HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-23, Page 1exou. WHOLE SERIES,VOLUME 46. Dinners and Su rs Regularly. of Lunches at All [mars. ' iO:UR 3 OME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasapable Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant HUTCHISON'S for GROCERIES CALIFORNIA RIPE OLIVES; per half pint can Ripe olives are now much in vogue, 30c PEAVUT BUTTER in cans, regular .30c for.... ........ .. 20C RED SOCKEYE SALMON. =-Th're,e choice brands, per can 35c RED SALMON', 'supreme value COCOANUT MACAROONS, regular 40c for 30c COCOA of splendid .quality 2 LBS. 25c LEVER SERVICE PACKAGE containing Sunlight Soap Lifebno y Soap an 25�i d Lux > p u to valire'of 39c for , This package has been cut off the wholesale ' market for Months, but we bought liberally while we could. DOMESTIC ONIONS, this week, 25c 10 lbs. 25c SLICED PINEAPPLE, per can 25c HUTCHISO'N'S BAKING POWDER has behind it our guarantee and that of the manufacturers. 25 C Per pound carts. SODA BISCUITS. --.We sell nearly all out/ sodas in bulkIn that way they come in tins, are kept in tins and keep their freshness and crispnes's longer. Not so handy for us but better for'the customer.and CHEAPER. Try oars. Produce taken inexchange, but please see that EGGS ARE CLEAN. We don't like to take big, fresh eggs as seconds just because they are dirty, but we MUST. • D: Huicnison� PHONE 166 . Wonderful Values in Our Nevi Fail Lines i olid '' Men's S Good Bargai'ns in Leather work' shoes. Double Nail- ed and Sewn, at the$'4a2, Shank, at Misses' Box Calf: Sizes 11-2 Wonderful value $ 2A at Girls' lovely Fall Oxford. The Latest Buckle 'effEGCa $o,ys , at ., _ $4 SO �Tan Shoe, stiufly, ■a50 at ... water shoe Q�' These are not all of our, many good values. We have other won- derful lines to •offer for' fall. Fred.. . Wigg. SEPLRORTw CHURCH CARD. Seaforth Methddist Church.-Sab- bath'services 11 a.m.,and 7 p.m. Stfn day school 2:30 p_m: Pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, Pastor at -both services. fn the evening an illustrated lecture will be given on our missionary work in Canada: Address by Miss Lawrence. EGMONDVILLE, At the rmew ' regular g e u-0 g tin of the W.M.S. tui Egmondvrlle church, .Miss McTavish presided The Bible read- ing was given by Miss Margaret Charters. A -reading from the Island Beautiful was .given by Mrs. James Brown. Mrs, NW. D. McDonald read a leaflet on theprayer hour of the W.M.S. Prayers were .offered by 'Miss A. G. ,Gemmell and ;Misr McTavish. Little 'Helpers Mission !Band lield their Thankoffe'ring meeting which opened .by singing a hymn. Laura McMillan presided and led in prayer. The Scripture teading was taken by the boys. The minutes were read and adopted 'followe'd by the roll call: A recitation was ''given by Willie Mc- Donald and a chorus by Margaret and. Jessie Smith, Jeanette Joynt and Irene 'Strong. Margaret Strong gave. a recitation. Presentation o'f the mite boxes followed, . and a prayer 'by. :Jeannette Finnigan. Collection was taken by Frank Kling and -Roy Mc- Gonigle. A solo was sung by Bernice Joynt, A 'talk was 'given by -Mrs. Lundy, of Kippen ,cin missionary work; and told interesting, stories Which were-eagerir listened to by the boys anti girls,, and was also very beneficial to the mothers and visitors, present. 33ernice Joynt closed the tbankoffeeing.meeting with prayer; Amount of thankoffering•was .; $36.15. SETIFel Win, ONTARIO, -1'iF1'URST)PLY, Ot'✓T013ER 23, 1924 SCOTT-FORSYTH. thr :Saiturday, October '18th. at :p.m, a very -pretty autumn weddin took place' in St. Andrew's church Kippen, when Evelyn Isobel, onl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ebeneze Forsyth, was united in holy' bonds o matrimony to iVir. Goldsmith Thomp son Scott. 5011 of lir. and Mrs. T. G :Scott, Seaforth.. Rev, R. A. Lundy of fciated. The church was. beautifull decorated with autumn leaves an flowers, The bride entered the church on he lather's arm to the strains of Lohen grins bridal' chorus played by Mrs Lundy, fallowing her bridesmaid Mis Ethel 'Elgfe 'and olihtle Miss Nett} Scott, niece of the groom, a dainty flower girl. The groom was attended by Mr. Harold Newcombe, of Gocle- rich, the ushers were Messrs.' Leslie Scott and William Finlayson, During the sige,ing of the register, Mr, ;fames Scott, of -Seaforth, &mg -very accept- ably "Love's Coronation." The bride was becomingly gowned in ivory flat .crepe with bridal veil and carried a shower bouquet of -Ophelia and Sweetheart roses. The bridesmaid's dress was of blue, and silver shot taffeta with black hat and carried a. bouquet of Columbia roses. The little flower girl had a, dainty peach colored organdie frock and carried a basket of flowers. - .. A' reception was held atthe home of the brides parents and the 'happy .couple:left in the evening for a honey- moon in London and Detroit, the bride travelling in a navy tricotine suit with becoming hat of sand col- orer( velvet. Upon their return they will reside WINTHROP. in Seaforth and the many friends of There will be no services in Cavan Both young people join in extending• church this, Sunday, it being Duff's hearty good wishes. anniversary. I YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE, ' Miss Grace Scarlett, of I-Iensall, spent the week -end at her home here. The Citizenship Department had 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wheatley spent charge of League on Tuesday even- Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Sol. Shan- non, of Hallett. . A few of our sportsmen- went hunt- ing last Saturday afternoon and were very successful. They also "came son. 'Phis dealt in a very interesting!` across some hees;,an'd brought home manner with both sides of the Pro- .50 lbs of honey in' the comb. By their hibition issue. appearance, the bees didn't let them ha-te it all their own way.' It seems, our nice clays are away again, but cheer up, don't get down- hearted; we'will have a few nice days yet. WILLI.-AM R. McMICHAEL. On Tuesday, October 21st, one who had long been identified' with Sea - forth and vicinity :passed away in the person of 3t'i. William R. flit Michael, at his home, Ann street; after a serious illness of several weeks. The late 'Mr. McMichael had always been in good health, until he, suffered a ,slight paralytic stroke four years ago, which left him in a weakened condition, and the death of his son Gilbert, who was killed in a motor accident in May of this year, .was a severe shock. He was born in Hallett in 1850, eldest sols of the late Gilbert Mc- Michael. and' lived in that township until 1907, when he retired from farm life and came to live in Seaforth. Fifty years ago last July he was Wilted ill marriage to Miss Isabella Sutherland, of Hullett; who survives; together with one son; Mr. Frank. Mc- Michael, Cleveland; and two daug'h- ters,'Mrs, R. E. Coates ,and Mrs, 1 , Chittenden, of town. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. Mc•- Gregor, Cleveland; and Mrs. Dor- ranee, Seaforth; his only brother, Gilbert Ritchie McMichael, having predeceased him four years ago. The late Mr. 'McMichael was a kind and loving father and was dearly beloved by all. For the greater part of his life he Was a member of the Presby- terian church, which he faitixfully at- tended. The funeral }will talce plaice on Fri- day, service at 2 p.m. and funeral at 2.30, to the place of interment in Mait- land Bank Cemetery. mg. The feature of the meeting was a dramatic tlialogueAehate.. which was taken by lir. F. S, Sayauge Earl Webster and .lir. Geo. Hutchi NEW AGENCY. Coming ilown Main street a number of people were seen gazing at the windows over 'W, J. Walker & Son's s furniture t ..tore where sigit f s a a iiety insurance office were visible, A visit of exploration 'found Mr. A. 13. 'Sutherland, who had opened up the office on Monday, already almost buried in new business. There were applications for life, fire, accident, plate glass and auto insurance,. Mr, Sutherland, with his usual business energy, had already secured several !rouses for sate, and is prepared to tiny and sell bonds and will loan money on first mortgage on farm property., 'Mr Sutherland is well- known In Seaforth and vicinity and no doubt *will do an ever increasing business in whet many in Seaforth will wish hint prosperity, STILL GOING STRONG. The Seaforth bowling team, com- posed of W. Thompson, R. H. Sproat, - R. j. Sproat, and Jos. McMillan (skip) that won the John Joynt :trophy from Lucknow, have had to defend'tt four times since last. Thursday. making al- together eight games in 1.days. On Thursday they defeated Clinton 1542. Friday, Hensal•I made a second try and were defeated 17-9. London came - up Saturday and went down by a score of 23-4, Blyth; sent atom over on Monday but retired 16-5. The cold weather prevailing since, has pre- vented -others from challenging. W. R. SMILLIE, JR. Word was : received by ,Lir. W. R. Snxillie,.of the death .of --his son, Wil- liam Robert Smillie, who was found dealt in his room at Toronto. The late Mr.Smillie was 32 years and nine months of age and received his educa- tion at Seaforth and Clinton Coldeg- iates and attended Toronto University for -a tittle. He taught ill, the village of Burford for five years, and en- . listed and went overseas as a 'Lieut- enant, later becoming a Captain: He was gassed at Vigry 'Ridge and was invalided home, and was in the hos- pital for a considerable time after- wards. The funeral; which will be private, will take place 'from the resi- dence of his parents, North Main street, on Thursday afternoon, ,to the place of interment in Baird's ceme- tery. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all in their sudden be- reavement. SENIOR MISSION BAND, The meeting, of the S,gnfor Mission Band was 'held on Saturday afternoon ,at the home of Mrs, J.A. Stewart, who conducted the devotional. ekercises. Miss .Dorothy- Kerslake read Scrip- ture. : An articles' from the Watch Tower on.Dr. 'Howard Taylor of the China inlland missions was read by Miss Anna• Sutherland.: Prayer was ;offered by Miss Annie'Brodie. Bowler's Euchre, -The Bowlers are arranging for a big- evening on Monday, Oct, 27th,, when a progressive euchre will be held in the town ha•11 at 8 p.m, They "The Committee have decided to make it open to the world and'cordial- ly invite all euchre players to attend. We have prizes to make your sit up and take notice.. Partners will play together -for 'the entire 'evening, so. it is up to you to land a real one, Bring your pipe and tobacco. Wewill do the resit." • MANLEY, Mr. Henry Wieterson left last Fri- day to visit his sister and brothers in Detroit.' The many friends of Mrs. Thos, O'Hara are pleased to learn that she is able to be around again. The farmers are busy cutting corn and taking in roots while the weather is fine. LONDESBORO, ' Mfr. Gilbert 'McGregor, of Pennsyl- vania, called on friends in the village last week, Mr, and Mrs. Benson Tyerman, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs; G. M. Chant. hers, .of Blyth, and firs. Hewitt, of liervie, were guests at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. J, E. Fairser vice last week. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mr. Amos Spuhl, whose death ocurred at Anburn. The remains were laid to:, rest in the Union ce net rY near 131yth. . The bereaved relatives of the d'eecased have the sincere sym- pathy of their many friends in this community. Mr. 'Carl Radford is at present ill with scarlet fever. We hope he may soon be well again. • • CONSTANCE. Mrs. Robt. Grimoltiby returned home last week after :spending a couple of weeks with friends in Tees - water. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mann spent Sunday at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Riley. Mr. 'Leo Stephenson has had anew' cement blacksmith shop erected where Mr. Data Sutherland's old shop used to stand;_•Mr. Benj. Riley doing the cement work Ivlr. Pinkney, former- ly of Stratford, intends starting up in business as soon as .it is completed. Master Harold Coftlough; of Blen- heim,, visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Riley. ,a. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Riley and Mr. and Mrs. James iM'ann motored' to Tuckersmith on Sunday and spent the day with relatives..• The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Mann was badly scalded 'last week when it pulled a cup of hot tea over' its legs and feet, and its mother was also scalded. • Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson spent Sunday -with friends in Tucker- smith. McKILLOP: The regular meeting of Duff's church'Y:P:S , McKillop, was held on Sunday evening, Oct. 19th, with the President, 'Scott Ferguson,, in the chair. This was the Rally Day service and the meeting was, addressed by Rev. Mr. Ferguson on the su.bect, "What Young People i can do to Pro- mote Goodwill among 'Meir in the Community, in the Nation and in the World." A solo was sung by Mrs, J. A. Ferguson. The meeting closed with the Lordts Prayer. Next Sunday, Oct. 26th, anniversary services will be held in Duff's church; McKillop, Rev. W, D. MdDonald, of Egmondville, will .preach at 11am, and 7 p.m. • g d i m.® • 11=qtr. Italian Pottery ". Something n e 4v -and very beauti- ful. A wonderful- ly brilliant glaze. with soft and beau- tifully blended colors that will ap- peal most pleas- ingly to the fasti- dious buyer. A newand excep- tionally nice ship- ment just arrived. NORTH McKILLOP. lvlonday started with a cold wind. from Georgian Bay.: We read in the papers now and then of big potatoes of this year's growth. Mr, Joseph Thornton pre- sented your correspondent with five big fellows which" bro I d scales a en a l t eleven pounds. We believe this is the best so far. These grew on Mr. Thornton's gardeu Tot down on the Leadbury line. Before The News reaches its read- ers the Plebiscite contest will be in full swing, We .trust it will becon- ducted in an orderly and becoming manner.. ':lir. Robinson, pastor of Walton circuit preached an excelient sermon to a fair sized 'congregation at Bethel last Sabbath, and a delightful chorus was rendered by the choir as an of- fertory. Large quantities of grain are being delivered at Walton elevator and the prices, are good. A great lot of hay has also been shipped from Walton. The last monthly meeting of Bethel Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. S. McPhersonrThere was a good attendance of ladies and a pleasant and interesting time was spent. For Frost Bites and Chilblains. -- Chilblains come from undue exposure to slush and cold and frost -bite from the icy winds of winter. In the treat- ment of either an excellent prepara- tion is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, as it counteracts the inflammation and re- lieves the pain. The actor of the oil is prompt and its application is ex- tremely simple. Dance at St. Columban. The ladies of the C. W. L. intend holding a euchre and dance in the parish hall. St. Coluraban, on Mon- day evening, October 27th, commenc- ing at 8.30, The Blackstone orchestra of Goderich, will furnish the music. A good time for old and young. Come and. enjoy yourselves. veareomearrimmanoreraw r.l1J I 41i � v711e Cid!•. qtltr IT IS BECOMING increasingly popular to have the ;engage- ment ring and the wedding perfe c t 1 y matched, This i s best accomplished in the Orange Blossom Bethrothal and Or- ange Blossom Wed- ding, We are sole agents for these rings for this district' and will be pleased to show them to you Fred.S,Savauge Jeweler & Optometrist Opposite Post Office: Phones 194 Res. 10. ,6[49. %SSUE No. 43, Your Vision Governs y o u r mental stability;,,; peace of mind--- efFaciency. - df your. eyes. "bother" , you, it may mean the need for new glass- es, or, if you do not wear' glasses, it may indicate the necessity, for them. Naturally y o u wish the yery best service in having the trouble sect fled. Our service is painstaking and scientifically de- pendable. \ DR: ROSS SAYAUOE Eyesight 'Specialist' 1 �enora� INSURANCE AGENCY Life, Fire, Accident, Sick- ness, Plate Glass, Auto, Etc. BONDS. Bought and Sold Real' Estate Money To Loan on first mortgage Farm Property Office Over Walker's Furniture' Store, opposite Dominion Bank A. D. Sutherland Phone 152 A COMEDY IN THREE. ACTS Entitled All On Account of Pally UNDER THE AU'S'PICES OF The Young Peoples League OF Seaforth Methodist Church WII-L BE GIVEN IN Cardno's Fall Wednesday Evening, October 29 at EIGHT O'CLOCK. Admission: Reserved seats 35c,; Rush 25 Plan of Hall at Aberhart's Drug Store, Saturday, Oct, 25th. Exeter. Mrs. Jas. Beer, while visiting friends in Usborne, had the misfortune to fall clown stairs and fracture her arm. Little Stewart Cann, :Four-year-old son of Mr and Mrs.' S. J. V. Cann, was run •down by an auto on Ma+it . ,tree t. Tuesday, Oct. Y 13th, and nay. rawly averted a very serious accident. The little fellow ran out onto the road from between a 'standing '.car and a wagon, just as a Ford car driven by a young lady was passing. The radiator struck the little fellow and knocked him down the auto pass- ing over but 'wheels, fortunately, did not touch him. I3e suffered a number of bruises- but was not seriously injured and was abbe to be around the next day, BAZAAR The Catholic Women's League trill holes a bazaar in the parish hall on Wed., October 29 apt 3/r, rn: There will be sold plain and fancy sewing, candy and 'home ` cootsing. HALLOWE'EN TEA From 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. WANTED. New recru4y�s for Seaforth Highlanders Band for tuition on instruments. Hand your 'name to Messrs. Dot Reid or [E. L. Boz at once: Citut on ---Do not give in our name me unless you are prepared to get down to.bus- iness, and to sacrifice other engagements Sn practice nights. GARAGE We do all kinds of automobile repel* work. All work guaranteed. Wyk handle U.S.L. BATTERIES, FIRESTONE And GOODERICH SILVERTO4Wi'N CORD TIRES Also "a Good ,line of all accessories, BRITISH AMERICAN GASOLINE 4 AND OILS.. Automatic Air Service Day or Night • PHONE 17. Bruce Phillip's SEAFORTIL