HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-08-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR;
�1 tri gI6^ilEO U Illi DEED
F.SNOWDON Proprietor.
p or. t.
G oral Observa ions
r� t
It is hard to imagine any friend of
Canada urging that the eggs, fruits
and vegetables of the United States
be permitted to enter Canada free If
duty while Canadian meats, fruits and
vegetables are shut out of the
American market.
The weather during theewheat har-
vest' •this. year was not favorable and
there was much grain put in the
barns before being thoroughly dry.
Farmers who have done so should
take care to spread the wheat out well.
and give it a chance to dry as it will
heat and become musty. making it
unfit for floe*..
':Cite h„,, 1 platform of Premier
King which roilapsed at Al :treat
on Mh May. dimming the "Premier
to the roans' and drenching him
with water, keno t terve t eu of
the saner r•-ost scrim a, his panty
platform or 1021. Toth revealed
broken planks and "Cooling events,
sion that another great war,•like unto
the last, is due to begin next Thurs-
day, the 4thinst.'!.This is.so sudden,"
as the girl said to her young man
when he popped the question to her
after seven years.of courtship, But
this war will not 'continue as long as
the last one,
It will be over before October 6th;
1925,for on that date our Saviour
will cone and set up His Kingdom,
which, of course, will be a Kingdon
of peace and righteousness, of joy
and gladness. The grave and the sea
week with the latter's mother, Mrs.
Ivl"iss Gladys Beatty, of _ London,
spent thea week -end at herr home
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stelck have return-
ed from an extended trip to the
Harvest is well on the way. The oat
crop is good.
Our correspondent of last week
made a wrong statement in connec-
tion with the financial statement of
the Anglican garden party, The re-
ceipts were $112 instead of the pro-
Several of our youths are content -
will give up their dead, and the mil- plating the harvesters` excursion to
tions and • millions then living will the West while others are making
never die. This is a lovely picture,
but we fear no person now living will
ever see it. Our Bible Student
friends will not be horrified by the
beginning of another great war next
week. nor will they be gladdened by
the setting tip of our Redeemer's
Kingdom, with all its blessings; a
year from next October. There will
most assuredly he another great war,
which, after an interval of peace, will
be followed by another. The 6th of
October. 1925. will conte and go. and
there will be no change in the conch'-
tions of lnintan life. Still there will be
• richandt
he t
the low, t i
high and I t
the h.g t a
the great and powerful. the
.mail and weak. 'Ten. as now, the
great majority will have to toil for
the barest necessaries of life, while s
fee will be Able to live in friiiCely
I It1x it v, Bobby
magnificence an
r,* P tri will still be able to say withSTAFFA.
Has it. mad.., that "Man ntln.m nity to man \It and Mi \V. O'Brien visited
marc= you rich"thiC r piitelit t: t' nntfe.+ thousands friend • in Stratford fora week.
stn is miur_t,,,
1 heel forret ML., Stewart Rob
Canada. tni�
notnca, and we will c 1 Seaforth hospital,
routttr, � i. tt natural resources, o g
h cause t; t'
for the 1',kited State., t,:•- � better vy2rld.
Canadiant rt t t closed 1.000 sac- tt e wonder what e�n:ana:inn nr
tories by vi:e ar,1 benefiec.tti
policy of Mr. King Bible Student friends will have to
res the failure i alt their pre -
thousand , e ,p e r.,t foree.1 ltas return -
i ea tt l' c,intia15 111'4" ?ur ed to her hiounc after undergoing a
every n t c.. leave a i, a - onttttte to hope
serious u o teratiuu in
ready for the Exhibitions.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Welch, of Detroit,
called on friends in our village last.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnwell at-
tended the reunion 'of the Barnwell
family at the hone of Mr. Hainwell's
mother, Mrs. Ferguson, in Goderich,
on Saturday. It is thirty years since
the fancily was together before, and a
delightful time was had. There were
present Andrew Harnwell. 'Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs. John Harnwell, Varna;
Mr. and Mrs, IIarry liurlimau and
slaughter, Vancouver; Sir. and Mrs.
Young, Goderich, Mrs. 4g4ie
C:'oikinu, Detroit; Miss Hazel Young
Carlow. Those unable to be ?resent
were Mr. Thos. Barnwell, Star
.City, Seek.;Wesley Barnwell of
lleiinlijit Rev. H. J. Barnwell, Walk-
Shewill non be aroundagain.
Service will be heir( in the Metho-
dist church next Sunday morning,
.tutu t 3lst Mr. Savauge will con-
duct the service in the absence of Mr.
Jones. who is taking a vacation.
.\ number from this vicinity spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
• nor ,1Ct it -ted Intel ones to a
'why 1 1:t,t ni,•to t \1 w.,:eicie win, these people call
1the last hook ?t tile' New Ttestannent
their family tris. ry and home, efts, in the plural, whereas
speak with contempt of the tows het t. _.
New Testament 11 is Revelation.
? n the
which they happen t.t lite in the. s:,t.inlat. We have a snspicion
There :cert:? to de an inherent tend- that a ratan who: errs M trifles, -vitt err
ency to respect and love the one, in matters ,.i cal importance.
but why not esteem the other ? The * is * •
person who does not love his coun-
try ie generally despised. There is as :\sea ding to the pipits who failed
great reason to love the hone town at the recent Departmental examina-
as the home land. There must be tion?, and their name is Legion, the
'something wrong with the man who
is always reviling his home town
and the town perhaps wiauld be
better without him. "He is an ill bird
that defile; his own gest." is very
, true in this case.
Listowel and Mitchell both nisy
have very good reasons to complain
of the lack of warmth of the re-
ception the officials of Stratford
tendered theist when they went on
their hike to that place. In future
. Stratford should leave the reception
work to the ladies. if they are all as
capable as ML.. Ruston and Mrs.
J. D. Monteith, who welcomed the
people who went to the Mfeighen pic-
nic last Wednesday. There was no
lack of genial welcome in the warm
handshake and information given,
Their expressed wish. "I hope you
will. enjoy yourself," made all feel at VARNA.
home at once. Miss: Clark. of Nashville, Tonne -
see .. the guest of Miss Logan.
Me. and Mrs. \V. McAsh, of Lot -
papers were untumally hard. Indeed,
some of them were of a grade suitable
for second year university students.
and some of thein were veritable
conundrums. Now these papers are
sprung nn the pupils, with a time
limit set for their solution. and it is
questionable if even those who pre-
pared them could do any better that
the pupils under the same conditions.
But it is (tinted that these exaininu-
tion papers are purposely made diffi-
cult with a certain object in view, It
appears the supply ,hf teachers is be-
.ginning to exceed the demand. and
decreasing the output of teachers is
the remedy for this condition, and the
+lecrease in the output o1 teachers will
be brought about by making it in-
creasingly difficult to get through the
preparatory schools.
•lon. pent the week -end with Mrs. C.
The C ,t.ra`.i ore c;ivit ,ice that
MT s. Woods, tf Listowel, is resit -
Weekes. Mrs. McAsh's mother
any one tampering with the drinking
fountains c ntly placed on the lir, her sister. Mrs. F. Weekesand
- Miss Nettie Scott. of Paisley, spent
the -past week in the village,
Mies Carney, if Brussels. is visit-
ing Miss Mary McKellar.
Mrs, Mary Hendry, of Kitchener,
is spending a month with her niece,
Mrs,\V. I3. Currie.
Threshing bas started and 45 bush-
els of fail wheat to the acre is the
The Masons held a picnic at Bay-
field on Wednesday with sports of
different kinds.
o t tice died lastweek
Mrs, E. G.C tr t
from pneumonia, She was ; born in
Clark township in 1855. She was
married at the age of 25 years to
her now bereaved husband. Two dau'
ghters and one son survive. Interment
was made in Clinton cemetery,
Miss Marion Louise Rutledge be-
came the ,bride of Mr. Wihfrid Seeley
last Wednesday: The bride lived in
Goderich township. After the wed-
ding the . young couple left ou a
motor trip.
A large number went from here to
the leleighen picnic at Stratford.
Joseph Hawkins' was thrown "'from
his buggy when his horse toolc fright
at an -automobile, He. was much
bruised from being dragged some
distance after being thrown out. His
friends hope soon to see him around
lite :London hike passed through
here on Thursday returning from Lis-
towel, where they had had dinner,
They were met by the mayor and
town officials and welcomed.
Mrs,- Geo. • knderson was'in Blen-
heim last week, called there by the
1 ter
illness and death of her (laughter,
Mrs, E. iI, \'rciotitait, who was bo
at this place. She leaves a husband
and two son,. The funeral took
place on Friday in Exeter,
\\'m. Lutman broke his shoulder
while playing softball, having .• collided
with another player on the bases,
Rev, John Ball conducted the serv-
ieee on Sunday in the• James Street
,\[r. and Mrs. J. M. Boyle have re-
turned from .spending a few weeks at
Grand Bend.
Mr and Mrs. T. 0..Southeott have
returned from a motor trip to Col-
Mrs. J, H. Grieve has returned
from Strathroy where she attended
the wedding of a' relative.
Mr. M. R. Cnntplln has returned
from a holiday in Muskoka.
Rev. and Mrs. Dupl'an, of Flint,
Mich.. were visitors in t
highest report.
Mr. and Mrs, George Coiling and
daughter Ethel, ni Nebraska. are
spending two weeks with Mr, and
Mrs, Richard Hoggarth.
Mrrs. \V. H. Tuf erd spent the past
week with friends iu Paris.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Houghton spent
Sunday with friends at Walton.
'rite Council met. on Wednesday.
Aug. 20th. and struck the several
rates for the year. Tenders were
opened for the Downey drain con-.
tract and the offer of Wm. Connolly
was accepted. A grant of $25 was
made to each of the School Fairs in
the Township, held at Dublin and
Staffa. A grant of $50 was made to
the General hospital trust, Stratford,
Bylaw No. -251 for levying rates was
passed, signed and sealed. The -Dill
drain bylaw,No. 250, was read a first
time and provisionally adopted The
Downey drain :bylaw, No, 249. was
read a thil'd time and finally passed,
Orders were issued on the Treasurer
amounting to $1,670.65. Council then
adjourned to meet on Wednesday,
Sept. 17th, at 1 p.t t — JAMES.
JORDAN, Clerk.
School Fair Dates for 1924.
Ashfield Sept, 8
25, 26
29, 30
Oct, 1
re a St. Helens
1 It ; hop.e.1 then trend•
streets will to punished.
. ' \i + Pee. f 4cafnrth, is ;p=riding Bluevale
this notice will cause more rare t new days says With hei
friends here. Wroxeter
these conveniences which have al -
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnwell spent Gorrie
ready proved a boen to the pub :lie weekend in Goderich.
generally. No doubt tb- injury ,10.1? Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson Tn
has been from ignorance or our ennnp my with \7iss Mlossnp. spent
the week -e"4 with friends in Gode-
want ra t tgta and calling s tit rich
to the feet will prevent a ,let s Mtr. and Mrs. Tucker, of London,
The fountains are simply for drink- •tie re renewing acquaintances on
9 " properly eyed 'w 1 tteehen litre.
n- • Girt Mir;. Breene s,par-
the11) a^ play toy` their kite from -
purposes an, a esed e \ir. and Mrs. Breene of Landolt.
last for years. but if children use
ells. Mr. ami .Mfr;. .\rntatrong.
tainsl life will be short. ' Goshen Inc.i
* Rev. Mr. and Mlrs. Miller mid lam- Crediton
* ....,
ily, of Mount Bridges. spent last Winchelsea
Grand Bend
Porter's Hill
It has been made a crime t. 11.5 In i - -- - - -
business the trade mark of another
firm, A custom is springing up i,
parts of Ontario which ought t, be
made a crime also, Some enterprising
people are putting the word "Stop"
in large letters over their advertise-
ments asroad signs. If this should
become common it would cause
driverstoignore warnings when real-
ly required and lead to the accident
the warning is intended to prevent.
Make the use of the word "Stop" on
the highway, or any other word of
warning, a crime; if used for any
other purpose; or drop their use as a
warning, altogether.
By W..H.'". I
Tice. followers 'nF'the late. "Pastor"
Russell, who now call themselves The
International Bible. Students. are
mach given to working out .problems
in Bible arithmetic, or the figures in-
volved in, Bible cltrottology and pro-
phecy. Their latest calculation has.
brought them to the appalling concha -
ester air
London, Canada
Sept, 6 to I3, 1924
Over $30,000 in Cash "Prizes
The 1924 Prize List is extensive and the clasification vrill prove
attractive to Exhibito rs in all Departments
Dog Show, , Automobile Show, Pure Food Shaw
New Manufacturers Building Featuring
Canada's Industrial Achievements
UNEXCELLED VAUDEVILLE Attractions in front of grand stand
"Where City and Country Meet"
Write for Prue List -Entries close. August 30th
J, ii, SAUNDERS, President W. D. JACKSON, Secretary,
The Brussels softball team defeated
\\'ingham by a score of 25 to 16.
The Odd Fellows observed last
Sunday as decoration day and decor-
ated the graves of 45 departed mem-
Miss Haee1- Lowery, of Brussels_
became the bride of -Mr, E, H. -Mat-
. Mat
thews, merchant of Forest, on Wed-
Russel Moore, formerly of Brussels,
hr, gone to Toronto where- he has
been appointed an officereto enforce
the 1),.T, A.
• Goderich.
Dominion Day ceietirati n had a
deficit of .4693.
For breaking clan Benmiller wool-
len milt on Aug. 2nd, Bevitt Lisk
and Win, Lockridge, Jr., of Mitchell,
who pleaded guilty, were remanded
for one week and Lockridge, Sr., was
discharged but was at once ire-
arrested -an a warrant front George-
town for theft there.
Wm. Skinnings, formerly of Gode-
rich. stied in the county' home at
Clinton. The funeral was held at
Goderich. • -
Mrs. Geon. Bean died in Colborne
township, on Aug. 14th after a long
illness, aged 67 years. Five daughters
and one son, besides the bereaved
husband, survive.
Leslie Matthews, London, was fined
$500 and had his car -taken from hint
for having it loaded •with beer which
was also -confiscated,
Gertrude 'l otittg, of Goderich, be-
came the bride of \\'m.- C. Miller, tf
Zurich, on Wednesday: They left on
a motor trip in Eastern Ontario. and
will reside in Hay township, -
Mfr. and Mrs. Wino Entigh have
moved to Grand Valley. 'where they
have leased a hotel.
The following w011 the field com-
petition in the Blyth Society: lst, J.
& F. Laidlaw, Banner oats; 22nd Dtut-
can Laidlaw: 3rd, David Laidla,t't
4th, Robt. \Vightman: 5th, 3. 11.
Shobbrook: 6th, A. W. Beacom: 7th,
J. H..Richmond. -
Rev. C. M. Telford and Miss Jean
have been visiting relatives at Carle
tot Place.
Miss Chainner. of Carleton Place,
is visiting Mrs, R, J. Powell.
StolleSt1i1t Clothes
Ali Woo'llens'used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT
CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing
Process, and guaranteed. immune from the ravages of Moths under h
$250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond,
Demand This Bond, It is Your Protection.
BECAUSE Moths are the gceatest'factor in the destruction of
Olothing that are laid away for even a short period.
BECAUSE This new scientific discovery,—The Larvex .Process-
entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from
.o ravages of Moths and their Larvae,
BECAUSE STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac-
tion of the Larvex Moth Proofing Process, is a'com-
bi-nation that defies all competition—that cannot be
beaten.- They are built to your individual require -
a> ments, There is no extra charge to you.
Stone- uilt Clothes
11 WAR Re
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. ',ate. of London Hos-
pital, London, Etfgland. Special
attention"to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Qffice and resid
enCe t Bank. Office
behind Dominion
Phone No, 5; Residence Phone 106
DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth.;
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of the Methodist church. Cor-
sier for the County of Huron, Tete` -
phone No, 40,
The Man Next D or
By Elverson J-1oujh, author of the `2overed
Wagon, North of 3i, etc•
A story of a girl reared among Ilardriding t•owputn'hs's of Wyoming,
Her transformation into a woman of refinement and her later experien-
ces among tate coldly suspicious set of 1l illionares Row.
Alice Calhoun as Bonnie Bell
• James Morrison as Jimmie wistner
I)uvid Torrance) as colonel aright
Frank Sheridan ns t'urly
N evt Week is the 701 Annual Paramount Week for the +'elebration of
which we have seemed two Superlative Attractions.
Migratory Birds Convention Act,
A summary of the Migratory Births
Conventions Act is given below: This
is the law which is based upon the
Treaty with the United States. Any
enquiries concerning this law may he
addressed to the Commissioner of the
Canadian National Parks, department
of the interior, Ottawa. Open Sea-
sons (both dates inclusive) in On-
tario: Ducks geese, brant or rails-
Sept. 1 -Dec. 15.
Wilson or Jack ; nipe, black -bellied
and ,golden plovers, and the greater
and lesser yellow -legs, Sept. 1 -Dec.
15. \Voodcock, Sept. 15- Nov. 30.
Closed seasons—There is a closed
season in ()Mario on swans, wood
dude, either duc.k (the latter may be
taken clueing the openseason for
ducks on the Hudson Bay coast)
cranes, curlew, w'illet, godwits, upland
plover. etc., and all shore birds not
provided for in the above schedule.
There is a closedseason through
the year on many non -game birds
snich as gulls, herons, loots, etc., and
On insectivorous birds such as bobo-
links, catbirds, chickadees flickers;
humming -birds, meadowlarks, night-
hawks, orioles, robins, swallows,
warblers whippoorwills, woodpeckers
and wrens, etc,, and all other perch-
ing birds which feed entirely or
chiefly on insects,
The killing, capturing, taking, in-
juring or ,molesting of insectivorous
POIa Negri
in the 9 reel million dollar production
The Spanish. Dancer
Thomas Meighan in Womanproof
8 PARTS ',
w title') by George Ade
DR. C. MACKAY,—C, Mackay,
honor graduade of Trinity Univers- \
ity and gold medallist of Trinity
Medical College; member of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
DR. F. j. R. FORSTER: Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Antral Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial IIotel, Seaf o r t h .
third Monday fn each month,
from 11 a.m, to 3 p•fn• 53 Waterloo
street south, Stratford. Phone . 267,
Stratford, •
General Fire, Life,
!Accident &NCE Ato m bile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
no ix
A Fitting Finish to a
Well -Ordered Lunch
and non -gauze birds is prohibited„ Relines Artium at Little :Expense.
A fine of nut more than three him- Thousands of dollars have been
tired dollars and not less than, $10 vainly spent upon venredies for
is the penalty for offences against asthma and seldom, if ever. with any
this act.
Health r cannot be looked for in the
child that is subject to •vwruts be-
cause worms destroy health by creat-
ing in ternal isturban ces that retard
development and tatise serious Weak-
ness. Miller's Worm Powders expel
• worms and are so beneficial in their
action that the discomforts and
dangers of worn infeotion are re-
moved, and satisfactory growth is as
rinsed. Wast and For Sale Acis, 3 tint
relief. Dr. J, D, Kellogg's Asthma
11( nu dv, despite its assurance of
benefit, costs so little that it is within
reach of all. It is the national remedy
for asthma, far removed from the
class of doubtful and experimental
preparations. Your rlea!e1 Cott .stipple
5, 50e
North Main St. SEAFORTIh ONT,
Mutual Fire kimono Co,
James Connolly, Goderich; Alex,
James Evans. Beechwood, Viee,Fres-
ident; 1). F. McGregor, Seaforth,
See, -Treasurer,
Win, Rinn, No , 2, Seaforth; John
Benneweis, 11rodhagen; James Evans,
Beechwood; M. McEwen, Clinton;
James Cgnolly, Goderich ; ;Alex-
liroadfoot, No, 3, Seafort; J. G.
Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,
Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3,
Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield,
Alex, Leitch, R,R, 1, Clinton; E.
Iiinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No, 3, Seaforth J. V. Yeo,
Holmesville; R, G. Jarntouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
ortranacst other 1 usiness will be
promptly attended to by application
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Don't Throw
Your Old
Carpets Away
They.)nake new rever-
sible "Velvetex" Rugs,
send for Velvetex Folder l
:l,uxnoNRUG, 015CD1•. PA
Desirable Hoose
To the persons seeking a comfort-
able home close to stores, churches,
and • schools, and still be in the
country, this residence is splendidly
located, being less than a mile from
Seaforth postoffice, The property
consists of eight acres of land,,. good
frame house with seven rooms and
woodshed, hard and soft water; good
stable with cement flooring; fine or-
chard. Possession can be given im-
mediately. Further information may
belbbtained at TTTENEWS OFFICE,
Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh
phone 178, Seaforth.
Make this beauty lotion oheaply for.
your fade, neck, arms and hands.
At the coat of a small jar of ordinary
cold Bream one can prepare a full quar-
ter pint of the most wonderful lemon
skin softener and complexion .beautifier,
by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem-
ons into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white. Care should be taken
to strain the juice through a fine olotle
so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo-
tion will keep freshfor months. Every
woman knows that lemon juice is used
to bleach and remove such blemishes as •
freckles, sallowness and tan
and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it1 Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and make up
a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant
lemon lotion and massage it daily into
the face, neck, arms and hands:- It is
ivarvelotts to smoothen rough, red hands.