HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-10-02, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1924;. As Nice As They Look Our Bolognas, Sausages, etc., are even nicer to taste, They i are all made from the choicest of meats and flavored with the purest of spices, in just the proportions to give them an extra fine and appetizing flavor. If you once toy them, you cannot help but like them. Everybody does, D. H. STEWA T Main Street Seaforth. . PHONE 58. DURING THRESHING SEASON 'we are prepared to supply you with meat after h'8ou r by callingJ 1 MOO Grain Wanted To Buy 1 Car load Barley and 1 Car load Wheat' Call store for prices W. M. STEWA T Phone 77 Seaforth D'XIMESAIDIMEDDIEWEEDIDOMDZWEDIDDMIDDINDDIMODIDUIDEI CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Prepares young men and young• women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables then to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free catalogue and 1aern something about our dif- ferent departments. D. A. IVIcLACHLAN, Principal. oaf oarctsn Walker �A JQ�� SOH G {V, J. i Talker & SOH UNDERTAKING —and— , ' EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. CREAM? CREAN CREAN MR. CREAM PRODUCER: • Send your creast to us, we are .here to give you the very best possible market for your cream. • We beg your support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade creast and secure top prices: Make this your Creamery. Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you. We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for sweet cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade cream. Cash paid to any patron wishing it. Creamery open on Saturday nights. J1..... :tai Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. DatiltossmaDMDellirn Dr. D. H. McInnes ehiiropractor Of \Vingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and Thursday After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Fruit and Vegetabies TOMATOES LEAF LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS STRAWBERRIES ASPARAGUS CELERY ORANGES CANTALOUPES. PEACHES. NEW POTATOES. PhiI1i�S Seaforth Phone 63 Useful in Camp.—Explorers, stir- veyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the re- sult will be the prevention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, no- thing could be better as a dressing or lotion. 0 111PIiIIIIIIi Brownies make good pictures That's one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good • pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select just the Brownie he wants. Here also is the film to fit the Brownie—for we have depend- able' film—Kodalc filet—in a size'to fit any camera. Box Brownies—$2.0.5 up Folding llutographic Brownies—$9,30 up J. F. AL!sl Graves' Block, Seaforth. 411111111•11111,- THE SEAFORTH NEWS � ! r� a Town Topics .! 3, t�' lam. p��an�..uu..�nu•,.�•nwiC1' p n Mr, W Aiberhaxt is returning to .this week. . Toronto University Mr and Mrs, E, Lawson and dau- ghter Bernice spent' the week -end at the home of her Mother, Mrs. W. SclaCer. Miss Mary Laing•, 01 'it5lvertait spent the week -end :wit'ht her parrents, Laing. frGf, and Mrs. J C. La g Miss Margaret Govenlock, of Grand Forks, N.D., is visiting her brother, Mr, J, R. 'Govenlock, North Main st. Miss Susan Govenlock is: visiting friends in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Saunders and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballantyne, of At- wood, were guests at the Egmoudville manse. ' Mts. T. J. Webster spent the week- end with relatives in Lucknow. Miss Agnes McKay, of Preston, spent the week -end' with her par- ents, Mrs. Hugh McKay. Miss M. Mackay was in Toronto visiting her. brother, Mr.W. Mackay. Miss Rena McKenzie, of Stratford., spent the week -end at her home here. Miss Jtedautia Kinney, of Dublin, is visiting at the 110111e.of Mrs. Con. Eckert, Mr. and. Mrs, Andrew :Archibald and Miss Wallace and Miss Archi- bald motored to Niagara Falls to visit Mr. Arthur Archibald; who is principal of Stamford school, \dr,_ luau Hill, of Waterford Col- legiate Institute, spent the week -end a nes with his parents., :\'l r. and Mrs, J, t Hill, Staffa.: Dr. and Mrs, Harburn Evelyn Harburn and Vers. Cora 'Forest est mo tored to Brantford on Saturday to visit friends in the city, • The Venerable Archdeacon Snow- don, rector of St. George's church, Ottawa, visited his brother, Rev. J F. Snowdon, on Tuesday. Mlrs. Bemis, of Toronto; is a visitor at the home of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. Miss Dorothy Wilson returned to Toronto i niversity on Tuesday. Mr. William Smithers is erecting a fine garage on his property on Gode- rich street. Rev. Canon P,roughall of Si. Cath- arines, preached for missions at St. Thomas' church on Sunday evening last, Mis, James Cumming, of Egntond- vii'le,'who has been very poorly, is much improved in health. Miss Grace Finnigan, Egntondvflle, underwent an operation for tonsils on Saturday. - Miss Helen Larkin left on Mon- day for Toronto, Mr. and 'MN. Bachler, of Hamilton, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Webber. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. T. \Corson, who have 'been visiting M r. and Mrs. J. H. Best. returned on Monday to their home. 111 Toronto. Mr, and Mfrs. A. L, Rogers and children, of Whitby, spent a few days with relatives here, The Misses Brine have returned m visiting their brother in To- ronto. n visiting ronto Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Henderson and cirldren, of Hamilton, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mode - land Miss Margaret McIntosh, of Whit- by, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. G, Kruse and son Billy, motored up from Galt and spent the week -end. Mrs, \Ve Sclater returned with them, Miss Neilson and Miss McLaugh- lin of Stratford, are the guests of Miss Gilchrist Livingstone. Mrs. W. R. Plant spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Deem has taken a posi- tion with the Presto -lite Co., Toronto Mr. R. Thompson, of Kitchener, has been appointed operator at the station, Mrs. W, Cameron, who has been visiting her parents, Mfr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker, returned thio week to her home in Regina. • Mrs. \V, Nichol was a Stratford visitor, Mr. R. Reid spent the week -end' in Godcrich. :Aft,. W. H. Bullard has returned from visiting friends in South Bend, Indiana. Mr, Cecil Farnham spent the week- end in Clinton. Mfr. and Mrs, Heron, of Toronto, are spending some time in town. Mr. Lorne Hutchison, who has re turned from abroad, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. 1+: D, Hutchison, Mr. 1(rank Rankin was a Toronto visitor. Miss Cash, of Stratford, was a guest at the hone of Mfr. and Airs. F. 1). Hutchison. Several people from town motored to Stratford to attend the Dumbells, Mfr. John Finlayson, Dr. and Mrs. Larkin and Mrs, Forsythe motored to Hensel) on Monday, Mr. Arthur Ament left on Monday to entq'. the Finance and Commerce course.at Toronto University. Harvest Thanksgiving ,services will be held in" St. Thomas' church next Sunday when Rev, W. 1). Davis, of Thsntesford, will preach. Messrs. Harold Coates, Alvin Oke and 'Wm. Greig returned to Toronto University this week„ Mr. and Mrs. 1•T. F. Burgess left on Wednesday for their home in Owossa, Mich., after visiting at the (home of Mr. and Mrs. R• Frost. 1n the 2.16 trot or pace at Wood- stock fair on Thursday last, Joe Mc- Kinley, owned by Mr. Williaru Cud- more, Seaforth. won in three 'heats,, Mr. Henry Cash is making exten- sive improvements to his residence on James street. 1n the Sealortlt Presbyterian church nest Sunday evening, a quar- tette will be sung, "'Elie Master of Ocean and Earth and Skies,1 Sermon subject, "Christ Stilling Life's Storms." Mr. and Mrs. G. A.Haney, Mr. and Mrs. J,'Hurey and lits. 11. Nott motnrecl,,,front Serlt Ste. Marie and spent.1t few, days - at the 115015 of Mr: and Mrs. .M. Taney. Miss Mabel .Pinkney and Eileen', left on Tuesday to visit friends in Hamilton, A successful dance was held in the on Tuesday 1 St, James' parish hallY. to . evw t g FA CHOO L 11AIR STAT S l Cold, cloudy . weather apparently did not in the slightest injure the Staffa school' 'fair on Monday as. there was a very large crowd of interested persons in attendance. The classes were all well .filled most ,competition being in coots, Rowers and vegetables, and the livestock classes were the lightest, although individual entdes in this line were very ;good. The public 'speakitrg.was very good and the young orators had an ease of manner that showed they were quite'at'home" on the ptatforip... The president, Mr, Robert Norris, and the most able secretary, Miss Elva Bolton, worked tirelessly to make the Mair the big success it was. Seven schools were represented, S.S. Nos. I, 2; 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The teachers are Misses Brown, Bolton, Dalyryinple, Lovell, McLean, Carrie Anderson and Jessie Park., Canning.—Jelly, Mary ;;McDougal, Grace M:eLachlan, Elsie Ritchie, Margaret Col'ernan, Agnes Wren. Beans, Gladys Batson, Flossie But- son. Cucumber pickles. Doris Sar- aras, Agnes \Vren, Mabel McDonald, Winona Norris, Gladys Butson. Flowers, Asters, M. Jones, Margar- et Allen, Kenneth Colqu'houn, Alda Bolton, Milton Lavery. Zinnias, Mary Allen, Norval Norris, Frederick (ones, no name, Margaret Jones, Ca- lendulas, Ernest Ross, John Mac- Dougall, Grace Campbell Ethel El- liott Norma llnitou Trench Mari- golds, Margaret Jones, Frederick Jones, Willie Harburn, John 1fr.- Dougal, Dalton Malcolm; corenp-is. Ada Elliott,'E'llen Chappel, Edward Chappel: cosmos, Norval Norris, Frederick, Jones, (;race McLachlan, No Name, Jean Mahaf{y; African marigolds, roman Bolton, Frederick Jones, Doris Sararas, Margaret Jones Nu Name; phlox, Janet Chappel, ver- bena, Mary Allan, Grace McLachlan; dahlias, Maude Bolton, Elsie Dow, Jean Dow, Gladys Miller, Kenneth Colquhouu; gladioli, Elsie Ritchie, Clarence Norris, Jeanette Chappel, Robbie Vivian, ,Mary \•facDougal. Art --• 'Water color scene, rum Brintuall, Earl Sararas, Frank Wright, Elsie Ritchie. Vera Gardiner; Audrey Dinnin; native bird (pencil), David Ritchie, Ernest Ross. Alfred Ross, Alda Bolton, Vivian Cooper; colored neap of Perth, Maude Bolton. Clarence Coleman, Janet Chancel, Bernice Harris, Arthur Dinnin, Mil- dred Robins; colored fruit, Jean Smale, Laura Colquhottn, Helen Nor ris, Doris Sararas, Albert Dinnin; figures and small letters, 'Bob Gardi- ner, Jean Colquhoun, Frank McLeod, Margaret ,Ritchie, Ross McPhersm,. Writing—"To the Cuckoo --Archie Hoggarth, Elsie Ritchie, Agrees Wren, Alice Rock, Margaret Cole- man, Gladys 'Houghton. "Break. break,'break, Kenneth Cooper, Earl Dow, Rena McLaren, Norman Pa -k, Ready," David Ritchie; "Nearly Janet Chappel Maude Bolton,Clar- ence Coleivau Mildred Robins row. - vice lfalcolnt, "What Does the Little Birdie Say," 'Colin McDougal, Ber- nice Harris, Orval Mcleod, Orval Cooper, Jean Sntale, Vegetables Carrots, Bob Gard- iner, Norman Harburn, Leslie t�l.lod. Cecil Dilling, Willie Harburn. Earl Sararas; onions, Hazel Pullman, Ross McPherson, Mabel McDonald, Laura Balkwill, Clarence Norris, Fil- mer Chappel; beets, Earl Sararas. Anthony; Allen, Florence Malcolm, Vera Canpbcl, Robbie Vivian, John Houghton; parsnips. Irene Ball ner, Hubert' Cooper, Margaret Allen, Viv- ian Cooper, ' Florence Malcolm; cit- ron, Alda 'Bolton, Beatrice A. Drover, Gladys Butson, W, Norris, Ethel Elliot; squash, Kenneth Colqu- houn,'Laura Colquhoun, Darcy Dock- ing, Arthur Mahaffy. Dooleys, Victor Dinnin, Cecil mill- ing, Clifton Miller, John Morgan, Sarah Harburn; ;citron (special) Aida Bolton, Beatrice Drover, Glad). Butson, Winona Norris, Ethel El- liot; squash (special), Kenneth Col- qubotut, L. Colquhonn, Darcy Dock- ing, Arthur \I ahaffy: tomatoes, Gladys Miller, Leslie Flood, Norval Norris, John Morgan, Elsie Dow; green cucumbers, Christina McKatg, Carl Sararas, 1) Robins. Ada Elliot, Willie Harhurn; sweet corn,'John Houghton, Leslie Flood, Kenneth Colquhoun, Victor Dinnin, \ndrey Dinnin; :pumpkins, Vera Allan Lyle Docking, Janet Chappel, Nelson Dow, 'Kenneth Kieinfe.ldt; cabbage, Mary Allen, Sarah Harburn, Willie Harburn, Norman Harburn, Ge Lege La mon t. Roots--Mfangolds, Gladys 'liaison, W.Norris, Flossie Butson; Ce it Din- ing. Willie \IcKaig; turnips,: L. Cal- quhoun, Dick McGill, Frank Scott, Arnold Barbour, C•liftoit Miller. Potatoes—Irish 'Cobbler, Arthur Mahaffy, Edward Chappel, Arthur Dinnin, John Morgan, 'Janes Scott; Green Mountain, Kathleen Mfahaffy, Leonard Houghton, Hazel Colqu- houn, Ellen Chappel, Dalton Mal- colm; brown bread, Mary Brown, Iva Sackett, Vera Leary; raisin pie, Iva Sackett, Mary Brown, Vera D k Leary; layer cake, Margaret rt .e, Marvis Drake, 'Winona Norris; light cake, •Margaret Drake, Vera Camp - beg!, . bell, Marvis Drake,Mary Y Allen Wi- nona Norris; school lurch, Kat hleen Maa lY, ricket �Iost,'Janet Chappel, el e , . 1 Mair vis Drake. 111'4n Chappel, ,f tll!e . he W heat a W S Crain—Spring, , r YlcKaig, Robert Vivian, No.inan Harburn, /.Ii Harburn' fall wheat \\ it t. sheaf, Dalton Malcolm, Edward Chappel, Willie,McKaig, Fred Har- burn, Norman Harburn; sheaf foals, Winona Norris, Filmer Chappel, Geo. Lamont, Robbie Vivian, Frank Wright; sheaf barley; Janet Chappel, Harold Austin; marquis ,wheat, John Norris, Ida 'Norris, Clarence Cole- man, Arthur Mahaffy; 'O,A.C. oats, Filmer Chappel, Ellen Chappel, John Norris; corn for ensilage, Clifton Miller,, .Bobbie, Vivian, Gordon Scott, Norman Park, H. Walker; barley 32 (special) John Norris, Fred Harburn, Norman Harburn, pumpkins (spec- ial) Vera Allen, Lyle Docking, Janet Chappel, Nelson Dow, Kenneth Klein Feick. Manual Work—Miniature gate, G. 1 arnond, Frank Wright, Filmer Chappel; rope splicing, 'Kenneth Col- gultoun, Fred Harburn, Norman Har- burn, Thos, Pullman; any kitchen article, Kenneth Colgiihoun Ellen Chappel, Agnes Wren; i 1 errs, Norma Rolton, Janet Chappei Ella Chappel, Mildred Robins, Au dray Dinnin; weeds, Alice I. Roelc; Margaret Drake, Iva Rock, Helen J. Hodge, Harold Mutton, Ellen Embroidery -- Dust Cap Chappel• Elsie Ritchie, Janet Chap- pel; towels, Laura Balkwtll Elsie Ritchie, Ellen Chappel; tam Elm.. ence Belfour, Sewing Hemmed handkerchief, Vary Ml. A. MacDougald Laura a Balkwill, Gladys Houghton K tt - leen Maheffy, Elsie Ritchie; sewing hag, Audrey Dinnin, Janet Chappel, Mildred Robins; patched grain bag, Gladys Houghton, Ellen Chappel; darning on cardboard, Gladys Houghton, Janet Chappel, Ellen Chappel, Dorothy Robins, Verde Gardiner; button holes, Laura -Balk- will, Kathleen Mahafiy, Elsie Ritchie, Winona Norris, Janet Chappel; pot holder, Janet Chappel Mildred Robins. Sewing --Knitting --- Scarf, Mary Drown, Janet MacDougald, Mary 21, A. MacDongald, Elsie Ritchie; wash cloth, Norma Bolton, Janet Mac- Dougall; Janet Chapped Crochet work Yoke. Florence Belfour, Ivy Sackett, Kathleen Ma- lta 3.. a-ltaffy. Fruits—Spies, Muriel Drake, No Name, •Gordon Scott. Darcy Dock- ing, Arnold Barbour; Baldwins, Jas. Scott. Carl -Drown, Robert Vivian, Arnold Barbour; Russets, Janet Pat- rick, Mary ellen, Christina McKaig, 3luriel Drake, John McDn,tgall; Snows, George Lamont, Neil La- mont, Robert Vivian, Willie MfcKaig, Arthur Mahaffy; Greeuings, 'toltbie Vivian, Kathleen Mfahaffy, George Lamont, Frederick Jones. MlarStrct ,tones; Kings, ranee Patrick, Robert Vivian, James Scott, Earl Sararas; Doris Sararas; Alexanders, Arthur Dinnin, Audrey Dinnin. John Mc- Dougall, Cecil Dining, Kathleen Ma- '•'Talntait'Sweets, JohnMorgan, haffy , Mary Allen, Robbie Vivian, 'MabelMcDonald, Albert Dinnin; fall pears, Florence Malcolm, Mabel Mc- Donald, Margaret Allen, Gladys llutsoll, J'i.ossie 1301800; .col, 'apples, Everard Kerslake, Robbie Vivian, Kathleen Mahtaffy, Sports—Girls' race under' 8, 17ot'is Sararas, Flossie Butson, Jean Smale; boys' race under 8, Frank Scott, Wil- fred Scott, Alvin Crawford ,girls' race tinder 10, Ethel Elliot Mabel 21eDonald. Marjorie Kleinfeldt; boys' race under 10, Norman Park, Russel Parsons, Everard Kerslake; girls under 12, Ada Speare, Ada El- liot, Marg. Coleman; boys race under 12, Norman Park, Archie Hoggarth, Alfred Ross; girls' race ander 15, Ada Islliot, Ada Speare, \larg. Coleman; boys race under 15, that tired look and "ragged" feeling out of your face. Say "Bonilla Facial" to your barber and come up smiling with a new appear- ance of vim and fitness. Be one of the "million a week." ROBINSON'S The Better Shop Best Holland Bulbs (Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc.) SECURED BY BUYING EARLY. Send for list including ROSES 2 -IND SHRUBS THE BEST IS CHEAPEST. HOLLAND ePdiii. lm?eR'l' eo. 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. Neil Lamont, Archie Roggnrth, Norman Park; girls' three-legged race, race, ;\la6 man Ida tori Marg. 'Coleman and I boys' three-legged race, Chappel a d: Harburn Earl. and Alfred Rosi, La- mont and Russel. Poultry --Pair Rocks, MI Ritchie, .Kerslake,,.,\• 11 ,. di E. I, Allen, J C xltt er r 49 cI echl rn. 1i lute � rnd�ttes C � , keret All A Ho arch, C. coc C. Aka, g6 Butson; pullet, \T Allen, 4 K Walker, A. Hoggart'h; pair, \E. Allen, A. Flog- garth, K. \Valker. Pair utility fowl, A -Allen V. Dinnin, M. McDonald, C. Docking, G. Robbin, Pair geese, M. Robbin, C. Midler, A. 'Gardiner, M McDonald; clucks A. do rth \ on T �a M, Robbin, DiY J. McDougal, C. billing, C, ''Miller; guinea fowl, A. Gardiner; bantam, I -I, (olqulnouu: White Leg -- horn, cockerel, V. Dinnin; ptiillet, A, Dinnin; .pair, A. Dinnin. •Barred Rocks, cockerel, C. Diiling;' D. Ritchie, K..Kieinfeldt, M. Allen, C. McLaughlin; Pullet, E. Ritchie. Ray Miller, C. Dulling, C. McLachlan, 5. Butson. Live Stock—Heavy . colt,' Duncan Colquhonn, Duncan Colquhoun, Carl Walker, Frank Hamilton; `rained and groomed colt, Carl Walker, Duncan Colgtthoµtt, Frank Hamilton, Duncan' Coldultoun; calf (raised on cow), Frank I-familton lr!l;oar Channel; ,cal (pail il fe d) Eraiik Ifa- nulton; pair pigs, Praok Ila nr iktl it, Robbie Vivian, bacon ling, Frank Hamiltoa, 1?obh'lt Vty;,tjan. 5 c Strathcona L�t.ttt,4�- Na G, N> No 2. Public Speaking Elsie Ritchie, . Alda- Bolton David Ritchie, :ctd,t Gardiner, Wesley•'Ver Flood. Have you Eczema or any disease of the skin ? If you have, get a package of at Aberhart's drug store, Sea - forth,. Ont. and watch it dis- appear. Most effective remedy in Chronic Psoriasis. ioarimami i What to Expect When Buying Electric Lamps Satisfaction. Efficiency Long Life Economy These qualities are all built into the Hydro Lamp, so they are bottnej l p be given out, ,CNiu nu+.+NM... • 1 'Hydro Larnps are Factory inspected and tested by Hydro Engineers and experts. IT PAYS TOBUY HE TBEST' BUY HYDRO LAMPS Public Utilities Com. Clerk's Office, Town Hall Look for thio. caber on the POWER c <yMIS544, ONT BBN=14U The Special Mi.Hv Fi;t,ur We Have it—Give it a Trial. Mso. on (round Screenings Chop of MI Kinds C. 4® Tll4MSIN GRAIN DEALER PHONE 25 Seaforth Garage IF YOU UARE IN NEED. OF TIRES, give us a call. Prices and up. Also a pair of cushion tires at $10.00 each, NEW IF YOU ARE 111 NEED- OF ANEW BATTERY or if you have have a Battery to be repaired, giveusa call, A Complete Line of most called for parts of various cars, BATTERY CHARGING. OXY -ACETYLENE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A PECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you and serve you well. $6.75 JOHN REM ''; 1 : PHONE 167W. Dealer in new and used cars: Have yon seen the new MAXWELL AND CHRYSLER MOTOR CARS. ems.