HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-08-21, Page 5• ,
Fine Cuts
In Meats
Is what we specialize in.. Moats
sold hero have been well hand-
led. They have been prepared
wit care and.are sold to make
eatisfied. eustoriters. Try us and
you will find our meats delicious.'
Main Street
Wbere Can 1 Get
Join the ranks of the thrifty
women who shop here daily for all
their table needs. You're sure to
get a fresh supply of select staple;
and fancy groceries, vegetables and
fruits. Our shelves are full of
reasonably priced package, bottled
and canned goods.
You'll be pleased,
Phone 77 Seaforth
Prepares young men and young
wonien for Business, which is
now Canada's greatest profes-
sion. We assist graduates to
positions and they have a prac-
tical training which enables
thefts to meet with success. Stu-
dents are registered each week.
Get our free catalogue and
learn something about our difs
ferent departments.
W. J. Walker 84 San
Motor or Horse Equipment,
W. 2. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best
possible market for your cream.
We beg your support and co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade
cream and secure top prices. Make this your Creamery.
Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except
of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you.
We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for
sweet cream delivered at the Creamery. Bring in your high grade
Cash paid to any patron wishing it.
Creamery open on Saturday nights.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth
Dr. D. H, Nimes
Of Wingham, will be at the
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,
Monday and Thursday After-
noons in future.
Diseases of all kinds success-
fully treated.
ta"'s-st.s.„4024;3_,..1"0 rATOES
rii II
T ribuiros
Seaforth Phone 63
Many infants are infested by
worms which cause great suffering,
and if not promptly dealt with may
cause constitutional weaknesses dif-
ficult to remedy. Miller's worm
Powders will clear the stomach and
bowels of worms and will so act
upon the system that there will be no
recurrence of the trouble. And not
only this, but they will repair the in-
juries to the organs that worms
cause and restore them to soundness.
• Camp with a. Kodak
Whether a week in the woods
or a day at the shore, a Kodak
is an .essential part of your
At our counter you'll find the
Kodak youneed; also a complete
line of accessories and "the depend.
able film in the yellow box."
tlutograpitic Kodaks—$6.70 us
Graves' Block, Seaforth.
Ds ulassassnuaas.ite....e.......se.,...ess
I Town Topics is
Mrs, Hannah Laidlaw returned this
week to Detroit.
Ass Laura Ross has accepted a
position as teacher in Parry Sound.
Miss Norah Hodgins is visiting
Friends in Muskoka.
• Mrs. :O'Brien, of Detroit, is the
guest of Mrs, G. A:Sills.
Miss Beatrice Seip is
friends in Palmerston,
Mrs. W. Cole and family, who have
been visiting at the home of her
sister, Mrs. John Sclater,.retarned by
Motor to Toronto on Sunday with
Mr: Cole.
The Misses Crestwell and Mr.
Ralph Cresswell have returned- Irons
Miss Johnstone is visiting at her
home in Exeter.
Mr, :Robert Reid has returned home
from Detroit.
Mrs, J. McKinley and little son,
Scott, who have been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott,
left on Satarday for their holm in
Miss Marion Grosse, of Toronto,
is the guest of Miss Margaret Ross.
Mrs. G. F. S. Garden, of Toronto,
is visiting her brother, Mr. Adam
11 sys.
Miss L. Allen spent a 'few days with
Miss jean Hays.
Mr Clayton Martin has accepted
the position of principal of a school
near Englehart, Ontario.
Mr. J. R. Allen and daughter, of
Medicine Dar, Alta., are ghests at
the home of Mrs. James Allen,
Mr, Dalton Reid sang a : solo in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
mornittg, and in the evening
a ladies' quartette consisting of
Misses Florence Beattie, Edith
McKay, Harriet Murray and Pearl
PLatitdearon, gave a selection. Nekt
Miss Clarissa Scott, who has been
spending the vacatinn with her
mother, ivirS, A. Scott, returns this
week to Ottawa.
:Miss Mary Hays, daughter Of Mr.
and Mrs. Adam Hays, has accepted
a position on the Port _Dalhousie
school staff.
air. and Mrs. G. Strausser and chil-
dren, of Ludan, and Mr. and 1Mrs, D.
Marks and daughter, of Detroit, were
week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. F.
Carron. /
Mrs. W. Pinkney and children, of
Hamilton, are visiting at thb„ home
of Mr, and Mrs. John Pinkney.
Mrs, Frank Shannon, of Ripley,
and Mrs. Stoke, ,and daughter Caths
of Washington, spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 3. F.
Mr. Haggard was in Toronto this
. Miss Bernice Kennedy is visiting
friends in Toronto,
Miss Josephine Livingstone leaves
this week for Saskatoon, Sask,
Mrs, James Hays is in Walkerville
visiting her son, Mr, Howard Hays.
Mr, and Mrs, George Allen and
daughter Helen, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Allen, Mrs. Maud Sloan and daughter
Lois, of Detroit, are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Miss Nona Dale is visiting relatives
in Detroit.
Mrs, John Rankin accompanied her
daughter, Mrs. Woehl, and children,
on their return to Bridgeburg.
Miss Crosbie and Mary, of To-
ronto, are visiting friends in town.
Miss Beth Barton is visitng friends
in Buffalo.
Miss. Heine French is ill at present
in a London hospital.
Mr, and Mrs: Murray and family,
who spent a couple Of weeks with
Mrs. Stewart and Miss Davidson, re-
turned on lIonday to their hone in
Mr. Stewart Fox, of Toronto,
spent Friday in town; •
Ralph Weiland, of Seaforth, and
Fred Elliott, of Clinton, have gone to
Miueapolis where they will play
hockey -in the American Association
nem' winter. Both boys were mem-
bers of the Owen Sound junior
hockey team which won the O.H.A.
and Dominion championships last
season. Joe Sills, of Seaforth, played
with the Minneapolis team the past
two seasons,
—What mi,ght have been a serious
accident happened to Mr. Cen.
Eckert last Thursday- .when his
horse became frightened at a tent
in Victoria Park end ran away,up-
setting the buggy and throwing • Mr.
Eckert out with a severe shakingaup
and a broken rib, but we are Pleased
to see him around again.
'Mrs. Jessie Brown has returned
after a visit 'to St. Thomas, LondOn
and Exeter,
Mrs, W. j. Hart.has rented her
residence to Mr. jos. Thompson and
has moved to Stratford where she
will reside with her son and 'daughter,
William and Ina.
Rev. and Mrs. 1'. W. P. Calhoun,
of London, are spending the week
wi Itt Rev. and .Mrs, J. F. Snowdon.
Mr. W. G. Spencer has moved into
his residence recently vacated by
Miss Lukes,
Mr. and Mrs. 3'. A. Westcott and
and Mrs, L. Atkinson attended
the veterans' 'picnic 111 Baylield on
Wednesday last,
Miss Laura Ross, of Brueefield,
spent a few days with Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Chas, Ross has returned from
• Word was received of the death
of Mary Hyde, wife of T. B. Me-
Giveron, of St. Marys, after an illness
of SIX 111()IlthS, She was a sister, of
Mrs. H. Ferguson and aunt of Mr,
Thos. Ferguson and Mrs. John
Grieve, of Seaforth, and was born at
Anderson, 68 years ago, where she
lived for 5() years. Her husband
-Mrs, G. Sparks is visiting her sister
in Grand Bead.
Mr. Robinson, of Brantford, is re-
heving Mr. F. G. Neelin while the
latter is awayson his holidays.
Mrs. J. S. Welsh is visiting her
Rev. and Mrs, Melvin Keys, of
Tetbotville, are visiting his father,
Mr, Ws L. Keys, who is suffering
from a stroke.
The Rennie Sisters Quartette will
sing at the Seaforth Presbyterian
church next Sunday morning.
,1VIrs. 5, 13. Tyerman spent the week-
end with Goderich Mends.
Mr. and Mrs! C. R. Somerville, of
London, were week-encl guests at the
Verne of Mr, and Mrs. 3. C. Greig.
airs. T. J. Webster is visiting her
sister, Mrs, John Durnin, of Dun-
gaanon, who is 111.
Miss Isabel Moser. of Kitchener, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Webster.
Mrs E. S. Chapman and 140e
daughter Eileen are visiting relatives
in Winghain.
Miss Margaret Ferguson is visiting
her aunt in St. Catharines.
Rev, H. G. E. and Airs. Crosby and
young son are visiting friends in
Mr. Harry :McGee, Toronto, vice
president of Eaton's store, visited his
cousin, Mr. T. J. \Vebster. Mr. McGee
has just returned from an extensive
tour of many n'f the countries of
Europe. .
Miss Gladys Pollock, of Kin-
cardine, is visiting at the hoine of
-Arr. and Mrs, J. 13. Tyerman.
Miss Archibald has returned from
visiting her niece in Brooklyn, Ont.
Over fifty people from Seaforth
went to Stratford to attend the Con-
servative picnic on Wednesday after-
noon and hear the address of Rt.
Hon, Arthur Meighea. Several of
the faithful of the Liberal party wont
to Woodstock the same day to hear
Premier King,
Miss Dorothy Webster was in Col-
lingwood visiting friends.
Miss Dorothy Robinson has returns
ed from Detroit,
Ur. and Mrs A. T. Craig are vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hincaley,
the former having just returned from
New York, having opened a new
oa'gan thei•e, following a seven weeks'
eagagernent with the Central Metho-
dist Episcopal church, Detroit. Dr.
Craig will also assist at the organ at
St; Andrew's Presbyterian church.
Windsor, on Sunday evening, August
31st. Two pupils of Dr. Craig receiv-
ed the Dominion silver medals
awarded by the Toronto Conserva-
tory of Music this year in Interme-
diate Organ and Piano, 'making six
medals to be won by his pupils in the
past three years.
Miss Margaret O'Brien, of Duluth,
is a visitor at the .home of Mr. and
Mrs, John Dorsey, Clinton.
Mrs Beale and daughter, Miss Mary
Beale, are holidaying in Toronto.
Mrs. James Carpenter has returned
to Detroit after a visit with friends
All report having a good time at
the dance in Looby's hall last week.
Mr. Frank Meagher and family
have moved to Dublin, occupying the
borne of the Misses McDaid.
Mrs. Carlin and her sister, Miss
Tully, and Miss Forum, motored to
Clinton and spent Sunday with Mrs.
Mrs. M. Williams.
Mr. Ed, Diesel and sister, Mrs.
Bloodsworth and family, spent Tues-
day at Brodbagen.
Miss Ellen Evans spent a week
with her cousins, Mrs. Carlin and
Mrs. Nelmes,
Mrs, Kerney and daughter returned
to their home in Titusville after a
visit with friends in town.
Miss Ella Toll, of Toronto, spent
last week -end at her home here,
Mr. and Mrs. Grainger and the
Misses Grainger. cif Kansas, are
spending a. few weeks at the home
of Mr. Jas. Hamilton and other rel-,
Miss Jean Crisb, of Tsondoir, is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. 13. Allen.
Miss Margaret McKinley, of Stan-
ley, returned home after spending
some days with the Misses Reid.
Miss Elinor McEwing, of Palmer.:
ston, is visiting her cousin, Miss Mar-
jorie McEwing.
Miss McIlroy, of ,Seafatli, is vis-
iting with"Mrs. Chas: Parsons.
The many friends of Miss Amy
Parsons 'congratulate her on success-
fully passing her examination.
Mr. Jas. Watt of Toronto is spend-
ing his holidays under the parental
The limn of the threshing machine
is again heard. Wheat and barley are
turning out 'very well. The oat crop
is ripening slowly, Which is the best
way, but will be ready for cutting in
a few days. Some fields 'are out al -
We were favored with a visit from
Mr, William Rae, of Edmonton, the
other day. A few years ago he Was
one of our respectable and highly
educated young - men here and a
school teacher by profession, but
since going West hasstudied law,
Mr. Rae was accompanied by his
are cold ,but that is no
sign that winter TS Zear, It will be
time enough to speak' of these
things, say, three months from now.
Wilfrid McKay, of London. •has
been visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mr's. John Holden.
George Stewart, who is working
for Mr, Alex, Ross, 10th lines conies
over once or twice a week to have a
peep at 'the people, near what was
once his home on the Leadbury line.
A ,fellow who stayed late on Friday
night of your Reunion, says there
was a pretty tough bunch. Never
mind, for where there is a big crowd;
there are always some hoodlums.
A large number of the residents of
the village a nd the surrounding
country are anxious to have FiVdro.
Dr, Metcalf and W. R. Jowett have
been canvassing 111 Goderich township
and have secured a number of sub-
scribers for Hydro, Reeve li.1.1011 and
E. A. Sander have been canvassing
the village. Prospects look better
than ever before.
Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and family,
of London, are in Miss Campbell's
There have been many large picnics
here this season. On Tuesday the
Orangemen of Varna picnicked here.
One of the largest picnics ,was on
Wednesday when the war veterans
of Huron had an 'enjoyable time. The
early •morning weather was showery.
but cleared and the rest of the day
was fine but cool. A good program
of sports was put on:
air. and Mrs. Morten and family, of
Omaha. Neb., are guests of Mr. Slos
man's sister, Mrs. Brown -Martin
Mrs. Wm, Ross and two sons, or
Minneapolis, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs, M. Rosa,.
Dr, Van Baalen, wife and son, of
Detroit, have been visiting Mr, and
Mrs, H. Lawaon at their .cottage,
On Sunday, August 17th, the anni-
versary services were held in St,
Andrew's church, The preacher was
Rev. C, L. Youeg, of Toronto. Spec-
ial =sic was given by musicians and
singers who are summering here.
Mrs. Snuihy, Ted ansi Madeline
Scully, and 'Mrs. Fisher, of Kitchener,
were recent visitors with Mrs. F. W.
Mr. Gardner, of Thorndle, is assist-
ing in the Sterling Bank.
Mrs. Riley and daughters, of Flint,
have been at Mrs. McLeod's for the
past week.
Mrs. Premiss, Margaret and David
Prentiss. of Toronto, are guests of
Mrs. Prentiss' parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
\V, 3. Stinson.
Mrs, Homer Edwards, with Helen
and Billy, of Komoka, are guests of
Mrs Ed wards' sister, Mrs, Wooster;
in the Hodgins' cottage.
The hydroplane "Detroit" Which
has been in the river for some time,
Making occasional flights with pas-
sengers, came to grief when it leaded
with sone force oe the surfafce of
the Water just outside the river
mouth yesterday. The bottom was
practicaly knocked out of the craft
and it had to be hastily dragged to
shore. where it lies awaiting repairs.
Mrs. G. W. Woods and Hiss Nan
Woods and Rev. and Mrs, 31, G. E.
Crosby and baby returned Saturday
from a motor trip to Orillia.
4/..,magaia44ft, owsk 4
awaits you. Just say
cilia Facial" to your bar-
ber and get the surprise of
your life—a feeling of re-
newed vigor and the
knowledge that at last you
look the part. Be one of
the "million a week."
The Better Shop
Best Holland Bulbs
(Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc,)
Send for list including
fir% L,TIN D enN. I M PORT eo.
• 449 River Road,
Harvesters' Excursions
via Canadian National Railways,
Solid trains run through to Win-
nipeg without change. New Convertis
ble (berth).Colonist Cars will add to
the comfort of the journey and lunch
counter ,ears will be attached to the
trains serving food and refreshments
at reasonable prices. Special cars
will he provided' for women. The
special Harvesters' trains of 'the Can-
adian National Reilwaysfrom all
Ontario points as advertised will
make the fastest tune to Winnipeg,
operating via the new Longlac cut-off,
the shortest route between Eastern
and, Western Canada: Harvesters
travaing by this route, ' will, as a
consequence, be first in the' field.' The
first train leaves Toronto one minute
after midnight of August 21st (12.01
a.m. August •22nd). Returning the
fare is half a cent per mile into Win-
nipeg .and $20 back to starting point,
Frill particular re fares, train
service, etc., apply to nearest Canad-
ian National Agent.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c
Women and Asthma. Women are
numbered among the sufferers front ,`
astInna by the countless 'thousands,
In every elitriate they will be fonad,
helpless in the grip of this rOlentlesilti
disease unless they have availed
themselves of ,the ,proper remedy.
Dr. 3.'D, Kellogg's Asthma Reined
has brought new hope and life to•1,
many such. Testinionials, sent entire-
ly without solicitation, show the
enormous benefit it has wronght
among women everywhere.
Have you Eczema or any disease
of the skin ? • If you have, get a
package of
at Aberhart's drug store, Sea -
forth, Ont. and watch it dis-
appear. Most effective remedy in
Chronic Psoriasis.
• t
Hydro Larnps
are built to a
standard — Not
to a price.
There can be no
second grade
Hydro Lamps at
a lower price.
Quality First and Always!
All Hydro Lamps before being passed
by our experts and labelled with the
Hydro label of quality must come up to
the Hydro standard of efficiency and life.
No others will be accepted.
No others can bear the Hydro label.
Seaforth Public Utilities
Clerk's Office, Town Hall
This label is
your guaran-
tee of first
Zook for it.
Asir for it, on
the lamps
you buy.
The Special Milverton
Flo x
We Have it—Give it a Trial. Also,
Ground Screenings ebop of 2U1 Kinds
PI -101\
E 25
Seaforth Garage
Tinto Tires and Tubes
We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sixes,
Best on the Market.
Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and
Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with
oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor.
Also stock a complete line of most -called .for parts .of various
If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to
be repaired, give us a call.
Get into the habit of patronizing us,,"hVe want to serve you, and
serve you well.
We Have Installed a telephone for night calls -167J
• itt• "- -11;'