HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-09-25, Page 3A Man With One Foot in
"There. are lust two powers on,
earth," the new manager of the copper
mines said to the president, "money
and might."
The company wits planning' to "speed
up," and owing, to the manager's ef•
fort all the rock houses,mines and
smelters were soon.. running'. all full
strength. One day, however, a gang
"Of men displeased him, and he de-
nounced tbem in strong terms and
then dismissed them. The workmen
crowded round the manager;. blows
Were struck on both sides, A cry
went up, and other workmen gathered
quickly. They made a rush for 'him,
and down be went. Picking himself
up quickly, he sprang into the clerk's
checking ,office and slammed the door.
The men had smashed' the window
and some wore preparing to climb into
the room when the manager, trembling
with wrath and fear, heard. a Balm but
surothered voice:
"Boyth, boyth, do not make a meth
take. all thpeak for you." '
The men ,ceased their angry -clamor
and turned toward the big miner who
had addressed them.
"It'th all righth, Mithter Dawthon,"
the newcomer said to the manager.
"You may thafely eome-out
"Is that you, Captain Harris?" asked
the manager. '
"Meth; said the leader of the
miners- 'T11 thpeak for the men.'
"Then I want all here dismissed!"
demanded the manager,
"That lth not the word of roathon
or juthtice," said Captain Harris quiet-
ly. "I athk your pardon and conthi-
deration for theth men,. You are in
their power now. If T thtand by you
and lead you away, they will be in
your power. Deal with me ath you
like, but deal with them conthiderate-
"Take me out of this!" demanded
the manager.
"I' will," said Captain Harris, "and
ath man to man I claim your word of
honor to deal juthly by theth men,"
Later in the office the manager said
to the president: Who Is this Cap-
tain Harris that with a word from his
thick throat can turn a mob of angry
men into Iambs?"
"Oh," said the president, "have you
eome under the oharm of that man'
"What is there in him?" demanded
the manager. "He's a big man, I'll
grant, six feet and a little more per-
haps with a lurap at hie neck and
twinkling blue eyes. But what is
there in him to sway the men as he
And a us too," the presi-
dent. That man is a saint if there
ever was one. He wishes to bear all
the mistakes of everybody. Any mo-
ment his life may be rapt by that dead-
ly cancer on his neck—the lump you
speak of. He asks no sympathy from
anyone. 'it's all right, boys,' says Har-
ris. "Sc long as there's life I'm here
to stand by you. When the vein
breaks it's the master's call, and I'l•I
report for duty at the higher office.'
You can't resist the power of a man
'who has one foot already in heaven!"
"I never met anything like it be-
fore," admitted the manager. "I be-
lieve I owe my life to him." And be
told of his encounter.
"Well," said the president, smiling,
"you may boast all you like of the
power of money and force, but Cap-
tain Harris is a constant witness of
the charm, influence and power of a
good life."
Origin of Picturesque Name
of Qu'Appelle.
One of the most picturesque geo-
graphic names is Qu'Appelle, the ap-
pellation of the river which flows in an
easterly direction through Saskatche-
wan some miles north of the cities of.
Moose Saw and Regina to join the As-
sin1boine river in Manitoba, The
name was originally qui appelie, or
river that calls, and like most French,
names in Western Canada dates back
to the days when the French-speaking
explorers and fur traders from what
is now Eastern Canada penetrated into
the heart of the West.
The first mention of the name is ih
the diary of John McDonnell, of the
Northwest Company. It was one of
the duties of a fur trader to keep a
journal of each day's doings, Under
date 11 October, 1793, McDonnell has
the following: "Arrived at the fort of
the River qui Appelle, called by Mr.
Robert Grant, when he built it, Fort
Esperance.' Grant built the post re-
ferred to about 1785 and possibly the
river name came into use about that
Daniel Harmon, also of the North-
west Company, whose "Journal of
Voyages and Travels" in the Interior
of North America" was published in
1820, visited the river in 1804, He
states that the name is a translation
of the Indian name Catabuy. A more
phonetic spelling is iiatepwe, a name
still borne by a lake on the river. Har-
mon states that the Fiver "is so named
by the ,superstitions natives who im-
agine that a spirit is Consantly going
tip and down it, and they say that they
often hear its voice distinctly, which
resembles the cry of a human being."
A modern explanation of the name is
more materatribute% It to;lallstic and t
the remarkable echo in the river val-
ley when the ice bursas in the winter.
Information about the emeaning, of this
name, as about other Canadian place
names; is summarized' in the :18th re-
port of the Geographic Board of Cana-
lla which has just bean published.
The proportion of polygamous mar -
Wages in' Turlcey is now less than one
Se li thousand.
finer tea and more of at
Provinotel Board of Health, Ontario
4r. lillddloton IOU be Wad to answer questioes ea Public Health assn.
tors through this column. Address him tit digitise BRIM, 8ps41
Crescent. Toronto
Early fast fall, fifteen employees
were stricken with typhoid during the
time they were employed in a lumber
camp up north. Two of these men
entered claims: for damages --against
the company. They contended that
the water they had drunk at the camp
while at work was the cause of .the
disease, and claimed half pay for the
period during which they had been ill.
They got no compensation, however,
as the law in Quebec does not provide
for this sort of thing. On theface
of it, there seems a real need for our
sisterprovince to take action to rem-
edy matters in this regard.
Where there is a large industrial
population, as is the case in Ontario,
many unfortunate accidents are
bound to occur during working hours.
Circumstances govern cases,but
chitlins can be made for compensation
when the injured person feels that he
was not responsible for the accident.
Redress, too, con be claimed in the
case of persons who contract disease
while employed in industry, and it is.a
good law that makes provisibii for
this in Ontario. If you happen to live
1n Quebec, however, you have not
such facilities when disease overtakes
you. Under the provisions of the
Workmen's Compensation Act in Que-
bec, disease contracted during ern.
ployment in an industry does not en -
title the employee to compensation,
but accidents alone can bring an in-
demnity. Such was the principle.
established recently by Chief Justice
Sir Francois Lemieux, in the Super-
ior Ceuta, Quebec, ,in dismissing with
costs two actions. for $600 each, en-
tered by two lumberjacks named Per-
ron and Gendron against the corpora-
tion that employed them, for payment
of wages during the period they had.
suffered from typhoid.
It was also added by the Court that
it had not been proved that the doss:
ease had been contracted at the lum-
ber camp of the company, as stated,
but even, if proved, the award could
not be made.
Industrial Health Supervision car-
ried on among the mines, lumber -com-
panies and large construction projects
in Northern Ontario, has been a re-
markable success. Every lumber campp,
mine and little saw -mill has a quali-
fied physician 'as its sanitary super-
visor, who also cares for the men
'medically. These doctors render
'splendid service in protecting the
, worker's health. Each pear sees a
further reduction in the number of
communicable diseases reported. In-
, deed, most of the common infectious
fevers so very prevalent ten years
ago, have almost vanished. Stich a
record speaks very creditably for the
effectiveness of the service.
Hee--"Class" Is writtenall over
Mabel, isn't it?"
She—"Yes. 'Second• Class.' "
There are always 20,000 strangers
sightseeing in London.
Wealth' From Whales.
Ambergris, derived from the intes-
tines of the whale, is found in lumps
up to 300 pounds in weight, • either
floating in the tropic seas or cast up
on the shores of Madagascar, China
and Japan.
i i
The whole of the const of am-
bergris, being of a highly complicated
character, have not yet been identified
and isolated.
Ambergris was known in very early
times, and was reputed to possess
blghly curative properties for certain
Its present high cost is due entirely
to the uncertainty of the supplies, to
its use In perfumery tie a fixative, and
to its highly pleasant and delicate
musk -like odor.
Oysters are nervous creatures, and
a sudden shock such as a loud thun-
derclap will kill hundreds of them.
=k Z
Mix l(-een's Mustard with water 0 the
yy of a thick paste. Add: jitter
desired.thlcknes is obtained. consistency
the flavor is desiredevery
If la milder mustard freshly for
mills. Mix m
S P Enameled Ware has
the smooth surface and polish of
fine crockery—without the break-
age. And it is so verb' easy to clean
E --just like china, and therefore
makes light work of pot washing.
Try this test. Take an S M P
Enameled Ware sauce pan anfan
all -metal sauce pan of equal size.
Into each pour a quart of cold
water. Put on the fire at the same
time. The SMP sauce pan will be
boiling merrly-when the water in
the other is just beginning to
exageledt ARE
"A Face of Porcelain and a Heir✓f of Sfee1'
Three s: Pearl Ware, two soata of; pea to
grcy cliental initials and: out Diamond -Wake, three
oats, light blue and : white outside,white lining.
Crystal Ware, three coots' pure white inside and
out, with Royal Blue edging.
l�® MgO6 4✓ tel,6ANA0A
eat osHEEr iviETAL VRODUCTS Co. uairao
Miracle of the Honey -Bee.
A hones bee weighs 1j 300th, 01 ".n
ounce; its ;load" of nectar is, there-
fore, extremely small. A. scientist as-
eertained. that the average load
weighs about 1/1260Lh ofan ounce --a
quarter of the bee's weight.
This means . that 20,000 journeys
(reckoning the outward and inward
trip as one) are necessary - for the
gathering of a pound of nectar; but, as
flower -juice loses at least ono -half of
its bulk beforeit becomes honey, it
follows that the production' on a pound
of honey involveson this reckoning a
minimum of 40,000 journeys.
If' we assumethat the average trip
out and home measures half a mile
(a low estimate), the immense dis-
tance of 20,000,,miles must be covered
in gathering the; raw material for a I
pound of honey. This is equal to 1,260.•
miles per. ounce.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make
Rich Blood and Restore
Thin, pale people lack the power of.
resistance to diseasethat rich, red
blood gives. Nervous breakdown 1s
the direct result of thin blood. So is
anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism and
many other troubles. People suffer-
ing from thin, impure 'blood need just
the help Dr, Williams' Pink Pills can
give. For thirty-five years Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink. Pills have been world-
orldfamous as a blood builder and nerve
restorer. Not only do they purity and
enrich the blood, but they make new,
rich, red blood which imparts fresh
vigor and life to all the organs, of the
body, 'Their ferret effect is usually to
stimulate the appetite; then the spirits
revive, and restlessness at night gives
way to health restoring sloop. For
sufferers from anaemia, nervousness,
general weakuess, digestive troubles,
the after effects of acute diseases,
mental or physical exhaustion, Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are a restorative
of the utmost value. If you are weak
or ailing give these pills a fair trial
and the result is sure to be beneficial.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
And They Hammer Away.
'"rhe Ladies Sewing Circle sings at
ita work."
"What's the favorite song?"
"The Anvil Chorus, I'm told."
The Legend of Mauna Loa.
No other volcano has ever equaled
Mauna Loa, in Honolulu, In the volume
of lava it has discharged in its princi-
pl eruptions, nor is any other so
dreaded, for in its stream flow death
an destruction, The mountain has,
however, the true instinct of chivalry,
and invariably gives warning to the
hundreds of sugar and toffee planters
about its base When its intentions are
hostile, This warning is conveyed by
the bluish steam that arises from its
crater, which is always followed by a
flood of red hot lava, Mauna Lon is
giving this warning now.
At the time of its great eruption in
1800 the lava burst from the sides of
the mountain as wsll as from its
crater and flowed like a great river for
nine months, varying In width from
three lililes to a few hundred yards.
It ran a distance of fifty miles. Final-
ly it reached the outskirts of the town
of Hilo, whose inhabitants were calm-
ly awaiting their doom,
It was then that the young princess
of the reigning house of Honolulu de-
termined . to test the efficacy of the
well-known . legend of the mountain.
The legend was that 1f a young end
beautiful princess should array her-
self as a bride and surround herself
with attendants that would form a pro-
cession and climb -the mountain with
her, she could then, by approaching
the crater and throwing. in a sacred
white pig, appease the wrath of the
mouuitin and cause it to be quiescent.
This;vas, in fact, no simple task; for
beside the physical Onduranoe It was
necessary fd dodge the boiling lava
on the mountainside. The white pig
also grew heavy and restless in the
arms of the princess: He chafed un-
der the garlands of Owers with which
he was decorated, Three . times on
this strange expeclitten the pig es-
caped, but 'was cangght again by the at-
tendnts of the princess, After much
labor sire replied' the crater, and with
a supremeeffort of strength and cony
age, cast the: ,squealing .pig into the
awful depth Below,.. Tbedescent was
made slowly, all Chanting .praise, to
the mountain.
Mauna Loa appreciated the.sacrifice
of the.prinCess ancrleas•generous. Many
European visitors, •se well as the na-
tives, still • tell. how that evening the
flow of lave, became sluggishand oe ssed
to move Htlo, was saved. In 1888.92
the mountain was slightly active; but
with those exceptions 11 has been true
illi Lo the seipc rstition of the people
Mlnard's Linim.enl, Relieves Pain.
NO Cliance.At All
Most amateur tricksters know
one or two methods of discover-
ing the identity of a cared selected
by a spectator, Here is an ex-
cellent method of disclosing the
fact of the discovery, In this
case another spectator, who does
not, know which card was selected,
names it. An examination of the
following will indicate how the
spectator can be. "forced"' (t0 use
the magician's term for this pro-
ceeding) to name any card the
trickster (Metres him to name. in
this ease it Is the eight of clubs.
Observe that the trickster accepts
or discards the spectator's choke.
Quickly done it is usually decep-
kinds are two k ds of Bard s,
picture cards and spot cards.
Name either." "Picture cards."
"Fine. That leaves the spot cards
and the card must be a spot card.
There are two colors in ttzoypack.
Name either." "Black " "Fine,
that eliminates the red and the
card mast be hlaok. There are
two kinds of black cards, spades
and clubs. Name either. Spades.
"Fine, that leaves the clubs and
the card must be a club." "There
are two kinds of spot clubs --odd
and even, name either." "Odd."
"Then the card must be an even
club; the odd clubs' having been
eliminated. There are even clubs
higher than five and lower than
five. Name either." "Lower,"
"Fine, that leaves us the even clubs
higher than five. The even clubs
are six, eight and ten. We may
divide these into a lower group
comp:mod of six and eight and an
upper, composed of ten. Name
the upper or lower." "Upper."
"}Tine, that leaves the lower, Name
either six or eight"
If eight is named, the trick Is
completed. If six is named, the
;trickster calmly eliminates six.
`leaving eight—and the stunt Is
(Clip this out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook,)
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she would
use nothing else, The Tablets give
such results that the mother has no-
thiug but 'words of praise and thank-
fulness for. them. Among the thou-
sands of mothers throughout Canada
who praise the Tablets is Mrs. David
A. Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S„ who
writes:—"I have used Baby's Own
Tablets for my children and from my
experience I would not be without
thein. I would urge every other moth-
er to keep a box of the Tablets in the
house." The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach;
drive out constipation and indigestion;
break up oolds and simple fevers and
make teething easy. They are sold by
medicine dealers, or by mail at 25c. a
box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co,, Brockville, Ont,
Barometer -Mg.
"Have you touched the barometer,
Mary Jane?"
The mistress in anger cried.
"Why, yes, it's my evening out to-
So I set it to 'fine' " the maid re-
It is always safe to send Dominion
Express Money Orders,
Blest Be the 'Ile That Binds.
In his eye was a look of determina-
tion; his breath was coming in gasps;
she had eluded him, but now his hour
had come and his purpose was not to
be thwarted again. He rushed and
threw his arms about her neck, half
dragging, half carrying her to the par-
son's. He kicked vigorously upon the
door and when the parson came he
'Do you tie knots?"
"Why, yes," said the parson,
"Then tie a good hard one on this
heifer calf of yours; she's about ruined
my garden."
Ontario Man Says It Put Him
in Such Fine , Condition 2
Years Ago He Hasn't Need-
ed Any Medicine Since.
"Well, sir, it lookel trite I' was going
to have to give up my job, but Tenlad
kept me on the payroll and, et course,
I'm strong for 1t," is the striking state-
ment of Win, Cranker, 84 Louis St
Brockville, Ont., who for 30 years 'past
has been employed by the Canadian
National railroad.
"My stomach went wrong 10 years
ago and then t gradually got out of fix
in lots of ways. I couldn't eat or sleep
to do any good for nervousness and
indigestion and had got to ivllul'c 1
simply had to drag myself to Llae rail-
ailroad yards in the mornings.
"I could feel the good :effects of lily very
first few doses of Tanlac clean to ley,
flnger-tips', 1018 was t'wo 'year:, ago
andthree bottles put me in such good
shape that I have, not had to spentl ra
cent for medicine since„ l ,eat and
sleep fine, never miss a ;lay's work
any mote rind feel fine, You just can't
beat Tanlac,"
Tanlac is for sale by, all good drag-
gista. Accept no substitute. Over 40
million bottles sold.
Tanlac Vegetable Pills ter consti-
pation. Made and "recommended by
the manufacturers of Tanlac.
The Cruise of the;Belgenland
Around the 'World.
Around the world in 133 days! To
visit countries famed in song and
story, countries whose history reaches
back to the very beginning of; time,
lands of strange peoples and nnaceus-
tomed sights, such is the pleasure in
store for passengers on the Red Star
Liner Beigenland sailing from New
York on December 4 next.
The first stop. on this voyage of en-
abantment is at beautiful Havana,
then on through the Panama Canal,
along the colorful Californian coast to
Hawall, gem of the Pacific. Ten days.
of the balmy sunshine and smooth
seas which characterize the Pacific in.
the winter season, brings the Belgen
land to the mystic Orient.. The Land
of the Rising Sun offers many curious
scenes for the Canadian, while Hong
Kong is of special interest as an out-
post of the British Empire, Shanghai
and Singapore, the West Indies, Cal-
cutta, Bombay anti Ceylon, what vis-
ions of tropical grandeur these names
suggest!. A trip up the Nile, a view
of Luxor, Cairo and Alexandria Is fol-
lowed by a visit to the . Holy Land.
Mediterranean cities next claim the at-
tention 01 the traveller, who may con-
tinue his tour to include Switzerland,
France and the British Isles.
Happiest of choices for this long jour-
ney 1s the Beigenland, of 27,200 tons
register, 697 feet long and 78 feet
broad. She has turbine engines, triple
screws, and oil -burning boilers --the
latter an important feature on a long
voyage, as the use of o11 fuel elimin-
ates the soot, dust and cinders in-
separable from the use of coal. She is
the largest liner ever sent around the
world. Equipped with all conveni-
ences, powerful and steady, with gen-
erous breadth of decks and luxuriously
fitted rooms, with two gymnasiums
and a swimming pool, the Belgenland
provides her passengers with every
comfort at sea. The tourist is also
well oared for on the overland trips
and is free to enjoy the rich panorama
day by day
Full information may be had from
H. G. Thorley, Ontario Passenger Of-
fice, 41 Icing St. East, Toronto,
Ostrich Legend "Bunk."
The ostrich does not hide its head
in the sand when fear afflicts it. This
at any rate, is the bold proclamation
made by Vilhjalmur Stefanson, the
Arctic explorer. Nowhere has a re-
sponsible observer ever seen an os-
trich thrust its head into the sand to
escape a foe.
The legend has persisted for nearly
2000 years. Perhaps 2000 years
despite all the naturalists and all the
iconoclasts, people will still believe
that ostriches are as silly as Pliny
thought they were,
London can boast of twenty women
undertakers while sixty women are
qualified auctioneers.
Two 1918 Dodge Ten Passenger Busses 1
suitable for us n own or ages.,
No reasonable offer refused. I
37 Jarvis St., Toronto
Send description and full particulars to
73 W: Adelaide St. Toronto
Say "Bayer" - Insist!
For Pain Headache
Neuralgia Rheumatism
Lumbago Colds
Accept only S_a
Bayer package
which contains proven directions
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists
Aaplria 1e the trade mark (reglateked In
Canada) of Bayer Manufacture et Mono.
acetiescldester of aallcylleacld
SpraiA s !
Avoid further pain and stiffness by,
rubbing with Minard's. It kills in-.
fflanimetion, soothes and heals.
Classified Advertisements
Staves, Miall Slab Wood, and Cord
Wood.' Reid Bros.; Bothwell, Ontarld.
Lights to Test the Dye.
Of foreign -origin, a new machine
called a fadeometer 1e used for, testing
the fastness of dyes. Violet carbon
arc lights are used, 40 samplea being.
tested at one time it necessary. Ha1�
the sample is exposed to the light and
the other half protected by a metal.
shade, so that after teat an exact come
parison can be made. Special carbon
rods, impregnated with a secret chemi-
cal formula, give the light of this aro
fading qualities exactly similar to day-
light, although greatly intensified.
Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
Earthquake Cooled Water.
Water in the bay, of Tokio 1s colder
this year than Iast, according to ob-
servers of the Marine Produots Insti-
tute, the earthquake of last .Septem-
ber being blamed for a marked drop
in temperature. The lower tempera-
ture of water along the coasts near
Tokio is expected to handicap such'in-
dustries as fishing for -shellfish and
gathering seaweeds in which the work-
ers are obliged to spend hours stand-
ing in water,
foRVouw EYES
Refreshes Tired Eyes
WntoMerinc Co Chlcego,for$yeCareBook
:;tic ,ti,'11 h :Wi f ..x,
And Blackheads.Irritation
Intense, Cuticura Heals.
- I suffered terribly with black-
heads and pimples. The pimples
were large, festered and scaled over.
They burned causing intenselrri-
tation. After washingmy face the
scales would fall oft' causing erup-
tions. I had to dispense -with all
pleasures because my face was
I tried numerous remedies but
all failed. I began using Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and oft
ez using
one box of Ointment and one cake
of Cuticura Soap I was completely
healed." (Signed) Mise Felicia E.
Smith, 2271 E. 46t0 St., Cleveland,
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cum are ideal for daily toilet uses.
eampla Each less by Mea Aadreea Canna
eDot• Oaacara, f. 0. 8ez 2039, MentnaL.'
rice boap26 ourntmeatls.od 50,, Sticumsoo•.
Try our new Sha.iag Stich,
Manitoba Woman Thanks
L Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
' Crandall, Manitoba.—" When I wast
a young girl at home and Working I had
terrible pains, almost more than I could +,
bear, and I was not regular. These
troubles kept me so tired all the time
that I had no strength and no ambition
to join in with my friends and have a
good time. I was just tired and miser-
able always and life just seemed as if it 'r
wasn't worth living I saw so much in
the pa ars about Lydia E, Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and then I hada
friend who had taken it and told me
about' it, so I got some. Every month
after taking itl got stronger and 100011
did not suffer every month. It stopped ,
the pains and helped me other ways.
Then when my babies were coming.Iwas
tired and worn out the first three months 't
and ached badly.. I took the Vegetable
Compound right along and ;must say it `
made anew woman of Ino and able to
do my work, and it helped me through
confinement, You see I am a farmer's
wife with a big house to took after, and
e babies now. I have told ever s
three o
many women about your medicine Just
last week I got a letter from my old
chum in -the East. Her baby was born 1).
fifteen days before mine and she told
me she was not feeling very well her ' S
back aches so much, and that she is
going to take the same medicine I took
You can use my letter and T hope some g
one will be helped by it, '—Mrs. Jos H.
KIM, Box 66, Crandall, Manitoba. 0 ,
ISSUE No. 39--=24."