HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-16, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924.'
.As Nice As They, Loop
• Our Bolognas, .`Sausages, eke
are even nicer to tante. They
are all made from the choicest
of meats and flayored with the
purest of spices, in just the
proportions to give them an
extra fine and to,
If you once try them, you cannot "
help but like thein. Everybody
D. R
Main Street Seaforth,
We are prepared to supply you with
meat after hours by calling
Prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical training which enables
them to meet with success. Stu-
dents are registered each week.
Get our free catalogue and
learn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
We Will...
unload a car of
on `October 21 and 22
Ball 'store for prices
off car.
W. 1VI
Phone 77 Seaforth
W, J. Walker & Solt
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. a. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67,
Send your -cream to us, we are here to give you the very best
possible market for your cream.
We beg your support and co-operation, send\us your No. 1 grade
cream and secure top prices, Make this your Creamery,
Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except
of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you.
We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for
sweet cream deliveredat the Creamery. Bring in your high grade
Cash.paid to any patron wishing it.
Creamery open on Saturday nights.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,
Dr. D. H. McInnes
Of Winghann, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday anri Thursday .After-
- noons in future.
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
Want and For Sele, Ads, 3 safes, SOe
Phone 63
"His Master's Voice" Victrofa
Portable Model 50 and ten 75c.
double -sided "His Master's
Voice"—Victor Records.
and small weekly or
monthly payments .
to pay the balance
A .limited opportunity to
secure this handsome port-
able model —on unusual
terms: Possession 'gives
you the same unmatched
performance lot which `all
Victrolas stand unequalled:
Secure yours to -day --enjoy
it forever.
Graves' Block, Seaforth.
Dn—auea..nn.e-nnaeaertn.:—mu-e•a•itp efisa, Mau Gillespie, ae Harelston; Fra'yne; Ne. a Dail 4eV++;' No 4
* spent the week -end with her Edgar Henkel; No: 5 Jackson Wood;
parents. No, 6 Hugh Bury; No. 7 Amos
m T n T i� (� " r+ 'Mr. J. MeL• emian received word orf Doupe,
■ 0�■ ` ■ 0 ■w 4 Friday of the death • of his neice Vil�lige of Exeter—
P y
her marriage ales. Smith was Miss liegton johns; 'No. 3 James 'Weeks;
i Mrs F Smith, tit Mitchell Before No. 1 Edward Tuble; No. 2 Wel-
au''''''''''—' -'2" -"'""`I'''''''"""`1" ----""'a Ida Howard, a fernier resident of the No. 4 Aleft. McPherson.
Ales. Evans and daughter Eleanor town• Vitl'agerof Hen`sall—
spent.a few days "last week with her Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig are visit- No, 1 Nathan Peck; No 2.---
Mother, in Varna. ing friends in Dunnville. Village of Bayfield,-
tMr. Arshton, of Gon•ie, visited his Airs., George Duncan is laid up with No. 1 Jas, Reid..
sister,. Miss Margaret Ashton' last a sprained.ankle. Representative, of plebiscite com-
week. Mrs. T .K. Anderson and Miss mittee, Charles Harvey, Exeter; fi-
Rev. Jaynes Abery, of 2'ondesboro Anderson, of Dundas, were guests at nancial agent, George, 1Mawson, Ex -
will conduct seryices in the Seaforth 'elle home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. eta..
Presbyterian church -next Sunday. Smith.
'Representative of Moderation Lea -
The Catholic \Women's League will tivJiss Evelyn Adams, of London, gue, Richard _Murphy, Exeter; financ-
'h.old-a bazaar in parish hall, Oct. 29th. spent the week -end at her home here. ial agent, Louts Daly Exeter. .
Mrs. j. F, Daly and 'Mrs. T. Mei'ady Miss Weir, of Glasgow, is visiting Returning OfficereeRoble Higgins
attended the 'convention of the her aunt, firs Davis, will be at his office in 'Jensen on
C:W11,. in Stratford this week.. I Mrs: Leslie Mullen has returner! Thursday Oct, 23rd all day, and will
Order your Personal • Christmassfroin spending a few weeks in ;keep ire touch, with his deputy return -
greeting cards early. 60 designs at Toronto, ing officers by ,phone, and is making
The News 'Office Miss Mary Laing, of Milverton, arrangements to have returns all in
me, and 1Trs, W, E, Glenne, .who spent the week -end with her parents, shortly after the palls are closed,
have been -3isiting Mr. and Mrs. J:' FL, Mr. .and. Mrs, J• C. Laing,
Best, left oil Wednesday for Toronto Yliss Jessie litilsoii, of Kitchener, WINTHROP.
on their trip to Huntsville accompan- spent the, week -end with her father,
led by Mrs'. J. H. Best' and daughter 4r; J, 'Nl. \lrilson,
Barbara ,and the Misses Best. Mrs. Ge°rge. McTaggart was caped
Atte and Mrs. R: E. idartry acct sou, to .Loitdou owing Co the tlhtess and
death of he
of Fort William, spent a few days her brother, the late Daniel
last -week visiting his brother,
Johnstone' The latter, who was
Win. Hartry. It is fourteen• years 'born at Walton and received his col -
since Mr,TIartry was last in $caforth, leg•iate training in Seaford', held a
very high place in the esteem
He was the first engineer on the of the
C,P.R:''bettaseen Schrie'er and Fort
community, and also of the .Huron
William and had charge of the train Presbytery va*itli whiedi he was -con-
that to'olc the soldiers in 1885 from reeled for a number of years during
the break in tete roar.! of that dray to lids pastorate in Blake and Varna.
Fort- William when They went West
ane! Mrs, Ernest Sparling and
on the Reil Rebellion children, of Kincardine, 11,1111e here
Cummey, superintendent of oris- attending elle funeral of This grand-
Dr.,sinns for the West, was a guest at another, tire' late 11rs, Edward
she Manse.
Miss Foreman, of the Collegiate \'Ti's, Neil Sha}v, who has been
spencling. some months with trieud>
staff, spent Saturday at Gramme. in Egmote lville and Seaforth, leaves
Mr. George Hanley, off London. this week for her Home in Rid e
+vas a guest of Mr and 'Mrs. J.
D. g
Gemmcl1, town.
Mrs W. Sclater ha,returned from Bliss elatgieret aeattie, of Hamie
visiting her 'laughter, Mrs. L, G. ton, is visiting her brother, Mr, je \V,
(Cruse in Galt. Mr. and Airs. Kruse, Breathe, �
lend Dilly motored over with her and Alt, and .Mrs. jos. McMillan and
spent the week-eind-
Master Jack Rankin was a Stmt.
ford visitor,
Mr. Reid Edmonds, of Se George,
spent the week -end at his home here,
elits. C. F.ckart is recovering from
her late illness,
Mr. Din. Maloney is at present tak-
ing Mee P, Evans place in Mr, Joe
i ckart's threshing outfit. Mr. Evans
is suffering from the elfecte of poison
from some kind of weed, but is t ihiug
a rest as the dust dui not agree with
the infection.
Mr..Geo.'Sills on October 16th (to
day) is 50 years in :the hardware busi-
ness in :Seaforth and is still going
strong enough for another half cen-
tury. Fifty years ago be entered as
an apprentice with the late David
Johnston, afterward entering jinn a
partnership with Wm. Aiurdie, (now
of Lucknow), and later bought out
the business now known as Ce A,
Sills S Sons.
Mr, Frank McMichael of Cleveland;
was called home owing to the seri-
ous illness of his father, Mr. Wm,
Afiss W. T. Modelancl and R. Mode -
land, Alis, Bur;banc, Mr. and Mrs. J
W. Jones, Air, lee E. Mitchell and
ehe Fret! Mitchell, Jr., of 'Loudon,
were visitors at tate home of elr, and
Mrs. John Kerr during the past week.
The Department of Highways is
widening the bridge at Elese's on the
Huron Road east, at present, Mr.
.1 -Teary Edge has been appointed to
superintend the work which is being
done by day labor,
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. G. W. Fee, \Miss
Eva Fee, Miss Foreman and Miss
Aswan were in Clinton on Sunday
attending the dedication of the guns
to St. Paul's church,
Misses Thelma Johnstone, Ria
TIills and P'wee Snowdon, .and
Messrs. Ronald McKay and. Geo.
Eberhart, of London Normal school,
which was closed during the teach-
er's' convention, were home for the
week end.
Miss Phemia Cowan of Stratford
Collegiate, spent the week -end at her
home here,
and 'Mrs. Wille} an l daughter
Drrothy, of St, Thomas , callc.l on
friends in tom Le, Monday
Mrs. Galloway; of .Toronto ,,peet
few clays with her brother, Mr. Geo.
Mr, and Mrs, ;Trelevyn and family,
of Palmerston, were week -end guests
at the home of air and Ales, C A.
Me, and Mrs. R. Smith, of Chesley,
were visitors at the home (ifs -Mrs. J.
I attersOie
Mrs. j. Kerr and Airs. T. Acheson
were in London on Monday attend-
ing the ` funeral of the late Rev.
Daniel. joliestote;
Mr. and Mrs, E. Geassie, of.Hamie
tone were guests at the 'home of Mrs,
.ellen ;Kearny.
Mt s. R. 13e11, of Sarnia, is visiting
Miss Steele, e
Miss J, Mcl3ride was a Stratford
visitor, •
11r, ',George Cook and feenily have
moved in the house,fo•meely occupied
by Mr. Fletcher.. .
'Mr. W. D.own, of Stratford, was
here attending the funeral of the late
W. D. Bright{
Mr. and Mrs. A. Reuthai•t and Mrs.
P. Walker, of Mildand, 1'iich eVere
week -end guests of Mrs 'add ear's.
James Achesan,
Mr, and Mrs.. F. Robinson and little
son Glen, orlerooldin, Ont., are visit-
ing her aunt, Miss Alice Archibald.
.Mrs. W. E..Southgatcis visiting
friends in Toronto.
Miss Elva taIabkirk, of the Clinton
TToenital; was a 'gisito• at her ho'n'e
Mr. D. Shaw('of leidgetawn, spent
etiutdey.with Air. end' Mrs R. II•
Miss ,' lefary AModetand, 'of Chesley,'
spent the week -crud witli Wee parents,
Mr, and. Mfrs I lafodelaed. ,
Alr, and 1Lrs Sa. Lrberhart have re-
mover! to then new huugalol+v on
'Go ti l It street d
Mr. 'A: K. •Chittertrlen has been 111
during the past week,
Miss Mary Shraw, of Toronto., is
visiting ,Vfise, 7"oii teem.
Miss Grosbte. ref" loonto,.i vasrtitig,
friends in enavh,
sot and Miss aelar} Neville motored
to Sarnia and spent Sunday.
ACI% and errs. John efcLennan at-
tended the funeral un Monday of Mr.
McLennau's niece, Airs. Fred Smith,
who clied very suddenly ill Aiiteh•sll
last leriday.
Mrs. Gouinlocic and Airs. Douglas
are the guests of Mrs. F, liolntested.
Provision has been nearly complet-
ed to allow every one having a votee
(and nearly every one over 21 years"
of age has vole) to say whether .they
wish the present O.T,A. to remain in
force or to have sale of liquor under
Government control. The ballots are
prepared in such a way that the voter
marks his choice by a simple X, just
as if voting for a candidate. He must
not write Yes or :NO on his ballot or
he will spoil his vote: Mr. George
McKee is busy at the present time
putting the ballots and ballot boxes in
the hands of his 'bcputy Retu•rnii-g
Officers and inset titling them in their
duties. There are forty-two pulling
places in Centre Huron,
In Seaforth there are 6 polls, No, 1
in Brunsdon & Campbell's office,
Vane Iiartry, deputy returning officer
and George Teinkney poll clerk; No, 2
—Mr. John'Pinkney's residence, T,
Rands cl,r.o. and S. Somers pre.; No. 3
—Queen's Sample soon. R Wilson,
d.r.o„'ane] Chas. Neeley p. c:; Nee 4—
Town Hall, D. L. Reid cl.r.o., and
Mrs. fle Williams, p.c.; No. 5—
Carnegie Library, W. D. Hoag, d.r.o.;
and Gordon Dick, p.c.; No, 6—Adam
Hays, office, Wellington Fee, ci.r.o.
and?lass Dolly Carlin, p.c..
No. I—F, J. McQuaid, d.r.o., James
Carlin .p.c.; No.. 2, John Shannon,
d.r.o., John Montgomery p.c.; No, 3—
David Crawford (Lao., and Charles
Case p.c., No. 4 — James. Sholclire
d.r.o. and Miss Isla 1)niseoll p.c.
No. 1—S, MCBrien and Geo. Clark;
No. 2—Wesley Beacom, Wm. Toll;
No. 3—Jas. Brown, Jos, 'Blake;
No. 5—John Wells, Yoe Brown; No.
7—James Medd, Mr. ,Hamilton.
Stephen Township—
No. 1 W. Tef. -Mills; No, 2 Asa
Penhale; No. 3 Alonza Hodgins;
Aro. 4 lerea Feist; No. 5 Alex. H.
Neer; No, 6 George :Kerner; No. 7
• Thos. I{eys; No. 8 Jas, E. Hodgins;
No. 9 Stephen Webb.
Hay Township—
`No. 1 Milton Russell; No, 2 Jas.
Petty; No. 3 '-fenry Howeld.; No. 4,
Wm. Hess; No. 5 'Milne :Rader; No.
G Wm. Snell; Aro. 7 David Blackwell;
No. S Wm. Jennison.
No. 1 Mervin Hanley; No. 2 Goldie
Graham; No. 3 Robe Dinsdale; No. 4
Edwin Chute.r; No:.5 Chas. Rath -
'well; Robt. Dewar; Aro. 7 Ross John-
Goderich Township- ee
No. 1, Chris. W Tohnson: No. 2
iioward Sturdy; No ,3, -Walter Em-
merson; No. 4 Wm: ' Lobb; No. 5
Bert 'Murphy; No. 6 Robt. Richard-
`Cuckersmith Township
No. 1 Wm. Govenlock; No , 2 Sana.
McGeoch . No.,,'3 Lorne Stevenson;
No. 4 John • AMofett; No. 5' -Louis
Clark- No 6 Frank Upshall,
Use) orne Township
` No; `l John Hunter ee Non 2 Wm.
Obituary. -There passed peacefully
away et the home of *Air. J'ohn,Harris,
17th con, of Grey, of Oct. 11th, 1924,
Willena Campbell, rcllict of the late
David Campbell, after a few weeks
illness, at the the ripe old age of .0
years and months', 'P-
e late Mrs.
.Campbell's maiden name was. Wil-
Jena afeKay, e daughter of the late
Donaicl and Mrs. McKay, and she
was boric at Zorra, Oxford county, in
184.4, She 'married Daviel Campbell
63 'years ago and moved to the 17th
con of Grey, where they resided for
the rest of their lives. Air. Campbell
died 14 year, ago leaving a family of
six children; three sons and three
daughter,. The funeral which was
held on efenday afternoon to Call -
Is ,cemetery was largely alteud;rl,
allowing'. the esteem in which the late
Mrs. Campbell was held. The floral
offerings were beautiful. Rev. Mr.
Chandler of Walton, officiated. Those
that are left tdemourn the loss of a
loving, mother are: eefary) Mrs. Joe.
eph Bennett of Win throe; John
Campbell of \\'ashingtnn; Neil Camp.
bell of Oregon; (Willena) Mrs.. John
Campbell of Harding, Mane (.Annie)
Mrs. John Speller, of Vancouver;
(Florence) Mrs, John Harris of Wal-
ton, with whom the deceased lived,
There was also a son David, who
some years ago. She was a long and
devoted member of Walton. Presby-
terian church and always had a help-
ing hand ready in case of sickness or
to any one in need, anri will be great-
ly missed by every one Relatives
were present at the funeral from Sea -
forth, Ethei, Winthrop, Lonclot and
Lucknow We extend our deepest
sympathy to those that are left to
The quilting bee held in Cavan
church hast Wednesday afternoon was
a great success three quilts being
quilted. Some time ago a mite box
contest was held ill aid of the ex-
pense fund, between the West and
East side of the gravel roads and the.
loostes were to provide lunch, so it
was decided to have it the day of the
quilling bee, -The West side had to
provide lunch and we must say it was
all that could, be desired as there
were eatables in abundance, The
ladies of the West sick went home
feeling that it .Haid to be on the win-
ning side.
Orate a number from here attend-
ed the Funeral ofahe late Mrs, Sperl-
ing held from the home °fa her son
Albert Spading, of McKillop, to
Maitland Bank cemetery last Sunday
afternoon. Mr. Alonzo Spading, of
Winthrop, is a sort. Our sympathy
goes out to those that mourn.
Air. 3i, Hart and Air. F. Bullard
are busy putting a coat of tar of the
roof of the :butter Factory owned by
Mr. A. G. Calder, of H:icksoi.
The heavy storm put a majority of
the telephone lines out of commis-
sion.. Our linesman, lir. Nelson
Govenlock has certainly been a busy
nn.an and has all lines back to normal
again \e/ho was saying he doesn't
understand his work? There are al-
ways sonic grumblers and they get
the habit. .
that tired look and "ragged”
feeling out of your face,
Say "Boneilla Facial" to
your barber„ ,and come up
smiling with a new appear-
ance of vim and fitness. Be
one of the "million a week
The. Better Shop
Best Holland Bulbs
(Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc:)
Send for list including
sa-9FIOL,LP ND enN. IMPORT ems,
.,449 River Road,
Anniversary Services will be held in
Duff's ,chnr.ch, McKillop;' on Sunday,
Oct 26th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 part.
Rev, lee D. 'AlcDonald, of Egmond-
ville preach sari' ab ,both services.
1 -rs. Edward Sparling.—A pioneer
of McKillop passed away on Friday;
October 10th, in the person of Mary
Smith, widow of the late Edward
Spading, in her ninetieth year. Born
in 'Gainanogpe, Ont., she name when
about six years of age with her
grandparents to the ,Huron tract and
located on farm now occupied -by
a c
o c ie
5 d by
her soft, Mr Albert Sperling, Lot 29,
Concession 4, McKillop, where she
lived, continubusly from that time
iurtil her death, In the early days,
trips for provisions to Guelph,. the
nearest ,place, had to be made with
oxer', overblazed trails as there
were, no roads for the first settlers:.
A grist mill was dater- started at
Goderiche Sixtyathree years ago she
was married to Mr. Edward Spading,
who predeceased her six years ago,
making the first hreak in the family:
Six sons and three daughters survive:
Robert of Vancouver; Albert on the
homestead; 'sirs, Harrison (Mary), of
Muskoka; Arthur, Edmonton; Allen,
Cleveland; lies. Shade (Adeline), Eg-
mend+ille; Alonzo, Winthrop; Ere -
est, Kincardine; Mrs, \\ralter Jamie-
son (Lattice Cartwright, Man. Twen-
ty-two -gra'nclohildren and two great
grandchildren also survive. The late
Mrs. Seeding was a great lover of
t ,
outdoore'llfe ^dntl• `e in the sugar
bush e er ,
n as h wee,
able,She as land
woman Anil •
alwav well herself a good neigh
bot to times at sickness or other
teed She had . be a
c , ur' very, pun;
health the past few years Juane
which time she was tenderly` cared foi
by her daughter-in-law, Mrs, Albert
Sperling, with whom she lived, Thr '
•funeral was held on 'Sunday after
noon, Rev. J. A. I+ergusoa conduct.
ing the services, and interment was
made in 'Maitland Bahnk Cemetery,
The pallbearers were Messrs. Samuel
Storeym Ker, e, Sr. W � r, John M , ,
Ilroy, Wm. 'Shade, Joseph Hogg, and
Win. Anderson, Among those from a
distance here for the funeral
Mr, Ernest Sperling, Kincardine, and
:lir, and Mrs, Robert Colclough
Have you Eczema or any disease
of the skin ? If you have, get a
package of
at Aberhart's drug store, Sea -
forth, Ont. and watch it dis-
appear. Most effective remedy in
aurwna o..m ermers000v.
What to }Expect
When Buying Electric Lamps
Long Life
These dualities are all built into the Hydro
Lamp, so they are bound to be given out.
Hydro Lamps are Factory inspected and
tested by Hydro Engineers and experts.
Zook for this
label on the
lamps you
Public Utilities Coin.
Clerk's Office. Town Hall
The Special Mil veno'
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also.
Ground ,Screenings Chop of 1411 Kinds
Seaforth . Garage
IF YOU UARE IN NEED OF TIRES, give us a call. Prices $6,75
and up.
Also a pair of cushion tires at $10.00 each.
have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call.
A Complete Line of most ealled'for parts of various cars,`
of patronizing us, W4' want to serve you aed serve you well.
PHONE ,167W,
Dealer in new and used oars.
Have you seen the new . ,