HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-31, Page 3r''',17-17- ,, v-neneanaaasOrresea.'s• 7,I.TenlaenfWdeawe's-fe-aT... 'see • '• • ' •- ZF'Ff•ulseaseir""Seennall'''''',"," " What There's In it for the Scout- master Training in Leadership. No one can head a Scout Troop and give it leader- hip—the, proper leadership—without developing qualities which are of the highest value in every walk 00 1100. Tlie hero vvorshlp invariably given • Scoutmasters is an inspiration, which probablycannot be offered by any other role of leading; it compels, a men to live up to his beat. The recognized public service of the • Scoutmaster glees a standing in the coemmunity. The circle of acquaint. • "ances and friends made through the b03,5 is always -worth while. The association with the boys helps to keep a• man meetally alert.and gen- -, eaally "up-to-date." There are middle aged men who have dropped ten years in appearance and manner after tak- ing up Scouting. The ability to speak in public is developed, and the necessary ineldene al participation ie the Scout menet- env badge work is a valuable educa- tion The attention given,the physical de- velopment of the boys of the troop, th.e hiking and camping, bring direct pb.ysical benefit to the Seoutniester himself. ' Through Scout leadership the dell- ' dent, man will acquire self-aesurance, and learn to meet other men on a cein- mon ground of self-confidence. • In helping start a number of boys on the road to happy, practical, useful citizenship every Scoutmastec is mak. • ing a, man-sized contribution to Cana - doe future—how large a coatribution he may some day realize With a eatis- faction •that he would not barter for a Crown. If you would be interested in inak- ing Scout training available to the boys of your community write now to Provincial Headquarters, Bloor and Sherbourne Streets, Toronto. Earth's Population Doubled in 90 Years. . The population of the earth nee doubled in the last 90 years. To -day it is estimated at L747,000,000. The populatiop of the 'United States has been • doubling aeon- approximately each 30 yearsduring the last century. It was 25,000,000 in 1850, and 100,000,- 000 in 1910. If this rate of increase continues it will have grown to 700,- 000,000 in less- than 100 years. With the enormous papulation that will come with time, what will life in this country be like a few hundred years from now? -. • It will be as unlike our life aa our life is unlike that of the Indians who inhabited the continent of America be- fore the coining of Columbus, says Lieutenant Commander Fitzhugh Green. "rlie human element," he pre - diets, nwill lie removed from many phases of life. The Iceman, the gas- man, and the milkman all will disap- pear. In their places will be super- organizatiens of food supply, central heat and refrigeration. Men will live in a super -world. The fuel and water energy of the whole country will be lumped and distributed in the form of • electrio current. There will be the suimeautoMobile, -costing but a song and never needing aepair; thesuper- radio, bringing liplike talking movies into the home; the super -plane and dirigible, both safe and swift; the super -surgeon, who will rid, us of Our useless organs at birth, the super -gov- ernment that will make wars a rare indulgence. 'Actual business structures will be skyscrapers from 75 • to 150 stories. high. Moving sidewalks, stairs, indi- vidual hedicopters, all will aid the in- dividual to move swiftly and in com- fort within the precincts' of his special Interests. • 'Improved methods of machinery and more efficient utilization of the • world's sources of power will have re- duced the working day to but a few hours. The residence suburb of the future will be a vast boulevard park filled with flowers, among which will dwell healthy men and woman who have never known disease. There will be golf coarses enough for all, mad PleYenound.s almost unlimited in ex- tent for children:In this section there will be no shops' or machinery, nor toil of any sort. Heat and light will • be sent by •radio from far distant generating stations to all the houses. Simply by pushing a button one will_ • be able instantly to .511M111011 such eeni forts, day or night. ,e-' 'Eventually the problems -Of chemi- cal nutrition will heave been eolved, • and es a corollary fatigue will be eradicated. ieieep • will be mere a -plea.suee than a necessity. There will be no need for bedrooms dining rooms or lcitchees, Rest will be taken in a secluded corner of the haaneevith talk- ing melee% opera and photographic. newt to make the lazy hour a pleasant, • , • RefreSilinRspw anilWonderfial toTaste The blended essence of choice good things growrt in the tropic sunshine of far.away lands— Coca. Colal—of course:— sealed in a sterilized glass pack. age that protects • its goodness and purity. Drink. Delicious and. Refreshin . The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd. Head Office: Toronto • C402 • • Angered by High Taxes, Peasants Attack Town. Three thousand peasants, armed chiefly with, cudgels and batchets, made an organized attack on the little town of Teano, near desert% says a Rome despatch., • Tbey stormed the Municipality, thing out the furniture, books and documents into the street, sprinkled them with benzine and soon had.a.gleantic bonfire blazing:, • • The Royal Commissioner, who was' in charge, was seized and beaten, but managed afterward to escape and hide in a haystack until the worst was over, After the Municipality 'came the turn. of the Customs Office, and then the Postoffice, but here the rioters were foiled by the courageous behavior of the postmaster and his daughter, who succeeded in barricading themselves ba and did not leave the building until by telephone and telegraph, they had called for help. from neighboring auth, oritiee. There were only a few care- binieri in Teams Most of them were presiding at the horse fah•—the riot - vim had chosen their day advisedly -- and the remainder was soon OV5PPOW, ered, one or two being rather severely wounded. It would seem that the riot le the final explosion of popular wrath against the high taxes and customs dues; which lute been simmering for some time. Order has now been com- pletely re-established and large de- tachments of troops have been Bent in- to Teano. •Yes, Indeed. Parsnip—"Mr. Onion pushed that big stone right out of his way." Tomato --"Yes, he's very strong, you know." AMMIMINIO --,n,e'Innas se a • as. erve Mustard. with all meats Mustard neutralizes the richness of fat foods and makes them easier to. digest. Mustard enables you to enjoy and assimilate food Which otherwise would burden the digestive orgaris, bittaitimHu.stbe s *3r The Change, The "three R's" now; The way they go Is Iteadin', And Radio., , O -- Fine for Tourists. Ono railroad of Ragland It eelllng tickets that include transpertatioe by tall, by autoniobile cOMPlete . board and lodgings in hotel, eeasea;sases.sre eeeelanseasS Why Busy Women Want MPeiicanie4WARE Busy women' want SMP Enameled Ware becatm8 it will bring food to the boil almost twice as fast as all -metal utensils, and com- pletes the cooking sooner. A woman can wash SMP Enameled Ware utensils faster than utensils that have to be scrubbed and scoured. \\ Three 'finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of 7.777.'717..aWlefl ''' • '',"".7-17.' • Where World's Tallest Men Are to, be Found. . 01 18 often said that the' tallest peo- ple are found in the temperate zonee, and the general idea ie that the Bra _ tish and the Scandinavians are the tallest races in the world, In how ever, you go carefully Into the 'figures You Will find that this tenet the ease. The average height of English, Scots and Scandinavian is- the seine. A. full -Frown Man of each race aver- ages '5" ft., 72-1 ins. In height. The 'nail are a fraction of an inch 'shorter and neat came Danes and Belgians. But these are not the tallest races. In the matter of inches, the recerds are held by Zulus, Iroquois Indians, Polynesians, 'arid Patagonian% The last, the tallest race in the world, aver- age 6 ft. 101-0 ins. • • Now .:the Zulus live in a seini-tropical climate, the 'Iroquois, in a. temperate one, the Poly- nesians in some of the bottest parts - of the world, while the ,Piatagonians inhabit the Horn of South Ameelea, one of the coldest and most miserable places on eerth. • In remarkable -contrast" to the Pata- gontans are the Laplander% who, re- siding almoet on the Arctic circle, are the shortest race on earth, a grown maw being only seven -tenths of an lash over 6 The more one studies, the matter the more puzzling it become% but one point seems clear enough—that cli- mate and latitude have nothing what- ever to do with height. Food and fresh air, indeed, have more to do with the development of Otto individual ,than climate, as is proved by the fact that- everywhere the lam laborer is taller than the artisan. A. striking example of this. le Pro- vided by Sootland, Where the farm laborer is four laches taller and thirty- six pounds, heavier titan the average Glasgow artisan, Again, the fishing population of the Yorkshire Coast ex - ailed the Sheffield workers by three inches 111 height and twenty-four pounds, in weight. • CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera Infantuni is one of.the fatal •allments of chladhood. It is a trouble tbat comes on suddenly, especially during the milliner months, and unless prompt action le taken the little one may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded sum- mer complaints. Concerning them Mrs., Fred Rose, South Bay, Ont., says:—"I feel • Baby's Own Tablete • saved the life or our baby when ale had cholera. infanturu and I would not be without them." Tho Tablets are sold by medicine dealere or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Hams' Medicine Co, Brookville, Out. No Chance. 1-Itiege—"Not married yet?" Tomkins—"No." "But I thought you had serious in- tentions in a certain direction." "I did have, but tile evening I went to propoSe to her, before I got a chance she told me she loved Brown- ing, and Kipling and Shelley, Now, what chance did I have with a girl who was in love with three other fel, lows?" Courage, Comrade. ' Yon cannot always recognize a man of science ae first sight. Mr, Robert II. Johnson in Remembered Yester- days tells of nearing an Finesse. wo. man, writer, say to Nikela Tesia, the brilliant inventor: "And you, Mr, Tesle, what do you do ?" "On, dabble a little lu electricity." "indeed! Keep at it and don't be discaueaged. Yon may end by doing something some day." This is the man who had sold the in- veatiens used at Niagara to the West- inghouse Company for a million dol- lars and had lived to rue the bargain! TIIE CAUSE OF SICKNESS Almost Always Due to Weak and Impoverished Blood. Apart from accident or illness, due to Infection, almost all ill -health arises from one or two reas•one, The mistake that people in•ake is in not realizing that both of these bave the same cause at the root, namely poor blood. Either bloodlessness or Boma other trouble of Otto nerves will be found to be the reason for almoet every ailment. If you -are pale, suffering from head- aohes, or breathleseness, with palpa talon of the heart, poor appetite and weak digestion, the cause almost elwaye poor blood. If yoa have ner- vous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica and other nerve pains, the cause is exhausted nerves, But run down nerves are also a result of poor blood; so that the two chief causes df illness are one and the eame. If your health le .poor; yea are Pale, nervous. or dyseeptic, you should give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. These pale act directly on the blood., and by enriching it give new strength to worn out nerves. Men 1 and women alike 'greatly benefit through the use of this medioine. If you are weak or ailing, give Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you will be Dimmed with the beneficial re- sults that will speedily follow. If your dealer does, not keep these pills you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Plants That Hate Music. Experhnents have shown that cer- tain plants deliberately turn away from bands that are playing, loud music. Although little is kown at pre- sent about this strange phenomenon, there is no doubt that blossoms, of several kinds are affected by the vibratione caused when waste is play- ed. Carnations and cyclamens seem to liesperticiilarly sensitive to continued atiunde, and develop S. tendency to lea u away from the direction in which the music comes. The Easter lily shows a similar tendency. Some which had been used as floral decorations% elost to a'stand where a Jazz band was playing dance music, were affected to an astonishing degree. After a few hours it was no- ticed that all the blossoms had turned their backs on tire nnisic. Even when they were placed facing the teazel it was not long before each bloom re- versed its position. Never judge your future possibil- blades by your past failures. Minard's Liniment Relieves Pain. • HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Cr. Middleton will be glad to ensurer questions on Putille Health ten through this column. Address him 2) Spadini' House, Saadi= Oreioent, Toronto. Practically everybody -knows whet goitre is. .A day seldom passes with- out one noticing a person on the street or car with a swelling *an the neck. This is particuiarar noticeable in young girls and older 'ones too, -who -go about with their throats exposed, What is the nature and cause of goitre? Marine and Kimball, two noted inen who. hare .given this'-sub- jact much consideration, have this to say of it: "Simple goitre has been de- monstrated to be a deficiency tiiii0530 of the- thyroid gland, due, almost en- tirely to a lack of normal iodine sup- ply in• the food and -drink of man." The disease is not confined to the hu- man race, horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, - rabbits and fish also being af- fected. Goitre is of world-wide distribution, but mastaommon in inland aountries, especiailli on high plateaus 'and in mountainous regions. It ia very'preir- alent Canaan, .being found in On- tario; 'Qiiebee,' New 'Brunswick, Ale berta, Saskatchewan and certain see - dont of British 'Columbia. Goitre seems to be fairly common in Nevi On= tario and also in the noeth-eastern part of old Ontario Where the etrface drainage • contains very little iodine. It is also prevalent about the'. Great Lakes. ' Bough -surveys of the .provinceaia- pear to, show that in general there is a considerable ameatit of -goitre in the northern sections, the percentage am - Ware, three coats, licrht blue and 'white out- pearly -grey enamel inside and out. Diamond side, white lining. Crystal Ware, three I coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue edging. • mt•WiEET METAL PRODUCTS Co mteVer MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG ong school chilch•en being from ten to CALGARY twenty-five per cent. Examinations tomoNso NI VA N CO UVE Fly \ of the iodine content of various water sie supplies in the province are at present SMPbeing made, and these, no- doubt, will (1.1.1111TY" - 11-0 iodine the fodd vand dienk for :modem of maritime comitriee from shed further light on this subject. The , Ohre ie due.to the presence requirements of the thyroid gland. 'L'he sea is the great reservoir ef iodine; iodine is present in the e' water and sea -food (animal or veg,e- • table). It is also present in the air, due to the sea spray. Salt obtained from sea -water and not highly puri- fied contains sufficient iodine for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, however, at the present time, salt is not prepared from sea -water, but iron) inland salt deposits which are often deficient in iodine or have the iodine removed by the process' of manufacture. Plants growing on soila which contain iodine will take it' up and pass it on to the animal consumer, but if the soil is deficient in iodine they are not able to ftu'nieh a source of supply to the ani- mal, and goitre results. Statistics show that the disease is generally more prevalent in women than in men in the proportion of three or four to one. The test way to overcome this dis- ease is by the achielniatration of iodine, and the most .effective way of giving iodine is ioternallyr One -can admin- ister iodine by inhalation or by ex- ternal application, but ball these methods are more or lest' eneatis- faetary? • • ' - Iodine can be given in the driakine- water or by the use of iodized table salt but the most effective way is to give it in. the form of- sodium iodide; or In an ,organic,.forin of iodine done up in .a chocolate tablet. The dia. agreeable taste of the sodium iodider snakes 01 an ineffective "preparation in 1 that ehildren simply Won't take it for' this form it should be 01100 a week in any length of time, .and if taken in three -grain tablets' during the entire, school year. It can't be done. The' children refuse to take it. To overcome this objection,a choc- olate -coated tablet containing five to, ten milligrams of iodine (one tablet; each week) has been prepared. This' is the beat method yet devised. Dar- ing the period that the iodine is being administered the patient should be under medical superviaion. ood Fine, brisk flavor! Bed of all in the ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY " EASY TRICKS The Coin Bag . Most tricksters know one or more methods of causing a ooin to 'vanish by sleight of hand or other trickery. More Is an easily method of. complotiug the trick by a mysterious reappearance of the coin. Unfortunately, it is not , th'e same cots but the spectators need not know that. A bag of flannel or other rough cloth is produced and half a dozen.• opine are shaken out of It. The bag is held upside down and shaken, so It is obviously. empty after the coins have been taken out, One of the coins is taken by the spectators and tite remain- ing five counted by a spectator and put tato a bag. To prevent trickery the spectator ties the - mouth of the bag with cord • and puts it in his pocket. The trick - star cause!: the remaining coin to vanish • by any means he desires and is able to use. The bag is opened and the coin is found to have joined the others. The bag may be examined without fear of disclosing the secret. A duplicate coin is used and this le it the bag all of the time. This coin Is put in the corner of the bag and pocketed by a few . stitches of thread, One end of " this thread is knotted with 'a Tether large knot. The beg may be -held Upside down and shaken without fear that the coin will tall, The tricketer, holding the bag—lirst showing his hands. to be empty-agets 'hold of the knot ' while the bag Is being tied and Dulls out the stitches, In this way the duplicate coin joins the ' other. (Clip this out and. poste it, totth other of two series, in a scrapbook.) • • • The Main Point. "This fraternal order you are organ- izing--erhat name have you chosen for it?" we asked, "I haven't had time to eelect a name yet nor even outline its purpose," re- sponded the promoter. "Fixing the initiation fee Is as far as the rush of taepplica.attog s for admission has permit- dmeThe safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Sure Proof. Waiter—"Why sir, do you think that is all incubator ohick?" Guest—"No chicken that ever had a mother could ever get as tough as that:" Some people imagine they are being sympathetic when really they are only being inquisitive. Say, Bayer"- Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds sat Accept only a Bayer package which contains proven directions Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggiste Aspirin In the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer afanufaeture of Mono- acetleneldester ot Sancylleaeld Feet Sore Rub well with Minard's, It • relieves inflammation, soothes and heals. The Shell. See what a lovely shell, Small and pure as a pearl, Lying close to my foot, Frail, but a work divine, Made so fairly well With delicate spire and whorl, How exquieitely minute A. miracle of deeigni The tiny cell l torlorn, Void at the little living will That made it stir on the shore, Did he stand at the diamond door Of 'hie house in a rainbow frill? Did he push, when he was uncurnde A golden foot or a' fairy horn Thro' his dim water -world? Slight, to be crushed with a tap Of MY flinger nail on the sand, Small, but a work divine, Fran, but of force to withstand, Year upon year, the shook Of cataract seas that snap The three decker's oaken spine Athwart the ledges of rock, Here on the Breton s•trandi --Tennyson- • • Canadian Trout for Scotland. The Departrneet of ;Vier/lee and Fish- eries, Canada, has forwarded 20,000 stamen trout eggs (Cristivomer namay- oush) from St. John, New Brunswick, to the solway hatcheries, Dumfries, Scotland, for experimental purposes. They were collected last autumn in Lake Ontario and earried to the eyed stage in the Thurlow betchery, near Belleville, Ontario. • Minard's. Liniment for Rheumatism. We grow when we are green. It's , When we think we are ripe that we beginM get rotten. Udt V Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful WriteMurirteC0.,CMcago,forEyeCoralook 40,,f TROUBLED WITH ITCHY PIMPLES Scattered Over Face. Cuticura Healed. "My face was full of blackheads which later became little pimples. They were scattered overmyfaceanditched and burned,and when scratched them they became worse and left scars. I was troubled with them for about three or four months when I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. It helped nte 80 7 purchased more, and now I ant completely healed." (Signed) Miss Esther L. Ball, Manitou Beach, Michigan. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Sample Seel. v. by MU. 41.11drean Comodiei Depot; "Oottaere, P. 0. Box 0510, 00,1o,!,'Price 1.. 11 Ointsoerittdearliee, Talcum 26e. SW` Tey our sew Shaving MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY Recommends Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound to Other Mothers Remford, 711. 8.—"I am the another of four children and I was so weak after any last baby came that I could not do my work and suffered for months until a friend induced me to try Lydia 51. Pinkhaan's Vegetable Compound. Since taking the Vegetable Compound my 'weakness has left me and the pain in my back has gone. I tell all my friends who are troubled with female 'sveakneles to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for I think it is the best medicine ever sold. You may advertise iny letter."—Mrs. Gnorton 1. CaoUse, Iletnford, N. S. My First Child Glen "1 have been greatly benefited by. taking Lydia E. P'inkham's Vegetable Compound for " bearing -down feelings and pains. I was troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first child, and at times could hardly stand On my feet A neighbor recommended the Vegetable Compound to and after I had taken doctor's medicines without much. , benefit. It has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I remain -lend it and give you permission to use my testi. menial letter. " ---Mrs. Iua RYA Glen 'Allen, Alabama. Women who suffer shmild write to the `LyeieE,PirilthernMedicineCo.,Cobourg, Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -Book neon „!" Ailments Peculiar to Women." 0 ISSUE No. 31—'24, „es