HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-09-04, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1924;
Look At The Cut
of Meat you are buying and see if
it has the color and the appearance
of fresh, tender, juicy, wholesome
beef. Don't buy it if it is stringy, dry
dark, full of tendons. You get quality
cuts here. It is better to pay us a
few cents a pound more and get
meat you can eat enjoyably,
Main Street ° Seaforth,
we are prepared to supply you with
meat after hours by calling
Prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest profes-
sion. •We,assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical training which enables
them to meet with success. Stu-
dents are registered each week.
Get our free catalogue and
le+trn something about our dif-
ferent departments.
Where Can 1 Get,
Join the ranks of the tI'rifty
women who shop here daily for all
their table needs, You'resure to
get a fresh supply of select staple;
and fancy groceries, vegetables and
fruits, Our shelves are full of
reasonably priced package, bottled
and canned goods.
You'll be pleased.
Phone 7.7 Seaforth
sitemsersorazawransaturnensurmast „3
W. J. Wa!k r 85 Soo
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67,
Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very beat
possible market for your cream.
We beg your support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade
cream and secure to prices, Make this your Creamery.
Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except
of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you,
We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for
street cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade
Cast paid to any patron wishing it.
Creamery open on Saturday nights,
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaiorth,'a Ont,
Dr. D. H, Mains
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future,
• Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
g '
. tl
Seaforth Phone
Ready-made Medicine. -You need
no physician for ordinary ills when
you have at hand a bottle of Dr,
Thomas' Ecicetric Oil. For coughs,
colds, sore throat, bronchial troubles,
it is invaluable; for scalds, burns,
bruises, sprains it is unsurpassed;
while for cats, sores and the like it is
an unquestionable healer, It needs no
testimonial other than the use, and
that will satisfy anyone as to its ef-
Campwith a Kodak
Whether a week in the woods
or a day at the shore, a -Kodak
is an essential part of your
At our counter you'll find the
Kodak you need; also a complete
line of accessories and "the depend-
able film in the yellow box."
Autographic Kodaks--$6.70 up
Graves' Block, Seaforth.
Kia nNRo..Mlt�aroW�+an�p.+.Na ..,....ply
mt7,o iamo...,.., ...r .w,..m,m,r ...40
visitor at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs,
T. G. Shilinglaw.•
Mr',, Dawson 'Reid has ' returned
froma trip to Kirkland Lake,
Mrs. Oscar Neil is visiting friends
in Toronto. '
Miss Kathleen Rankin is attending
Stratford business college.
Mr. Arnold Caseis spending a few
Miss Clara Pinkney spent the days in Toronto,
week -end in Stratford, Misses Anie' Stewart and Sadie
Mrs. W, Walters "and Mrs, T. Thompson are spending their hall-
Bradley, of Orono, are guests at the days in Toronto,
home of Mr. C. Adams. Mr. Leslie' Bristow and Mr. Hanna,
Mr. and. Mrs. J. 13. Tyerman and of Sarnia, were week -end guests of
Mr, and Mrs, F. D. Hutchison re,
turned on Monday after a ten daye
motor trip to St, Catharines, Niagara
Falls and Toronto and while there
visited •the Exhibition.
Mr, Williain. Freeman spent the
past week in Toronto,
Miss Marion Watson was a guest
at the Larkin -Hamilton wedding . its
Godeoich on Monday.
Dr, and Mrs. George I irann,
Detroit, are guesta at the home of
of sister, Mrs, W. G. Willis
Messrs, Gerald and Jas, Stewart
are in Toronto this week, •
Miss Alva Graves is visiting rela-
tives in Auburn,
Mrs. Charles Stewart and children
are visiting her sister, Mrs. Clancy,
in Detroit
Mr. Hodson, of 1,os Angeles, Cal.,:
is visiting his .grandmother, Mrs:
Leslie Mullen.
Mr.. Garnet Sillery has recovered
sufficiently to return from Strathrov
wh'ere he snout a week in the ho,-
pital as the result of an accident,
A•liss Pearl Patterson •spent the
holiday in Brantford.
Miss Helen Larkin; of Windsor,
and Miss Marion Larkin, of London,
spent the week -end with their par-
ents, Ret Dr, aid Mrs. Larkin.
Miss Dorothy Kent has taken a
position in Beattie Bros,' store.
Mrs. McMillan, who hat; been a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
John Beattie, left on Tuesday for
her hone in Detroit. She was ac-
companied by Miss Florence 'Beattie.
Mr, W. J. McIntosh left on Wed-
nesday on a trip to the West.
Mr, Wm. Somerville, of Tormttn
spent the week -end with his sisters,
Airs. Whittaker and Miss Somerville.
1r. and Mrs, E. fax acid Mrs, E.
H. Close were in Toronto,
Mr. 1V. Deem was a Toronto
Miss Beatrice Seip spent the week-
end in New Hamburg.
Miss Gitlin has returned to
Miss Mary Modeland has returned
to Chesley,
Air. and 'Mrs, C. W. ;Fowler and
soli and Mr, and Mrs. Layton motor-
ed up front Hamilton and spent the
week -end at the Monte of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Smith.
Miss Mason, of Buffalo, is spending
a few days in town.
Mr. Earl 'Smith is spending his
vacation in Toronto and Hamilton.
Miss Gertrude Carrillo, of Milver-
ton, spent the week -end at her home
Mfiss L. Allen, who spent her
vacation with her ,parents, Mr. and
Mrs, James Allen, has returned to
f lantiltnn.
Mrs, Robert Charters, who has
been quite i11, is improving.
Miss Elsie Lynch, of Toronto, was
it week -end guest of Mrs A. Young.
Miss Florence Laidlaw, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. 7. C.
Laidlaw, has returned to Toronto.
Miss Gladys Shiliiugiaw, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
_Mrs, T, G. Shillinglaw, has returned
to Toronto.
Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Snowdon and
fancily spent the week -end at Niagara
Palls, the guests of lir. and Mrs. A,
P. Twidale.
Miss Hazel Jefferson left for Long
Branch on Monday where she has ac-
cepted a position on fie public school
Air. and Mrs. lrent,r Sutherland
aid baby, who spent some weeks with
her father, Mr. J. M. Wilson, have
returned to Owen Sound,
Mrs. Mary Elliott, of Toronto,
visited relatives in town and
Rev, Dr, and Mrs. F. H. Larkin
were in Gorierieh on Monday attend-
ing the Larkin -Hamilton wedding.
Mr. S. Wright, Capt. Lindsay, Mr,
Sheahau and Miss 'Mortimer motored
up •front Toronto for the week -end.
the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Murless
Jones. Mrs, Wright and son Jack,
who have been visiting here for the
past month, returned with them.
Miss McKinney, of Bervie, has
been visiting her aunt. Mrs. \Mrilliam
Miss Nellie Cook is attending the
Clinton Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, of Exeter,
Mr, and Mrs. Harrison, of Bad Axe,
Mich:, and Mrs, Wing, of Unionville,
3,fich„ were the guests of Mrs. Geo,
Sillery on Wednesday
Mr.: end Mrs. Ray Green, of Nia-
gara Falls, were visiting at the home
of Mr. D, Reynolds.
Misses Mary and Margaret Fink-
beiner have returned from a visit
with Loudon friends.
Miss Mary Reynolds has been vis-
iting in Tecumseh.
Mr, A. Wankel left on Wednesday
to visit his sons in Saskatchewan.
Miss Mary McQuaid returnee) to
Amherstburg on Monday to resume
teaching' after the holidays.
Miss Margaret McQuaid returned
to Toronto after spending three
weeks with her .uncle, Mr, F. Mc-
Mrs. R. L, Clark was in Stratford,
visiting Mrs. A. Johnstone,
W. anti Mrs. E. L. Box were in
Buffalo and Niagara Falls visiting
'Mrs.Prank Sills' and daughter
Mona visited friends in Toronto.
YFt' and Mrs. Beckett, of Strath-
roy, were guests at the home of Mr,
and Mgrs H. C. Box, who returned
with tient,
?s[r, Fred Crich spent a few days
in Toronto,
Mr. W. Aberhart returned on Sat-
urday from a trip to \Ventbley Es-
hit 1tion and the continent.
Mr. P. Har•.graves, of Toronto, is a
Mr. and Mrs. W. I3, Bristow.
Miss Sadie Robinson is spending a
few days in Toronto
Mr, T. A. Smith, of Guelph, was a
week -end visitor at itis home here.
Mr. Backus is spending his holi-
days in Toronto,
Dr. Moffat. of "Toronto, was a
week -end guest at the Manse.
Dr. Everett Rivers spent a few
days in Owers Sound.,
Miss Evelyn Cudmore -visited in
Miss Foreman, of the Collegiate
staff, has returned front a trip to
Wembley exhibition and the conti-
The following Dublin students have
completed either Faculty or Normal
Se, training:
Misses Margaret Doyle, Annie Dal-
ton, Helen Delaney'; Jean McConnell,
Margaret Howard, Teresa Judge and
Mr. Chas. Malone,
The following is the standup; of the
students of the Dublin .Continuation
School in the Middle School depart-
mental examinations. The standing
is indicated after the subjects.
Vern Britton Ettg. Comp. 1, Eng.
Lit, C, Anc. Hist. C, Ceuncetry 2, La-
tin Auth. 3, Latin Comp. 3, Fr, Anth.
C. Fr. Comp, C.
Robert Byrne, Atte, Hist. 2, Geom
3, Physics C, Client. C', Latin Anth, 0,
Florence Coyne, Anc. His, C, Geom
3, Physics C.
Evelyn Delaney, Atte. Hist. 2, Geom
3, :Physics 2,
Joseph Feeney, Eng. Comp. 0, Eng.
Lit, 3. Br. Hist 0, Anc. Hist. C,
Geom, 2, Physics C, Lat. Auth. 3, Lat,
Comp, C., Fr, Atith. 0. Fr, Comp, C.
Helena Flannery, Eng. Comp. 0,
Anc, IIist, C, Gcon C, Physics C,
Lat. Autlt, 2. Lat. Cann. 2.
Mary Hastings. Geoni, 0, Cltem4
Aileen Jordan, Br. Hist. C..Alg. C,
Anne McConnell, Eng. Lit, 0, Anc.
Hist. 0, Geom. C, Physics 3.
John McConnell, Eng, Comp. 3,
Eng. -Lit. 2,13r.Hist. 2, Ane, Hist. 1,
Alg. 2, Geoni. 1. Physics C, Chem. 2,
Lat, .'lath, 2, Let. Comp, 2. Fr, Auth.
2, Fr, Conte. C.
Marg,aret McConnell, Geon. C.
Veronica McCoonell, Anc, IBst, 0,
Geom. C, Physic, C, .Lat. Auth, 2,
Lat, Comp. 2,
Gertrude McGrath, Ana. Hist C.
Geom 0, Physics C. Lat, Atith. 2,
Lat.-Comp. 3.
Grace Moylan, Atte. Hist, ),Geon.
3, Physics C. Lat. Auth, 2, Lat.
Comp, 2.
Mary O'Rourke, rine. 'li,ist. 1,
Geom. 1. •,Physics 3, tat, Auth. 1,
Lat. Comp. 2, Fr. Attth. 2. - -
Teresa Carpenter, Eng. Cainp. 2,
Eng, Lit, 1, Br. Hist. 3, Alg. 3, Fr.
Auth. C Pr. Comp. C.
Madeline Crawford, Eng. Comp. C,
Eng. Lit, C.
Ralph Dill, Alg, C
Mary 'Eckert, Eng. Lit. C. Alg, 3,
Mary Feeney, Eng. Comp. C, Eng.
Lit. C, Alg. 1.
Catharine Gormley. Eng. Comp, C:
:Gerald Jordan, Eng. Comp. 3, Eng.
Lit, C.
Annie McGrath, Eng. Comp 1,
Eng. Lit. 0, Alg, C, Physics 0, Fr
Auth. 3, hr, Comp. 2.
Mary- McGrath, Eng. Hist. C.
Thos. l'icQuaiel. Eng, Comp, C,
Eng. Lit. 3, Br. Hist. 2, Alg. C,
Physics 2, Fr,•Attth, 3, Fr, Comp. C,
Elizabeth Murray, Eng, Contp. C,
Eng. Lit. 3, Br. Hist. C, Alg,.3. Chem.
C. Fr. Auth.3 , Fr. Comp. 2.
Wilfred 11.4urray, Eng. Comp. C,
Eng. Lit. C, Br ..Hist. 0, Physics C.
Client. C.
Alice O'Reilly Eng. Comp. C, Eng,
Lit. 0, Br. Rist 'C.
Angela Shea, Alg. 3,
Joseph Shea, Eng, Comp. C, Alg. 2,
Physics 0, Fr. Comp. C.
Dan, Williams, 13r, Hist. C.
Mr. Walter Klinkhamnter, wife and
family and Mr. Joseph Klinkhatumer
and brother Martin returned to De-
troit 00 \Monday after spending the
week -end with their parents ;n the
Mr. Roy Dorsey, of the Standard
Bank, spent a few days at his hone
in Hamilton.WED
Mr. Smith, garage man visited at
his home in Dunnville during the
Mr. Matt. McCarthy spent a few
days the guest of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Molyneeux, and
family: returned to Chicago after a
pleasant visit with the former's
brother in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feeney, of
Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, John Feeney
of Stratford, are visiting at the home
of their parents sduth of the village.
A dance will be held. in the Opera
Hall this Friday evening. Burt's or-
chestra of Stratftird will be in at
Quite it number of 'teachers left to
resume their duties on Labor day.
Mr. Alex. Darling and son are
in 't` e
taking �in the Exhibition at Toronto.
Miss Weiland, of Seaforth, has re-
turned to resume her duties as teach-
er in the Public school here:
Rev Mr. Charlton, of London, will
preach iu'St, Mary's church, Dublin,
this Sunday.
Mr. George Malone, of Detroit,, is
visiting his parents for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs, P, Burns, of Detroit,
are visiting friends here,
The regular tneeting of the Youn.,g
People's Soeidty,. .Cavan church,
Winthrop, was held on Sunday. even-
ing, Miss Grace Scarlett occupied the
chair. The topic, "How Jesus Help-
ed Sinners," was taken by Miss
Mary McKee. The discussion was en-
gaged in by Rev, 31. A. Ferguson, T.
Blanchard and ,Miss 'Bessie , Blanch-
ard. Miss Flora. Saunders contribut-
ed a solo and Miss 'Cora. Campbell
led in prayer.
Late Wm. McGavin. . Gradually
the band of sturdy pioneers of Heron
County becomes smaller, and an-
other, in the .person of William Me -
Gavin, Sr., passed to his reward on
Saturday, Aug. 30th, at the age of 88
years. The funeral took place from
the borne of his sou, Mfr, Isaac isle-
Gavin, on Monday. to Maitland Bank
cemetery, 'Rev, Mr. Robinson of Wal-
ton circuit, conth,eting the services.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Wm.
Minn, John lain, Albert Dundas,.
Harvey fhtrlis, Wit. McCullough and
Wm Somerville.
Deceased was boric in County, of
Fermanagh, 'Ireland, August 19, 183oi,
and landed in New York in 1854. Af-
ter two years he came to Canada,
landing in ;Sarnia, strapped. He waik-
al front. there to hayfield. Mr. Mc -
Gavin could tell many tales of the
hardships of the early days, but being
of a jolly Irish disposition, could al-
ways sec the bright side of a situa-
tion. He was a great reader and kept
well posted on matters until the
last few years when his eyesight and
hearing began to fail hint, and lie
missed tliis pastime very keenly in-
deed. In 18(11 ,Mr. 0irdavitt was
married in the little Anglican church
still standing in Bayfield to Elizabeth
Graham of Stanley township, where
they ,lived until 1868 when they moved
to McKillop, lot 23, con, 12. the faun
now owned by his son Isaac, where
they resider) until 1900. On November
12th, 1921, they celebrated their dia-
mond wedding anniversary. having
with them their children. grand chil-
dren and six great grandchildren. It
is interesting to note that Mr. and
Mfrs, Henry McGavin, of Timken -
smith, .who ceiebratetl their diamond
weticliug of July 4th, 1924, are a
brother and sister. respectively, of
the late Mr. and Mrs, \,'rn, McGavin,
Diamond werldings are rare, but it is
indeed marvellous that two brothers
should marry two sisters and that
both couples lived to celebrate their
60th anniversaries,
The late Mr. Wm, McGavin is sdr-
vived by four sons, William H.,
7, J., Albert and Isaac, all of Mc-
Killop, and 2 slaughters, Mrs, Annie
Morrison and Mfrs. J. L. Kerr, also of
McKillop; eight grandchildren ,vtd
a number of great grandchildren.
John McGavin of Seaforth and Henry
Mc Gavin of Tuckersmith are
Mr, and Mrs. McGavin retired to
a cosy home they built at L eadbury
in 1900, where they lived until Mrs.
McGavin's death on June 23rd, 1923,
when he went to make his home an
the old homestead with Mr. and Mrs
Isaac McGavin. Their home in
olden days was a haven of rest to
many a weary traveller, and many in
An wads eViila
awaits you. Just say "Bon -
cilia Facial" to your bar-
ber and get the surprise of
your life --a feeling of re-
newed vigor and the
knowledge that at Last you
look the part, Be one of
the "million a week."
The.Better Shop
est H ®la1 _ iBulbs
(Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc.)
Settd for list including
449 River Road,
the neighborhood and in distant lands
will remember the happy days and
merry incidents that took place in the
old McGavin home.
Deceased was active In community
life and "a number of years served at
the Council board of McKillop totvn-
shfp and as a trustee of S.S. No. 7,
where his faithful work was much ap-
preciated. Ile was r s a member of the
Methodist church and for many,
many years attended the services an
Walton circuit. 'The sympathy of a
wide circle of friends is extended to
the bereaved relatives,
The marriage took place at Sea-
forth on August 20th, of Annie Ver-
onica Dorrance, daughter of Mrs. An-
nie Dorrance of Seafofrth to Henry
Bowers, M.A„ of Exeter, soil of the
late Samuel Robert Bowers, of Mon-
aghan, Ireland, and Mrs. Bowers, of
Toronto. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev, F. 11. Larkin, D.D. The
groom is "the popular science teacher
of Exeter high school and the bride
taught for softie years in the sante
school, resigning in July of this year„
Mr, and' 'Aft' ea' b owet s l reside in
Miss Gregory's home on William
street and will have the;'best wishes
and. cony,r
ratulations of their .mans^
Have you Eczema or any disease
of the skin 1' If you have, got a
package of
at Aberhart's drug store, Sea -
forth, .Ont, and watch it dis-
appear. Most effective remedy in
Chronic Psoriasis.
1 1 1
Hydro Lamps
are built to a
standard «- Not
to a price.
There can be no.
second grade
LXyefro Lamps at;
a lower price.
Quality First and Always!
All Hydro Lamps before being passed
by our experts and labelled with the
Hydro label of quality must come up to
the Hydro standard of efficiency and life.
No others will be accepted.
No others can bear the Hydro label..
Seaforth Public Utilities
Clerk's Office, Town Hall
This label is
tee of first
Look for 1P
Ask for it, ors
the lamps
you buy.
The Special Milverton
We Ha% it -Give it a Trial, Also.
Ground Sereenina,s Gaol, of PM Kinds
C. G. T
.Seaforth Garage
IF YOU DARE IN NEED OF TIRES, give us a call. Prices $6.78
and up.
Also a pair of cushion tires at $10,00 each,
have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call.
A Complete Line of mostcalled for parts of various cars,
of patronizing us. We want to serve you and serve you well,
PHONE' 167W,'
Dealer in new and used cars.
Have you seen the new