HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR, 11111•11.111•111, THE gEargitinif @MO J. F. SNOWDON. Proprietor. INotice to Subscribers 1 1 The News is printed and placed in Seaforth post office I every Wednesday evening in Itime to reach town and rural a route readers on Thursday. Subscribers who fail to get it 1 that day will confer a favor by notifying the publisher prompt- 2 1 ly. 0 General Observations .A welcome home is extended. by The News to every 01(1 Boy and Girl to Seaforth. The •thrill you get 43 the old town of your birth Comes in sight after a long absence is better and different from ouy other. You mall know that thrill which those who stay at home will never know, however much they lore the home of their nativity. The old town greets you with joy and those at home get the joy of the 'warm clasp of the hand which brings back the memory of the good old days. perhaps long past. but well remembered. Everything is in shape now for be reception of the Reunion, with the a gone to MusTeoka for a fortnight. -While ,there they will be guests of the former's uncle, Mr. :Thos, Clark; of the "Windmere Inn," a summer ee.i. sort, and before returning they our - pose taking a trip through New Ontario. A crouquet lawn is arranged at Duff's church grounds,. • Some farmers are ploughing l'or the Fall wheat crop for 1925 during wet weather periods, and from all ap- pearancea we should judge thy were doing the same .in !surrounding dis- tricts. The season is passing rapidly to winter conditions again, The spring grains, oats and bartey are heading out now and looking faie- ly well .and the late harvest will soon' be on. Farmers are expecting plenty of part-time help when "Old Boys arrive for the reunion in Seaforth. Corn is backward in growth as a rule, which is attributed mainly to late planting and cool summer nights. A large percentage of apple grow- ers in Huron County have just :me- pleted putting on a late scab and side - worm spray. A number have used nicutine-sulphate for aphids which are particularly had this spring, We are informed by the various honey producers through the district that the production of honey will be possibly, the smallest in a great many years, as the scarcity of flowers and the weather not being sufficiently warm and the bees have not ')een active enough to gather more honey than they will require kr their entre. Some beekeepers have advised ue that they do not intend to even exteact any honey from their hives this year. Huron Bean Growers Organize. A meeting of 200 bean growers of the County of Huron was held at ?mace oe Wednesday night, fnly 23rd, when f' Is 'i were adopted and loho Laporte and George Larlon ippointeil directors, Mr. Oscar KI 1)9 vas chairman. It was decided to ctively affiliate with the Ontario Bean Growers' _kssociation. Alt int 0 per CCitt. of the bean growers in luron are now controlled by :he aeof dganination and more growers are oinino, l'he organization of the biggest o•operathe busittess in Ontario was tnipleted Thursday evening at St. homas when the 3 Elgin directors or the Oattario Bean Growers' Co. operative Aesociation were elected: tel also directors for Kent and Huron, i. other twi-! counties represented. The organization has over a thousand I 4.4. members at present. all of whom is* have contracted their entire trops for the next five years with the As, aociation, The membership :elves ife sents more than 80 per cent. tif the tsi Ontario bean production, and eli- te' or r- rs ie a new pavement and the new paint aa over town and the magnificent flowere and well -kept grounds, the old resid- ents will hardly reognize the towa. That only goes to show that Seaforth is glad to welcome back her visitors and is making every effort to show e her gladness. The Mayor will give a them the keys and throw the lona a open. I GENERAL OBSERVATIONS BY W. H. "Some day 111 wander hack agai, The time is drawing near what we trust that many of ,Jur oid Be: and Gies, who once weee /mile figures on our streets. will be wit us once again. We heartily welcome them _a. and A". 1,1 nroxiately 70 per cent. of the to hr Canadian crop. The canvass f members is not yet completed, pa ticularly hee-Elgie, and the dirt a. are confident that the membereao can be increased to 1,300 or 1,400 in ** Both Premier King and Oppositio Leader Meighen have asnaiunee their intention of starting out on a • extensive speaking tour, and Mei a contrast there will be between th utterances of these two men. :ear King's speeeltes will be cryptic, eves ive, involved. circuitous, and merited by an entire absence of any exit: sum of loyalty to the British Emnire; while those of Mr. Meighen will be clear , understandable presentsto of the policy of the Conservative Party, and they will be iuttilt.3 witit a spirit of loyalty to the Great En.- pire to which s. many of us are proud ti, belong. Otte titing about t' • ., on Main street, weuld ise very pain ful to Mr. Premier King. •oul that ie the absence of the Stars and Snipes! from among the many flag, disolaye I. But .Or. I<in inui,t .enostOn.r. teat. short time, representing 90 per cel ,if the Ontario crop. At preee •' 1_he association will handle abo ell0000 ltue-hela of beans a yea a, with a turnover of more than millbit dollars annually. ; The principal objects of the associ el lion as outlined hy W. R. 1R.ee • manager of the dominion experimen - al fart» at Ridgetown, who ha,; bee promiment in the work of orgailiza tion, are stabilizing of prices throng the elimination of price cutting. th I improvement in the quality of bean 1 produced. and the widening of tit markets. glumly through atandardie tion -of distribution , More than 30000 bushels of for ; erten beans were imported bit o Cans ada last year, -chefly from japan and 1 the Danubian regions of • Ceiitral Eitreee. These went chiefly to the largest users in Canada. the cammrs in Montreal and other large Eastem centres, u 1, required Single orders of from 10,0110 to 100,000 bushels of 1 beans of high and dependable quality. ' Hitherto no Canadian grower could meet these demaitelslay cia- operation tool uniform inspection of sh1Pei local growers w.11 aso.1 1it1s(v these large buyer:, 1/11-1-e1or, 1:,•• !1s ,rgamiza“.011 r4i oriden filen; markets in On- tarfo, andperhaps tr. the Wesi,bi tioptilariating the lomn. an.1 by ..;r- io,ging for the distributhot sf tile oroalittt le standardized Itackages. 11. et r, a a - k, t - e and so the people generally pay so as s, to get the soldiers to move on Then e the country is infested with bandies who pillage at will. The opium aurae, which before the revolution had been got pretty well under control, is tow as bad as ever and civilized countries l'are seekiag commercial gain at the I expense of debauching the people !China. Through it all the missionary ea take comfort front the growth of th numbers of Christians in China an the progress of the various sphere I of the work. Rev. W. 31. Kannawinof ton, spoke on Wednesday tigiit. , Thursday night Mrs Earle, of Chile , spoke and on Friday evening Rev. t I W. Dentine. On Saturday everting th inieaionary play, "The Pill Bottle was presented by the North ,Stree Missiou Circle and on Sunday eves ing \V. E. Milleon gave an aa j dress. CLINTON, BLYTH ENTRANCE The following are the results of the recent Entrance examination re - stilts at 111:,111 and Clinton. Marks will lo sent in a few (lays to unsue- iresful canilidatais and certificates but not marks tr, sucessful candidares. \Inmate 5,0' the reconsideration of answer limier, must be sent to the In- snectr liefore he middle of August. Dorothy alanning stood highest with inarlo, out of a total of 730. Clinton. W. Ball, S. Ball, D. Bartliff, L. Biggin, L. Bolton, M. Cole (It), A. Cnittnden, M. Cudinore (h), W. Dale, P. Easom, G. Evans, M. Flynn T. Flynn, A. Fraser, D. Freeman, H. ',remelt, E. Hall (0), M. Hunter, ). Innis (0). J. Lavis, M. LeBeau (h), M. Little (h), A. Mair, D. Mail- ing (h), D. Matheson (h), P. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1024. PROGRAMME FOR Cram Band Tattoo SEAFORTH DRIVING PARK T . , IAugs' , . At .Eight O'clock, Sharp BAND CONCERT BEGINNING AT 7 P. M. FOR ONE HOU.R. Please come Early, and don't miss any part of this splendid programme. 1. GRAND MARCH by the following Bands. Each Band will play special Selected March. 1. SEA FORTH kll GH LANDER BAND. 2. MITCHELL BRASS BAND, ' 3. NEW YORK PIPE BAND. 4. KITC'FIENER BUGLE BAND. 5. CLINTON KILTS E BAND. ti. BRAMPTON CI PLZEN'S' BAND. 7. ST. MARY'S KIUTIE BAND. 8. WATERL-00 'MUSICAL SOCIETY BAND. 5 2 •MASSED BANDS. 3. ACROBATS and TUMBLERS. 4. STUNTS. 5. SPECIAL SELECTION. 6. CORNET SOLO. 7. SPECIAL DRILL 8. SPECIAL SELECTION. 9. FANCY DANCING. 10 SPECIAL SELECTION 11 CATHEDRAL CHIVIES 12 SELECTION 13 MASSED BANDS ta) The National Anthem. (b) "0 Canada." hlaylor 4;i Gaylor, of Detroit. Trig Melail and Trained Dogs, llrampton Citizens' Band. Bandonan James Algie an4 Brampton Band. lames Robbs Drill Corps New York Pipe Band. Mies Flora Jean Murdoch, of Detroit. Waterloo Musical Society Band Proi. Thiele. Director Watsrloo Bead Kitchener Btagle Band Maple Leaf. Followed by Grand March of all the above Bands, accompanied by Grand Display of Fireworks, in charge of Prof. Hand, of Hamilton, ears Parked on East Side of Park Only PLEASE CO ME EARLY. speaker, and he told of the °lick HURON NEWS. clouds of militarism, banditry and the opium traffic in China,. through; Brussels. • which, however, the missionary sees the silver lining of the growth of Last week a fire scare was on the Christianity. programme, the danger spot bele Rev. Mortimore represented Chi as in the hands of generals or grou of generals who exact toll threat of pillage. If the soldi are not paid they will resort to h g n f the Canadian National Express of- fice, of which John Wright is the 96 agent. The cause is attributed to by the dropping of a match into the .ot 6 waste paper basket after the proprie- tor had lighted his pipe. Mr, Wright was at home .getting his breakfast when the fire was discovered, but ready hands soon drenched out the blaze that was making good headway and would have soon demolished the frame building. The till under the counter got a warming up and some of the money had more than the of smell of fire on them. The fire engin was out hut fortunately was not e, needed. in the great Reotiblie to the s;ditli I which he oce'l liecatist zat' forded Irina a 411-e!ter in the time oil British Hag wee.d1 lac a' lowed to appear 'a: any ivlii, 1; Tuig•it tiler,. 0i. hell. 72 nr.Ot..1t. weather condittoes in Lim Pelit Province have greatly inior; :ed Cie!' ! crop outlook. ,,* It requires -mil! for hems but you cannot ! a ee • ! * Iliad itftice, the assoelation a ill cate;.1 Ridgetown. A presidsmt il' he elected bt. the directors thorn. sda..4. rho •,ing one of their nutn't.ir.! is utli it:. emanent seere.tary. 1,1e i4rt rs criinprises , tieiteliers. kin then Nene two from and tin-, from liligin. rio u.. [1 to- are G.!org, t 3101 fiihn Lapr-ir_if *** The dentist is a reptstab:e Ina,' re! is admitted joyfully to the soc'ar :\ I circle, and it realle• e lolly good Se fellow," and yet, notwithstanding all, t this, he does not hesitate, with pain' ' and violence to deprive us of our 1 ' achers, I di *** Since the ladies have taken to bit': -I th P ing their hair "bobbed." ought not the' ile Goderich Summer School, 1,,...dench summer school opened 'moles- morning of last week in •orth street Methodist church, when he Constance Sunday school pre- enteil the missionary pageant. "The eight of the World." This is a pro- uction which was first given in akin and has been given in many, laces since, and a lady who eaw 7 Pageant in Goderich and had en it previously in St Louis, Na...s• card to remark that it was better " An old resideht, James Parr; died at his home aged. 69, He . wet oper- ated on. recently. He was twice married, his first wife being Miss afary Riordan. who left two sops, and one daughter. She died in 1900. . is s ea. ond wife was Miss Maryi ,l Crozier.. of McKillop. The-- family el lived for many years in Grey toora-t _ 21i!: aVeTavrtid„3asyegarre'sar et:te,=.1 and the bereaved have the synmathy i of all. The funeral was mond netd by 1 Rev. C. F. Clarke. studio of the tonsorial artist callee gi a Barber and Bobbing Shop ? fif WALTON. ap Second Victim Dies.—i\ wrock w took place .on. the C.P.R. Sittriay, I co July 20th, east of Walton, when seven ears in the train loaded .vith1 itt wheat, salt and flour from Gorki -hoe a went off the track and were smashed an to pieces, the crew escaping. .1 wrecking train was sent tip from T1 milt() to clear the wreckage. While eo • this was being done ;in Tuesday ;a' lig last week. the boom the auxiliary tit derrick struck Robert hray. of Wo,t ing Torr;01,,, killing him instantly, and the • frightfully injuring Thomas Ashdown,' nf dcEwen (0), R.. hfchficha_el, H. echger (0), T. Pickett (0), W. Rey- nold, C. Reynolds (h), R. Reynolds. . 'af. Riley. A. Salter (h), S t n R Shohbrook, G. with, Snell, N. Snell, ale teyenselef. Streets, E. Thompson, 1), A. Vanderburg, H. Venner (b), Venner (h). H. Watkins (0), J. reir, C. Williams. Blyth. M. Addison, D. .N.nrierson, W. 13e0, f. Bell, A. Bryant, K. Cowan, G. owan, S. Cunningham, D. Geddes, Heffron. B. Hoggart (11), -C• cicsou (0), J. T,aidlay (11), II. eslie (h), FT, McEwing, G. Mei:in- n. Atain, A. Parsons, L. Pople- oae, S. Richtnond, S. Robinson, tioldick; P. Taylor, M. Taylor, G. limey, B. Weytnouth, P. Young,- ut. ven by the Con:stance pupils. About ty took part and the costumes ' ere beautiful. The first character to 11. pear ie one of the prophets of old ho makes a prophecy foretelling the ming of the Light of the World. ' len the scene shifts to the manger (i Bethlehem in which the light of le candle appears. The Magi come. d present their gifts. The mother " there and ainge a sweet lullaby. tree beautiful angels appear. Then Ines the emelt of Christianity and a its her candle from the tight in (".. e cradle. Eaticatiop, Bible teach- J. , and so on, appear and all take la illumining power from the light L the cradle. At the back h.; the r or 13ethielient. The pageant rat ;1.1 y beautiful in its prelsentation and; si eymbolie ' Tt 1,1 'Ttieedev evening Rev. W. G. I hi rtimore, B.A., of China, was the hie enmpanion, of the same place. The latter wee taken to the Geao.el hoapitat at Toronto where he died an Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs,. Wm. G. Clark h see Ste yet. in 1.1 • Rer. l\ fr. Clarke and family havel left for a holiday visiting earl:nil placee near Sarnia. i Mr. John Crawford and wife, of I 1-uddington, efich., are visiting rela- tive,; and friends in the vicinity ofi Brussels. He teas born here. land daeghter, of Los Angeles, Cal., i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Creighton! , are spending a holiday with relativee. \ rink consisEtlixtreori W. J. Heaman, E. J. Christie. W. W. Taman and R. C. Seldon captured the Turnbull trophy at the London bowling tourna- ment last week. Mr. Stewart Stanhury has been ap- pointd Scoutmaster in charge of the Boy Scout camp in Muskoka this year, Rev. IV. J. Mortimer, a returned missionary from China, .visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunsford. 'Misses Geraldine Burke and Helen Haywood are spending their holidays in Lond•on. ' Mr. W. H. Newcombe, of Spolcane, Wash., is spending a few months with his mother. Zurich. Alr. and Mrs. A. Montz and family, of Guelph,. •were called' here owing to the death of Mee; P. Hauck the, ntother,o,f the former. . I Mrs. C. Litt, who has beeo visit - ie at the Evangelical parsienege, hae eft for her home in California. Mr. and Mre. FT. TClopp and Mee. Slfecesemai•e were recent visitors at li poine of Mr. and Mrs, • Wm. clopp. Gasoline is now selling here for 30 eats per gallon. bit at Kitchener It etails at 16e. Some are going there to fill up." Miss elaida Elizabeth Routledge vas married to Mr. Merrier R Felber R c y ev. J. G. T.itt, Stone -Bunt Clothes ,,,,,,-tv.,1,seastigrtdhe DR, H. HUGH ROSS, Physician jj and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- TAILORED TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL MEASURE. ence behind Dominion Bank. Office ;Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 106 FROM NOW OAlt N Woollens used in the manufacture of "STONE -BUILT CLOTHES" are treated with the famous Larvex Moth -Proofing Process, and guaranteed immune from the ravages of Moths under a $250,000 Globe Indemnity Bond. A BOND WITH EACH SUIT And EVERY SUIT GUARANTEED Demand This Bond. It a Your Protection. WHY DO WE GO TO THIS EXPENSE? BECAUSE Moths are the greatest factor in the destruction of • OlothMg that are laid away for even a short period. BECAUSE This new scientific discovery—The Larvex Process—. entirely eliminates any danger to your clothes from ravages of Moths and their Larvae, BECAUSE STONE -BUILT CLOTHES with the added attrac- tiort of the Larvex Moile Proofing Process, is a com- bination that defies all competition --that caunot be beaten. They- are built to your individual require- ments, 'There is ao extra charge to you. ,Stone=Built Clot M SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SEFe s es ueiseetaneenitatesanziramemmioraintuteaae'tee itz #‘76.4,4 't44. 'TAO Runion a •11 ECI LS This Week End A Couple of Down and Outs The Greatest English Comedy -drama since "The Better 'Ole," Featuring the famous English stars, Capt. Rex Davis and Edna Best The story of an ex -artilleryman and an ex -artillery horse. Produced in England and on Ypres salient. GLORIOUS ROMANCE MAGNETIC APPEAL TINGLING ACTION BREATHLESS MOMENTS Entirely different from anything ever shown on stage or screen. AFTERNOON SHOWS SATURDAY MONDAY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Jackie eoogan IN eircus 'Days rides Always look on a piano as a real, lasting gift. Something that will out -last affnost any other gift and also makes their house into a home. , • I am prepared to meet your wants and can guarantee to sell you at the closest prices as my selling costs are smaller than the city store, and you simply save this. I have in stock two new pianos, 1 Bell and 1 Dominion. See thea before you huy. It may mean big money to you. Jonathan Phone 13-616.3 miles West of Seaforth I also rent Pianos for Garden Parties, 1 I make delivery by truck anywhere. , DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street, Oast of the Methodist church. Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tele- phone No, 40. DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay, honor graduade of Trinity Univers- ity and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, DR, F. J. R. FORSTER.---Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England, At Commercial. Hotel, Seaf or th. third Monday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street smith, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford, General Fire, Life, accident & automobile INSURANCE AGENT end Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines • James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE pacKILLoP Mai Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers James Connolly, Goderich; Alex. James Evans, BeechwoOd, Vice Pres- ident; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors. Win, Rin, No. 2, Seafortin John Betzneweis, Brodbagen; „lames Evans, Beechwood: M. McEwen, Clinton; James Conollaa Goderich • ;Alex. Broadfoot, No, 3. Seaforth'; J. G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No, 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, Agents. Alex, Leitch, RR, 1, Clinton; E. Hinchley. Seaforth; j. A. 'Murray, 11- R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Flolmesville; R. G. Jarmouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance. or tranacst other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective Peateffices.. Don't Throw Your old earpets away Theymake new rover- slble"Velvetex" Rugs, send toe Yehisitex sadder 2 CANADA HU COMPANY' LONDON, ONT. Desirable House FOR "ALE To the person seeking a comfort- able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a mile from Seaforth postoffice. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good stable with cement flooring; fine or- chard,Possess1o0 can be given Ira - mediately. Further information may be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE, i ..........osseaoseaneemeeehhezo—nos.esese. • FEATHERS . WANTED Highest prices paid, Max Wolsh p hone 178, Seaforth, Mn7.-------"—"P'akafie°t1\IhlSs VilbeHaulitTyEtNotlAonNIT BEAUTIFY THE SKIN 1 cheaply for, „— i' 'by seueezing the juice of two bash lent- your face, neck, mile aro hordam •At the cost of a small jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- beautifier. ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beautifier, ens into a bottle containing three ounces toof ostrrelanrdthwehiltueice ecallthonaldfibnee taken freckles, sallowness and tan and Is so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tion will keep fresh for months, Every that Care aa • juice is used to bleach and remove such bleraishes as woman knows the ideal akin softener, whitener and Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at auy drug store and two lemons from the ro 4, quarter pint of this sweetly frb.greant ssosivisoms~sAINossooseiriands.oels.,Wids,",""sesiiss,""07, the few, neck, arms and hands. It is lemon lotion and messageit daily into marvelous to ernoothen rough, red lo&nds. •