HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-08-28, Page 6WESTERN CROPS FINANCED BY CREDIT
p despatch from 'Calgary, Alta,,
says: -Canadian banks are once more
prepared to some forward and provide
any credit required to finance the har-
vesting of the crop in Western Can-
ada this fall, according to a statement
made here by J. A. C. Kemp, of To-
t chief ' etoe of the Bank of
are plenty of mien available to take
care of the first big call for help in
the harvest fields of the district and
tbis is not expected for another week
or ten •days. The rain on Wednesday
lessened the demand considerably.
According to local officio s, harvest-
ers o, a to anspe ers from the east are being advised
Commerce, who is at present on a not to conte to Alberta unless they first
tour of Western Canada in company get in touch with the Alberta repre-.
with C. W. Rowley, of .Winnipeg, sentative at Winnipeg. The object as
Weste•:n inspector of the bank for
Western CanaS a.
"The banks have the best feeling
for the farmers," said Mr. Kemp, "and
bankers still have plenty of confidence
in the West, All that is necessary for over -the Prairie Provinces during rho
people to be, a little bit careful, past two cl .ys, prospects are for more
work hard, use what they have to the settled conditions and rising temper -
best of their ability and by practising atures, Although the mercury drop -j
the same spirit of economy as has been ped considerably at many points dur-I
evident during the last few years and ing the night, there were eo reports.
things are bailed to come out for the of frost and it is generally believed
best." that the danger from this agency has
Mr. Kemp said that conditions in passed.
Ontario were good and this also ap-
plied to Quebec, the Maritime Prov -I Canadian Appointed EnP laser
inces and British Columbia. There was
to eliminate any possibility of the pro-
vince being overrun by more harvest
hands than there are jobs.
A despatch from Winnipeg Gays: --
While general rainfall has prevailed
every reason for the pcoPle of the
West to be optimistic.
"Crops throughout the prairie prov-
of New Zealand Railways
A despatch from Wellington, New
inces on the whole are satisfactory Zealand, says :-Percy Simms, a Can -
and there to every indication that the adian engineer, has been appointed
return will be better than was expects t assistant chief mechanical engineer of
cd a few weeks ago." he said. "A11: the New Zealand Government rail -
the Western towns I have visited so' ways,
far appear very active.
Influx of harvesters to the province
caused unemployment to increase from
636 to 932 during the last week, ac-
cording to the weekly report just is-
sued by Walter Smitten, Commission-
er of Labor. This condition was shown
in spite of the fact that the placements
made during the last week doubled
those of the previous period. The
placements last week totalled 636.
The local situation on Thursday
showed no material change, There
r -
The importation of. Canadian prize
milch cattle into Japan, in order to
offset the huge annual consumption of The botanical section of the British
canned milks in that country, is the Science carried their search for floral tr
mission of a prominent cattle breeder Glen. Prof, Ostenfeld of Denmark is lea
of Osaka, Japan, who arrived in Van -
couver recently on the "Empress of __-
- Canada." Purchases have already been
made in Quebec, and it is understood RECORD CROWD AT
that further purchases will be made OPENING OF BIG FAIR
in 'that province.
opening daythe Canadian National Deputies has given its approval to the board,
ntiourallst pats„ in jute sacks,
Would Line Up the Powers London Conference methods for put- g8 00 per bbl and pats jute
Dominion News in Brief
Kentville, N.S,-Considerable act'-'- paring the ground and putting in the
ity is reported in the Annapolis Valley foundations. It is expected that the
in connection with preparations to changes ,will be completed by the be -
evaporate apples on a somewhat ierger ginning of October and that the ca -
scale than last season. New 'plants`pacity of the .plant will be increased
20 t er day
larged, loin one o,rtwo aomnnn wi.
a en place,
commenced on August 6 in various &s-
ie- the men who harvest iLs,.wheat? This
Lenon N.B.-Sufficient siat- treat; of Manitoba. This is behoved -wee --- the question asked by •Sir William
Fredericton, to be the first cutting operation of the Ashley of the University of Bi rning-
velopecilitkes for the initial hydro de- season, and is probably a record for
found eat at Grand Falls have been pram, a noted economist, who addressed
found on the Canadian side of the A4a •egine. a luncheon tendered to visiting mein-
accordingto a 'report of the Regina, Sask.-That the farmers of, leers of the British Association for the
hydro commission. Arrangements are Western Canada are now giving in Advancement of Science at the Agri -
now being ,rade for the designing of creasing attention to the improvement cultural College on Thursday. "If -I
a plant with an initial capacity of of their home surroundings is shown' had to employ harvesters, I would be
60,000 horsepower, by the fact that two govermnentd fo5r-i greatly disturbed by the annual rews-
Workmen Should Share Bene-
fits From Canada's Wonder-
ful Resources.
A despatch front Winnipeg says:-
have been erected, some have inen. en- from 6v to , ons p
n i' t' ns 'Winnipeg, Man. -Rye harvesting Does the West db the right thing by
havetaken 1
Association tor the Advancement of
easures deep down into the Niagara
Vice-Admiral Sir Frederick
Field Takes Salute as EX,.
Service Men March Past.
Toronto, August 25. -The greatest
Quebec, Que.-Between five to six
mi.lion dollars is being spent this year
for the purchase of gasoline to oper-
ate motet vehicles and motor boats in
the province, either by local 'residents
or visitors, according to statistics now
being compiled by the provincial rev-
eriue department. The quantity of
gasoline used throughout the entire
year is estimated at 17,500,000 gallons.
Port Arthur, Ont. -The Thunder
Day Paper Co. has commenced work
on the neve addition to the mill, and
esti- stations have distribute• r1 paper stories reporting sufferingand
250,000 trees this spring' all to £arm -I want on the part of the men who have
ere. This is in addition to large quan-' been working on the farms," Sir Wil -
titles purchased from private nurser Liam said.
les. "Thts practice of turning away men
Edmonton, Alta. -More than 150
and forgetting about them, once they . .
trader's from the Far North arrived
have served the farmers' purpose, is.
here recently, bringing with them fur a shocking state of affairs. The In-
hales to the value of approximately' dustrial Workmen of the World are
$500,000. I organized to oppose this sort of this,
Vancouver, B.C.-Announcement byland they are growing into a force
Inspector of Fisheries Motherwell which will have to be reckoned with,"
states that to date Sockeye salmon, he warned.
pack on Skeena and Naas rivers is wher by
gangs of men are now at work pre- 32,306 cases in excess of last year.
The Week's Markets
Manitoba wheat -No. 1 North.,
$1,501/2; No. 2 North.,'$1.453 ; No- 8
North., $1,421/4.
Man. oats -No. 3 CW., 009e c; No.
1 feed 60c
Am, corn, track, oeon o-
110; butcher steers, choice, $6.25 to
$6.75; do, good, $6 to $6.25; do, med.,
$6 to $6; do, eom., $4 to $4.50: butcher
heifers, choice, $6 to $6,50; do, med.,
$5 to 35.75; do, com•, 33.50 to $4.5$;
butcher COWS, choice,
4. bu5 lls, good,
med., $3 to $4;
34 to 34.50; do, fair, 33.50 to $4;
bolognas, 32.50 to 33.50; canners and
cutters, $1 to 32,50; feeding steers,
choice, $6 to $6,25; do, fair, $tr to
ice ,
springers choice, $75 to $90, do, fair,
"Indeo-electric plants, Can-
ada wields mighty power," declared
the economise. "What use is she going
to make of it in terms of human •
"When people , get the spirit of true
democracy in their bones they should
develop a sense of pride which will not
tolerate certain conditions in their
community, but when I walk through
a typical Canadian manufacturing
the above c.i.f. bay ports plant I ask myself, To what extent do
All 1 T t No 2
$6.60; stockers, choice, $4 50 to $5 the workmen share in your advan-
tages? $1 37
do, fair, $3.50 to $4 25' milkers tages?
40 to $50• calves theme $8 to "What privileges are you prepared
bags included: Bran, per ton, $29; 360• do, mei„ $G to $7; do, cont., to extend to these men?" Sir William
Millfeed-Del„ Montreal freights,
the party shown. $
OF DEPUTIES 2 t $1 15 to to $11; sheep, light vantage of mighty power is utilized
ENDORSES DAWES PLAN $1,20; No, 8 winter, $1,19 to $1,18; ewes $6:50 to $7,25; do, culls, $2 to
INC). 1 commercial, $1.10 to $1.15, f.o.b. $1 60; hogs, fed and watered, $11.10; to the fullest and best advantage so
no un tall may benefit from the gift."
Secures Frei hts.. � � •lett fed and
goons, per ton, per
bag,d$.205. ; $3,50' to $4:501 lambs choice ewes queried.
1 xl
t S n nal shipping points according
to d f b 310 50 do country points the Y
French 0
Votes More Than its ar fly- a .:ing, „• cars, :
Normal ivajority. MOST POWERFUL fn lute bags, Montreal, prompt ship Oats -CW, No, 2, 65 to 661%2c; No. OF
good feed flourper bag,
-• $13•60 to 813.78;do bucks, $ to Ir
Ont. wheat -'No. winter, $11,80• do culls $8
See to it that this God-given ad
enc oversninen g $10.26, o, se
261 lgB i M lt' 70 to75e.
$10 do,off s long haul 311.50.
Ont: flour -New, 90 per cent, pats,, MONTREAL.
•Paris Aug. 24. -The Chamber of ment, $7; Toronto basis, $7; bulk sea- 3 631/2 to 64c• extra No 1 feed 63 to
Exhibition has ever seen, .
Against Bellirent luatiori Such is the story of Saturday ut ting the Datvas plan into execution ' Hayp Extrallo. 2 timo`hy, per ton,
Refusing to Arbitrate. the Big Fair, the story of Warriors' and has voted confidence in Premier track, Toronto, $17,50, No: 2, $1.7; No.
Element's Government, 330 to 204, g $16 • mixed, $13; lower grades, $10
63efic; No, 2 local white, 62 toA621tc,
Flour -Man. spring wheat patents, Giant Structure Being Erected .
Con -
firsts, $8.20; seconds, 37.70; strong at Hillmorton, England, Cori-
A $7.20bakers, $7 60, winter pats choice,
$7.2o to $7 4D• ]netts Ends of Earth
Geneva, Aug "4 In view of the Day of the Exhibition's Empire Year Rolled oats -Bag' 90 lbs,, 33.55 to A despatch from Washington
some 2G more votes than its normal to $12. $3 76•says:-Interesting details of the giant
I 1 d t f the draft pact -a day which8°Me rty The debate began Y Bran, $3 radio station g
genera repo is lou o will live for long on Thais- Rye -No. 2, 86 to 90:. 9:25 shorts,321.25;, midi- n being constructed at
the annals
of Toronto. All day the perton,kings $37 26: Hay -No. 2, per ton
for mutual assistance, the Disarms busy clicking of the turnstees told of day afternoon and ended at 4.30 this Straw-Carlots, 39.50 to P Hillmorton, England, near London,
ment Section of the League of Na-, the advent of the eager thousands, morning. Thirty-five hours of the 31Screenings-Standard, recleaned, f, car lois, 317.
? to 18c are in;an official report to
1 time was spent in speech -snaking. ,,� Cheese -Finest wests., 17 % the Dept.. containedof Commerce. This station,
tions has drawn up an out:ine of a 0.
t and when the rhty was done a record o,b bay ports, per ton, 322.50. finest eases, 17111 to 1$3'sc.
new tentative project. The new pro- had been estab:ishsd which brought After the Communists had succeed -i' cheese -New, large, 20s twins,
Butter-No. 1 pasteurized, 361/ae; which expected to bo the most pow -
provides that any member of the tto'ndertnent even to Exhibition ed in disturbing the first days debate 2011se; triplets, 21c; Sti.to , No. 1 creamery, 851 c; seconds 341/ c. erful in the world, will be able to corn -
Butter -No.
the discussion 2'c Old large 23 to 54c; twins, 24
Eggs -Fresh extras 42e; fresh lets, municate,',according to experts, with
League may call the attention of the by noisy ,
Y officials.
36c, any stations now in existence in vari
Council to the existence of danger of Attendance figures for the first day maintained a high level, devoid of un- to 25c; triplets,
'�5 to 2Gc. ons parts of the world. The aerial '-
war in some designated region where -Stand at 32,500 -an increase of six seemly incidents which so frequently ,toButter-Fino. 1. e t eros, e� tprints,
in sNo. cowCsn$1601scaveno 7; lambs, ce
upon the Council will meet for an im- thousand over last year, and the large, mar the Chamber's proceedings, I o 34 to 35c; dair 28 to 29c. $ sullen -or the new station will bo a mile and a
The impassioned tone of M. HerriotY $11.50; butcher hogs, $10.50; sows,
mediate investigation. i est member of persons to attend the I' half long and half a mile wide, and
If the Council finds that danger Exhibition on opening day in its entire' in his speech last night was in marked;48c;
Eggs-Extras, fresh, in cartons, i 35.75 to 37. will be supported by twelve masts oE
t the matter-of-fact state- 45c extra, loose, 43e; firsts, 87c, I a--- 300 tons each and 820 feet high. Each
Y history. Y ment which he made in the opening.22e; RAILWAYS PREPARE
e countries withdraw e
Exhibition tier arsLivepoultry--Hens, over 5 lbs 16c
capable e o carrying actually exists, It will invite the affect- istor . Ear: in the day experienced contrast o seconds, 30c.
d t ' to thdraw their armies begun
to re you ry mast will be fitted with an elevator
Nx t had P i premier Herriot defended the Dawes p bl f four men
60 or 100 miles from the frontier, to do, O to 6 lbs., 20c, do, 3 to 4 lbs., FOR BIG WHEAT RUSH
diet a new record and tg make eeti-i plan and the London agreement in alo
order the stoppage of all avaitton, to mates, but the official figures exceed! g spring chickens, 2 Bee. and over, .6a; Sections of the mast are now in
Viscount Grey cease all war preparations and onto -1 even the most optimistic guess of the, two-hour reply to his critics. He took' roosters, 16c; ducklings, 4 to 5 lbs„ course of transport to Hillmorton.'
of Fallodon, who has retired from the l ally to agree to submit the question in, onlooker, I as his theme: "France must do what 20c. I -Cutting is General and Yield' They are so large that can be
poultry -Hens, over 6 lbs., of Nearly300,000,000 moved only at night and they Sunday
position of leader of the Liberals in dispute to the World Court of Justice And well did the First day of the is right." a8c; Dressed 4 to 5 lbs., 241.; do, 3 to 41bs.,
the House of Lards. re some arbitration submit tricb di A nation k Exhibition merit the attendance it re -1 M. Herriot, frankly admitting that'Bushels is Predicted. when there is little or no traffic:
orrefusing to submit such dispute twill ceived. Marked by the presence of • "we bring you the first -fruits of hope," 18c; sp}ing chickens, 2 lbs. and over, IIt is understood that it is with this
38c roosters, 20c ducklings, 4 to 6
" 1 t e" told the Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 24. -With station that the American Telephone
wheat cutting general this week and Telegraph Co, expects to establish
throughout the prairies, the railways
have massed thousands of cars for the trans-Atlantic telephone communica-
tibn by radio, as announced exclusive -
big rush. With the pool granting ly by the Foreign Affairs News Ser- -
dollar advance, Fort William basis vice on August 14. With telephonic
number one, the bulk of the grain is communication thus established on a
expected to get on the market this sea- commercial basis, it is expected that
'I Members of British
be regarded as an aggressor nation, over six thousand of Canada's fighting and not comp e e peat , lbs., 26c.
and the other world powers signing men -veterans and militia -and hon-' Chamber that any of the Deputies' Beans -Can, handpicked, lb., 6/e;
the pact would prepare to mobilize ored by the presence ea Viae -Admiral l would have done as he did under the primes, 6c.
against the offending nation. Sir Frederick Field, Commander of circumstances. Throughout the Pre -i Maple products -Syron, per imp.
Dksarinament and security will be his Majesty's Special Service Squa-I, mier tried to keep the defence on high gal., 32.50; per 5 -gal. tin, 32.40 per
dron, and his party of 200 British moral grounds and endeavored to show' gal.; maple ruga-.•, lb. '25 to 26c.
I that he could not use the Ruhr as a Honey -60 -lb. tins, 1. /2c.per 210_
tars, the day was unique and mem-I t the London Conference because lb, tins, 121�.c; 5-1b. tins, 137-e; 112
Goring ' the two great subjects of del ate m the
Association Visit Mining I forthcoming Y P
, All relinun-
CampsCain s. cry studies on disarmament by club a e on
. errs of the League of Nations are ()mete,Fi ores recorded for ripening day M. Poincare, in behalf of France, had ib, tins, 14c. on in record time. It is considered connections may be made tenth tan
Tee silver mines of Northern Oree P g Smoked meats -Hams, mei., 27 to t byall classes of the grain industry lines.
crowds make evident the sure and given his word that it was not mill -i 29c; cooked hams, 42 to 43c;smoked' ,
13 ri i interested the delegates to the, based a uctionthe n of armaments ispas-tar occupation. but merely protection, 18 to 20c; Association for the Advance.' eral led P steady increase in attendance from Y P n mia mission. So, when 24c' breakfast bacon, 23 to 27e;� sp1 ed 00th bushels, the withwilone be 4and two gse to rades Refrigeration Newest Way
British Assoc'24c, g
nt of Science while on their way over Bible only to the extent whereby the year to year, with this year's first for the eco o tial brand breakfast bacon, 29 to 31e; I leading in quantity, so good is the gen-
rn allthe mission was withdrawn, why of:Combatting the Mout,
Vancouver 7n two special trains 1 powers agreeing to a reduction will! days gate receipts toppkng then should the soldiers stay?backs, boneless, 36 to 40c. I eral condition. No difficnay will bo
possess guarantees and lose their fear
the Canadian National Railways, g by a margin of 6,000. Let the fi ores - _-_ j Cured cleats -hang clear bacon, 50I experienced in the matter of labor. Moth balls and lavender bags now
of aggression against national secur- talk: ~~
Both Cobalt and laces the fiwere nes, ity. Older+ Iixllaly tart Dies :ta 70 lbs', $17. 70 to 90 lbs., $10.50; dust at present, Oanadian exporters
visited, and in both places the mines, A second assumption is that the, 90 lbs, and up, $16.69; lightweight find it difficult to make any progress are out of date as a means of getting
the mills and everything else that]in Province of Alberta rolls, in barrels, 332; heavyweight' owing to world conditions. rid of moths, says a London despatch.
goes into the development of mineral forth limitation t' f naval armaments j • lls "y27 Wheat is making fast 'd is in most The really latest method of extermm
thrown 1n d t h from Edmonton says:- 18 It to give them
agreements l 18 to 189'sc cases beyond g
wilds open for their inspection, that t will be 11 Y t 142
57,500 i
further imianono n ro ,
an extension of the WashingtonLard=Pure; tierces, 173_ to c, ma n
e:,trh in these sections were fro A despatch tubs, 1792 to 181yc; pails, a and the stage where it can sting these pees is
agreements will so a "ect submarines, f 1 two days Mrs 20 shortening be seriously hurt by rust or frost, .
ere and aircraft na
Cobalt was coached during the morn- possible only if accompanied by a
ing, the trains arriving 20 minutes. simultaneous agreement to reduce land
apart, and arrongements were so per- forces,
feet that large fleets of automobiles
After ani nese o on pneumonia: This isn't as difficult as
prints 2,0% 0 • will commence it sounds,
r anions wi
Alberta's oldest } 1b toestin operations
Anna Jones is de 104, her tierces, 16 to to llae tubs,
Hary g P When it is found moths have got
inhabitant., is dead at her home- near, 17c; pails, j:7 1.71he; prints, 18 to on quite -a big scale oml4londay, but it W one's best that article should
Whalers " that over a hundred Gainford. She was in full possession ,18%a, I twill be September 1 before the later into on coat,
beentaken f herfaculties and was proud of the Export steers, choice, $7.50 to $7,76; fields come in. Some very fine samples at once left there placed
Columbia coast this season. es. She was born in
of wheat have been sent two the grain exposed fora short time in a temper -
were waiting at the station for both
trains. The visitors were driven about YO
among the various mines and mills in ON EDUCATIONAL TOUR
small parties so that each member was.
afforded ample opportunity of seeing Trip Across Canada Forms
exactly the manner in which opera-, Part of Arrangement for
tions are carried on, and of: asking
, Benefit of Fifty-four Boys.
such questions as he found necessary. ,
To the geological section particular -1 Quebec, Aug. 24. -Fifty-four young
ly the program proved of unbounded Australians of ages ranging from 18
interest. Their eagerness was .unllmit-t to 21 arrived here to -day for a trip
ed, and it is doubtful if so many peo-1 through Canada. They are members
1110 ever accumulated so much authen- of the Young Australia League and
tic infer:nation in such short time, their trip forms part of a scheme of
and it should be a matter of consider- education by travel which has been in
ole pride and satisfaction to Cana-, vogue in Australia for the past 15
diens to know that, with out exception, years under which city boys are trans -1
these who have studied and , ported to the country and vice versa,
visited mines and mining in all tor- i but it has never before been attempted
niers of the world were outpoken in on a scale such as is here being done. {I
their enthusiasm of the mineral The party, after -a series of enter -i
wealth of this district and in their al tainments by the Quebec Rotary and
proval of the methods of its develop- ICiwanis Clubs, and the I.O.D.E., visit-
in of the cruiser Adelaide, St. Anne
the town, and were then
a.ers repor�
pounds of ambergris have a en o n to
at the whaling grounds, off the British l fact that she never bad to wear glass-
I$6 50oto-$6.75; baby'beevest $7.900 to
Manitoba 1 have it again refrigerated.
The party was enlarged during the
morning by thirty members of the
botanical section, who joined the train
at-:Timagami. They had spent the
:veep end in the Timagami Govern -
stent fareet reserve as guests of the
Ontario Government, Guides took
thele over the entire district, and, in
addition to collecting valuable speci-
mens at Canadian' plant life, they had
' the opportunity of inspecting several
areas -of virgin white pine, They
were all much impreesed with the
variety and the virility of the flora in
the Canadian woods,
de Beaupre Shrine, with a reception`
at Spencerweod, the Lieutenant-
Gov-ernor's official residence, will go to
Montreal to -morrow, where similar)
entertainments will be given them.
The party will then go right across'
Canada to Vancouver, whence they
will sail; for home September 24. The
boys will stop at Ottawa, Toronto,'
Niagara Falls, Sarnia, Port Arthur,'
Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary
Edmonton and Jasper National Park.
The party left Sydney, Australia, in,
February and have arrived here from'
The 'sailor king" of a "sailor nation," his 1Vlajesty King George took over the
during the recent Gowen handldap.
exchange and one or o also ature of about 50 degrees, and then
were seriously affected by rust. South-
eastern seems o After this treatment it is said any
the worst, article, whether clothes or furniture,
General conditions have been fair:-
satisfactory and it is extremely doubt-, will be entirely free of moths.
ful.if there has been any considerable
.I frost "damage, although temperatnire Most Po*erful Single -Plane
were dangerbapely _close to freezing in World 'Takes Ianitigi Fligin,
i early in the week; and there has bee,'.
1 ',,
i f anything too much ram
A despatch frons 1 0, ,103:fig.!
sans •-
- - The Cubarco, Great Britin's new
• Kislg George Has Again •--+}1nriai dreadnought, had Itsst trial
Become Grandfather flight m, 'fiittr; 1, #1- toh A ro-
_ -, drome. fi"
A despatch '!'ram Goldsborough, This Che most pf3werf,i i,c _i".e
•Yorushire, ?ac-g., ant's; -Princess plane in the world, ni.en•arung 88 feet
Mary,daugiite or the yin; and wife from wing tip to wing tip and 6e e t
of Viscount Lit ,lee, gave birth to from nose to tail. 11 carries t new
her s coni child to son, en-.Chnrsday 1,000 -horsepower P'apt Cttb c, pun',
moan, 8 et Goldsborough Hall, one. Ono staiecese conn cernt• ih nt al
of. tine seal:00f the T,ascellei, familY• ' cabin with the pilot's co kpit, While
Pi•nicess ?nary was m•, :led to Vis-
another gives 059(41 to n contp:e-tmcnt
'count, Lascelles i.n Westminster Abbey behind the wings, wh.,.h will be the'
on ? eb lsunr.,v 28,. '.•heir fimachine
:bile , boy win7922s hon in :f,,ondonrsti Tho gun's tower.
giant. bomber will cart- three
on Fshrtt y"r 1923, and was chris- tons of explosives. The ,tc,irwal al
�i On e ileary Hubert Lascdles• low the crew to work in shifts during
- - full the flight,
A movetent 1 ,, ched fax _'
the rare joie
of th inti: u , money to The horsy crop of the Province of
erect a mol mnert to Lonerel'ow, who. Manitoba is returned at 3,041,712
immortalized the Annapolis Valley by pounds for the year 19'.3, with an av
his p0,111"Ev..,igcline." The -move.' erage -market value or Vie per pound
meat will he a joint effort of the v, 6p;e on the fames, making a total returns
heel of the "Britanui.c' the Maritime! an6. Neva .',::gat el to the beekeepers of,'illanitcba of --
of I $466,266.