HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1924-07-17, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1924. Fine Cuts In Meats Is what we specialise in. • Meats Hold here have been well hand- led. They•have been prepared with care and are sold to make satisfied customers. Try us and you will find our meats delicious.. D. H. STEWART Main Street PHONE 58. Seaforth. CENTRAL f STRATFORD. ONT. }Prepares young men and young women for Business, which is now Canada's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have a prac- tical training which enables then to meet with success. Stu- dents are registered each week. Get our free -catalogue and Iewrn something about our, dif- ferent departments. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. Where ean 1 Get Select Groceries? Join the ranks of the thrifty women who shop here daily for all their table needs. You're sure to get a fresh supply of select staple', and fancy groceries, vegetables and fruits. Our shelves are full of reasonably priced. package, bottled and canned goods. You'll be pleased. W. M. STEWART Phone 77 Seaforth wesesotassesnass.n.asse W. i, Walkern UNDERTAKING -and- EMBAtavIING Motor 'or Horse Equipment. W. 3, WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night orday phone 67, _. CREAN CREAtil CREAN. MR. CREAM PRODUCER: Send your cream to us, we are here to give you the very best possiblemarket for your cream. We beg your support ant co-operation, send us your No. 1 grade cream and secure top prices. Make this your Creamery. Cream paid for on a grade basis. Do not produce cream except t of a high standard of quality; it does not pay you. We will pay a premium of three cents per pound butter fat for sweet cream delivered at the Creamery, Bring in your high grade cream. Cash paid, any patron wishing it. Creamery open on Saturday nights. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont. Dr. D. H. McInnes chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Monday and. Thursday, After- noons in future. Diseases of all kinds success-' - fully treated. Fruit and Vegetables,.. TOMATOES LEAF LF.54':UCE EN ONIONS .r' r •' STRAWBERRIES ASP A.RAGU'S ,CELERY ORANGES CANTALOUPES, PEACHES. • NEW. POTATOES. T. Philllps Seaforth Phone 4.3 Oe�aU qua-�-an an.�gn-a!! Town Topics I. du....aaen-ari mm a aa,....aasessead Word was received here last week that Mr. Joe. Eckert met with a painful accident while shingling in Detroit, when 'the staging gave way and tie'fell a.distance of 20,feet. For- tunately ortunately no bones were broken and he escaped with a severe shaking -up. Word was received later that he is at work gain and expects to be here to operate his threshing outflt when the season starts. Miss Kate Eckert spent Sunday in Toronto. - i\Messrs. A. A. McLennan, C, A. Barber; W. Ament, C. Aberhart, R. Murless Jones are attending the Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto. . Mr. John. Thompson, of Toronto,; is visiting his niece, Mrs. F. S. Savauge, Mr: Gordon Wil er is spending his holidays at Port Albert. Mr. and Mrs, AW, R. Plant and fam- ily are visiting at his home in Acton, Mr. Lansing, of. Forest, is relieving for Mr, \Wilker at the station. Mrs. ,Dudley and Beth and Miss Mm4hdlland are spending a week. in Bayfield. Miss Alice Archibald is visiting her niece in Brooklyn, Otrt, Mrs. McCloy and daughter, North Main street, have returned from spending a couple of ,weeks with Mrs. McCloy's daughter, 2trs, iicGregor, near fCippen• Mr, S. 'Carnochan and daughter Agnes, are spending a week in Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs; Charles Hall, of Oak Park, Chicago, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. McMann and other relatives. Mrs. J. Love, of Joliette, Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Dyson. Miss Ethel Speedieof Woodstock, is the <guest - of Miss Gertrude Webster. Mr. 5. Earl is having a foundation placed under his house and other improvements made. Miss Grainger, of Clinton, was a heel end guest at the home• of Mrs. J. Wright Mr. and Mrs, R. Boyce and Mrs. A. Stobie were Goderich visitors, Many infants are infested by worms which cause great suffering, and•if not promptly dealt with may cause constitutional weaknesses dif- ficult to remedy. Miller's worm Powders will clear the stomach and bowels of -worms and will so act upon the system that there will be no recurrence of the trouble. And not Qtly this, but they Will repair the in- juries to the organs that worms cause and restore them to sounchtess, THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE blr; Andrew Archibald and' son Ed- ward accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Cameron Armstrong and'little son on a motoring trip to their home in Hartford, Onnn:; making. a stop -over in. Rochester :to visit relatives. Mr, Gordon Hays has been trans- ferred to the Windsor branch of the Dominion Bank. Miss Beulah Sandrick, of Inger- soll, is visiting her Sant, Mrs, John M.acTavish, Mrs. M. Sherbert and Miss Wilma spending Snip have rereturned from pending their holidays in New Hamburg. Dr. R. N. Hill, of New York, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. Hill, Mr, and Mrs. S. Gemmell and little and Mrs Troyer spent Sunday in Hensall. Miss Campbell, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Cash. Mrs. Leslie Mullen is -spending a week in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs.. Meldorf and family spent the week -end at Grand Bend. Master Donald Tw•iss, of Brantford, is visiting hisgrandmother, Mrs. J, Twiss- Mr. Glen Colbert, of London, was a week -end visitor in town. The, many friends 'of Mr, Andrew Scott, of Brucefield, were pleased to see him`•in town oy Wednesday for the first: time since• his accident aix months ago. Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, of Lon- don, is visiting her Parents, Mr. and hfrs, J. J. Merner. Mr. Harry Grieve, of Windsor, is visiting"at his Monte in Egmotd- ville. Mr. W. D. Manson has been con- fined to his hgme through illness. Miss Evelyn Adams is home from London. bir. 'I'. 'Webster and family spent Saturday in Goderich. Mr. Arthur Nicholson is laid up with a sprained ankle. Mrs. _lames Graves and Miss Verna are spending a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. B •toadfoa t and their daughter, Mrs. Shoecraft, of New Yark, are guests 'at the home of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot; Brownies make good pictures That's one-half the story. The other half is that they make these good pictures easily. From our complete stock your youngster can select just the Brownie he wants. Here also is the film to fit the , Brownie -for we have depend • able film -Kodak film -in a size to fit any camera. _ Box Brownies -42.0.1 up - Folding Autographic Brownies -49.3a up J. F. DALY Graves' Block; Seaforth, Mrs. Hargraves and little -son, of Toronto, are guests .51 the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. G. Shillinglaw. - Mr. John McIntosh :is taking a sununer course in 'Toronto. Mr, Everitt, of London is in town renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. Huggins, of Abbotsford; B.C. is a guest at the Home of her grottier, Mr. David Gemmell. • Mr. George Hanley, of London, was a week -cud visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell. Miss Daisy Hamilton is visiting at the home of Mr; and Mrs. Edward Brigham, Owen Sound. Mr. R. Fowler is moving into the horse recently occupied by' Mr. Farquharson, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box acid chil- dren spent the week -end in London. Miss Murray leaves this week to spend her vacation at Galt. Miss Violet Rankin visited relatives in Griderich. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box spent the week -end at Grand Bend, clays pass through our burg. Walton will be right in it when Hydro is turned on. Small fruits, such as berries, espec are all varieties, tally currants of very plentiful this season but as usftal a large quantity goes to waste for lack of pickers. The time was, when children were glad tq pick fruit for a nickel a quart, but that was when boys and girls did not enjoy all the luxuries of Royalty, nor could they ask "Dad" for the money to fill the gas tank with 35- cent gas and go joy -riding. Mrs. Jones, of Victoria, 11,C., is visiting, 'her sister, Mrs. Wm, \Vright, lames street. Mr. 'Wallace Archibald is spending the summer between Sault -Ste Marie and ]?ort Arthur , surveying roads through that part _of the country, which tip to the present itis no roads. Mrs, Evans and Eleanoror spent a few days over., the week -end in Goderi ch, A party of Stratford lady bowlers in 'a bus passed through town Satur- day nn their way to a 'tournament at Clinton. ',I:rs. H. Martin returned home af- ter visiting friends in Owen Sound, Master Dick Ttethewey of Strat- ford, came tip to visit his grand- father,-i\Irs-\W. H. Trethewey, and his aunt, Mrs. Hamilton. Mr, Arthur Archibald motored days t From Chatham to speed d a lett d Y at the parental home, meeting his sister, Mrs. Camerou Armstrong, of Hartford, Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Pagett and children, of Toronto, are visiting `her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Chittenden. Dr, Fprster has changed his day of visit to Seaforth from the .3rd Wed- nesday to the 3rd Monday in each. month. Mrs, W. Hogg, of Stratford, was a visitor at her hone in McKillop• Miss Mary Oughton, of Toronto, is visiting relatives in town. Miss Mabel Livingstone Inas re- turned from Wilberforce. Mrs. C. Brodie is visiting relatives tit Wroxeter. The following girls were sucessful in the guessing contest in ;connection with one of the daily papers, each ob- taining a Ma -Ma doll: Norma Halt kirk, Helen Rankin ancr Margaret Fittkbeiner. - Mr. Scott Chili is taking the posi- tion of Junior in the Dominion Bank, BAYFIELD, Mrs. Dan. McDonald died at her home here on Sunday evening under somewhat peculiar conditions, after an illness of about two weeks. As the attending physicians were un- certain as to the cause of her death the authorities have ordered a post mortem examination and an inquest will be 'held in Bayfield Friday next. Picnics are quite frequent now that the Holiday season has arrived, MANLEY. Air. and Mrs, Charles Hall motored front Chicago last Week to call on friends 'here, and on their return. they were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Alice, and also Miss' Kate Cowan, who had been spending their holidays with friends here, hfrs, John Holden and her son, William, and his wife and family from London, are sojourning In our burg at present, 7Ir, Thos. Mckay made a business trip to Paris, Ont„ :oat week. addi r building . \Welsh Bros. are b g anal tion to their barn. Mr. Leslie Rapier is doing the concrete work. Mr, F. Eckert was in New Ham- burg last week on business. Mrs, C. Eckert is .spending her holidays this week with her daugh- ters, Mrs, \V. Manley and Mrs. Thos. McKay, The rain on Tuesday night hinder- ed haymaking as it was in full swing, and the crop is better than expected. WALTON. Leeming -Mitchell, - A quiet mar- riage took place at the Methodist parsonage, Mitchell, on Saturday af- ternoon, July 12th, when Edna, daughter of itir. W. 5, Mitchell, of Carlingford. was married to Mr, Leonard Lceining,_ of Walton. The ceremony was perforated by Rev, H. D. Moyer. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Tinning. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Granton, Mitchell. The bride was a former resident of Mitchell, and a valued member of the. Young People's Soc- iety of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Leeming will reside on the bridegroom's farm in McKillop. Mr. Chandler, of Vancouver, who has been visiting his son, Rev. E. F. Chandler, at the Manse. has gone to visit relatives in other parts of the province, Mrs. Geo. Clark, who has been visiting friends in Mitchell and Strat- ford, has returned hone. A large number front here motored to Goderich on Saturday with the Orangemen to attend -the celebrbation held there and all report a glorious time. Mr. and Mrs. '1'. Sawyerand blaster Keniteth, who has been visit- ing in Sitncoe, have returned hone. Mr. Sawyer is manager of the bank here. kir. W. D. Oliver, of London, has been visiting his dimerous friends in Walton. Mr. Oliver is convalescing after an attack of scarlet fever. He is an employee of the Bank of Com- merce. The farmers are all engaged at the haying this week as the weather is quite favorable and the crop in this vicinity is very good. Mosquitoes ate singing their songs. They are very annoying to the wild strawberry pickers, especially at the Canada Company grounds, Many totiring automohilists these Mrs, Innis and son.. Douglas, ef Si ncoe, spent IPC, week -end with Mr, John -Inns Mrs. William Reid spent the `n'%ecic enrl in -Crich, �,(,•, > K, Chitteodernden has returned ,from visiting friends in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs..Aberhart and Carl have moved to their cottage at Bayfield, , The members of the Young Mar- ried Ladies' Bridge Club and their children held a picnic in Bayfield on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Janet Grieve, of 73eavertot,,is a holiday visitor at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Johnstone,. of Strat- ford, spent Sunday in town, Miss Gwendolyn Snowdon spent a few days at Mrs. (Rev.) J, H. Mc- Leod's, Bayfield, the guest of Mrs. G. W,' Woods. Next Sunday;itev. R. Fulton Irwin' is to preach, the Golden Jubilee ser- mons on a former charge in the \Vindsdr district. R. Frost 8s Son are erecting the cement base of a new porch at the 'Commercial Hotel. This will acid very touch to the appearance of the front of this line building, Mr. J• C. Greig aid Mr. 5, G. AIelleft are on a motor trip to Madoc. Miss 1M, McDonald, of Woodstock, was the guest of Miss Ruth Thompson Mr. Alex Imlay, of Detroit, was a guest at the homes of Mr. John Cardio and Mr. G. S. Cardno. Mr, T Baxter, Stratford, was a town visitor. Miss Mary Shaw; of Toronto,' is the .guest of Miss Emily Deem. ST, COLUMBAN, (Too late for last week.) School report of school section. No. 3, McKillop and Hibbert: To Sr. IV. ppass 510) -Clarence McQuaid 567, Viola Feeney 566, Agnes McGrath 549, Lorne Cronin 445 (rec,), Frank Hart 417 (rec.), To Jr. IV. (pass 480) Nora Mc- Quaid 578, Charles Miles 576, Norman Miles 553, Albert Cronin 551, Joseph O'Sullivan 503, Lillian • O'Sullivan 452 .(ren.) • To Sr, III. (pass 480) --Thomas McQuaid 540, Leo O'Sullivan 532, John Miles 515, Alice Flannery 483. To Jr. III (pass 420) - Denis Feeney 526 (h), Rose Melady 512, Elizabeth Carlin 508,John Holland li 504, Bridget Delaney 493, John Hart 490, John Flannery 456, Mary Del- aney 454, Edward Malady 448, Mary Hart 445, Alphonsus Crpnin 445, Norman McQuaid 445, Katie Flan- nery 438. - To H. (pass 270) -John McQuaid 371 (1), Kale Holland 345 (h). James O'Sullivan 328 (h), Hanna Cronin 309, Edward Hart 297. To Part -,II.-Edward O'Sullivan, Fergus Melady, Florence O'Sullivan. Primary - Agnes Delaney, Mary McQuaid. -J. V. McIntyre and T. Moylan, Teachers, CONSTANCE, Quite a few from all over the country, even %s far -as Cleveland, Ohio, attended,. theo old, Twelfthelfth of July at Gpderic. - Mr, Sidney Dohnage wearing the smile that never wears off on account of a baby girl arriving last Friday. The farmers have got a busy streak on grow, all trying to get their hay in on one day. Mrs, 'Root. Grimoldby is . again confined to her bed under the care of a doctor from Clinton, Mrs. 'Grimoldby caught cold in the muscles of her sides and hack.' Mr, Arnold Colclough has bean visiting friends at 'Brussels. Mrs, , Cole, of Clinton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Pollard, of Kinburn. Mrs. Jack Cooper and daughter, of Cleveland, is visiting friends and rela- tives in the vicinity. Like a Grip at the Throat. For a disease that is not classed as fatal there •is probably none which causes more terrible suffering than asthma. Sleep is impossible, the sufferer be- comes exhausted and finally, though the attack passes, is left in unceasing dread of its return. Dr. J,` D. Kel- logg's Asthma Remedy is a wonder- ful remedial agent. It immediately relieves the restricted air passages as thousands can testify, it is sold by dealers everywhere. NOTICE Owing to the requests of many of my patients, I have had to extend my period of time at head office, Seaforth, to the following days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday - 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 p,m. Saturday -10 to 12 a.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. Sundays by Appointment. Dr. W. R. Nim rno Registered Chiropractic Specialist, -Head Office over Seaforth Pharmacy The Oil of the People. ---Many oils have come and gone but Dr, Thomas' Eclectric 'Oil continues to maintain its position and increase its sphere of usefulness each year. Its sterling , qualities have brought it to the front and kept it there, and it can truly be called the oil of the people. Thous- ands have benefited by it and would use no other preparation. Best holland Bulbs (Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissi, Daffodils, etc.) SECURED BY BUYING EARLY. Send for list including ROSES T1'ND SHRUBS THE BEST IS CHEAPEST, ROLL1 ND eriN. IMPORT eta, 449 River Road, NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. Why be tortured with EeZIM1•I ? EZO The New Find will give you positive, lasting results for ECZEMA, intense itching and all chronic inflam- matory skin diseases; has no diseases; scalds. equal for burns a Can now be procured at Aber - hart's Drug Store, Seaforth, or sent, postpaid on receipt of price, $1.00 per package; or 6 for $5.00, by Chas. McDaid A Co„ Dublin, Ont, ROBINSON'S NEW BARBER SI -IOP Welcomes You Clean, Sanitary and Up -To -Date The White Shop Entrance Just Around the Corner ROBINSONS Moffat and Hotpoint Electric The new models of both Moffat and Hotpoint Elec- tric Ranges are ready for your inspection, Cook by Hydro The Cheapest Fuel A full stock of Lamps and Fixtures, Shades and Electric • r Supplies kept at the Hydro Store.° Poblic. Utilities ISE FORTH Office and Store in the Town Hail BBN=I1UR The Special Mllvert iiin Flour We Have.it-Give it a Trial. Also. Ground Screenings 6 hop of 7111 Kinds Ce 6 Tii S" 'N GRAiN DEALER PHONE 25 Seaforth Garage Auto Tires and -Tubes We have on hand a Complete Line of Tires and Tubes. all sizes, Best on'the Market. Let us supply your needs on Auto Cylinder Lubricating Oils and Greases.. We handle nothing but the best and can supply you with oils of proper viscosity to suit your motor. Also stock a complete line of most-caalled .for parts .of various autos. If you are in need of a new Battery, or if you have a Battery to be repaired, give us a call. BATTERY CHARGING OXY-ACETYLINE WELDING EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Get into the habit of patronizing us. We want to serve you, and serve you well JOHN EGIE c �r MAXWELL AND CHALMERS DEALER. PHONE 167W We Have Installed a telephone for night calls -.-167J