HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-09-04, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE ,`.S AFORT ', 1IE W8 HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1924, PROFESSIONAL CARDS lfgill ' DIF©NI Ulm 3. P. SNOWDON, Proprietor. In General Observations Strange as it may seem, .none of the daily t ewspapers have yet told • how, when or why the Prince of Wales brushed his teeth or cleaned his nails since he landed - in the States. ** That big rain on Monday night gave many people a chance to rest after.the holiday no Monday. ** ;\ nevv use for printer's ink, --..1 man ntu the News office yesterday 1,, get snore printer's ink to blacken the grey hairs on bis aging horse's forehead! CORRESPONDENCE. C'he liliditot of the i eaf6rth News.- : Dear Sir, ---,Under tete heading of C eua aC C h crus., n. by -W. 11. C. in your issue, pi Aug. 2Sth certain statements we made regarding, the views of the International Bible tit(- -tF is$utti,^.do . w"in 11,% ';lolly at ',a: tan' e with the facts, No- • where in their Literature, e, ur by any- responsible- re rt,.re poitsible at ,senta ve are any stnrh S ate•ntc .t.. 1on n t itti alta I m..: -.it i- evident that \\"tit iMormalit is either ignorant of the facts, r has restarted t , deliberate not„ i;.ere- sentatton, Spast i•o sn crta- siif theirview- either •-in ihronol- ogy or prophecy. ;suffice say both of witch form a iso: t i nl oris nt pat at the Set—Mimes. le regard td chronology we areal' til Words: to 'len, n, A Scrlpture is given by inspiration ., ()foil 'tnl ,s profitable for doctrine . , 1).r in- struction in righteousness, 'etc." (.1 i' to 15, 1' Alsii the Iia, er re - 14, the so,!!,,es and Pharisees he aa: e tate t n tc not the time of their visitatfon !Luke 19, 41-41) We recall, too, the words of the apostle Peter • (2 Peter 1;19 r showing the great importance of the study .'f the prophecies ,f the Bible ---"We have also a more sure word of prophecy -rhs eunto ss d: well that ye take heed etc." Many years • ago foible students recognized the year 11111 as being irrom nently Marked in the Bible. and their expectations regard- ing that date have been abundantly verified. 1925 i.. even more srami- nentiy marked, and their real views and expectations regarding this date can be easily se'ru'ed by attehdance at free lectures the. world :,ver, lay literature' at trilling cost. or absolute- ly free to any tunable to pay th.e cost :'f publication, Surely our Saviour must i'avt• made a grave mistake in teaching His follower; to pray --”Thy Kingdon; cont 'i'hy will he done on earth as it is hi. Heaven;" if present conditions are to continue as SO confidently asserts. We .vould suggest for \V.l1.T.. as well as others wonitl it not be the part of wisdom to see to it that they are .not ,f the class referred to its 2 Peter i-4--- "There shalt conte in the la.st days scoffers. walking after their own and saying. where is the promise of lits coming? For since the fathers fell asleep all things r.:,ntinue as they were from the beginning ,.,f the creation." Yours sincerely. In The Interest. of `i'rotit. Seaforth. R.R. No. 2, Sept. 2. 1924.. HAYFIELD. Rev. Lindsay rector of the Church o£, the Holy Williams;Spirit, Cleve- land is visiting; at the home oC Mrs. (Rev.) J.. H. McLeod. 'Rev. R. 1' and Mrs. 'Gardiner and little daughter Betty, who have been spending the month of August with Mr, 3. Gardiner, aa'e•leaving for their home 10- Washington, Pa., , returning by Toronto and Rochester, N.Y Rev, H. G. E. and Mrs. Crosby and little son Billy, are returning to Courtright this week. Mrs. G. W. \ti'oods and Mies Nan will accompany them, - • Rev, Mr. -McDermott, of Goderich, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church. • Rev, E. L. Williams occupied the 1,cowing to the illness ofRev'BCotcoug Mrs. Kerr,. of Brantford, and Mrs. Phoenix. of Saginaw. are here at- tending the funeral of their brother, the late Jim. Davison. Mr. Jas, Cameron, of Toronto, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Catnerou. Mr. and Mrs. Freed Ritchie, of Niagara Falls, and Mr, and • Mrs. Morley Hart, of Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. treo King. Mrs. int,. Davison and family wish to thank she friends for the beautiful floral tributes) and other kindnesses shown them in their recent sad hes i , avetnent School- reopened on Tuesday with Mr. Bigelow as principal and "`hiss Nati W'titods as assistant. A Sudden Death The residents of I ty ietrl were shucked 00 Wednesday morning to bear of the sudden death of Mr. Jo.; Davison who Was born hayfield years ago. For the past hat been 'in the employ rho• C.N.R. bridge and building Mr. Davison is survived by his three laughter and four sons 11e 11, Lord of 1 ,nti on, Gladys ,to1 Marion i ,n at 'home. bred of Detroit, \tete en 1 •e! and Lyall at home, • Thr funeral was held on Friday after- noon to the Barfield cemetery and was very itrgely attended. Mr. Mac - 1 a l a i- conducting the services. The eall.e.r-ers were his fellow workers e n, London. Mr. Tirhhorne, the supervisor, and Mr. Ryan. the fore- . man ,f the C N.R bridge and builci- ng slept. also attended the funeral. Mr. Davison's Bath will he keenly telt not only ht his tinnily, but by a { targe eirelt (,t friends. The sympathy of the community, is extended to 1 Mrs. Davison and family. friends here for the past few Weeks, left for 'Toronto this week and expect to 'start for their home iu Moosejavr in a couple of weeks. Norse Fanny McKenzie ie •holiday- ing at her home' here.- • MANLEY. Mitchell Bros, have purchased a new gasoline engine to ruts their threshing outfit and as they a'e ex - part me.chanies they will :have a suc- cessful season. Mr, and 'Mrs Thos, Purcell have moved to Stratford where he intends to take up railroading in preference to'farming. Miss Margaret Dougherty !eft last week for Chicago to resume her duties as teacher. Miss Mary Murray who left here of late, -was united in marriage last Monday to Mr. Thos. Holland, of \Valkerville, where he conducts a pop works business. We wish the young couple a smooth journey through the stream of life. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Purcell, ac- companied by Messrs. Stephen Eck - art and Frank Evani, motored to attend the wedding of Miss Mary Murray and Thos. Holland. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. W. Stevens. of Stanley, is the' guest of her brother. Mr. 1'), Tough, I this week. M r. odun Kaiser and iamily for n - e ly of iSt a ef a l 1, hot now of Detroit, ,pent the week end and Labor day with friend, here. Rev. C. G. and Mrs. Armour and little Eleanor, started on their boli - Clay trip last Tuesday. Their many friends wish them a pleasant time. Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Kaiser, of Mnn,tiaw, who have been visiting MI N a t i o ri s 1 a r a h ing to Arnageed= don, but millions now living will never die, , JESUS foretold the gathering of all nations of the world to Armageddon, the- great battle of the Lord God!- u Rev. 16:13-10'i. He furthermore said: "Then shall he great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the World to this time; no, nor hay' be and except those days THE SLUGGARD. lit'' i.r are shortened, there should n) flesh r t e save l Bin for the elect's sake these days shall be shortened, Millions of people Will be brought nrrh the trouble and live, AVILL VC;U BF. ()NE OF 'THEY? Ti.. i�P,usr a poen, toy 1):. ‘Vat's wilt .i- recalled with ;Measure by many who remember -the °uteri School Rtasters nf- sixty and seventy year, ago.. "Tis revote, of tilt, --i i -'xr i! i heard him complain, "You have waked tor zoo ,,nn, I must slumber again .As the dons ,n ,.s hinges, to he on his bed. 'furls his sides and his shoulders and his heavy head. 1 little more sleep and a little more slumber"; Thus he wastes half his days and his hours without number; And when be gets up. he sits folding his hands, Or walks about satnrt'ring, or trifling he stands. I passed by his garden, and saw the wild brier, The thorn and the thistle grew -broader and higher; The clothes that hang on him are turning to rags; And his money stilt wastes, till he .tat•ve- nr he begs. I made hint a visit, still hoping to find That he took better care for improving his mind; He told me his dreams, talked of eating and drinking. But he scarce read his Bible, and'. never loves thinking. Said I in nny heart, "Here's a lesson for' me, That man's` but a picture of what I might he; But thanks t., my friends for their care in my breeding; Who taught me betimes en love working and'ren.ding." CROMARTY. Rev, and Mrs. Ritchie and family, who have spent the paste month at Bruce Beach, have returned (tome to the Manse. Mr. and Isirs, James Scott, who spent the past three mouths 'n kite Old Land, have retuned home, Whle in Scotland they •'.ttended the Inter- national Sunday School Coaventiou at Glasgow; tate World's Fair at Wembley, and many other places of interest, They both look much re- freshed and benefited from their trip. Mr. and firs. Reading. of Tor.nto, who, were residents of this ,, village forty years. ago,spent 'Stutdaty look- ing tip old landmarks. Miss Mary Currie has gone on a month's visit to Toronto and points east. ` STAFPA. Service will be held in the Metho- dist chttrch 00 Sunday evening, Sept. 7th, when it is expected that the pastor, Rev, Mr. Jones, will preach. Regular monthly Meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home. of Mrs. Hotham on Thursday of this week, Sept 451i. A full attend- ance is requested to discuss the an- niversary services. Staffa played ball with Dublin girls on Thursday evening at Staffa and Dublin with Staffs on Friday evening at Dublin, resulting in a victory of both games for Staffa. Mrs, Hambtey has returned to her home after spending a week with her friends hi Seaforth. Mr, and ibirs. H. Leslie ere at- tending Toronto fair. SAPS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best Vesicle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at ,ery, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of order(' white for a fete cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. Yea! X5 in harmless. s 1 th Thursday a n d Friday Septernber 18 & 19 Special Attractions HORSE R1 ES 2.25 ' Pace or trot 2.17 Pace or trot purse purse $150 $150 Dog Races, dogs to be hitched to wagon let 3:00; 2nd 2.00; 3rd 1.00 Foot Races Boys ages 8, 10, 12, '12 value 75 and 50c Girls do do do Children's school parade and drill will form up at the exhibition grounds,1•aO Baby Contest 6 mos. and under, value 5.00 and 2.00 1 yr. do 7.50 do Best Lady Driver Best pony and outfit eaforth iighaiukrs Admission 25c Children 15c Carriage: 25c bra liarbunt 111M .daces it Broderick H. fl.PEe,K Associate Lecturer, International Bible Students Associa- tion. Foresters Hall'' Constance Stinday, Sept. 7th 7:30 p, iii. Seats Free. No Collection. Pres. Treas. Secy. tr est rn London, Canada Sept, 6 to I3, 1924 Over $30,000 In Cash Prizes a The 1924 Prize List is extensive and the clasification will prove attractive to 'Exhibito rs in all Departments Drag Show, 'Automobile Show, Pure (Food Show New Manufacturers Building Featuring Canada's Industrial Achievements .I ATTRACTIONS JOHNNY JONES SHOWS UNEXCELLED VAUDEVILLE Attractions in front of grandstand "Where City and Country Meet" Write for Prize List—Entries close August 30th J. N. SAUNDERS, President W. D. JACKSON, secretary, 1 Stone -Built Clothes TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE. TAILORED TO INDIVIDUAL MEASURE. FROM NOW IAIY NOW )iJ Alt Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing Process, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths ander a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond, sa A. BOND WITH EACH SUIT And EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection, , WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE ? BECAUSE 'Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of Clothing that are laid away for even a short period. BECAUSE This new scientific discovery -The Larvex Process— entirely eliminates any danger t6 your clothes from ravages.of Moths and their Larvae, I!F-CAUS'll STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac- tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a com- bination that defies all competition—that cannot be beaten. They are built to your individual require- ments. There is no extra eharge to you. Atm StoeBullt fyy ,� C'r ty 14� othes SOLD KX.CLUSIVFLY BY 171 ` 6;1"11--'a.,21—% ;it _ QQLP n SA 2ii .6'S ftT74211=15'1t1222,22C1 2224i'142=;S}RRe6^.:2 11.12Ze raitV•^ 'eitffieu^]4`s5^. uttTlaadateintRleiA!4Lr11',tocieeras Ti a 41f a1, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY • IN MONDAY 8 PARTS rn r �4. F 4 ', if written by George ;ode n TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY Gloria Swanson in a picturisation Gf the famous Stage play Zana A Fitting Finish to a Well -Ordered Lunch HUGH. : ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, ' London, England.. Special attention to diseases of ,the eye, ear, nose and throat. .Office and reside ence,,hehind Dominion .Bank, Office Phone No, 5'; Residence' Phone 106 DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth, Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the Methodist church. Cor- aner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No. 40. DR.. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay, honor gradoade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col- lege, of Physician's and Surgeons of Ontario. DR, F. J. R. FORSTER,--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mit and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England. At Coinmercial Hotel, Seaf or t h , third Monday in ' each month, from 11 a,m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street south, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. General (Fire, Life, accident &c Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson. North \Iain St. SEAFORTH, ONT. TUE Nicla.LLOP nidal Fire Insurance Ce, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers James Connolly. Goderich; Alex. James Evans. Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; D. jr, McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.—Treasurer. i, Wm. Rinn, No, 2. Seaforth; John Ils'nneweis, I3rnrDlrhectorsagen; James Evans, 13eecliwond M. McEwen, Clinton; James Coltony, Goderich ,Alex- I3roatifooi No, 3 Seaforth J. G. Grieve, No. 4, 'Walton; Robert Ferris, llarlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents. Alex, Leitch, R.R. 1, Clinton; E. Ilinchlcv Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. - Yeo, Hofinesville; R. G ,Jarntouth, Born holm. James Kerr and John Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tranacst other 1 usiness will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above oniters addressed to their respective postotliices, r i Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away Theymake new rever- sible "Vetvetex" Rugs, send for \'eivetex Folder 2 CANADA RUO COMPANY :LONttoN, °NT, alb ,a_;.;`•..i.� Desirable blouse Fs i R SALE To the person seeking a comfort- able house close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located. being less than a mile from Seaforth postoffice. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed hard and soft water; good sable with cement flooring; fine or- =' _ chard T'ossession can be given irn- C- mediately. Further information may he obtained at THE NE\VS OFFICE. .°r,R: rt3`i t o iarr5w tr i w / 2 School. Fair Dates for 1924. ( USE "DIAMOND DYE.B'` Ashfield .: ,• Sept. 8 ! . St. Helens 9 B!uevale - 10 Wroxeter Gorrie Clinton Zurich Varna .11 12 15 16, 17' Dashwood 18 Grand Bend 19 Porter's Hill oq Colborne '? Beigrave 23 Ethel 24 Alythl • • • .,+ 25, 26 Winghant ..................:. 29, 30 Hensel - Oct. 1 Crediton 2 \Viuchelsea .........................3 Dye right! Don't risk. tt „your material, Each ruck. a .r o 9..mli,r,(l Dyes can• tains lireetinns so simple that any woman tan diamond -dye n, vew heft color °int' s1l1 gat nuyt ihurpertes, coverings, every, thing, whether won.), silk, li uu; cotton or mixed goods, ")n r 'Diamond 'Byes"•-ne other hind—them perfet.t re s1 lis are guaranteed even if yen have niers• dyed before, Druggistha DiamondDeve Color Card" -10 rich; eolois. FEATHERS WANTED Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh phone 178, Seafortla. LEMONS WHITEN AND. BEAUTIFY THE SKIN Make this beauty Motion cheaply for I your face, .neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a smart jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full gnar- 1 ter ost wondeful lemon skin psoften ertlan dint oe mcomplexionrbeautifier, by squeezing tate juice of two fresh lem- ons into a bottle containing three ounces I of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juts through a fins cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon ju£ce.is used ' to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal shin softener, whitener and beautifier. . Just :try' it! Cet three ounces of orchard white . at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make upp a quarterpint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it :daily into the face, nook, arms and 'hands. It is marvelous to smoothen rough, red hands. \`ant and For Sale Ads, 3 banes, 502.,