly ridge up the land, making the ridges about 26 inches apart. On the ridges sow pasture rape at the rate of 1tSr Pounds per acre. It is important. that the right amount of rape be sown, for if too little is eowu the stand will not be thiels enough to. , smother the weeds, sad if on the. other hand too Hauch is sown the plants will be too erbwtled and not grow vigorously enough to keep ahead of the weeds. Sow the rape when the land ie sufficiently moist to insure quick 'germination oP the seeds if the rape is slow in starting the weeds may get a start in the rowe and thus necessitate hand cultivation there. Cultivate the rape every week or ten days until It occupies all the ground and snakes further cultivation impossible. If, when the retie is eut u:+ 'metered, any welch remain, the field should be ridged up the last Gum; in the fall and put in with a lived crop the following year, This should nut bu necessary if a good .stand of rapt is secured epees. ing '+t'ith iron Sulphate to mestios Sett-etatu 1 e t'erwitl crops. lest inlphafu or °uPperae can he .n,.u. .orally t.�,•4 to destroy mustard ill st l,fhn4 pent without initlry t0 tit e r.,p. 1'; .'a „i.uto ytrliniou. will spoil the cheese and butter. We. what. Yon May Enjoy With,: .this cannot be too careful with the system. . autumn foods for dairy cows. Prices 1. Have complete phi lubingsystem are usually good. and we must pro- Inour home. That means hard. and duce milk of good flavor.—Dept. of y Extension, O. A. College, Guelph. Oil on Perches Stops Hen Lire. When I started to keep poultry 1 built a new hen -house, and the first year I had no trouble at all with mites, but the second year gave me lots of work. But one day I went out on it. Pleasure drive which took soft water on tap in the kitchen, baht (tub or shower or both), and, an in- door sanitary water closet, whieh will dispense with the. outside privy. These conveniences strand Por com- fort, convenience, saving of labor: and time, better health and greaten: effi- ciency or fitness Loc work and: e.nioe- meet. 2,. Lawnand, garden wtater. sesvlee Mention was tirade in last week s er that Mr. A. 1'. Scott Was.seri- onthem, theonly thing provided for Different ns.kgs wf tds s at.ulat 6-n. ordinary: hand pump barrel spraeer„ such as is employed to spray (rule trees may be used, or a potato sprayer can be Trigged up to do the week.. Mauy of the tip -to -date spray- ers thou a special broadcast attach- ment for spraying weeds. These are exeelleat for large areas, as they coves a wide strip at each round. Caro must be taken to see that every mustard plant is covered with the solution in the form of a line spray. Iron sulphate may be obtained at any hardware store. J. E. Howitt, O. A. College, Guelph. •' /leather Plan for Killing Twitch. Gress. ' 1 tp r aifsh• ill. \\`e are glad t say that E them to lay' in. slut she invited me on exhibition La the Physics Bu. in„, A successful experiment in ridding, o re of his tec.,tery-.1 luctantl • I complied. She O. A,. College, Guelph. They are land of twitch grass was made re- :hers are aces' 1, { in, and reluctantly' d woreefn„ cents b the Farm Department of r f Clint„*;. i, oast onvursatiau I listening, properly set up and in goo b y Y in arse gfcTa:is:,. led ion, an e p p Y .t in charge. t expecting any minute to be set upon I order, Drop !n and see tiirut week the Ontario Agricultural College on a Dr. Ross, of Clittord• spent cite' by mites, After a few minutes itan field that was a mass of twitch after d Pet more information. about them.—R, R. Graham, Physics Dept., O. A. College, Guelph. sleek -end at the home et h:s s'at"r dawned upon me there were no mites iu-leer. Mr- r\hxRoss. ,, in there, so I asked her how she Nurse. Reeatt, of tem: ere `1""41” managed to keep such a place free ter of Mr. "'"I \i,•:,. 1). 12ouatt, tet from mites. She Dirtied to the sing Ducks. this village, left for California lasts perches, pointed at theur and said,1 After haRlliia isin fu about one day's week. "See those black perches. That is time, place before them bread and ail ou there." ! milk mixed together, and a pan of (;DD 1N THE. Ct /MMONPLAt'I'S-t I went home and oiled the perches t sand and water. Be sure your duck - Unless We can touch and feel G:411 le my net; hen -house and have had i rings get sand and loafer at starting. in the colitiremi places He is gains; to! no mites since; that was tures years Duchs wit[ tltiive iY water is before he a eery infrequent and unfam:l+ar ; ago. Each year, after the incubating ! thorn all tic: time. It is theft nature ;nest. For t ;lit is macre up. of very! season Is over, 1 paint the porches ` to want water. After a few days on ordinary experiences. nces. Now and again , vil • with the eheapeet Iubricating i bread and milk add brats or tine coni a nevelt) laps int:, the way hilt thcl oil procurable, and now I don't think ` meal 'or fine cracked corn to the eustomary tenor is rarely trotctn• I mite on the Placa. ]tiles it is the ordinary star; that shute` bevy a all leave the hen before daylight. upon us night after night. ft is only The oil kills them, and enough of it occasionally that a comet comes our vay. Look at some of the ea , `ba, o ts'on the Yea thu ra to kill the young they hatch the body.. I commonplaces, health, sleep, irread;l Don't Put the oil on till the hatching butter, worlc, friendship, a few flower,is ever or you'll, regret it. by the wayside, the laughter of chit - (Iron, the ministry of song, the bright Flay, the cool night. If I do not per- ceive God in these things T have a very unhallowed and insignificant world. On the other hand, the man who discovers the Divine in a loaf of thread and lifts his song of praise, has a wenclerfuf world for Divinity till call on him on, every side. J. H. JOWF.T'r, Lady at bargain counter• --Is my face flirty, oris it nay imagination? 'Henpecked bundle carrier—I don't know about your imagination. int veer face is clean. Auntie Gets. Truth. A thousand thanks for the presents, Auntie. Don't mention it, my dear; it was ahothieg match. • No, f don't think so, either„ but air tint srtid T should do it anyhow. To Remove Paint. To remove old palut from wood- work or automobile body, weals with astrong, hot. solution of concentrated lye. Dissolve one can of lye in every gallon or water used and apPly while hot. A wooden tub or bucket is an suitable container for the eotution. An old paint brush or a heavy cloth may be used to apply the paint re- mover. The hands should be protect- ed by wearing rubber gloves. After letting solution soak into the paint, which requires about ten minutes, it .may be removed with a stiff wire brush oe eteel wool. A brush or wool becomes clogged 'with eaiut; ,rinse In a pail of clean water. In stubborn< put, eases, or < where there are several coats int, two or three applica- tions tions may be necessary. bee—Ffave you fixer! the status of 'he people who moved '11ex,4 door? Site --Yes, they have tie car, no. ,arlio no talking maceine. no piano. I can nnagnie what. they .have, I -elaybe the .haci a hank ae- come. bread and milk. Always use milk to tory duck feed. As the ducks ]row elder feed cracked corn and wheat. At younger age corn bread and milk Is good for a change in feed: Let the ducks have green feed also. If you'd° not waist them out of pens gather green feed yourself for them. Do not keep ducks shut 'up except at nlght. Let thein in the creek and watcb them to keep crows away. Be careful of. turtles in•creeks also, When ducks are nearly feathered out feed whole corn Mixed with some cracked corn. Then at: last whole corn and wheat altogether. They wil not want to eat it at. Best, but do not feed thein too much and they'll eat it. Feed ducks three tittles a day,, like ourselves. Keep their drinkleg water as clean as possible. They want water .right beside thane wlien they eat. Ducks can swim in a rew weeks it you stay and wat diem, allowing them to be. ,,7 in 5vt3.tE1 only a few minutes- Do 1 not let ducks sleep in muddy or damp pen. To a considerable extent, on the. "At the head of all the sciences and arts, at the head of civilization and progreys, stands—not militar- istn the science that kilts, not com, merge, the;: ate amt.• accumulates wealth—but agriculture, the mother or all Incluetry, and th.e mainta tier of human life."—Garfield; the oat crop had been removed. The laud was so badly infested that the Held Produced a verse small erup that season, Atter the oats wore removed, the land was piougeed lightly and tractor-disced twice,. and tnen cultivated and harrowed, Later in the fall this field -was ploughed with a double-dise plough, the front disc cutting six to seven inches deep and the rear disc twelve to thirteen inches. This brought loose, subsoil up and threw it on top oe the noddy mass of roots. In the following spring, the field was planted to tint corn in the check -row system- Practically no: twitch made an appearance durang• the summer, , and .the Held, without, fertilizer, Pro- duced an excellent. erep of Hint corn Por !tusking. O. A. O. Barley; {drown in the (lilted ram and. Ills eondil3•on depend the quality, condition and vitality of the' lamb crop. Everything poselble should be done to maintain his thrift at the highest point, especially dur- e loll the breeding s ason $.fates. Dr. C. A.. xaa vitz received a letter recently erom Prof. Moore of the, Agricultural -College : of Wisconsin{ which says: "Now practically. all ee the barley grown In Wisconsin, and in many of our surrounding. States, eneauated from the few pounds of barley which you so kindly-eent up. We will never be able to get even for the good things you have done for us in bygone years." THURSDAY, OCTOBER.' 30, B 4". Princess THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY gloria Swanson In the greatest role of her screen career The Humming Bird Tile story of ,a French girl and a soldier of the Foreign Legion Yotre'11 See The Taxicab Defence of Paris , The bombing of St Lenore prison ee view of the Trenches Aemisti°e Day in Paris mad Paramount'a highest salaried actresr ha her -- Most successful Picture - - - aatinee 3 p.xaa. Saturday' MON, T.'UES„ WED, The Stranger From the noYetrThe First and the bast" by John (lalswo='«kv,.• WITH Rictlrartit Dix and 13etty Compson ReleattY Special: Limited Offer Genuine "His ]Master's Voice" Victrola model 80 (as illustrated) with ten 75c. double -skied "His Mister's V'oihe"-Victor records. Cozn- plei to for $11.42.50 cash price, or on ther.easy payment terms listed above. Nowthe wor1S''s•most famous Instrument may be yours. The same life -like entertainment offered by the theatres --cart take place in your hoose for "Hisliaaster'sVoice" Victrola is fabled as the "theatre.of the home". To-day—this very minute—arrange to aecure yours.. J. F. DAILY Graves' Block, Seaforth. e.o RADIO NOTES. HURON NEWS., Vac invention of the vacuum tube: Exeter, rr audion formed the :revolution in - radio. It was invented in 1906 and Mr. Harry F.lworthy's big ralt` - rced ort the market in 1912. The Laughlin six car was stolen from, in: vacuum tube macre ;adjo reception: front of :the Grigg house, London: emende:ble, and it is the basis of the n Ott. 18th, beriveea 6.30 dud; T eresent radiocasting stations. au'clocl . 3tr, Ehvorthy, accompanied' Chore are hundreds of hook-ups or by his wife and daughter, and dy:. G FEATHERS airing diagrams wl fch can be nsedi Dow, had driven the car b.nside the with the vacuum tube, but they are Ori it House to have supper and Highest prices paid. Max wnish w PROFESSIONAL CARDS . .DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician' and .Surgeon. Late of London'HOs' pita!,' London,, 'England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office, and resid— ence behind Dominion 'Bank. Office - Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106: DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth., Office and residence, Goderich street,. east of the Methodist church, Cor-, oner for the County of Huron'. Tele. phone No. 40. DR. C. MACKAY. C. Maclaty,. honor gra,duade of Trinity Univers.. ity and gold, medallist of Trinity/ Medical College; member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons or Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER,—Eye, Ear; Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- uric and Aural Institute, Moorefiekl's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England. Att Commercial Hotel, Seaf ort h. third Monday in each month;. from 11 a.m. to 3,p.m. 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. General Fire, life, Accident & Automobile • INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machined James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire insurance Co. FARIVI AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED• O fpcers James Connolly, Goderich; Alex, James .Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident: D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, 1 Sec. -Treasurer. Directors, Win. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John neuneweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood: M. McEwen, Clinton; James Conolly, Goderich • ;Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, 1larlock; George McCartney, No, 3, Seaforth: Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents. • Ales. Leitch, R.R, 1, Clinton: E, TIinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yea, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goven-,' lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other lusinesswill be • promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed' to their respective postoffices, re:, = Don't Throw 't'''- Your Old Carpets Auray' They make new raven. - sible•'Velvetex" Rugs, - send for vetretex Folder 9 CANADA RUG COMPANY :10N1)0N. UNT., WANTED T ED 1' based t the original circuit. Since v. bile thus engaged, the can• was phone iry8, Seaforth. the advent a nl fireens of r•adipcasting two new s.)1en. together with sir. T'lwnrihy's ,:ircuits have been invented, apd.they involve basic principles whichwere well known befoee the deem of radiocatitmg in, le20. Con urn ntly it is easy to uncle, stuul that ruevulu ttonary developments are as. rare rn radio as they': re in the automobile and aviation indestries. The two cir;mit 1m -catkin: made. ,ince radiorajting Started are the Super-Regtur rative and Neutrodytte:. ,The former s based uput, the phen- omenon of re -generation,. and the latter bar, r.tmoved the difficulties H'licit {,tet zntsl} preveited tile, Ate cessiul am hcation-of radio-frehtteney amplificat'-,n, Another >lartliug thing in this cc.,,nectian is tl•at of the two inventions produced Coring *thc past throe ytArs only out has been; de- veloped commercially Botts have been t,;atpic'Yed by itidiio followers, but the Super -Regenerative system of ex - The man who takes pride in "do- ing chores well" ueually has sleek stock and Clean strebles, and realizes a great Prolit" from his everyday. chorine as from any other oe ete farm operations. A bee is said to tvo,vel 43;776 -miles to• gather one pound of honey mon - elating- of 29,184 drops of nectar. Those who do not Believe it are in-. vited by the bee to count the drops. Sometimes Lt's lack o1 time and eometimes it's just indifference that leaves Paras machinery neglected and brekten frotp one season to the next, still 1 -‘quires a latge - a tint before rt can • development perfrsensal I be brought to pro $ical Vail e. Radio engineers have long recog- nieed that radio-freduencv is one of the soundest .it>•inciples of radio re- ceiving, especially in reccpton of long- distance stations. This is doe tO ttSVO de - factors; ftrst, that the maximum mde- gree of sensitivity is obtained wi a great ineEt in selectivity, and, second- fiti±e tithes n.( aurpiiii'ication can.. h lY' The main feature of used eutrodyne > \ettirotlyne circuit is the elimina- tion of capacity Coed -back and 711'of netic 'coupling between thc sr esin a amplification, chis- means that is properly built Neutrodync no regeneration or heterodyning; and aro squeals or radiation. 'In addition ,to the Super -Regenera- tive circuit and the Neutrodyne there has been an improvement tc hof • he Stiper-l-tetcrodyne, This type .and re- ceiver Willi invented inlse018, eight involved the. t originally lly a on lilies . has latest ° theft ntumbertltof is circuit 'has reducedl s to six. The analysis ''ther - tore s that dulling the last six Fore show.. steals have been years three Super-I3.eterodyne in evolved; The - L t.ive-ir,1922, the Stirier-Regejlera. I .. and the Neutrodyne in 1923. overcoat and � about a ."150 tva rr h of c � � t arygoods. This is the second time thiscar has been stolen. Mr Elwo thy received word the following ioc,Itty that his car was in Tor tt hitt all elle contents were missing•.tad lucre was nu. trace whatever ut. the ;thief. k 1. J. hiller, Exeter Nes to btu- just returned from Toronto, hvaigimit with this two imported Cly.,. dale stale. lions. @deter tax _rate is. 41; ,1 :'Arthur Jones of fit met 1 les pzr- chased an interest in . M. . <.aat:s' hueiness. , The corn pack a1 tiir car h; fir.. :,try has only heel' twit -tlu•.als of the average. Wm, Melville is, an heel -suffering- front suffirhtsfront the effects: of a heart attack Crain which he od apsed in front ret` Pilon's garage. By a vote of '2,,40, to. 05, the by -lav HEAD OFBiliiCE OVER to protide for a new building ak SEAFORTH: PHARMACY Exeter 't -1t h.u, of was defeated. Jas ay, ut Usborire, aged 53, crie: di onday, WedesdaY, Thursda fw , Priddy and, turua,io .1,o nd 0 is °i.nsp,itat. , a m LINO D.C., Sp. C. Registered Chiropractic Specialist: Spinal,. Nervous angle Chrome Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods, of natural therapeutics, spinal adjustment, ane¢, corrective dietetics, etc. Blyth. While motoring from Goderieli ori SaturdNy dight, Oct. 18tli, I3, Gidley ran into a coup'Ie of cattle- on the road near J. 11. 'Tiernay's and broke two,of their legs. There was a car stautting•.tet the side of the rood and as" Dir. Gidley was passing the tattlte came from behind the car 'onto the road, The cattle were from a drove Of 17 that had been purchased Mettle Pierce & IIetinae sate in the after- noon and were being taken to the Blyth Estate farm. lir. Gidley's car was somewhat damaged from the collision. 60headof Western cattle were soul by suction on Oct. 18th, Dr, anis Mrs: Allison, Welland, were visitihigafriends in lllyth. Mrs, Allison is enjoying much hotter health .than Cnrmet4>' R. A: King fell 12 feet and . was rendered Unconscious When a ladder 'broke while` he wee .feekieg apples,, Hours: 10 to 12 a.m., -2 to 5 p.m. 7 to, 8 pari. Saturday -itis to 12 a.m. 7e to 9 pm. Sundays by Appointment. SAY% %„ M,041 JUICE. WILL REMOVE, FRECKLES KLEi oteto Make this cheae beautylotion y to clear and whiten our kin. &pree e the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing thee° ounces of orebard white; shake well, and you, have a quarter pint of the best Heckle and tan lotion, "and complexion beautifier, at, ,ery, very emali cost. Your grocer' has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter, win supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, nook, arms and hands each day and see how freeklcs and - blemishes disappear and holo clear, aloft ' and white the eijin becomes: Yesl 19 i harmlese. " v „a , .