HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-08-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS llENSALL . NEWS The children's choir in the Method- ist church on Sunday was ninth ap- preciated. A great deal of credit is due Miss Greta Lunatic for train- ing the children. Next Sunday Rev, Andrew Boa will preach morning ad evening in the 1-Iensall Methodist church and at Chiselhurat at 3 o'clock, Rev. A. and Mrs, Sinclair and family motored to Sarnia on Wed- nesday morning. Mr, and Mrs. John Dingwall and family of Georgetown are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George Follicle and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. Miss Thelma Hudson is spending a few days in Seaforth this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bel'. of Windsor. and Mr, and Mrs. P. Buchanan, of Toronto, will camp for some time with Mr, and Mrs. John 2uelfe at the B end. Mr. and .Mrs. John Swan of To- ronto are visiting the fdrtner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Swan, Mrs. John Murdock visited friends in Clinton this week. Mrs. Wm. Tredner is visiting friends in Clinton this week. Mr. John Wilson who was so.,seri- ously burnt in the fire tchat destroyed •his hone last Wednesday msrning is slowly recovering, He was badly burned about the head and shoulders and his right hand and arm Mrs, Wilson who sustained a. severe shock, has recovered and is out again. Mr. Thos, \Velsh has finished the excavating for the basement of the new school. Mr. A. Taylor; who is doing the masonry work. has a good staff on, and a number of teams are busily engaged 'hauling in the grave' for the cement work We understand that awing to the poor building sea- son, and the large stock of bricks carried by the Crediton makers, Mr. Welsh purchased the brick at a very reasonable rate. and they are to be delivered here at Hensall by the brick yard owners. Owing to the advance in flour prices our local bakrs have been compelled to raise the price of bread to 10 cents a loaf. On Monday evening our town took on the appearance of an Indian reserve, 'alarge ..rte of Indians hav- ing ' arived to pull flax for Owen Geiger. Mr, R. E. Cook was in Luca on Monday on business. Mrs. Thos. Simpson and son Tom spent the holiday visiting relatives in London. Mrs. Shortt and daughter Evelyn. of Minneapolis. are visiting with Mrs. Shortt's father and sisters, Mr. An- drew Johnson and the Misses John- son. Miss Frances Reynolds of Calgary is visiting at her home here, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell and daugh- ters, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Campbell's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Murdock. The regular council meeting that was to be held on Tuesday, Aug 5th, was postponed for a week to Aug, 12. A. large number of our citiztns are taking in the Old Boys' celebration at Seaforth this week, 1'}.ey all report having a splendid tame and arc great- ly pleased with the enterta !anent put on by the Old Boys' committee, and also of the splendid way the Mown has been decora'ed. The De- troit old boys went through here on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Robt, Higgins has bean con- fined to her roopt this week with heart trouble. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery, Mr. Chas. Cook of Chicago is visit- ing his mother and his brothers here. A number of local Conservatives are making arrangements to attend the big Conservative picnic to be held at Stratford on Aug. 20th. Quite a number of Hensall people took in the dollar day held at London on Thursday last. " Postmaster Sutherland and Charles Jinks took in the Old Boys' Celebra- tion at Seaforth on Monday. Mr, S. Merner who has been re- pairing his threshing machine and engine at Moore Bros. machine shop this last two weeks, now has his ma- chine in splendid running order and will be in shape for another big mason in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Boa will again assist him this fall. Miss Irma Rennie and friend, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, - Rev. Dr. McConnell is taking a month's holidays and Dr. Fletcher is taking his place here at the Presby- ' terian church during his absence. Mr. Jahn Penhale, of Dashwood, visited friends in town on Saturday. BRITCEFIELD. Quite a number of people have vis- itors who came to attend the reunion in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Hudson of. Marlette, Mich., were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Douglas. Mrs. John Lawrence of Mandium visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen. Mrs C Brock and Mrs. J. Jameson entertained Mr, and Mrs. Gardtouse from Owen Sound, Mrs. McInnis, of Port McNichol), Mr, and Mrs.' Ben- nett, West Branch, Mich., Mrs. F. Taylor, Michigan, and Mrs. Fowler of Owen Sound. Do not allow worms to sap the vitality of your children. If not at- tended to worms may work ireparable harm to the constitution of the, in- fant The little sufferers cannot voice their ailment, but there are many signs by which mothers are made aware that a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is necessary. These powd- ers act quickly and will expel worms from the system without any incon- venince to the child. • Holloway's Corn Remover takes the corn out by the roots. .Try.it and prove it, '` TOWN TOPICS. (Continued from Page 5.) Mrs. Bert Wetmore (Florence Campbell), St. Charles, Mich.- Miss Agnes Hast:e, Detroit. Mrs, E. J. Braithwaite aElizabeth Campbell) Chicago. • Evelyn McFaul, Toronto, Edith H. Coeen., Toronto, Iva Kreigi, Preston. Mrs. E. Minnett (Etta Box), Toronto. J, E. VanEgmond, Toronto. R. A. Brett,,S•trathroy. :11rs. Fowler, Owen Sound. \lots, E, _A. A\ illiatus, 'Brantford; Atlas brace \\'il1 tats, Brantford. \dr: and flrs, W. P. Tick, Hamilton Mrs. Ed. I: poach,:Toronto, Airs, M. L. Dugan, Mintteapoli4. \lis, \\•, Clark, Cleveland. Air. and Mrs, C. E..\Iexander and Peggy, llespeler. 11. Coulter, Weston, C. \\'atson. Toronto. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9; Effie McLeod, Detroit: 1tr W. J Fowler Leamington. Mrs.. 1:: Soarers; New jersey. R. V. Somers, Tarrytown, N.Y. E, R. Wigle, 1LP.P., Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Williams, Toronto, 11rn, C, .\Itniaii, London, J, E, Willis, Windsor, Mame and Rene Murray., Hamilton, Edward 1c Feel, St. 'Phomas. I. Holman, Stratford. Mr. and \lrs, Kaiser, \ln•'to law, dren and Mrs, D. Davis, of Toronto, are visitorsat the home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Al, Sheffer; \lr. and Iti's,` Cudmore and family, 1lsborne, and lir. and Mrs, 'E, Daley and fancily, of Walkerton, arc visit- ing Mr, and Mrs. Daley, Goderich street, Miss Agnes Hastic, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs. G.'T. Turnbull. Mr, and Mrs, Donald Shaw - of Ridgetown, Mrs, Edshoffer of Wind- sor and Miss Jessie Buchanan of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, E. Rall (Tena Reid). Detroit, 0. Rail, Detroit. Mrs. R. J. Naylor, New York: Lois Naylor New rrrk, aa-, F. t'i.ate. New Fork. hit ..I-.ank Ne tdiek t Ethel f:.ue,,1, Tort ata, j. B Henderson. - enderson. Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. J. Frank Beattie, St. C athar;nes, Mr. and \lr,. •t;co. E.. Kerley,. Brighton, Ont.• \V. C. and Mrs, Mackay, T,w,ntto, 1, C. McIntosh, Whirl,. ales. Wilson. 'Toronto. R. A. and \ha \Vis n Nett York, Louis Bunsen, littchemr, J. A. Murray, Hamilton. J. Jamieson, 'Toronto,. W. Brine. Toronto. Mary McLeod, Woodstoek. Robert McLeod, Woodstock. • Margaret Fortune, Detroit, Mrs, P, F. Carpenter, Duluth. W. L. and T W. Forttme, Detroit. A. D. and Mrs. SIecth and family, Sarnia Mrs. H. Meekly, Ottawa. T. Crosbie, Oakville. 3, Lyon, E. Dow•eli, F. A. Hasket, J. R. Fisher, Oakville P. E. Steinman, Tavistock. W. R. and Mrs. \'eale and Howard, Ingersoll. Miss Helen Alurray, Tavistock. L. G. Prendergast, Chicago J. L, Hanley and M. j. Prendergast, Chicago, 3. B. Anderson, Los Angelos, Cal, W. T. Biggs, Burlington. ' Eph. and Mrs. Dennis, Teeswater. 3. R, Lyon, Toronto. Murray Tyndal, Detroit. J. A. McLaren, Toronto. Jos. and Mrs. Dawson, Preston. Mrs, 3 Keenan, London Jas. and Mrs. Reid and daughter. London. •Annie Henderson, Katharine Hender- son Buffalo. SEFOR"l'H FIRE BRIGADE. It enc 13r,tvn 'Toronto. E. \ Sperling, Kincardine, i.3 is i t- , tit: nein. A. J. Bingen, Weston. Lilian Martin, Toronto. Mrs. J. h C us'.ey, Toronto. Mary J. Magill, Irvington. Cal, \iri. E. A. Charters, Oklc noma. \1 r, and Mrs. 11. Best, Toronto, H. May, Detroit; R. Reid, Detr,dt. Jos. Robinstio, Detroit, I t Bell, l orunto, 11. Spears Toronto. Sparling, Cleveland, Chas. Walker and family, 'Toronto. Margaret and Dorothy Daley, \\'alkertou, J. D. Buchanan. London. Mr. and Mrs. )high \V, Hunter, Grimsby. \iri, J. W. jo}nt. Lucknow•. • Niro. W. h 'Allison, Milton. Mrs. Emily MeG. Legg, \Vinl>.,r, A. Whiteside. Hensall, A. R. Oke. Toronto,, Wm. Higgins. Clinton. \ustin lIoggarth, Toronto, Geo. Stogdill, Toronto. \V. H. Coates, Toronto.- -Mr. and Mrs. David Mole and family, Rochster. - A1r. and Mrs. Alex. Casniore, and family, Petrolia, A. Downey, London. \1r, and Mrs. C. Edwards, London. J. H. Findlay, Caledonia, I?dgar Farewell, Grimsby; A. Pat- terson, Grimsby. S. Holman, Toronto, Mrs. E. Sherrie, Kitchener. Leslie McKay, Kitchener. Samuel billing, Hensel], Milton Allman, 'Elmira. Trane Cmhaltz, Gladys Hilson, •Donald Colquhonn, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11:. Colquhoun, Niagara Falls, N -.Y. Mrs, F. G. Sparling, Toronto. Cordetia Sparling, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Robb, Detroit. Jas. Robb, Detroit. Elsie Modeland, London, R. M. Best, Bracebridge, Mrs. C. Baughman, \\ allaeebut txr .n fsr t t, gra. ,ills. Webster, Dios,,.. cr. R. J. Dunmore, St. Thomas. W. M. Scott, London. 3. G. Imlay,MDetroit.' Dr. and }t l 11r} f. ll are ds C. Kellam visiting Mrs, James iicattic, \Ir. Clifford Trott, who has been attending .Norma} schaol at Hamil- ton, is visiting at his home. Clifford has secure) a position as continual':m class teacher at moth River, Parry Salami district, Dr. and Mrs. Paterson, of Lucknow, and Mr, Jahn McLeod of Brantford, and 31 s. Pearson of l:ntiiro, \1r'. A. G. Calder, Hickson and Mrs. Brandy and two slaughters, Stratford, are v',tting Mors. Jessie Brown. Victoria .:reel, 31r. K. Pilintan of Seatle, George Madge of Ilrazonria, Texas, and ,Miss 31, Thompson, Detroit. Mr. Harry Jackson, Afr. F. C. Jackson of Mon- treal and Mr, Geo. Jackson are visit- ing Miss Jackson of ilgmondville, Mr, Jas, Brown, Mr. and Mrs, 1'I. T. Clancy and daughter, of Detroit; Dr, and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Al- bany and Dr. Chas. and Mrs. Camp- bell of New York are guests at the home of -\L, and Mr,. Chas. Stewart, Mr, and Mfrs, A. Middlemost and Robert and Miss Mildred Johustttn, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Revell and Airs. C. Campbell, of Hamilton, are visit- ing Mr. Thos. Johnston's, \1r, Pearson Grieve is visiting his father, Dr. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Minnett of Toronto, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. T. Box. Mr, Leonard Bateman and Miss Gertrude Bateman are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bateman. Mr. C. Eckert made a business trip to London last week. Sister Clavor from Toronto, accom- ilensel; are visitors at the home of 31r anti Mrs. R. H. Sproat, \t '"lin Dickson and daughter Alice, of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- son. Dr. James Hogg and daughter, of i restou, are visiting his brother Mr. Robert Ilo g. Messrs, .Austin and Norman Wheel- er and \ie. Douglas Gillespie, of De- troit, are Reunion visitors at the home of 31r, and Mrs, W. Edmonds. Dr. and Mrs. Yale and son and Mrs. (Dro 3!cDonalrl of Sault Ste, Marie, Mr. an,! i1rs. George Scott, Toledo, ide. and Mrs. Moffatt and fancily, Ha- milton, are gneste of Mr. and •Mrs, H. R. Scott, Mrs. M, J. O'Neil, who spent a few days with Mrs, D. Shanahan, returned on Thursday to her home in Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and little son, i!r, and Mrs. D. Anderson, Chicago. and 'Mrs. C. Ross of Hamil- ton are visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs W. R, Smith. \dr. James Willis is home from De- troit, Miss '1'. 1lolntee, of Boston, Mr. Glen Holmes and son Jack, of To- ronto, are visiting their father Mr. S. '1'. Holmes. Mr. Brett and daughter Ruth, Mr. and Airs, C. Dill and Mr. and Mrs. C. Beckett and daughter Beryl, of Straehroy. are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Box. Mr, and Mrs. J, L. Yuill and little son Alex,. of Kitchener, are visitors of Mr, and Mrs, F. Hohnested. -Mrs. Bertram Bolton, Dayton, 0., (nee Winona Berry) is a guest of Miss Gladys Thompson. Misses hate and Annie Henderson, Buffalo, are visiting Mrs. A. Mc- Dermid, Mr. George Fowler, Fargo, Dakota, is a guest of Miss Fowler. Misses Mary and Carrie Shaw are visiting Miss Emily Deem. SEAFORTH HIGHLANDERS BA ND, 1 W. J. Hays, Welland. H. and Mrs, Roberts, Toronto. Mrs, Bates, Toronto, C. D. and Mrs, Rene (Minnie Carlin) and family, ;Long Beach, Cal. Mrs; Fred Oster, Brussels. Mrs. Hugh Campbell, Brussels, Thos. and Mrs. Healy, Toronto. Ruth J. Brett, .Strathroy. Mrs. C. H. Wilson, . -Chicago, W. J. Braithwaite, and Alfrd, Chi- cago. Mrs. N. H. Sutherby, St. Charles, Mich. J. A, and Mrs, Chesney, Grosse Isle, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Canning, Toronto Mrs. Frank Taylor, St. Clair, Mich, Mrs. Wm. Biggar, Dort McNichol. Mrs. J, S. Millar, Vancouver. Lena Graham, Toronto" Mrs. Jas. Littlejohn (Emma John- ston) ,and daughter Vera, Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt, .Beattie, Guelph. Rory Modeland, London, Daisy McLeod, Pt, Huron. Cecelia Horan, Winghanc. Lillian Hall, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. -Harris, Dresden J. Morrison, Haaniota, Man, R. J Dorsey, Hamilton. I. M. Woods, Bayfield. ' Isabella McLeod, BaYfiedd. G, •M, Woods, Bayfield, W. F. Ai'tcheson, Rosetown, Sask. Mr, and Mrs. H. Norton, Detroit. Beatrice Norton, Detroit Mr. and Mrs, H. R. Colbert, London Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Colbert. llder tion. W. Brownlee, 1..ucan. panied by Sister. Gregory, are visit- ing their friends in this vicinity. Mr,' Joe Eckert had a painful opera- tion in St. 'Joseph's hospital, London, last week after a piece of steel had. penetrated his arm while at work on his separator. He had to have an X- ray taken to locate it and , is doing well since. International Bickle Co. were here with fire appliances under charge of J. W. Kilbride. Mr. and Mrs, A, Farrow,and family,. Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jakes of Clifford and Mr, ad Mrs. R. Mills of Ethel are visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pethick. Mrs, Abraham, of Portland, is a visitor .at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Beattie. Mr, and Mrs: J. Marcus -and ohil- Mrs 1M. V. Rowse and daughters of SEAFORTH MARKETS. Toronto are visiting Air. and Mrs. W. W.-] Co wan Marlcet,spreet "'Mr. James, and -Miss rllafgaret: Mc- Quaid; Toronto, ate visiting at the homes of their uncles, Messrs. Frank ande McQuaid, McKillop, and taking, in the old boys' reunion. CROMARTY, htr, and Mrs, Hugh Currie and Mrs, Henry of Stratford are under quaran- tine at present owing, to little Itsgh having a light attack of scarlatina Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDougall; and son, of Kingston, are visiting at the old home of the former at present, Mr, and 'Airs A. C, Russell, of Avo'nton, spent last Friday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Graham, . Mrs. Jno. Little, and son, of Sea - forth, were recent visitors with friends here, Mr. and firs, Russell Scott and fancily and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Kellar and Miss Mary wre Sunday visitors in Brussels. Ravi and Airs. Ritchie and family are spending the month of August at their cottage near Kincardine where Mr. Ritchie may enjoy golf, as the golf links are. nearby. Rev. R. G. and Mrs, McKay and little son, of Dresden, are holidaying this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Scott, who in tam are spending the summer sojourning on the British Isles, having attended, the .S_.S, convention in Glasgow itt June. Mr. and Mrs, McCulloch and fain- ily spent Saturday •in Stratford, Mrs. McCulloch 'returning Home after a couple of week's absence with rela- tives near Mitchell. Mrs, Tufford and Miss -\d. D. Gorle are spending this week with Air. and Mrs, Neil Gillespie in Seaforth to enjoy the great celebration of the town. Very many from here attended the church service on Sunday as well as motoring in nightly to enjoy the frac and programme. The friends of Mr, and Mrs, An- drew Oliver, now of London, but for- merly of this congregation, were pleased have them at the morning service here on Sunday. A[rs, Quance 'of Exeter and family are visiting with relatives. Mr. Will Howe and cousin, Mr. Burrows, of Stratford, spent last week at the hone of the former. Miss Ethel Howe returned to Stratford with her brother to enjoy "Old Boys' week there, Robt. McKellar is'il'1 at present and under the doctor's care. Mr. ,Sandy 3ttKellar and daughter Sarah are spending a few days at Sea - forth at the home of Mr and .Mrs Mal- colm 1frKellar. Misses'Belle and Marion Watson, of Port Arthur, are guests of their brother, Mr. James Watson. Mi. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh, of Sarnia, lir. and Mrs. E. A, McIntosh of London and Mr. and Mrs, A, R. 011iver, London, are visiting Mrs, James McIntosh. • Miss Bernice Logan and ,Mrs, Mary A, Johnstone of Lucknow, are visit- ing Mrs, G. D, Haigh. Miss Kate Broadfoo't has returned from Milwaukee. Mrs: Carrie Letter, Ypsilanti, Mich., I' and kir, and Mrs. Robert Coattes, London, Mr. and Mrs. T. Winter and Mr, Warren Ament of Detroit, and Mr. ,Badge, of Texas, are guests of !Mr; and Mrs. W. Ament. Mrs. A. Chesterfield of St. Marys, is visiting Mrs: B, O'Connell., WAL'I ON. Miss Ernestine Sellers has accepted the position of Principal of Milford Bay two roomed school near Mus- koka Lakes. She is at present et the O,A.C., Guelph,taking part II. of summer course in agriculture. We like her ambition. She is a cousin of Mrs. Enoch Clark, of the village. Miss Edna Waghorn, a former resident, who has been confined to bed since last February as the result of an accident on the toboggan slides at Toronto, is now able to walk a short distance with the aid of crutches. Her many, friends here hope she will soon be as hearty' as ver. \�Ve,are glad to know that HoW-. aned Bolger, Brussels, who broke his leg a couple of mon't'hs ago while playing football, is able to be about again' even if •he has to utilize crutches for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. G. Clark, who have been holidaying during the past week in Muskoka, have returned home. While there they were guests of the former's uncle and cousins at the Windmere Inn, Muskoka Wharf. A number from this district took in the Seaforth Reunionwhich has been going on over the week -end. All re- port -as to thoroughly enjoying them - The play "Safety First" was well presented in the A.O.U.\V. hall on Friday evening last under the auspices of the farmers' club by Clinton tal- ent, They did their parts in an en- tertaining and interesting, manner, and will be welcome back. A $50 house greeted them. selves. W, W. and Mrs. Hoy of this burg were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Clark, Morris tp., the latter being a daughter. The old .folk. are 78 and 76 years of age re- spectively and are enjoying fairly -ggod health., lta1?"3s t. James and John McCall, of Aberrat'hh Sask., are here on a visit to their mother,' Mrs. Wm. McCall, who is in poor health. Also other rela- tives and friends. The brothers are former Morrisites. Barrister W. Rea, of Edmonton, Alta, is a 'welcome visitor in our midst. His family is holidaying with relatives at Port Stanley. Wednesday August,6th. , Wheat, perlibusl1el , .'rri120 Oats, per bush'i Barley; per buselhel 655 Buckwheat, per bushel i0 Peas, per bushel $1.25 to $1.4,0 Shorts, per cwt $1.60 Bran, per cwt. $1.50 Flour, per bag $3.35 to $3.75 Butter, per ib. 30e Eggs, per dozen 24c -25c Hogs, per cwt. $9.00 FARM FOR EXCHANGE or SALE Wanted, a farm "of 100 acres or more between Seaforth and .Mitchell, in exchange for 100 -acre farm all under cultivation, with good build- ings, located eight miles from Lon- don, Ont, Convenient to electric car line and Highway, NIORRISON BROS., 34 Glanworth, Ont, HOUSE FOR SALE. • For sale on East William street, a frame house, 8 rooms, hard and soft water in house, good cellar under all, good garden, good chicken haus& and run. House good as nese, one block from Collegiate, Apply to ADAM HAYS, Seaforth. tf • FOR SALE. Beautiful home for sale on the corner of James and Wilson streets, Seaforth. Large solid brick hoose and kitchen with slate roof, conta'n- ing 15 rooms and pantry with built-in cupboards, 4 beautiful fireplaces, large attic, 3 -roamed basement, hot wafer heating, 3 -piece complete bath, water on tap, wired for elect -de stove, large grounds, ornamental trees, fruit trees, garden. Frame stable and garage, As owner has moved to Toronto, noreasonable offer will be refused for quick sale, GEO. D. C. HARN, 222 Seaton st,, Toronto, HOUSE TO RENT. House to rent on the corner of John and Louisa streets. Electric lights and furnace, Apply to F. G. NEELIN, (tf) FOR SALE. - Six -roomed house attd garret on the corner of Market and Louise street, Seaforth, Newly painted, electric lighted, good basement and good back kitchen. Apply to MRS. FORTUNE, on the premises, or phone 221J. tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute he that behalf that ail creditors and others having claims against the estate of Susan Constable, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Married - woman, who died on or about the 4th day of July, 1924. are required ou or before the llth day of August, 1924. to send by post or deliver to Best & Best, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitors for the Executors, full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit. And Take Notice that after said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among' the parties entitled ,thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall n'tt have been received by them at the time of such distribution. BEST & BEST, Seaforth Ont. Solicitors for the Executors. Dated at Seafortdt. Ont., the 22nd day of July, 1924. 32 Dr.WB. Nimmo D.e., Sp. C. Registered Chiropractic S pec ialist Spinal, Nervous and Chronic Diseases treated successfully by the latest methods of natural therapeutics, spinal adjustment, and Corrective dietetics, etc. HEAD OFFICE OVER SEAFORTH PHARMACY Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturn., Hours: 10 to 12 aim, 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 pini, Saturday -10 to 12 aim. 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays by Appointment.