HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-16, Page 7CAtiADA MOVES TO PRESERVE MUSK.OX SPECIES GROWING RARE IN BARREN LANDS. Slaughter Reserved to Indians and Eskir nos Since 1917 is Now Banned. Half a century ago large herds of musk-ox roamed in Canada's northern territories. Even as late as twenty- five years ago good-sized herds emee to be found in many localitiesbe the Bar- ren lands which extend from Great Slave Lake to Hudson Bay and from. timber line' to the. Arctic Ocean. In the last few yeere, notwithstanding Protective ' measures, the animals have become Butch 'reduced in number and In several loealities- have disappeared eltogelher, writes "Natural Re The infant is a' delicate, organism; sources:" a id answers readily to any adverse' The Dominion :government, through it fluence exerted upon,. it; . therefore, its Department of the Interior, keep- i is necessaey to ensure a high`stan•e minding in mind the successful effort to. dard of health by removing such ad•� save the buffalo, has steadily striven- verse influence. Poverty of parents is'. to give the nmsk-ox such protection a most important factor for evil in; that it might remain a permanent ae- this connection. In all our large cities I sot of the country, Itis tar more than at the present time, the nurses and l on interesting zoological specimen; it workers in Child Welfare are handl-I iiossesses dualities which may. make it capped by the shortage of houses, the overcrowded state of those that exist, or great social and economic value to the Dominion. More Stringent Laws. For a good many years the Depart- ment of the Interior has been steadily strengthening the laws and regula- bone to protect wild animals. In 1917 the Northwest game act was Passed, and by one of its clauses no persons except Indians, Eskimos and ,half-breeds were allowed to. kill the musk-ox, and killing by those people was permitted only when they were in actual need of food, No person was permitted to trade in the Pelt or any other part of the meek -ox. In 1919 there was appointed a royal commission on Infants the from lack of knowledge the reindeer and mask -ox to investi- on the part of the mother or father gate the possibilities of establishing or of others who have personal super- vision and reindeer industries in the vistou of them, bat they also die from arctic and sub -arctic regions. The the ignorance a the statesmen, the commission gathered much valuable lInegfislator and the municipal councillor. ants however, die from the selfish- Fb�P parfgcafar people. Roasted and packed same c.l ;.r, deny in airtight c 11. A T� IEDUCA`T'ION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Br. Middleton will be glad to answer gneationai on Public Health ate* hi tags through this column. Addrees m at Spading House, Spm Crescent, Toronto. and, in many eases, the unsanitary dwellings that are 'necessarily allowed to be inhabited because there is no ac- commodation for their inhabitants if these dwellings were closed, The pro- vision of additional housing accommo- dation is most urgent, but this _prob. lem in too many instances is not tackl- ed with the vigor which its urgency demands. Among the causes of infantile deaths, the following are the most im- portant: climate, season, housing alco- hol, venereal disease, diet, poverty and employment. From these primary causes, two others stand out forcibly: 1. Want of knowledge, 2. Want of character. inforefatton, some of which has been ness of' same individuals, both in mho -died in regulations. their private and in their public ca - The commissioner of the northaest territories, as empowered by the 1923 amendments to the game act, issued, not tong ago, a regulation prohibiting the use of dogs in the hunting and tak- ing of game anima]s in the northwest territories. 1 e significance' of trie regulation will be more readily seen by those conversant with tho habits of fit - i r primal instinct the life. cob, It s i 1 i 1. In t of the anlmal to flee from man, but to stand and form a circle when attacked by wolves or dogs. Native hunters have token advantage of this fact to amid ou their dogs first, acid 611100 they huve acquired modern firearms they have been able to kill the music -ox in much greater numbers, Closed Season Year Round, • Reports of the continued wanton and unneoessary slaughter of the nmsk-ox by nativee, rumens or which were cor- roborated by missionaries ami others, necessitated the passing of an order in council recently prohibiting any pereon from hunting or killing musk- ox at any time. The order also pro- hibits any person from trafficking in the animals. To ascertain whether a special musk- ox patrol would be advisable to reach dietricts not now covered by the Royal CanadianMounted Police, it special in- vestigator has been appointed. This °Meer, who speaks the language of the natives, will, while pursuing his , investigations, disseminate propagan- da on the necessity for the conserva- tion of the meek -ex and other wild creatures. Pearls of Wisdom from Ontario School Children. Thefollowing answers to questions on history and geography examination papers were written by fourth boort_ children in Ontario public schools;. Lloyd' Gorge wee a great English Poet. His chief poems are Uncle Tom's Cabin and Hamlet. The early life of Australia was one or hard work and murder, The con- victs landed at Calcutta, then they sat down and spread over all the land. They settled at Botany Bay Riad work ad hard amens the wild flowers• aboniel- ing. Their hides are used for felt. The frigid zone is noted for lichens and eskimokes. Sun time is the tete the SIM is shin- ing. Standard time Is an -hour dlr- frunt from daylight saving time. The most important breeds of cattle are holsteins and filistinee: The oartridges, were introduced in India; to the infantry, the end of which heel to be bitten off, La Salle followed the lelississippi and then placed it on hie map. The next year lee missed its mouth and his men became dosprut and shot him because he was a bad man, and went back home without him, La Salle then sailed down the St, Lawrence and founded Quebec. If You have adenoids ettb there with whale oil and tie a rag enamel them. If yoirhave tooth -ache, you otta pull it, but if it's a contemporary, why fill it. The first simptoms of 'measles and chickenpox is a card on your door and spots. The fro1iea abound in alligators, oranges and negroes. An old river is the same ae a young one enl:y more so, pacitiee. It is much easier to acquire and disseminate that knowledge a mothereraft which is necessary for the saving of infant life, than to impart that spirit of self-sacrifice and unself- ishness which is necessary if this knowledge is to be put into operation. It is, for instance, far easier to make a mother understand that breast- feeding affords her infant the best chance, of survival than. it is to induce her to matte the necessary sacrifice of ipleasure or remunerativo employment Iwhich 'are often involved if this ma - eternal -duty is attended to. Again, it may be quite easy to make our muni- cipal authorities understand tbat bad housing conditions, overcrowding, tub- i emulous inmates; an impure water i eupply, and bad scavenging of the streets are never associated with a low infant mortality and a high stan- dard of health, but it is quite another thing to induce them to incur the risks and unpopularity which the carrying out of .the indicated reforms would entail. A want of appreciation of these eesentially human elements in the problems explains many of the failures of otherwise admirably de- signed schemes of Welfere Work. en some cases, efforts to reform have un- expectedly met with most encouraging success, owing again to the magnetic influence of some commanding per- sonality who has succeeded in com- pelling society to make the necessary sacrifice, whether personal or com- munal, for attaining the desired end. 1 SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs. Alfred Trenehemontagne; St. Michel des Saintes, Que., writes; -- "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby's life ndth.emto highly and I can reconime all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon- tagne's experieuce is that ee thousands of other mothers who have tested the worth of Baby's Own Tablets; The Tablets are a sure and safe medicine for little ones and naver fail t° regu- late the bowels and stomach, thus re- lieving all the minor ills from which children suffer, They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at e5 ets, a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. There's Money in oil—Even Castor Oil. Eleanor, who is six years old, had for the sum of ten cents consented to take the despised medicine prescribed during a slight illness. A few clays later ]ter brothel,' asked her to help pick up corncobe, She was reluctant, but when he offered her a cent a bas- ket she went gleefully to work. • It was slow work, however; she foiled that the basket held a prodigi ous number of cobs. With growing In dignation she peraevered until the basket was piled high. Then she stood' erect with wrathful countenance, "I'll not pick up another cob, Fred Allen!" she said crisply. "I just want, You to know I can make more money taking castor oil!" Little Girl (used to long sermons) r "What a very short sermon the new curate :gave, Mummy! I suppose he doesn't know much about it?" Li He—"Why do you prefer Jack to me?" She—"Well, he always sends me a bushel of kisses when he writes, and you only give me a little peck." You may not be to blame for being mediocre, but you are to blame if you put forth only mediocre effort. Victories that come without having had to be fought and won are nothing to brag about. The fellow who works by the clock is not worth the price of a cheap watch. The finest peal a bells in the world is being cast at Croydon, England, for Mr. John D. Roekfeller, the world's wealthiest man. A special tower is being built in New York to hold them. -Ern- The pir'pe-ftiediFene e _ _ J.of r tli� p'reparatfon whish ha3°wori tine conhd'etice 1 tvery'';',C!{untry ander. the BritishrPlag-tit's remedy \which ;lies brought health and happiness to millions', of men and women in every 'part of the' Empire the treatinent'which is resorted to everywhere= ;for ailtitents_such. as Sick Headache, Biliousness;, Indigestion` find constipation"' often, consrdeledl insignificant, yet,,decidedly inconvenient ailments• which have their origin in a dyspeptie condition' oil the'sioniach and a.Eorpid action_ of.-the_liver-,-5 ca 13 8 lilggilll{I = = 11q{Illllfll[ '' 11 Iilgill 41.11111" -l,dNlll IilII►111111II jl fi 11111111ta1� Ole111011111111i1110!_:_, ==; II _ II'`'I ` ' Rei s ._ I a EASY TRICKS No. Sae Where Is It? This is it eimplified form of the famous three card monte trick, The pack is divided into three heaps, each .being. placed faced down on the table- On one of these heape the performer places the Ace of Hearts,' face down. He 'then moves the heapsaround, insisting that no matter how carefully the spectators watch, they will lose track of the pack which has the Ace on the top. After he has moved the packsaround euiflclent- ly, he Dike a spectator to indicate which pack has the Ace on the top. The spectator mattes his oleoice. Tho performer lifts the top card, It is not the Acyl In this trick the maglcluee standby is used in a somewhat un- usual manner. The card displayed as the Ace has behind it another card, If the two cards are slightly bent and are held with the thumb at one aide and the fingers at the other, no one will suspect that the Ace is anything but what it seems to be. However, when the Ace is seemingly on top of the pack, there Is another card on top of it—and the remainder of the trick becomes a yery simple matter. Mr this out attd paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) a OPLE ®RK 'WAR PE Find Renewed Health by Ile - proving Their Blond. If you feel run down, it moans that your blood is thin and watery, that Your vitality is low, Your feet are easily chilled. You do not sleep well and you are tired when you rise in the re i our pleasure n find no Y morning. You 1 meals and are listless and dispirited at your ware. You have no energy to enjoy yourself, Thousands of then are run down by anxieties of Work.. 'Chousand s of ;wo- men are broken down by their house - held toil, with tired limbs and aching pale, Dolts• thousands of girls are ttra listless and without attraction. It all means the same thing—thin and watery blood, vitality lain clown, anae- mia, poor appetite, palpitating heart, short breath. Do not submit to this. Get new blood attd with it new vitality. There is no difficulty in doing this. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills build up and enrich the blood, which brings with It new health and vitality. The man, woman or girl who takes Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills is never run down. Their friends notice how energetic they are, what a fine appetite they have, and how much they enjoy life. You cau get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. In Praise of Candles. "Dark, these times, is blinding Bright," Old godmother nodding says, "But earth' grew wise by candlelight." Candle, candle burning clear On the nursery window sill, Not a goblin dared come near. Candles ona. frosty cake Gleaming, gleaming, tipped with gold, Seven for one little sake, " Candles, glancing up the stair, Flicker, flicker every flight; Haloes on the children's hair. Cankll'e shining starry bright Through the casement op the dusk— "Hearts carne home by candlelight" Candie flame on every floor Blessing tinted, hall aad. hearth When the bride came in the door. Candles nSel'Dowing ancient pages Slowly turned, old song and story Of the half-forgotten ages. . PRINCE N OF WALES IN WEST H.R,H. the Prince of Wales greeted on his arrival at Winnipeg, where the special Canadian National train carrying the royal party made its first stop on. route. Left to right in the group are: A. E. Warren, General 'Man- ager, Western Region, C,N.R.; H,R.H. the Prinoe of Wales, and Mayor S. J. Farmer, who extended a Hearty weloome to Winnipeg,. Below is shown the atcoMMaNASD 6501.0 BY aae00EcTS d.OPTIClANS speoial Canadian National train bringing the royal visitor to his Alberta `-xne `e's rnan "6.``""° oaa MVNaa "'"'"'"" ranch.-C.N.R, Photos. Classified Advertisements LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN f and light sewing at home, whole ' or spare ,time; good, pay; work sent any distance, °barges paid: Send stamp for particulars. , Natioeail Manufacturing Co., 1VIontreal. LADIES' ONLY. - UR B O O K L E T, "LADIES' FRIEND," mailed in plain en velope, free. Caster 247.3, Montreal. HOME STUDY HOR.THAN'D OR BOOKKEEPING lee taughtin twenty home lessons. Pronciency guaranteed. Diplome given. Empire Business College, 346 Broadview Ave., Toronto. "Obey" in the, Marriage Ceremony,' The °Darting day had passed' plea' san.tly. In due course Pat proposed. "Bridget, me darlMt, 'will-yez mar- ry me?„ ' "Sure, Pat," repliled the girl, "and who else did ye think I would marry?" Pat`kissed her rapturously. "There's only one point, Pat, dear," she said, "I oanneiter agree .to say the word' obey' in the marriage ceremony." "Oh, ,don't worry about that trifle, me darlint" replied Pat,' "Say any thing you like, It won't make a bit of differenoe at all, at all, if you only do what you're told.': Strong Nerves Pure organic prosphate, known to most druggists as Bitro•Phos'phate, is what nerve -exhausted, tired -out people meet have to regain nerve f,oree and energy, That'e why it's guaranteed. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont, Use ittr/ 9 .POR SUN,'V INDDUST&CINDERS Candles comforting the gloom When the last dim Shadow fell, Bind as angels. In the room.' "Ay" godmother nods, "the iiight Flasheselike a jewel now— But life was sweet by candlelight. —Nancy Byrd Turner in. Y'outh's Ooze - Iranian. ' Why They 'Smiled. Stumps was shaving himself when he made it slight cut on the enol of hie nose.` I3o called to his wife for stick- ing plaster., and was told to'loolt in her sewing baseet, At the office every- one Who entered his sanctum smiled. C i usiderably annoyed, he asked his imtner if there was anything wrong With, his appearance; "I should say;tltere is," was the re- ply. "What's on your nose?" "Sticking plaster,". "No.! It is. the label from a spool of cotton, and it says;. `Warranted 300 ,yards,, Mlnard'e Liniment Relieves Pain, I n 1975, "Whet did the faintly feud start?" "Years ago, when his bootlegging grandfather, sold my grandfather wood. alcobol," She—el can remember every im- portant date in history." He --"Between Antony mill Cleo- patra and dates like those, you mean?" Trees. The maple is for tables, spread With golden -crusted, kindly bread; It sends the sirup that can bring The resurrection of the Spring. The oak—that's for men's yokes and carts, Faith and harrows and- their hearts. The fir tree is the roving tree, And wears great sails acrose the sea. The apple is the heaven's gate; The rains of life on poplars wa4/; But houses where we love and dine Are grown and sanctified in pine, And over all our joys is Bung The music that its boughs have sung. —Robert P. Tristram Coifln, Mechanical Aran Tests Stockings. Tradition demands that miladi, when she buys Buse, shell run her hand and torearnt into the stocking, stretching the garment over the rack thus provided, for the purpose of veri- fying its structural integrity -which is another way of saying that until she has locked it over she isn't sure that the stocking is free from runs and simile.r flaws. But the shopkeeper isn't particular- ly pleased by this technique of exam- ining, Once -it is apt to result in dam- age or soiling. ,.o fliers is now offered a mechanical arm for the purpose, and one which po.sesses a marked addi- tional advantage. It is built in the form of an extremely long electric light tithe, and the stocking goes right on it, over the light. One then doesn't have to Bold it up against daylight for examination—the light shines right through the stocking and greatly fa- cilitates the work of the inspecting - eye. The safe way to amid money by mail is by Dominion Expr'ees Money Order, During a severe thunderstorm in the Baltie Sea, seagulls were observed flying about with small blue electric flames on their beaks, and at the tips of their tails and wings. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism Rheumatism Apply Minard's to the aching spot and get quick relief: • The remedy your grandmother used. . If moths get into your carpet, treat. it as follows. Put in a pail half a gallon of boiling water Eind a quater of a pound of reek ammonite Then take a large square of flannel and put it in the pail, leaving the ends hang- ing over the sides. Pick up the dry, ends and wring the flannel. Place on the carpet and iron dry with a very hot iron. Go all over the carpet tike this and no moths' eggs will come to life. i Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless, you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for. Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package wh'ic'h contains proven directions. trendy •"Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 2.4 and 100—Druggists, In ie Otho taade pact° iwgivtered In Gnnndn) of nnycr' hSnnnPnetnre nP krona cella - Affair actdeatce or eallcyneucld. (Acetyl Salicylic Anil, A. S. A,"). Willie. It lc well mown that Aaptrin means linyar lnanul'ucture, to -assist the pahhe agataat iuiltatto s the Tnblcts M. Bayer Company, win he stamped with their general trade mark, Mu 'Buyer Oruss." 11SUE No. 42--'24, Use, Cdictiaa Soap Daily Bathe with Cuticura Seep and hot water to cleanse your skin and free it froin impurities. If rough orpim- ply, anoint with Cuticura Ointment. CuticulaTalcum is ideal for per- fuming as well as powdering. ensue Eneh rrCC by Maf1. Atki as Cnnndiarl RI eeniun, P ii aav Bann" r.:C . Try our newShaving Stick, - FULL OF ACHES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ontario.—" I have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a splendid medicine to tali before : and after confinement. A small book was put in faq door one day advertising Lydia E. Pinkiiam's medicines, and as'I did riot feel at all well at the time I went and got a bottle of Vegetable Compound right away. I soon began to notice a difference in my general health. I was full of aches and pains at the time. and 'thought I had every complaint going, ' but I can truthfully say your medicine certainly did me good. . can and will speak highly of it, and I know itwill do other women Rood who are sick' and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. ?Michael's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are welcome to use my letter if you think it will help any One."—Mrs. HARRY WEST WOOD, 643 Quebec Street, Toronto, Ontario. The expectant mother is wise if she considers carefully this statement of Mrs. Westwood: It is but one of a' great` many, all telling the same story—bene- ficial results, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is especially adapted for use dur- ing this period, The experience of other women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of its great merit.. Why net try rt now yourself? C;